openapi: 3.0.0 info: version: 1.0.0 title: Radix Core API description: | This API provides endpoints from a node for integration with the Radix ledger. # Overview > WARNING > > The Core API is __NOT__ intended to be available on the public web. It is > designed to be accessed in a private network. The Core API is separated into three: * The **Data API** is a read-only api which allows you to view and sync to the state of the ledger. * The **Construction API** allows you to construct and submit a transaction to the network. * The **Key API** allows you to use the keys managed by the node to sign transactions. The Core API is a low level API primarily designed for network integrations such as exchanges, ledger analytics providers, or hosted ledger data dashboards where detailed ledger data is required and the integrator can be expected to run their node to provide the Core API for their own consumption. For a higher level API, see the [Gateway API]( For node monitoring, see the [System API]( ## Rosetta The Data API and Construction API is inspired from [Rosetta API]( most notably: * Use of a JSON-Based RPC protocol on top of HTTP Post requests * Use of Operations, Amounts, and Identifiers as universal language to express asset movement for reading and writing There are a few notable exceptions to note: * Fetching of ledger data is through a Transaction stream rather than a Block stream * Use of `EntityIdentifier` rather than `AccountIdentifier` * Use of `OperationGroup` rather than `related_operations` to express related operations * Construction endpoints perform coin selection on behalf of the caller. This has the unfortunate effect of not being able to support high frequency transactions from a single account. This will be addressed in future updates. * Construction endpoints are online rather than offline as required by Rosetta Future versions of the api will aim towards a fully-compliant Rosetta API. ## Enabling Endpoints All endpoints are enabled when running a node with the exception of two endpoints, each of which need to be manually configured to access: * `/transactions` endpoint must be enabled with configuration `api.transaction.enable=true`. This is because the transactions endpoint requires additional database storage which may not be needed for users who aren't using this endpoint * `/key/sign` endpoint must be enable with configuration `api.sign.enable=true`. This is a potentially dangerous endpoint if accessible publicly so it must be enabled manually. ## Client Code Generation We have found success with generating clients against the [api.yaml specification]( See for more details. The OpenAPI generator only supports openapi version 3.0.0 at present, but you can change 3.1.0 to 3.0.0 in the first line of the spec without affecting generation. # Data API Flow The Data API can be used to synchronize a full or partial view of the ledger, transaction by transaction. ![Data API Flow]( # Construction API Flow The Construction API can be used to construct and submit transactions to the network. ![Construction API Flow]( Unlike the Rosetta Construction API [specification](, this Construction API selects UTXOs on behalf of the caller. This has the unfortunate side effect of not being able to support high frequency transactions from a single account due to UTXO conflicts. This will be addressed in a future release. license: name: The Radix License, Version 1.0 url: servers: - url: localhost:3333 tags: - name: entities x-displayName: Entities description: | Entities represent something that can hold resource balances and data objects. For example, a public key account is an entity which can hold token balances on behalf of a private key holder. ![Entity]( '#width=500px;') An Operation is an update which occurs on an Entity. There are two types of Operations: * A **Resource** Operation which is a balance change on an Entity * A **Data** Operation which is a data object update on an Entity ![Operation]( '#width=500px;') - name: objects x-displayName: Objects description: | ## State Identifiers The Radix network has no concept of blocks. Instead transactions are managed in a flat ordered list. A hash chain is formed from these transactions called a Transaction Accumulator. A Transaction Accumulator represents a point in time of the ledger with a valid state. ![State Identifiers]( '#width=500px;') The transaction accumulator along with the index forms a State Identifier. ## Transactions A Transaction is an atomic state update to the ledger. It consists of one or more OperationGroups, each of which consist of one or more Operations. ![Transaction Operations]( A Committed Transaction has additional information such as the State Identifier which results after committing the transaction. ## Operation Groups Similar to the [Rosetta API](, both reading and writing to the ledger use the same Address and Operation objects. Every state change is expressed as an Operation which operates on a single Entity. Any state change which consists of two accounts (such as a token transfer) thus requires at least two Operations, one which debits the sender and one which credits the receiver. Unlike Rosetta, operations are more explicitly linked via Operation Groups. Each Operation Group then represents a well formed accounting entry where credits and debits are equivalent (unless minting or burning occurred). ## Operations Operations operate on a single Entity and are associated with a single Amount update and/or a single Data update. * The `amount` property represents either a positive or negative change in balance of some token. * The `data` property represents either the creation or deletion of a data object. ## Entity Identifiers An Entity Identifier uniquely describes an entity which may have arbitrary balances and arbitrary data objects. An Entity Identifier may further specify a Sub Address which should be treated as a separate unique entity. The interpretation of Entity Identifiers is discussed in detail in the Structure section. ## Amounts A signed amount of a resource. ## Resource Identifiers A Resource Identifier uniquely describes either some token or stake units for a validator. ## Data Updates A Data update is the creation or destruction of a data object. At any given time, an address will have up to one created-but-not-deleted data object of each type. - name: structure x-displayName: Structure description: | There are different types of entities on Radix, each of which can contain certain resources and data objects. The following table describes which resources and data objects are allowed for a given type of entity. ![Structure]( '#width=500px;') Overall, there are four main types of entities on Radix: * **Account** is a regular public key account which can contain token balances and contain StakeUnits, which represents a delegated amount of stake to a specific validator. Subentities under an account-address contain assets which the account-address owns but is currently locked by the system. An account is represented by its Bech32 account address. * **Validator** is an entity representing a validating node on the network. The subentity `system` holds XRD tokens which have been staked to this validator. A validator is represented by its Bech32 validator address. * **Token** is an entity representing a Token Definition, represented by its Radix Resource Identifier ("RRI"). * **System** is an entity representing system level data such as current epoch and round, represented by the string "system". If an entity identifier references a sub-entity, it should be considered a separate entity to the primary entity. For example, for tracking the balance of an Account entity, any operations against an entity identifier with a non-empty `entity_identifier.sub_entity` should be ignored, even if the `entity_identifier.address` matches. - name: addressing x-displayName: Addressing description: | Account addresses, Validator addresses and Token RRIs are all [Bech32 encoded]( A Bech32 encoding consists of a prefix which is an ASCII human readable part "HRP", followed by the character "1", followed by an encoded data payload, encoded as 32 values (5 bits) per character. Assuming an address is legal, you can extract its HRP as the string before the last '1'. This can be used to distinguish between Account, Validator and Token/RRI addresses. * **Accounts** have a fixed HRP for a given Radix network. This is `rdx` on mainnet. The data part encodes the account's public key. * **Validators** have a fixed HRP for a given Radix network. This is `rv` on mainnet. The data part encodes the validator's public key. * **Tokens** have an HRP of the token's (not necessarily unique) symbol, followed by a suffix. The suffix is fixed for a given Radix network, and is `_rr` on mainnet. As an example, the mainnet address of the native token, XRD, is `xrd_rr1qy5wfsfh`. The data part of the Bech32 encoding encodes the token's unique radix engine address on ledger. This radix engine address is hex `01` for XRD, and presently, hex `03 | SHA256(SHA256(signer_public_key_compressed_33_bytes | symbol_in_utf8_bytes)` for user-created tokens, where | denotes the byte concatenation operator. The Account and Validator HRPs and the Token HRP suffix for the current network should be fetched from the `/network/configuration` endpoint. It likely will not be necessary to actually decode the data parts of the Bech32 encodings, but if you do need to, you should be warned that Radix addresses are *not* Segwit addresses. Many Bech32 libraries assume a Segwit encoding, so may fail to extract the data from a Radix address. In particular, the Segwit encoding assumes the first 5-bit-character of the 5-bit-per-character encoded data is a witness version, and that this is followed by the witness programme bytes, encoded into 5-bit chunks, padded with zeroes if necessary. Radix encoding just encodes its data bytes into 5-bit chunks with padded zeroes - _without_ an initial single character version prefix. In other words, the padding and interpretation of the encoded data differs between Radix and Segwit addresses. - name: actions x-displayName: Actions description: | There are further restrictions on which resource movement and data updates and how operations must be combined. The following table describes what user actions (ledger updates that can be submitted as a transaction) are available. ![User Actions]( '#width=500px;') 1. **Transfer** of any token resource (including the native token XRD) from an account to another account may be done by debiting an amount from the sending account and crediting the same amount to the receiving account. **Minting** and **Burning** of tokens may also be done if one has permissions to do so. 2. **Staking** may be started by transferring XRD from an account to a `prepared_stake` entity with a specific validator. Once XRD is in this entity, at some point the system will move this XRD to a Validator entity and mint StakeUnits into the originating account. 3. **Unstaking** may be started by transfering StakeUnits from an account to a `prepared_unstake` entity. Once StakeUnits is in this entity, at some point the system will destroy this StakeUnits and transfer XRD from the Validator entity into your `exiting_stake` entity. Once the unlocking period is over the system will move that XRD from the `exiting_stake` entity into your account. 