OpenHere ==== Mac only. Reveal current file at view or current folder at Finder, Terminal or iTerm. There are a lot of exisiting packages do the same thing, e.g. [Terminal][1], [Terminal In Packages][2] and [Open Finder][3]. The difference bewteen this package and the others is that OpenHere will peek into Terminal or iTerm to check if there is a tab running on the intended to open directory. If such a tab is found, it would switch to that tab instead of opening a new tab. However, uesr will need to make sure 1. using either bash or zsh 2. have the running program shown in the title of the application ![]( ## Usage At the command palatte: - Open Finder Here - Open Terminal Here - Open iTerm Here ## Keybind OpenHere does not ship with default keybinds. Instead, it lets you to define you own faviourite. Just define these keybinds in your user file. ```json [ { "keys": ["super+shift+t"], "command": "open_terminal_here"}, { "keys": ["super+shift+i"], "command": "open_iterm_here"}, { "keys": ["super+shift+f"], "command": "open_finder_here"} ] ``` [1]: [2]: [3]: