{ "metadata": { "name": "" }, "nbformat": 3, "nbformat_minor": 0, "worksheets": [ { "cells": [ { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "Lamb demo v. 0.6.1, Last updated Sep 10, 2013\n", "\n", " * 0.5: first version\n", " * 0.6: updated to work with refactored class hierarchy (Apr 2013)\n", " * 0.6.1: small fixes to adapt to changes in various places (Sep 2013" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "collapsed": false, "input": [ "# load some classes and then put some convenience names into the local namespace\n", "import lamb\n", "from lamb import *\n", "from lamb.tree_mini import Tree\n", "from lamb.utils import *\n", "import imp\n", "#imp.reload(lamb)\n", "#imp.reload(lang)\n", "from lamb.types import TypeMismatch, type_e, type_t, type_property\n", "from lamb.lang import te\n", "from lamb.utils import ltx_print\n", "from lamb.meta import TypedTerm, TypedExpr, LFun, CustomTerm" ], "language": "python", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "stream", "stream": "stdout", "text": [ "warning: coerced guessed type t for 'Cat' into , to match argument 'x'\n", "warning: coerced guessed type t for 'Gray' into , to match argument 'x'\n", "warning: coerced guessed type t for 'In' into , to match argument 'y'\n", "warning: coerced guessed type t for 'In(y)' into , to match argument 'x'\n" ] } ], "prompt_number": 1 }, { "cell_type": "code", "collapsed": false, "input": [ "# it will become clear what this does later\n", "lamb.meta.constants_use_custom(False)" ], "language": "python", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "prompt_number": 2 }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "# Two problems in formal semantics #\n", "\n", "1. Grammar fragments as in Montague Grammar: good idea in principle, hard to use in practice.\n", "2. Type-driven computation could be a lot easier to visualize and check. (Q: could it be made too easy?)\n", "\n", "Solution: a system for developing interactive fragments: \"*lamb*\"\n", "\n", "* Creator can work interactively with analysis -- accelerate development, limit time spent on tedious details.\n", "* Reader can explore derivations in ways that are not typically possible in typical paper format.\n", "* Creator and reader can be certain that derivations work, verified by the system.\n", "\n", "Inspired (to some degree) by interactive/automatic proof assistants such as _agda_ and _coq_. In the python world, _SymPy_ provides some of this functionality but has very little overlap with what is needed for formal semantics.\n", "\n", "### Grammar fragments: pros and cons ###\n", "\n", "Pros:\n", "\n", "* Require writer to set out a complete set of assumptions.\n", "* What are the stipulations? (E.g. Stump's diss: turns out that distinction between weak and strong is syntactic.)\n", " * No need to read between the lines / fill in assumptions. Even a textbook like Heim and Kratzer doesn't always achieve this degree of detail. Ex: Kratzer and Shimoyama's Alternative Semantics.\n", "* Serve as a kind of certificate of validity.\n", "* Can allow text of paper to focus on ideas, not as much on example derivations etc. (Ex: Elbourne's book.)\n", "\n", "Cons:\n", "\n", "* Difficult to impossible to use, for readers who are not deeply embedded in a very particular set of assumptions.\n", " * Error in a fragment may remain undetected? Note, I don't have any cases of this in mind and hesitate to really take on this task.\n", "* Historically, tied to a very different view of syntax. (Not everyone would take this as a con...)\n", "* More generally: not modular. Typically, cannot easily take pieces without a _tremendous_ amount of work.\n", "\n", "Some solutions exist, but are not widely known / adopted, and are ad-hoc to varying degrees.\n", "\n", "* John Hale's LF code for implementing QR in ML. (Where I first encountered the idea.)\n", "* UPenn teaching tool for compositional semantics (not designed for working semanticist, not currently in development)\n", "* Book: van Eijck and Unger 2010, *Computational semantics with functional programming*\n", " * Implementation of type-driven composition + some syntax in Haskell.\n", " * Use Haskell itself for most of the inference. (This is what Haskell is good for after all.) But, Haskell, is not widely known / used.\n", " * Centered more around understanding the programming task / implementation, than producing the kind of tool I'm aiming at.\n", " * Possible seminar in spring, if I can get enough people interested?\n" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "## Part 1: an interface using ipython notebook ##\n", "\n", " * Client-server system where an ipython \"kernel\" is running in the background.\n", " * Page broken down into cells in which can be entered python code, markdown code, or raw text\n", " * ipython provides frameworks for graphical representations of python objects in this kind of setup\n", " * most importantly, notebook uses the \"MathJax\" framework to enable it to render most math-mode latex\n", "\n", "This all basically worked off-the-shelf, all I had to do was write the latex/html code that gets handed off to mathjax!" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "collapsed": false, "input": [ "meta.pmw_test1._repr_latex_()" ], "language": "python", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "metadata": {}, "output_type": "pyout", "prompt_number": 3, "text": [ "'$\\\\lambda{} p_{t} \\\\: . \\\\: \\\\lambda{} x_{e} \\\\: . \\\\: ({P}({x}_{e}) \\\\wedge{} {p}_{t})$'" ] } ], "prompt_number": 3 }, { "cell_type": "code", "collapsed": false, "input": [ "meta.pmw_test1" ], "language": "python", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "latex": [ "$\\lambda{} p_{t} \\: . \\: \\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: ({P}({x}_{e}) \\wedge{} {p}_{t})$" ], "metadata": {}, "output_type": "pyout", "prompt_number": 4, "text": [ "(\u03bb p). (\u03bb x). (P(x) & p)" ] } ], "prompt_number": 4 }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ " \n", "\n", "## Part 2: a typed metalanguage ##" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "Starting point: a few implementations of things like predicate logic do exist, this is an intro AI exercise sometimes. I started with the [AIMA python](http://code.google.com/p/aima-python/) _Expr_ class, based on the standard Russell and Norvig AI text. But, had to scrap most of it.\n", "\n", "Class _TypedExpr_: parent class for typed expressions\n", "\n", "* TypedTerm: variables, constants of arbitrary type\n", "* BindingOp: operators that bind a single variable\n", " * LFun: lambda expression\n", "\n", "Many straightforward expressions can be parsed. Most expressions are created using a call to TypedExpr.factory, which is abbreviate as \"te\" in the following examples." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "collapsed": false, "input": [ "te(\"x_e\")" ], "language": "python", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "latex": [ "${x}_{e}$" ], "metadata": {}, "output_type": "pyout", "prompt_number": 5, "text": [ "x" ] } ], "prompt_number": 5 }, { "cell_type": "code", "collapsed": false, "input": [ "meta.TypedTerm(\"x\", types.type_e)" ], "language": "python", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "latex": [ "${x}_{e}$" ], "metadata": {}, "output_type": "pyout", "prompt_number": 6, "text": [ "x" ] } ], "prompt_number": 6 }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "Future: IPython cell magic for metalanguage" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "Terms: capital letters are constants, lower case are variables. Some convenience type guessing to make expressions shorter." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "collapsed": false, "input": [ "te(\"Cat(x_e)\")" ], "language": "python", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "stream", "stream": "stdout", "text": [ "warning: coerced guessed type t for 'Cat' into , to match argument 'x'\n" ] }, { "latex": [ "${Cat}({x}_{e})$" ], "metadata": {}, "output_type": "pyout", "prompt_number": 7, "text": [ "Cat(x)" ] } ], "prompt_number": 7 }, { "cell_type": "code", "collapsed": false, "input": [ "x1 = te(\"L x_e: Cat(x)\")\n", "x2 = te(\"\u03bbx: Dog(x_e)\")\n", "\n", "ltx_print(x1, x2)" ], "language": "python", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "stream", "stream": "stdout", "text": [ "warning: coerced guessed type t for 'Cat' into , to match argument 'x'\n", "warning: coerced guessed type t for 'Dog' into , to match argument 'x'\n" ] }, { "latex": [ "$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: {Cat}({x}_{e})$
$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: {Dog}({x}_{e})$
" ], "metadata": {}, "output_type": "pyout", "prompt_number": 8, "text": [ "$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: {Cat}({x}_{e})$
$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: {Dog}({x}_{e})$
" ] } ], "prompt_number": 8 }, { "cell_type": "code", "collapsed": false, "input": [ "cat_term = meta.CustomTerm(\"Cat\", typ=types.type_property)\n", "var = te(\"x_e\")\n", "cat_term(var)" ], "language": "python", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "latex": [ "${x}_{e} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}}$" ], "metadata": {}, "output_type": "pyout", "prompt_number": 9, "text": [ "x CAT is a" ] } ], "prompt_number": 9 }, { "cell_type": "code", "collapsed": false, "input": [ "(cat_term(var)).type" ], "language": "python", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "latex": [ "$t$" ], "metadata": {}, "output_type": "pyout", "prompt_number": 10, "text": [ "t" ] } ], "prompt_number": 10 }, { "cell_type": "code", "collapsed": false, "input": [ "cat_term.type" ], "language": "python", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "latex": [ "$\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}$" ], "metadata": {}, "output_type": "pyout", "prompt_number": 11, "text": [ "" ] } ], "prompt_number": 11 }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "Various convenience python operators are overloaded:" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "collapsed": false, "input": [ "(cat_term(var) & te(\"p_t\")) >> te(\"q_t\")" ], "language": "python", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "latex": [ "$(({x}_{e} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}} \\wedge{} {p}_{t}) \\rightarrow{} {q}_{t})$" ], "metadata": {}, "output_type": "pyout", "prompt_number": 12, "text": [ "((x CAT is a & p) >> q)" ] } ], "prompt_number": 12 }, { "cell_type": "code", "collapsed": false, "input": [ "cat_fun = meta.LFun(types.type_e, cat_term(var), \"x\")\n", "cat_fun" ], "language": "python", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "latex": [ "$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: {x}_{e} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}}$" ], "metadata": {}, "output_type": "pyout", "prompt_number": 13, "text": [ "(\u03bb x). x CAT is a" ] } ], "prompt_number": 13 }, { "cell_type": "code", "collapsed": false, "input": [ "cat_fun(te(\"y_e\")) #.reduce()" ], "language": "python", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "latex": [ "$[\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: {x}_{e} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}}]({y}_{e})$" ], "metadata": {}, "output_type": "pyout", "prompt_number": 14, "text": [ "[(\u03bb x). x CAT is a](y)" ] } ], "prompt_number": 14 }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "_TypedExpr_ s in general consist of an operator followed by some number of arguments, possibly 0." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "collapsed": false, "input": [ "P = TypedTerm(\"P\", types.FunType(type_e, type_t))\n", "Q = TypedTerm(\"Q\", types.FunType(type_e, type_t))\n", "x = TypedTerm(\"x\", type_e)\n", "y = TypedTerm(\"y\", type_e)\n", "t = TypedExpr.factory(P, x)\n", "t2 = TypedExpr.factory(Q, x)\n", "# shorter way: t = te(\"P(x_e)\")\n", "\n", "ltx_print(P, t2)" ], "language": "python", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "latex": [ "${P}$