4. **Validator Updates** may be started by destroying the current data object and creating a new data object with the same type. 5. **New Token Definitions** may be created by destroying an `UnclaimedREAddr` and creating a `TokenData` and `TokenMetadata` data object. - name: xrd_transfer_example x-displayName: Send XRD description: | Let's now go through an example of how to transfer XRD using the API. For the purpose of our example, let's say we want to: > TRANSFER > 10.5 XRD > FROM > rdx1qspacch6qjqy7awspx304sev3n4em302en25jd87yrh4hp47grr692cm0kv88 > TO > rdx1qsp258zf47f288g4y47hm3plsp03370safcjg5x98e6j2h66p5we8ds8m7g33 ## Entity Identifiers First we need to specify the entities identifiers to be used. In our case, we have two entity identifiers, one for the sender and one for the receiver. Sender Entity Identifier: ``` EntityIdentifier sender() { return new EntityIdentifier() .address("rdx1qspacch6qjqy7awspx304sev3n4em302en25jd87yrh4hp47grr692cm0kv88"); } ``` Receiver Entity Identifier: ``` EntityIdentifier receiver() { return new EntityIdentifier() .address("rdx1qsp258zf47f288g4y47hm3plsp03370safcjg5x98e6j2h66p5we8ds8m7g33"); } ``` ## Resource Identifiers Next we will need the Resource Identifier for the XRD Token which will be transferred. XRD is Radix ledger's native token, used for staking and to pay fees. It is the only token allowed with the symbol `xrd`, and has a reserved radix engine address of `1` (`01` in hex). On mainnet, its RRI is xrd_rr1qy5wfsfh and it's resource identifier is: ``` TokenResourceIdentifier token() { return new TokenResourceIdentifier() .rri("xrd_rr1qy5wfsfh") .type("Token"); } ``` ## Amounts Given our resource identifier we can now create resource balance changes. This will be expressed as a Resource Amount. All amounts are expressed as `10^-18` subunits. Thus, since we are transferring `1.5 XRD` this translates to a value of `1500000000000000000` or the following amounts: Sender Amount: ``` Amount senderAmount() { return new Amount() .resourceIdentifier(token()) .value("-1500000000000000000"); } ``` Receiver Amount: ``` Amount receiverAmount() { return new Amount() .resourceIdentifier(token()) .value("1500000000000000000"); } ``` ## Operations We now combine our amounts with our Entity Identifiers to create Operations. `"Resource"` is the type of our Operation since we are manipulating resource balances. Sender Operation: ``` Operation senderOperation() { return new Operation() .entityIdentifier(sender()) .amount(senderAmount()) .type("Resource"); } ``` Receiver Operation: ``` Operation receiverOperation() { return new Operation() .entityIdentifier(receiver()) .amount(receiverAmount()) .type("Resource"); } ``` ## Operation Group We then combine operations into a group. Note that the sender operation must be first. ``` OperationGroup operationGroup() { return new OperationGroup() .addOperationsItem(senderOperation()) .addOperationsItem(receiverOperation()); } ``` ## Fee Payer The last thing we need to add is to specify the fee payer account entity identifier. In this case it will be the same account as the sender. We can now also add the `network_identifier` and with this structure we can submit this to `/construction/build`. This `network_identifier` needs to match the network identifier of the node. ``` ConstructionBuildRequest constructionBuildRequest() { return new ConstructionBuildRequest() .addOperationsGroupItem(operationGroup()) .feePayer(sender()) .networkIdentifier(new NetworkIdentifier().network("mainnet")); } void main() { ConstructionApi api = new ConstructionApi(); ConstructionBuildRequest request = constructionBuildRequest(); ConstructionBuildResponse response = api.constructionBuildPost(request); } ``` ## Unsigned Transaction After submitting to `/construction/build`, we can take the `unsigned_transaction` and parse it through `/construction/parse`. ``` ConstructionApi api = new ConstructionApi(); ConstructionParseResponse sendParseRequest(String unsignedTransactionHex) { ConstructionParseRequest request = new ConstructionParseRequest() .unsignedTransaction(unsignedTransactionHex); return api.constructionParsePost(request); } void main() { ConstructionBuildRequest request = constructionBuildRequest(); ConstructionBuildResponse response = api.constructionBuildPost(request); String unsignedTransactionHex = response.getUnsignedTransaction(); ConstructionParseResponse response = sendParseRequest(unsigendTransactionHex); System.out.println(response); } ``` The response in json would look like: ``` { "metadata": { "fee": { "resource_identifier": { "rri": "xrd_rr1qy5wfsfh", "type": "Token" }, "value": "72000000000000000" } }, "operation_groups": [ { "operations": [ { "amount": { "resource_identifier": { "rri": "xrd_rr1qy5wfsfh", "type": "Token" }, "value": "-96000000000000000000000000" }, "substate": { "substate_identifier": { "identifier": "4db58b950fcf446140dd945c6adfd06daa0b520f7eddf0467583d96babff579d00000002" }, "substate_operation": "SHUTDOWN" }, "entity_identifier": { "address": "rdx1qspacch6qjqy7awspx304sev3n4em302en25jd87yrh4hp47grr692cm0kv88" }, "type": "Resource" }, { "metadata": { "substate_data_hex": "06000403dc62fa04804f75d009a2fac32c8ceb9dc5eaccd54934fe20ef5b86be40c7a2ab010000000000000000000000000000000000000000004f68ca6c8d0d7e082c0000" }, "amount": { "resource_identifier": { "rri": "xrd_rr1qy5wfsfh", "type": "Token" }, "value": "95999999928000000000000000" }, "substate": { "substate_identifier": { "identifier": "65f61dba3ed40a438c4694e8947f73530c1c6ca6b8115371c05c6565f9fb6a4900000000" }, "substate_operation": "BOOTUP" }, "entity_identifier": { "address": "rdx1qspacch6qjqy7awspx304sev3n4em302en25jd87yrh4hp47grr692cm0kv88" }, "type": "Resource" } ] }, { "operations": [ { "amount": { "resource_identifier": { "rri": "xrd_rr1qy5wfsfh", "type": "Token" }, "value": "-95999999928000000000000000" }, "substate": { "substate_identifier": { "identifier": "65f61dba3ed40a438c4694e8947f73530c1c6ca6b8115371c05c6565f9fb6a4900000000" }, "substate_operation": "SHUTDOWN" }, "entity_identifier": { "address": "rdx1qspacch6qjqy7awspx304sev3n4em302en25jd87yrh4hp47grr692cm0kv88" }, "type": "Resource" }, { "metadata": { "substate_data_hex": "06000403dc62fa04804f75d009a2fac32c8ceb9dc5eaccd54934fe20ef5b86be40c7a2ab010000000000000000000000000000000000000000004f68ca57bbfb708d160000" }, "amount": { "resource_identifier": { "rri": "xrd_rr1qy5wfsfh", "type": "Token" }, "value": "95999998428000000000000000" }, "substate": { "substate_identifier": { "identifier": "65f61dba3ed40a438c4694e8947f73530c1c6ca6b8115371c05c6565f9fb6a4900000001" }, "substate_operation": "BOOTUP" }, "entity_identifier": { "address": "rdx1qspacch6qjqy7awspx304sev3n4em302en25jd87yrh4hp47grr692cm0kv88" }, "type": "Resource" }, { "metadata": { "substate_data_hex": "06000402aa1c49af92a39d15257d7dc43f805f18f9f0ea712450c53e75255f5a0d1d93b60100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000014d1120d7b160000" }, "amount": { "resource_identifier": { "rri": "xrd_rr1qy5wfsfh", "type": "Token" }, "value": "1500000000000000000" }, "substate": { "substate_identifier": { "identifier": "65f61dba3ed40a438c4694e8947f73530c1c6ca6b8115371c05c6565f9fb6a4900000002" }, "substate_operation": "BOOTUP" }, "entity_identifier": { "address": "rdx1qsp258zf47f288g4y47hm3plsp03370safcjg5x98e6j2h66p5we8ds8m7g33" }, "type": "Resource" } ] } ] } ``` A couple of things to note above: * There are two operation groups now as opposed to one, the first operation group contains the operations for the fee, which should be paid by the `fee_payer` passed into `/construction/build` * The second operation group contains more than the two original operations. What occurred here is the node selected specific UTXOs to destroy and create (specified by the `substate` property) to perform the intent of the operations initially passed in. That is, the balance changes of each entity should still be equivalent to the original operations. ## Signed Transaction Once `payload_to_sign` has been signed, the original payload along with signature can be sent to `/construction/finalize` in order to get a `signed_transaction`. This can then be submitted to `construction/submit`. You have successfully submitted an XRD transfer transaction! ``` ConstructionApi api = new ConstructionApi(); void main() { ConstructionBuildRequest request = constructionBuildRequest(); ConstructionBuildResponse response = api.constructionBuildPost(request); String unsignedTransactionHex = response.getUnsignedTransaction(); String payloadToSignHex = response.getPayloadToSign(); Signature signature = sign(payloadToSignHex); ConstructionFinalizeRequest finalizeRequest = new ConstructionFinalizeRequest() .unsignedTransaction(unsignedTransactionHex) .signature(signature) .networkIdentifier(new NetworkIdentifier().network("mainnet")); ConstructionFinalizeResponse finalizeResponse = api.constructionFinalizePost(finalizeRequest); String signedTransactionHex = finalizeResponse.getSignedTransaction(); ConstructionSubmitRequest submitRequest = new ConstructionSubmitRequest() .networkIdentifier(new NetworkIdentifier().network("mainnet")) .signedTransaction(signedTransactionHex); ConstructionSubmitResponse submitResponse = api.constructionSubmitPost(submitRequest); } ``` - name: track_xrd_example x-displayName: Track XRD Balances description: | This example walks through how to track XRD balances across all accounts. To do this we need the following: * OpenAPI generated client code, in our example we will use the java version: [] * A database, in our example we will just use a transient Hashmap ## Get Transactions Let's start by performing a call to `/transactions` with `state_version` of `0` and `limit` of `1000`. This will retrieve the first 1000 transactions on ledger, including the genesis transaction. Be sure to also match the `network_identifier` with the network the node is using. ``` { "network_identifier": { "network": "mainnet" }, "state_identifier": { "state_version": 0 }, "limit": 1000 } ``` The corresponding java client code looks like: ```java TransactionsApi api = new TransactionsApi(); NetworkIdentifier networkIdentifier = new NetworkIdentifier().network("mainnet"); void main() { PartialStateIdentifier stateIdentifier = new PartialStateIdentifier().stateVersion(0L); CommittedTransactionsRequest committedTransactionsRequest = new CommittedTransactionsRequest() .networkIdentifier(networkIdentifier) .limit(1000L) .stateIdentifier(stateIdentifier); CommittedTransactionsResponse response = api.transactionsPost(committedTransactionsRequest); } ``` ## Get XRD Balance changes Let's now expand our code to extract all XRD balance changes. To extract account token balance changes in a transaction: 1. Flatmap to operations from all operation groups 2. Filter for operations which concern the XRD token, that is: 1. `amount` exists 2. `amount.resource_identifier.type` is `Token` 3. `rri` of the token is `xrd_rr1qy5wfsfh` 3. Group by `entity_identifier` and sum each `balance_change` This gives us the change in XRD balance in that entity due to the transaction, in units of 10^(-18). This forms the basis of tracking account balances over time. ```java TransactionsApi api = new TransactionsApi(); NetworkIdentifier networkIdentifier = new NetworkIdentifier().network("mainnet"); /** * Returns true if the operation contains an XRD balance change, otherwise returns false */ boolean isXrd(Operation operation) { if (operation.getAmount() == null) { return false; } ResourceIdentifier identifier = op.getAmount().getResourceIdentifier(); if (!(identifier instanceof TokenResourceIdentifier)) { return false; } TokenResourceIdentifier tokenResourceIdentifier = (TokenResourceIdentifier) identifier; return tokenResourceIdentifier.getRri().equals("xrd_rr1qy5wfsfh"); } /** * Returns the XRD balance change which occured on every entity from a set * of operation groups. */ Map operationGroupsToBalanceChanges(Stream operationGroups) { return operationGroups .flatMap(group -> group.getOperations().stream()) .filter(this::isXrd) .collect(Collectors.groupingBy( Operation::getEntityIdentifier, Collectors.mapping( op -> new BigInteger(op.getAmount().getValue()), Collectors.reducing(BigInteger.ZERO, BigInteger::add) ) )); } void main() { PartialStateIdentifier stateIdentifier = new PartialStateIdentifier().stateVersion(0L); CommittedTransactionsRequest committedTransactionsRequest = new CommittedTransactionsRequest() .networkIdentifier(networkIdentifier) .limit(1000L) .stateIdentifier(stateIdentifier); CommittedTransactionsResponse response = api.transactionsPost(committedTransactionsRequest); // Extract out operation groups Stream operationGroups = response.getTransactions().stream() .flatMap(txn -> txn.getOperationGroups().stream()); Map balanceChanges = operationGroupsToBalanceChanges(operationGroups); } ``` ## Update Balance Store Now that we can compute balance change we can now start updating some balance store. In this example we simply use a hash map from entity to balance. In your system you may store these changes in a persistent database. ```java TransactionsApi api = new TransactionsApi(); NetworkIdentifier networkIdentifier = new NetworkIdentifier().network("mainnet"); /** * Our balance store */ Map balances = new HashMap<>(); /** * Returns true if the operation contains an XRD balance change, otherwise returns false */ boolean isXrd(Operation operation) { if (operation.getAmount() == null) { return false; } ResourceIdentifier identifier = op.getAmount().getResourceIdentifier(); if (!(identifier instanceof TokenResourceIdentifier)) { return false; } TokenResourceIdentifier tokenResourceIdentifier = (TokenResourceIdentifier) identifier; return tokenResourceIdentifier.getRri().equals("xrd_rr1qy5wfsfh"); } /** * Returns the XRD balance change which occured on every entity from a set * of operation groups. */ Map operationGroupsToBalanceChanges(Stream operationGroups) { return operationGroups .flatMap(group -> group.getOperations().stream()) .filter(this::isXrd) .collect(Collectors.groupingBy( Operation::getEntityIdentifier, Collectors.mapping( op -> new BigInteger(op.getAmount().getValue()), Collectors.reducing(BigInteger.ZERO, BigInteger::add) ) )); } /** * Updates the balance store. */ void updateStore(Map balanceChanges) { balanceChanges.forEach((identifier, value) -> balances.merge(identifier, value, BigInteger::add)); } void main() throws ApiException { PartialStateIdentifier stateIdentifier = new PartialStateIdentifier().stateVersion(0L); CommittedTransactionsRequest committedTransactionsRequest = new CommittedTransactionsRequest() .networkIdentifier(networkIdentifier) .limit(1000L) .stateIdentifier(stateIdentifier); CommittedTransactionsResponse response = api.transactionsPost(committedTransactionsRequest); // Extract out operation groups Stream operationGroups = response.getTransactions().stream() .flatMap(txn -> txn.getOperationGroups().stream()); Map balanceChanges = operationGroupsToBalanceChanges(operationGroups); updateStore(balanceChanges); } ``` ## Continual Sync So far we've only been requesting for the initial 1000 transactions on ledger. We will now want to continually sync as the ledger progresses. To do this, we will keep our own current stateVersion and update it with the latest stateVersion we've seen. On a persistent database, it will be important to update the stateVersion and ledger updates atomically so that the sync process can handle process crashes gracefully and restart in a consistent manner. We can now add continually check for updates on ledger and keep our own state up to date. This can easily look something like a cronjob process which periodically updates a local database. ```java TransactionsApi api = new TransactionsApi(); NetworkIdentifier networkIdentifier = new NetworkIdentifier().network("mainnet"); /** * Our balance store */ long currentStateVersion = 0; Map balances = new HashMap<>(); /** * Returns true if the operation contains an XRD balance change, otherwise returns false */ boolean isXrd(Operation operation) { if (operation.getAmount() == null) { return false; } ResourceIdentifier identifier = op.getAmount().getResourceIdentifier(); if (!