-- FIBARO HC2 + DEKODER TELEWIZJI NC PLUS -- http://fibaro.rafikel.pl (2013-2014) -- Skrypt LUA urządzenia wirtualnego Fibaro oraz centralki -- HC2, który całkowicie automatycznie utworzy i skonfiguruje -- urządzenie wirtualne w centralce do obsługi dekodera -- telewizji NC Plus (dekodery MediaBox)! -- Potrzebne: -- 1. Twoja nazwa urządzenia (np. Dekoder NC+). -- 2. Adres IP oraz port (najpewniej 8080) dekodera. -- 3. Hasło i login do centralki podane w treści skryptu. -- Co skrypt zrobi: -- 1. Znajdzie dekoder pod podanym adresem i pobierze z niego -- wszelkie potrzebne dane. -- 2. Przygotuje pełen zestaw przycisków, które będa dostępne -- w interfejsie użytkownika oraz scenach blokowych. -- 3. Pobierze z serwera fibaro.rafikel.pl oraz wgra do -- centralki zestaw ikonek graficznych dla urządzenia. -- 4. Utworzy zmienna globalną, która odzwierciedlać będzie -- stan dekodera (nazwa zmiennej na podstawie podanej nazwy -- urządzenia wirtualnego). -- 5. W pełni umożliwi na sterowanie i odczytywanie stanu -- dekodera z poziomu scen blokowych. -- Instrukcja: -- 1. Utwórz nowe urządzenie wirtualne. -- 2. Podaj swoją nazwę (np. "Dekoder NC+") oraz adres IP -- i port TCP dekodera (najpewniej 8080). -- 3. Wklej zawartość skryptu do głównej pętli. -- 4. Zapisz urządzenie wirtualne i poczekaj około minuty, -- możesz obserwować postęp w "debugu". -- 5. Jeśli wszystko poszło ok, odświeżając stronę zobaczysz -- gotowe urządzenie do sterowania! -- Możesz potem definiować własną listę ulubionych kanałów -- poprzez dodawanie kolejnych przycisków (za przykładowym -- Discovery na końcu). -- DANE LOGOWANIA DO CENTRALKI -- Te dane są obowiązkowe! Zapewniają poprawną pracę skryptu! -- Skrypt tworzy i dostosowuje zawartość urządzenia wirtualnego -- dla swoich potrzeb - przyciski, zmienne globalne, ikonki... -- Aby mieć taką możliwość, potrzebuje pełnego dostępu do HC2! USER = "admin" PASSWORD = "admin" -- AUTO_UPDATE = 0 | 1 [Domyślnie = 1] -- Ustawienia automatycznej aktualizacji skryptu - zezwala na -- automatyczne pobieranie nowych wersji skryptu z serwera -- fibaro.rafikel.pl. Skrypt nie wysyła żadnych danych, jedynie -- odczytuje plik na serwerze i w razie potrzeby podmienia swoją -- zawartość na nową. Konfiguracja użytkownika nie jest nadpisywana. AUTO_UPDATE = 1 -- PROBE_AT_START = 0 | 1 [Domyślnie = 1] -- Sprawdzanie stanu włączenia dekodera przy uruchomieniu -- skryptu. Jest to zrealizowane poprzez wybranie przycisków -- Prog+ i Prog-, co pozwola na odebranie stanu z dekodera. PROBE_AT_START = 1 -- WAIT_TIME_AFTER_CHANGES = 10..60 [Domyślnie = 30] -- Czas w sekundach zanim skrypt wystartuje ponownie po każdym -- etapie autokonfiguracji lub inicjalizacji. Do normalnej -- pracy wystarczy 5 sekund, lub mniej. Na początku pozostaw -- jednak 30 sekund i upewnij się, że wszystko działa! WAIT_TIME_AFTER_CHANGES = 30 -- KONIEC KONFIGURACJI UŻYTKOWNIKA! -- Poniżej znajduje się już tylko kod, który wykonuje wszystko -- automatycznie, bez potrzeby wgłębiania się w jego strukturę. -- Jeśli jednak czujesz się na siłach i chciałbyś go wykorzystać, -- zmienić lub dostosować do własnych potrzeb, bardzo Cię proszę -- o udostępnienie tych zmian dla innych użytkowników! --[[NC_PLUS pl.rafikel.fibaro.ncplus ]]-- VERSION = "{1_2_0}" --[[ HISTORY 1.2.0 (2015-02-18) - update for HC2 4.0. 1.1.0 - fixed state on global variable 1.0.9 - optimalize script and prepare functions for usage in another scripts. 1.0.4 - automatic reconnect to NC. 1.0.3 - fixed restart problem. 1.0.2 - changed order of inicjalization procudere. 