OSLO Exchange Standard Open Standards for Linking Governments Working Group (V-ICT-OR, OSLO) This is the RDF encoding of the OSLO Vocabulary developed under the OSLO (Open Standards for Local Administrations) Programme. Copyright (c) 2013-2014 V-ICT-OR. V-ICT-OR/OSLO Raf Buyle Process and Methodology for Developing Core Vocabularies This file specifies the set of RDF classes and properties used in the OSLO exchange standard for local administrations in Flanders. European Commission ISA Open Metadata Licence v1.1 2014-05-30Z Person Core Vocabulary Version 1.1.0 30 May 2014 This version of the OSLO Exchange Standard provides a minimum set of classes and properties for describing a natural person, i.e. the individual as opposed to any role they may play in society or the relationships they have to other people, organisations and property; all of which contribute significantly to the broader concept of identity. The vocabulary is closely integrated with the Person, Organisation and Location Vocabularies published by the W3C in the Gov Linked Data Project. V-ICT-OR oslo oslo Copyright © 2013-2014 V-ICT-OR Ghent University - iMinds - Multimedia Lab Laurens De Vocht locn:Geometry This class defines the notion of "geometry" at the conceptual level, and it shall be encoded by using different formats. For interoperability reasons, it is recommended using one of the following: The Geometry Class provides the means to identify a Location as a point, line, polygon, etc. expressed using coordinates in some coordinate reference system. Geometry Public Service This class represents the service itself. As noted in the scope (section 1.4), a public service is the capacity to carry out a procedure and exists whether it is used or not. It is a set of deeds and acts performed by or on behalf of a public agency for the benefit of a citizen, a business or another public agency. PersonRelation A relation between two persons oslo:PersonRelation Permission Denotes a the permission of a role. Should be linked with a formal rule. oslo:Permission adms:Identifier

The Identifier class represents any identifier issued by any authority, whether a government agency or not. It captures the identifier itself and details of the issuing authority, the date on which the identifier was issued and so on.

This class is based on the UN/CEFACT Identifier complex type defined in See Section 5.8 of Core Components Data Type Catalogue Version 3.1

The various conceptual properties can be fulfilled as follows:

