# frozen_string_literal: true module WebConsole # Simple Ruby code evaluator. # # This class wraps a +Binding+ object and evaluates code inside of it. The # difference of a regular +Binding+ eval is that +Evaluator+ will always # return a string and will format exception output. class Evaluator # Cleanses exceptions raised inside #eval. cattr_reader :cleaner, default: begin cleaner = ActiveSupport::BacktraceCleaner.new cleaner.add_silencer { |line| line.start_with?(File.expand_path("..", __FILE__)) } cleaner end def initialize(binding = TOPLEVEL_BINDING) @binding = binding end def eval(input) # Binding#source_location is available since Ruby 2.6. if @binding.respond_to? :source_location "=> #{@binding.eval(input, *@binding.source_location).inspect}\n" else "=> #{@binding.eval(input).inspect}\n" end rescue Exception => exc format_exception(exc) end private def format_exception(exc) backtrace = cleaner.clean(Array(exc.backtrace) - caller) format = "#{exc.class.name}: #{exc}\n".dup format << backtrace.map { |trace| "\tfrom #{trace}\n" }.join format end end end