1.0.1 - fixed communication problem with NC. ]]-- --[[ EXTRA FUNCTIONS ]]-- -- counting elements in array (table) function count(tab) i = 0; for k, v in pairs(tab) do i = i + 1; end return i; end -- xor bits operation function bxor(a, b) r = 0; for i = 0, 31 do x = a / 2 + b / 2; if (x~=math.floor(x)) then r = r + 2^i; end a = math.floor(a / 2); b = math.floor(b / 2); end return r; end -- calculate checksum function checkSum(t) c = 0; for i = 1, #t do b = string.byte(t, i); if (c==0) then c = b; else c = bxor(c, b); end if (i>100) then break; end end return c; end -- encoding to base64 function encode(data) local b='ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/' return((data:gsub('.',function(x) local r,b='',x:byte() for i=8,1,-1 do r=r..(b%2^i-b%2^(i-1)>0 and '1' or '0')end return r end)..'0000'):gsub('%d%d%d?%d?%d?%d?',function(x) if(#x<6) then return('') end local c=0 for i=1,6 do c=c+(x:sub(i,i)=='1' and 2^(6-i) or 0) end return b:sub(c+1,c+1) end)..({'','==','='})[#data%3+1]) end -- random string function random(nums) r=""; for i=1,nums do r=r..tostring(math.random(0,9)); end; return r; end --[[ READ THIS VIRTUAL DEVICE (id, ip, port) --]] function readVirtualDevice(tcp) -- generate random string rnd = random(32); -- send random string fibaro:log(rnd); -- grab virtual devices list from api response, status, errorCode = tcp:GET("/api/virtualDevices"); -- show status on debug window --fibaro:debug("Status of reqest: " .. status .. '.'); -- if answer is wrong if (tonumber(status)~=200) then fibaro:log(""); --fibaro:debug("Error " .. errorCode .. "."); return nil, nil, nil, nil; -- if answer is ok? else -- decode text to json object jsonTable = json.decode(response); -- roll over all virtual devices --fibaro:debug("Checking configuration..."); for virtualIndex, virtualData in pairs(jsonTable) do -- fibaro:debug('Virtual Device Id [' .. virtualData.id .. ']'); -- if virtual device type and name is right? if (virtualData.type=="virtual_device") then check = string.find(fibaro:get(virtualData.id, "log"), rnd); if (check and check>0) then fibaro:log(""); id = virtualData.id; ip = virtualData.properties.ip; port = virtualData.properties.port; name = virtualData.name; icon = virtualData.properties.deviceIcon; return id, name, ip, port, icon; end end end end fibaro:log(""); return nil; end --[[ GRAB FILE FROM SERVER --]] function getFileFromServer(tcp, path) r, s, e = tcp:GET(path); if (tonumber(s)~=200) then return 0, nil; else return string.len(r), r; end return nil; end --[[ GET ID OF ICON MATH TO... ]]-- function getIconId(tcp, rawIcon) -- grab icons list from api response, status, errorCode = tcp:GET("/api/icons"); -- if answer is wrong if (tonumber(status)~=200) then return nil; -- if answer is ok? else -- decode text to json object jsonTable = json.decode("[" .. response .. "]"); -- look at device iconsArray = jsonTable[1].virtualDevice; -- check all icons for iconIndex, iconData in pairs(iconsArray) do if (iconData.id>=1000) then -- grab icon from HC2 r, s, e = tcp:GET("/fibaro/n_vicons/" .. iconData.iconName .. ".png"); if (s=="200" and e==0) then --fibaro:debug(' Icon [' .. iconData.id .. '][' .. iconData.iconName .. '][' .. string.len(r) .. ' bytes]'); if (string.len(r)==string.len(rawIcon)) then if (checkSum(r)==checkSum(rawIcon)) then --fibaro:debug("FOUND [" .. iconData.id .. "]!"); return iconData.id; end end end end end end return 0; end --[[ UPLOAD ICON TO HC2 ]]-- function uploadIcon(login, pass, rawIcon) fibaro:debug("---"); fibaro:debug("Uploading icon to HC2..."); tcp = Net.FTcpSocket("localhost", 80); if (not tcp) then fibaro:debug("TCP CONNECTING