## Useful Gists related to VaultSharp usage * Helper code to get Kerberos Negotiation Token using keytab and krb5 config file: https://gist.github.com/rajanadar/28c86d967695262bfe1f17ae82fb3d3d * Helper code to generate on-demand CloudFoundry signature in .NET Applications: https://gist.github.com/rajanadar/84769efeca64e0128d7a8a627b7bb4db ## (TBD) **IMROVEMENTS:** * auth/azure: Add the ```resource_id``` parameter to the login method. ## (September 18, 2024) **BUG FIXES:** * ```ReadConnectionConfigAsync``` method uses the correct model object. ## 1.17.5 (September 16, 2024) **BREAKING CHANGES:** * ```NewBackendConfig``` class is removed and instead ```BackendConfig``` class has been enhanced. **BUG FIXES:** * [GH-315](https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/315) Fix exception in secret database ```readrole``` api due to ttl conversion issues * [GH-337](https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/337) kv2/metadata: ```ReadSecretPathsAsync``` allows empty path value to list all secrets on the mountPoint * [GH-346](https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/346) Serialized SigninKeyRequest can be invalid due to missing JsonIgnore * [GH-348](https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/348) JWTAuthMethodProvider should pass unauthenticated: true for callback requests **FEATURES:** * [GH-309](https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/309) identity/oidc/key: create, read, update and delete apis. * [GH-309](https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/309) identity/oidc/role: create, read, update and delete apis. * [GH-317](https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/317) pki: Add support for the ```read ca chain``` Api * [GH-333](https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/333) ldap: Add support for role apis, dynamic credentials etc. * [GH-342](https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/342) /sys/policies/password/:name/generate password generation api. * [GH-356](https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/356) Add support for .NET 8.0 * [GH-362](https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/362) secrets/database: Connection Apis with additional postgresql support **IMROVEMENTS:** * [GH-309](https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/309) auth/approle: ```PullNewSecretIdAsync``` allows for reponse wrapping using ```wrapTimeToLive``` parameter * [GH-318](https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/318) pki: Add ```RemoveRootsFromChain``` field to ```SignCertificatesRequestOptions``` * [GH-329](https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/329) kv2/metadata: `ReadSecretPathsAsync` to use HTTP `GET` method and `?list=true` instead of non-standard HTTP verb `LIST` * [GH-336](https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/336) approle: Allow updating of app role by ignoring ```local_secret_ids``` * [GH-356](https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/356) Reduce dependency on System.Text.Json for .net 7. * Health Status now adds the new fields ```enterprise```, ```echo_duration_ms```, ```clock_skew_ms``` & ```replication_primary_canary_age_ms``` ## (April 03, 2023) **BUG FIXES:** * [GH-312](https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/312) Fix ```rotation_period``` deserialization issues in System.Text.Json. And all such duration fields that Vault allows in string and integer form. ## (April 01, 2023) **BUG FIXES:** * [GH-312](https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/312) Fix ```rotation_period``` deserialization issues in System.Text.Json. And all such duration fields that Vault allows in string and integer form. ## 1.13.0 (March 25, 2023) **BREAKING CHANGES:** * [GH-300](https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/300) Remove support for EOL .NET 4.5 * Remove support for EOL .NET 4.6, .NET 4.6.1 * Remove support for .NET Standard 1.3 * [GH-300](https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/304) Remove Newtonsoft.Json dependency **IMROVEMENTS:** * [GH-301](https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/pull/301) Add support for reading a secret backend * Add support for .NET 7.0 * [GH-300](https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/304) Use