Rana Coskun The Spacing Effect is a phenomenon observed in psychology and education, referring to the improved ability to remember information or perform a skill when study or practice sessions are spaced out over time, rather than concentrated in a short period. This effect suggests that distributed practice, involving intervals between learning sessions, enhances long-term memory retention more effectively than massed practice, where learning sessions are crammed together. Spacing Effect http://ontologydesignpatterns.org/wiki/Submissions:Experience_%26_Observation http://ontologydesignpatterns.org/wiki/Submissions:Parameter http://ontologydesignpatterns.org/wiki/Submissions:Sequence http://ontology.eil.utoronto.ca/icity/ActivitySpecification/ hasSubactivity A Concept can have a Parameter that constrains the attributes that a classified Entity can have in a certain Situation http://ontologydesignpatterns.org/cp/owl/parameter.owl# hasParameter A relation between entities, expressing a 'sequence' schema. http://ontologydesignpatterns.org/cp/owl/sequence.owl precedes Inverse of inActivity. https://modellingdh.github.io/ont/odp/term/ hasEngagement what activity/ies are affecting or affected by a certain engagement https://modellingdh.github.io/ont/odp/term/ inActivity A relation of mereological nature that connects a given observation with the activity that originates them: it strengthens the argument that observations are always active processes from a cognitive standpoint, regardless of how conscious they may be. A standard mereological property from another content pattern may be used in lieu of this one and therefore aligned with it. https://modellingdh.github.io/ont/odp/term/ includes Because an activity may engage other participants than the one performing it, engagements are in general considered individual rather than collective, therefore each participants has their own engagement and only some of them will be conscious and/or documented https://modellingdh.github.io/ont/odp/term/ isEngagedIn Inverse of isReflectionOn https://modellingdh.github.io/ont/odp/term/ isReflectedUponIn Used to connect the subjective elements of an experience with the corresponding observation, which is extrapolated from the content being interacted with and in itself may not be including a critique. https://modellingdh.github.io/ont/odp/term/ isReflectionOn This property can be used to denote that something is (even indirectly, not necessary through direct reflection) responsible for the existence of an observation. https://modellingdh.github.io/ont/odp/term/ producesObservation Inverse of isAffectedBy. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ranacoskun/cognitive_bias_ontology/main/cbi.owl#affects affects Describes the relationship between a cognitive bias and an individual on the base of influence. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ranacoskun/cognitive_bias_ontology/main/cbi.owl#isAffectedBy isAffectedBy Parametrizes values from a datatype http://ontologydesignpatterns.org/cp/owl/parameter.owl hasParameterDataValue The activity represents the personal act of the agent that arises from interaction with the environment and generates personal reflection. http://ontology.eil.utoronto.ca/icity/ActivitySpecification/ Activity The product of a reflection upon an observation, which embodies subjective traits of an experience (Example: "After reading this passage of 'To Kill a Mockingbird', I came to a clearer understanding of the many facets of social intolerance"). https://modellingdh.github.io/ont/odp/term/ Engagement The product of an act of scrutiny which may or may not have been performed with a critical disposition https://modellingdh.github.io/ont/odp/term/ Observation Represents the activity of repeating something that has already been said or written. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ranacoskun/cognitive_bias_ontology/main/SpacingEffect/spacingeffect.owl#Repetition Repetition Represents an entity that experiences the bias. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ranacoskun/cognitive_bias_ontology/main/cbi.owl#BiasedAgent BiasedAgent Represents the overarching concept of cognitive biases. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ranacoskun/cognitive_bias_ontology/main/cbi.owl#CognitiveBias CognitiveBias Refers to the improved ability to remember information or perform a skill when study or practice sessions are spaced out over time, rather than concentrated in a short period. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ranacoskun/cognitive_bias_ontology/main/cbi.owl#SpacingEffect SpacingEffect This frame has to do with the repetition (and especially the frequency of repetition) of an event. Many of the adjectives and adverbs in this frame are based on nouns in the Calendric_unit frame. China will have to face a high frequency of sand storms in the years to come. https://w3id.org/framester/data/framestercore/Frequency Frequency A Cognizer applies oneself to commit a Pattern to memory, so that the Cognizer would recognize future examples of the Pattern or be able to reproduce it. A gaggle of students were frantically memorizing the answers out in the hall. It is possible to memorize by rote and at the same time have a full grasp of the underlying meaning. https://w3id.org/framester/data/framestercore/Memorization Memorization Denotes a human being and express that we are talking about human cognitive biases. https://w3id.org/framester/data/framestercore/People People Observation that memorization performance improves with repeated practice, a key aspect of the spacing effect. Better performance when repeated Activity involving the acquisition of a new language, benefiting from spaced repetition. Language learning Engagement in the process of acquiring knowledge or skills through study, experience, or teaching. Learning Memorization of vocabulary words, an activity enhanced by spaced repetition for better retention. Memorizing Vocabularies Activity of repeatedly going over vocabulary words to aid memorization and learning. Repeating Vocabularies A person engaged in learning, whose performance can be influenced by the spacing effect. Student 2 Represents the frequency of repetitions in the context of spaced learning. Weekly Repetition Frequency