WITH HC2 ERROR!"); return nil; end boundary = "WebKitFormBoundaryEy7xZuy1Trv7QrDe"; enter = "\r\n"; content = "------" .. boundary .. enter .. "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"type\"" .. enter .. enter .. "virtualDevice" .. enter .. "------" .. boundary .. enter .. "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"icon0\"; filename=\"icon.png\"" .. enter .. "Content-Type: image/png" .. enter .. enter .. rawIcon .. enter .. "------" .. boundary .. "--" .. enter; tcp:write("POST /api/icons HTTP/1.1" .. enter); tcp:write("Host: localhost" .. enter); tcp:write("Content-Length: " .. string.len(content) .. enter); tcp:write("Authorization: Basic " .. encode(USER..":"..PASSWORD) .. enter); tcp:write("Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----" .. boundary .. enter .. enter); --fibaro:debug("Sending " .. #content .. " content bytes..." .. enter); s = 0; for i = 1, #content do b, e = tcp:write(string.char(string.byte(content, i))); s = s + b; end status, err = tcp:read(); fibaro:debug("Sended " .. s .. " content bytes with result [" .. err .. "]."); -- if answer is wrong if (tonumber(err)>0) then return nil; end -- finishing fibaro:debug("---"); fibaro:debug("ICON SUCESSFULLY UPLOADED!"); return 0; end --[[ PREPARE VIRTUAL DEVICE (buttons and icons) --]] function prepareVirtualDevice(tcp, id, mainIcon) -- button captions for icons buttons = {}; -- declare key codes for icons keys = {}; -- channel numbers for icons channels = {}; -- value to count ready buttons ready = 0; -- value to count changes in buttons changes = 0; -- type of change to made (icons, buttons) changeType = nil; -- grab virtual devices list from api response, status, errorCode = tcp:GET("/api/virtualDevices/" .. id); -- show status on debug window --fibaro:debug("Status of reqest: " .. status .. '.'); -- if answer is wrong if (tonumber(status)~=200) then fibaro:debug("Error " .. errorCode .. "."); return nil, nil, nil, nil; -- if answer is ok? else -- decode text to json object jsonTable = json.decode("[" .. response .. "]"); -- look at device virtualData = jsonTable[1]; -- if virtual device is right? if (virtualData and virtualData.type=="virtual_device" and virtualData.id==id) then -- change main icon? if (mainIcon and mainIcon>=1000 and virtualData.properties.deviceIcon<1000) then jsonTable[1].properties.deviceIcon = mainIcon; changes = changes + 1; changeType = "mainIcon"; end -- check all rows for rowIndex, rowData in pairs(virtualData.properties.rows) do --fibaro:debug(' Row [' .. rowIndex .. '][' .. rowData.type .. ']'); -- if row type is button if (rowData.type=='button') then -- check all buttons in row for buttonIndex, buttonData in pairs(rowData.elements) do -- check button content if (string.find(buttonData.msg, "KEY_")==1 or string.find(buttonData.msg, "CHANNEL_")==1 ) then -- check button icon pos = string.find(buttonData.msg, "_"); icon = (id * 1000) + buttonData.id; buttons[icon] = buttonData.caption; if (string.find(buttonData.msg, "KEY_")==1) then key = string.sub(buttonData.msg, pos + 1); if (key and tonumber(key)) then keys[icon] = tonumber(key); end elseif (string.find(buttonData.msg, "CHANNEL_")==1) then channel = string.sub(buttonData.msg, pos + 1); if (channel and tonumber(channel)) then channels[icon] = tonumber(channel); end end -- check icon of button if (buttonData.buttonIcon~=icon) then jsonTable[1].properties.rows[rowIndex].elements[buttonIndex].buttonIcon = icon; changes = changes + 1; changeType = "icons"; else -- increment ready buttons ready = ready + 1; end end end -- check all buttons