System.Text.Json as the JSON provider instead of Newtonsoft.Json ## (January 23, 2023) **BREAKING CHANGES:** * secret/transit: Minor field changes across the apis to make it consistent with other backends. No functional changes. * Backend APIs to tune mount config now take the ```NewBackendConfig``` object instead of ```BackendConfig``` object. * auth/approle: ```PullSecretIdAsync``` method is renamed to ```PullNewSecretIdAsync``` * auth/approle: ```ReadRoleAsync``` method uses a new type ```AppRoleRoleModel``` instead of ```AppRoleInfo```. * secret/alicloud: The ```GetCredentialsAsync``` method for assumed role changed the data type of ```Expiration``` field in ```AliCloudCredentials``` class from type ```string``` to ```DateTimeOffset``` * secret/kv2: Minor field changes to ```FullSecretMetadata``` object. No functional changes. **FEATURES:** * secret/pki: Add new api to list revoked certificates * secret/pki: Add new api to auto tidy certificates * secret/pki: Add new api to get tidy status * secret/pki: Add new api to cancel the tidy operation * [GH-293](https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/293) secret/kv2: Add new api for create metadata * [GH-293](https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/293) secret/kv2: Add new api for update metadata * [GH-294](https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/294) secret/aws: All management apis * auth/alicloud: All the AliCloud Auth apis. * auth/approle: All the AppRole Auth apis. * secret/alicloud: All the AliCloud Secret apis. * secret/aws: Add new api to delete role * secret/transit: All apis are now supported. * secret/consul: All the apis * secret/kv2: New apis to configure store wide settings **IMPROVEMENTS:** * [GH-292](https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/292) Add warning and other fields to seal status apis. * [GH-291](https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/291) Add logger endpoints to System backend. * Added several fields like plugin_version etc. to the Backend fetching System APIs. * secret/pki: Added several new fields to the PKI Cert Tidy Request payload. * secret/pki: Add revocation time rfc and issuer id fields to cert reads. * [GH-293](https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/293) secret/kv2: Add new fields ```cas_required``` and ```custom_metadata``` in ```FullSecretMetadata``` class. ## 1.12.2 (December 09, 2022) **FEATURES:** * secret/kubernetes: Add kubernetes secrets engine. * auth/jwt(oidc): Added OIDC methods to get auth url and generate vault token by exchanging auth code. ## 1.8.12 (December 09, 2022) **BREAKING CHANGES:** * secrets/gcp: Deprecated the /gcp/token/:roleset and /gcp/key/:roleset paths for generating secrets for rolesets. Use /gcp/roleset/:roleset/token and /gcp/roleset/:roleset/key instead. **FEATURES:** * secret/transit: Add entropy-source field to GenerateRandomBytes api. * auth/okta: Adds support for Okta Verify TOTP MFA. **IMPROVEMENTS:** * Remove all references of whitelist/blacklist in code, docs etc. * auth/okta: Okta login now supports the totp, provider and nonce fields. ## (December 08, 2022) **BREAKING CHANGES:** * [GH-288] Fix a ttl bug and use proper http verbs for aws credential generation. **IMPROVEMENTS:** * [GH-288] AWS Credentials supports role arn, role session name now. ## (December 07, 2022) **BUG FIXES:** * [GH-289] Fix InvalidOperationException related to Patch Content type for PatchSecretAsync method ## 1.7.2 (December 06, 2022) **BREAKING CHANGE:** * [GH-269] Patch Secret Method updated to match API spec. `PatchSecretDataRequest` object with `application/merge-patch+json` will be sent as a HTTP `PATCH` Request. **FEATURES:** * [GH-268] Vault 1.10.x Feature: Implemented the reading of secret subkeys api capability for KV2 Secret * [GH-238] Add Entity Endpoints for Identity Secret Engine * [GH-280] Implemented the Get Role Id and Pull Secret Id method for AppRole Auth Endpoint * [GH-286] Create, Read and Delete Role and Configure Lease endpoints for RabbitMQ Secrets Engine **DOC IMPROVEMENTS:** * [GH-275] Updated Github Pages link to use https ## 1.7.1 (July 27, 2022) **IMPROVEMENTS:** * [GH-243] Fix the framework issue with TargetMoniker **DOC IMPROVEMENTS:** * Real GH links on the Changelog file ## (July 18, 2022) **IMPROVEMENTS:** * [GH-223] Implemented