apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1 kind: CustomResourceDefinition metadata: name: clickhouseinstallations.clickhouse.radondb.com spec: group: clickhouse.radondb.com scope: Namespaced names: kind: ClickHouseInstallation singular: clickhouseinstallation plural: clickhouseinstallations shortNames: - chi versions: - name: v1 served: true storage: true additionalPrinterColumns: - name: version type: string description: Operator version priority: 1 # show in wide view jsonPath: .status.version - name: clusters type: integer description: Clusters count priority: 0 # show in standard view jsonPath: .status.clusters - name: shards type: integer description: Shards count priority: 1 # show in wide view jsonPath: .status.shards - name: hosts type: integer description: Hosts count priority: 0 # show in standard view jsonPath: .status.hosts - name: taskID type: string description: TaskID priority: 1 # show in wide view jsonPath: .status.taskID - name: state type: string description: CHI status priority: 0 # show in standard view jsonPath: .status.state - name: updated type: integer description: Updated hosts count priority: 1 # show in wide view jsonPath: .status.updated - name: added type: integer description: Added hosts count priority: 1 # show in wide view jsonPath: .status.added - name: deleted type: integer description: Hosts deleted count priority: 1 # show in wide view jsonPath: .status.deleted - name: delete type: integer description: Hosts to be deleted count priority: 1 # show in wide view jsonPath: .status.delete - name: endpoint type: string description: Client access endpoint priority: 1 # show in wide view jsonPath: .status.endpoint schema: openAPIV3Schema: description: "define a set of Kubernetes resources (StatefulSet, PVC, Service, ConfigMap) which describe behavior one or more ClickHouse clusters" type: object required: - spec properties: apiVersion: description: 'APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources' type: string kind: description: 'Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds' type: string metadata: type: object status: type: object description: "Current ClickHouseInstallation manifest status, contains many fields like a normalized configuration, clickhouse-operator version, current action and all applied action list, current taskID and all applied taskIDs and other" x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true spec: type: object # x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true description: | Specification of the desired behavior of one or more ClickHouse clusters More info: https://github.com/RadonDB/radondb-clickhouse-operator/blob/master/docs/custom_resource_explained.md" properties: taskID: type: string description: "Allow define custom taskID for named update and watch status of this update execution in .status.taskIDs field, by default every update of chi manifest will generate random taskID" # Need to be StringBool stop: type: string description: | Allow stop all ClickHouse clusters described in current chi. Stop mechanism works as follows: - When `stop` is `1` then setup `Replicas: 0` in each related to current `chi` StatefulSet resource, all `Pods` and `Service` resources will desctroy, but PVCs still live - When `stop` is `0` then `Pods` will created again and will attach retained PVCs and `Service` also will created again enum: # List StringBoolXXX constants from model - "" - "0" - "1" - "False" - "false" - "True" - "true" - "No" - "no" - "Yes" - "yes" - "Off" - "off" - "On" - "on" - "Disable" - "disable" - "Enable" - "enable" - "Disabled" - "disabled" - "Enabled" - "enabled" restart: type: string description: "restart policy for StatefulSets. When value `RollingUpdate` it allow graceful restart one by one instead of restart all StatefulSet simultaneously" enum: - "" - "RollingUpdate" # Need to be StringBool troubleshoot: type: string description: "allows troubleshoot Pods during CrashLoopBack state, when you apply wrong configuration, `clickhouse-server` wouldn't startup" enum: # List StringBoolXXX constants from model - "" - "0" - "1" - "False" - "false" - "True" - "true" - "No" - "no" - "Yes" - "yes" - "Off" - "off" - "On" - "on" - "Disable" - "disable" - "Enable" - "enable" - "Disabled" - "disabled" - "Enabled" - "enabled" namespaceDomainPattern: type: string description: "custom domain suffix which will add to end of `Service` or `Pod` name, use it when you use custom cluster domain in your Kubernetes cluster" templating: type: object # nullable: true description: "optional, define policy for auto applying ClickHouseInstallationTemplate inside ClickHouseInstallation" properties: policy: type: string description: "when defined as `auto` inside ClickhouseInstallationTemplate, it will auto add into all ClickHouseInstallation, manual value is default" enum: - "auto" - "manual" reconciling: type: object description: "optional, allows tuning reconciling cycle for ClickhouseInstallation from clickhouse-operator side" # nullable: true properties: policy: type: string configMapPropagationTimeout: type: integer description: | timeout in seconds when `clickhouse-operator` will wait when applied `ConfigMap` during reconcile `ClickhouseInstallation` pods will updated from cache see details: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/configmap/#mounted-configmaps-are-updated-automatically minimum: 0 maximum: 3600 cleanup: type: object description: "optional, define behavior for cleanup Kubernetes resources during reconcile cycle" # nullable: true properties: unknownObjects: type: object description: "what clickhouse-operator shall do when found Kubernetes resources which should be managed with clickhouse-operator, but not have `ownerReference` to any currently managed `ClickHouseInstallation` resource, default behavior is `Delete`" # nullable: true properties: statefulSet: type: string description: "behavior policy for unknown StatefulSet, Delete by default" enum: # List ObjectsCleanupXXX constants from model - "Retain" - "Delete" pvc: type: string description: "behavior policy for unknown PVC, Delete by default" enum: # List ObjectsCleanupXXX constants from model - "Retain" - "Delete" configMap: type: string description: "behavior policy for unknown ConfigMap, Delete by default" enum: # List ObjectsCleanupXXX constants from model - "Retain" - "Delete" service: type: string description: "behavior policy for unknown Service, Delete by default" enum: # List ObjectsCleanupXXX constants from model - "Retain" - "Delete" reconcileFailedObjects: type: object description: "what clickhouse-operator shall do when reconciling Kubernetes resources are failed, default behavior is `Retain`" # nullable: true properties: statefulSet: type: string description: "behavior policy for failed StatefulSet reconciling, Retain by default" enum: # List ObjectsCleanupXXX constants from model - "Retain" - "Delete" pvc: type: string description: "behavior policy for failed PVC reconciling, Retain by default" enum: # List ObjectsCleanupXXX constants from model - "Retain" - "Delete" configMap: type: string description: "behavior policy for failed ConfigMap reconciling, Retain by default" enum: # List ObjectsCleanupXXX constants from model - "Retain" - "Delete" service: type: string description: "behavior policy for failed Service reconciling, Retain by default" enum: # List ObjectsCleanupXXX constants from model - "Retain" - "Delete" defaults: type: object description: | define default behavior for whole ClickHouseInstallation, some behavior can be re-define on cluster, shard and replica level More info: https://github.com/RadonDB/radondb-clickhouse-operator/blob/master/docs/custom_resource_explained.md#specdefaults # nullable: true properties: # Need to be StringBool replicasUseFQDN: type: string description: | define should replicas be specified by FQDN in ``, then "no" then will use short hostname and clickhouse-server will use kubernetes default suffixes for properly DNS lookup "yes" by default enum: # List StringBoolXXX constants from model - "" - "0" - "1" - "False" - "false" - "True" - "true" - "No" - "no" - "Yes" - "yes" - "Off" - "off" - "On" - "on" - "Disable" - "disable" - "Enable" - "enable" - "Disabled" - "disabled" - "Enabled" - "enabled" distributedDDL: type: object description: | allows change `` settings More info: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/server-configuration-parameters/settings/#server-settings-distributed_ddl # nullable: true properties: profile: type: string description: "Settings from this profile will be used to execute DDL queries" templates: type: object description: "optional, configuration of the templates names which will use for generate Kubernetes resources according to one or more ClickHouse clusters described in current ClickHouseInstallation (chi) resource" # nullable: true properties: hostTemplate: type: string description: "optional, template name from chi.spec.templates.hostTemplates, which will apply to configure every `clickhouse-server` instance during render ConfigMap resources which will mount into `Pod`" podTemplate: type: string description: "optional, template name from chi.spec.templates.podTemplates, allows customization each `Pod` resource during render and reconcile each StatefulSet.spec resource described in `chi.spec.configuration.clusters`" dataVolumeClaimTemplate: type: string description: "optional, template name from chi.spec.templates.volumeClaimTemplates, allows customization each `PVC` which will mount for clickhouse data directory in each `Pod` during render and reconcile every StatefulSet.spec resource described in `chi.spec.configuration.clusters`" logVolumeClaimTemplate: type: string description: "optional, template name from chi.spec.templates.volumeClaimTemplates, allows customization each `PVC` which will mount for clickhouse log directory in each `Pod` during render and reconcile every StatefulSet.spec resource described in `chi.spec.configuration.clusters`" serviceTemplate: type: string description: "optional, template name from chi.spec.templates.serviceTemplates, allows customization for one `Service` resource which will created by `clickhouse-operator` which cover all clusters in whole `chi` resource" clusterServiceTemplate: type: string description: "optional, template name from chi.spec.templates.serviceTemplates, allows customization for each `Service` resource which will created by `clickhouse-operator` which cover each clickhouse cluster described in `chi.spec.configuration.clusters`" shardServiceTemplate: type: string description: "optional, template name from chi.spec.templates.serviceTemplates, allows customization for each `Service` resource which will created by `clickhouse-operator` which cover each shard inside clickhouse cluster described in `chi.spec.configuration.clusters`" replicaServiceTemplate: type: string description: "optional, template name from chi.spec.templates.serviceTemplates, allows customization for each `Service` resource which will created by `clickhouse-operator` which cover each replica inside each shard inside each clickhouse cluster described in `chi.spec.configuration.clusters`" volumeClaimTemplate: type: string description: "DEPRECATED! VolumeClaimTemplate is deprecated in favor of DataVolumeClaimTemplate and LogVolumeClaimTemplate" configuration: type: object description: "allows configure multiple aspects and behavior for `clickhouse-server` instance and also allows describe multiple `clickhouse-server` clusters inside one `chi` resource" # nullable: true properties: zookeeper: type: object description: | allows configure .. section in each `Pod` during generate `ConfigMap` which will mounted in `/etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/` `clickhouse-operator` itself doesn't manage Zookeeper, please install Zookeeper separatelly look examples on https://github.com/RadonDB/radondb-clickhouse-operator/tree/master/deploy/zookeeper/ currently, zookeeper (or clickhouse-keeper replacement) used for *ReplicatedMergeTree table engines and for `distributed_ddl` More details: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/server-configuration-parameters/settings/#server-settings_zookeeper # nullable: true properties: nodes: type: array description: "describe every available zookeeper cluster node for interaction" # nullable: true items: type: object #required: # - host properties: host: type: string description: "dns name or ip address for Zookeeper node" port: type: integer description: "TCP port which used to connect to Zookeeper node" minimum: 0 maximum: 65535 session_timeout_ms: type: integer description: "session timeout during connect to Zookeeper" operation_timeout_ms: type: integer description: "one operation timeout during Zookeeper transactions" root: type: string description: "optional root znode path inside zookeeper to store ClickHouse related data (replication queue or distributed DDL)" identity: type: string description: "optional access credentials string with `user:password` format used when use digest authorization in Zookeeper" install: type: boolean description: "Choose whether to create zookeeper dependencies by operator" image: type: string description: "zookeeper image, default `radondb/zookeeper:3.6.1`" imagePullPolicy: type: string enum: - Always - IfNotPresent - Never description: "zookeeper image pull policy, default `IfNotPresent`" replica: type: integer minimum: 0 maximum: 9 description: "zookeeper cluster replica count, between 1~9, default `1`" port: type: integer minimum: 0 maximum: 65535 description: "zookeeper server port, default `2181`" users: type: object description: | allows configure .. section in each `Pod` during generate `ConfigMap` which will mount in `/etc/clickhouse-server/users.d/` you can configure password hashed, authorization restrictions, database level security row filters etc. More details: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/settings/settings-users/ Your yaml code will convert to XML, see examples https://github.com/RadonDB/radondb-clickhouse-operator/blob/master/docs/custom_resource_explained.md#specconfigurationusers # nullable: true x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true profiles: type: object description: | allows configure .. section in each `Pod` during generate `ConfigMap` which will mount in `/etc/clickhouse-server/users.d/` you can configure any aspect of settings profile More details: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/settings/settings-profiles/ Your yaml code will convert to XML, see examples https://github.com/RadonDB/radondb-clickhouse-operator/blob/master/docs/custom_resource_explained.md#specconfigurationprofiles # nullable: true x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true quotas: type: object description: | allows configure .. section in each `Pod` during generate `ConfigMap` which will mount in `/etc/clickhouse-server/users.d/` you can configure any aspect of resource quotas More details: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/quotas/ Your yaml code will convert to XML, see examples https://github.com/RadonDB/radondb-clickhouse-operator/blob/master/docs/custom_resource_explained.md#specconfigurationquotas # nullable: true x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true settings: type: object description: | allows configure `clickhouse-server` settings inside ... tag in each `Pod` during generate `ConfigMap` which will mount in `/etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/` More details: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/settings/settings/ Your yaml code will convert to XML, see examples https://github.com/RadonDB/radondb-clickhouse-operator/blob/master/docs/custom_resource_explained.md#specconfigurationsettings # nullable: true x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true files: type: object description: | allows define content of any setting file inside each `Pod` during generate `ConfigMap` which will mount in `/etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/` or `/etc/clickhouse-server/conf.d/` or `/etc/clickhouse-server/users.d/` every key in this object is the file name every value in this object is the file content you can use `!!binary |` and base64 for binary files, see details here https://yaml.org/type/binary.html each key could contains prefix like USERS, COMMON, HOST or config.d, users.d, cond.d, wrong prefixes will ignored, subfolders also will ignored More details: https://github.com/RadonDB/radondb-clickhouse-operator/blob/master/docs/chi-examples/05-settings-05-files-nested.yaml # nullable: true x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true clusters: type: array description: | describes ClickHouse clusters layout and allows change settings