Irem Atmar A context effect refers to the influence that the surrounding environment or circumstances have on perception, cognition, decision-making, or behavior. This effect suggests that how something is perceived or understood can be significantly impacted by the context in which it is presented or experienced. Context effects can manifest in various ways, such as priming, framing, or situational cues, and they play a crucial role in shaping human experiences and responses to stimuli. Context Effect emotion:Stimulus The Stimulus class representing any object shown to the user. emotion:Stimulus emotion:Stimulus Stimulus emotion:pertainsTo The property associates an impact to a component. emotion:pertainsTo emotion:pertainsTo pertains to cbcm:Behaviour Behaviour is the set of actions and mannerisms made by systems (biological or otherwise) in response to stimuli or inputs, whether internal or external, conscious or subconscious, overt or covert, and voluntary or involuntary. cbcm:Behaviour cbcm:Behaviour Behaviour reaction:hasOutcome To model dynamic situations, tracking agents and actions they produce, events that are results of some action(s), and consequences as new actions, i.e. reactions. reaction:hasOutcome reaction:hasOutcome has outcome dul:Situation To provide a set of upper level concepts that can be the basis for easier interoperability among many middle and lower level ontologies. dul:Situation dul:Situation Situation Context Represents the environment or situation. Context Context Context ContextEffectInstance ContextEffectInstance Context Effect Instance DinerDecision Represents the decision made by the diner (Jane Doe) to stay and order a meal. DinerDecision DinerDecision Diner Decision ElegantDecor Represents the elegant decor of the restaurant which influences the diner's perception and decision. ElegantDecor ElegantDecor Elegant Decor HigherPrices Represents the prices which are slightly higher than expected for a casual dining experience. HigherPrices HigherPrices Higher Prices JaneDoe Represents the diner who is conscious about not overspending. JaneDoe JaneDoe Jane Doe MealOrder Represents the action of ordering a meal, influenced by the prices on the menu. MealOrder MealOrder Meal Order NearbyRestaurant Represents the restaurant the diner (Jane Doe) decides to visit. NearbyRestaurant NearbyRestaurant Nearby Restaurant Perception The process by which individuals organize, interpret, and make sense of sensory information from the environment. Perception Perception Perception UpscaleAmbiance Represents the upscale ambiance of the restaurant which makes the diner (Jane Doe) hesitate. UpscaleAmbiance UpscaleAmbiance Upscale Ambaince hasStimulus Describes the relationship between an individual and the stimulus they are exposed to. hasStimulus hasStimulus has Stimulus isBoundTo Reflects the relationship between Context Effect and entity that it is bound to isBoundTo isBoundTo is bound to cbi:BiasedAgent Represents an entity that experiences the bias. cbi:BiasedAgent cbi:BiasedAgent Biased Agent cbi:CognitiveBias Represents the overarching concept of cognitive biases. cbi:CognitiveBias cbi:CognitiveBias Cognitive Bias cbi:ContextEffect Subclass of Bias, specifically representing Context Effect. A context effect refers to the influence that the surrounding environment or circumstances have on perception, cognition, decision-making, or behavior. This effect suggests that how something is perceived or understood can be significantly impacted by the context in which it is presented or experienced. Context effects can manifest in various ways, such as priming, framing, or situational cues, and they play a crucial role in shaping human experiences and responses to stimuli. cbi:ContextEffect cbi:ContextEffect Context Effect cbi:affects Inverse of isAffectedBy cbi:affects cbi:affects affects cbi:influences An entity having and effect on the other entity cbi:influences cbi:influences influences cbi:isAffectedBy Describes the relationship between a cognitive bias and an individual on the base of influence. cbi:isAffectedBy cbi:isAffectedBy is affected by fs:Deciding A Cognizer makes a Decision, which may be about an entity or a course of action. How (and whether) this frame is distinct from Choosing is currently up for debate. Mo decided to quit the program. @en fs:Deciding fs:Deciding Deciding fs:People This frame contains general words for Individuals, i.e. humans. The Person is conceived of as independent of other specific individuals with whom they have relationships and independent of their participation in any particular activity. They may have an Age, Descriptor, Origin, Persistent_characteristic, or Ethnicity. A man from Phoenix was shot yesterday. She gave birth to a screaming baby yesterday. I study 16-year-old female adolescents. I am dating an African-American man. She comforted the terrified child. I always thought of him as a stupid man. fs:People fs:People People