support for Ed25519 Key type (Vault 1.9+ only) * [GH-251] Implemented remaining Transit endpoints * [GH-253] Update delete metadata async * [GH-239] Ensure awaits are configured * [GH-241] Enforce await configuration (CA2007) * [GH-246] Added create, read, list & delete token role APIs ## (November 26, 2021) **BUG FIXES:** * [GH-235] Fix a deadlock when a particular internal path is chosen **DOC IMPROVEMENTS:** * [GH-236] Add section on Token-Renewal and DI Lifetime ## (November 21, 2021) **IMPROVEMENTS:** * .NET 6 Support ## (November 19, 2021) **IMPROVEMENTS:** * [GH-215] Certificate Auth now takes a chain of certificates. * [GH-220] Improved the token initialization code by retrying when errors happen first time. * Add support for AppRole Auth API endpoints * Implemented AppRole auth endpoint to read role information by role name ## (October 03, 2021) **BREAKING CHANGES:** * The properties ```IssuingCACertificateContent``` and ```CAChainContent``` of the base class ```AbstractCertificateData``` has been moved to a subclass ```AbstractIssuedCertificateData```. **FEATURES:** * Implemented PKI secret engine endpoint to read a certificate by key (serial number). * Implemented PKI secret engine endpoint to retrieve a list of certificate keys (serial numbers). **IMPROVEMENTS:** * Changed type of property ```Expiration``` in ```CertificateCredentials``` from ```int``` to ```long```. ## 1.7.0 (August 14, 2021) **FEATURES:** * Add support for the ```Terraform Cloud``` Secret Backend **IMPROVEMENTS:** * Add support for ```orphaned tokens``` in ```create-token``` api, avoiding suod access ## (July 17, 2021) **IMPROVEMENTS:** * Add support for ```export-key``` api of ```Transit``` Secret Engine ## 1.6.5 (June 26, 2021) **BREAKING CHANGES:** * As part of .NET Framework 4.6.x and 4.7.x and 4.8 support, the delegates to set ```HttpClientHandler``` has changed to ```HttpMessagehandler```. **BUG FIXES:** * [GH-197] Fix a bug with Certificate Auth not working for .NET 4.6 Apps, by replacing ```WebRequestHandler``` with ```WinHttpHandler``` **IMPROVEMENTS:** * Add support for .NET 4.6 and 4.6.x, .NET 4.7, .NET 4.7.x, .NET 4.8 and .NET 5.0 * [GH-197] Use ```WinHttpHandler``` instead of ```WebRequestHandler``` to support .NET 4.6 versions and higher. * Upgrade to latest JSON dependency ## (June 14, 2021) **IMPROVEMENTS:** * [GH-194] Transit's ```ReadEncryptionKeyAsync``` returns the ```min_available_version``` and ```latest_version``` of the key ring. ## (June 12, 2021) **IMPROVEMENTS:** * VaultSharp now sets the ```X-Vault-Request: true``` header for all API calls. **BUG FIXES:** * [GH-194] Fix deserialization error on ```ReadEncryptionKeyAsync``` for non ```aes256-gcm96``` based key rings. ## (June 5, 2021) **FEATURES:** * [GH-192] Ability to sign certificate of PKI secret engine. ## (May 23, 2021) **FEATURES:** * [GH-187] Ability to customise the default Secret Engine MountPoints. * [GH-188] Added Trim Key functionality to the Transit Secret Engine. ## (March 01, 2021) **FEATURES:** * Added active since timestamp to the status output of active nodes. **BUG FIXES:** * [GH-182] Allow setting the Auth Info when custom Auth is used. ## 1.6.2 (Feb 22, 2021) **BREAKING CHANGES:** * [GH-181] Transit Secret Engine respects a specific key version, that needs to be specified at the ```EncryptionItem``` or ```RewrapItem``` level. ## (Feb 11, 2021) **BUG FIXES:** * [GH-180] Fixes TOTP key list issue **IMPROVEMENTS:** * [GH-177] Add ability to make VaultSharp fail fast on Login Authentication issues ## (Jan 3, 2021) **IMPROVEMENTS:** * [Kerberos Auth]: Set pre-authenticate flag to optimize on dual calls. * [Kerberos Auth]: Use `DefaultCredentials` instead of `DefaultNetworkCredentials` as the default credentials. * [GH-172]: Add support to query the details of a token * [GH-172]: Add Transit operations to CRUD encryption keys ## (Dec 6, 2020) **BREAKING CHANGES:** * [KV2 Secrets Engine]: Removed the redundant Dictionary based `WriteSecretAsync' method of KV2 engine. The generic method can be used for everything. **IMPROVEMENTS:** * [Google Cloud Secrets Engine]: Add support for `expires_at_seconds` and `token_ttl` for OAuth2 Token * [Google Cloud Secrets Engine]: Add support for `ttl` for Service Account creation * [KV2 Secrets Engine]: Add support for partial writes (patch updates) ## 1.6.0 (Nov 26, 2020) **ENTERPRISE VAULT FEATURES:** * Add support for ```Key Management``` Secrets Engine. **BREAKING CHANGES:** * Moved Enterprise Secrets Engines under the Enterprise namespace (KMIP, Transform etc.) ## (Nov 24, 2020) **BREAKING CHANGES:** * [GH-162] The `CloudFoundryAuthMethodInfo` constructor now takes the actual signature and date time **FEATURES:** * [GH-161] Add ability to re-fetch vault token as dictated by the client * Add support for .Net Standard 2.1 (.Net Core 3.x) and .Net 5 **BUG FIXES:** * [GH-149] Fixes a recursion problem with `WriteSecretAsync` * [GH-147] Fixes the return type error with kv2 secret writes. ## (Nov 20, 2020) **BUG FIXES:** * [GH-148] AWS.GenerateSTSCredentialsAsync() should use GET instead of POST. * [GH-150] Fixed case then VAULT_ADDR has a trailing slash. ## (July 31, 2020) **BREAKING CHANGES:** * The KV2 Backend type changed from `secret` to `kv-v2` **FEATURES:** * [GH-146] Add support for ```GenerateDataKey``` in Transit Engine. ## (June 25, 2020) **IMPROVEMENTS:** * [GH-141] Ability to create, read and delete database roles. (non-static ones) ## (May 07, 2020) **BUG FIXES:** * [GH-135] Fixed a bug with AWS Read Roles. ## (May 07, 2020) - Has a bug on AWS Read Roles. Please use later versions. **IMPROVEMENTS:** * [GH-135] Ability to inject custom ```HttpClient``` to VaultSharp. * Add ```StorageType``` field to ```SealStatus``` * Add ```Description``` field to ```BackendConfig``` * [GH-136] VaultSharp now supports SourceLink standard for .NET debugging into sources * [GH-137] Read AWS Roles ## (April 27, 2020) **IMPROVEMENTS:** * [GH-133] Add support for the optional ```CertificateRoleName``` while doing Cert based Auth. ## 1.4.0 (April 25, 2020) **FEATURES:** * [GH-131] Add support for ```AliCloud``` Secrets Engine. * [GH-71] SSH Key Signing * [GH-122] CloudFoundry Auth Method: Support for CloudFoundry login tokens including ability to create signatures. * [GH-96] Ability to delete secret, delete secret versions and undelete a secret. * [GH-113] Extend the TOTP Secrets Engine with more APIs: Create Key, Read, Read All and Delete Key. * [GH-109] Support for Static Database Roles and Static Credentials. CRUD Role, create and rotate static credentials. * [GH-132] Kerberos Auth Method: Support for Kerberos login tokens. * [GH-59] Ability to create tokens: Attached tokens, Orphaned tokens, Role based tokens. * [GH-69] Read CA certificate API * [GH-117] Add ability to read all keys from Transit backend. * [GH-106] Ability to manage LDAP Groups and Users * [GH-130] Add support for OCI Auth backend login * [GH-125] Add support for ```Google Cloud KMS``` Secrets Engine. * [GH-126] Add support for ```Identity``` Secrets Engine. * [GH-127] Add support for ```MongoDBAtlas``` Secrets Engine. * [GH-128] Add support for ```OpenLDAP``` Secrets Engine. **ENTERPRISE VAULT FEATURES:** * [GH-122] Add support for ```KMIP``` Secrets Engine. * [GH-129] Add support for ```Transform``` Secrets Engine. **BREAKING CHANGES:** * ```GetSealStatusAsync``` doesn't throw an exception anymore for a sealed vault. **IMPROVEMENTS:** * Add support to pass Vault token as ```X-Vault-Token``` header or as the standard ```Authorization: Bearer ``` header. By default, the ```Authorization: Bearer ``` scheme is used. You can override it using the ```VaultClientSettings.UseVaultTokenHeaderInsteadOfAuthorizationHeader``` flag. * Support lease info in Custom Auth Info. * Added the ```path``` field to ```FileAuditBackend``` class. * Added the ```performance_standby``` field to ```HealthStatus``` class. * Added the ```initialized```, ```migration``` and ```recovery_seal``` fields to ```SealStatus``` class. * Added the ```options``` field to all the ```Backend``` classes. * Added the ```token_type``` field to all the ```BackendConfig``` classes. * Added the ```performance_standby``` and ```performance_standby_last_remote_wal``` fields to ```Leader``` class. * Added the ```otp``` and ```otp_length``` fields to ```RootTokenGenerationStatus``` class. * ```TokenCapability``` class now returns additional fields as well other than the ```capabilities``` field. ## 0.11.1003 (April 22, 2020) **BREAKING CHANGES:** * [GH-86] Fix the wrong default mount name for KV1 and KV2 secret engines. To minimize risks, please ensure you are using explicit