# QColor Awesome Sublime Color Highlighter, Converter and Picker ## Installation 1. `pip3 install pywebview` 2. Restart Sublime ## Settings **phantom_shape** - Shape of the color phantom displayed, "square" or "circle".
**hsl_precision** - Number of decimal places in HSL precision.
**hex_upper_case** - Display hex values in upper case.
**hover_preview** - Enable a color preview when hovering over a color.
**named_colors** - Enable phantoms for [named colors](https://www.december.com/html/spec/colorsvg.html) such as "red", "blue".
### Menu Options **QColor: Picker** - Open the pywebview color picker.
**QColor: Show Colors** - Show color phantoms.
**QColor: Hide Colors** - Hide color phantoms.
**QColor: Toggle Colors** - Toggle color phantoms.
**QColor: Settings** - Edit the QColor settings files.
**QColor: Key Bindings** - Edit the QColor key bindings.
### Key Bindings `ctrl+shift+c` - Open the color picker.
`alt+shift+c` - Open the color convertor.
`alt+ctrl+c` - Toggle color phantoms.
## Screenshots |Picker|Converter| |:----:|:-------:| |![Screenshot from 2021-09-04 15-53-27](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/2568375/132105273-a454bfa7-0f11-4e6b-b141-20654e36fe8c.png) | ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/2568375/109458175-0fb34c80-7a3b-11eb-8185-a92a24f98f38.png) ## Possible problems If picker dont works, maybe you having some problem with pywebview. You can try run the following python code to check if webview is working properly. ```python import webview webview.create_window('Hello world', 'https://pywebview.flowrl.com/hello') webview.start() ```