import cv2 import mediapipe as mp import numpy as np from tkinter import * import random import time speed_level = 2 # you can increase the speed of the ball #Constraints head_size = 100 neck_size = 10 eye_size = 10 sholder_length = 100 body_height = 200 fingure_size = 10 Body_parts = [] draw_man = FALSE # ------------------ CANVAS SETTINGS ------------------ tk = Tk() WIDTH = 800 HEIGHT = 500 canvas = Canvas(tk, width = WIDTH, height = HEIGHT) canvas.pack() # ------------------ POSE DETECTION ------------------ mp_drawing = mp_pose = cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0) # ------------------ GAME PRE-REQUISITES ------------------ score = 0 stick_height = 20 stick_length = 120 #creating ball ball = canvas.create_oval(10,10,50,50,fill="red",outline="black") #creating boundary boundary = canvas.create_rectangle(stick_height, stick_height, WIDTH - stick_height, HEIGHT - stick_height,outline="red") if speed_level == 1: x_speed = 10 y_speed = 10 if speed_level == 2: x_speed = 15 y_speed = 15 if speed_level > 2: x_speed = 20 y_speed = 20 # ------------------ SETUP MEDIAPIPE INSTANCE ------------------ with mp_pose.Pose(min_detection_confidence = 0.5, min_tracking_confidence = 0.5) as pose: while cap.isOpened(): ret, frame = # Recolor image to RGB image = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) image.flags.writeable = False # Make detection result = pose.process(image) # Recolor back to BGR image.flags.writeable = True image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) head = [-300, -300] R_hand_mid = [-300, -300] R_hand_end = [-300, -300] L_hand_mid = [-300, -300] L_hand_end = [-300, -300] R_leg_mid = [-300, -300] R_leg_end = [-300, -300] L_leg_mid = [-300, -300] L_leg_end = [-300, -300] # ------------------ EXTRACT LANDMARK ------------------ try: landmarks = result.pose_landmarks.landmark head = [WIDTH * (1-landmarks[mp_pose.PoseLandmark.NOSE.value].x), HEIGHT * landmarks[mp_pose.PoseLandmark.NOSE.value].y] L_hand_mid = [WIDTH *(1- landmarks[mp_pose.PoseLandmark.LEFT_ELBOW].x), HEIGHT * landmarks[mp_pose.PoseLandmark.LEFT_ELBOW.value].y] L_hand_end = [WIDTH * (1-landmarks[mp_pose.PoseLandmark.LEFT_WRIST.value].x), HEIGHT * landmarks[mp_pose.PoseLandmark.LEFT_WRIST.value].y] R_hand_mid = [WIDTH * (1-landmarks[mp_pose.PoseLandmark.RIGHT_ELBOW].x), HEIGHT * landmarks[mp_pose.PoseLandmark.RIGHT_ELBOW.value].y] R_hand_end = [WIDTH * (1-landmarks[mp_pose.PoseLandmark.RIGHT_WRIST.value].x), HEIGHT * landmarks[mp_pose.PoseLandmark.RIGHT_WRIST.value].y] L_leg_mid = [WIDTH * (1-landmarks[mp_pose.PoseLandmark.LEFT_KNEE].x), HEIGHT * landmarks[mp_pose.PoseLandmark.LEFT_KNEE.value].y] L_leg_end = [WIDTH * (1-landmarks[mp_pose.PoseLandmark.LEFT_ANKLE.value].x), HEIGHT * landmarks[mp_pose.PoseLandmark.LEFT_ANKLE.value].y] R_leg_mid = [WIDTH * (1-landmarks[mp_pose.PoseLandmark.RIGHT_KNEE].x), HEIGHT * landmarks[mp_pose.PoseLandmark.RIGHT_KNEE.value].y] R_leg_end = [WIDTH * (1-landmarks[mp_pose.PoseLandmark.RIGHT_ANKLE.value].x), HEIGHT * landmarks[mp_pose.PoseLandmark.RIGHT_ANKLE.value].y] except: pass # ------------------ RENDER DETECTIONS ------------------ mp_drawing.draw_landmarks(image, result.pose_landmarks, mp_pose.POSE_CONNECTIONS, mp_drawing.DrawingSpec(color=(245, 117, 66), thickness=2, circle_radius=2), mp_drawing.DrawingSpec(color=(245, 66, 230), thickness=2, circle_radius=2) ) # ------------------ HEAD ------------------ head_r = head_size / 2 head_x1 = head[0] - head_r head_y1 = head[1] - head_r head_x2 = head_x1 + head_size head_y2 = head_y1 + head_size head_center_x = head_x1 + head_r head_center_y = head_y1 + head_r # ------------------ SMILE ------------------ smile_x1 = head_center_x - 10 smile_y1 = head_center_y + head_r/2 smile_x2 = head_center_x + 10 smile_y2 = head_center_y + head_r/2 + 10 # ------------------ NECK ------------------ neck_mid_x = head_center_x neck_mid_y = head_center_y + head_r neck_x1 = neck_mid_x - 5 neck_y1 = neck_mid_y neck_x2 = neck_mid_x + 5 neck_y2 = neck_mid_y + neck_size # ------------------ EYES ------------------ L_eye_x2 = head_center_x - head_r / 2 L_eye_y2 = head_center_y L_eye_x1 = L_eye_x2 - eye_size L_eye_y1 =L_eye_y2 - eye_size R_eye_x2 = head_center_x + head_r / 2 R_eye_y2 = head_center_y R_eye_x1 = R_eye_x2 + eye_size R_eye_y1 = R_eye_y2 - eye_size # ------------------ SHOLDER ------------------ sholder_mid_x = head_center_x sholder_mid_y = head_center_y + head_r + neck_size sholder_x1 = sholder_mid_x - (sholder_length / 2) sholder_y1 = sholder_mid_y sholder_x2 = sholder_mid_x + (sholder_length / 2) sholder_y2 = sholder_mid_y # ------------------ BODY ------------------ body_y2 = sholder_y2 + body_height # ------------------ HANDS ------------------ l_hand_x = sholder_x1 L_hand_y = sholder_y1 R_hand_x = sholder_x2 R_hand_y = sholder_y2 L_hand_mid_x = L_hand_mid[0] L_hand_mid_y = L_hand_mid[1] L_hand_end_x = L_hand_end[0] L_hand_end_y = L_hand_end[1] R_hand_mid_x = R_hand_mid[0] R_hand_mid_y = R_hand_mid[1] R_hand_end_x = R_hand_end[0] R_hand_end_y = R_hand_end[1] # ------------------ HAND FINGERS ------------------ Lh_fingure_x1 = L_hand_end_x - fingure_size Lh_fingure_y1 = L_hand_end_y - fingure_size Lh_fingure_x2 = L_hand_end_x + fingure_size Lh_fingure_y2 = L_hand_end_y + fingure_size Rh_fingure_x1 = R_hand_end_x - fingure_size Rh_fingure_y1 = R_hand_end_y - fingure_size Rh_fingure_x2 = R_hand_end_x + fingure_size Rh_fingure_y2 = R_hand_end_y + fingure_size # ------------------ LEGS ------------------ L_leg_x = sholder_x1 L_leg_y = sholder_y1 + body_height R_leg_x = sholder_x2 R_leg_y = sholder_y2 + body_height L_leg_mid_x = L_leg_mid[0] L_leg_mid_y = L_leg_mid[1] L_leg_end_x = L_leg_end[0] L_leg_end_y = L_leg_end[1] R_leg_mid_x = R_leg_mid[0] R_leg_mid_y = R_leg_mid[1] R_leg_end_x = R_leg_end[0] R_leg_end_y = R_leg_end[1] # ------------------ LEG FINGERS ------------------ Ll_fingure_x1 = L_leg_end_x - fingure_size Ll_fingure_y1 = L_leg_end_y - fingure_size Ll_fingure_x2 = L_leg_end_x + fingure_size Ll_fingure_y2 = L_leg_end_y + fingure_size Rl_fingure_x1 = R_leg_end_x - fingure_size Rl_fingure_y1 = R_leg_end_y - fingure_size Rl_fingure_x2 = R_leg_end_x + fingure_size Rl_fingure_y2 = R_leg_end_y + fingure_size if draw_man == TRUE: head = canvas.create_oval(head_x1, head_y1, head_x2, head_y2, fill="pink") hairs = canvas.create_arc(head_x1, head_y1, head_x2, head_y2 - 3 * eye_size, start=0, extent=180, fill="black") smile = canvas.create_arc(smile_x1, smile_y1, smile_x2, smile_y2, start=0, extent=-180, fill="black") neck = canvas.create_rectangle(neck_x1, neck_y1, neck_x2, neck_y2) L_eye = canvas.create_oval(L_eye_x1, L_eye_y1, L_eye_x2, L_eye_y2, fill="blue") R_eye = canvas.create_oval(R_eye_x1, R_eye_y1, R_eye_x2, R_eye_y2, fill="blue") body = canvas.create_rectangle(sholder_x1, sholder_y1, sholder_x2, body_y2) Left_hand_mid = canvas.create_line(L_hand_x, L_hand_y, L_hand_mid_x, L_hand_mid_y) Left_hand_end = canvas.create_line(L_hand_mid_x, L_hand_mid_y, L_hand_end_x, L_hand_end_y) Right_hand_mid = canvas.create_line(R_hand_x, R_hand_y, R_hand_mid_x, R_hand_mid_y) Right_hand_end = canvas.create_line(R_hand_mid_x, R_hand_mid_y, R_hand_end_x, R_hand_end_y) Lh_fingures = canvas.create_oval(Lh_fingure_x1, Lh_fingure_y1, Lh_fingure_x2, Lh_fingure_y2, fill="black") Rh_fingures = canvas.create_oval(Rh_fingure_x1, Rh_fingure_y1, Rh_fingure_x2, Rh_fingure_y2, fill="black") Left_leg_mid = canvas.create_line(L_leg_x, L_leg_y, L_leg_mid_x, L_leg_mid_y) Left_leg_end = canvas.create_line(L_leg_mid_x, L_leg_mid_y, L_leg_end_x, L_leg_end_y) Right_leg_mid = canvas.create_line(R_leg_x, R_leg_y, R_leg_mid_x, R_leg_mid_y) Right_leg_end = canvas.create_line(R_leg_mid_x, R_leg_mid_y, R_leg_end_x, R_leg_end_y) Ll_fingures = canvas.create_oval(Ll_fingure_x1, Ll_fingure_y1, Ll_fingure_x2, Ll_fingure_y2, fill="black") Rl_fingures = canvas.create_oval(Rl_fingure_x1, Rl_fingure_y1, Rl_fingure_x2, Rl_fingure_y2, fill="black") # ------------------ BODY PARTS ------------------ Body_parts = [head, hairs, smile, neck, L_eye, R_eye, body, Left_hand_mid, Left_hand_end, Right_hand_mid, Right_hand_end, Lh_fingures, Rh_fingures, Left_leg_mid, Left_leg_end, Right_leg_mid, Right_leg_end, Ll_fingures, Rl_fingures] # ------------------ HORIZONTAL STICKS ------------------ stick_1_x1 = head_x1 stick_1_y1 = HEIGHT - stick_height stick_1_x2 = stick_1_x1 + stick_length stick_1_y2 = HEIGHT stick_1 = canvas.create_rectangle(stick_1_x1, stick_1_y1, stick_1_x2, stick_1_y2, fill="black",outline="red") # BOTTOM stick_2 = canvas.create_rectangle(stick_1_x1, 0, stick_1_x2, stick_height, fill="black",outline="red") # TOP # ------------------ VERTICAL STICKS ------------------ stick_3_x1 = WIDTH - stick_height stick_3_y1 = R_hand_end_y stick_3_x2 = WIDTH stick_3_y2 = stick_3_y1 + stick_length stick_4_x1 = 0 stick_4_y1 = L_hand_end_y stick_4_x2 = stick_height stick_4_y2 = stick_4_y1 + stick_length stick_3 = canvas.create_rectangle(stick_3_x1, stick_3_y1, stick_3_x2, stick_3_y2, fill="black",outline="red") # RIGHT stick_4 = canvas.create_rectangle(stick_4_x1, stick_4_y1, stick_4_x2, stick_4_y2, fill="black",outline="red") # LEFT # ------------------ BALL ------------------ canvas.move(ball, x_speed, y_speed) pos_stick_1 = canvas.coords(stick_1) pos_stick_2 = canvas.coords(stick_2) pos_stick_3 = canvas.coords(stick_3) pos_stick_4 = canvas.coords(stick_4) pos_ball = canvas.coords(ball) # ------------------ HORIZONTAL STICKS CONTROL ------------------ if pos_stick_1[1] <= pos_ball[3]: if pos_stick_1[0] <= pos_ball[2] and pos_stick_1[2] >= pos_ball[0]: y_speed = -(y_speed + 1) score += 1 else: y_speed = -(y_speed - 1) score -= 1 if pos_stick_2[3] >= pos_ball[1]: if pos_stick_2[0] <= pos_ball[2] and pos_stick_2[2] >= pos_ball[0]: y_speed = -(y_speed + 1) score += 1 else: y_speed = -(y_speed - 1) score -= 1 # ------------------ VERTICAL STICKS CONTROL ------------------ if pos_stick_3[0] <= pos_ball[2]: if pos_stick_3[1] <= pos_ball[1] and pos_stick_3[3] >= pos_ball[3]: x_speed = -(x_speed + 1) score += 1 else: x_speed = -(x_speed - 1) score -= 1 if pos_stick_4[2] >= pos_ball[0]: if pos_stick_4[1] <= pos_ball[1] and pos_stick_4[3] >= pos_ball[3]: x_speed = -(x_speed + 1) score += 1 else: x_speed = -(x_speed - 1) score -= 1 # ------------------ IF BALL MOVES OUT OF CANVAS ------------------ if pos_ball[1] <= -200 or pos_ball[3] >= HEIGHT + 200: canvas.delete(ball) ball = canvas.create_oval(50, 50, 100, 100, fill = "black") if pos_ball[0] <= -200 or pos_ball[2] >= WIDTH + 200: canvas.delete(ball) ball = canvas.create_oval(50, 50, 100, 100, fill = "black") text = canvas.create_text(100, 10, fill="darkblue", font="serif 15 bold", text="Score = {}".format(score)) tk.update() time.sleep(0.01) sticks = [stick_1, stick_2, stick_3, stick_4] # ------------------ DELETE PARTS ------------------ for i in Body_parts: canvas.delete(i) for j in sticks: canvas.delete(j) canvas.delete(text) # ------------------ FLIP AND SHOW IMAGE ------------------ image = cv2.flip(image, 1) cv2.imshow(' ', image) # ------------------ CLOSE ------------------ if cv2.waitKey(10) & 0xFF == ord('q'): break print("Your score is : ",text) canvas.mainloop() cap.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows()