# Auto (Hard) Wrap for Sublime Text 2/3 [![test](https://github.com/randy3k/AutoWrap/actions/workflows/test.yaml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/randy3k/AutoWrap/actions/workflows/test.yaml) [![codecov](https://codecov.io/gh/randy3k/AutoWrap/branch/master/graph/badge.svg)](https://codecov.io/gh/randy3k/AutoWrap) Automatic hard wrap beyond wrap width. It could be useful for text documents. [Sublime-Wrap-Plus](https://github.com/ehuss/Sublime-Wrap-Plus) could be used together with AutoWrap for the best experience. ![](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/randy3k/AutoWrap/master/demo.gif) ### Installation [Package Control](http://wbond.net/sublime_packages/package_control) ### Usage #### To toggle Auto Wrap Type `Auto Wrap` in command palette or Go to menu `Edit -> Auto Wrap`. #### Control wrap width Wrap width is detected in the following order 1. `auto_wrap_width` 2. `wrap_width` 3. `rulers` 4. default 80 ### Settings #### To activate Auto Wrap for a specific syntax at start up Put the following in your syntax specific preference.
Menu -> Preference -> Settings - More -> Syntax Specific - User { "auto_wrap" : true } #### You can also change `auto_wrap_width` by { "auto_wrap_width" : 100 } #### Long words In default, long word will break into a new line. To disable this behavior, consider { "auto_wrap_break_long_word" : false } #### Break beyond wrap width only If true, long sentence will break only if the cursor is beyond wrap width. { "auto_wrap_beyond_only" : true } #### Break patterns Upon typing, AutoWrap searches for these characters (in regex, to be concatenate by `|`) and a line would break at (right before) a matched location. Note that Backslash has to be double escaped. { # it is the default "auto_wrap_break_patterns" : ["\\[", "\\(", "\\{", " ", "\\n"] }