" ], "metadata": {}, "output_type": "pyout", "prompt_number": 15, "text": [ "${P}$
" ] } ], "prompt_number": 15 }, { "cell_type": "code", "collapsed": false, "input": [ "# propositional variable\n", "p = TypedTerm(\"p\", type_t)\n", "\n", "pmw_test1 = LFun(type_t, LFun(type_e, t & p, \"x\"), \"p\")\n", "pmw_test1b = LFun(type_e, t & t2, \"x\")\n", "\n", "ltx_print(pmw_test1, pmw_test1.type,\n", " pmw_test1b, pmw_test1b.type,\n", " t2)" ], "language": "python", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "latex": [ "$\\lambda{} p_{t} \\: . \\: \\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: ({P}({x}_{e}) \\wedge{} {p}_{t})$
$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: ({P}({x}_{e}) \\wedge{} {Q}({x}_{e}))$
" ], "metadata": {}, "output_type": "pyout", "prompt_number": 16, "text": [ "$\\lambda{} p_{t} \\: . \\: \\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: ({P}({x}_{e}) \\wedge{} {p}_{t})$
$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: ({P}({x}_{e}) \\wedge{} {Q}({x}_{e}))$
" ] } ], "prompt_number": 16 }, { "cell_type": "code", "collapsed": false, "input": [ "pmw_test1(t2).reduce()" ], "language": "python", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "latex": [ "$\\lambda{} x1_{e} \\: . \\: ({P}({x1}_{e}) \\wedge{} {Q}({x}_{e}))$" ], "metadata": {}, "output_type": "pyout", "prompt_number": 17, "text": [ "(\u03bb x1). (P(x1) & Q(x))" ] } ], "prompt_number": 17 }, { "cell_type": "code", "collapsed": false, "input": [ "pmw_test1(x) # function is type >" ], "language": "python", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "ename": "TypeMismatch", "evalue": "Type mismatch: '(\u03bb p). (\u03bb x). (P(x) & p)'/> and 'x'/e conflict (mode: Lambda term+arg expression)", "output_type": "pyerr", "traceback": [ "\u001b[0;31m---------------------------------------------------------------------------\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;31mTypeMismatch\u001b[0m Traceback (most recent call last)", "\u001b[0;32m\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36m\u001b[0;34m()\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m----> 1\u001b[0;31m \u001b[0mpmw_test1\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mx\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m \u001b[0;31m# function is type >\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m", "\u001b[0;32m/Users/advil/Projects/lambda/lamb/meta.py\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36m__call__\u001b[0;34m(self, *args)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 1416\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 1417\u001b[0m call + reduce is equivalent to apply, for an LFun\"\"\"\n\u001b[0;32m-> 1418\u001b[0;31m \u001b[0;32mreturn\u001b[0m \u001b[0mTypedExpr\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mself\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m,\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m*\u001b[0m\u001b[0margs\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m\u001b[1;32m 1419\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 1420\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32mdef\u001b[0m \u001b[0munsafe_variables\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mfun\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m,\u001b[0m \u001b[0marg\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m:\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n", "\u001b[0;32m/Users/advil/Projects/lambda/lamb/meta.py\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36m__init__\u001b[0;34m(self, op, *args)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 115\u001b[0m \u001b[0;31m#if arg.type != op.argtype and not arg.type.undetermined:\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 116\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32mif\u001b[0m \u001b[0munify_f\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32mis\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32mNone\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m:\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m--> 117\u001b[0;31m \u001b[0;32mraise\u001b[0m \u001b[0mTypeMismatch\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mop\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m,\u001b[0m \u001b[0marg\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m,\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m\"Lambda term+arg expression\"\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m \u001b[0;31m#TODO: do I always want to check types here?\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m\u001b[1;32m 118\u001b[0m \u001b[0mself\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0mtype\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m=\u001b[0m \u001b[0munify_r\u001b[0m \u001b[0;31m#op.returntype\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 119\u001b[0m \u001b[0;31m#TODO is unification here the right thing?\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n", "\u001b[0;31mTypeMismatch\u001b[0m: Type mismatch: '(\u03bb p). (\u03bb x). (P(x) & p)'/> and 'x'/e conflict (mode: Lambda term+arg expression)" ] } ], "prompt_number": 20 }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ " \n", "\n", "## Part 3: composition systems for an object language ##\n", "\n", " * Focus on type-driven composition, current syntactic implementation fairly minimal\n", " * lots more to do here.\n", "\n", "Key class(/mixin): _Composable_. Some key subclasses:\n", "\n", " * _Item_: representation of a lexical item\n", " * _BinaryComposite_: result of composing any two _Composables_ using a single composition method. Inherits from _nltk.Tree_!\n", " * _CompositionResult_: result of composing any two _Composables_ -- may represent multiple possible composition paths\n", "\n", "Key class: _CompositionSystem_. Describes a set of composition operations.\n", "\n", "Future key class: _Grammar_. Describes a composition system along with a lexicon." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "collapsed": false, "input": [ "def demo_fa_fun(fun, arg, assignment=None):\n", " if (not fun.type.functional()) or fun.type.left != arg.type:\n", " raise TypeMismatch(fun, arg, \"Function Application\")\n", " return lang.BinaryComposite(fun, arg, \n", " (fun.content.under_assignment(assignment)(arg.content.under_assignment(assignment))).reduce())\n", "\n", "pm_op = lang.te(\"L f_ : L g_ : L x_e : f(x) & g(x)\")\n", "\n", "def demo_pm_fun(fun1, fun2, assignment=None):\n", " \"\"\"H&K predicate modification -- restricted to type .\"\"\"\n", " ts = meta.get_type_system()\n", " if not (ts.eq_check(fun1.type, types.type_property) and \n", " ts.eq_check(fun2.type, types.type_property)):\n", " raise TypeMismatch(fun1, fun2, \"Predicate Modification\")\n", " #if fun1.type != fun2.type or fun1.type != type_property:\n", " # raise TypeMismatch(fun1, fun2, \"Predicate Modification\")\n", " varname = fun1.content.varname\n", " c1 = fun1.content.under_assignment(assignment)\n", " c2 = fun2.content.under_assignment(assignment)\n", " result = pm_op.apply(c1).apply(c2).reduce_all()\n", " return lang.BinaryComposite(fun1, fun2, result)\n", "\n", "pm = lang.BinaryCompositionOp(\"PM\", demo_pm_fun, commutative=False)\n", "fa = lang.BinaryCompositionOp(\"FA\", demo_fa_fun)\n", "pa = lang.BinaryCompositionOp(\"PA\", lang.pa_fun, allow_none=True)\n", "demo_hk_system = lang.CompositionSystem(rules=[fa, pm, pa], basictypes={type_e, type_t})\n", "lang.set_system(demo_hk_system)" ], "language": "python", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "prompt_number": 18 }, { "cell_type": "code", "collapsed": false, "input": [ "#imp.reload(lamb)\n", "meta.constants_use_custom(True)\n", "cat = lang.Item(\"cat\", \"L x_e: Cat(x)\")\n", "gray = lang.Item(\"gray\", \"L x_e: Gray(x)\")\n", "gray.content.args[0].op.custom = \"is\"\n", "john = lang.Item(\"John\", \"John_e\")\n", "julius = lang.Item(\"Julius\", \"Julius_e\")\n", "inP = lang.Item(\"in\", \"L x: L y: In(y)(x)\")\n", "inP.content.args[0].args[0].op.op.custom = \"is\"\n", "texas = lang.Item(\"Texas\", \"Texas_e\")\n", "\n", "ltx_print(cat,gray, julius, inP, texas)" ], "language": "python", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "stream", "stream": "stdout", "text": [ "warning: coerced guessed type t for 'CAT' into , to match argument 'x'\n", "warning: coerced guessed type t for 'GRAY' into , to match argument 'x'\n", "warning: coerced guessed type t for 'IN' into , to match argument 'y'\n", "warning: coerced guessed type t for 'y IN is a' into , to match argument 'x'\n" ] }, { "latex": [ "$|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{cat}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: {x}_{e} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}}$
$|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{gray}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: {x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}}$
$|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{Julius}}|\\!|^{}_{e} \\:=\\: $${\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}}$