in row end -- if row type is button end -- check all rows -- no property rows defined? if (changes<1 and ready<1) then -- DEFINE ALL NEW BUTTONS jsonTable[1].properties.rows = json.decode('[{"type":"label","elements":[{"id":1,"lua":false,"waitForResponse":false,"caption":"State","name":"State","favourite":false,"main":true}]},{"type":"button","elements":[{"id":2,"lua":false,"waitForResponse":false,"caption":"⎋ Power","name":"Power","empty":false,"msg":"KEY_116","buttonIcon":0,"favourite":false,"main":true},{"id":3,"lua":false,"waitForResponse":false,"caption":"Home ⏏","name":"Home","empty":false,"msg":"KEY_174","buttonIcon":0,"favourite":false,"main":false}]},{"type":"button","elements":[{"id":4,"lua":false,"waitForResponse":false,"caption":"⇡ 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"] assigned!"); elseif (changeType=="buttons") then fibaro:debug("New buttons [" .. changes .. "] created!"); elseif (changeType=="mainIcon") then fibaro:debug("Main Icon changed!"); end -- encode json back to text toPut = json.encode(jsonTable[1]); -- finishing fibaro:debug("---"); fibaro:debug("NEW CONFIGURATION READY TO SAVE!"); fibaro:debug("New session should start in a moment..."); fibaro:debug("PLEASE BE PATIENT! WAIT..."); fibaro:sleep(WAIT_TIME_AFTER_CHANGES * 1000); fibaro:debug("..."); -- put to HC2 response, status, errorCode = tcp:PUT("/api/virtualDevices/" .. id, toPut); -- result? fibaro:debug("REQEST [" .. status .. "][" .. errorCode .. "][" .. string.len(response) .. "]"); -- not happend! fibaro:abort(); -- finish return nil, nil, nil, nil; else -- return tables return ready, buttons, keys, channels; end end -- return empty return nil, nil, nil, nil; end --[[ SET DEVICE PARAMETER --]] function setVDeviceParam(tcp, id, key, value) -- grab virtual devices list from api response, status, errorCode = tcp:GET("/api/virtualDevices/" .. id); -- if answer is wrong if (tonumber(status)~=200) then fibaro:debug("Error " .. errorCode .. "."); return false; end -- decode text to json object jsonTable = json.decode("[" .. response .. "]"); -- look at device virtualData = jsonTable[1]; -- if virtual device is right? if (virtualData and virtualData.type=="virtual_device" and virtualData.id==id) then -- change param? jsonTable[1].properties.mainLoop = value; -- encode json back to text toPut = json.encode(jsonTable[1]); -- finishing fibaro:debug("---"); fibaro:debug("NEW CONFIGURATION READY TO SAVE!"); fibaro:debug("New session should start in a moment..."); fibaro:debug("PLEASE BE PATIENT! WAIT..."); fibaro:sleep(WAIT_TIME_AFTER_CHANGES * 1000); fibaro:debug("..."); -- put to HC2 response, status, errorCode = tcp:PUT("/api/virtualDevices/" .. id, toPut); -- result? fibaro:debug("REQEST [" .. status .. "][" .. errorCode .. "][" .. string.len(response) .. "]"); -- not happend! fibaro:abort(); -- finish return true; end -- return return false; end --[[ PREPARE GLOBAL VARIABLE ]]-- function prepareGlobal(tcp, name) -- prepare gName gName = ""; for v in string.gmatch(name, "%w") do if (gName=="") then for sv in string.gmatch(v, "%a") do gName = gName .. sv; end else gName = gName .. v; end end value = fibaro:getGlobalValue(gName); if (value and tonumber(value)) then return gName; else response, status, errorCode = tcp:POST("/api/globalVariables", "name=" .. gName .. "&value=0"); --fibaro:debug("Status of reqest: " .. status .. '.'); if (errorCode==0 and status~="400") then fibaro:setGlobal(gName, "0"); return gName; else return nil; end end end --[[ SETUP ]]-- -- network resources local tcpHC2; local tcpDEVICE; local tcpSERVER; -- ip