# Sync Merge Scheme Plugin to sync **Sublime Merge** UI Scheme with the one selected on **Sublime Text**. ![How To Use](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rafmjr/SyncMergeScheme/master/screenshots/demo.gif?raw=true) ## Installation ### Install via Package Control The easiest and recommended way to install this plugin is using [Package Control](https://packagecontrol.io). From the **application menu**, navigate to: - `Tools` -> `Command Palette...` -> `Package Control: Install Package`, type the words **Sync Merge Scheme**, then select it to complete the installation. ### Install Manually Download and extract this plugin as a zip file or clone the repository using git, then move it to your Sublime Text packages directory. ```bash ~ git clone git@github.com:rafmjr/SyncMergeScheme.git "SyncMergeScheme" ``` > **TIP:** You can locate your Sublime Text packages directory by using the > application menu `Preferences` -> `Browse Packages...`. ## Usage Just open Sublime Text's `Command Palette`, then select `UI: Select Color Scheme` and pick your favorite scheme, Sublime Merge should update accordingly. ## Configuration This plugin will try to locate Sublime Merge settings on the same directory where Sublime Text settings were placed in your machine. However, if you have a different setup, you can indicate where your Sublime Merge setting files should be found by selecting in the main menu: - `Preferences` -> `Package Settings` -> `Sync Merge Scheme` -> `Settings – User` A configuration file for this plugin will be created. You can now indicate the Sublime Merge path: ``` { // Absolute path where Sublime Merge settings should live in your machine "sublime_merge_path": "C:\\Users\\\\AppData\\Roaming\\Sublime Merge", } ``` Save the file and restart Sublime Text for the configuration to take effect. ## License Notice The option to customize your theme in Sublime Merge is only available with a valid license key.