#!/bin/bash #---------------------------------------------------- # Sample Slurm job script # for TACC Stampede2 SKX nodes # # Example SBATCH File for BUSCO. # NOTE: Change the email id under --mail-user flag. #---------------------------------------------------- #SBATCH -J step1b_busco # Job name #SBATCH -o step1b_busco.o%j # Name of stdout output file #SBATCH -e step1b_busco.e%j # Name of stderr error file #SBATCH -p skx-normal # Queue (partition) name #SBATCH -N 1 # Total # of nodes (must be 1 for serial) #SBATCH -n 1 # Total # of mpi tasks (should be 1 for serial) #SBATCH -t 02:00:00 # Run time (hh:mm:ss) #SBATCH --mail-user=firstname.lastname@mavs.uta.edu #SBATCH --mail-type=all # Send email at begin and end of job #------------------------------------------------------ # Sourcing bashrc to activate conda source ~/.bashrc # Activating busco environment conda activate busco # Running busco run_busco --in transcriptome.fasta --out transcriptome -l endopterygota_odb9 -m tran -c 272