  • use skos:notation to provide the actual identifier (the Identifier class is effectively meaningless without this property and conceptually it is mandatory);
  • use dcterms:type to provide an identifier for the type of identifier issued;
  • use dcterms:created to provide the date on which the identifier was issued.
  • use adms:schemeAgency to provide the name of the agency that created the identifier (as an rdfs:Literal).
  • use dcterms:creator to link to a URI of an Agent class describing the issuing Agency;
The ADMS class of Identifier fully represents the Business Core Vocabulary term of the same name Identifier
oslo:BasicAddress An "address representation" as defined in the data specifications of the EU INSPIRE Directive. The locn:addressId property may be used to link this Address to other representations. This address extends the address with additional information BasicAddress Membership This is the key class for the Business Core Vocabulary and represents a business that is legally registered. In many countries there is a single registry although in others, such as Spain and Germany, multiple registries exist. A Legal Entity is able to trade, is legally liable for its actions, accounts, tax affairs etc. It is a sub class of org:FormalOrganization which covers a wider range of entities, such as charities. oslo:Membership oslo:ResidenceObject This is the key class for the Location Core Vocabulary and represents any location that has an address, a building and a parcel. This is the key class for the OSLO Location Vocabulary and represents a location that is linked with an address and/or a building with parcel(s). Residence Object Status Status of Public Service oslo:Status dcterms:Location This is the key class for the Location Core Vocabulary and represents any location, irrespective of size or other restriction. dcterms:Location class fully represents the Location Core Vocabulary class of Location. Location locn:Address An "address representation" as defined in the data specifications of the EU INSPIRE Directive. The locn:addressId property may be used to link this Address to other representations. Address Output Outputs can by any resource - document, artefact - anything. In a specific context it is likely to be useful to either define a sub class or declare the particular resource to also be of another type as well. A general case might be a foaf:Document but where possible, it is better to refer to a controlled vocabulary of types. dcterms:type should be used to use to provide this information linking to a SKOS Concept. Organization Represents a collection of people organized together into a community or other social, commercial or political structure. The group has some common purpose or reason for existence which goes beyond the set of people belonging to it and can act as an Agent. Organizations are often decomposable into hierarchical structures. It is recommended that SKOS lexical labels should be used to label the Organization. In particular `skos:prefLabel` for the primary (possibly legally recognized name), `skos:altLabel` for alternative names (trading names, colloquial names) and `skos:notation` to denote a code from a code list. Alternative names: _Collective_ _Body_ _Org_ _Group_ org:Organization Site An office or other premise at which the organization is located. Many organizations are spread across multiple sites and many sites will host multiple locations. In most cases a Site will be a physical location. However, we don't exclude the possibility of non-physical sites such as a virtual office with an associated post box and phone reception service. Extensions may provide subclasses to denote particular types of site. org:Site Organization This is the key class for the Business Core Vocabulary and represents a business that is legally registered. In many countries there is a single registry although in others, such as Spain and Germany, multiple registries exist. A Legal Entity is able to trade, is legally liable for its actions, accounts, tax affairs etc. It is a sub class of org:FormalOrganization which covers a wider range of entities, such as charities. oslo:Organization oslo:ExtendedAddress An "address representation" as defined in the data specifications of the EU INSPIRE Directive. The locn:addressId property may be used to link this Address to other representations. This address extends the address with additional information ExtendedAddress Input Inputs can by any resource - document, artefact - anything. In a specific context it is likely to be useful to either define a sub class or declare the particular resource to also be of another type as well. A general case might be a foaf:Document but where possible, it is better to refer to a controlled vocabulary of types. dcterms:type should be used to use to provide this information linking to a SKOS Concept.

The Conceptual Model includes a 'Code' datatype that is used for the types of relation and membership properties. This is expressed using the SKOS vocabulary with a particular 'code' usually being a skos:Concept that is part of a scheme. The intention is that the skos:Concepts class be used as follows;