$|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{in}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: \\lambda{} y_{e} \\: . \\: {y}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({x}_{e})$
$|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{Texas}}|\\!|^{}_{e} \\:=\\: $${\\rm T {\\small EXAS}}$
" ], "metadata": {}, "output_type": "pyout", "prompt_number": 19, "text": [ "$|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{cat}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: {x}_{e} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}}$
$|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{gray}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: {x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}}$
$|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{Julius}}|\\!|^{}_{e} \\:=\\: $${\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}}$
$|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{in}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: \\lambda{} y_{e} \\: . \\: {y}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({x}_{e})$
$|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{Texas}}|\\!|^{}_{e} \\:=\\: $${\\rm T {\\small EXAS}}$
" ] } ], "prompt_number": 19 }, { "cell_type": "code", "collapsed": false, "input": [ "#pvar = meta.TypedTerm(\"p\", types.type_property)\n", "#isV = lang.Item(\"is\", meta.LFun(types.type_property, pvar, \"p\"))\n", "isV = lang.Item(\"is\", lang.te(\"L p_ : p\"))\n", "\n", "isV # identity function over properties" ], "language": "python", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "latex": [ "$|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{is}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{},\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} p_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\: . \\: {p}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$" ], "metadata": {}, "output_type": "pyout", "prompt_number": 20, "text": [ "||is|| = (\u03bb p). p" ] } ], "prompt_number": 20 }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "In the purely type-driven mode, composition is triggered by using the '*' operator on a composable." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "collapsed": false, "input": [ "inP * texas" ], "language": "python", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "latex": [ "1 composition path. Result:\n", "
    $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[in Texas]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} y_{e} \\: . \\: {y}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}})$" ], "metadata": {}, "output_type": "pyout", "prompt_number": 21, "text": [ "[BinaryComposite((\u03bb y). y IN is(TEXAS), [||in|| = (\u03bb x). (\u03bb y). y IN is(x), ||Texas|| = TEXAS])]" ] } ], "prompt_number": 21 }, { "cell_type": "code", "collapsed": false, "input": [ "sentence1 = julius * (isV * (inP * texas))\n", "sentence1" ], "language": "python", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "latex": [ "1 composition path. Result:\n", "
    $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[[is [in Texas]] Julius]}}|\\!|^{}_{t} \\:=\\: $${\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}})$" ], "metadata": {}, "output_type": "pyout", "prompt_number": 22, "text": [ "[BinaryComposite(JULIUS IN is(TEXAS), [BinaryComposite((\u03bb y). y IN is(TEXAS), [||is|| = (\u03bb p). p, BinaryComposite((\u03bb y). y IN is(TEXAS), [||in|| = (\u03bb x). (\u03bb y). y IN is(x), ||Texas|| = TEXAS])]), ||Julius|| = JULIUS])]" ] } ], "prompt_number": 22 }, { "cell_type": "code", "collapsed": false, "input": [ "sentence1.full_trace_latex()" ], "language": "python", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "latex": [ "Full composition trace. 1 path:
\n", "    Step 1: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{is}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{},\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} p_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\: . \\: {p}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$
\n", "    Step 2: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{in}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: \\lambda{} y_{e} \\: . \\: {y}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({x}_{e})$
\n", "    Step 3: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{Texas}}|\\!|^{}_{e} \\:=\\: $${\\rm T {\\small EXAS}}$
\n", "    Step 4: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{in}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}}$ * $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{Texas}}|\\!|^{}_{e}$ leads to: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[in Texas]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} y_{e} \\: . \\: {y}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}})$ (by FA)
\n", "    Step 5: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{is}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{},\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}}$ * $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[in Texas]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$ leads to: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[is [in Texas]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} y_{e} \\: . \\: {y}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}})$ (by FA)
\n", "    Step 6: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{Julius}}|\\!|^{}_{e} \\:=\\: $${\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}}$
\n", "    Step 7: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[is [in Texas]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$ * $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{Julius}}|\\!|^{}_{e}$ leads to: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[[is [in Texas]] Julius]}}|\\!|^{}_{t} \\:=\\: $${\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}})$ (by FA)
\n" ], "metadata": {}, "output_type": "pyout", "prompt_number": 23, "text": [ "Full composition trace. 1 path:
\n", "    Step 1: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{is}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{},\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} p_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\: . \\: {p}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$
\n", "    Step 2: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{in}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: \\lambda{} y_{e} \\: . \\: {y}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({x}_{e})$
\n", "    Step 3: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{Texas}}|\\!|^{}_{e} \\:=\\: $${\\rm T {\\small EXAS}}$
\n", "    Step 4: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{in}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}}$ * $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{Texas}}|\\!|^{}_{e}$ leads to: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[in Texas]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} y_{e} \\: . \\: {y}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}})$ (by FA)
\n", "    Step 5: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{is}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{},\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}}$ * $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[in Texas]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$ leads to: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[is [in Texas]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} y_{e} \\: . \\: {y}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}})$ (by FA)
\n", "    Step 6: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{Julius}}|\\!|^{}_{e} \\:=\\: $${\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}}$
\n", "    Step 7: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[is [in Texas]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$ * $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{Julius}}|\\!|^{}_{e}$ leads to: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[[is [in Texas]] Julius]}}|\\!|^{}_{t} \\:=\\: $${\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}})$ (by FA)
\n" ] } ], "prompt_number": 23 }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "I have temporarily disabled the fact that standard PM is symmetric, to illustrated multiple composition paths:" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "collapsed": false, "input": [ "gray * cat" ], "language": "python", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "latex": [ "2 composition paths. Results:\n", "
    $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[gray cat]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: ({x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}} \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}})$\n", "
    $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[cat gray]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: ({x}_{e} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}} \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}})$" ], "metadata": {}, "output_type": "pyout", "prompt_number": 24, "text": [ "[BinaryComposite((\u03bb x). (x GRAY is & x CAT is a), [||gray|| = (\u03bb x). x GRAY is, ||cat|| = (\u03bb x). x CAT is a]), BinaryComposite((\u03bb x). (x CAT is a & x GRAY is), [||cat|| = (\u03bb x). x CAT is a, ||gray|| = (\u03bb x). x GRAY is])]" ] } ], "prompt_number": 24 }, { "cell_type": "code", "collapsed": false, "input": [ "gray * cat * (inP * texas)" ], "language": "python", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "latex": [ "4 composition paths. Results:\n", "
    $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[[gray cat] [in Texas]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: (({x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}} \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}}) \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}}))$\n", "
    $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[[in Texas] [gray cat]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: ({x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}}) \\wedge{} ({x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}} \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}}))$\n", "
    $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[[cat gray] [in Texas]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: (({x}_{e} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}} \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}}) \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}}))$\n", "
