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{\n // Check if the event has the event_label parameter\n if (event.event_label) {\n // Return the value of the event_label parameter\n return event.event_label;\n } else {\n // If event_label parameter is not present, return null\n return null;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n // If the event is not found or event_label parameter is not present, return null\n return null;\n}\n" } ], "fingerprint": "1707319239621", "formatValue": {} } ], "builtInVariable": [ { "accountId": "6203600046", "containerId": "169991442", "type": "PAGE_URL", "name": "Page URL" }, { "accountId": "6203600046", "containerId": "169991442", "type": "PAGE_HOSTNAME", "name": "Page Hostname" }, { "accountId": "6203600046", "containerId": "169991442", "type": "PAGE_PATH", "name": "Page Path" }, { "accountId": "6203600046", "containerId": "169991442", "type": "REFERRER", "name": "Referrer" }, { "accountId": "6203600046", "containerId": "169991442", "type": "EVENT", "name": "Event" }, { "accountId": "6203600046", "containerId": 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