  • for the content property, use skos:notation
  • the 'list' property will be taken care of by means of the skos:inScheme property;
  • the list agency property is likely to be applied to the scheme as a whole for which dcterms:creator is appropriate;
  • the list version property can be fulfilled using schema:version (see
Concept skos:Concept
person:Person An individual person who may be dead or alive, but not imaginary. It is that restriction that makes person:Person a sub class of both foaf:Person and schema:Person which both cover imaginary characters as well as real people. Person OrganizationnRelation A relation between two organizations oslo:OrganizationRelation oslo:Building Use this class to represent information about a building. Information related to a Building Building Role Denotes a role that a Person or other Agent can take in an public service. Instances of this class describe the abstract role; to denote a specific instance of a person playing that role in a specific public service use an instance of `Permission` that is linked with the formal rules `Rule`. oslo:Role Rule The Rule class represents the specific rules, guidelines or procedures that the Public Service follows. Instances of the Rule class are FRBR Expressions, that is, a concrete expression, such as a document, of the more abstract concept of the rules themselves. Relation A relation between two agents oslo:Relation oslo:Parcel Use this class to contain the parcels in. Information related to a Parcel Address or Label Parcel member membre Indicates the Person (or other Agent including Organization) involved in the Membership relationship. Inverse of `org:hasMembership` Indique une personne (ou tout autre Agent, y compris une Organisation) impliqué dans la relation d'Engagement. Inverse de `org:hasMembership` oslo:function A KBO Funtion KBO function oslo:functionPhase A KBO Funtionphase KBO function phase locn:location The location property links any resource to the Location Class. Asserting the location relationship implies only that the domain has some connection to a Location in time or space. It does not imply that the resource is necessarily at that location at the time when the assertion is made. location parcel ID The concept of adding a globally unique identifier for each instance of a parcel is a crucial part of the OSLO data spec. The domain of oslo:parcelId is oslo:Parcel. oslo:parcelId oslo:membershipType Type of a membership type of membership oslo:locatorName Proper noun(s) applied to the real world entity identified by the locator. The locator name could be the name of the property or complex, of the building or part of the building, or it could be the name of a room inside a building. The domain of oslo:locatorName is oslo:ExtendedAddress. locator name oslo:poBox The Post Office Box number. The domain of oslo:poBox is oslo:ExtendedAddress. po box oslo:civilClass The range of place of death is a code. civil classs person:countryOfDeath The range of country of death is dcterms:Location and schema:Place. country of death schema:gender The gender of an individual should be recorded using a controlled vocabulary that is appropriate for the specific context. In some cases the chromosomal or physical state of an individual will be more important than the gender that they express, in others the reverse will be true. What is always important is that the controlled vocabulary used to describe an individual's gender is stated explicitly. To do this use a skos:Concept as described in the Code class. The Person Core Vocabulary includes an example of such a SKOS concept scheme. The schema:gender property fully represents the Person Core Vocabulary term of the same name. gender oslo:mailingLocation Points to a mailing location mailing location rdfs:seeAlso Used in the Location Core vocabulary to provide a URI that identifies the location. This should be expressed using the rdfs:seeAlso property unless the identifier is already the subject of the description. Examples include URIs from and DBpedia such as where XX is the ISO 3166 two character code for a country. rdfs:seeAlso fully represents the Location Core Vocabulary concept of a geographic identifier. geographic identifier locator designator A number or a sequence of characters that uniquely identifies the locator within the relevant scope(s). The full identification of the locator could include one or more locator designators. The domain of oslo:locatorDesignator is oslo:Address. oslo:locatorDesignator oslo:orgStatus A KBO Organisation status KBO Organisation status The oslo:extended_address property relationship associates an Extended Address with a Address Class extended address locn:address building ID The concept of adding a globally unique identifier for each instance of a building is a crucial part of the OSLO data spec. The domain of oslo:buildingId is oslo:Building. oslo:buldingId oslo:statusType Type of a status type of status oslo:result Result of the public service process. Public Service Result urn:x-inspire:specification:gmlas:BaseTypes:3.2:adminUnit oslo:country Best practice is to use the ISO 3166-1 code but if this is inappropriate for the context, country names should be provided in a consistent manner to reduce ambiguity. For example, either write 'United Kingdom' or 'UK' consistently throughout the data set and avoid mixing the two. The uppermost administrative unit for the address, almost always a country. The domain of locn:adminUnitL1 is locn:Address and the range is a literal, conceptually defined by the INSPIRE Geographical Name data type. country oslo:legalFormCode A Legal Form Code legal form code address ID The concept of adding a globally unique identifier for each instance of an address is a crucial part of the INSPIRE data spec. The domain of oslo:addressId is locn:Address. oslo:addressId has input The hasInput property links a Public Service to one or more instances of the Input class (see below). A specific service may require the presence of certain inputs or combinations of inputs in order to operate. These should be described in an application profile for a given service. oslo:targetDate Targetdate for a public service to process its input and produce output Target date org status Terms like insolvent, bankrupt and in receivership are likely to have different legal implications in different jurisdictions. Best Practice for recording various other status levels is to use the relevant jurisdiction's terms and to do so in a consistent manner using a SKOS Concept Scheme. rov:orgStatcompanyus is a sub class of org:classification which has a range of skos:Concept. rov:orgStatus oslo:kind Kind of organization, natural person or legal person kind Any name by which an individual is known. Many individuals use a short form of their name, a "middle" name as a "first" name or a professional name. For example, the British politician and former UN High Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina, Jeremy John Durham Ashdown, Baron Ashdown of Norton-sub-Hamdon, is usually referred to simply as Paddy Ashdown or Lord Ashdown. alternative name The dcterms:alternative property fully represents the Registered Organization vocabulary property of alternative name. Some jurisdictions recognize concepts such as a trading name or alternative forms of a legal entity's