@app-id@ Geopard Browse Gemini pages Lorenzo Miglietta @app-id@.desktop @gettext-package@ CC0 GPL-3.0-or-later ranfdev@gmail.com

Geopard is a browser for the Gemini protocol, that is, a lighter alternative to the web. Use Geopard to browse the space and reach hundreds of Gemini capsules! Read stories, download files, play games...


  • Colors! The browser will have a different color for each domain you visit.
  • Fast (async core + caching): Streams content by default. That means you can open pages even when you have connection speeds of Kb/s. It also caches pages in the history, so you can go back/forward in an instant
  • Can download binary files: The download will start as soon as you open the corresponding link. You can always cancel it by opening another page.
https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ranfdev/Geopard/master/data/screenshots/1.png https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ranfdev/Geopard/master/data/screenshots/2.png https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ranfdev/Geopard/master/data/screenshots/3.png https://ranfdev.com/projects/Geopard https://github.com/ranfdev/Geopard/issues/ https://github.com/sponsors/ranfdev #deddda #5e5c64 ModernToolkit HiDpiIcon keyboard pointing touch 360 mobile

Updated to latest libadwaita and GTK to improve performance and compatibility, including the use of the new Adw.Dialog and Adw.Breakpoint widgets.

Improved security by adding TOFU (Trust On First Use) website verification

Some native pages ("input" page and "open link in external browser" page) were persisting as overlay after opening a new link. Now the page navigation is fixed.

Many other small fixes and improvements.

Updated to latest libadwaita and GTK to improve performance and compatibility, including the use of the new Adw.TabOverview widget for improved tab management on small screens.

Added support for opening files and gemini mime types from the command line.

Added tab history menu on right click over arrows for easier navigation.

Fixed issue with links without whitespace not working properly.

Moved scrollbar to the edge of the window for a cleaner UI.

Added tooltips for items in header bar to provide more information to users.

Added more information to the About window to give users a better idea of the project's.

Various fixes and refactorings.

Added ability to reload the current page

Nicer list items formatting

Fixed annoying bug where selecting the text would sometimes transform a paragraph into a title, temporarily

Fixed crash when the app theme is overridden

Fixed unresponsiveness when a big page is loading

Complete rewrite of the gemini parser to make it more robust and improve handling of edge cases

Added more shortcuts

There's now a status bar showing the URL of hovered links

Various code refactorings

Relax download folder permissions to fix downloads not starting

  • Improved design, with completely new pages for downloads, input requests, external links, errors
  • Added more spacing between links to make them easier to click on small screens
  • Added zoom functionality, via shortcuts or directly from the popover menu
  • Streaming button (alpha) for some audio/video file types


  • Fix downloads by granting access to download folder
  • Improve download progress handling
  • Show close button on small window sizes

This is the first working flatpak release. Some features (colors, caching) are missing.

First release on flathub! You get all the most important features

  • colors
  • caching
  • search