DEPRECATED: Use Sublime 3.2's `ctrl+,` and `ctrl+.` instead. The missing Change List for Sublime Text 2/3 - History List, Last Edit ... ==================== It remembers where changes were made. Installation ------------ Via [Package Control]( Usage ------------ * Launch ``Change List: Show`` in Command Palette to show Change List. * Launch ``Change List: Clean`` in Command Palette to clean or rebuild Change List. * ctrl+; go to previous change * ctrl+, go to next chnage * ctrl+. go to the lastest change Change key bindings ------------ Ignore this if you want to stay with the original keys. The User Key Bindings file can be accessed from Preferences -> Key Bindings - User. [ { "keys": ["ctrl+;"], "command": "jump_to_change", "args": {"move": -1}}, { "keys": ["ctrl+,"], "command": "jump_to_change", "args": {"move": 1}}, { "keys": ["ctrl+."], "command": "jump_to_change", "args": {"index": -1}} ] Notes ----------- This plugin aims at recovering the full functionality of change list of VIM.
Last 50 history for each file is saved.
This plugin saves history to ``Packages/User/ChangeList.json``.