name. The alternative name property can be used to record such names but should not be used to record translations of the primary legal name. Where more than one legal name exists and where they have equal standing but are expressed in different languages, identify the language used in each of the multiple legal names. It is not the role of the alternative name field to record nick names, pet names or other 'familiar names' that will be of no consequence in public sector data exchange (foaf:nick would be appropriate for that). dcterms:alternative Some jurisdictions recognise concepts such as a trading name or alternative forms of a legal entity's name. The Alternative Name property can be used to record such names but should not be used to record translations of the primary legal name. Where more than one legal name exists and where they have equal standing but are expressed in different languages, identify the language used in each of the multiple legal names. The dcterms:alternative property fully represents the Person Core Vocabulary property of alternative name. The dcterms:alternative property fully represents the Business Core Vocabulary property of alternative name. oslo:invoiceLocation Points to a authentic location authentic location from from relation adms:identifies The identifies relation is used to link an adms:Identifier class to whatever resource it identifies (such as a business or a person). adms:identifies fully represents the Core Vocabulary property of the same name identifies to to relation oslo:legalCohabetation Legal Cohabetitation nobelity title extended address ID The concept of adding a globally unique identifier for each instance of an address is a crucial part of the INSPIRE data spec. The domain of oslo:extended_addressId is oslo:ExtendedAddress. oslo:extended_addressId locn:address The locn:address property relationship associates any resource with the Address Class address schema:deathDate A date that specifies the death date of a person. The date should be provided as a literal and data typed if applicable. The schema:deathDate property fully represents the Person Core Vocabulary term of date of death. date of death oslo:membershipFunction Function label of a membership membership function oslo:legalIncompetence Legal Incompetence legal incompetence oslo:shutDownDate Date of shutdown of an organization date of shutdown registration The legal status of a registered organization is conferred on it by an authority within a given jurisdiction. The registration is therefore a fundamental relationship between a the organization and the authority with which it is registered. The details of the registration are provided as properties of the Identifier class which is defined by ADMS. The vocabulary sets no restriction on the type of legal identifier. In many countries, the business register's identifier is the relevant data point. The tax number often fulfils this function in Spain and elsewhere. Although there is no formal cardinality constraint on any property in the Registered Organization Vocabulary, it is questionable whether a description of a registered organization without this property and an associated Identifier class will be of any value. rov:registration has permission Permission belonging to a Role. person:countryOfBirth The range of country of birth is dcterms:Location and schema:Place. country of birth follows The follows property links a service to the Rule(s) under which it operates. schema:birthDate A date that specifies the birth date of a person. The date should be provided as a literal and data typed if applicable. The schema:birthDate property fully represents the Person Core Vocabulary term of date of birth date of birth locn:postName The key postal division of the address, usually the city. (INSPIRE's definition is "One or more names created and maintained for postal purposes to identify a subdivision of addresses and postal delivery points.") The domain of locn:postName is locn:Address. post name person:placeOfBirth The range of place of birth is dcterms:Location and schema:Place. place of birth oslo:fullAddress The complete address written as a string, with or without formatting. The domain of locn:fullAddress is locn:Address. full address legal:orgType This property records the type of company. Familiar types are SA, PLC, LLC, GmbH etc. Each jurisdiction will have a limited set of recognised company types and these should be used in a consistent manner using a skos:Concept as described in the Code Class. organization type from from relation foaf:givenName A given name, or multiple given names, are the denominator(s) that identify an individual within a family. These are given to a person by his or her parents at birth or may be legally recognised for example, the given name for Johan Sebastian Bach is 'Johan Sebastian.' The foaf:givenName property fully represents the Person Core Vocabulary term of given name given name organization type This property records the type of company. Familiar types are SA, PLC, LLC, GmbH etc. Each jurisdiction will have a limited set of recognized company types and these should be used in a consistent manner using a SKOS Concept Scheme. rov:orgType is a sub class of org:classification which has a range of skos:Concept. rov:orgType oslo:result Status of the public service process. Public Service Status parcel Parcel linked to a building or a residence object. oslo:parcel oslo:residence The range of residence is ResidenceObject. residence person:birthName All data associated with an individual are subject to change. Names can change for a variety of reasons, either formally or informally, and new information may come to light that means that a correction or clarification can be made to an existing record. Birth names tend to be persistent however and for this reason they are recorded by some public sector information systems. There is no granularity for birth name - the full name should be recorded in a single field. birth name oslo:reasonShutDown Reason for shutdown of an organization reason shutdown foaf:name The full name contains the complete name of a person as one string. In addition to the content of given name, family name and, in some systems, patronymic name, this can carry additional parts of a person's name such as titles, middle names or suffixes like "the third" or names which are neither a given nor a family name. The foaf:name property fully represents the Person Core Vocabulary term of full name name building Building linked to a residence object. oslo:building oslo:deliveryLocation Points to a delivery location delivery location oslo:nobelityTitle Nobelity title of a person nobelity title oslo:domicile The range of domicile is ResidenceObject. domicile locn:thoroughfare An address component that represents the name of a passage or way through from one location to another. A thoroughfare is not necessarily a road, it might be a waterway or some other feature. The domain of locn:thoroughfare is locn:Address. thoroughfare person:placeOfDeath The range of place of death is dcterms:Location and schema:Place. place of death person:citizenship The range of citizenship is dcterms:Jurisdiction. citizenship oslo:availableAt Points to a residence availableAt Administrative Unit Admin Unit linked to an address oslo:adminUnit locn:geographicName