    $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[[in Texas] [cat gray]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: ({x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}}) \\wedge{} ({x}_{e} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}} \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}}))$" ], "metadata": {}, "output_type": "pyout", "prompt_number": 25, "text": [ "[BinaryComposite((\u03bb x). ((x GRAY is & x CAT is a) & x IN is(TEXAS)), [BinaryComposite((\u03bb x). (x GRAY is & x CAT is a), [||gray|| = (\u03bb x). x GRAY is, ||cat|| = (\u03bb x). x CAT is a]), BinaryComposite((\u03bb y). y IN is(TEXAS), [||in|| = (\u03bb x). (\u03bb y). y IN is(x), ||Texas|| = TEXAS])]), BinaryComposite((\u03bb x). (x IN is(TEXAS) & (x GRAY is & x CAT is a)), [BinaryComposite((\u03bb y). y IN is(TEXAS), [||in|| = (\u03bb x). (\u03bb y). y IN is(x), ||Texas|| = TEXAS]), BinaryComposite((\u03bb x). (x GRAY is & x CAT is a), [||gray|| = (\u03bb x). x GRAY is, ||cat|| = (\u03bb x). x CAT is a])]), BinaryComposite((\u03bb x). ((x CAT is a & x GRAY is) & x IN is(TEXAS)), [BinaryComposite((\u03bb x). (x CAT is a & x GRAY is), [||cat|| = (\u03bb x). x CAT is a, ||gray|| = (\u03bb x). x GRAY is]), BinaryComposite((\u03bb y). y IN is(TEXAS), [||in|| = (\u03bb x). (\u03bb y). y IN is(x), ||Texas|| = TEXAS])]), BinaryComposite((\u03bb x). (x IN is(TEXAS) & (x CAT is a & x GRAY is)), [BinaryComposite((\u03bb y). y IN is(TEXAS), [||in|| = (\u03bb x). (\u03bb y). y IN is(x), ||Texas|| = TEXAS]), BinaryComposite((\u03bb x). (x CAT is a & x GRAY is), [||cat|| = (\u03bb x). x CAT is a, ||gray|| = (\u03bb x). x GRAY is])])]" ] } ], "prompt_number": 25 }, { "cell_type": "code", "collapsed": false, "input": [ "a = lang.Item(\"a\", lang.isV.content) # identity function for copula as well\n", "isV * (a * (gray * cat * (inP * texas)))" ], "language": "python", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "latex": [ "4 composition paths. Results:\n", "
    $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[is [a [[gray cat] [in Texas]]]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: (({x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}} \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}}) \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}}))$\n", "
    $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[is [a [[in Texas] [gray cat]]]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: ({x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}}) \\wedge{} ({x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}} \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}}))$\n", "
    $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[is [a [[cat gray] [in Texas]]]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: (({x}_{e} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}} \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}}) \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}}))$\n", "
    $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[is [a [[in Texas] [cat gray]]]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: ({x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}}) \\wedge{} ({x}_{e} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}} \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}}))$" ], "metadata": {}, "output_type": "pyout", "prompt_number": 26, "text": [ "[BinaryComposite((\u03bb x). ((x GRAY is & x CAT is a) & x IN is(TEXAS)), [||is|| = (\u03bb p). p, BinaryComposite((\u03bb x). ((x GRAY is & x CAT is a) & x IN is(TEXAS)), [||a|| = (\u03bb p). p, BinaryComposite((\u03bb x). ((x GRAY is & x CAT is a) & x IN is(TEXAS)), [BinaryComposite((\u03bb x). (x GRAY is & x CAT is a), [||gray|| = (\u03bb x). x GRAY is, ||cat|| = (\u03bb x). x CAT is a]), BinaryComposite((\u03bb y). y IN is(TEXAS), [||in|| = (\u03bb x). (\u03bb y). y IN is(x), ||Texas|| = TEXAS])])])]), BinaryComposite((\u03bb x). (x IN is(TEXAS) & (x GRAY is & x CAT is a)), [||is|| = (\u03bb p). p, BinaryComposite((\u03bb x). (x IN is(TEXAS) & (x GRAY is & x CAT is a)), [||a|| = (\u03bb p). p, BinaryComposite((\u03bb x). (x IN is(TEXAS) & (x GRAY is & x CAT is a)), [BinaryComposite((\u03bb y). y IN is(TEXAS), [||in|| = (\u03bb x). (\u03bb y). y IN is(x), ||Texas|| = TEXAS]), BinaryComposite((\u03bb x). (x GRAY is & x CAT is a), [||gray|| = (\u03bb x). x GRAY is, ||cat|| = (\u03bb x). x CAT is a])])])]), BinaryComposite((\u03bb x). ((x CAT is a & x GRAY is) & x IN is(TEXAS)), [||is|| = (\u03bb p). p, BinaryComposite((\u03bb x). ((x CAT is a & x GRAY is) & x IN is(TEXAS)), [||a|| = (\u03bb p). p, BinaryComposite((\u03bb x). ((x CAT is a & x GRAY is) & x IN is(TEXAS)), [BinaryComposite((\u03bb x). (x CAT is a & x GRAY is), [||cat|| = (\u03bb x). x CAT is a, ||gray|| = (\u03bb x). x GRAY is]), BinaryComposite((\u03bb y). y IN is(TEXAS), [||in|| = (\u03bb x). (\u03bb y). y IN is(x), ||Texas|| = TEXAS])])])]), BinaryComposite((\u03bb x). (x IN is(TEXAS) & (x CAT is a & x GRAY is)), [||is|| = (\u03bb p). p, BinaryComposite((\u03bb x). (x IN is(TEXAS) & (x CAT is a & x GRAY is)), [||a|| = (\u03bb p). p, BinaryComposite((\u03bb x). (x IN is(TEXAS) & (x CAT is a & x GRAY is)), [BinaryComposite((\u03bb y). y IN is(TEXAS), [||in|| = (\u03bb x). (\u03bb y). y IN is(x), ||Texas|| = TEXAS]), BinaryComposite((\u03bb x). (x CAT is a & x GRAY is), [||cat|| = (\u03bb x). x CAT is a, ||gray|| = (\u03bb x). x GRAY is])])])])]" ] } ], "prompt_number": 26 }, { "cell_type": "code", "collapsed": false, "input": [ "np = ((gray * cat) * (inP * texas))\n", "vp = (isV * (a * np))\n", "sentence2 = julius * vp\n", "sentence2" ], "language": "python", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "latex": [ "4 composition paths. Results:\n", "
    $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[[is [a [[gray cat] [in Texas]]]] Julius]}}|\\!|^{}_{t} \\:=\\: $$(({\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}} \\wedge{} {\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}}) \\wedge{} {\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}}))$\n", "
    $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[[is [a [[in Texas] [gray cat]]]] Julius]}}|\\!|^{}_{t} \\:=\\: $$({\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}}) \\wedge{} ({\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}} \\wedge{} {\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}}))$\n", "
    $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[[is [a [[cat gray] [in Texas]]]] Julius]}}|\\!|^{}_{t} \\:=\\: $$(({\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}} \\wedge{} {\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}}) \\wedge{} {\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}}))$\n", "
    $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[[is [a [[in Texas] [cat gray]]]] Julius]}}|\\!|^{}_{t} \\:=\\: $$({\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}}) \\wedge{} ({\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}} \\wedge{} {\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}}))$" ], "metadata": {}, "output_type": "pyout", "prompt_number": 27, "text": [ "[BinaryComposite(((JULIUS GRAY is & JULIUS CAT is a) & JULIUS IN is(TEXAS)), [BinaryComposite((\u03bb x). ((x GRAY is & x CAT is a) & x IN is(TEXAS)), [||is|| = (\u03bb p). p, BinaryComposite((\u03bb x). ((x GRAY is & x CAT is a) & x IN is(TEXAS)), [||a|| = (\u03bb p). p, BinaryComposite((\u03bb x). ((x GRAY is & x CAT is a) & x IN is(TEXAS)), [BinaryComposite((\u03bb x). (x GRAY is & x CAT is a), [||gray|| = (\u03bb x). x GRAY is, ||cat|| = (\u03bb x). x CAT is a]), BinaryComposite((\u03bb y). y IN is(TEXAS), [||in|| = (\u03bb x). (\u03bb y). y IN is(x), ||Texas|| = TEXAS])])])]), ||Julius|| = JULIUS]), BinaryComposite((JULIUS IN is(TEXAS) & (JULIUS GRAY is & JULIUS CAT is a)), [BinaryComposite((\u03bb x). (x IN is(TEXAS) & (x GRAY is & x CAT is a)), [||is|| = (\u03bb p). p, BinaryComposite((\u03bb x). (x IN is(TEXAS) & (x GRAY is & x CAT is a)), [||a|| = (\u03bb p). p, BinaryComposite((\u03bb x). (x IN is(TEXAS) & (x GRAY is & x CAT is a)), [BinaryComposite((\u03bb y). y IN is(TEXAS), [||in|| = (\u03bb x). (\u03bb y). y IN is(x), ||Texas|| = TEXAS]), BinaryComposite((\u03bb x). (x GRAY is & x CAT is a), [||gray|| = (\u03bb x). x GRAY is, ||cat|| = (\u03bb x). x CAT is a])])])]), ||Julius|| = JULIUS]), BinaryComposite(((JULIUS CAT is a & JULIUS GRAY is) & JULIUS IN is(TEXAS)), [BinaryComposite((\u03bb x). ((x CAT is a & x GRAY is) & x IN is(TEXAS)), [||is|| = (\u03bb p). p, BinaryComposite((\u03bb x). ((x CAT is a & x GRAY is) & x IN is(TEXAS)), [||a|| = (\u03bb p). p, BinaryComposite((\u03bb x). ((x CAT is a & x GRAY is) & x IN is(TEXAS)), [BinaryComposite((\u03bb x). (x CAT is a & x GRAY is), [||cat|| = (\u03bb x). x CAT is a, ||gray|| = (\u03bb x). x GRAY is]), BinaryComposite((\u03bb y). y IN is(TEXAS), [||in|| = (\u03bb x). (\u03bb y). y IN is(x), ||Texas|| = TEXAS])])])]), ||Julius|| = JULIUS]), BinaryComposite((JULIUS IN is(TEXAS) & (JULIUS CAT is a & JULIUS GRAY is)), [BinaryComposite((\u03bb x). (x IN is(TEXAS) & (x CAT is a & x GRAY is)), [||is|| = (\u03bb p). p, BinaryComposite((\u03bb x). (x IN is(TEXAS) & (x CAT is a & x GRAY is)), [||a|| = (\u03bb p). p, BinaryComposite((\u03bb x). (x IN is(TEXAS) & (x CAT is a & x GRAY is)), [BinaryComposite((\u03bb y). y IN is(TEXAS), [||in|| = (\u03bb x). (\u03bb y). y IN is(x), ||Texas|| = TEXAS]), BinaryComposite((\u03bb x). (x CAT is a & x GRAY is), [||cat|| = (\u03bb x). x CAT is a, ||gray|| = (\u03bb x). x GRAY is])])])]), ||Julius|| = JULIUS])]" ] } ], "prompt_number": 27 }, { "cell_type": "code", "collapsed": false, "input": [ "julius * isV" ], "language": "python", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "latex": [ "Composition failed. Attempts:
\n", "    Type mismatch: '$|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{Julius}}|\\!|^{}_{e} \\:=\\: $${\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}}$'/$e$ and '$|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{is}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{},\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} p_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\: . \\: {p}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$'/$\\langle{}\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{},\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}$ conflict (mode: Function Application)