(identifier instanceof TokenResourceIdentifier)) { return false; } TokenResourceIdentifier tokenResourceIdentifier = (TokenResourceIdentifier) identifier; return tokenResourceIdentifier.getRri().equals("xrd_rr1qy5wfsfh"); } /** * Returns the XRD balance change which occured on every entity from a set * of operation groups. */ Map operationGroupsToBalanceChanges(Stream operationGroups) { return operationGroups .flatMap(group -> group.getOperations().stream()) .filter(this::isXrd) .collect(Collectors.groupingBy( Operation::getEntityIdentifier, Collectors.mapping( op -> new BigInteger(op.getAmount().getValue()), Collectors.reducing(BigInteger.ZERO, BigInteger::add) ) )); } /** * Retrieves the current state version */ long loadStateVersion() { return this.currentStateVersion; } /** * Updates the balance store. */ void updateStore(long currentStateVersion, long nextStateVersion, Map balanceChanges) { // Sanity check, in case we have multiple updater to our store assert(this.currentStateVersion == currentStateVersion); this.currentStateVersion = nextStateVersion; balanceChanges.forEach((identifier, value) -> balances.merge(identifier, value, BigInteger::add)); } /** * Requests for new transactions from a node and then updates the balance store */ void update() throws ApiException { long stateVersion = loadStateVersion(); PartialStateIdentifier stateIdentifier = new PartialStateIdentifier().stateVersion(stateVersion); CommittedTransactionsRequest committedTransactionsRequest = new CommittedTransactionsRequest() .networkIdentifier(networkIdentifier) .limit(1000L) .stateIdentifier(stateIdentifier); CommittedTransactionsResponse response = api.transactionsPost(committedTransactionsRequest); // Extract out operation groups Stream operationGroups = response.getTransactions().stream() .flatMap(txn -> txn.getOperationGroups().stream()); Map balanceChanges = operationGroupsToBalanceChanges(operationGroups); long nextStateVersion = stateVersion + txns.size(); // Update stateVersion and balances, on a database these must be updated atomically together updateStore(stateVersion, nextStateVersion, balanceChanges); } void main() throws Exception { while (true) { update(); Thread.sleep(1000L); } } ``` - name: track_all_balances_example x-displayName: Track All Balances description: | Building off of the Track XRD Balances example, we can simply remove the filter on only tracking XRD and build a complete mapping of assets owned by every entity `Entity -> Resource -> Amount`. ```java TransactionsApi api = new TransactionsApi(); NetworkIdentifier networkIdentifier = new NetworkIdentifier().network("mainnet"); /** * Our balance store */ long currentStateVersion = 0; Map> balances = new HashMap<>(); /** * Returns the token balance change which occured on every entity from a set * of operation groups. */ Map> operationGroupsToBalanceChanges(Stream operationGroups) { return operationGroups .flatMap(group -> group.getOperations().stream()) .filter(operation -> operation.getAmount() != null) .collect(Collectors.groupingBy( Operation::getEntityIdentifier, Collectors.groupingBy( op -> op.getAmount().getResourceIdentifier(), Collectors.mapping( op -> new BigInteger(op.getAmount().getValue()), Collectors.reducing(BigInteger.ZERO, BigInteger::add) ) ) ) ); } /** * Retrieves the current state version */ long loadStateVersion() { return this.currentStateVersion; } /** * Updates the balance store. */ void updateStore(long currentStateVersion, long nextStateVersion, Map> balanceChanges) { // Sanity check, in case we have multiple updater to our store assert(this.currentStateVersion == currentStateVersion); this.currentStateVersion = nextStateVersion; balanceChanges.forEach((identifier, balanceMap) -> { balanceMap.forEach((resource, value) -> balances.merge(identifier, Map.of(resource, value), (b0, b1) -> Stream.concat(b0.entrySet().stream(), b1.entrySet().stream()).collect( Collectors.groupingBy( Map.Entry::getKey, Collectors.mapping(Map.Entry::getValue, Collectors.reducing(BigInteger.ZERO, BigInteger::add)) ) ) ) ); }); } /** * Requests for new transactions from a node and then updates the balance store */ void update() throws ApiException { long stateVersion = loadStateVersion(); PartialStateIdentifier stateIdentifier = new PartialStateIdentifier().stateVersion(stateVersion); CommittedTransactionsRequest committedTransactionsRequest = new CommittedTransactionsRequest() .networkIdentifier(networkIdentifier) .limit(1000L) .stateIdentifier(stateIdentifier); CommittedTransactionsResponse response = api.transactionsPost(committedTransactionsRequest); // Extract out operation groups Stream operationGroups = response.getTransactions().stream() .flatMap(txn -> txn.getOperationGroups().stream()); Map> balanceChanges = operationGroupsToBalanceChanges(operationGroups); // Update stateVersion and balances, on a database these must be updated atomically together updateStore(stateVersion, nextStateVersion, balanceChanges); } void main() throws Exception { while (true) { update(); Thread.sleep(1000L); } } ``` ## Advanced ### Filtering to just account balances The above examples pull through the balances for any Entity, but typically you'll just want to pull down usable balances in an account - that is, balances against an account entity. To do this, we can check filter `entity_identifier` to those which have an `address` starting `rdx1`, and no `sub_entity`. We filter out sub-entities because these are separate entities/balances to the core account, used by the system for staking. For more information, and to support non-mainnet addresses, see the Structure and Addressing sections. ### Supporting networks other than mainnet See the Addressing section for details on determining non-mainnet addresses. ### Tracking UTXOs The `operation.substate.substate_identifier.identifier` gives a hex-encoded identifier for the UTXO used in that transaction. If `operation.substate.substate_operation` is `BOOTUP`, the UTXO was created, and if `SHUTDOWN`, it was spent. This can be used to track live UTXOs. ### Consistency checks Before saving a copy of a transaction to an index, you should check that the parent accumulator matches the accumulator you have on record. Whilst we don't anticipate a need to rollback the ledger, this accumulator check could be used to detect this (and can be used to rollback an index to the point where the accumulators agree). If you wish to also check the consistency of this accumulator, the following should be true: `post_transaction_state_accumulator = SHA256(SHA256(pre_transaction_state_accumulator | transaction_identifier_hash))` Where `|` is the byte concatenation operator. Note that this uses two rounds of SHA256. The first maps from 64 bytes to 32 bytes, the second from 32 bytes to 32 bytes. ### Timestamps If you care about the timestamps that various transactions were committed, you can track the `RoundData` data object under the `system` entity. Then, `timestamp` in `RoundData` gives a UNIX timestamp in milliseconds, derived from votes of each validator of what the current wall clock time is. It is _not_ guaranteed to be increasing and should only be used for convenience and not as an accurate representation of the actual time of commit. - name: network x-displayName: Network description: Get info about the node and network. - name: entity x-displayName: Entity description: Get info about an entity. - name: mempool x-displayName: Mempool description: Get info about the mempool - name: transactions x-displayName: Transactions description: Get the stream of committed transactions. - name: construction x-displayName: Construction description: Construct a transaction for submission. - name: key x-displayName: Key description: Sign a transaction x-tagGroups: - name: Model tags: - entities - structure - addressing - actions - objects - name: Examples tags: - track_xrd_example - track_all_balances_example - xrd_transfer_example - name: Data API tags: - network - entity - mempool - transactions - name: Construction API tags: - construction - name: Key API tags: - key paths: "/network/configuration": post: summary: Get Network Configuration description: Returns the network configuration of the network the node is connected to. tags: - network requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/NetworkConfigurationRequest" responses: '200': description: Network Configuration content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/NetworkConfigurationResponse" '500': description: An unexpected error content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/UnexpectedError" "/network/status": post: summary: Get Network Status description: Returns the current state and status of the node's copy of the ledger. If the node is syncing, the `current_state_X` responses may be behind the global ledger. tags: - network requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/NetworkStatusRequest" responses: '200': description: Network Status content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/NetworkStatusResponse" '500': description: An Unexpected Error content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/UnexpectedError" "/entity": post: summary: Get Entity Information description: Gets the balances and data objects at an entity at the current state of the ledger. tags: - entity requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/EntityRequest" responses: '200': description: Entity Balances and Data content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/EntityResponse" '500': description: Unexpected error content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/UnexpectedError" "/mempool": post: summary: Get Mempool Transactions description: Gets the transaction identifiers in the mempool tags: - mempool requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/MempoolRequest" responses: '200': description: Mempool Transaction Identifiers content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/MempoolResponse" '500': description: Unexpected error content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/UnexpectedError" "/mempool/transaction": post: summary: Get Mempool Transaction description: Gets the transaction from the mempool tags: - mempool requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/MempoolTransactionRequest" responses: '200': description: Mempool Transaction Identifiers content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/MempoolTransactionResponse" '500': description: Unexpected error content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/UnexpectedError" "/transactions": post: summary: Get Committed Transactions description: | Returns an ordered sublist of committed transactions. This endpoint is designed for lite clients to sync with the state of the ledger. The example response demonstrates a transfer transaction. There is a more detailed worked example of reading this endpoint in the examples section. tags: - transactions requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/CommittedTransactionsRequest" responses: '200': description: Sublist of Committed Transactions content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/CommittedTransactionsResponse" '500': description: An Unexpected Error content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/UnexpectedError" "/construction/derive": post: summary: Derive Entity Identifier description: Returns the entity identifier for an account, validator, or token given a public key tags: - construction requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ConstructionDeriveRequest" responses: '200': description: Entity Identifier content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ConstructionDeriveResponse" "/construction/build": post: summary: Build Transaction tags: - construction requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ConstructionBuildRequest" responses: '200': description: An unsigned transaction content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ConstructionBuildResponse" '500': description: Unexpected error content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/UnexpectedError" "/construction/parse": post: summary: Parse Transaction tags: - construction requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ConstructionParseRequest" responses: '200': description: An unsigned transaction content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ConstructionParseResponse" '500': description: Unexpected error content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/UnexpectedError" "/construction/finalize": post: summary: Finalize Transaction tags: - construction requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ConstructionFinalizeRequest" responses: '200': description: An unsigned transaction content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ConstructionFinalizeResponse" '500': description: Unexpected error content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/UnexpectedError" "/construction/hash": post: summary: Get Transaction Hash description: Get the transaction identifier of a signed transaction tags: - construction requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ConstructionHashRequest" responses: '200': description: An unsigned transaction content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ConstructionHashResponse" '500': description: Unexpected error content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/UnexpectedError" "/construction/submit": post: summary: Submit Transaction description: Submit a transaction to the mempool tags: - construction requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ConstructionSubmitRequest" responses: '200': description: An unsigned transaction content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ConstructionSubmitResponse" '500': description: Unexpected error content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/UnexpectedError" "/engine/configuration": post: summary: Get Engine Configuration tags: - engine requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/EngineConfigurationRequest" responses: '200': description: An unsigned transaction content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/EngineConfigurationResponse" '500': description: Unexpected error content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/UnexpectedError" "/engine/forks-voting-results": post: summary: Get forks voting results for the given epoch tags: - engine requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ForksVotingResultsRequest" responses: '200': description: Forks voting results for the given epoch content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ForksVotingResultsResponse" '500': description: Unexpected error content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/UnexpectedError" "/engine/status": post: summary: Get Engine Current Status tags: - engine requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/EngineStatusRequest" responses: '200': description: Engine Status content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/EngineStatusResponse" '500': description: Unexpected error content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/UnexpectedError" "/key/list": post: summary: Get public keys tags: - key requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/KeyListRequest" responses: '200': description: The node's public keys content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/KeyListResponse" '500': description: Unexpected error content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/UnexpectedError" "/key/sign": post: summary: Sign transaction tags: - key requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/KeySignRequest" responses: '200': description: An unsigned transaction content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/KeySignResponse" '500': description: Unexpected error content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/UnexpectedError" "/key/vote": post: summary: Vote for the candidate fork (if present) tags: - key requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/UpdateVoteRequest" responses: '200': description: Submitted vote transaction information content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/UpdateVoteResponse" '500': description: Unexpected error content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/UnexpectedError" "/key/withdraw-vote": post: summary: Withdraw the vote for the candidate fork tags: - key requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/UpdateVoteRequest" responses: '200': description: Submitted vote withdrawal transaction information content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/UpdateVoteResponse" '500': description: Unexpected error content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/UnexpectedError" "/olympia-end-state": post: summary: Get the Olympia end state (only available after the shutdown fork has been enacted) tags: - engine requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/OlympiaEndStateRequest" responses: '200': description: The Olympia end state content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/OlympiaEndStateResponse" '500': description: Unexpected error content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/UnexpectedError" components: schemas: NetworkConfigurationRequest: type: object example: {} NetworkConfigurationResponse: type: object required: - version - network_identifier - bech32_human_readable_parts properties: version: description: Different versions regarding the node, network and api. type: object required: - core_version - api_version properties: core_version: type: string api_version: type: string network_identifier: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/NetworkIdentifier" description: The name of the network. bech32_human_readable_parts: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/Bech32HRPs" description: The unique bech32 hrps used for addressing. example: network_identifier: network: mainnet bech32_human_readable_parts: account_hrp: rdx validator_hrp: rv node_hrp: rn resource_hrp_suffix: _rr NetworkStatusRequest: type: object required: - network_identifier properties: network_identifier: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/NetworkIdentifier" description: The name of the network. example: network_identifier: network: mainnet NetworkStatusResponse: type: object required: - pre_genesis_state_identifier - genesis_state_identifier - current_state_identifier - sync_status - peers properties: pre_genesis_state_identifier: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/StateIdentifier" description: The ledger state identifier before the genesis transaction. genesis_state_identifier: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/StateIdentifier" description: The ledger state identifier after the genesis transaction. current_state_identifier: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/StateIdentifier" description: The current state identifier at the top of the node's copy of the ledger. sync_status: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SyncStatus" description: Information on how synced the node is to the rest of the network. peers: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Peer" description: List of peers of the node. example: pre_genesis_state_identifier: state_version: 0 transaction_accumulator: "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" current_state_timestamp: 1627452363772 current_state_identifier: state_version: 322001 transaction_accumulator: e31f8314a67236076ad6d46391e93a93d7b9d34de2062acc620541c09dd69f95 current_state_epoch: 1 current_state_round: 321991 genesis_state_identifier: state_version: 1 transaction_accumulator: 1e62415e5fd95c63aff69142f1359cc6a981ff7169c128d266f45adf614d09b0 node_identifiers: account_entity_identifier: address: rdx1qspmwn5n0qyz685f20aevh4wglxxzg9k5t5vql20s4jqa7kj8hz0njclnh0mf validator_entity_identifier: address: rv1qwm5aymcpqk3az2nlwt9atj8e3sjpd4zarq86nu9vs80453acnuuklp5yl2 peers: [] EntityRequest: type: object required: - network_identifier - entity_identifier properties: network_identifier: $ref: "#/components/schemas/NetworkIdentifier" description: The name of the network. entity_identifier: description: The Entity for which current balance and data information will be retrieved. "$ref": "#/components/schemas/EntityIdentifier" example: network_identifier: network: mainnet entity_identifier: address: rdx1qspacch6qjqy7awspx304sev3n4em302en25jd87yrh4hp47grr692cm0kv88 EntityResponse: type: object required: - state_identifier - balances - data_objects properties: state_identifier: $ref: "#/components/schemas/StateIdentifier" balances: description: Balances associated with the entity. type: array items: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ResourceAmount" data_objects: description: Data associated with the entity. type: array items: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/DataObject" example: balances: - resource_identifier: rri: xrd_rr1qy5wfsfh type: token value: '13443027000000000000000' - resource_identifier: rri: veri_rr1qdtwzvy8lnfgl9t5tnj8f5fwl2znssnvx27vufcx7u3slv0gce type: token value: '1000000000000000000' - resource_identifier: validator: rv1q04u5zwtgffsqkvr08xqm6vpm3gwxh4uqwtjpx5p47ew0m0v8m5zs3m3jed type: StakeUnit value: '15000000000000000000000' data_objects: [] MempoolRequest: type: object required: - network_identifier properties: network_identifier: $ref: "#/components/schemas/NetworkIdentifier" description: The name of the network. example: network_identifier: network: mainnet MempoolResponse: type: object required: - transaction_identifiers properties: transaction_identifiers: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/TransactionIdentifier" description: List of transaction identifiers currently in the mempool. MempoolTransactionRequest: type: object required: - network_identifier - transaction_identifier properties: network_identifier: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/NetworkIdentifier" description: The name of the network. transaction_identifier: $ref: "#/components/schemas/TransactionIdentifier" description: Transaction Identifier to retrieve. example: network_identifier: network: mainnet transaction_identifier: hash: ef71a9d6c63444fce6abd2df8fab2755cfb51f6794e578f60d99337193811842 MempoolTransactionResponse: type: object required: - transaction properties: transaction: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Transaction" description: The transaction found in the mempool. ConstructionDeriveRequest: type: object required: - network_identifier - public_key - metadata properties: network_identifier: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/NetworkIdentifier" description: The name of the network. public_key: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/PublicKey" description: Public key to be derived from. metadata: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ConstructionDeriveRequestMetadata" description: Data which specifies the type of entity to derive. example: network_identifier: network: mainnet public_key: hex: 03b74e9378082d1e8953fb965eae47cc6120b6a2e8c07d4f85640efad23dc4f9cb metadata: type: Token symbol: test ConstructionDeriveResponse: type: object required: - entity_identifier properties: entity_identifier: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/EntityIdentifier" description: The derived identifier example: entity_identifier: address: test_rr1q0xjsd8e3ud8dexqntmse9n0mcjhepfr7y404dd3tfqqngerma ConstructionDeriveRequestMetadata: type: object required: - type properties: type: type: string discriminator: propertyName: type mapping: Account: "#/components/schemas/ConstructionDeriveRequestMetadataAccount" Validator: "#/components/schemas/ConstructionDeriveRequestMetadataValidator" Token: "#/components/schemas/ConstructionDeriveRequestMetadataToken" PreparedStakes: "#/components/schemas/ConstructionDeriveRequestMetadataPreparedStakes" PreparedUnstakes: "#/components/schemas/ConstructionDeriveRequestMetadataPreparedUnstakes" ExitingUnstakes: "#/components/schemas/ConstructionDeriveRequestMetadataExitingUnstakes" ValidatorSystem: "#/components/schemas/ConstructionDeriveRequestMetadataValidatorSystem" ConstructionDeriveRequestMetadataAccount: allOf: - "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ConstructionDeriveRequestMetadata" ConstructionDeriveRequestMetadataValidator: allOf: - "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ConstructionDeriveRequestMetadata" ConstructionDeriveRequestMetadataToken: allOf: - "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ConstructionDeriveRequestMetadata" - type: object required: - symbol properties: symbol: description: The symbol of the token type: string ConstructionDeriveRequestMetadataPreparedStakes: allOf: - "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ConstructionDeriveRequestMetadata" - type: object required: - validator properties: validator: $ref: "#/components/schemas/EntityIdentifier" ConstructionDeriveRequestMetadataPreparedUnstakes: allOf: - "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ConstructionDeriveRequestMetadata" ConstructionDeriveRequestMetadataExitingUnstakes: allOf: - "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ConstructionDeriveRequestMetadata" - type: object required: - validator - epoch_unlock properties: validator: $ref: "#/components/schemas/EntityIdentifier" epoch_unlock: type: integer format: int64 ConstructionDeriveRequestMetadataValidatorSystem: allOf: - "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ConstructionDeriveRequestMetadata" ConstructionBuildRequest: type: object required: - network_identifier - operation_groups - fee_payer properties: network_identifier: $ref: "#/components/schemas/NetworkIdentifier" description: The name of the network operation_groups: description: Operation groups which describe the intent of the request. type: array items: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/OperationGroup" fee_payer: description: The address from which fees will be subtracted. "$ref": "#/components/schemas/EntityIdentifier" message: description: An optional message payload encoded in hex with the Radix message encoding scheme. type: string disable_resource_allocate_and_destroy: description: Disallow minting and burning of tokens (except for fees). Useful for verification of transactions without needing to fetch additional substate data, such as when verifying transactions in an offline environment. type: boolean example: network_identifier: network: mainnet description: The name of the network fee_payer: address: rdx1qspacch6qjqy7awspx304sev3n4em302en25jd87yrh4hp47grr692cm0kv88 operation_groups: - operations: - type: Resource entity_identifier: address: rdx1qspacch6qjqy7awspx304sev3n4em302en25jd87yrh4hp47grr692cm0kv88 amount: resource_identifier: type: Token rri: xrd_rr1qy5wfsfh value: "-1500" - type: Resource entity_identifier: address: rdx1qsp258zf47f288g4y47hm3plsp03370safcjg5x98e6j2h66p5we8ds8m7g33 amount: resource_identifier: type: Token rri: xrd_rr1qy5wfsfh value: '1500' ConstructionBuildResponse: type: object required: - unsigned_transaction - payload_to_sign properties: unsigned_transaction: description: Hex encoded unsigned transaction. type: string payload_to_sign: description: Hex encoded hash payload to sign. type: string example: unsigned_transaction: 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 payload_to_sign: 06f82577392151638e059f31b16e52b056358ff9b7b72bedef21d701dc3ffa0f ConstructionParseRequest: type: object required: - network_identifier - transaction - signed properties: network_identifier: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/NetworkIdentifier" description: The name of the network. transaction: type: string description: Hex encoded transaction to parse. signed: type: boolean description: Whether the transaction is signed or not. If not signed, parsing will skip authorization checks. example: network_identifier: network: mainnet transaction: 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 signed: false ConstructionParseResponse: type: object required: - operation_groups properties: operation_groups: type: array items: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/OperationGroup" description: The parsed operation groups. metadata: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ParsedTransactionMetadata" description: Metadata related to the transaction. example: metadata: resource_identifier: rri: xrd_rr1qy5wfsfh type: Token value: '72600000000000000' operation_groups: - operations: - amount: resource_identifier: rri: xrd_rr1qy5wfsfh type: Token value: "-24000000000000000000000000" substate: substate_identifier: identifier: ef71a9d6c63444fce6abd2df8fab2755cfb51f6794e578f60d9933719381184200000002 substate_operation: SHUTDOWN entity_identifier: address: rdx1qspacch6qjqy7awspx304sev3n4em302en25jd87yrh4hp47grr692cm0kv88 type: Resource - metadata: substate_data_hex: 06000403dc62fa04804f75d009a2fac32c8ceb9dc5eaccd54934fe20ef5b86be40c7a2ab0100000000000000000000000000000000000000000013da329a6148f65d4e8000 amount: resource_identifier: rri: xrd_rr1qy5wfsfh type: Token value: '23999999927400000000000000' substate: substate_identifier: identifier: e05bc84170aa74bcb0c7ed0393dc489afd8dbd761f68246d2f8de362b942707800000000 substate_operation: BOOTUP entity_identifier: address: rdx1qspacch6qjqy7awspx304sev3n4em302en25jd87yrh4hp47grr692cm0kv88 type: Resource - operations: - amount: resource_identifier: rri: xrd_rr1qy5wfsfh type: Token value: "-23999999927400000000000000" substate: substate_identifier: identifier: e05bc84170aa74bcb0c7ed0393dc489afd8dbd761f68246d2f8de362b942707800000000 substate_operation: SHUTDOWN entity_identifier: address: rdx1qspacch6qjqy7awspx304sev3n4em302en25jd87yrh4hp47grr692cm0kv88 type: Resource - metadata: substate_data_hex: 06000403dc62fa04804f75d009a2fac32c8ceb9dc5eaccd54934fe20ef5b86be40c7a2ab0100000000000000000000000000000000000000000013da329a6148f65d4e7f6a amount: resource_identifier: rri: xrd_rr1qy5wfsfh type: Token value: '23999999927399999999999850' substate: substate_identifier: identifier: e05bc84170aa74bcb0c7ed0393dc489afd8dbd761f68246d2f8de362b942707800000001 substate_operation: BOOTUP entity_identifier: address: rdx1qspacch6qjqy7awspx304sev3n4em302en25jd87yrh4hp47grr692cm0kv88 type: Resource - metadata: substate_data_hex: 06000402aa1c49af92a39d15257d7dc43f805f18f9f0ea712450c53e75255f5a0d1d93b6010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000096 amount: resource_identifier: rri: xrd_rr1qy5wfsfh type: Token value: '150' substate: substate_identifier: identifier: e05bc84170aa74bcb0c7ed0393dc489afd8dbd761f68246d2f8de362b942707800000002 substate_operation: BOOTUP entity_identifier: address: rdx1qsp258zf47f288g4y47hm3plsp03370safcjg5x98e6j2h66p5we8ds8m7g33 type: Resource ConstructionFinalizeRequest: type: object required: - network_identifier - unsigned_transaction - signature properties: network_identifier: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/NetworkIdentifier" description: The name of the network unsigned_transaction: description: Hex encoded unsigned transaction. type: string signature: description: The signature object containing the public key and signature of the `unsigned_transaction` bytes, as detailed in the Signature object schema. "$ref": "#/components/schemas/Signature" example: network_identifier: network: mainnet description: The name of the network unsigned_transaction: 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 signature: public_key: hex: '' bytes: '' ConstructionFinalizeResponse: type: object required: - signed_transaction properties: signed_transaction: description: Hex encoded signed transaction which can be submitted. type: string example: signed_transaction: 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 ConstructionHashRequest: type: object required: - network_identifier - signed_transaction properties: network_identifier: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/NetworkIdentifier" description: The name of the network signed_transaction: description: Hex encoded signed transaction type: string example: network_identifier: network: mainnet signed_transaction: 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 ConstructionHashResponse: type: object required: - transaction_identifier properties: transaction_identifier: description: The unique hashed identifier of the transaction "$ref": "#/components/schemas/TransactionIdentifier" example: transaction_identifier: hash: ef71a9d6c63444fce6abd2df8fab2755cfb51f6794e578f60d99337193811842 ConstructionSubmitRequest: type: object required: - network_identifier - signed_transaction properties: network_identifier: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/NetworkIdentifier" description: The name of the network signed_transaction: description: Hex encoded signed transaction to be submitted. type: string example: network_identifier: network: mainnet signed_transaction: 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 ConstructionSubmitResponse: type: object required: - transaction_identifier - duplicate properties: transaction_identifier: description: The unique hashed identifier of the transaction submitted. "$ref": "#/components/schemas/TransactionIdentifier" duplicate: description: Is true if the transaction is a duplicate of an existing transaction in the mempool. type: boolean example: transaction_identifier: hash: ef71a9d6c63444fce6abd2df8fab2755cfb51f6794e578f60d99337193811842 duplicate: false CommittedTransactionsRequest: description: A request to retrieve a sublist of committed transactions from the ledger. type: object required: - state_identifier - network_identifier properties: network_identifier: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/NetworkIdentifier" description: The name of the network state_identifier: description: The state identifier point from which transactions should be returned. For example, if you specify a `state_version` of 10, the first transaction in the response will take the ledger from a `state_version` of 10 to 11, and so have a commited `state_version` of 11. The ledger starts from a `state_version` of 0, with the first transaction being the genesis transaction. "$ref": "#/components/schemas/PartialStateIdentifier" limit: description: The maximum number of transactions that will be returned. "$ref": "#/components/schemas/LongNumber" example: network_identifier: network: mainnet description: The name of the network state_identifier: state_version: 40897 limit: 1 CommittedTransactionsResponse: description: A response of committed transactions which specifies the state updates which have occurred on ledger. type: object required: - state_identifier - transactions properties: state_identifier: description: The committed ledger state identifier from which this transaction list starts from. "$ref": "#/components/schemas/StateIdentifier" transactions: description: A committed transactions list starting from the `state_identifier`. type: array items: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/CommittedTransaction" example: state_identifier: state_version: 40897 transaction_accumulator: dd61e3e2c9cdda8bf8973ea7d6dd4e6482c569fff45f0ca5e2bfd196f5bae4c9 transactions: - metadata: size: 360 signed_by: hex: 02aa1c49af92a39d15257d7dc43f805f18f9f0ea712450c53e75255f5a0d1d93b6 fee: resource: rri: xrd_rr1qy5wfsfh type: Token value: '72000000000000000' hex: 07030e7094728c8d065c5db696977696bea9094f67bcfd4c021f99ec784e24023b0000000c0100210000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000ffcb9e57d4000002004506000402aa1c49af92a39d15257d7dc43f805f18f9f0ea712450c53e75255f5a0d1d93b601000000000000000000000000000000000000000007c13bc4b1c16827082c00000008000002004506000402aa1c49af92a39d15257d7dc43f805f18f9f0ea712450c53e75255f5a0d1d93b601000000000000000000000000000000000000000007ad6192165e31dff02c000002004506000403dc62fa04804f75d009a2fac32c8ceb9dc5eaccd54934fe20ef5b86be40c7a2ab0100000000000000000000000000000000000000000013da329b63364718000000000b015584aed8375f30b22a2203b77dbe15e5dc0a3618fb45ea30ee54a6ebe0054b673a471ad2214b7bd06c4228083643b57e095787c9fb01443e1c3d6890d28f60cf timestamp: 1627407310726 committed_state_identifier: state_version: 40898 transaction_accumulator: 5ea573f2e31640d177047d14122f1015c262f0d14d522596068784406aa1d88f transaction_identifier: hash: ef71a9d6c63444fce6abd2df8fab2755cfb51f6794e578f60d99337193811842 operation_groups: - metadata: action: amount: '72000000000000000' rri: xrd_rr1qy5wfsfh from: rdx1qsp258zf47f288g4y47hm3plsp03370safcjg5x98e6j2h66p5we8ds8m7g33 type: BurnTokens operations: - amount: resource_identifier: rri: xrd_rr1qy5wfsfh type: Token value: "-2400000000000000000000000000" substate: substate_identifier: identifier: 030e7094728c8d065c5db696977696bea9094f67bcfd4c021f99ec784e24023b0000000c substate_operation: SHUTDOWN entity_identifier: address: rdx1qsp258zf47f288g4y47hm3plsp03370safcjg5x98e6j2h66p5we8ds8m7g33 type: Resource - metadata: substate_data_hex: 06000402aa1c49af92a39d15257d7dc43f805f18f9f0ea712450c53e75255f5a0d1d93b601000000000000000000000000000000000000000007c13bc4b1c16827082c0000 amount: resource_identifier: rri: xrd_rr1qy5wfsfh type: Token value: '2399999999928000000000000000' substate: substate_identifier: identifier: ef71a9d6c63444fce6abd2df8fab2755cfb51f6794e578f60d9933719381184200000000 substate_operation: BOOTUP entity_identifier: address: rdx1qsp258zf47f288g4y47hm3plsp03370safcjg5x98e6j2h66p5we8ds8m7g33 type: Resource - metadata: action: amount: '24000000000000000000000000' rri: xrd_rr1qy5wfsfh from: rdx1qsp258zf47f288g4y47hm3plsp03370safcjg5x98e6j2h66p5we8ds8m7g33 to: rdx1qspacch6qjqy7awspx304sev3n4em302en25jd87yrh4hp47grr692cm0kv88 type: TokenTransfer operations: - amount: resource_identifier: rri: xrd_rr1qy5wfsfh type: Token value: "-2399999999928000000000000000" substate: substate_identifier: identifier: ef71a9d6c63444fce6abd2df8fab2755cfb51f6794e578f60d9933719381184200000000 substate_operation: SHUTDOWN entity_identifier: address: rdx1qsp258zf47f288g4y47hm3plsp03370safcjg5x98e6j2h66p5we8ds8m7g33 type: Resource - metadata: substate_data_hex: 06000402aa1c49af92a39d15257d7dc43f805f18f9f0ea712450c53e75255f5a0d1d93b601000000000000000000000000000000000000000007ad6192165e31dff02c0000 amount: resource_identifier: rri: xrd_rr1qy5wfsfh type: Token value: '2375999999928000000000000000' substate: substate_identifier: identifier: ef71a9d6c63444fce6abd2df8fab2755cfb51f6794e578f60d9933719381184200000001 substate_operation: BOOTUP entity_identifier: address: rdx1qsp258zf47f288g4y47hm3plsp03370safcjg5x98e6j2h66p5we8ds8m7g33 type: Resource - metadata: substate_data_hex: 06000403dc62fa04804f75d009a2fac32c8ceb9dc5eaccd54934fe20ef5b86be40c7a2ab0100000000000000000000000000000000000000000013da329b63364718000000 amount: resource_identifier: rri: xrd_rr1qy5wfsfh type: Token value: '24000000000000000000000000' substate: substate_identifier: identifier: ef71a9d6c63444fce6abd2df8fab2755cfb51f6794e578f60d9933719381184200000002 substate_operation: BOOTUP entity_identifier: address: rdx1qspacch6qjqy7awspx304sev3n4em302en25jd87yrh4hp47grr692cm0kv88 type: Resource EngineConfigurationRequest: type: object required: - network_identifier properties: network_identifier: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/NetworkIdentifier" description: The name of the network example: network_identifier: network: mainnet EngineConfigurationResponse: type: object required: - forks - checkpoints properties: checkpoints: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/EngineCheckpoint" forks: type: array items: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/Fork" EngineStatusRequest: type: object required: - network_identifier properties: network_identifier: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/NetworkIdentifier" description: The name of the network example: network_identifier: network: mainnet EngineStatusResponse: type: object required: - engine_state_identifier - validator_set - is_shut_down properties: engine_state_identifier: $ref: "#/components/schemas/EngineStateIdentifier" validator_set: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Validator" upcoming_fork: $ref: "#/components/schemas/UpcomingFork" is_shut_down: type: boolean ForksVotingResultsRequest: type: object required: - epoch properties: epoch: type: integer format: int64 ForksVotingResultsResponse: type: object required: - forks_voting_results properties: forks_voting_results: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ForkVotingResult" ForkVotingResult: type: object required: - epoch - candidate_fork_id - stake_percentage_voted properties: epoch: type: integer format: int64 candidate_fork_id: type: string stake_percentage_voted: type: number format: float Validator: type: object required: - validator_address - stake properties: validator_address: type: string stake: $ref: "#/components/schemas/BigInteger" EngineCheckpoint: type: object required: - engine_state_identifier properties: engine_state_identifier: $ref: "#/components/schemas/EngineStateIdentifier" checkpoint_transaction: type: "string" EngineStateIdentifier: type: object required: - state_identifier - epoch - round - timestamp properties: state_identifier: $ref: "#/components/schemas/StateIdentifier" epoch: type: integer format: int64 round: type: integer format: int64 timestamp: type: integer format: int64 UpcomingFork: type: object required: - name - epochs_remaining properties: name: type: string epochs_remaining: type: integer format: int64 KeyListRequest: type: object required: - network_identifier properties: network_identifier: $ref: "#/components/schemas/NetworkIdentifier" description: The name of the network. KeyListResponse: type: object required: - public_keys properties: public_keys: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PublicKeyEntry" description: List of keys the node supports. KeySignRequest: type: object required: - network_identifier - unsigned_transaction - public_key properties: network_identifier: $ref: "#/components/schemas/NetworkIdentifier" description: The name of the network. unsigned_transaction: type: string description: Byte array of the unsigned transaction encoded in hex. public_key: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PublicKey" description: The public key to use to sign the transaction. KeySignResponse: type: object required: - signed_transaction properties: signed_transaction: type: string description: Byte array of the signed transaction encoded in hex. example: signed_transaction: 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 UpdateVoteRequest: type: object required: - network_identifier properties: network_identifier: $ref: "#/components/schemas/NetworkIdentifier" description: The name of the network UpdateVoteResponse: type: object required: - transaction_identifier - duplicate properties: transaction_identifier: description: The unique hashed identifier of the transaction submitted. "$ref": "#/components/schemas/TransactionIdentifier" duplicate: description: Is true if the transaction is a duplicate of an existing transaction in the mempool. type: boolean example: transaction_identifier: hash: ef71a9d6c63444fce6abd2df8fab2755cfb51f6794e578f60d99337193811842 duplicate: false OlympiaEndStateRequest: type: object required: - network_identifier properties: network_identifier: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/NetworkIdentifier" description: The name of the network. include_test_payload: type: boolean example: network_identifier: network: mainnet OlympiaEndStateResponse: type: object required: - status properties: status: enum: - ready - not_ready discriminator: propertyName: status mapping: ready: '#/components/schemas/OlympiaEndStateReadyResponse' not_ready: '#/components/schemas/OlympiaEndStateNotReadyResponse' OlympiaEndStateReadyResponse: allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/OlympiaEndStateResponse" - type: object required: - hash - signature - contents properties: hash: description: The hex-encoded SHA2 hash of the end state content bytes type: string signature: description: The hex-encoded DER signature of the end state content bytes, signed with the node's key type: string contents: description: The base64-encoded compressed end state type: string OlympiaEndStateNotReadyResponse: allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/OlympiaEndStateResponse" - type: object properties: test_payload: description: A hex-encoded test payload type: string test_payload_hash: description: A hex-encoded hash of the test_payload type: string signature: description: The hex-encoded DER signature of the test_payload_hash, signed with the node's key type: string PublicKeyEntry: type: object required: - public_key - public_key_identifiers properties: public_key: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PublicKey" identifiers: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PublicKeyIdentifiers" PublicKeyIdentifiers: type: object required: - account_entity_identifier - validator_entity_identifier - p2p_node properties: account_entity_identifier: $ref: "#/components/schemas/EntityIdentifier" validator_entity_identifier: $ref: "#/components/schemas/EntityIdentifier" p2p_node: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Peer" Fork: type: object required: - name - is_candidate - engine_identifier - engine_configuration properties: name: type: string is_candidate: type: boolean engine_identifier: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/EngineIdentifier" engine_configuration: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/EngineConfiguration" EngineConfiguration: type: object required: - native_token - maximum_message_length - maximum_validators - token_symbol_pattern - unstaking_delay_epoch_length - minimum_completed_proposals_percentage - maximum_transaction_size - maximum_transactions_per_round - validator_fee_increase_debouncer_epoch_length - maximum_rounds_per_epoch - maximum_validator_fee_increase - minimum_stake - rewards_per_proposal - reserved_symbols - fee_table properties: native_token: $ref: "#/components/schemas/TokenResourceIdentifier" maximum_message_length: type: integer maximum_validators: type: integer token_symbol_pattern: type: string unstaking_delay_epoch_length: type: integer format: int64 minimum_completed_proposals_percentage: type: integer maximum_transaction_size: type: integer format: int64 maximum_transactions_per_round: type: integer validator_fee_increase_debouncer_epoch_length: type: integer format: int64 maximum_rounds_per_epoch: type: integer format: int64 maximum_validator_fee_increase: type: integer minimum_stake: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ResourceAmount" rewards_per_proposal: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ResourceAmount" reserved_symbols: type: array items: type: string fee_table: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FeeTable" FeeTable: type: object required: - per_up_substate_fee - per_byte_fee properties: per_up_substate_fee: type: array items: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/UpSubstateFeeEntry" per_byte_fee: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ResourceAmount" UpSubstateFeeEntry: type: object required: - substate_type_identifier - fee properties: substate_type_identifier: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SubstateTypeIdentifier" fee: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ResourceAmount" SubstateTypeIdentifier: type: object required: - type properties: type: type: string EngineIdentifier: type: object required: - engine properties: engine: type: string Transaction: type: object required: - transaction_identifier - operation_groups - metadata properties: transaction_identifier: description: The unique identifier for the transaction. "$ref": "#/components/schemas/TransactionIdentifier" operation_groups: description: Transactions are split into operation groups which are roughly equivalent to ledger accounting entries where all credits have an equivalent debit amount. type: array items: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/OperationGroup" metadata: description: Metadata about the transaction, such as size and fee paid. "$ref": "#/components/schemas/CommittedTransactionMetadata" CommittedTransaction: description: A transaction which has been committed on ledger. type: object required: - transaction_identifier - committed_state_identifier - operation_groups - metadata properties: transaction_identifier: description: The unique identifier for the transaction. "$ref": "#/components/schemas/TransactionIdentifier" committed_state_identifier: description: The ledger state identifier following the commit of this transaction. "$ref": "#/components/schemas/StateIdentifier" operation_groups: description: Transactions are split into operation groups which are roughly equivalent to ledger accounting entries where all credits have an equivalent debit amount. type: array items: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/OperationGroup" metadata: description: Metadata about the transaction, such as size and fee paid. "$ref": "#/components/schemas/CommittedTransactionMetadata" CommittedTransactionMetadata: type: object required: - size - hex properties: size: description: The size of the transaction in bytes. type: integer hex: description: The raw transaction bytes in hex encoding. type: string fee: description: The fee paid for the transaction. If empty, then the transaction was produced by the system. "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ResourceAmount" signed_by: description: Optional public key which signed the transaction. If empty, then the transaction was produced by the system. "$ref": "#/components/schemas/PublicKey" message: description: Optional hex encoded byte array in the transaction. type: string ParsedTransactionMetadata: type: object required: - fee properties: fee: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ResourceAmount" message: type: string OperationGroup: type: object required: - operations properties: operations: description: A group of operations representing a complete state update. type: array items: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/Operation" metadata: description: Metadata for the operation group. type: object Operation: type: object required: - type - entity_identifier properties: type: description: 'The type of operation: Resource, Data, or ResourceAndData.' type: string entity_identifier: description: The entity on which the operation is acting on. "$ref": "#/components/schemas/EntityIdentifier" substate: description: The substate (similar to UTXO) which this operation represents. "$ref": "#/components/schemas/Substate" amount: description: A balance change on the entity represented by the `entity_identifier`. "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ResourceAmount" data: description: A data update on the entity represented by the `entity_identifier`. "$ref": "#/components/schemas/Data" metadata: description: Metadata for the operation. type: object Substate: type: object required: - substate_identifier - substate_operation properties: substate_operation: description: The type of substate operation (equivalent to UTXO create/spend). type: string enum: - BOOTUP - SHUTDOWN substate_identifier: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SubstateIdentifier" TransactionIdentifier: type: object required: - hash properties: hash: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/TransactionIdentifierHash" SubstateIdentifier: description: Hex encoded unique identifier for the substate. type: object required: - identifier properties: identifier: type: string ResourceAmount: type: object required: - value - resource_identifier properties: value: description: A signed big integer representing an amount of resources in 10^18 subunits. "$ref": "#/components/schemas/BigInteger" resource_identifier: description: The resource this amount represents. "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ResourceIdentifier" Data: type: object required: - action - data_object properties: action: description: Data action to take on `data_object`. type: string enum: - CREATE - DELETE data_object: description: The object of the data action. "$ref": "#/components/schemas/DataObject" DataObject: type: object required: - type properties: type: description: The type of the data object. Each address may own up to one current object of a given type. type: string discriminator: propertyName: type