on cluster-level, shard-level and replica-level every cluster is a set of StatefulSet, one StatefulSet contains only one Pod with `clickhouse-server` all Pods will rendered in part of ClickHouse configs, mounted from ConfigMap as `/etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/chop-generated-remote_servers.xml` Clusters will use for Distributed table engine, more details: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/engines/table-engines/special/distributed/ If `cluster` contains zookeeper settings (could be inherited from top `chi` level), when you can create *ReplicatedMergeTree tables # nullable: true items: type: object #required: # - name properties: name: type: string description: "cluster name, used to identify set of ClickHouse servers and wide used during generate names of related Kubernetes resources" minLength: 1 # See namePartClusterMaxLen const maxLength: 15 pattern: "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,15}$" zookeeper: type: object description: | optional, allows configure .. section in each `Pod` only in current ClickHouse cluster, during generate `ConfigMap` which will mounted in `/etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/` override top-level `chi.spec.configuration.zookeeper` settings # nullable: true properties: nodes: type: array description: "describe every available zookeeper cluster node for interaction" # nullable: true items: type: object #required: # - host properties: host: type: string description: "dns name or ip address for Zookeeper node" port: type: integer description: "TCP port which used to connect to Zookeeper node" minimum: 0 maximum: 65535 session_timeout_ms: type: integer description: "session timeout during connect to Zookeeper" operation_timeout_ms: type: integer description: "one operation timeout during Zookeeper transactions" root: type: string description: "optional root znode path inside zookeeper to store ClickHouse related data (replication queue or distributed DDL)" identity: type: string description: "optional access credentials string with `user:password` format used when use digest authorization in Zookeeper" install: type: boolean description: "Choose whether to create zookeeper dependencies by operator" image: type: string description: "zookeeper image, default `radondb/zookeeper:3.6.1`" imagePullPolicy: type: string enum: - Always - IfNotPresent - Never description: "zookeeper image pull policy, default `IfNotPresent`" replica: type: integer minimum: 0 maximum: 9 description: "zookeeper cluster replica count, between 1~9, default `1`" port: type: integer minimum: 0 maximum: 65535 description: "zookeeper server port, default `2181`" settings: type: object description: | optional, allows configure `clickhouse-server` settings inside ... tag in each `Pod` only in one cluster during generate `ConfigMap` which will mount in `/etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/` override top-level `chi.spec.configuration.settings` More details: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/settings/settings/ # nullable: true x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true files: type: object description: | optional, allows define content of any setting file inside each `Pod` on current cluster during generate `ConfigMap` which will mount in `/etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/` or `/etc/clickhouse-server/conf.d/` or `/etc/clickhouse-server/users.d/` override top-level `chi.spec.configuration.files` # nullable: true x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true templates: type: object description: | optional, configuration of the templates names which will use for generate Kubernetes resources according to selected cluster override top-level `chi.spec.configuration.templates` # nullable: true properties: hostTemplate: type: string description: "optional, template name from chi.spec.templates.hostTemplates, which will apply to configure each `clickhouse-server` instance during render ConfigMap resources which will mount into `Pod` only for one cluster" podTemplate: type: string description: "optional, template name from chi.spec.templates.podTemplates, allows customization each `Pod` resource during render and reconcile each StatefulSet.spec resource described in `chi.spec.configuration.clusters` only for one cluster" dataVolumeClaimTemplate: type: string description: "optional, template name from chi.spec.templates.volumeClaimTemplates, allows customization each `PVC` which will mount for clickhouse data directory in each `Pod` during render and reconcile every StatefulSet.spec resource described in `chi.spec.configuration.clusters` only for one cluster" logVolumeClaimTemplate: type: string description: "optional, template name from chi.spec.templates.volumeClaimTemplates, allows customization each `PVC` which will mount for clickhouse log directory in each `Pod` during render and reconcile every StatefulSet.spec resource described in `chi.spec.configuration.clusters` only for one cluster" serviceTemplate: type: string description: "optional, fully ignores for cluster-level" clusterServiceTemplate: type: string description: "optional, template name from chi.spec.templates.serviceTemplates, allows customization for each `Service` resource which will created by `clickhouse-operator` which cover each clickhouse cluster described in `chi.spec.configuration.clusters` only for one cluster" shardServiceTemplate: type: string description: "optional, template name from chi.spec.templates.serviceTemplates, allows customization for each `Service` resource which will created by `clickhouse-operator` which cover each shard inside clickhouse cluster described in `chi.spec.configuration.clusters` only for one cluster" replicaServiceTemplate: type: string description: "optional, template name from chi.spec.templates.serviceTemplates, allows customization for each `Service` resource which will created by `clickhouse-operator` which cover each replica inside each shard inside each clickhouse cluster described in `chi.spec.configuration.clusters` only for one cluster" volumeClaimTemplate: type: string description: "DEPRECATED! VolumeClaimTemplate is deprecated in favor of DataVolumeClaimTemplate and LogVolumeClaimTemplate" layout: type: object description: | describe current cluster layout, how much shards in cluster, how much replica in shard allows override settings on each shard and replica separatelly # nullable: true properties: type: type: string description: "DEPRECATED - to be removed soon" shardsCount: type: integer description: "how much shards for current ClickHouse cluster will run in Kubernetes, each shard contains shared-nothing part of data and contains set of replicas, cluster contains 1 shard by default" replicasCount: type: integer description: "how much replicas in each shards for current ClickHouse cluster will run in Kubernetes, each replica is a separate `StatefulSet` which contains only one `Pod` with `clickhouse-server` instance, every shard contains 1 replica by default" shards: type: array description: "optional, allows override top-level `chi.spec.configuration`, cluster-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters` settings for each shard separately, use it only if you fully understand what you do" # nullable: true items: type: object properties: name: type: string description: "optional, by default shard name is generated, but you can override it and setup custom name" minLength: 1 # See namePartShardMaxLen const maxLength: 15 pattern: "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,15}$" definitionType: type: string description: "DEPRECATED - to be removed soon" weight: type: integer description: | optional, 1 by default, allows setup shard setting which will use during insert into tables with `Distributed` engine, will apply in inside ConfigMap which will mount in /etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/chop-generated-remote_servers.xml More details: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/engines/table-engines/special/distributed/ # Need to be StringBool internalReplication: type: string description: | optional, `true` by default when `chi.spec.configuration.clusters[].layout.ReplicaCount` > 1 and 0 otherwise allows setup setting which will use during insert into tables with `Distributed` engine for insert only in one live replica and other replicas will download inserted data during replication, will apply in inside ConfigMap which will mount in /etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/chop-generated-remote_servers.xml More details: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/engines/table-engines/special/distributed/ enum: # List StringBoolXXX constants from model - "" - "0" - "1" - "False" - "false" - "True" - "true" - "No" - "no" - "Yes" - "yes" - "Off" - "off" - "On" - "on" - "Disable" - "disable" - "Enable" - "enable" - "Disabled" - "disabled" - "Enabled" - "enabled" settings: type: object # nullable: true description: | optional, allows configure `clickhouse-server` settings inside ... tag in each `Pod` only in one shard during generate `ConfigMap` which will mount in `/etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/` override top-level `chi.spec.configuration.settings` and cluster-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.settings` More details: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/settings/settings/ x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true files: type: object # nullable: true description: | optional, allows define content of any setting file inside each `Pod` only in one shard during generate `ConfigMap` which will mount in `/etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/` or `/etc/clickhouse-server/conf.d/` or `/etc/clickhouse-server/users.d/` override top-level `chi.spec.configuration.files` and cluster-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.files` x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true templates: type: object description: | optional, configuration of the templates names which will use for generate Kubernetes resources according to selected shard override top-level `chi.spec.configuration.templates` and cluster-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.templates` # nullable: true properties: hostTemplate: type: string description: "optional, template name from chi.spec.templates.hostTemplates, which will apply to configure each `clickhouse-server` instance during render ConfigMap resources which will mount into `Pod` only for one shard" podTemplate: type: string description: "optional, template name from chi.spec.templates.podTemplates, allows customization each `Pod` resource during render and reconcile each StatefulSet.spec resource described in `chi.spec.configuration.clusters` only for one shard" dataVolumeClaimTemplate: type: string description: "optional, template name from chi.spec.templates.volumeClaimTemplates, allows customization each `PVC` which will mount for clickhouse data directory in each `Pod` during render and reconcile every StatefulSet.spec resource described in `chi.spec.configuration.clusters` only for one shard" logVolumeClaimTemplate: type: string description: "optional, template name from chi.spec.templates.volumeClaimTemplates, allows customization each `PVC` which will mount for clickhouse log directory in each `Pod` during render and reconcile every StatefulSet.spec resource described in `chi.spec.configuration.clusters` only for one shard" serviceTemplate: type: string description: "optional, fully ignores for shard-level" clusterServiceTemplate: type: string description: "optional, fully ignores for shard-level" shardServiceTemplate: type: string description: "optional, template name from chi.spec.templates.serviceTemplates, allows customization for each `Service` resource which will created by `clickhouse-operator` which cover shard inside clickhouse cluster described in `chi.spec.configuration.clusters` only for one shard" replicaServiceTemplate: type: string description: "optional, template name from chi.spec.templates.serviceTemplates, allows customization for each `Service` resource which will created by `clickhouse-operator` which cover each replica inside each shard inside clickhouse cluster described in `chi.spec.configuration.clusters` only for one shard" volumeClaimTemplate: type: string description: "DEPRECATED! VolumeClaimTemplate is deprecated in favor of DataVolumeClaimTemplate and LogVolumeClaimTemplate" replicasCount: type: integer description: | optional, how much replicas in selected shard for selected ClickHouse cluster will run in Kubernetes, each replica is a separate `StatefulSet` which contains only one `Pod` with `clickhouse-server` instance, shard contains 1 replica by default override cluster-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.layout.replicasCount` minimum: 1 replicas: type: array description: | optional, allows override behavior for selected replicas from cluster-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters` and shard-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.layout.shards` # nullable: true items: # Host type: object properties: name: type: string description: "optional, by default replica name is generated, but you can override it and setup custom name" minLength: 1 # See namePartReplicaMaxLen const maxLength: 15 pattern: "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,15}$" tcpPort: type: integer description: | optional, setup `Pod.spec.containers.ports` with name `tcp` for selected replica, override `chi.spec.templates.hostTemplates.spec.tcpPort` allows connect to `clickhouse-server` via TCP Native protocol via kubernetes `Service` minimum: 1 maximum: 65535 httpPort: type: integer description: | optional, setup `Pod.spec.containers.ports` with name `http` for selected replica, override `chi.spec.templates.hostTemplates.spec.httpPort` allows connect to `clickhouse-server` via HTTP protocol via kubernetes `Service` minimum: 1 maximum: 65535 interserverHTTPPort: type: integer description: | optional, setup `Pod.spec.containers.ports` with name `interserver` for selected replica, override `chi.spec.templates.hostTemplates.spec.interserverHTTPPort` allows connect between replicas inside same shard during fetch replicated data parts HTTP protocol minimum: 1 maximum: 65535 settings: type: object # nullable: true description: | optional, allows configure `clickhouse-server` settings inside ... tag in `Pod` only in one replica during generate `ConfigMap` which will mount in `/etc/clickhouse-server/conf.d/` override top-level `chi.spec.configuration.settings`, cluster-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.settings` and shard-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.layout.shards.settings` More details: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/settings/settings/ x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true files: type: object # nullable: true description: | optional, allows define content of any setting file inside `Pod` only in one replica during generate `ConfigMap` which will mount in `/etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/` or `/etc/clickhouse-server/conf.d/` or `/etc/clickhouse-server/users.d/` override top-level `chi.spec.configuration.files`, cluster-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.files` and shard-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.layout.shards.files` x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true templates: type: object description: | optional, configuration of the templates names which will use for generate Kubernetes resources according to selected replica override top-level `chi.spec.configuration.templates`, cluster-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.templates` and shard-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.layout.shards.templates` # nullable: true properties: hostTemplate: type: string description: "optional, template name from chi.spec.templates.hostTemplates, which will apply to configure `clickhouse-server` instance during render ConfigMap resources which will mount into `Pod` only for one replica" podTemplate: type: string description: "optional, template name from chi.spec.templates.podTemplates, allows customization each `Pod` resource during render and reconcile each StatefulSet.spec resource described in `chi.spec.configuration.clusters` only for one replica" dataVolumeClaimTemplate: type: string description: "optional, template name from chi.spec.templates.volumeClaimTemplates, allows customization each `PVC` which will mount for clickhouse data directory in each `Pod` during render and reconcile every StatefulSet.spec resource described in `chi.spec.configuration.clusters` only