mount points. **FEATURES:** * [GH-75] Add possibility to revoke certificate by serial number. * [GH-76] Add expiration to response of GetCertificateCredentials * [GH-79] Ability to tidy up the certificate storage * [GH-84] Ability to delete KV2 secret metadata and all versions **BUG FIXES:** * [GH-94] Add namespace support. * [GH-82] Fix the GetSecretBackendsAsync() deserialization error * [GH-116] [GH-107] Fix deadlock issues * [GH-85] Add checks for private key and better documentation * [GH-80] Fix deserialization error on ReturnedLoginAuthInfo * [GH-63] WriteSecretAsync now returns an output **DOC IMPROVEMENTS:** * [GH-85] Add documentation to clearly mention that VaultSharp doesn't support automatic client side failovers. ## 0.11.1002 (April 21, 2019) **FEATURES:** * [GH-74] Added support for .NET Standard 2.0 as well. * [GH-53] Added Wrapping support to the library. ## 0.11.1001 (April 20, 2019) **BUG FIXES:** * Fixes default path of KeyValue version 1 to be kv. * Fixes a bug with IAM Login, for the shorter overload of the ```IAMAWSAuthMethodInfo``` class. Fixes [GH-61]. **DOC IMPROVEMENTS:** * Fixes [GH-57]. Replaced the use of ```var``` in docs with type info, where the type is hard to infer. ## 0.11.1000 (April 15, 2019) **BUG FIXES:** * Fixes [GH-67] to read array of ca_chain instead of single string. * Removed the misleading default value in IAM Auth requestHeaders. Caller needs to explicitly pass a list of signed IAM STS Headers. Please see docs to generate this. ## 0.11.1-beta1 (March 17, 2019) **BUG FIXES:** * Fixes [GH-61] to supply all the necessary values for IAM Auth login. ## 0.11.0 (August 31, 2018) **FEATURES:** * Azure Secrets Engine: Add support for generating dynamic Azure credentials. * AliCloud Auth Method: Support for AliCloud login tokens. ## 0.10.4003 (August 22, 2018) **FEATURES:** * Secrets Engine: Key Value: Version 1: Add support for Writing & Deleting of secrets. * Secrets Engine: Key Value: Version 2: Add support for Writing & Destroying of secrets. **BREAKING CHANGES:** * Secrets Engine: Key Value: The ```ReadSecretPathListAsync``` method name changes to ```ReadSecretPathsAsync```. Apologies. ## 0.10.4002 (August 16, 2018) **FEATURES:** * Add support for Azure Auth method login. * Add support for GoogleCloud Auth method login. * Add support for JWT/OIDC Auth method login. * Add support for Kubernetes Auth method login. * Add support for Okta Auth method login. * Add support for RADIUS Auth method login. * Transit Secrets Engine: Add support for Encrypt & Decrypt including Batched input. * Active Directory Secrets Engine: Add support for offering credentials. * AWS Secrets Engine: Add support for generating dynamic IAM credentials & STS IAM credentials. * Cubbhole Secrets Engine: Add support for read secret, read paths, write secret and delete secret APIs. * Database Secrets Engine: Add support for generating dynamic DB credentials. * GoogleCloud Secrets Engine: Add support for generating OAuth2 Token & Service Account Key. * Nomad Secrets Engine: Add support for generating dynamic credentials. * RabbitMQ Secrets Engine: Add support for generating dynamic credentials. * SSH Secrets Engine: Add support for generating dynamic credentials. * TOTP Secrets Engine: Add support for generating and validating TOTP code. * Supports .Net Standard 1.3 and .NET Framework 4.5. This enables supports for a wide range of platforms. **BREAKING CHANGES:** * The ```GenerateCredentialsAsync``` method name changes to ```GetCredentialsAsync```. Apologies. ## 0.10.4001 (August 10, 2018) **FEATURES:** * Add support for PKI dynamic credentials. * Add support for GitHub auth method. * Add support for Get, Renew and Revoke calling token info. * Add docs for VaultSharp 0.6.x * Add docs for current VaultSharp **BREAKING CHANGES:** * Changed the property names in VaultClient.V1 from SecretsEngine to just Secrets, AuthMethod to Auth and SystemBackend to System. Apologies. ## 0.10.4000 (July 30, 2018) **FEATURES:** * Secret Engines: Consul, KeyValue, PKI for dynamic credentials * Auth methods: AppRole, AWS, LDAP, TLS Certificates, Tokens, Username & password - Login method. * System Backend Apis. **BREAKING CHANGES:** * VaultSharp has been redesigned from scratch to make the usage very intuitive and structured across the Secrets Engines, Auth Methods and Sys Apis. ## 0.6.5-beta1 (Unreleased) MISC: DEPRECATIONS/CHANGES: FEATURES: IMPROVEMENTS: * Add nonce to `SealStatus` type to allow seeing if the operation has reset. [https://github.com/hashicorp/vault/pull/2276/] * Add support for batch Transit operations: * `TransitEncryptAsync` BUG FIXES: ## 0.6.4 (January 18, 2017) MISC: * **VaultSharp 0.6.4 is now cross-platform! It supports .NET Standard 1.4 along with .NET 4.5.x and .NET 4.6.x.