address of NC+ local virtualIP = nil; -- port for tcp reqests local virtualPort = nil; -- id of virtual device local virtualId = nil; -- nc+ box uuid local boxId = nil; -- global variables local globalName = nil; -- icons local iconON = 0; local iconOFF = 0; local iconERR = 0; -- declare button captions for icons local buttonAtIcon = {}; -- declare key codes for icons local keyAtIcon = {}; -- declare channels for icons local channelAtIcon = {}; --[[ STATUS ]]-- function setState(state, description) -- print description if (description) then -- debug fibaro:debug(description); -- log on home screen fibaro:log(description); -- state label if (virtualId and virtualId>0) then fibaro:call(virtualId, "setProperty", "ui.State.value", description); end end -- change state? if (state and tonumber(state)) then state = tonumber(state); elseif (globalName) then state = fibaro:getGlobalValue(globalName); if (state and tonumber(state)) then state = tonumber(state); else state = 0; end end -- what icon number? if (state==1) then icon = iconON; elseif (state==0) then icon = iconOFF; else icon = iconERR; state = 0; end -- set global variable if (globalName) then n = fibaro:getGlobalValue(globalName); if (n and n~=tostring(state)) then fibaro:setGlobal(globalName, tostring(state)); end end if (virtualId and virtualId>0) then -- set icon fibaro:call(virtualId, "setProperty", "currentIcon", icon); -- clear channel fibaro:call(virtualId, "setProperty", "ui.Channel.value", 0); end end -- starting setup setState(0, "SETUP..."); -- connect to HC2 fibaro:debug("Connecting to HC2..."); tcpHC2 = Net.FHttp("localhost", 80); if (not tcpHC2) then setState(-1, "HC2 ERROR!"); fibaro:abort(); end -- authentication for HC2 tcpHC2:setBasicAuthentication(USER, PASSWORD); -- read virtual device fibaro:debug("Searching virtual device..."); virtualId, virtualName, virtualIP, virtualPort, virtualIcon = readVirtualDevice(tcpHC2); if (virtualId) then fibaro:debug('Found ID [' .. virtualId .. ']'); if (virtualName) then fibaro:debug('Name [' .. virtualName .. ']'); end if (virtualIcon) then fibaro:debug('Default icon id [' .. virtualIcon .. ']'); iconON = virtualIcon; iconOFF = virtualIcon; iconERR = virtualIcon; end if (virtualIP and virtualPort) then fibaro:debug('IP [' .. virtualIP .. ']'); fibaro:debug('Port [' .. virtualPort .. ']'); else if (not virtualIP) then setState(-1, 'NO IP!'); end if (not virtualPort) then setState(-1, 'NO PORT!'); end fibaro:abort(); end else setState(-1, "ERROR! LOGIN/PASSWORD?"); fibaro:abort(); end -- CHECK SERVER fibaro:debug("---"); setState(0, "CHECKING SERVER..."); -- connect to server fibaro:debug("Connecting to [fibaro.rafikel.pl]..."); tcpSERVER = Net.FHttp("fibaro.rafikel.pl", 80); if (not tcpSERVER) then fibaro:debug("SERVER ERROR! Skipping..."); else fibaro:debug("---"); fibaro:debug("CHECKING FOR UPDATES..."); size, content = getFileFromServer(tcpSERVER, "/lua/ncplus.lua"); if (size>0) then fibaro:debug("Received script [" .. size .. " bytes]."); s_ver = string.match(content, "{(.-)}"); l_ver = string.match(VERSION, "{(.