Device changes: ============================== - Build with clang 11.0.3 - Upstreamed kernel to latest 4.14.185 - Deep sleep improved - Smart charging added - Less Idle drain - better ram or memory management - Fast charging improvements and balanced thermals - Cpu frequency switch to 100mhz only when idle - Removed ANXCamera Rom changelogs: ============================== Evolver ---------- Automatic translation import Evolver: Make sensor block package list configurable [2/2] Evolver: Nuke Menu Key actions Evolver: Quick settings: Better strings frameworks/base ---------- Automatic translation import core: Make sensor block package list configurable [1/2] fixup! core: Add Accelerometer and Linear Acceleration sensors in blocking list DividedLines Clock: Add proper preview layout DividedLines Clock: Fix margin issue in layout MNMLBox Clock: Clean up hacky layouts Battery icon: fix requestLayout() calls spam when in lockscreen fw/b: Add support for per app network isolation SystemUI: Fix QS Detail Header SystemUI: Allow tri-state dialog extra padding to be overriden fixup! bluetooth: fix communication / icon after clean flash and first pairing bluetooth: fix communication / icon after clean flash and first pairing QsFooter: Animate icons while showing/hiding [SQUASH] Cleanup old unneeded VolumeDialogController commits EvolutionUtils: Create some custom device groups to check against Bluetooth: Serialize sending sendBluetoothServiceUpCallback BT: Added bind retry logic to handle race condition in Bluetooth off/on GamingMode: Simplify log and trivial clean up WifiManager: Add StaState API Not register sensor if StatusBar state is not KEYGUARD fixup! core: Add a LineageOS clock MusicTile: Clean up redundant code MusicTile: Make tile state inactive if not playing music Add Music Tile Touch: Add keydisabler support Move high touch sensitivity and hovering to InputService fixup! base: Add Touch HIDL support TouchGestures: Add keyhandler overlays Fix Wifi icon in inactive state when using Custom icon pack Fix QS customizer not reflecting rows/columns correctly Settings ---------- Automatic translation import Settings: Add support for per app network isolation Toast insulter: Add more insults LanguageAndInputSettings: Hide touch hovering from search if needed Settings: Add high touch sensitivity and touchscreen hovering toggles fixup! Settings: Add preference for TouchGestures #KeepEvolving