\n", "    Type mismatch: '$|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{is}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{},\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} p_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\: . \\: {p}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$'/$\\langle{}\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{},\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}$ and '$|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{Julius}}|\\!|^{}_{e} \\:=\\: $${\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}}$'/$e$ conflict (mode: Function Application)
\n", "    Type mismatch: '$|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{Julius}}|\\!|^{}_{e} \\:=\\: $${\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}}$'/$e$ and '$|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{is}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{},\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} p_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\: . \\: {p}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$'/$\\langle{}\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{},\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}$ conflict (mode: Predicate Modification)
\n", "    Type mismatch: '$|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{is}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{},\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} p_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\: . \\: {p}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$'/$\\langle{}\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{},\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}$ and '$|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{Julius}}|\\!|^{}_{e} \\:=\\: $${\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}}$'/$e$ conflict (mode: Predicate Modification)
\n", "    Type mismatch: '$|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{Julius}}|\\!|^{}_{e} \\:=\\: $${\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}}$'/$e$ and '$|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{is}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{},\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} p_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\: . \\: {p}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$'/$\\langle{}\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{},\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}$ conflict (mode: Predicate Abstraction)
\n", "    Type mismatch: '$|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{is}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{},\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} p_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\: . \\: {p}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$'/$\\langle{}\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{},\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}$ and '$|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{Julius}}|\\!|^{}_{e} \\:=\\: $${\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}}$'/$e$ conflict (mode: Predicate Abstraction)
\n" ], "metadata": {}, "output_type": "pyout", "prompt_number": 32, "text": [ "[]" ] } ], "prompt_number": 32 }, { "cell_type": "code", "collapsed": false, "input": [ "sentence2.full_trace_latex()" ], "language": "python", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "latex": [ "Full composition trace. 4 paths:
\n", "Path 1
\n", "    Step 1: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{is}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{},\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} p_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\: . \\: {p}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$
\n", "    Step 2: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{a}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{},\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} p_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\: . \\: {p}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$
\n", "    Step 3: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{gray}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: {x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}}$
\n", "    Step 4: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{cat}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: {x}_{e} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}}$
\n", "    Step 5: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{gray}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$ * $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{cat}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$ leads to: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[gray cat]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: ({x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}} \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}})$ (by PM)
\n", "    Step 6: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{in}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: \\lambda{} y_{e} \\: . \\: {y}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({x}_{e})$
\n", "    Step 7: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{Texas}}|\\!|^{}_{e} \\:=\\: $${\\rm T {\\small EXAS}}$
\n", "    Step 8: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{in}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}}$ * $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{Texas}}|\\!|^{}_{e}$ leads to: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[in Texas]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} y_{e} \\: . \\: {y}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}})$ (by FA)
\n", "    Step 9: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[gray cat]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$ * $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[in Texas]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$ leads to: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[[gray cat] [in Texas]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: (({x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}} \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}}) \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}}))$ (by PM)
\n", "    Step 10: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{a}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{},\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}}$ * $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[[gray cat] [in Texas]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$ leads to: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[a [[gray cat] [in Texas]]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: (({x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}} \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}}) \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}}))$ (by FA)
\n", "    Step 11: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{is}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{},\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}}$ * $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[a [[gray cat] [in Texas]]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$ leads to: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[is [a [[gray cat] [in Texas]]]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: (({x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}} \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}}) \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}}))$ (by FA)
\n", "    Step 12: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{Julius}}|\\!|^{}_{e} \\:=\\: $${\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}}$
\n", "    Step 13: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[is [a [[gray cat] [in Texas]]]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$ * $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{Julius}}|\\!|^{}_{e}$ leads to: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[[is [a [[gray cat] [in Texas]]]] Julius]}}|\\!|^{}_{t} \\:=\\: $$(({\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}} \\wedge{} {\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}}) \\wedge{} {\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}}))$ (by FA)
\n", "Path 2
\n", "    Step 1: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{is}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{},\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} p_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\: . \\: {p}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$
\n", "    Step 2: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{a}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{},\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} p_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\: . \\: {p}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$
\n", "    Step 3: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{in}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: \\lambda{} y_{e} \\: . \\: {y}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({x}_{e})$
\n", "    Step 4: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{Texas}}|\\!|^{}_{e} \\:=\\: $${\\rm T {\\small EXAS}}$
\n", "    Step 5: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{in}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}}$ * $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{Texas}}|\\!|^{}_{e}$ leads to: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[in Texas]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} y_{e} \\: . \\: {y}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}})$ (by FA)
\n", "    Step 6: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{gray}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: {x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}}$
\n", "    Step 7: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{cat}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: {x}_{e} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}}$
\n", "    Step 8: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{gray}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$ * $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{cat}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$ leads to: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[gray cat]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: ({x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}} \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}})$ (by PM)