-)}"); if (s_ver==nil or l_ver==nil) then fibaro:debug("Parsing problem! Skipping auto-update..."); else fibaro:debug("Server version [" .. s_ver .. "]."); fibaro:debug("This version [" .. l_ver .. "]."); if (s_ver and s_ver==l_ver) then fibaro:debug("Script is up to date!"); else fibaro:debug("NEW VERSION AVAILABLE!"); if (AUTO_UPDATE==1) then fibaro:debug("REPLACING SCRIPT..."); content = string.gsub(content, 'USER = "admin"', 'USER = "' .. USER .. '"'); content = string.gsub(content, 'PASSWORD = "admin"', 'PASSWORD = "' .. PASSWORD .. '"'); content = string.gsub(content, 'AUTO_UPDATE = 1', 'AUTO_UPDATE = ' .. AUTO_UPDATE); content = string.gsub(content, 'PROBE_AT_START = 1', 'PROBE_AT_START = ' .. PROBE_AT_START); content = string.gsub(content, 'WAIT_TIME_AFTER_CHANGES = 5', 'WAIT_TIME_AFTER_CHANGES = ' .. WAIT_TIME_AFTER_CHANGES); setVDeviceParam(tcpHC2, virtualId, "mainLoop", content); fibaro:debug("DONE!"); else fibaro:debug("Turn on auto-update or grab script manualy."); end end end else fibaro:debug("Connection problem! Skipping auto-update..."); end -- get icons from fibaro.rafikel.pl fibaro:debug("---"); fibaro:debug("CHECKING ICONS..."); -- ON icon iconOnSize, iconOnRaw = getFileFromServer(tcpSERVER, "/icons/nc_on.png"); if (iconOnSize and iconOnSize>0) then fibaro:debug("[BLUE] icon [" .. iconOnSize .. " bytes]. Searching in HC2..."); id = getIconId(tcpHC2, iconOnRaw); if (id and tonumber(id) and id<1000) then fibaro:debug("NOT FOUND. Trying to upload icon to HC2..."); id = uploadIcon(user, password, iconOnRaw); end if (id and tonumber(id) and id>=1000) then fibaro:debug("FOUNDED [" .. id .. "] ON HC2!"); iconON = id; end end -- OFF icon iconOffSize, iconOffRaw = getFileFromServer(tcpSERVER, "/icons/nc_off.png"); if (iconOffSize>0) then fibaro:debug("[GREY] icon [" .. iconOnSize .. " bytes]. Searching in HC2..."); id = getIconId(tcpHC2, iconOffRaw); if (id and tonumber(id) and id<1000) then fibaro:debug("NOT FOUND. Trying to upload icon to HC2..."); id = uploadIcon(user, password, iconOffRaw); end if (id and tonumber(id) and id>=1000) then fibaro:debug("FOUNDED [" .. id .. "] ON HC2!"); iconOFF = id; end end -- ERROR icon iconErrSize, iconErrRaw = getFileFromServer(tcpSERVER, "/icons/nc_err.png"); if (iconOnSize>0) then fibaro:debug("[RED] icon [" .. iconOnSize .. " bytes]. Searchin in HC2..."); id = getIconId(tcpHC2, iconErrRaw); if (id and tonumber(id) and id<1000) then fibaro:debug("NOT FOUND. Trying to upload icon to HC2..."); id = uploadIcon(user, password, iconErrRaw); end if (id and tonumber(id) and id>=1000) then fibaro:debug("FOUNDED [" .. id .. "] ON HC2!"); iconERR = id; end end end -- PREPARE VIRTUAL fibaro:debug("---"); setState(0, "PREPARE VIRTUAL..."); -- Global variable fibaro:debug("Creating global variable base on [" .. virtualName .. "]..."); globalName = prepareGlobal(tcpHC2, virtualName); if (globalName) then fibaro:debug("Global variable [" .. globalName .. "] is OK."); else setState(-1, "ERROR CREATING GLOBAL!"); fibaro:abort(); end -- Buttons fibaro:debug("Prepare buttons on virtual device [" .. virtualId .. "]..."); ready, buttonAtIcon, keyAtIcon, channelAtIcon = prepareVirtualDevice(tcpHC2, virtualId, iconON); if (ready and tonumber(ready)) then fibaro:debug("All buttons [" .. ready .. "] prepared and ready!"); else setState(-1, "ERROR IN VIRTUAL DEVICE!"); fibaro:abort(); end -- FINISH PREPARE fibaro:debug("---"); --[[ PREPARE FOR MAIN LOOP ]]-- -- variables for main loop local counter = 0; local prevState = 0; local prevValue = 0; local lastContact = 0; local keyToSend = nil; local channelToSend = nil; local digitToSend = 0; local digitCode = {[0]=11, [1]=2, [2]=3, [3]=4, [4]=5, [5]=6, [6]=7, [7]=8, [8]=9, [9]=10}; --[[ SEND UPNP REQEST ]]-- function upnpReqest(tcpSocket, ip, port, upnpUrl, upnpDomain, upnpService, upnpFunction, upnpContent) --fibaro:debug("POST " .. upnpUrl); reqest = "\n"; reqest = reqest .. "\n"; reqest = reqest .. "\n"; reqest = reqest .. ""; reqest = reqest .. upnpContent; reqest = reqest .. "\n"; reqest = reqest .. "\n"; reqest = reqest .. ""; --fibaro:debug("S: " .. string.len(reqest) .. "\n"); tcpSocket:write("POST " .. upnpUrl .. " HTTP/1.1\n"); tcpSocket:write("SOAPACTION: \"urn:" .. upnpDomain); tcpSocket:write(":service:" .. upnpService .. "#" .. upnpFunction); tcpSocket:write("\"\n"); tcpSocket:write("Content-Length: " .. string.len(reqest) .. "\n"); tcpSocket:write("CONTENT-TYPE: text/xml; charset=\"utf-8\"\n"); tcpSocket:write("HOST: " .. ip .. ":" .. port .. "\n"); tcpSocket:write("\n"); tcpSocket:write(reqest); fibaro:sleep(100); result, err = tcpSocket:read(); --fibaro:debug("R: " .. string.len(result)); if (err==0) then start = string.find(result, upnpService .. "\">"); finish = string.find(result, "0 and finish>0 and finish>start) then data = string.sub(result, (start + string.len(upnpService) + 2), (finish - 1)); --fibaro:debug("D: " .. data); return data; else return 0; end else return nil; end end --[[ SEND KEY DOWN AND UP ]]-- function sendKey(key) fibaro:debug("Key down... " .. key); upnpReqest(tcpDEVICE, virtualIP, virtualPort, "/upnpfun/ctrl/" .. boxId .. "/04", "adbglobal.com", "X_ADB_RemoteControl:1", "ProcessInputEvent", "ev=keydn,code=" .. key .. "" ); fibaro:sleep(100); fibaro:debug("Key up... " .. key); upnpReqest(tcpDEVICE, virtualIP, virtualPort, "/upnpfun/ctrl/" .. boxId .. "/04", "adbglobal.com", "X_ADB_RemoteControl:1", "ProcessInputEvent", "ev=keyup,code=" .. key .. "" ); fibaro:sleep(100); end --[[ CONNECTION LOOP ]]-- while (not tcpDEVICE) do -- repeat until no connection setState(0, "SEARCHING NC+..."); -- connection to NC+ fibaro:debug("Getting NC+ info [" .. virtualIP .. ":" .. virtualPort .. "]..."); http = Net.FHttp(virtualIP, virtualPort); result, state, err = http:GET("/upnpdev/"); if (err==0) then -- getting UUID of NC+ fibaro:debug("Reading UUID..."); --fibaro:debug("R: " .. string.sub(result, 10, 13)); start = string.find(result, "li>uuid:"); fibaro:debug("S: " .. start); finish = string.find(result, "li>urn:"); fibaro:debug("F: " .. finish); if (start and finish and start>0 and finish>0 and finish>start) then boxId = "uuid_" .. string.sub(result, (start + 8), (finish - 6)); fibaro:debug("Found UUID: " .. boxId); tcpDEVICE = Net.FTcpSocket(virtualIP, virtualPort); else setState(-1, "CHECK IP AND PORT!"); fibaro:abort(); end end if (not tcpDEVICE) then setState(-1, "CONNECTING ERROR!"); fibaro:sleep(WAIT_TIME_AFTER_CHANGES * 1000); end end -- END CONNECTION LOOP --[[ MAIN LOOP ]]-- -- off state at start fibaro:debug("---"); fibaro:debug("---"); fibaro:debug("---"); setState(0, "STARTING..."); -- set timeout for answers from device if (tcpDEVICE) then tcpDEVICE:setReadTimeout(5000); end -- if connection, send Prog+ and Prog- if (tcpDEVICE and PROBE_AT_START==1) then fibaro:debug("Checking NC+ state..."); sendKey(402); fibaro:sleep(600); sendKey(403); end -- start info setState(0, "READY!"); -- main loop while connection is good while (tcpDEVICE) do -- if key was sended if (keyToSend and tonumber(keyToSend) and tonumber(keyToSend)>=0) then fibaro:debug("Key " .. keyToSend .. " OK"); keyToSend = nil; end -- ask for system state id few times response = upnpReqest(tcpDEVICE, virtualIP, virtualPort, "/upnpfun/ctrl/" .. boxId .. "/01", "schemas-upnp-org", "ContentDirectory:2", "GetSystemUpdateID", "" ); -- search state id in response if (response) then state = string.match(response, "(.