A geographic name is a proper noun applied to a spatial object. Taking the example used in the INSPIRE document (page 18), the following are all valid geographic names for the Greek capital:

  • A?n?a (the Greek endonym written in the Greek script)
  • Athina (the standard Romanisation of the endonym)
  • Athens (the English language exonym)

For INSPIRE-conformant data, provide the metadata for the geographic name using a skos:Concept as a datatype.

geographic name
legal:orgActivity The activity of an organisation should be recorded using a controlled vocabulary expressed as a SKOS concept scheme (see Code. Several such vocabularies exist, many of which map to the UN's ISIC codes. Where a particular controlled vocabulary is in use within a given context, such as SIC codes in the UK, it is acceptable to use these, however, the preferred choice for European interoperability is NACE. org activity oslo:contact contact information Depicts the contact information for a person, organizaton or membership to to relation provides role This very general property links an Public Service to a Role. oslo:statusCode Statuscode Statuscode legal:orgStatus Terms like insolvent, bankrupt and in receivership are likely to have different legal implications in different jurisdictions. Best Practice for recording various other status levels is to use the relevant jurisdiction's terms and to do so in a consistent manner using a skos:Concept as described in the Concept Class. The term "Normal Activity" appears to have cross-border usefulness and this should be used in preference to terms like trading or operating. org status oslo:addressArea The name or names of a geographic area or locality that groups a number of addressable objects for addressing purposes, without being an administrative unit. This would typically be part of a city, a neighbourhood or village. The domain of oslo:addressArea is oslo:Address. address area The identifier relation is used to link a person to any formally issued identifier for that person. dcterms:identifier The identifier relation links a resource to any formally issued identifier for that resource other than one that confers legal status upon it. The range is adms:Identifier. dcterms:identifier fully represents the Core Vocabulary property of the same name identifer oslo:validityPeriod Points to a time interval validity period oslo:isBranch Depicts if organization is branch of another organization organization is a branch or not foaf:familyName A family name is usually shared by members of a family. This attribute also carries prefixes or suffixes which are part of the Family Name, e.g. "de Boer", "van de Putte", "von und zu Orlow". Multiple family names, such as are commonly found in Hispanic countries, are recorded in the single Family Name field so that, for example, Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra's Family Name would be recorded as "Cervantes Saavedra." The foaf:familyName property fully represents the Person Core Vocabulary term of family name family name oslo:invoiceLocation Points to a invoice location invoice location produces The produces property links a Public Service to one or more instances of the Output class which is its range. oslo:establishmentDate Date of establishment of an organization date of establishment person:patronymicName Patronymic names are important in some countries. Iceland does not have a concept of family name in the way that many other European countries do, for example. In Bulgaria and Russia, patronymic names are in every day usage, for example, the "Sergeyevich" (?????????) in "Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev" (?????? ????????? ????????). patronymic name locn:postCode The post code (a.k.a postal code, zip code etc.). Post codes are common elements in many countries' postal address systems. The domain of locn:postCode is locn:Address. post code province The province of the address. The domain of oslo:province is oslo:ExtendedAddress and the range is a literal, conceptually defined by the INSPIRE Geographical Name data type. oslo:province oslo:locatorNumber A number or a sequence of characters that uniquely identifies the locator within the relevant scope(s). This is typically an identification for the locator in the thoroughfare (most of the times a street or square). locator number provides role This very general property links an Public Service to a Role. Associates any Location with the locn:Geometry class. locn:geometry geometry