for one shard" logVolumeClaimTemplate: type: string description: "optional, template name from chi.spec.templates.volumeClaimTemplates, allows customization each `PVC` which will mount for clickhouse log directory in each `Pod` during render and reconcile every StatefulSet.spec resource described in `chi.spec.configuration.clusters` only for one shard" serviceTemplate: type: string description: "optional, fully ignores for replica-level" clusterServiceTemplate: type: string description: "optional, fully ignores for replica-level" shardServiceTemplate: type: string description: "optional, fully ignores for replica-level" replicaServiceTemplate: type: string description: "optional, template name from chi.spec.templates.serviceTemplates, allows customization for each `Service` resource which will created by `clickhouse-operator` which cover each replica inside each shard inside clickhouse cluster described in `chi.spec.configuration.clusters` only for one replica" volumeClaimTemplate: type: string description: "DEPRECATED! VolumeClaimTemplate is deprecated in favor of DataVolumeClaimTemplate and LogVolumeClaimTemplate" replicas: type: array description: "optional, allows override top-level `chi.spec.configuration` and cluster-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters` configuration for each replica and each shard relates to selected replica, use it only if you fully understand what you do" # nullable: true items: type: object properties: name: type: string description: "optional, by default replica name is generated, but you can override it and setup custom name" minLength: 1 # See namePartShardMaxLen const maxLength: 15 pattern: "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,15}$" settings: type: object description: | optional, allows configure `clickhouse-server` settings inside ... tag in `Pod` only in one replica during generate `ConfigMap` which will mount in `/etc/clickhouse-server/conf.d/` override top-level `chi.spec.configuration.settings`, cluster-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.settings` and will ignore if shard-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.layout.shards` present More details: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/settings/settings/ # nullable: true x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true files: type: object # nullable: true description: | optional, allows define content of any setting file inside each `Pod` only in one replica during generate `ConfigMap` which will mount in `/etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/` or `/etc/clickhouse-server/conf.d/` or `/etc/clickhouse-server/users.d/` override top-level `chi.spec.configuration.files` and cluster-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.files`, will ignore if `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.layout.shards` presents x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true templates: type: object description: | optional, configuration of the templates names which will use for generate Kubernetes resources according to selected replica override top-level `chi.spec.configuration.templates`, cluster-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.templates` # nullable: true properties: hostTemplate: type: string description: "optional, template name from chi.spec.templates.hostTemplates, which will apply to configure `clickhouse-server` instance during render ConfigMap resources which will mount into `Pod` only for one replica" podTemplate: type: string description: "optional, template name from chi.spec.templates.podTemplates, allows customization each `Pod` resource during render and reconcile each StatefulSet.spec resource described in `chi.spec.configuration.clusters` only for one replica" dataVolumeClaimTemplate: type: string description: "optional, template name from chi.spec.templates.volumeClaimTemplates, allows customization each `PVC` which will mount for clickhouse data directory in each `Pod` during render and reconcile every StatefulSet.spec resource described in `chi.spec.configuration.clusters` only for one shard" logVolumeClaimTemplate: type: string description: "optional, template name from chi.spec.templates.volumeClaimTemplates, allows customization each `PVC` which will mount for clickhouse log directory in each `Pod` during render and reconcile every StatefulSet.spec resource described in `chi.spec.configuration.clusters` only for one shard" serviceTemplate: type: string description: "optional, fully ignores for replica-level" clusterServiceTemplate: type: string description: "optional, fully ignores for replica-level" shardServiceTemplate: type: string description: "optional, fully ignores for replica-level" replicaServiceTemplate: type: string description: "optional, template name from chi.spec.templates.serviceTemplates, allows customization for each `Service` resource which will created by `clickhouse-operator` which cover each replica inside each shard inside clickhouse cluster described in `chi.spec.configuration.clusters` only for one replica" volumeClaimTemplate: type: string description: "DEPRECATED! VolumeClaimTemplate is deprecated in favor of DataVolumeClaimTemplate and LogVolumeClaimTemplate" shardsCount: type: integer description: "optional, count of shards related to current replica, you can override each shard behavior on low-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.layout.replicas.shards`" minimum: 1 shards: type: array description: "optional, list of shards related to current replica, will ignore if `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.layout.shards` presents" # nullable: true items: # Host type: object properties: name: type: string description: "optional, by default shard name is generated, but you can override it and setup custom name" minLength: 1 # See namePartReplicaMaxLen const maxLength: 15 pattern: "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,15}$" tcpPort: type: integer description: | optional, setup `Pod.spec.containers.ports` with name `tcp` for selected shard, override `chi.spec.templates.hostTemplates.spec.tcpPort` allows connect to `clickhouse-server` via TCP Native protocol via kubernetes `Service` minimum: 1 maximum: 65535 httpPort: type: integer description: | optional, setup `Pod.spec.containers.ports` with name `http` for selected shard, override `chi.spec.templates.hostTemplates.spec.httpPort` allows connect to `clickhouse-server` via HTTP protocol via kubernetes `Service` minimum: 1 maximum: 65535 interserverHTTPPort: type: integer description: | optional, setup `Pod.spec.containers.ports` with name `interserver` for selected shard, override `chi.spec.templates.hostTemplates.spec.interserverHTTPPort` allows connect between replicas inside same shard during fetch replicated data parts HTTP protocol minimum: 1 maximum: 65535 settings: type: object description: | optional, allows configure `clickhouse-server` settings inside ... tag in `Pod` only in one shard related to current replica during generate `ConfigMap` which will mount in `/etc/clickhouse-server/conf.d/` override top-level `chi.spec.configuration.settings`, cluster-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.settings` and replica-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.layout.replicas.settings` More details: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/settings/settings/ # nullable: true x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true files: type: object description: | optional, allows define content of any setting file inside each `Pod` only in one shard related to current replica during generate `ConfigMap` which will mount in `/etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/` or `/etc/clickhouse-server/conf.d/` or `/etc/clickhouse-server/users.d/` override top-level `chi.spec.configuration.files` and cluster-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.files`, will ignore if `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.layout.shards` presents # nullable: true x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true templates: type: object description: | optional, configuration of the templates names which will use for generate Kubernetes resources according to selected replica override top-level `chi.spec.configuration.templates`, cluster-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.templates`, replica-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.layout.replicas.templates` # nullable: true properties: hostTemplate: type: string description: "optional, template name from chi.spec.templates.hostTemplates, which will apply to configure each `clickhouse-server` instance during render ConfigMap resources which will mount into `Pod` only for one shard" podTemplate: type: string description: "optional, template name from chi.spec.templates.podTemplates, allows customization each `Pod` resource during render and reconcile each StatefulSet.spec resource described in `chi.spec.configuration.clusters` only for one shard" dataVolumeClaimTemplate: type: string description: "optional, template name from chi.spec.templates.volumeClaimTemplates, allows customization each `PVC` which will mount for clickhouse data directory in each `Pod` during render and reconcile every StatefulSet.spec resource described in `chi.spec.configuration.clusters` only for one shard" logVolumeClaimTemplate: type: string description: "optional, template name from chi.spec.templates.volumeClaimTemplates, allows customization each `PVC` which will mount for clickhouse log directory in each `Pod` during render and reconcile every StatefulSet.spec resource described in `chi.spec.configuration.clusters` only for one shard" serviceTemplate: type: string description: "optional, fully ignores for shard-level" clusterServiceTemplate: type: string description: "optional, fully ignores for shard-level" shardServiceTemplate: type: string description: "optional, template name from chi.spec.templates.serviceTemplates, allows customization for each `Service` resource which will created by `clickhouse-operator` which cover shard inside clickhouse cluster described in `chi.spec.configuration.clusters` only for one shard" replicaServiceTemplate: type: string description: "optional, template name from chi.spec.templates.serviceTemplates, allows customization for each `Service` resource which will created by `clickhouse-operator` which cover each replica inside each shard inside clickhouse cluster described in `chi.spec.configuration.clusters` only for one shard" volumeClaimTemplate: type: string description: "DEPRECATED! VolumeClaimTemplate is deprecated in favor of DataVolumeClaimTemplate and LogVolumeClaimTemplate" templates: type: object description: "allows define templates which will use for render Kubernetes resources like StatefulSet, ConfigMap, Service, PVC, by default, clickhouse-operator have own templates, but you can override it" # nullable: true properties: hostTemplates: type: array description: "hostTemplate will use during apply to generate `clickhose-server` config files" # nullable: true items: type: object #required: # - name properties: name: description: "template name, could use to link inside top-level `chi.spec.defaults.templates.hostTemplate`, cluster-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.templates.hostTemplate`, shard-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.layout.shards.temlates.hostTemplate`, replica-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.layout.replicas.templates.hostTemplate`" type: string portDistribution: type: array description: "define how will distribute numeric values of named ports in `Pod.spec.containers.ports` and clickhouse-server configs" # nullable: true items: type: object #required: # - type properties: type: type: string description: "type of distribution, when `Unspecified` (default value) then all listen ports on clickhouse-server configuration in all Pods will have the same value, when `ClusterScopeIndex` then ports will increment to offset from base value depends on shard and replica index inside cluster with combination of `chi.spec.templates.podTemlates.spec.HostNetwork` it allows setup ClickHouse cluster inside Kubernetes and provide access via external network bypass Kubernetes internal network" enum: # List PortDistributionXXX constants - "" - "Unspecified" - "ClusterScopeIndex" spec: # Host type: object properties: name: type: string description: "by default, hostname will generate, but this allows define custom name for each `clickhuse-server`" minLength: 1 # See namePartReplicaMaxLen const maxLength: 15 pattern: "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,15}$" tcpPort: type: integer description: | optional, setup `tcp_port` inside `clickhouse-server` settings for each Pod where current template will apply if specified, should have equal value with `chi.spec.templates.podTemplates.spec.containers.ports[name=tcp]` More info: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/interfaces/tcp/ minimum: 1 maximum: 65535 httpPort: type: integer description: | optional, setup `http_port` inside `clickhouse-server` settings for each Pod where current template will apply if specified, should have equal value with `chi.spec.templates.podTemplates.spec.containers.ports[name=http]` More info: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/interfaces/http/ minimum: 1 maximum: 65535 interserverHTTPPort: type: integer description: | optional, setup `interserver_http_port` inside `clickhouse-server` settings for each Pod where current template will apply if specified, should have equal value with `chi.spec.templates.podTemplates.spec.containers.ports[name=interserver]` More info: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/server-configuration-parameters/settings/#interserver-http-port minimum: 1 maximum: 65535 settings: type: object description: | optional, allows configure `clickhouse-server` settings inside ... tag in each `Pod` where this template will apply during generate `ConfigMap` which will mount in `/etc/clickhouse-server/conf.d/` More details: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/settings/settings/ # nullable: true x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true files: type: object description: | optional, allows define content of any setting file inside each `Pod` where this template will apply during generate `ConfigMap` which will mount in `/etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/` or `/etc/clickhouse-server/conf.d/` or `/etc/clickhouse-server/users.d/` # nullable: true x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true templates: type: object description: "be carefull, this part of CRD allows override template inside template, don't use it if you don't understand what you do" # nullable: true properties: hostTemplate: type: string podTemplate: type: string dataVolumeClaimTemplate: type: string logVolumeClaimTemplate: type: string serviceTemplate: type: string clusterServiceTemplate: type: string shardServiceTemplate: type: string replicaServiceTemplate: type: string podTemplates: type: array description: | podTemplate will use during render `Pod` inside `StatefulSet.spec` and allows define rendered `Pod.spec`, pod scheduling distribution and pod zone More information: https://github.com/RadonDB/radondb-clickhouse-operator/blob/master/docs/custom_resource_explained.md#spectemplatespodtemplates # nullable: true items: type: object #required: # - name properties: name: type: string description: "template name, could use to link inside top-level `chi.spec.defaults.templates.podTemplate`, cluster-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.templates.podTemplate`, shard-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.layout.shards.temlates.podTemplate`, replica-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.layout.replicas.templates.podTemplate`" generateName: type: string description: "allows define format for generated `Pod` name, look to https://github.com/RadonDB/radondb-clickhouse-operator/blob/master/docs/custom_resource_explained.md#spectemplatesservicetemplates for details about aviailable template variables" zone: type: object description: "allows define custom zone name and will separate ClickHouse `Pods` between nodes, shortcut for `chi.spec.templates.podTemplates.spec.affinity.podAntiAffinity`" #required: # - values properties: key: type: string description: "optional, if defined, allows select kubernetes nodes by label with `name` equal `key`" values: type: array description: "optional, if defined, allows select kubernetes nodes by label with `value` in `values`" # nullable: true items: type: string distribution: type: string description: "DEPRECATED, shortcut for `chi.spec.templates.podTemplates.spec.affinity.podAntiAffinity`" enum: - "" - "Unspecified" - "OnePerHost" podDistribution: type: array description: "define ClickHouse Pod distibution policy between Kubernetes Nodes inside Shard, Replica, Namespace, CHI, another ClickHouse cluster" # nullable: true items: type: object #required: # - type properties: type: type: string description: "you can define multiple affinity policy types" enum: # List PodDistributionXXX constants - "" - "Unspecified" - "ClickHouseAntiAffinity" - "ShardAntiAffinity" - "ReplicaAntiAffinity" - "AnotherNamespaceAntiAffinity" - "AnotherClickHouseInstallationAntiAffinity" - "AnotherClusterAntiAffinity" - "MaxNumberPerNode" - "NamespaceAffinity" - "ClickHouseInstallationAffinity" - "ClusterAffinity" - "ShardAffinity" - "ReplicaAffinity" - "PreviousTailAffinity" - "CircularReplication" scope: type: string description: "scope for apply each podDistribution" enum: # list PodDistributionScopeXXX constants - "" - "Unspecified" - "Shard" - "Replica" - "Cluster" - "ClickHouseInstallation" - "Namespace" number: type: integer description: "define, how much ClickHouse Pods could be inside selected scope with selected distribution type" minimum: 0 maximum: 65535 topologyKey: type: string description: "use for inter-pod affinity look to `pod.spec.affinity.podAntiAffinity.preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution.podAffinityTerm.topologyKey`, More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/scheduling-eviction/assign-pod-node/#inter-pod-affinity-and-anti-affinity" spec: # TODO specify PodSpec type: object description: "allows define whole Pod.spec inside StaefulSet.spec, look to https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/#pod-templates for details" # nullable: true x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true metadata: type: object description: | allows pass standard object's metadata from template to Pod More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadata # nullable: true x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true volumeClaimTemplates: type: array description: "allows define template for rendering `PVC` kubernetes resource, which would use inside `Pod` for mount clickhouse `data`, clickhouse `logs` or something else" # nullable: true items: type: object #required: # - name # - spec properties: name: description: | template name, could use to link inside top-level `chi.spec.defaults.templates.dataVolumeClaimTemplate` or `chi.spec.defaults.templates.logVolumeClaimTemplate`, cluster-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.templates.dataVolumeClaimTemplate` or `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.templates.logVolumeClaimTemplate`, shard-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.layout.shards.temlates.dataVolumeClaimTemplate` or `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.layout.shards.temlates.logVolumeClaimTemplate` replica-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.layout.replicas.templates.dataVolumeClaimTemplate` or `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.layout.replicas.templates.logVolumeClaimTemplate` type: string reclaimPolicy: type: string description: "define behavior of `PVC` deletion policy during delete `Pod`, `Delete` by default, when `Retain` then `PVC` still alive even `Pod` will deleted" enum: - "" - "Retain" - "Delete" metadata: type: object description: | allows pass standard object's metadata from template to PVC More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadata # nullable: true x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true spec: type: object description: | allows define all aspects of `PVC` resource More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/persistent-volumes/#persistentvolumeclaims # nullable: true x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true serviceTemplates: type: array description: | allows define template for rendering `Service` which would get endpoint from Pods which scoped chi-wide, cluster-wide, shard-wide, replica-wide level # nullable: true items: type: object #required: # - name # - spec properties: name: type: string description: | template name, could use to link inside chi-level `chi.spec.defaults.templates.serviceTemplate` cluster-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.templates.clusterServiceTemplate` shard-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.layout.shards.temlates.shardServiceTemplate` replica-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.layout.replicas.templates.replicaServiceTemplate` or `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.layout.shards.replicas.replicaServiceTemplate` generateName: type: string description: "allows define format for generated `Service` name, look to https://github.com/RadonDB/radondb-clickhouse-operator/blob/master/docs/custom_resource_explained.md#spectemplatesservicetemplates for details about aviailable template variables" metadata: # TODO specify ObjectMeta type: object description: | allows pass standard object's metadata from template to Service Could be use for define specificly for Cloud Provider metadata which impact to behavior of service More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/ # nullable: true x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true spec: # TODO specify ServiceSpec type: object description: | describe behavior of generated Service More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/ # nullable: true x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true useTemplates: type: array description: "list of `ClickHouseInstallationTemplate` (chit) resource names which will merge with current `Chi` manifest during render Kubernetes resources to create related ClickHouse clusters" # nullable: true items: type: object #required: # - name properties: name: type: string description: "name of `ClickHouseInstallationTemplate` (chit) resource" namespace: type: string description: "Kubernetes namespace where need search `chit` resource, depending on `watchNamespaces` settings in `clichouse-operator`" useType: type: string description: "optional, current strategy is only merge, and current `chi` settings have more priority than merged template `chit`" enum: # List useTypeXXX constants from model - "" - "merge" --- apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1 kind: CustomResourceDefinition metadata: name: clickhouseinstallationtemplates.clickhouse.radondb.com spec: group: clickhouse.radondb.com scope: Namespaced names: kind: ClickHouseInstallationTemplate singular: clickhouseinstallationtemplate plural: clickhouseinstallationtemplates shortNames: - chit versions: - name: v1 served: true storage: true additionalPrinterColumns: - name: version type: string description: Operator version priority: 1 # show in wide view jsonPath: .status.version - name: clusters type: integer description: Clusters count priority: 0 # show in standard view jsonPath: .status.clusters - name: shards type: integer description: Shards count priority: 1 # show in wide view jsonPath: .status.shards - name: hosts type: integer description: Hosts count priority: 0 # show in standard view jsonPath: .status.hosts - name: taskID type: string description: TaskID priority: 1 # show in wide view jsonPath: .status.taskID - name: status type: string description: CHI status priority: 0 # show in standard view jsonPath: .status.status - name: updated type: integer description: Updated hosts count priority: 1 # show in wide view jsonPath: .status.updated - name: added type: integer description: Added hosts count priority: 1 # show in wide view jsonPath: .status.added - name: deleted type: integer description: Hosts deleted count priority: 1 # show in wide view jsonPath: .status.deleted - name: delete type: integer description: Hosts to be deleted count priority: 1 # show in wide view jsonPath: .status.delete - name: endpoint type: string description: Client access endpoint priority: 1 # show in wide view jsonPath: .status.endpoint schema: openAPIV3Schema: description: "define a template which describe Kubernetes resources (StatefulSet, PVC, Service, ConfigMap) which describe behavior one or more ClickHouse clusters, would be used in `chi.spec.useTemplates`" type: object required: - spec properties: apiVersion: description: 'APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources' type: string kind: description: 'Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds' type: string metadata: type: object status: type: object description: "Current ClickHouseInstallation manifest status, contains many fields like a normalized configuration, clickhouse-operator version, current action and all applied action list, current taskID and all applied taskIDs and other" x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true spec: type: object # x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true description: | Specification of the desired behavior of one or more ClickHouse clusters More info: https://github.com/RadonDB/radondb-clickhouse-operator/blob/master/docs/custom_resource_explained.md" properties: taskID: type: string description: "Allow define custom taskID for named update and watch status of this update execution in .status.taskIDs field, by default every update of chi manifest will generate random taskID" # Need to be StringBool stop: type: string description: | Allow stop all ClickHouse clusters described in current chi. Stop mechanism works as follows: - When `stop` is `1` then setup `Replicas: 0` in each related to current `chi` StatefulSet resource, all `Pods` and `Service` resources will desctroy, but PVCs still live - When `stop` is `0` then `Pods` will created again and will attach retained PVCs and `Service` also will created again enum: # List StringBoolXXX constants from model - "" - "0" - "1" - "False" - "false" - "True" - "true" - "No" - "no" - "Yes" - "yes" - "Off" - "off" - "On" - "on" - "Disable" - "disable" - "Enable" - "enable" - "Disabled" - "disabled" - "Enabled" - "enabled" restart: type: string description: "restart policy for StatefulSets. When value `RollingUpdate` it allow graceful restart one by one instead of restart all StatefulSet simultaneously" enum: - "" - "RollingUpdate" # Need to be StringBool troubleshoot: type: string description: "allows troubleshoot Pods during CrashLoopBack state, when you apply wrong configuration, `clickhouse-server` wouldn't startup" enum: # List StringBoolXXX constants from model - "" - "0" - "1" - "False" - "false" - "True" - "true" - "No" - "no" - "Yes" - "yes" - "Off" - "off" - "On" - "on" - "Disable" - "disable" - "Enable" - "enable" - "Disabled" - "disabled" - "Enabled" - "enabled" namespaceDomainPattern: type: string description: "custom domain suffix which will add to end of `Service` or `Pod` name, use it when you use custom cluster domain in your Kubernetes cluster" templating: type: object # nullable: true description: "optional, define policy for auto applying ClickHouseInstallationTemplate inside ClickHouseInstallation" properties: policy: type: string description: "when defined as `auto` inside ClickhouseInstallationTemplate, it will auto add into all ClickHouseInstallation, manual value is default" enum: - "auto" - "manual" reconciling: type: object description: "optional, allows tuning reconciling cycle for ClickhouseInstallation from clickhouse-operator side" # nullable: true properties: policy: type: string configMapPropagationTimeout: type: integer description: | timeout in seconds when `clickhouse-operator` will wait when applied `ConfigMap` during reconcile `ClickhouseInstallation` pods will updated from cache see details: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/configmap/#mounted-configmaps-are-updated-automatically minimum: 0 maximum: 3600 cleanup: type: object description: "optional, define behavior for cleanup Kubernetes resources during reconcile cycle" # nullable: true properties: unknownObjects: type: object description: "what clickhouse-operator shall do when found Kubernetes resources which should be managed with clickhouse-operator, but not have `ownerReference` to any currently managed `ClickHouseInstallation` resource, default behavior is `Delete`" # nullable: true properties: statefulSet: type: string description: "behavior policy for unknown StatefulSet, Delete by default" enum: # List ObjectsCleanupXXX constants from model - "Retain" - "Delete" pvc: type: string description: "behavior policy for unknown PVC, Delete by default" enum: # List ObjectsCleanupXXX constants from model - "Retain" - "Delete" configMap: type: string description: "behavior policy for unknown ConfigMap, Delete by default" enum: # List ObjectsCleanupXXX constants from model - "Retain" - "Delete" service: type: string description: "behavior policy for unknown Service, Delete by default" enum: # List ObjectsCleanupXXX constants from model - "Retain" - "Delete" reconcileFailedObjects: type: object description: "what clickhouse-operator shall do when reconciling Kubernetes resources are failed, default behavior is `Retain`" # nullable: true properties: statefulSet: type: string description: "behavior policy for failed StatefulSet reconciling, Retain by default" enum: # List ObjectsCleanupXXX constants from model - "Retain" - "Delete" pvc: type: string description: "behavior policy for failed PVC reconciling, Retain by default" enum: # List ObjectsCleanupXXX constants from model - "Retain" - "Delete" configMap: type: string description: "behavior policy for failed ConfigMap reconciling, Retain by default" enum: # List ObjectsCleanupXXX constants from model - "Retain" - "Delete" service: type: string description: "behavior policy for failed Service reconciling, Retain by default" enum: # List ObjectsCleanupXXX constants from model - "Retain" - "Delete" defaults: type: object description: | define default behavior for whole ClickHouseInstallation, some behavior can be re-define on cluster, shard and replica level More info: https://github.com/RadonDB/radondb-clickhouse-operator/blob/master/docs/custom_resource_explained.md#specdefaults # nullable: true properties: # Need to be StringBool replicasUseFQDN: type: string description: | define should replicas be specified by FQDN in ``, then "no" then will use short hostname and clickhouse-server will use kubernetes default suffixes for properly DNS lookup "yes" by default enum: # List StringBoolXXX constants from model - "" - "0" - "1" - "False" - "false" - "True" - "true" - "No" - "no" - "Yes" - "yes" - "Off" - "off" - "On" - "on" - "Disable" - "disable" - "Enable" - "enable" - "Disabled" - "disabled" - "Enabled" - "enabled" distributedDDL: type: object description: | allows change `` settings More info: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/server-configuration-parameters/settings/#server-settings-distributed_ddl # nullable: true properties: profile: type: string description: "Settings from this profile will be used to execute DDL queries" templates: type: object description: "optional, configuration of the templates names which will use for generate Kubernetes resources according to one or more ClickHouse clusters described in current ClickHouseInstallation (chi) resource" # nullable: true properties: hostTemplate: type: string description: "optional, template name from chi.spec.templates.hostTemplates, which will apply to configure every `clickhouse-server` instance during render ConfigMap resources which will mount into `Pod`" podTemplate: type: string description: "optional, template name from chi.spec.templates.podTemplates, allows customization each `Pod` resource during render and reconcile each StatefulSet.spec resource described in `chi.spec.configuration.clusters`" dataVolumeClaimTemplate: type: string description: "optional, template name from chi.spec.templates.volumeClaimTemplates, allows customization each `PVC` which will mount for clickhouse data directory in each `Pod` during render and reconcile every StatefulSet.spec resource described in `chi.spec.configuration.clusters`" logVolumeClaimTemplate: type: string description: "optional, template name from chi.spec.templates.volumeClaimTemplates, allows customization each `PVC` which will mount for clickhouse log directory in each `Pod` during render and reconcile every StatefulSet.spec resource described in `chi.spec.configuration.clusters`" serviceTemplate: type: string description: "optional, template name from chi.spec.templates.serviceTemplates, allows customization for one `Service` resource which will created by `clickhouse-operator` which cover all clusters in whole `chi` resource" clusterServiceTemplate: type: string description: "optional, template name from chi.spec.templates.serviceTemplates, allows