#!/bin/sh # xmltvfilename="dddddd" url="&" time="tttttt" source="ssssss" echo "Downloading EPG data..." wget -O ${xmltvfilename} "${url}" clock=$(date '+%H:%M:%S:') echo $clock "CORRECTING TIME. PLEASE WAIT, IT WOULD TAKE BETWEEN 10-50 MINUTES SO BE PATIENT..." sed -i "/+0000/ s//$time/g" ${xmltvfilename} gzip -f ${xmltvfilename} > ${xmltvfilename}.gz #replace source - double quotes required for sed to convert variables. sed -i "s|$url|$xmltvfilename.gz|g" $source echo echo clock1=$(date '+%H:%M:%S:') echo $clock1 "All done! go to epgimpoter, Look for option named 'Clearing current EPG before import' and turn it to yes and Import EPG manually by pressing yellow button" exit