** * VaultSharp 0.6.4 is also strongly named now. This means your previous NuGet package may not automatically upgrade. **YOU MAY NEED TO MANUALLY UPGRADE THE VAULTSHARP NUGET PACKAGE ONCE.** * Basically the change logs for VaultSharp till 0.6.4 and follows the changelog for Vault here. (https://github.com/hashicorp/vault/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md) * Some of the changes are called out below. But all of Vault 0.6.4 cumulative changes are supported by VaultSharp 0.6.4 * A major breaking change in VaultSharp 0.6.4 is STRONG NAMING of VaultSharp. Now both strong named and non-strong named assemblies can refer to VaultSharp. This does mean that Nuget will not detect any upgrade from VaultSharp less than 0.6.4 to 0.6.4. You need to do this MANUALLY! DEPRECATIONS/CHANGES: * VaultSharp 0.6.4 is also strongly named now. This means your previous NuGet package may not automatically upgrade. **YOU MAY NEED TO MANUALLY UPGRADE THE VAULTSHARP NUGET PACKAGE ONCE.** * The `InitializeAsync` method now takes a single container object for all parameters, instead of primitive parameters. This single container object now has support for the additional recovery fields supported by Vault 0.6.2's initialization. * The File Audit backend path json key internally changed from `path` to `file_path`. * The `MongoDbGenerateDynamicCredentialsAsync` method now returns `MongoDbUsernamePasswordCredentials` instead of `UsernamePasswordCredentials`. This ensures you get the `database` field back as well. * The `MicrosoftSqlReadCredentialLeaseSettingsAsync` method now returns the `CredentialTimeToLiveSettings` instead of the deprecated `CredentialTtlSettings` type. This is in alignment with Vault deprecating `ttl_max` in favor of `max_ttl`. * VaultSharp 0.6.4 is now strongly named. This breaks compatibility between VaultSharp 0.6.1 and 0.6.4. In fact, NuGet is going to treat them as 2 separate assemblies. I thought through a couple of options like releasing 2 NuGet packages and adding strongly named packages as part of a major version upgrade, but finally decided to just do it now and have just 1 Package. Because we are at the 0.x.x versions, I am thinking we can get away with this. :) A bit of pain now, for a lot less hassles later. (pretty much the whole conundrum of life!) * The `GetCallingTokenInfoAsync` now returns a new response type `CallingTokenInfo` instead of the previous `TokenInfo`. This supports the latest fields for Vault 0.6.4. [GH-18] * The `TransitCreateEncryptionKeyAsync` now supports the `transitKeyType` parameter to specify the type of key needed. * The `TransitGetEncryptionKeyInfoAsync` method now returns `TransitEncryptionKeyInfo` with a lot more fields like `KeyDerivationFunction`, `ConvergentEncryptionVersion`, etc. FEATURES: * New `/sys/wrapping` Apis: Wrap, Rewrap, Lookup and Unwrap. * The `UnwrapWrappedResponseDataAsync` method also supports a generic return type to give you strongly typed data back. So if you wrapped `AWSCredentials`, then you can unwrap `Secret` instead of `Secret>`. And at any time if you need the non-generic method, you can always fallback to the non-generic version returning a dictionary. * Add support for stored shares, recovery parameters etc. during the initialization of Vault. * Supports the new fields (`hmac_accessor`, `jsonx` format etc.) for File and SysLog Audit Backends. * The `AWSGenerateDynamicCredentialsWithSecurityTokenAsync` method now supports the `timeToLive` parameter. * The `Consul` backend now supports the listing functionality to roles `ConsulReadRoleListAsync`. (https://github.com/hashicorp/vault/issues/2065) * The `Transit` backend now supports the new Apis for `List of keys`, `Random`, `Hash`, `Digest`, `Sign`, `Verify` etc. * All the secret backends now support wrapping of the secret into a cubbyhole token. Wrapping support added for: * AWS Secret Backend * Cassandra Secret Backend * Consul Secret Backend * Cubbyhole Secret Backend * Generic Secret Backend * MongoDB Secret Backend * Microsoft SQL Secret Backend * MySql Secret Backend * TBD for PKI Secret Backend * PostgreSQL Secret Backend * RabbitMQ Secret Backend * SSH Secret Backend * Transit Secret Backend IMPROVEMENTS: * Overall intellisense comments are updated to match the Vault documentation site. * The `CassandraRoleDefinition` now supports a consistency level parameter. (defaults to `Quorum`) * The `MongoDbGenerateDynamicCredentialsAsync` now returns the database name as well, related to the credentials. * The `MySqlRoleDefinition` now supports the `RevocationSql` parameter to revoke an user. * Added `RevocationSql` parameter on the `PostgreSqlRoleDefinition` type to enable customization of user revocation SQL statements. * The WriteSecretAsync method now returns data if the underlying data allows for it. [GH-16] BUG FIXES: * Fixed a race condition in the API calls to add the Vault Client Token Header. A single call involves removal and addition of the client token header. Between the removal and addition, some other thread could make the API call, resulting in 401 errors. This is because the HttpClient is shared by all threads. The fallacy happens due to messing with Headers at the HttpClient level. The fix was to compose a per thread HttpRequestMessage and set its headers. [GH-13](https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/13) ## 0.6.1 (October 03, 2016) MISC: * Basically the change log for VaultSharp 0.6.1 follows the changelog for Vault 0.6.1 here. (https://github.com/hashicorp/vault/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#061-august-22-2016) * Some of the changes are called out below. But all of Vault 0.6.1 changes is supported by VaultSharp 0.6.1 DEPRECATIONS/CHANGES: * AppId backend is now deprecated, but still supported. Use AppRole instead. FEATURES: * All the new Authentication backends are now supported: AppRole and AWS-EC2 based login. * All the new Secret backends are now supported: MongoDB, MSSQL and RabbitMQ based secret backends * All the List Apis are now supported. * New Token Apis pertaining to token-roles are now supported. * Advanced Health check Api changes * Rekey Api changes for Nonce * Add convergent encryption support * Add support for step-down Api * Add support for the capabilities Apis. * Add support for the token accessor Apis. IMPROVEMENTS: * You can now provide a delegate for HttpClient to be executed. Use this to set proxy settings, message handlers etc. * Upgraded the Json Package dependency to 9. * Quick rekey Api is available now. * Quick Mount Api is available now. BUG FIXES: * Fixed deadlock issue with Auth login. #5 ## 0.4.1 (January 21, 2016) IMPROVEMENTS: * Added extensive XML documentation to the Apis. This is a documentation-addition-only release; other than the version number there are no changes from 0.4.0. ## 0.4.0 (January 21, 2016) * Initial release * Parity with Hashicorp's Vault 0.4.1 Api features [GH-288]: https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/288 [GH-289]: https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/289 [GH-269]: https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/269 [GH-286]: https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/286 [GH-280]: https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/280 [GH-238]: https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/238 [GH-275]: https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/275 [GH-268]: https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/268 [GH-253]: https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/253 [GH-251]: https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/251 [GH-246]: https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/246 [GH-243]: https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/243 [GH-241]: https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/241 [GH-239]: https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/239 [GH-236]: https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/236 [GH-235]: https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/235 [GH-223]: https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/223 [GH-220]: https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/220 [GH-215]: https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/215 [GH-197]: https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/197 [GH-194]: https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/194 [GH-192]: https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/192 [GH-188]: https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/188 [GH-187]: https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/187 [GH-182]: https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/182 [GH-181]: https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/181 [GH-180]: https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/180 [GH-177]: https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/177 [GH-172]: https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/172 [GH-162]: https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/162 [GH-161]: https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/161 [GH-150]: https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/150 [GH-149]: https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/149 [GH-148]: https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/148 [GH-147]: https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/147 [GH-146]: https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/146 [GH-141]: https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/141 [GH-137]: https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/137 [GH-136]: https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/136 [GH-135]: https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/135 [GH-133]: https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/133 [GH-132]: https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/132 [GH-131]: https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/131 [GH-130]: https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/130 [GH-129]: https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/129 [GH-128]: https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/128 [GH-127]: https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/127 [GH-126]: https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/126 [GH-125]: https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/125 [GH-122]: https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/122 [GH-117]: https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/117 [GH-116]: https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/116 [GH-113]: https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/113 [GH-109]: https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/109 [GH-107]: https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/107 [GH-106]: https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/106 [GH-96]: https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/96 [GH-94]: https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/94 [GH-86]: https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/86 [GH-85]: https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/85 [GH-84]: https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/84 [GH-82]: https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/82 [GH-80]: https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/80 [GH-79]: https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/79 [GH-76]: https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/76 [GH-75]: https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/75 [GH-74]: https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/74 [GH-71]: https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/71 [GH-69]: https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/69 [GH-67]: https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/67 [GH-63]: https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/63 [GH-61]: https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/61 [GH-59]: https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/59 [GH-57]: https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/57 [GH-53]: https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/53 [GH-18]: https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/18 [GH-16]: https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/16 [GH-13]: https://github.com/rajanadar/VaultSharp/issues/13