version: '3.7' services: kener: image: rajnandan1/kener:latest # assuming this is final namespace/image container_name: kener environment: - TZ=Etc/GMT #- GH_TOKEN= #- API_TOKEN= #- API_IP # If running on a LINUX HOST and not podman rootless these MUST BE SET # run "id $user" from command line and replace numbers below with output from command #- PUID=1000 # gid #- PGID=1000 # uid ### Most likely DO NOT need to change anything below this ### #- PORT=3000 Port app listens on IN CONTAINER ### If any of the below are changed make sure the bound volume is correct as well ### #- CONFIG_DIR=/config #- PUBLIC_KENER_FOLDER=/config/static #- MONITOR_YAML_PATH=/config/monitors.yaml #- SITE_YAML_PATH=/config/site.yaml #- KENER_BASE_PATH=/status ports: - '3000:3000/tcp' volumes: - '/host/path/to/config:/config:rw'