/** * Created by Ralph Varjabedian. * nodetastic is licensed under the [BSD-3 License] https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ralphv/nodetastic/master/LICENSE. * do not remove this notice. */ module.exports = { // maximum number of distinct cache objects (each having different expire time) "cacheMaxPoolSize": 15, // maximum number of objects that lru-cache (server side cashe) can retain "cacheMaxItems": 1000, // if set to false, it will not allow parameters without the hungarian notation // thus effectively forcing all parameters to have type checking "allowedUntyped": true, // for purpose of development "disable304Caching": false, // the default httpCache is 60 seconds "httpCache": 60, // values of 0,1,2 "httpVerbose": 1, // the default cookie secret, it is advisable to use setOptions with a new cookieSecret "cookieSecret": "1234567890QWERTY", // session timeout "cookieMaxAgeMinutes": 30, // crash log file "crashLog": "/var/log/nodetastic-crash.log", // cb names "cbNames": ["cb", "done", "next"], // function name resolve case insensitive (the controller's objects and functions should all be lower case) "functionNamesCaseInsensitive": false, "disableCluster": false };