\n", "    Step 9: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[in Texas]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$ * $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[gray cat]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$ leads to: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[[in Texas] [gray cat]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: ({x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}}) \\wedge{} ({x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}} \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}}))$ (by PM)
\n", "    Step 10: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{a}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{},\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}}$ * $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[[in Texas] [gray cat]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$ leads to: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[a [[in Texas] [gray cat]]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: ({x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}}) \\wedge{} ({x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}} \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}}))$ (by FA)
\n", "    Step 11: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{is}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{},\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}}$ * $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[a [[in Texas] [gray cat]]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$ leads to: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[is [a [[in Texas] [gray cat]]]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: ({x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}}) \\wedge{} ({x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}} \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}}))$ (by FA)
\n", "    Step 12: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{Julius}}|\\!|^{}_{e} \\:=\\: $${\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}}$
\n", "    Step 13: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[is [a [[in Texas] [gray cat]]]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$ * $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{Julius}}|\\!|^{}_{e}$ leads to: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[[is [a [[in Texas] [gray cat]]]] Julius]}}|\\!|^{}_{t} \\:=\\: $$({\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}}) \\wedge{} ({\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}} \\wedge{} {\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}}))$ (by FA)
\n", "Path 3
\n", "    Step 1: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{is}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{},\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} p_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\: . \\: {p}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$
\n", "    Step 2: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{a}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{},\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} p_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\: . \\: {p}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$
\n", "    Step 3: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{cat}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: {x}_{e} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}}$
\n", "    Step 4: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{gray}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: {x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}}$
\n", "    Step 5: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{cat}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$ * $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{gray}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$ leads to: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[cat gray]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: ({x}_{e} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}} \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}})$ (by PM)
\n", "    Step 6: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{in}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: \\lambda{} y_{e} \\: . \\: {y}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({x}_{e})$
\n", "    Step 7: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{Texas}}|\\!|^{}_{e} \\:=\\: $${\\rm T {\\small EXAS}}$
\n", "    Step 8: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{in}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}}$ * $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{Texas}}|\\!|^{}_{e}$ leads to: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[in Texas]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} y_{e} \\: . \\: {y}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}})$ (by FA)
\n", "    Step 9: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[cat gray]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$ * $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[in Texas]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$ leads to: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[[cat gray] [in Texas]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: (({x}_{e} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}} \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}}) \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}}))$ (by PM)
\n", "    Step 10: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{a}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{},\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}}$ * $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[[cat gray] [in Texas]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$ leads to: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[a [[cat gray] [in Texas]]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: (({x}_{e} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}} \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}}) \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}}))$ (by FA)
\n", "    Step 11: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{is}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{},\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}}$ * $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[a [[cat gray] [in Texas]]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$ leads to: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[is [a [[cat gray] [in Texas]]]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: (({x}_{e} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}} \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}}) \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}}))$ (by FA)
\n", "    Step 12: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{Julius}}|\\!|^{}_{e} \\:=\\: $${\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}}$
\n", "    Step 13: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[is [a [[cat gray] [in Texas]]]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$ * $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{Julius}}|\\!|^{}_{e}$ leads to: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[[is [a [[cat gray] [in Texas]]]] Julius]}}|\\!|^{}_{t} \\:=\\: $$(({\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}} \\wedge{} {\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}}) \\wedge{} {\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}}))$ (by FA)
\n", "Path 4
\n", "    Step 1: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{is}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{},\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} p_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\: . \\: {p}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$
\n", "    Step 2: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{a}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{},\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} p_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\: . \\: {p}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$
\n", "    Step 3: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{in}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: \\lambda{} y_{e} \\: . \\: {y}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({x}_{e})$
\n", "    Step 4: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{Texas}}|\\!|^{}_{e} \\:=\\: $${\\rm T {\\small EXAS}}$
\n", "    Step 5: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{in}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}}$ * $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{Texas}}|\\!|^{}_{e}$ leads to: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[in Texas]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} y_{e} \\: . \\: {y}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}})$ (by FA)
\n", "    Step 6: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{cat}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: {x}_{e} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}}$
\n", "    Step 7: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{gray}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: {x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}}$
\n", "    Step 8: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{cat}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$ * $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{gray}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$ leads to: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[cat gray]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: ({x}_{e} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}} \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}})$ (by PM)
\n", "    Step 9: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[in Texas]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$ * $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[cat gray]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$ leads to: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[[in Texas] [cat gray]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: ({x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}}) \\wedge{} ({x}_{e} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}} \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}}))$ (by PM)