*)"); else setState(nil, "No answer!"); state = nil; end -- check what to send in 1 sec. loop i = 100; while (i>0) do -- decrese mini counter i = i - 1; -- check icon select - button click icon, ts = fibaro:get(virtualId, "currentIcon"); if (icon and tonumber(icon) and tonumber(icon)>0 and math.floor(tonumber(icon)/1000)==virtualId and ts==os.time() ) then action = ""; icon = tonumber(icon); key = keyAtIcon[icon]; channel = channelAtIcon[icon]; buttonCaption = buttonAtIcon[icon]; setState(nil, buttonCaption); if (key and tonumber(key)) then keyToSend = tonumber(key); action = "KEY_" .. keyToSend; elseif (channel and tonumber(channel)) then digitToSend = 4; channelToSend = tonumber(channel); action = "CHANNEL_" .. channelToSend; fibaro:call(virtualId, "setProperty", "ui.Channel.value", channelToSend); else action = "---"; end fibaro:debug("Action [" .. action .. "] from button."); end -- check slider select channel, ts = fibaro:get(virtualId, "ui.Channel.value"); if (channel and tonumber(channel)) then channel = tonumber(channel); if (ts==os.time() and digitToSend==0 and channel>0) then setState(nil, "Channel " .. channel); fibaro:debug("Channel [" .. channel .. "] from slider."); channelToSend = channel; digitToSend = 4; end end -- check slider select with KEY key, ts = fibaro:get(virtualId, "ui.Key.value"); if (key and tonumber(key)) then key = tonumber(key); if (ts==os.time() and key>0) then fibaro:debug("Key [" .. key .. "] from slider."); keyToSend = key; end end -- if channel to send? if (digitToSend>0) then key = 0; if (channelToSend and tonumber(channelToSend)) then channel = tonumber(channelToSend); number = math.floor(channel / 1000); channel = channel - (number * 1000); if (digitToSend==4) then key = number; end number = math.floor(channel / 100); channel = channel - (number * 100); if (digitToSend==3) then key = number; end number = math.floor(channel / 10); channel = channel - (number * 10); if (digitToSend==2) then key = number; end number = math.floor(channel / 1); if (digitToSend==1) then key = number; end digitToSend = digitToSend - 1; end if (digitCode[key] and tonumber(digitCode[key])) then keyToSend = tonumber(digitCode[key]); end end -- if key to send? if (keyToSend and tonumber(keyToSend)) then keyToSend = tonumber(keyToSend); sendKey(keyToSend); if (keyToSend==402 or keyToSend==403 or keyToSend==116) then lastContact = os.time(); end break; end -- wait for next step fibaro:sleep(10); end -- CHECKING STATE OF NC+ counter = counter + 1000; if (state and tonumber(state)~=prevState) then -- if first reading if (prevState==0) then prevState = tonumber(state); else -- after 6 sec if (counter>5000) then -- clear remebered prev value prevValue = 0; fibaro:debug("[" .. counter/1000 .. "]: Clear state!"); end -- state nil (unknown) if (tonumber(state)==0) then fibaro:debug("[" .. counter/1000 .. "]: Null state!"); -- after 5 sec elseif (counter>4000) then value = tonumber(state) - prevState; fibaro:debug("[" .. prevValue .. "]->[" .. counter/1000 .. " s.]->[" .. value .. "]"); prevState = tonumber(state); if (counter<20000) then -- OFF - 8->6--->8->6->6 if (false or (prevValue==8 and value==6) or (prevValue==6 and value==6) ) then setState(0, "OFF [" .. value .. "]"); -- ON elseif (false or (value~=8 and value~=6 and prevValue~=8 and prevValue~=6) ) then setState(1, "ON [" .. value .. "]"); -- OTHER else setState(nil, "State [" .. value .. "]"); end end counter = 0; prevValue = value; end end -- last contact clear lastContact = 0; end -- if last contact (prog change) is without answer in 10 sec. if (lastContact>0 and (os.time()-lastContact)>10) then setState(-1, "No answer!"); lastContact = 0; end end -- END MAIN LOOP -- SET ERROR STATE setState(-1, "RESTARTING..."); -- WAIT BEFORE NEXT RUN fibaro:sleep(WAIT_TIME_AFTER_CHANGES * 1000); --[[NC_PLUS pl.rafikel.fibaro.ncplus ]]