mapping: VirtualParentData: "#/components/schemas/VirtualParentData" UnclaimedRadixEngineAddress: "#/components/schemas/UnclaimedRadixEngineAddress" RoundData: "#/components/schemas/RoundData" EpochData: "#/components/schemas/EpochData" TokenData: "#/components/schemas/TokenData" TokenMetadata: "#/components/schemas/TokenMetadata" PreparedValidatorRegistered: "#/components/schemas/PreparedValidatorRegistered" PreparedValidatorOwner: "#/components/schemas/PreparedValidatorOwner" PreparedValidatorFee: "#/components/schemas/PreparedValidatorFee" ValidatorMetadata: "#/components/schemas/ValidatorMetadata" ValidatorBFTData: "#/components/schemas/ValidatorBFTData" ValidatorAllowDelegation: "#/components/schemas/ValidatorAllowDelegation" ValidatorData: "#/components/schemas/ValidatorData" ValidatorSystemMetadata: "#/components/schemas/ValidatorSystemMetadata" TokenData: allOf: - "$ref": "#/components/schemas/DataObject" - type: object required: - granularity - is_mutable properties: granularity: description: The granularity of a token given subunits of 10^18 (ie a granularity of 10^17 means that the token can be split into 0.1 chunks but no less. "$ref": "#/components/schemas/BigInteger" is_mutable: description: If true, the `owner` is able to mint/burn tokens. Otherwise, the token is a fixed supply token. type: boolean owner: description: The owner of the token who can mint/burn. This is only available for mutable tokens. $ref: "#/components/schemas/EntityIdentifier" TokenMetadata: allOf: - "$ref": "#/components/schemas/DataObject" - type: object required: - symbol properties: symbol: description: The symbol of the token (not unique in the system). type: string name: description: The name of the token. type: string description: description: Description describing the token. type: string url: description: A url which points to more information about the token. type: string icon_url: description: A url which points to the icon of the token. type: string EntitySetIdentifier: type: object required: - address_regex properties: address_regex: type: string VirtualParentData: allOf: - "$ref": "#/components/schemas/DataObject" - type: object required: - entity_set_identifier - virtual_data_object properties: entity_set_identifier: $ref: "#/components/schemas/EntitySetIdentifier" virtual_data_object: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DataObject" UnclaimedRadixEngineAddress: allOf: - "$ref": "#/components/schemas/DataObject" RoundData: allOf: - "$ref": "#/components/schemas/DataObject" - type: object required: - round - timestamp properties: round: description: The round of the system in the current epoch (ie resets to 0 at the start of the next epoch). "$ref": "#/components/schemas/LongNumber" timestamp: description: A unix timestamp in milliseconds. "$ref": "#/components/schemas/LongNumber" EpochData: allOf: - "$ref": "#/components/schemas/DataObject" - type: object required: - epoch properties: epoch: description: The epoch number of the system. "$ref": "#/components/schemas/LongNumber" PreparedValidatorRegistered: allOf: - "$ref": "#/components/schemas/DataObject" - type: object required: - registered properties: registered: description: The registered flag of the validator which will be updated by the end of `epoch`. type: boolean epoch: description: Optional field, when non-empty describes the epoch the `registered` flag will update, otherwise no update is scheduled. "$ref": "#/components/schemas/LongNumber" PreparedValidatorOwner: allOf: - "$ref": "#/components/schemas/DataObject" - type: object required: - owner properties: owner: description: The owner of the validator which will be updated by the end of `epoch`. $ref: "#/components/schemas/EntityIdentifier" epoch: description: Optional field, when non-empty describes the epoch the `owner` field will update, otherwise no update is scheduled. "$ref": "#/components/schemas/LongNumber" PreparedValidatorFee: allOf: - "$ref": "#/components/schemas/DataObject" - type: object required: - fee properties: fee: description: The fee percentage of the validator which will be updated in the future epoch. type: integer epoch: description: Optional field, when non-empty describes the epoch the `fee` field will update, otherwise no update is scheduled. "$ref": "#/components/schemas/LongNumber" ValidatorMetadata: allOf: - "$ref": "#/components/schemas/DataObject" - type: object required: - name - url properties: name: description: The name for the validator. type: string url: description: A url which points to more information about the validator. type: string ValidatorBFTData: allOf: - "$ref": "#/components/schemas/DataObject" - type: object required: - proposals_completed - proposals_missed properties: proposals_completed: description: The number of completed proposals by this validator as a leader in the current epoch. "$ref": "#/components/schemas/LongNumber" proposals_missed: description: The number of missed proposals by this validator as a leader in the current epoch. "$ref": "#/components/schemas/LongNumber" ValidatorAllowDelegation: allOf: - "$ref": "#/components/schemas/DataObject" - type: object required: - allow_delegation properties: allow_delegation: description: Flag indicating whether stakers besides the owner of the validator can stake to this validator. type: boolean ValidatorData: allOf: - "$ref": "#/components/schemas/DataObject" - type: object required: - owner - registered - fee properties: owner: description: The owner of the validator who receives the fees when others stake to the validator. $ref: "#/components/schemas/EntityIdentifier" registered: description: Flag indicating whether a validator is registered to be part of the validator set. type: boolean fee: description: The fee percentage of the validator in 0.01% subunits (ie 10000 == 100%). type: integer ValidatorSystemMetadata: allOf: - "$ref": "#/components/schemas/DataObject" - type: object required: - data properties: data: description: A hex encoded byte array. type: string PublicKey: type: object required: - hex properties: hex: description: Compressed ECSDA Public Key hex encoded. type: string NetworkIdentifier: type: object required: - network properties: network: type: string example: network: mainnet StateIdentifier: type: object required: - state_version - transaction_accumulator properties: state_version: description: The `state_version` represents some valid committed state on ledger (similar to block height). "$ref": "#/components/schemas/LongNumber" transaction_accumulator: description: Accumulator hash representing all transactions which occurred up to `state_version`. Hex encoded. type: string example: state_version: 0 transaction_accumulator: "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" PartialStateIdentifier: type: object required: - state_version properties: state_version: description: The `state_version` represents some valid committed state on ledger (similar to block height). "$ref": "#/components/schemas/LongNumber" transaction_accumulator: description: Accumulator hash representing all transactions which occurred up to `state_version`. Hex encoded. type: string EntityIdentifier: type: object required: - address properties: address: description: The top level identifier for an entity. type: string sub_entity: description: Further drill down into an entity. Can be treated as an entirely separate address from `address` or as a child of `address`. "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SubEntity" SubEntity: type: object required: - address properties: address: description: The subentity. type: string metadata: description: Any additional data required to drill down to a particular address is added here. "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SubEntityMetadata" SubEntityMetadata: type: object properties: validator_address: type: string epoch_unlock: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/LongNumber" ResourceIdentifier: type: object required: - type properties: type: description: The type of resource. type: string discriminator: propertyName: type mapping: Token: "#/components/schemas/TokenResourceIdentifier" StakeUnit: "#/components/schemas/StakeUnitResourceIdentifier" TokenResourceIdentifier: allOf: - "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ResourceIdentifier" - type: object required: - rri properties: rri: description: The Radix Resource Identifier "RRI" of the token. type: string StakeUnitResourceIdentifier: allOf: - "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ResourceIdentifier" - type: object required: - validator_address properties: validator_address: description: The validator associated with this stake unit. type: string Signature: type: object required: - public_key - bytes properties: public_key: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/PublicKey" bytes: type: string description: An ECDSA signature of with the given `public_key`. The ECDSA signature should be created using the secp256k1 curve and should be encoded in DER format, and then encoded as a hex string. SyncStatus: type: object required: - current_state_version - target_state_version properties: current_state_version: type: integer format: int64 target_state_version: type: integer format: int64 Peer: type: object required: - peer_id properties: peer_id: type: string Bech32HRPs: type: object required: - account_hrp - validator_hrp - node_hrp - resource_hrp_suffix properties: account_hrp: type: string validator_hrp: type: string node_hrp: type: string resource_hrp_suffix: type: string LongNumber: type: integer format: int64 BigInteger: type: string pattern: "^-?[0-9]+$" TransactionIdentifierHash: type: string pattern: "^[0123456789abcdef]{64}$" maxLength: 64 minLength: 64 NetworkNotSupportedError: allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/CoreError" - type: object required: - supported_networks properties: supported_networks: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/NetworkIdentifier" PublicKeyNotSupportedError: allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/CoreError" - type: object required: - unsupported_public_key properties: unsupported_public_key: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PublicKey" InvalidAddressError: allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/CoreError" - type: object required: - invalid_address properties: invalid_address: type: string InvalidPartialStateIdentifierError: allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/CoreError" - type: object required: - invalid_partial_state_identifier properties: invalid_partial_state_identifier: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PartialStateIdentifier" InvalidSubEntityError: allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/CoreError" - type: object required: - invalid_sub_entity properties: invalid_sub_entity: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SubEntity" InvalidTransactionHashError: allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/CoreError" - type: object required: - invalid_transaction_hash properties: invalid_transaction_hash: type: string InvalidPublicKeyError: allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/CoreError" - type: object required: - invalid_public_key properties: invalid_public_key: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PublicKey" InvalidFeePayerEntityError: allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/CoreError" - type: object required: - invalid_fee_payer_entity properties: invalid_fee_payer_entity: $ref: "#/components/schemas/EntityIdentifier" InvalidHexError: allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/CoreError" - type: object required: - invalid_hex properties: invalid_hex: type: string InvalidSignatureError: allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/CoreError" - type: object required: - invalid_signature properties: invalid_signature: type: string InvalidTransactionError: allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/CoreError" - type: object required: - message properties: message: type: string MempoolFullError: allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/CoreError" - type: object required: - mempool_transaction_count properties: mempool_transaction_count: type: integer NotEnoughNativeTokensForFeesError: allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/CoreError" - type: object required: - available - fee_estimate properties: available: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ResourceAmount" fee_estimate: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ResourceAmount" NotEnoughResourcesError: allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/CoreError" - type: object required: - fee - available - attempted_to_take properties: fee: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ResourceAmount" available: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ResourceAmount" attempted_to_take: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ResourceAmount" BelowMinimumStakeError: allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/CoreError" - type: object required: - minimum_stake - attempted_to_stake properties: minimum_stake: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ResourceAmount" attempted_to_stake: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ResourceAmount" AboveMaximumValidatorFeeIncreaseError: allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/CoreError" - type: object required: - maximum_validator_fee_increase - attempted_validator_fee_increase properties: maximum_validator_fee_increase: type: integer attempted_validator_fee_increase: type: integer DataObjectNotSupportedByEntityError: allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/CoreError" - type: object required: - entity_identifier - data_object_not_supported properties: entity_identifier: $ref: "#/components/schemas/EntityIdentifier" data_object_not_supported: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DataObject" ResourceDepositOperationNotSupportedByEntityError: allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/CoreError" - type: object required: - entity_identifier - resource_deposit_not_supported properties: entity_identifier: $ref: "#/components/schemas/EntityIdentifier" resource_deposit_not_supported: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ResourceIdentifier" ResourceWithdrawOperationNotSupportedByEntityError: allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/CoreError" - type: object required: - entity_identifier - resource_withdraw_not_supported properties: entity_identifier: $ref: "#/components/schemas/EntityIdentifier" resource_withdraw_not_supported: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ResourceIdentifier" NotValidatorOwnerError: allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/CoreError" - type: object required: - owner - user properties: owner: $ref: "#/components/schemas/EntityIdentifier" user: $ref: "#/components/schemas/EntityIdentifier" NotValidatorEntityError: allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/CoreError" - type: object required: - entity properties: entity: $ref: "#/components/schemas/EntityIdentifier" InvalidDataObjectError: allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/CoreError" - type: object required: - invalid_data_object - message properties: invalid_data_object: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DataObject" message: type: string MessageTooLongError: allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/CoreError" - type: object required: - maximum_message_length - attempted_message_length properties: maximum_message_length: type: integer attempted_message_length: type: integer FeeConstructionError: allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/CoreError" - type: object required: - attempts properties: attempts: type: integer SubstateDependencyNotFoundError: allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/CoreError" - type: object required: - substate_identifier_not_found properties: substate_identifier_not_found: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SubstateIdentifier" TransactionNotFoundError: allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/CoreError" - type: object required: - transaction_identifier properties: transaction_identifier: $ref: "#/components/schemas/TransactionIdentifier" StateIdentifierNotFoundError: allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/CoreError" - type: object required: - state_identifier properties: state_identifier: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PartialStateIdentifier" InternalServerError: allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/CoreError" - type: object properties: exception: type: string cause: type: string InvalidJsonError: allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/CoreError" - type: object properties: cause: type: string EngineIsShutDownError: allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/CoreError" - type: object properties: message: type: string CoreError: type: object required: - type properties: type: type: string discriminator: propertyName: type mapping: NetworkNotSupportedError: "#/components/schemas/NetworkNotSupportedError" PublicKeyNotSupportedError: "#/components/schemas/PublicKeyNotSupportedError" InvalidAddressError: "#/components/schemas/InvalidAddressError" InvalidSubEntityError: "#/components/schemas/InvalidSubEntityError" InvalidTransactionHashError: "#/components/schemas/InvalidTransactionHashError" InvalidPartialStateIdentifierError: "#/components/schemas/InvalidPartialStateIdentifierError" InvalidPublicKeyError: "#/components/schemas/InvalidPublicKeyError" InvalidFeePayerEntityError: "#/components/schemas/InvalidFeePayerEntityError" InvalidHexError: "#/components/schemas/InvalidHexError" InvalidSignatureError: "#/components/schemas/InvalidSignatureError" InvalidTransactionError: "#/components/schemas/InvalidTransactionError" MempoolFullError: "#/components/schemas/MempoolFullError" AboveMaximumValidatorFeeIncreaseError: "#/components/schemas/AboveMaximumValidatorFeeIncreaseError" NotEnoughNativeTokensForFeesError: "#/components/schemas/NotEnoughNativeTokensForFeesError" NotEnoughResourcesError: "#/components/schemas/NotEnoughResourcesError" BelowMinimumStakeError: "#/components/schemas/BelowMinimumStakeError" DataObjectNotSupportedByEntityError: "#/components/schemas/DataObjectNotSupportedByEntityError" ResourceDepositOperationNotSupportedByEntityError: "#/components/schemas/ResourceDepositOperationNotSupportedByEntityError" ResourceWithdrawOperationNotSupportedByEntityError: "#/components/schemas/ResourceWithdrawOperationNotSupportedByEntityError" NotValidatorEntityError: "#/components/schemas/NotValidatorEntityError" NotValidatorOwnerError: "#/components/schemas/NotValidatorOwnerError" InvalidDataObjectError: "#/components/schemas/InvalidDataObjectError" MessageTooLongError: "#/components/schemas/MessageTooLongError" FeeConstructionError: "#/components/schemas/FeeConstructionError" SubstateDependencyNotFoundError: "#/components/schemas/SubstateDependencyNotFoundError" TransactionNotFoundError: "#/components/schemas/TransactionNotFoundError" StateIdentifierNotFoundError: "#/components/schemas/StateIdentifierNotFoundError" InternalServerError: "#/components/schemas/InternalServerError" InvalidJsonError: "#/components/schemas/InvalidJsonError" EngineIsShutDownError: "#/components/schemas/EngineIsShutDownError" UnexpectedError: type: object required: - code - message properties: code: type: integer description: High level error code, similar to HTTP status codes, e.g. NOT_FOUND=404 message: type: string description: Message describing the error code details: $ref: "#/components/schemas/CoreError" description: Further details on the error example: code: 501 message: Not supported details: supported_networks: - network: mainnet type: NetworkNotSupportedError examples: StateIdentifier: value: state_version: 46001 transaction_accumulator: 2892a2359c37ab02116d46f742c684234d5aa9658682815f8221fc0b613101e0 CommittedTransaction: value: metadata: size: 360 signed_by: hex: 02aa1c49af92a39d15257d7dc43f805f18f9f0ea712450c53e75255f5a0d1d93b6 fee: resource_identifier: rri: xrd_rr1qy5wfsfh type: Token value: "72000000000000000" hex: 07030e7094728c8d065c5db696977696bea9094f67bcfd4c021f99ec784e24023b0000000c0100210000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000ffcb9e57d4000002004506000402aa1c49af92a39d15257d7dc43f805f18f9f0ea712450c53e75255f5a0d1d93b601000000000000000000000000000000000000000007c13bc4b1c16827082c00000008000002004506000402aa1c49af92a39d15257d7dc43f805f18f9f0ea712450c53e75255f5a0d1d93b601000000000000000000000000000000000000000007ad6192165e31dff02c000002004506000403dc62fa04804f75d009a2fac32c8ceb9dc5eaccd54934fe20ef5b86be40c7a2ab0100000000000000000000000000000000000000000013da329b63364718000000000b015584aed8375f30b22a2203b77dbe15e5dc0a3618fb45ea30ee54a6ebe0054b673a471ad2214b7bd06c4228083643b57e095787c9fb01443e1c3d6890d28f60cf timestamp: 1627407310726 committed_state_identifier: state_version: 40898 transaction_accumulator: 5ea573f2e31640d177047d14122f1015c262f0d14d522596068784406aa1d88f transaction_identifier: hash: ef71a9d6c63444fce6abd2df8fab2755cfb51f6794e578f60d99337193811842 operation_groups: - metadata: action: amount: resource_identifier: rri: xrd_rr1qy5wfsfh type: Token value: "72000000000000000" from: rdx1qsp258zf47f288g4y47hm3plsp03370safcjg5x98e6j2h66p5we8ds8m7g33 type: BurnTokens operations: - amount: resource_identifier: rri: xrd_rr1qy5wfsfh type: Token value: "-2400000000000000000000000000" substate: substate_identifier: identifier: 030e7094728c8d065c5db696977696bea9094f67bcfd4c021f99ec784e24023b0000000c substate_operation: SHUTDOWN entity_identifier: address: rdx1qsp258zf47f288g4y47hm3plsp03370safcjg5x98e6j2h66p5we8ds8m7g33 type: Resource - metadata: substate_data_hex: 06000402aa1c49af92a39d15257d7dc43f805f18f9f0ea712450c53e75255f5a0d1d93b601000000000000000000000000000000000000000007c13bc4b1c16827082c0000 amount: resource_identifier: rri: xrd_rr1qy5wfsfh type: Token value: "2399999999928000000000000000" substate: substate_identifier: identifier: ef71a9d6c63444fce6abd2df8fab2755cfb51f6794e578f60d9933719381184200000000 substate_operation: BOOTUP entity_identifier: address: rdx1qsp258zf47f288g4y47hm3plsp03370safcjg5x98e6j2h66p5we8ds8m7g33 type: Resource - metadata: action: amount: resource_identifier: rri: xrd_rr1qy5wfsfh type: Token value: "24000000000000000000000000" from: rdx1qsp258zf47f288g4y47hm3plsp03370safcjg5x98e6j2h66p5we8ds8m7g33 to: rdx1qspacch6qjqy7awspx304sev3n4em302en25jd87yrh4hp47grr692cm0kv88 type: TokenTransfer operations: - amount: resource_identifier: rri: xrd_rr1qy5wfsfh type: Token value: "-2399999999928000000000000000" substate: substate_identifier: identifier: ef71a9d6c63444fce6abd2df8fab2755cfb51f6794e578f60d9933719381184200000000 substate_operation: SHUTDOWN entity_identifier: address: rdx1qsp258zf47f288g4y47hm3plsp03370safcjg5x98e6j2h66p5we8ds8m7g33 type: Resource - metadata: substate_data_hex: 06000402aa1c49af92a39d15257d7dc43f805f18f9f0ea712450c53e75255f5a0d1d93b601000000000000000000000000000000000000000007ad6192165e31dff02c0000 amount: resource_identifier: rri: xrd_rr1qy5wfsfh type: Token value: "2375999999928000000000000000" substate: substate_identifier: identifier: ef71a9d6c63444fce6abd2df8fab2755cfb51f6794e578f60d9933719381184200000001 substate_operation: BOOTUP entity_identifier: address: rdx1qsp258zf47f288g4y47hm3plsp03370safcjg5x98e6j2h66p5we8ds8m7g33 type: Resource - metadata: substate_data_hex: 06000403dc62fa04804f75d009a2fac32c8ceb9dc5eaccd54934fe20ef5b86be40c7a2ab0100000000000000000000000000000000000000000013da329b63364718000000 amount: resource_identifier: rri: xrd_rr1qy5wfsfh type: Token value: "24000000000000000000000000" substate: substate_identifier: identifier: ef71a9d6c63444fce6abd2df8fab2755cfb51f6794e578f60d9933719381184200000002 substate_operation: BOOTUP entity_identifier: address: rdx1qspacch6qjqy7awspx304sev3n4em302en25jd87yrh4hp47grr692cm0kv88 type: Resource OperationGroup: value: metadata: action: amount: resource_identifier: rri: xrd_rr1qy5wfsfh type: Token value: "24000000000000000000000000" from: rdx1qsp258zf47f288g4y47hm3plsp03370safcjg5x98e6j2h66p5we8ds8m7g33 to: rdx1qspacch6qjqy7awspx304sev3n4em302en25jd87yrh4hp47grr692cm0kv88 type: TokenTransfer operations: - amount: resource_identifier: rri: xrd_rr1qy5wfsfh type: Token value: "-2399999999928000000000000000" substate: substate_identifier: identifier: ef71a9d6c63444fce6abd2df8fab2755cfb51f6794e578f60d9933719381184200000000 substate_operation: SHUTDOWN entity_identifier: address: rdx1qsp258zf47f288g4y47hm3plsp03370safcjg5x98e6j2h66p5we8ds8m7g33 type: Resource - metadata: substate_data_hex: 06000402aa1c49af92a39d15257d7dc43f805f18f9f0ea712450c53e75255f5a0d1d93b601000000000000000000000000000000000000000007ad6192165e31dff02c0000 amount: resource_identifier: rri: xrd_rr1qy5wfsfh type: Token value: "2375999999928000000000000000" substate: substate_identifier: identifier: ef71a9d6c63444fce6abd2df8fab2755cfb51f6794e578f60d9933719381184200000001 substate_operation: BOOTUP entity_identifier: address: rdx1qsp258zf47f288g4y47hm3plsp03370safcjg5x98e6j2h66p5we8ds8m7g33 type: Resource - metadata: substate_data_hex: 06000403dc62fa04804f75d009a2fac32c8ceb9dc5eaccd54934fe20ef5b86be40c7a2ab0100000000000000000000000000000000000000000013da329b63364718000000 amount: resource_identifier: rri: xrd_rr1qy5wfsfh type: Token value: "24000000000000000000000000" substate: substate_identifier: identifier: ef71a9d6c63444fce6abd2df8fab2755cfb51f6794e578f60d9933719381184200000002 substate_operation: BOOTUP entity_identifier: address: rdx1qspacch6qjqy7awspx304sev3n4em302en25jd87yrh4hp47grr692cm0kv88 type: Resource Operation: value: metadata: substate_data_hex: 06000402aa1c49af92a39d15257d7dc43f805f18f9f0ea712450c53e75255f5a0d1d93b601000000000000000000000000000000000000000007ad6192165e31dff02c0000 amount: resource_identifier: rri: xrd_rr1qy5wfsfh type: Token value: "2375999999928000000000000000" substate: substate_identifier: identifier: ef71a9d6c63444fce6abd2df8fab2755cfb51f6794e578f60d9933719381184200000001 substate_operation: BOOTUP entity_identifier: address: rdx1qsp258zf47f288g4y47hm3plsp03370safcjg5x98e6j2h66p5we8ds8m7g33 type: Resource EntityIdentifier: value: address: rdx1qsp258zf47f288g4y47hm3plsp03370safcjg5x98e6j2h66p5we8ds8m7g33 sub_entity: address: prepared_stake ResourceAmount: value: resource_identifier: rri: xrd_rr1qy5wfsfh type: Token value: "2375999999928000000000000000" ResourceIdentifier: value: rri: xrd_rr1qy5wfsfh type: Token Data: value: action: CREATE data_object: round: 0 type: RoundData timestamp: 1627330381600