customization for each `Service` resource which will created by `clickhouse-operator` which cover each clickhouse cluster described in `chi.spec.configuration.clusters`" shardServiceTemplate: type: string description: "optional, template name from chi.spec.templates.serviceTemplates, allows customization for each `Service` resource which will created by `clickhouse-operator` which cover each shard inside clickhouse cluster described in `chi.spec.configuration.clusters`" replicaServiceTemplate: type: string description: "optional, template name from chi.spec.templates.serviceTemplates, allows customization for each `Service` resource which will created by `clickhouse-operator` which cover each replica inside each shard inside each clickhouse cluster described in `chi.spec.configuration.clusters`" volumeClaimTemplate: type: string description: "DEPRECATED! VolumeClaimTemplate is deprecated in favor of DataVolumeClaimTemplate and LogVolumeClaimTemplate" configuration: type: object description: "allows configure multiple aspects and behavior for `clickhouse-server` instance and also allows describe multiple `clickhouse-server` clusters inside one `chi` resource" # nullable: true properties: zookeeper: type: object description: | allows configure .. section in each `Pod` during generate `ConfigMap` which will mounted in `/etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/` `clickhouse-operator` itself doesn't manage Zookeeper, please install Zookeeper separatelly look examples on https://github.com/RadonDB/radondb-clickhouse-operator/tree/master/deploy/zookeeper/ currently, zookeeper (or clickhouse-keeper replacement) used for *ReplicatedMergeTree table engines and for `distributed_ddl` More details: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/server-configuration-parameters/settings/#server-settings_zookeeper # nullable: true properties: nodes: type: array description: "describe every available zookeeper cluster node for interaction" # nullable: true items: type: object #required: # - host properties: host: type: string description: "dns name or ip address for Zookeeper node" port: type: integer description: "TCP port which used to connect to Zookeeper node" minimum: 0 maximum: 65535 session_timeout_ms: type: integer description: "session timeout during connect to Zookeeper" operation_timeout_ms: type: integer description: "one operation timeout during Zookeeper transactions" root: type: string description: "optional root znode path inside zookeeper to store ClickHouse related data (replication queue or distributed DDL)" identity: type: string description: "optional access credentials string with `user:password` format used when use digest authorization in Zookeeper" install: type: boolean description: "Choose whether to create zookeeper dependencies by operator" image: type: string description: "zookeeper image, default `radondb/zookeeper:3.6.1`" imagePullPolicy: type: string enum: - Always - IfNotPresent - Never description: "zookeeper image pull policy, default `IfNotPresent`" replica: type: integer minimum: 0 maximum: 9 description: "zookeeper cluster replica count, between 1~9, default `1`" port: type: integer minimum: 0 maximum: 65535 description: "zookeeper server port, default `2181`" users: type: object description: | allows configure .. section in each `Pod` during generate `ConfigMap` which will mount in `/etc/clickhouse-server/users.d/` you can configure password hashed, authorization restrictions, database level security row filters etc. More details: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/settings/settings-users/ Your yaml code will convert to XML, see examples https://github.com/RadonDB/radondb-clickhouse-operator/blob/master/docs/custom_resource_explained.md#specconfigurationusers # nullable: true x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true profiles: type: object description: | allows configure .. section in each `Pod` during generate `ConfigMap` which will mount in `/etc/clickhouse-server/users.d/` you can configure any aspect of settings profile More details: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/settings/settings-profiles/ Your yaml code will convert to XML, see examples https://github.com/RadonDB/radondb-clickhouse-operator/blob/master/docs/custom_resource_explained.md#specconfigurationprofiles # nullable: true x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true quotas: type: object description: | allows configure .. section in each `Pod` during generate `ConfigMap` which will mount in `/etc/clickhouse-server/users.d/` you can configure any aspect of resource quotas More details: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/quotas/ Your yaml code will convert to XML, see examples https://github.com/RadonDB/radondb-clickhouse-operator/blob/master/docs/custom_resource_explained.md#specconfigurationquotas # nullable: true x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true settings: type: object description: | allows configure `clickhouse-server` settings inside ... tag in each `Pod` during generate `ConfigMap` which will mount in `/etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/` More details: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/settings/settings/ Your yaml code will convert to XML, see examples https://github.com/RadonDB/radondb-clickhouse-operator/blob/master/docs/custom_resource_explained.md#specconfigurationsettings # nullable: true x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true files: type: object description: | allows define content of any setting file inside each `Pod` during generate `ConfigMap` which will mount in `/etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/` or `/etc/clickhouse-server/conf.d/` or `/etc/clickhouse-server/users.d/` every key in this object is the file name every value in this object is the file content you can use `!!binary |` and base64 for binary files, see details here https://yaml.org/type/binary.html each key could contains prefix like USERS, COMMON, HOST or config.d, users.d, cond.d, wrong prefixes will ignored, subfolders also will ignored More details: https://github.com/RadonDB/radondb-clickhouse-operator/blob/master/docs/chi-examples/05-settings-05-files-nested.yaml # nullable: true x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true clusters: type: array description: | describes ClickHouse clusters layout and allows change settings on cluster-level, shard-level and replica-level every cluster is a set of StatefulSet, one StatefulSet contains only one Pod with `clickhouse-server` all Pods will rendered in part of ClickHouse configs, mounted from ConfigMap as `/etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/chop-generated-remote_servers.xml` Clusters will use for Distributed table engine, more details: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/engines/table-engines/special/distributed/ If `cluster` contains zookeeper settings (could be inherited from top `chi` level), when you can create *ReplicatedMergeTree tables # nullable: true items: type: object #required: # - name properties: name: type: string description: "cluster name, used to identify set of ClickHouse servers and wide used during generate names of related Kubernetes resources" minLength: 1 # See namePartClusterMaxLen const maxLength: 15 pattern: "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,15}$" zookeeper: type: object description: | optional, allows configure .. section in each `Pod` only in current ClickHouse cluster, during generate `ConfigMap` which will mounted in `/etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/` override top-level `chi.spec.configuration.zookeeper` settings # nullable: true properties: nodes: type: array description: "describe every available zookeeper cluster node for interaction" # nullable: true items: type: object #required: # - host properties: host: type: string description: "dns name or ip address for Zookeeper node" port: type: integer description: "TCP port which used to connect to Zookeeper node" minimum: 0 maximum: 65535 session_timeout_ms: type: integer description: "session timeout during connect to Zookeeper" operation_timeout_ms: type: integer description: "one operation timeout during Zookeeper transactions" root: type: string description: "optional root znode path inside zookeeper to store ClickHouse related data (replication queue or distributed DDL)" identity: type: string description: "optional access credentials string with `user:password` format used when use digest authorization in Zookeeper" install: type: boolean description: "Choose whether to create zookeeper dependencies by operator" image: type: string description: "zookeeper image, default `radondb/zookeeper:3.6.1`" imagePullPolicy: type: string enum: - Always - IfNotPresent - Never description: "zookeeper image pull policy, default `IfNotPresent`" replica: type: integer minimum: 0 maximum: 9 description: "zookeeper cluster replica count, between 1~9, default `1`" port: type: integer minimum: 0 maximum: 65535 description: "zookeeper server port, default `2181`" settings: type: object description: | optional, allows configure `clickhouse-server` settings inside ... tag in each `Pod` only in one cluster during generate `ConfigMap` which will mount in `/etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/` override top-level `chi.spec.configuration.settings` More details: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/settings/settings/ # nullable: true x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true files: type: object description: | optional, allows define content of any setting file inside each `Pod` on current cluster during generate `ConfigMap` which will mount in `/etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/` or `/etc/clickhouse-server/conf.d/` or `/etc/clickhouse-server/users.d/` override top-level `chi.spec.configuration.files` # nullable: true x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true templates: type: object description: | optional, configuration of the templates names which will use for generate Kubernetes resources according to selected cluster override top-level `chi.spec.configuration.templates` # nullable: true properties: hostTemplate: type: string description: "optional, template name from chi.spec.templates.hostTemplates, which will apply to configure each `clickhouse-server` instance during render ConfigMap resources which will mount into `Pod` only for one cluster" podTemplate: type: string description: "optional, template name from chi.spec.templates.podTemplates, allows customization each `Pod` resource during render and reconcile each StatefulSet.spec resource described in `chi.spec.configuration.clusters` only for one cluster" dataVolumeClaimTemplate: type: string description: "optional, template name from chi.spec.templates.volumeClaimTemplates, allows customization each `PVC` which will mount for clickhouse data directory in each `Pod` during render and reconcile every StatefulSet.spec resource described in `chi.spec.configuration.clusters` only for one cluster" logVolumeClaimTemplate: type: string description: "optional, template name from chi.spec.templates.volumeClaimTemplates, allows customization each `PVC` which will mount for clickhouse log directory in each `Pod` during render and reconcile every StatefulSet.spec resource described in `chi.spec.configuration.clusters` only for one cluster" serviceTemplate: type: string description: "optional, fully ignores for cluster-level" clusterServiceTemplate: type: string description: "optional, template name from chi.spec.templates.serviceTemplates, allows customization for each `Service` resource which will created by `clickhouse-operator` which cover each clickhouse cluster described in `chi.spec.configuration.clusters` only for one cluster" shardServiceTemplate: type: string description: "optional, template name from chi.spec.templates.serviceTemplates, allows customization for each `Service` resource which will created by `clickhouse-operator` which cover each shard inside clickhouse cluster described in `chi.spec.configuration.clusters` only for one cluster" replicaServiceTemplate: type: string description: "optional, template name from chi.spec.templates.serviceTemplates, allows customization for each `Service` resource which will created by `clickhouse-operator` which cover each replica inside each shard inside each clickhouse cluster described in `chi.spec.configuration.clusters` only for one cluster" volumeClaimTemplate: type: string description: "DEPRECATED! VolumeClaimTemplate is deprecated in favor of DataVolumeClaimTemplate and LogVolumeClaimTemplate" layout: type: object description: | describe current cluster layout, how much shards in cluster, how much replica in shard allows override settings on each shard and replica separatelly # nullable: true properties: type: type: string description: "DEPRECATED - to be removed soon" shardsCount: type: integer description: "how much shards for current ClickHouse cluster will run in Kubernetes, each shard contains shared-nothing part of data and contains set of replicas, cluster contains 1 shard by default" replicasCount: type: integer description: "how much replicas in each shards for current ClickHouse cluster will run in Kubernetes, each replica is a separate `StatefulSet` which contains only one `Pod` with `clickhouse-server` instance, every shard contains 1 replica by default" shards: type: array description: "optional, allows override top-level `chi.spec.configuration`, cluster-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters` settings for each shard separately, use it only if you fully understand what you do" # nullable: true items: type: object properties: name: type: string description: "optional, by default shard name is generated, but you can override it and setup custom name" minLength: 1 # See namePartShardMaxLen const maxLength: 15 pattern: "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,15}$" definitionType: type: string description: "DEPRECATED - to be removed soon" weight: type: integer description: | optional, 1 by default, allows setup shard setting which will use during insert into tables with `Distributed` engine, will apply in inside ConfigMap which will mount in /etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/chop-generated-remote_servers.xml More details: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/engines/table-engines/special/distributed/ # Need to be StringBool internalReplication: type: string description: | optional, `true` by default when `chi.spec.configuration.clusters[].layout.ReplicaCount` > 1 and 0 otherwise allows setup setting which will use during insert into tables with `Distributed` engine for insert only in one live replica and other replicas will download inserted data during replication, will apply in inside ConfigMap which will mount in /etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/chop-generated-remote_servers.xml More details: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/engines/table-engines/special/distributed/ enum: # List StringBoolXXX constants from model - "" - "0" - "1" - "False" - "false" - "True" - "true" - "No" - "no" - "Yes" - "yes" - "Off" - "off" - "On" - "on" - "Disable" - "disable" - "Enable" - "enable" - "Disabled" - "disabled" - "Enabled" - "enabled" settings: type: object # nullable: true description: | optional, allows configure `clickhouse-server` settings inside ... tag in each `Pod` only in one shard during generate `ConfigMap` which will mount in `/etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/` override top-level `chi.spec.configuration.settings` and cluster-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.settings` More details: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/settings/settings/ x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true files: type: object # nullable: true description: | optional, allows define content of any setting file inside each `Pod` only in one shard during generate `ConfigMap` which will mount in `/etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/` or `/etc/clickhouse-server/conf.d/` or `/etc/clickhouse-server/users.d/` override top-level `chi.spec.configuration.files` and cluster-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.files` x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true templates: type: object description: | optional, configuration of the templates names which will use for generate Kubernetes resources according to selected shard override top-level `chi.spec.configuration.templates` and cluster-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.templates` # nullable: true properties: hostTemplate: type: string