\n", "    Step 10: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{a}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{},\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}}$ * $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[[in Texas] [cat gray]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$ leads to: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[a [[in Texas] [cat gray]]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: ({x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}}) \\wedge{} ({x}_{e} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}} \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}}))$ (by FA)
\n", "    Step 11: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{is}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{},\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}}$ * $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[a [[in Texas] [cat gray]]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$ leads to: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[is [a [[in Texas] [cat gray]]]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: ({x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}}) \\wedge{} ({x}_{e} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}} \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}}))$ (by FA)
\n", "    Step 12: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{Julius}}|\\!|^{}_{e} \\:=\\: $${\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}}$
\n", "    Step 13: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[is [a [[in Texas] [cat gray]]]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$ * $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{Julius}}|\\!|^{}_{e}$ leads to: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[[is [a [[in Texas] [cat gray]]]] Julius]}}|\\!|^{}_{t} \\:=\\: $$({\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}}) \\wedge{} ({\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}} \\wedge{} {\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}}))$ (by FA)
\n" ], "metadata": {}, "output_type": "pyout", "prompt_number": 28, "text": [ "Full composition trace. 4 paths:
\n", "Path 1
\n", "    Step 1: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{is}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{},\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} p_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\: . \\: {p}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$
\n", "    Step 2: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{a}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{},\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} p_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\: . \\: {p}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$
\n", "    Step 3: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{gray}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: {x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}}$
\n", "    Step 4: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{cat}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: {x}_{e} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}}$
\n", "    Step 5: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{gray}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$ * $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{cat}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$ leads to: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[gray cat]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: ({x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}} \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}})$ (by PM)
\n", "    Step 6: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{in}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: \\lambda{} y_{e} \\: . \\: {y}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({x}_{e})$
\n", "    Step 7: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{Texas}}|\\!|^{}_{e} \\:=\\: $${\\rm T {\\small EXAS}}$
\n", "    Step 8: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{in}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}}$ * $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{Texas}}|\\!|^{}_{e}$ leads to: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[in Texas]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} y_{e} \\: . \\: {y}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}})$ (by FA)
\n", "    Step 9: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[gray cat]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$ * $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[in Texas]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$ leads to: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[[gray cat] [in Texas]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: (({x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}} \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}}) \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}}))$ (by PM)
\n", "    Step 10: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{a}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{},\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}}$ * $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[[gray cat] [in Texas]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$ leads to: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[a [[gray cat] [in Texas]]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: (({x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}} \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}}) \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}}))$ (by FA)
\n", "    Step 11: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{is}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{},\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}}$ * $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[a [[gray cat] [in Texas]]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$ leads to: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[is [a [[gray cat] [in Texas]]]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: (({x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}} \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}}) \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}}))$ (by FA)
\n", "    Step 12: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{Julius}}|\\!|^{}_{e} \\:=\\: $${\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}}$
\n", "    Step 13: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[is [a [[gray cat] [in Texas]]]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$ * $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{Julius}}|\\!|^{}_{e}$ leads to: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[[is [a [[gray cat] [in Texas]]]] Julius]}}|\\!|^{}_{t} \\:=\\: $$(({\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}} \\wedge{} {\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}}) \\wedge{} {\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}}))$ (by FA)
\n", "Path 2
\n", "    Step 1: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{is}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{},\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} p_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\: . \\: {p}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$
\n", "    Step 2: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{a}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{},\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} p_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\: . \\: {p}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$
\n", "    Step 3: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{in}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: \\lambda{} y_{e} \\: . \\: {y}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({x}_{e})$
\n", "    Step 4: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{Texas}}|\\!|^{}_{e} \\:=\\: $${\\rm T {\\small EXAS}}$
\n", "    Step 5: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{in}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}}$ * $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{Texas}}|\\!|^{}_{e}$ leads to: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[in Texas]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} y_{e} \\: . \\: {y}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}})$ (by FA)
\n", "    Step 6: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{gray}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: {x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}}$
\n", "    Step 7: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{cat}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: {x}_{e} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}}$
\n", "    Step 8: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{gray}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$ * $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{cat}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$ leads to: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[gray cat]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: ({x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}} \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}})$ (by PM)
\n", "    Step 9: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[in Texas]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$ * $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[gray cat]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$ leads to: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[[in Texas] [gray cat]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: ({x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}}) \\wedge{} ({x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}} \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}}))$ (by PM)
\n", "    Step 10: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{a}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{},\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}}$ * $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[[in Texas] [gray cat]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$ leads to: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[a [[in Texas] [gray cat]]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: ({x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}}) \\wedge{} ({x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}} \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}}))$ (by FA)
