# UnicodeCompletion UnicodeCompletion allows users to insert unicodes and perform the unicode lookups and conversions. To enable UnicodeCompletion check the item `Unicode Completion Enabled` in the Edit menu. Alternatively, it can be toggled via Command Palette: `Unicode Completion: Toggle`. If you want to enable it for a specific syntax, edit the specific syntax settings file and add `"unicode_completion" : true`. UnicodeCompletion's tab completion feature was [ported](https://github.com/JuliaEditorSupport/Julia-sublime/pull/20) to [Julia](https://github.com/JuliaEditorSupport/Julia-sublime), so Julia users should be able to use it without enabling UnicodeCompletion. The list of unicodes is generated from [Julia](https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/), see [latex_symbols.jl](latex_symbols.jl) and [emoji_symbols.jl](emoji_symbols.jl). Check [Julia Docs](https://docs.julialang.org/en/v1/manual/unicode-input/) for the complete list of supported Unicodes. ### δ Insert a LaTeX symbol: Type `\alpha` and hit enter/tab to insert the corresponding unicode `α` to Sublime Text. Similar procedure applies to other latex symbols. ### 🍺 Insert an emoji: Type `\:beer:` and hit enter/tab to insert the corresponding unicode 🍺 to Sublime Text. It is known that Sublime Text autocompletion pop up window does not show 👍 (`\:+1:`) and superscriptions (e.g., `\^2`) correctly, to insert them, they have to be typed and followed by a tab. ### Unicode conversion There are two conversion commands `Convert Selection to Unicodes` and `Convert Selection from Unicodes`. To use the conversion, just select the text which you would like to convert, and run the command. ### Lookup and Reverse lookup It also provides commands `Unicode Lookup` and `Unicode Reverse Lookup` (can be found in Command Palette) to lookup the unicodes or the corresponding input of the unicodes under the cursor or the selection. If no unicode is detected, a full list of unicodes will be shown.