# Markdown Deck ## What is Markdown Deck Markdown *Deck* is an educational app that works with markdown files. It converts your markdown notes into flashcards. ## Structure of Markdown File For Markdown Deck to function properly it expects following structure: ``` # Document Title ## Question 1 answer to **Question 1** ## Question 2: Latex suppport You can include latex equations, tables, code samples, etc. ``` ## Formatting Support All the formatting supported by Markdown is supported by Markdown deck. ## Latex Support **Inline Latex Expression** For inline representation, surround latex expression by `$` sign. Example `$\bar{x} = \left(\sum_{i=0}^N x_i \right)/N$` get represented as $\bar{x} = \left(\sum_{i=0}^N x_i \right)/N$. Note that there shouldn't be any white space between `$` and latex expression. **Block Latex Expression** To represent equation as a block, surround latex expression by `$$`. Example $$\bar{x} = \frac{\sum_{i=0}^{N}x_i}{N}$$ ## Keyboard Navigation Markdown Deck is designed to easily navigate via keyboard. Following keyboard navigations are supported | Keyboard Shrotcut | Description | |:-----------------:|-------------| | $\rightarrow$ | Move to next card | | $\leftarrow$ | Move to previous card | | $\uparrow$ | Move up to a card in the previous row| | $\downarrow$ | Move down to a card in the next row | | o | Open flashcard| | ESC | close flashcard | | / | Focus on search box. Pressing enter within the search box will take focus back to the first returned card |