//===== rAthena Documentation ================================ //= Item Database Structure //===== By: ================================================== //= rAthena Dev Team //===== Last Updated: ======================================== //= 20220402 //===== Description: ========================================= //= Explanation of the item_db.yml file and structure. //============================================================ --------------------------------------- Id: Item ID. --------------------------------------- AegisName: Server name to reference the item in scripts and lookups, should use no spaces. --------------------------------------- Name: Name in English for displaying as output for atcommands and script commands. --------------------------------------- Type: Item's type. Healing - Healing item. Usable - Usable item. Etc - Etc item. Armor - Armor/Garment/Boots/Headgear/Accessory item. Weapon - Weapon item. Card - Card item. PetEgg - Pet egg item. PetArmor - Pet equipment item. Ammo - Ammo (Arrows/Bullets/etc) item. DelayConsume - Usable with delayed consumption (intended for 'itemskill'). Items using the 'itemskill' script command are consumed after selecting a target. Any other command will NOT consume the item. ShadowGear - Shadow Equipment item. Cash - Another delayed consume that requires user confirmation before using the item. --------------------------------------- SubType: Indicates the weapon-class of the item. For weapons, the types are: Fist Dagger 1hSword 2hSword 1hSpear 2hSpear 1hAxe 2hAxe Mace Staff Bow Knuckle Musical Whip Book Katar Revolver Rifle Gatling Shotgun Grenade Huuma 2hStaff For ammo, the types are: Arrow Dagger Bullet Shell Grenade Shuriken Kunai CannonBall ThrowWeapon For cards, the types are: Normal (default) Enchant --------------------------------------- Buy: Default buying price. When not specified, becomes double the sell price. --------------------------------------- Sell: Default selling price. When not specified, becomes half the buy price. --------------------------------------- Weight: Item's weight. Each 10 is 1 weight. --------------------------------------- Attack: Weapon's attack. --------------------------------------- MagicAttack: Weapon's magic attack. (Renewal only) --------------------------------------- Defense: Armor's defense. --------------------------------------- Range: Weapon's attack range. --------------------------------------- Slots: Amount of slots the item possesses. --------------------------------------- Jobs: Equippable jobs. All - Applies to all jobs listed below. Acolyte Alchemist Archer Assassin BardDancer - Applies to Bard and Dancer. Blacksmith Crusader Gunslinger Hunter KagerouOboro - Applies to Kagerou and Oboro. Knight Mage Merchant Monk Ninja Novice Priest Rebellion Rogue Sage SoulLinker StarGladiator Summoner SuperNovice Swordman Taekwon Thief Wizard --------------------------------------- Classes: Equippable upper-types. All - Applies to all classes. Normal - Normal classes (no Baby/Transcendent/Third classes). Upper - Transcedent classes (no Transcedent-Third classes). Baby - Baby classes (no Third-Baby classes). Third - Third classes (no Transcedent-Third or Third-Baby classes). Third_Upper - Transcedent-Third classes. Third_Baby - Third-Baby classes. Fourth - Fourth classes. All_Upper - All Transcedent classes All_Baby - All baby classes All_Third - Applies to all Third classes. --------------------------------------- Gender: Gender restriction. Female Male Both --------------------------------------- Locations: Equipment's placement. Head_Top - Upper Headgear Head_Mid - Middle Headgear Head_Low - Lower Headgear Armor - Armor Right_Hand - Weapon Left_Hand - Shield Garment - Garment/Robe Shoes - Shoes Right_Accessory - Accessory Right Left_Accessory - Accessory Left Costume_Head_Top - Costume Top Headgear Costume_Head_Mid - Costume Mid Headgear Costume_Head_Low - Costume Low Headgear Costume_Garment - Costume Garment/Robe Ammo - Ammo Shadow_Armor - Shadow Armor Shadow_Weapon - Shadow Weapon Shadow_Shield - Shadow Shield Shadow_Shoes - Shadow Shoes Shadow_Right_Accessory - Shadow Accessory Right (Earring) Shadow_Left_Accessory - Shadow Accessory Left (Pendant) Both_Hand - Right_Hand + Left_Hand Both_Accessory - Right_Accessory + Left_Accessory --------------------------------------- WeaponLevel: Weapon level. Used for refinement. --------------------------------------- EquipLevelMin: Base level required to be able to equip. --------------------------------------- EquipLevelMax: Only able to equip if base level is lower than this. --------------------------------------- Refineable: Defines if the item can be refined. --------------------------------------- Gradable: Defines if the item can be graded. --------------------------------------- View: For normal items, defines a replacement view-sprite for the item. --------------------------------------- AliasName: Use the AegisName of another item which will be sent to the client instead of this item. This makes items visually appear as another without having to change the client data. --------------------------------------- Flags: Different types of flags for an item. BuyingStore - If the item is available to Buying Stores. DeadBranch - If the item is a Dead Branch type. Container - If the item is part of a Container. UniqueId - If the item is a unique stack. BindOnEquip - If the item is bound to the character upon equipping. DropAnnounce - If the item has a special announcement to self on drop. NoConsume - If the item is consumed on use. DropEffect - If the item has a special effect on the ground when dropped by a monster. --------------------------------------- Delay: Item use delay. Duration - Duration of delay in seconds. Status - Status Change used to keep track of the delay. --------------------------------------- Stack: Item stack amount. Amount - Maximum amount that can be stacked. Inventory - If the stack is applied to player's inventory. Cart - If the stack is applied to the player's cart. Storage - If the stack is applied to the player's storage. GuildStorage - If the stack is applied to the player's guild storage. --------------------------------------- NoUse: Conditions when the item is unusable. Override - Group level to override these conditions. Sitting - If the item can not be used while sitting. --------------------------------------- Trade: Trade restrictions. Override - Group level to override these conditions. NoDrop - If the item can not be dropped. NoTrade - If the item can not be traded. TradePartner - If the item can not be traded to the player's partner. NoSell - If the item can not be sold. NoCart - If the item can not be put in a cart. NoStorage - If the item can not be put in a storage. NoGuildStorage - If the item can not be put in a guild storage. NoMail - If the item can not be put in a mail. NoAuction - If the item can not be put in an auction. --------------------------------------- Script: Script to execute when the item is used/equipped. --------------------------------------- EquipScript: Script to execute when the item is equipped. Warning, not all item bonuses will work here as expected. --------------------------------------- UnEquipScript: Script to execute when the item is unequipped or when a rental item expires. Warning, not all item bonuses will work here as expected.