#!/bin/bash which python3 > /dev/null || exit 1 which virtualenv > /dev/null || exit 1 export CLICOLOR=1 export LSCOLORS=gxBxhxDxfxhxhxhxhxcxcx DEMO_DIR="~/recli_demo" SKIP_INSTALL=false echo $* | grep -wq 'skipinstall' && SKIP_INSTALL=true SKIP_SERVE=false echo $* | grep -wq 'skipserve' && SKIP_SERVE=true green() { printf "\e[32m$1\e[0m" } blue() { printf "\e[34m$1\e[0m" } ul() { printf "\e[4m$1\e[0m" } p() { echo -n $(green "$ $1") read -s x echo eval "$1" || exit 1 echo } c() { echo $(blue "# $1") } clear c '=====================================' c 'Starting RESTEasyCLI interactive demo' c '=====================================' echo c 'Press [ENTER] key to continue with each step' c 'Press ^c to exit demo at any time' echo read -sp '> understood' echo echo c 'Create workspace' p "mkdir -p $DEMO_DIR/workspace && cd $DEMO_DIR/workspace" if ! $SKIP_INSTALL; then c 'Create and activate virtual environment' p "virtualenv -p python3 $DEMO_DIR/venv" p "source $DEMO_DIR/venv/bin/activate" c "Install package in $VIRTUAL_ENV" p 'pip install -U resteasycli' fi c 'Initialize workspace' p 'recli init' c 'See what did it actually do' p 'ls' c 'Check auto generated sites file' p 'cat sites.yaml' c 'Check auto generated auth file' p 'cat auth.yaml' c 'Check auto generated headers file' p 'cat headers.yaml' c 'Check auto generated saved requests file' p 'cat saved.yaml' c 'Check out the help menu' p 'recli help' c 'List available endpoints from sites file' p 'recli list-endpoints' c "Do GET request to $(ul https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos)" p 'recli get testing/t' c 'See help menu for "list" command' p 'recli help list' c 'Do the earlier GET request with parameter "userId=1" and format the output as a table' p 'recli list testing/t --kwargs "userId: 1" --fit-width' x c 'Add a slug "1" to previous request and format the output as a table' p 'recli show testing/t/1 --fit-width' c "Do DELETE request to $(ul https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos/1) (saved as testing/t1)" p 'recli delete testing/t1' c 'List saved requests from auto generated file' p 'recli list-saved' c 'Show details of a saved request' p 'recli show-saved remind_shopping' c 'Invoke this request' p 'recli do remind_shopping' c 'Fake the previous request with modified payload' p 'recli redo remind_shopping --update_kwargs "{userId: 1, title: watch naruto}" --fake' c 'Add "-s" or "--save_as" with an ID to save the request for later use' p 'recli redo remind_shopping --update_kwargs "{userId: 1, title: watch naruto}" --fake --save_as my_request' c 'Verify the newly saved request' p 'recli show-saved my_request' c 'Check where and how it is saved' p 'cat saved.yaml' c 'Invoke the saved request' p 'recli do my_request' c 'Generate API documentation automatically from workspace files' p 'recli doc index.html --hide_cred' if ! $SKIP_SERVE; then c "Serve the generated document on $(ul http://localhost:8080)" p 'python -m http.server -b 8080' fi c '===========================================================' c 'CONGRATULATIONS...! you have completed the interactive demo' c '===========================================================' echo $SKIP_INSTALL || c "This package currently is installed inside virtual environment: $DEMO_DIR/venv" c "You can access your demo workspace here: $DEMO_DIR/workspace" c 'You can install this tool globally by running: sudo pip install -U resteasycli' c 'Or install it locally by running: pip install -U --user resteasycli'