Irem Atmar The mere-exposure effect is a psychological phenomenon where people tend to develop a preference for things they are repeatedly exposed to, even if they initially had no particular positive or negative feelings toward those things. In essence, familiarity breeds liking. This effect suggests that mere exposure to something can increase feelings of comfort, trust, or preference for it, without any conscious reasoning or decision-making involved. It has been observed in various contexts, including advertising, interpersonal attraction, and consumer behavior. Mere Exposure Effect emotion:Stimulus The Stimulus class representing any object shown to the user. emotion:Stimulus emotion:Stimulus Stimulus parameter:hasParameter To represent parameters to be used for a certain concept. parameter:hasParameter parameter:hasParameter has Parameter reaction:hasOutcome Is also true that some action directly preceeds its outcome reaction:hasOutcome To model dynamic situations, tracking agents and actions they produce, events that are results of some action(s), and consequences as new actions, i.e. reactions. reaction:hasOutcome reaction:hasOutcome has outcome ExposureContext Represents the environment or situation in which exposure to the stimulus occurs. ExposureContext ExposureContext Exposure Context Frequently The frequency of Sarah seeing the posts online. Frequently Frequently InfluencingFactors The various internal and external elements that impact the process of cognition. InfluencingFactors InfluencingFactors Influencing Factors MereExposureEffectInstance Mere Exposure Effect Instance Sarah The individual Sarah who is experiencing the Mere Exposure Effect. Sarah Sarah SeeingAnAccountFrequently Sarah seeing an account online frequently as an influencing factor. SeeingAnAccountFrequently Seeing an account frequently SeeingOnlinePosts Sarah having a stimulus as seeing online posts. SeeingOnlinePosts Seeing online posts SocialMedia Social media is the exposure context in this instance. SocialMedia Social Media TendencyToEngage Sarah having a preference as a tendency to engage with particular accounts. TendencyToEngage Tendency to engage changes Describes an altering. changes changes changes hasStimulus Describes the relationship between an individual and the stimulus they are exposed to. hasStimulus hasStimulus has stimulus cbi:BiasedAgent Represents an entity that experiences the bias. cbi:BiasedAgent cbi:BiasedAgent Biased Agent cbi:CognitiveBias Represents the overarching concept of cognitive biases. cbi:CognitiveBias cbi:CognitiveBias Cognitive Bias cbi:MereExposureEffect Subclass of Bias, specifically representing Mere Exposure Effect. cbi:MereExposureEffect cbi:MereExposureEffect Mere Exposure Effect cbi:affects Inverse of isAffectedBy. cbi:affects cbi:affects affects cbi:influences An entity having and effect on the other entity cbi:influences cbi:influences influences Describes the relationship between a cognitive bias and an individual on the base of influence. is affected by fs:Frequency This frame has to do with the repetition (and especially the frequency of repetition) of an event. Many of the adjectives and adverbs in this frame are based on nouns in the Calendric_unit frame. China will have to face a high frequency of sand storms in the years to come. fs:Frequency fs:Frequency Frequency fs:People This frame contains general words for Individuals, i.e. humans. The Person is conceived of as independent of other specific individuals with whom they have relationships and independent of their participation in any particular activity. They may have an Age, Descriptor, Origin, Persistent_characteristic, or Ethnicity. A man from Phoenix was shot yesterday. She gave birth to a screaming baby yesterday. I study 16-year-old female adolescents. I am dating an African-American man. She comforted the terrified child. I always thought of him as a stupid man. fs:People fs:People People fs:Preference An Experiencer has a greater desire to participate in some Event, as against another (contextually recoverable) event which exhibits a specific Contrast with the Event. Alternatively, the Experiencer may have a greater desire that some Focal_participant participate in the Event. The Location_of_Event may also be mentioned. Why do women prefer manly faces? I prefer open source programs over proprietary ones. Other customers prefer to send us an order together with a cheque. I prefer my tartar sauce on fish. fs:Preference fs:Preference Preference