{% extends "base.html" %} {% set active_page = "home" %} {% set page_title = "Home - A custom Doge mining pool with no registration" %} {% block body %}

New to Cryptocurrency?

Check out a detailed step-by-step guide on Reddit, or look at some of our guides.

Quick start for mining:

No registration required, payouts go to the address used as username.

  1. Configure your stratum client with the information below. Worker name can be anything you'd like:
    URL: stratum+tcp://stratum.simpledoge.com
    Port: 3333
    Username: [Your doge wallet address].[Worker Name]
    Password: anything
    cgminer example: ./cgminer -o stratum+tcp://stratum.simpledoge.com:3333 -u DRhevw3qkAjmAjyNkSyXh2kxvrXuxktmyD.worker1 -p x -I 13
  2. Check your stats and estimated payout by entering your Doge address below:
  3. Paste your Doge address for quick access to individualized stats. {% if 'recent_users' in session %}

    Recently Visited Stats:

    {% for address in session['recent_users'][:2] %}
    {{ address }}
    {% endfor %} {% endif %}
  4. Setup advanced stats to track GPU temps and actual hashrate with Powerpool Agent

 No registration

Unlike most pools, simple Doge doesn't require, or even provide, registration. Simply connect to our stratum servers with your dogecoin address.


No registration means your credentials can't become compromised, because you don't have any! All pool funds are kept off server for increased security.

 No minimum Payout

Payouts are processed every time a block is solved. No minimum balance required. Payouts are computed using PPLNS with a 0% fee. The default donation amount is 1%, lowerable to 0%

 Contact us


Reddit  Reddit



Simple Doge features

Monitor your rig's health, from anywhere

This setup allows you to monitor multiple rigs easily, without setting up a pool manager, and view actual data from each of your rigs, rather than approximations.

  • Quick and easy setup, see the Installation Guide
  • View stats from rigs remotely - including WUE, Hashrate, Temps, Fan %, and more
  • Overheat/Low hashrate status indicators and email notifications
  • More features coming soon - including graphs of hashrate and temperature
  • Checkout it out live here

Insightful statistics

Graphs broken down by worker give you a good at-a-glance picture of what is going on.

  • Easily name a worker anything you want
  • Drill down graphs to an individual worker with a click
  • Tooltips display your hash rate for each worker at a given point
  • View in 'expanded' mode to see what percentage of your hashing power each of your rigs is
  • Easily see your overall hash rate
  • View it live here


{% for new in news[:3] %}
{{ new['title']|safe }} {{ new['date']|safe }}

{{ new['body']|safe }}

{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}