description: "optional, template name from chi.spec.templates.hostTemplates, which will apply to configure each `clickhouse-server` instance during render ConfigMap resources which will mount into `Pod` only for one shard" podTemplate: type: string description: "optional, template name from chi.spec.templates.podTemplates, allows customization each `Pod` resource during render and reconcile each StatefulSet.spec resource described in `chi.spec.configuration.clusters` only for one shard" dataVolumeClaimTemplate: type: string description: "optional, template name from chi.spec.templates.volumeClaimTemplates, allows customization each `PVC` which will mount for clickhouse data directory in each `Pod` during render and reconcile every StatefulSet.spec resource described in `chi.spec.configuration.clusters` only for one shard" logVolumeClaimTemplate: type: string description: "optional, template name from chi.spec.templates.volumeClaimTemplates, allows customization each `PVC` which will mount for clickhouse log directory in each `Pod` during render and reconcile every StatefulSet.spec resource described in `chi.spec.configuration.clusters` only for one shard" serviceTemplate: type: string description: "optional, fully ignores for shard-level" clusterServiceTemplate: type: string description: "optional, fully ignores for shard-level" shardServiceTemplate: type: string description: "optional, template name from chi.spec.templates.serviceTemplates, allows customization for each `Service` resource which will created by `clickhouse-operator` which cover shard inside clickhouse cluster described in `chi.spec.configuration.clusters` only for one shard" replicaServiceTemplate: type: string description: "optional, template name from chi.spec.templates.serviceTemplates, allows customization for each `Service` resource which will created by `clickhouse-operator` which cover each replica inside each shard inside clickhouse cluster described in `chi.spec.configuration.clusters` only for one shard" volumeClaimTemplate: type: string description: "DEPRECATED! VolumeClaimTemplate is deprecated in favor of DataVolumeClaimTemplate and LogVolumeClaimTemplate" replicasCount: type: integer description: | optional, how much replicas in selected shard for selected ClickHouse cluster will run in Kubernetes, each replica is a separate `StatefulSet` which contains only one `Pod` with `clickhouse-server` instance, shard contains 1 replica by default override cluster-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.layout.replicasCount` minimum: 1 replicas: type: array description: | optional, allows override behavior for selected replicas from cluster-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters` and shard-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.layout.shards` # nullable: true items: # Host type: object properties: name: type: string description: "optional, by default replica name is generated, but you can override it and setup custom name" minLength: 1 # See namePartReplicaMaxLen const maxLength: 15 pattern: "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,15}$" tcpPort: type: integer description: | optional, setup `Pod.spec.containers.ports` with name `tcp` for selected replica, override `chi.spec.templates.hostTemplates.spec.tcpPort` allows connect to `clickhouse-server` via TCP Native protocol via kubernetes `Service` minimum: 1 maximum: 65535 httpPort: type: integer description: | optional, setup `Pod.spec.containers.ports` with name `http` for selected replica, override `chi.spec.templates.hostTemplates.spec.httpPort` allows connect to `clickhouse-server` via HTTP protocol via kubernetes `Service` minimum: 1 maximum: 65535 interserverHTTPPort: type: integer description: | optional, setup `Pod.spec.containers.ports` with name `interserver` for selected replica, override `chi.spec.templates.hostTemplates.spec.interserverHTTPPort` allows connect between replicas inside same shard during fetch replicated data parts HTTP protocol minimum: 1 maximum: 65535 settings: type: object # nullable: true description: | optional, allows configure `clickhouse-server` settings inside ... tag in `Pod` only in one replica during generate `ConfigMap` which will mount in `/etc/clickhouse-server/conf.d/` override top-level `chi.spec.configuration.settings`, cluster-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.settings` and shard-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.layout.shards.settings` More details: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/settings/settings/ x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true files: type: object # nullable: true description: | optional, allows define content of any setting file inside `Pod` only in one replica during generate `ConfigMap` which will mount in `/etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/` or `/etc/clickhouse-server/conf.d/` or `/etc/clickhouse-server/users.d/` override top-level `chi.spec.configuration.files`, cluster-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.files` and shard-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.layout.shards.files` x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true templates: type: object description: | optional, configuration of the templates names which will use for generate Kubernetes resources according to selected replica override top-level `chi.spec.configuration.templates`, cluster-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.templates` and shard-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.layout.shards.templates` # nullable: true properties: hostTemplate: type: string description: "optional, template name from chi.spec.templates.hostTemplates, which will apply to configure `clickhouse-server` instance during render ConfigMap resources which will mount into `Pod` only for one replica" podTemplate: type: string description: "optional, template name from chi.spec.templates.podTemplates, allows customization each `Pod` resource during render and reconcile each StatefulSet.spec resource described in `chi.spec.configuration.clusters` only for one replica" dataVolumeClaimTemplate: type: string description: "optional, template name from chi.spec.templates.volumeClaimTemplates, allows customization each `PVC` which will mount for clickhouse data directory in each `Pod` during render and reconcile every StatefulSet.spec resource described in `chi.spec.configuration.clusters` only for one shard" logVolumeClaimTemplate: type: string description: "optional, template name from chi.spec.templates.volumeClaimTemplates, allows customization each `PVC` which will mount for clickhouse log directory in each `Pod` during render and reconcile every StatefulSet.spec resource described in `chi.spec.configuration.clusters` only for one shard" serviceTemplate: type: string description: "optional, fully ignores for replica-level" clusterServiceTemplate: type: string description: "optional, fully ignores for replica-level" shardServiceTemplate: type: string description: "optional, fully ignores for replica-level" replicaServiceTemplate: type: string description: "optional, template name from chi.spec.templates.serviceTemplates, allows customization for each `Service` resource which will created by `clickhouse-operator` which cover each replica inside each shard inside clickhouse cluster described in `chi.spec.configuration.clusters` only for one replica" volumeClaimTemplate: type: string description: "DEPRECATED! VolumeClaimTemplate is deprecated in favor of DataVolumeClaimTemplate and LogVolumeClaimTemplate" replicas: type: array description: "optional, allows override top-level `chi.spec.configuration` and cluster-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters` configuration for each replica and each shard relates to selected replica, use it only if you fully understand what you do" # nullable: true items: type: object properties: name: type: string description: "optional, by default replica name is generated, but you can override it and setup custom name" minLength: 1 # See namePartShardMaxLen const maxLength: 15 pattern: "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,15}$" settings: type: object description: | optional, allows configure `clickhouse-server` settings inside ... tag in `Pod` only in one replica during generate `ConfigMap` which will mount in `/etc/clickhouse-server/conf.d/` override top-level `chi.spec.configuration.settings`, cluster-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.settings` and will ignore if shard-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.layout.shards` present More details: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/settings/settings/ # nullable: true x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true files: type: object # nullable: true description: | optional, allows define content of any setting file inside each `Pod` only in one replica during generate `ConfigMap` which will mount in `/etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/` or `/etc/clickhouse-server/conf.d/` or `/etc/clickhouse-server/users.d/` override top-level `chi.spec.configuration.files` and cluster-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.files`, will ignore if `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.layout.shards` presents x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true templates: type: object description: | optional, configuration of the templates names which will use for generate Kubernetes resources according to selected replica override top-level `chi.spec.configuration.templates`, cluster-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.templates` # nullable: true properties: hostTemplate: type: string description: "optional, template name from chi.spec.templates.hostTemplates, which will apply to configure `clickhouse-server` instance during render ConfigMap resources which will mount into `Pod` only for one replica" podTemplate: type: string description: "optional, template name from chi.spec.templates.podTemplates, allows customization each `Pod` resource during render and reconcile each StatefulSet.spec resource described in `chi.spec.configuration.clusters` only for one replica" dataVolumeClaimTemplate: type: string description: "optional, template name from chi.spec.templates.volumeClaimTemplates, allows customization each `PVC` which will mount for clickhouse data directory in each `Pod` during render and reconcile every StatefulSet.spec resource described in `chi.spec.configuration.clusters` only for one shard" logVolumeClaimTemplate: type: string description: "optional, template name from chi.spec.templates.volumeClaimTemplates, allows customization each `PVC` which will mount for clickhouse log directory in each `Pod` during render and reconcile every StatefulSet.spec resource described in `chi.spec.configuration.clusters` only for one shard" serviceTemplate: type: string description: "optional, fully ignores for replica-level" clusterServiceTemplate: type: string description: "optional, fully ignores for replica-level" shardServiceTemplate: type: string description: "optional, fully ignores for replica-level" replicaServiceTemplate: type: string description: "optional, template name from chi.spec.templates.serviceTemplates, allows customization for each `Service` resource which will created by `clickhouse-operator` which cover each replica inside each shard inside clickhouse cluster described in `chi.spec.configuration.clusters` only for one replica" volumeClaimTemplate: type: string description: "DEPRECATED! VolumeClaimTemplate is deprecated in favor of DataVolumeClaimTemplate and LogVolumeClaimTemplate" shardsCount: type: integer description: "optional, count of shards related to current replica, you can override each shard behavior on low-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.layout.replicas.shards`" minimum: 1 shards: type: array description: "optional, list of shards related to current replica, will ignore if `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.layout.shards` presents" # nullable: true items: # Host type: object properties: name: type: string description: "optional, by default shard name is generated, but you can override it and setup custom name" minLength: 1 # See namePartReplicaMaxLen const maxLength: 15 pattern: "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,15}$" tcpPort: type: integer description: | optional, setup `Pod.spec.containers.ports` with name `tcp` for selected shard, override `chi.spec.templates.hostTemplates.spec.tcpPort` allows connect to `clickhouse-server` via TCP Native protocol via kubernetes `Service` minimum: 1 maximum: 65535 httpPort: type: integer description: | optional, setup `Pod.spec.containers.ports` with name `http` for selected shard, override `chi.spec.templates.hostTemplates.spec.httpPort` allows connect to `clickhouse-server` via HTTP protocol via kubernetes `Service` minimum: 1 maximum: 65535 interserverHTTPPort: type: integer description: | optional, setup `Pod.spec.containers.ports` with name `interserver` for selected shard, override `chi.spec.templates.hostTemplates.spec.interserverHTTPPort` allows connect between replicas inside same shard during fetch replicated data parts HTTP protocol minimum: 1 maximum: 65535 settings: type: object description: | optional, allows configure `clickhouse-server` settings inside ... tag in `Pod` only in one shard related to current replica during generate `ConfigMap` which will mount in `/etc/clickhouse-server/conf.d/` override top-level `chi.spec.configuration.settings`, cluster-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.settings` and replica-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.layout.replicas.settings` More details: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/settings/settings/ # nullable: true x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true files: type: object description: | optional, allows define content of any setting file inside each `Pod` only in one shard related to current replica during generate `ConfigMap` which will mount in `/etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/` or `/etc/clickhouse-server/conf.d/` or `/etc/clickhouse-server/users.d/` override top-level `chi.spec.configuration.files` and cluster-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.files`, will ignore if `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.layout.shards` presents # nullable: true x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true templates: type: object description: | optional, configuration of the templates names which will use for generate Kubernetes resources according to selected replica override top-level `chi.spec.configuration.templates`, cluster-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.templates`, replica-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.layout.replicas.templates` # nullable: true properties: hostTemplate: type: string description: "optional, template name from chi.spec.templates.hostTemplates, which will apply to configure each `clickhouse-server` instance during render ConfigMap resources which will mount into `Pod` only for one shard" podTemplate: type: string description: "optional, template name from chi.spec.templates.podTemplates, allows customization each `Pod` resource during render and reconcile each StatefulSet.spec resource described in `chi.spec.configuration.clusters` only for one shard" dataVolumeClaimTemplate: type: string description: "optional, template name from chi.spec.templates.volumeClaimTemplates, allows customization each `PVC` which will mount for clickhouse data directory in each `Pod` during render and reconcile every StatefulSet.spec resource described in `chi.spec.configuration.clusters` only for one shard" logVolumeClaimTemplate: type: string description: "optional, template name from chi.spec.templates.volumeClaimTemplates, allows customization each `PVC` which will mount for clickhouse log directory in each `Pod` during render and reconcile every StatefulSet.spec resource described in `chi.spec.configuration.clusters` only for one shard" serviceTemplate: type: string description: "optional, fully ignores for shard-level" clusterServiceTemplate: type: string description: "optional, fully ignores for shard-level" shardServiceTemplate: type: string description: "optional, template name from chi.spec.templates.serviceTemplates, allows customization for each `Service` resource which will created by `clickhouse-operator` which cover shard inside clickhouse cluster described in `chi.spec.configuration.clusters` only for one shard" replicaServiceTemplate: type: string description: "optional, template name from chi.spec.templates.serviceTemplates, allows customization