Depending on how a geometry is encoded (see usage note of the locn:Geometry class), the range of this property may be either a literal (e.g., WKT - string literal -, GML, KML - XML literal) or a geometry class, as those defined in the OGC's GeoSPARQL specification, in the W3C's Basic Geo (WGS84 lat/long) vocabulary, and at, or even the GeoHash URI references.

The following are examples of equivalent statements using different geometry encodings:


    <ex:a> locn:geometry
      "<> Point(-0.001475 51.477811)"^^ogc:WKTLiteral .
  • GML

    <ex:a> locn:geometry
      "<gml:Point srsName=''>
      <gml:coordinates>-0.001475, 51.477811</gml:coordinates></gml:Point>"^^ogc:GMLLiteral .

    <ex:a> locn:geometry
      [ a ogc:Point; ogc:asWKT "<> Point(-0.001475 51.477811)"^^ogc:WKTLiteral ] .

    <ex:a> locn:geometry
      [ a ogc:Point; ogc:asGML
         "<gml:Point srsName=''>
          <gml:coordinates>-0.001475, 51.477811</gml:coordinates></gml:Point>"^^ogc:GMLLiteral ] .
  • RDF (WGS84 lat/long)

    <ex:a> locn:geometry [ a geo:Point; geo:lat "51.477811"; geo:long "-0.001475" ] .
  • RDF (

    <ex:a> locn:geometry [ a schema:GeoCoordinates; schema:latitude "51.477811"; schema:longitude "-0.001475" ] .
  • URI reference (GeoHash)

    <ex:a> locn:geometry <> .
org activity The activity of a company should be recorded using a controlled vocabulary expressed as a SKOS concept scheme. Several such vocabularies exist, many of which map to the UN's ISIC codes. Where a particular controlled vocabulary is in use within a given context, such as SIC codes in the UK, it is acceptable to use these, however, the preferred choice for European interoperability is NACE. rov:companyActivity is a sub class of org:classification which has a range of skos:Concept. rov:orgActivity rov:legalName The legal name of the business. A business might have more than one legal name, particularly in countries with more than one official language. In such cases the language of the string should be identified. legal name The legal name of the business. A business might have more than one legal name, particularly in countries with more than one official language. In such cases the language of the string should be identified. oslo:productType Type of a product type of product addres Parcel linked to a building or a residence object. oslo:address has site Indicates a site at which the Organization has some presence even if only indirect (e.g. virtual office or a professional service which is acting as the registered address for a company). Inverse of `org:siteOf`. Indique l'Organization dont l'agent est membre. Indicates Organization in which the Agent is a member. organization organisation OSLO Vocabulary