Rana Coskun Suggestibility refers to the degree to which a person's thoughts, feelings, or actions are influenced by cues or suggestions from others. It involves the likelihood of accepting and acting upon the suggestions of others. Suggestibility can vary greatly among individuals and can depend on various factors, including the person's state of mind, trust in the source of the suggestion, and susceptibility to social influence. In psychological contexts, suggestibility is often studied in relation to memory, hypnosis, and social influence, exploring how external suggestions can modify a person's perceptions, memories, and behaviors. Suggestibility http://www.ontologydesignpatterns.org/cp/owl/participation.owl# http://www.ontologydesignpatterns.org/cp/owl/reaction.owl.v0.1# https://modellingdh.github.io/ont/odp/term/ http://www.ontologydesignpatterns.org/cp/owl/participation.owl# hasParticipant http://www.ontologydesignpatterns.org/cp/owl/participation.owl# isParticipantIn http://www.ontologydesignpatterns.org/cp/owl/reaction.owl.v0.1# hasConsequence http://www.ontologydesignpatterns.org/cp/owl/reaction.owl.v0.1# isConsequenceOf http://www.ontologydesignpatterns.org/cp/owl/reaction.owl.v0.1# isRaisedBy http://www.ontologydesignpatterns.org/cp/owl/reaction.owl.v0.1# raise Because an activity may engage other participants than the one performing it, engagements are in general considered individual rather than collective, therefore each participants has their own engagement and only some of them will be conscious and/or documented https://modellingdh.github.io/ont/odp/term/ isEngagedIn Inverse of isReflectionOn. https://modellingdh.github.io/ont/odp/term/ isReflectedUponIn Used to connect the subjective elements of an experience with the corresponding observation, which is extrapolated from the content being interacted with and in itself may not be including a critique. https://modellingdh.github.io/ont/odp/term/ isReflectionOn This property can be used to denote that something is (even indirectly, not necessary through direct reflection) responsible for the existence of an observation. https://modellingdh.github.io/ont/odp/term/ producesObservation Describes the relation between a suggestion and individual receiving the suggestion https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ranacoskun/cognitive_bias_ontology/main/Suggestibility/suggestibility.owl#receivesSuggestion receivesSuggestion inverse of isAffectedBy https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ranacoskun/cognitive_bias_ontology/main/cbi.owl#affects affects Describes the relationship between a cognitive bias and an individual on the base of influence. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ranacoskun/cognitive_bias_ontology/main/cbi.owl#isAffectedBy isAffectedBy The product of a reflection upon an observation, which embodies subjective traits of an experience (Example: "After reading this passage of 'To Kill a Mockingbird', I came to a clearer understanding of the many facets of social intolerance"). https://modellingdh.github.io/ont/odp/term/ Engagement The action of calling up an idea in someone's mind by associating it with other things https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ranacoskun/cognitive_bias_ontology/main/Suggestibility/suggestibility.owl#Suggestion Suggestion Describes the source of suggestion that affects biased agent, can be an individual,organization or media. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ranacoskun/cognitive_bias_ontology/main/Suggestibility/suggestibility.owl#SuggestionSource Suggestion Source Represents an entity that experiences the bias. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ranacoskun/cognitive_bias_ontology/main/cbi.owl#BiasedAgent Biased Agent Represents the overarching concept of cognitive biases. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ranacoskun/cognitive_bias_ontology/main/cbi.owl#CognitiveBias Cognitive Bias Suggestibility refers to the degree to which a person's thoughts, feelings, or actions are influenced by cues or suggestions from others. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ranacoskun/cognitive_bias_ontology/main/cbi.owl#Suggestibility Suggestibility An Event takes place at a Place and Time. Big earthquakes only happen along plate boundaries. INI The party will take place on Sunday in the all-you-can-eat buffet. https://w3id.org/framester/data/framestercore/Event Event Denotes a human being and express that we are talking about human cognitive biases. https://w3id.org/framester/data/framestercore/People People An Agent, Situation or Entity has an influence on a Cognizer. The influence may be general; or it may be manifested in the Cognizer's engaging in an Action as a consequence of the influence; or the Cognizer may be influenced in how they carry out a Behavior that they are engaged in already. Alternatively, a Product may be specified whose production or design was influenced by the Cognizer's experience of the Situation or Entity. The mediation of the Cognizer's psyche distinguishes this frame from the Objective_influence frame, where dependent events occur automatically given the appropriate kind of influencing force. In this frame, by contrast, a Cognizer may perceive an influence yet not respond to it in any way. These works had a profound effect and influenced her in the creation of a successful series capturing this sun-drenched region. I'm sure if I asked Mattel what inspired this car I would be told it's an original design, and not supposed to represent any actual car. https://w3id.org/framester/data/framestercore/SubjectiveInfluence Subjective Influence The professional conducting the hypnosis therapy session. Hypnosis Therapist The subjective influence on the smoker when engaged with quit smoking I Should Stop Smoking The engagement of quitting smoking when the smoker receives suggestion. Quit Smoking The individual receiving the hypnosis suggestion to quit smoking. Smoker Hypnosis session that the smoker participates. Therapy Session Suggestion received by the smoker when engaged with quit smoking You Should Stop Smoking