for each `Service` resource which will created by `clickhouse-operator` which cover each replica inside each shard inside clickhouse cluster described in `chi.spec.configuration.clusters` only for one shard" volumeClaimTemplate: type: string description: "DEPRECATED! VolumeClaimTemplate is deprecated in favor of DataVolumeClaimTemplate and LogVolumeClaimTemplate" templates: type: object description: "allows define templates which will use for render Kubernetes resources like StatefulSet, ConfigMap, Service, PVC, by default, clickhouse-operator have own templates, but you can override it" # nullable: true properties: hostTemplates: type: array description: "hostTemplate will use during apply to generate `clickhose-server` config files" # nullable: true items: type: object #required: # - name properties: name: description: "template name, could use to link inside top-level `chi.spec.defaults.templates.hostTemplate`, cluster-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.templates.hostTemplate`, shard-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.layout.shards.temlates.hostTemplate`, replica-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.layout.replicas.templates.hostTemplate`" type: string portDistribution: type: array description: "define how will distribute numeric values of named ports in `Pod.spec.containers.ports` and clickhouse-server configs" # nullable: true items: type: object #required: # - type properties: type: type: string description: "type of distribution, when `Unspecified` (default value) then all listen ports on clickhouse-server configuration in all Pods will have the same value, when `ClusterScopeIndex` then ports will increment to offset from base value depends on shard and replica index inside cluster with combination of `chi.spec.templates.podTemlates.spec.HostNetwork` it allows setup ClickHouse cluster inside Kubernetes and provide access via external network bypass Kubernetes internal network" enum: # List PortDistributionXXX constants - "" - "Unspecified" - "ClusterScopeIndex" spec: # Host type: object properties: name: type: string description: "by default, hostname will generate, but this allows define custom name for each `clickhuse-server`" minLength: 1 # See namePartReplicaMaxLen const maxLength: 15 pattern: "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,15}$" tcpPort: type: integer description: | optional, setup `tcp_port` inside `clickhouse-server` settings for each Pod where current template will apply if specified, should have equal value with `chi.spec.templates.podTemplates.spec.containers.ports[name=tcp]` More info: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/interfaces/tcp/ minimum: 1 maximum: 65535 httpPort: type: integer description: | optional, setup `http_port` inside `clickhouse-server` settings for each Pod where current template will apply if specified, should have equal value with `chi.spec.templates.podTemplates.spec.containers.ports[name=http]` More info: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/interfaces/http/ minimum: 1 maximum: 65535 interserverHTTPPort: type: integer description: | optional, setup `interserver_http_port` inside `clickhouse-server` settings for each Pod where current template will apply if specified, should have equal value with `chi.spec.templates.podTemplates.spec.containers.ports[name=interserver]` More info: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/server-configuration-parameters/settings/#interserver-http-port minimum: 1 maximum: 65535 settings: type: object description: | optional, allows configure `clickhouse-server` settings inside ... tag in each `Pod` where this template will apply during generate `ConfigMap` which will mount in `/etc/clickhouse-server/conf.d/` More details: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/settings/settings/ # nullable: true x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true files: type: object description: | optional, allows define content of any setting file inside each `Pod` where this template will apply during generate `ConfigMap` which will mount in `/etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/` or `/etc/clickhouse-server/conf.d/` or `/etc/clickhouse-server/users.d/` # nullable: true x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true templates: type: object description: "be carefull, this part of CRD allows override template inside template, don't use it if you don't understand what you do" # nullable: true properties: hostTemplate: type: string podTemplate: type: string dataVolumeClaimTemplate: type: string logVolumeClaimTemplate: type: string serviceTemplate: type: string clusterServiceTemplate: type: string shardServiceTemplate: type: string replicaServiceTemplate: type: string podTemplates: type: array description: | podTemplate will use during render `Pod` inside `StatefulSet.spec` and allows define rendered `Pod.spec`, pod scheduling distribution and pod zone More information: https://github.com/RadonDB/radondb-clickhouse-operator/blob/master/docs/custom_resource_explained.md#spectemplatespodtemplates # nullable: true items: type: object #required: # - name properties: name: type: string description: "template name, could use to link inside top-level `chi.spec.defaults.templates.podTemplate`, cluster-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.templates.podTemplate`, shard-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.layout.shards.temlates.podTemplate`, replica-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.layout.replicas.templates.podTemplate`" generateName: type: string description: "allows define format for generated `Pod` name, look to https://github.com/RadonDB/radondb-clickhouse-operator/blob/master/docs/custom_resource_explained.md#spectemplatesservicetemplates for details about aviailable template variables" zone: type: object description: "allows define custom zone name and will separate ClickHouse `Pods` between nodes, shortcut for `chi.spec.templates.podTemplates.spec.affinity.podAntiAffinity`" #required: # - values properties: key: type: string description: "optional, if defined, allows select kubernetes nodes by label with `name` equal `key`" values: type: array description: "optional, if defined, allows select kubernetes nodes by label with `value` in `values`" # nullable: true items: type: string distribution: type: string description: "DEPRECATED, shortcut for `chi.spec.templates.podTemplates.spec.affinity.podAntiAffinity`" enum: - "" - "Unspecified" - "OnePerHost" podDistribution: type: array description: "define ClickHouse Pod distibution policy between Kubernetes Nodes inside Shard, Replica, Namespace, CHI, another ClickHouse cluster" # nullable: true items: type: object #required: # - type properties: type: type: string description: "you can define multiple affinity policy types" enum: # List PodDistributionXXX constants - "" - "Unspecified" - "ClickHouseAntiAffinity" - "ShardAntiAffinity" - "ReplicaAntiAffinity" - "AnotherNamespaceAntiAffinity" - "AnotherClickHouseInstallationAntiAffinity" - "AnotherClusterAntiAffinity" - "MaxNumberPerNode" - "NamespaceAffinity" - "ClickHouseInstallationAffinity" - "ClusterAffinity" - "ShardAffinity" - "ReplicaAffinity" - "PreviousTailAffinity" - "CircularReplication" scope: type: string description: "scope for apply each podDistribution" enum: # list PodDistributionScopeXXX constants - "" - "Unspecified" - "Shard" - "Replica" - "Cluster" - "ClickHouseInstallation" - "Namespace" number: type: integer description: "define, how much ClickHouse Pods could be inside selected scope with selected distribution type" minimum: 0 maximum: 65535 topologyKey: type: string description: "use for inter-pod affinity look to `pod.spec.affinity.podAntiAffinity.preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution.podAffinityTerm.topologyKey`, More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/scheduling-eviction/assign-pod-node/#inter-pod-affinity-and-anti-affinity" spec: # TODO specify PodSpec type: object description: "allows define whole Pod.spec inside StaefulSet.spec, look to https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/#pod-templates for details" # nullable: true x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true metadata: type: object description: | allows pass standard object's metadata from template to Pod More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadata # nullable: true x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true volumeClaimTemplates: type: array description: "allows define template for rendering `PVC` kubernetes resource, which would use inside `Pod` for mount clickhouse `data`, clickhouse `logs` or something else" # nullable: true items: type: object #required: # - name # - spec properties: name: description: | template name, could use to link inside top-level `chi.spec.defaults.templates.dataVolumeClaimTemplate` or `chi.spec.defaults.templates.logVolumeClaimTemplate`, cluster-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.templates.dataVolumeClaimTemplate` or `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.templates.logVolumeClaimTemplate`, shard-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.layout.shards.temlates.dataVolumeClaimTemplate` or `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.layout.shards.temlates.logVolumeClaimTemplate` replica-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.layout.replicas.templates.dataVolumeClaimTemplate` or `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.layout.replicas.templates.logVolumeClaimTemplate` type: string reclaimPolicy: type: string description: "define behavior of `PVC` deletion policy during delete `Pod`, `Delete` by default, when `Retain` then `PVC` still alive even `Pod` will deleted" enum: - "" - "Retain" - "Delete" metadata: type: object description: | allows pass standard object's metadata from template to PVC More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadata # nullable: true x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true spec: type: object description: | allows define all aspects of `PVC` resource More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/persistent-volumes/#persistentvolumeclaims # nullable: true x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true serviceTemplates: type: array description: | allows define template for rendering `Service` which would get endpoint from Pods which scoped chi-wide, cluster-wide, shard-wide, replica-wide level # nullable: true items: type: object #required: # - name # - spec properties: name: type: string description: | template name, could use to link inside chi-level `chi.spec.defaults.templates.serviceTemplate` cluster-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.templates.clusterServiceTemplate` shard-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.layout.shards.temlates.shardServiceTemplate` replica-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.layout.replicas.templates.replicaServiceTemplate` or `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.layout.shards.replicas.replicaServiceTemplate` generateName: type: string description: "allows define format for generated `Service` name, look to https://github.com/RadonDB/radondb-clickhouse-operator/blob/master/docs/custom_resource_explained.md#spectemplatesservicetemplates for details about aviailable template variables" metadata: # TODO specify ObjectMeta type: object description: | allows pass standard object's metadata from template to Service Could be use for define specificly for Cloud Provider metadata which impact to behavior of service More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/ # nullable: true x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true spec: # TODO specify ServiceSpec type: object description: | describe behavior of generated Service More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/ # nullable: true x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true useTemplates: type: array description: "list of `ClickHouseInstallationTemplate` (chit) resource names which will merge with current `Chi` manifest during render Kubernetes resources to create related ClickHouse clusters" # nullable: true items: type: object #required: # - name properties: name: type: string description: "name of `ClickHouseInstallationTemplate` (chit) resource" namespace: type: string description: "Kubernetes namespace where need search `chit` resource, depending on `watchNamespaces` settings in `clichouse-operator`" useType: type: string description: "optional, current strategy is only merge, and current `chi` settings have more priority than merged template `chit`" enum: # List useTypeXXX constants from model - "" - "merge" --- apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1 kind: CustomResourceDefinition metadata: name: clickhouseoperatorconfigurations.clickhouse.radondb.com spec: group: clickhouse.radondb.com scope: Namespaced names: kind: ClickHouseOperatorConfiguration singular: clickhouseoperatorconfiguration plural: clickhouseoperatorconfigurations shortNames: - chopconf versions: - name: v1 served: true storage: true additionalPrinterColumns: - name: namespaces type: string description: Watch namespaces priority: 0 # show in standard view jsonPath: .status schema: openAPIV3Schema: type: object description: "allows customize `clickhouse-operator` settings, need restart clickhouse-operator pod after adding, more details https://github.com/RadonDB/radondb-clickhouse-operator/blob/master/docs/operator_configuration.md" x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true properties: status: type: object x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true spec: type: object description: | allows define some of settings for `clickhouse-operator` itself, More info: https://github.com/RadonDB/radondb-clickhouse-operator/blob/master/config/config.yaml look to etc-clickhouse-operator* ConfigMaps if you need more control x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true properties: watchNamespaces: type: array description: "List of namespaces where clickhouse-operator watches for events." items: type: string chCommonConfigsPath: type: string description: "Path to folder where ClickHouse configuration files common for all instances within CHI are located. Default - config.d" chHostConfigsPath: type: string description: "Path to folder where ClickHouse configuration files unique for each instance (host) within CHI are located. Default - conf.d" chUsersConfigsPath: type: string description: "Path to folder where ClickHouse configuration files with users settings are located. Files are common for all instances within CHI" chiTemplatesPath: type: string description: "Path to folder where ClickHouseInstallation .yaml manifests are located." statefulSetUpdateTimeout: type: integer description: "How many seconds to wait for created/updated StatefulSet to be Ready" statefulSetUpdatePollPeriod: type: integer description: "How many seconds to wait between checks for created/updated StatefulSet status" onStatefulSetCreateFailureAction: type: string description: | What to do in case created StatefulSet is not in Ready after `statefulSetUpdateTimeout` seconds Possible options: 1. abort - do nothing, just break the process and wait for admin. 2. delete - delete newly created problematic StatefulSet. 3. ignore (default) - ignore error, pretend nothing happened and move on to the next StatefulSet. onStatefulSetUpdateFailureAction: type: string description: | What to do in case updated StatefulSet is not in Ready after `statefulSetUpdateTimeout` seconds Possible options: 1. abort - do nothing, just break the process and wait for admin. 2. rollback (default) - delete Pod and rollback StatefulSet to previous Generation. Pod would be recreated by StatefulSet based on rollback-ed configuration. 3. ignore - ignore error, pretend nothing happened and move on to the next StatefulSet. chConfigUserDefaultProfile: type: string description: "ClickHouse server configuration `...` for any " chConfigUserDefaultQuota: type: string description: "ClickHouse server configuration `...` for any " chConfigUserDefaultNetworksIP: type: array description: "ClickHouse server configuration `...` for any " items: type: string chConfigUserDefaultPassword: description: "ClickHouse server configuration `...` for any " type: string chConfigNetworksHostRegexpTemplate: description: "ClickHouse server configuration `...