Irem Atmar "Attentional bias" refers to the tendency of our perception to be affected by our recurring thoughts at the expense of other stimuli. Essentially, it's when a person's focus is more readily drawn to certain types of information or stimuli over others, depending on what is currently occupying their mind. This can manifest in various contexts, such as someone who has a fear of spiders being more likely to notice spiders or spider-like objects in their environment compared to someone without such a fear. Attentional Bias Describes the relationship between a cognitive bias and an individual on the base of influence. affects Signifies the stimuli, conditions, or events that initiate or activate a specific cognitive process. hasTrigger An entity having and effect on the other entity influences Describes a relationship between the entities on the base of influence. is affected by This property generalises relationships like whole-part, sequence, prerequisite or inspired by between instances of E29 Design or Procedure. Any instance of E29 Design or Procedure may be associated with other designs or procedures. The property is considered to be symmetrical unless otherwise indicated by P69.1 has type. The property is not transitive. is associated with The Stimulus class representing any object shown to the user. Stimulus A mental status of an agent such as cognitive process or emotional state. Mental State Subclass of Bias, specifically representing attentional bias. Attentional Bias Represents an entity that experiences the bias. Biased Agent Represents the overarching concept of cognitive biases. Cognitive Bias Disorders that affect the mental states of a person. Mental Disorder This frame contains general words for Individuals, i.e. humans. The Person is conceived of as independent of other specific individuals with whom they have relationships and independent of their participation in any particular activity. They may have an Age, Descriptor, Origin, Persistent_characteristic, or Ethnicity. A man from Phoenix was shot yesterday. She gave birth to a screaming baby yesterday. I study 16-year-old female adolescents. I am dating an African-American man. She comforted the terrified child. I always thought of him as a stupid man. People Emma’s social anxiety disorder, which exacerbates her attentional bias towards perceived negative judgments. Anxiety Disorder Represents Emma's tendency to focus on perceived negative social cues, such as the group whispering, at the expense of positive stimuli like welcoming smiles. Attentional Bias Instance Represents the individual experiencing the attentional bias at the coworker birthday party. Emma feels anxious and perceives negative social cues due to her social anxiety. Emma The specific stimulus that triggers Emma's attentional bias. Emma interprets the whispering group in a birthday party as a negative social cue, reinforcing her anxiety. Group Whispering The mental state that influences Emma's attentional bias. It is characterized by Emma's fear of being judged and evaluated negatively by others at social gatherings. Social Anxiety