` for any " type: string chUsername: type: string description: "ClickHouse username to be used by operator to connect to ClickHouse instances, deprecated, use chCredentialsSecretName" chPassword: type: string description: "ClickHouse password to be used by operator to connect to ClickHouse instances, deprecated, use chCredentialsSecretName" chCredentialsSecretNamespace: type: string description: "Location of k8s Secret with username and password to be used by operator to connect to ClickHouse instances" chCredentialsSecretName: type: string description: "Name of k8s Secret with username and password to be used by operator to connect to ClickHouse instances" chPort: type: integer minimum: 1 maximum: 65535 description: "Name of k8s Secret with username and password to be used by operator to connect to ClickHouse instances" logtostderr: type: string description: "boolean, allows logs to stderr" alsologtostderr: type: string description: "booleanm allows logs to stderr and files both" v: type: string description: "verbosity level of clickhouse-operator log, default - 1 max - 9" stderrthreshold: type: string vmodule: type: string log_backtrace_at: type: string reconcileThreadsNumber: type: integer description: "how much goroutines will use to reconcile in parallel, 10 by default" minimum: 1 maximum: 65535 reconcileWaitExclude: type: string reconcileWaitInclude: type: string excludeFromPropagationLabels: type: array description: | When propagating labels from the chi's `metadata.labels` section to child objects' `metadata.labels`, exclude labels from the following list items: type: string appendScopeLabels: type: string description: "Whether to append *Scope* labels to StatefulSet and Pod" enum: # List StringBoolXXX constants from model - "" - "0" - "1" - "False" - "false" - "True" - "true" - "No" - "no" - "Yes" - "yes" - "Off" - "off" - "On" - "on" - "Disable" - "disable" - "Enable" - "enable" - "Disabled" - "disabled" - "Enabled" - "enabled" - "LabelShardScopeIndex" - "LabelReplicaScopeIndex" - "LabelCHIScopeIndex" - "LabelCHIScopeCycleSize" - "LabelCHIScopeCycleIndex" - "LabelCHIScopeCycleOffset" - "LabelClusterScopeIndex" - "LabelClusterScopeCycleSize" - "LabelClusterScopeCycleIndex" - "LabelClusterScopeCycleOffset" --- # Possible Template Parameters: # # kube-system # # Setup ServiceAccount # ServiceAccount would be created in kubectl-specified namespace apiVersion: v1 kind: ServiceAccount metadata: name: clickhouse-operator namespace: kube-system --- apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 kind: ClusterRole metadata: name: clickhouse-operator-kube-system rules: - apiGroups: - "" resources: - configmaps - services verbs: - create - delete - get - patch - update - list - watch - apiGroups: - "" resources: - endpoints verbs: - get - list - watch - apiGroups: - "" resources: - events verbs: - create - apiGroups: - "" resources: - persistentvolumeclaims verbs: - delete - get - list - patch - update - watch - apiGroups: - "" resources: - persistentvolumes - pods verbs: - get - list - patch - update - watch - apiGroups: - apps resources: - statefulsets verbs: - create - delete - get - patch - update - list - watch - apiGroups: - apps resources: - replicasets verbs: - delete - get - patch - update - apiGroups: - apps resourceNames: - clickhouse-operator resources: - deployments verbs: - get - patch - update - delete - apiGroups: - policy resources: - poddisruptionbudgets verbs: - create - delete - get - patch - update - list - watch - apiGroups: - clickhouse.radondb.com resources: - clickhouseinstallations verbs: - delete - get - patch - update - apiGroups: - clickhouse.radondb.com resources: - clickhouseinstallations - clickhouseinstallationtemplates - clickhouseoperatorconfigurations verbs: - get - list - watch - apiGroups: - clickhouse.radondb.com resources: - clickhouseinstallations/finalizers - clickhouseinstallationtemplates/finalizers - clickhouseoperatorconfigurations/finalizers verbs: - update - apiGroups: - "" resources: - secrets verbs: - get - list --- # Setup ClusterRoleBinding between ClusterRole and ServiceAccount. # ClusterRoleBinding is namespace-less and must have unique name apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 kind: ClusterRoleBinding metadata: name: clickhouse-operator-kube-system roleRef: apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io kind: ClusterRole name: clickhouse-operator-kube-system subjects: - kind: ServiceAccount name: clickhouse-operator namespace: kube-system --- # Possible Template Parameters: # # kube-system # radondb/chronus-operator:2.1.1 # etc-clickhouse-operator-files # apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: etc-clickhouse-operator-files namespace: kube-system labels: app: clickhouse-operator data: config.yaml: | ################################################ ## ## Watch Namespaces Section ## ################################################ # List of namespaces where clickhouse-operator watches for events. # Concurrently running operators should watch on different namespaces #watchNamespaces: # - dev # - test # - info # - onemore ################################################ ## ## Additional Configuration Files Section ## ################################################ # Path to folder where ClickHouse configuration files common for all instances within CHI are located. chCommonConfigsPath: config.d # Path to folder where ClickHouse configuration files unique for each instance (host) within CHI are located. chHostConfigsPath: conf.d # Path to folder where ClickHouse configuration files with users settings are located. # Files are common for all instances within CHI chUsersConfigsPath: users.d # Path to folder where ClickHouseInstallation .yaml manifests are located. # Manifests are applied in sorted alpha-numeric order chiTemplatesPath: templates.d ################################################ ## ## Cluster Create/Update/Delete Objects Section ## ################################################ # How many seconds to wait for created/updated StatefulSet to be Ready statefulSetUpdateTimeout: 300 # How many seconds to wait between checks for created/updated StatefulSet status statefulSetUpdatePollPeriod: 5 # What to do in case created StatefulSet is not in Ready after `statefulSetUpdateTimeout` seconds # Possible options: # 1. abort - do nothing, just break the process and wait for admin # 2. delete - delete newly created problematic StatefulSet # 3. ignore - ignore error, pretend nothing happened and move on to the next StatefulSet onStatefulSetCreateFailureAction: ignore # What to do in case updated StatefulSet is not in Ready after `statefulSetUpdateTimeout` seconds # Possible options: # 1. abort - do nothing, just break the process and wait for admin # 2. rollback - delete Pod and rollback StatefulSet to previous Generation. # Pod would be recreated by StatefulSet based on rollback-ed configuration # 3. ignore - ignore error, pretend nothing happened and move on to the next StatefulSet onStatefulSetUpdateFailureAction: rollback ################################################ ## ## ClickHouse Settings Section ## ################################################ # Default values for ClickHouse user configuration # 1. user/profile - string # 2. user/quota - string # 3. user/networks/ip - multiple strings # 4. user/password - string chConfigUserDefaultProfile: default chConfigUserDefaultQuota: default chConfigUserDefaultNetworksIP: - "::1" - "" chConfigUserDefaultPassword: "default" # Default host_regexp to limit network connectivity from outside chConfigNetworksHostRegexpTemplate: "(chi-{chi}-[^.]+\\d+-\\d+|clickhouse\\-{chi})\\.{namespace}\\.svc\\.cluster\\.local$" ################################################ ## ## Access to ClickHouse instances ## ################################################ # ClickHouse credentials (username, password and port) to be used by operator to connect to ClickHouse instances # for: # 1. Metrics requests # 2. Schema maintenance # 3. DROP DNS CACHE # User with such credentials can be specified in additional ClickHouse .xml config files, # located in `chUsersConfigsPath` folder chUsername: clickhouse_operator chPassword: clickhouse_operator_password # Location of k8s Secret with username and password to be used by operator to connect to ClickHouse instances # Can be used instead of explicitly specified username and password chCredentialsSecretNamespace: "" chCredentialsSecretName: "" # Port where to connect to ClickHouse instances to chPort: 8123 ################################################ ## ## Log parameters ## ################################################ logtostderr: "true" alsologtostderr: "false" v: "1" stderrthreshold: "" vmodule: "" log_backtrace_at: "" ################################################ ## ## Runtime parameters ## ################################################ # Max number of concurrent reconciles in progress reconcileThreadsNumber: 10 reconcileWaitExclude: true reconcileWaitInclude: false ################################################ ## ## Labels management parameters ## ################################################ # When propagating labels from the chi's `metadata.labels` section to child objects' `metadata.labels`, # exclude labels from the following list: #excludeFromPropagationLabels: # - "labelA" # - "labelB" # Whether to append *Scope* labels to StatefulSet and Pod. # Full list of available *scope* labels check in labeler.go # LabelShardScopeIndex # LabelReplicaScopeIndex # LabelCHIScopeIndex # LabelCHIScopeCycleSize # LabelCHIScopeCycleIndex # LabelCHIScopeCycleOffset # LabelClusterScopeIndex # LabelClusterScopeCycleSize # LabelClusterScopeCycleIndex # LabelClusterScopeCycleOffset appendScopeLabels: "no" --- # Possible Template Parameters: # # kube-system # radondb/chronus-operator:2.1.1 # etc-clickhouse-operator-confd-files # apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: etc-clickhouse-operator-confd-files namespace: kube-system labels: app: clickhouse-operator data: --- # Possible Template Parameters: # # kube-system # radondb/chronus-operator:2.1.1 # etc-clickhouse-operator-configd-files # apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: etc-clickhouse-operator-configd-files namespace: kube-system labels: app: clickhouse-operator data: 01-clickhouse-01-listen.xml: | :: 1 01-clickhouse-02-logger.xml: | information /var/log/clickhouse-server/clickhouse-server.log /var/log/clickhouse-server/clickhouse-server.err.log 1000M 10 1 01-clickhouse-03-query_log.xml: | system query_log
Engine = MergeTree PARTITION BY event_date ORDER BY event_time TTL event_date + interval 30 day 7500
01-clickhouse-04-part_log.xml: | system part_log
Engine = MergeTree PARTITION BY event_date ORDER BY event_time TTL event_date + interval 30 day 7500
--- # Possible Template Parameters: # # kube-system # radondb/chronus-operator:2.1.1 # etc-clickhouse-operator-templatesd-files # apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: etc-clickhouse-operator-templatesd-files namespace: kube-system labels: app: clickhouse-operator data: 001-templates.json.example: | { "apiVersion": "clickhouse.radondb.com/v1", "kind": "ClickHouseInstallationTemplate", "metadata": { "name": "01-default-volumeclaimtemplate" }, "spec": { "templates": { "volumeClaimTemplates": [ { "name": "chi-default-volume-claim-template", "spec": { "accessModes": [ "ReadWriteOnce" ], "resources": { "requests": { "storage": "2Gi" } } } } ], "podTemplates": [ { "name": "chi-default-oneperhost-pod-template", "distribution": "OnePerHost", "spec": { "containers" : [ { "name": "clickhouse", "image": "radondb/clickhouse-server:", "ports": [ { "name": "http", "containerPort": 8123 }, { "name": "client", "containerPort": 9000 }, { "name": "interserver", "containerPort": 9009 } ] } ] } } ] } } } default-pod-template.yaml.example: | apiVersion: "clickhouse.radondb.com/v1" kind: "ClickHouseInstallationTemplate" metadata: name: "default-oneperhost-pod-template" spec: templates: podTemplates: - name: default-oneperhost-pod-template distribution: "OnePerHost" default-storage-template.yaml.example: | apiVersion: "clickhouse.radondb.com/v1" kind: "ClickHouseInstallationTemplate" metadata: name: "default-storage-template-2Gi" spec: templates: volumeClaimTemplates: - name: default-storage-template-2Gi spec: accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce resources: requests: storage: 2Gi readme: | Templates in this folder are packaged with an operator and available via 'useTemplate' --- # Possible Template Parameters: # # kube-system # radondb/chronus-operator:2.1.1 # etc-clickhouse-operator-usersd-files # apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: etc-clickhouse-operator-usersd-files namespace: kube-system labels: app: clickhouse-operator data: 01-clickhouse-user.xml: | ::/0 716b36073a90c6fe1d445ac1af85f4777c5b7a155cea359961826a030513e448 clickhouse_operator default 0 1 10 02-clickhouse-default-profile.xml: | 1 1000 1 1 03-database-ordinary.xml: | Ordinary --- # Possible Template Parameters: # # kube-system # radondb/chronus-operator:2.1.1 # radondb/chronus-metrics-operator:2.1.1 # # Setup Deployment for clickhouse-operator # Deployment would be created in kubectl-specified namespace kind: Deployment apiVersion: apps/v1 metadata: name: clickhouse-operator namespace: kube-system labels: app: clickhouse-operator spec: replicas: 1 selector: matchLabels: app: clickhouse-operator template: metadata: labels: app: clickhouse-operator annotations: prometheus.io/port: '8888' prometheus.io/scrape: 'true' spec: serviceAccountName: clickhouse-operator volumes: - name: etc-clickhouse-operator-folder configMap: name: etc-clickhouse-operator-files - name: etc-clickhouse-operator-confd-folder configMap: name: etc-clickhouse-operator-confd-files - name: etc-clickhouse-operator-configd-folder configMap: name: etc-clickhouse-operator-configd-files - name: etc-clickhouse-operator-templatesd-folder configMap: name: etc-clickhouse-operator-templatesd-files - name: etc-clickhouse-operator-usersd-folder configMap: name: etc-clickhouse-operator-usersd-files containers: - name: clickhouse-operator image: radondb/chronus-operator:2.1.1 imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent volumeMounts: - name: etc-clickhouse-operator-folder mountPath: /etc/clickhouse-operator - name: etc-clickhouse-operator-confd-folder mountPath: /etc/clickhouse-operator/conf.d - name: etc-clickhouse-operator-configd-folder mountPath: /etc/clickhouse-operator/config.d - name: etc-clickhouse-operator-templatesd-folder mountPath: /etc/clickhouse-operator/templates.d - name: etc-clickhouse-operator-usersd-folder mountPath: /etc/clickhouse-operator/users.d env: # Pod-specific # spec.nodeName: ip-172-20-52-62.ec2.internal - name: OPERATOR_POD_NODE_NAME valueFrom: fieldRef: fieldPath: spec.nodeName # metadata.name: clickhouse-operator-6f87589dbb-ftcsf - name: OPERATOR_POD_NAME valueFrom: fieldRef: fieldPath: metadata.name # metadata.namespace: kube-system - name: OPERATOR_POD_NAMESPACE valueFrom: fieldRef: fieldPath: metadata.namespace # status.podIP: - name: OPERATOR_POD_IP valueFrom: fieldRef: fieldPath: status.podIP # spec.serviceAccount: clickhouse-operator # spec.serviceAccountName: clickhouse-operator - name: OPERATOR_POD_SERVICE_ACCOUNT valueFrom: fieldRef: fieldPath: spec.serviceAccountName # Container-specific - name: OPERATOR_CONTAINER_CPU_REQUEST valueFrom: resourceFieldRef: containerName: clickhouse-operator resource: requests.cpu - name: OPERATOR_CONTAINER_CPU_LIMIT valueFrom: resourceFieldRef: containerName: clickhouse-operator resource: limits.cpu - name: OPERATOR_CONTAINER_MEM_REQUEST valueFrom: resourceFieldRef: containerName: clickhouse-operator resource: requests.memory - name: OPERATOR_CONTAINER_MEM_LIMIT valueFrom: resourceFieldRef: containerName: clickhouse-operator resource: limits.memory - name: metrics-exporter image: radondb/chronus-metrics-operator:2.1.1 imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent volumeMounts: - name: etc-clickhouse-operator-folder mountPath: /etc/clickhouse-operator - name: etc-clickhouse-operator-confd-folder mountPath: /etc/clickhouse-operator/conf.d - name: etc-clickhouse-operator-configd-folder mountPath: /etc/clickhouse-operator/config.d - name: etc-clickhouse-operator-templatesd-folder mountPath: /etc/clickhouse-operator/templates.d - name: etc-clickhouse-operator-usersd-folder mountPath: /etc/clickhouse-operator/users.d --- # Possible Template Parameters: # # kube-system # # Setup ClusterIP Service to provide monitoring metrics for Prometheus # Service would be created in kubectl-specified namespace # In order to get access outside of k8s it should be exposed as: # kubectl --namespace prometheus port-forward service/prometheus 9090 # and point browser to localhost:9090 kind: Service apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: clickhouse-operator-metrics namespace: kube-system labels: app: clickhouse-operator spec: ports: - port: 8888 name: clickhouse-operator-metrics selector: app: clickhouse-operator