\n", "    Step 11: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{is}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{},\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}}$ * $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[a [[in Texas] [gray cat]]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$ leads to: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[is [a [[in Texas] [gray cat]]]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: ({x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}}) \\wedge{} ({x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}} \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}}))$ (by FA)
\n", "    Step 12: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{Julius}}|\\!|^{}_{e} \\:=\\: $${\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}}$
\n", "    Step 13: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[is [a [[in Texas] [gray cat]]]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$ * $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{Julius}}|\\!|^{}_{e}$ leads to: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[[is [a [[in Texas] [gray cat]]]] Julius]}}|\\!|^{}_{t} \\:=\\: $$({\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}}) \\wedge{} ({\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}} \\wedge{} {\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}}))$ (by FA)
\n", "Path 3
\n", "    Step 1: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{is}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{},\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} p_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\: . \\: {p}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$
\n", "    Step 2: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{a}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{},\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} p_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\: . \\: {p}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$
\n", "    Step 3: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{cat}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: {x}_{e} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}}$
\n", "    Step 4: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{gray}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: {x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}}$
\n", "    Step 5: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{cat}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$ * $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{gray}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$ leads to: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[cat gray]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: ({x}_{e} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}} \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}})$ (by PM)
\n", "    Step 6: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{in}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: \\lambda{} y_{e} \\: . \\: {y}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({x}_{e})$
\n", "    Step 7: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{Texas}}|\\!|^{}_{e} \\:=\\: $${\\rm T {\\small EXAS}}$
\n", "    Step 8: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{in}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}}$ * $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{Texas}}|\\!|^{}_{e}$ leads to: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[in Texas]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} y_{e} \\: . \\: {y}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}})$ (by FA)
\n", "    Step 9: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[cat gray]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$ * $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[in Texas]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$ leads to: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[[cat gray] [in Texas]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: (({x}_{e} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}} \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}}) \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}}))$ (by PM)
\n", "    Step 10: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{a}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{},\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}}$ * $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[[cat gray] [in Texas]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$ leads to: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[a [[cat gray] [in Texas]]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: (({x}_{e} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}} \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}}) \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}}))$ (by FA)
\n", "    Step 11: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{is}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{},\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}}$ * $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[a [[cat gray] [in Texas]]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$ leads to: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[is [a [[cat gray] [in Texas]]]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: (({x}_{e} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}} \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}}) \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}}))$ (by FA)
\n", "    Step 12: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{Julius}}|\\!|^{}_{e} \\:=\\: $${\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}}$
\n", "    Step 13: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[is [a [[cat gray] [in Texas]]]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$ * $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{Julius}}|\\!|^{}_{e}$ leads to: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[[is [a [[cat gray] [in Texas]]]] Julius]}}|\\!|^{}_{t} \\:=\\: $$(({\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}} \\wedge{} {\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}}) \\wedge{} {\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}}))$ (by FA)
\n", "Path 4
\n", "    Step 1: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{is}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{},\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} p_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\: . \\: {p}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$
\n", "    Step 2: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{a}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{},\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} p_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\: . \\: {p}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$
\n", "    Step 3: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{in}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: \\lambda{} y_{e} \\: . \\: {y}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({x}_{e})$
\n", "    Step 4: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{Texas}}|\\!|^{}_{e} \\:=\\: $${\\rm T {\\small EXAS}}$
\n", "    Step 5: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{in}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}}$ * $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{Texas}}|\\!|^{}_{e}$ leads to: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[in Texas]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} y_{e} \\: . \\: {y}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}})$ (by FA)
\n", "    Step 6: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{cat}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: {x}_{e} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}}$
\n", "    Step 7: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{gray}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: {x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}}$
\n", "    Step 8: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{cat}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$ * $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{gray}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$ leads to: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[cat gray]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: ({x}_{e} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}} \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}})$ (by PM)
\n", "    Step 9: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[in Texas]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$ * $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[cat gray]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$ leads to: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[[in Texas] [cat gray]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: ({x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}}) \\wedge{} ({x}_{e} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}} \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}}))$ (by PM)
\n", "    Step 10: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{a}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{},\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}}$ * $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[[in Texas] [cat gray]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$ leads to: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[a [[in Texas] [cat gray]]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: ({x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}}) \\wedge{} ({x}_{e} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}} \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}}))$ (by FA)
\n", "    Step 11: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{is}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{},\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}}$ * $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[a [[in Texas] [cat gray]]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$ leads to: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[is [a [[in Texas] [cat gray]]]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: ({x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}}) \\wedge{} ({x}_{e} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}} \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}}))$ (by FA)
\n", "    Step 12: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{Julius}}|\\!|^{}_{e} \\:=\\: $${\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}}$
\n", "    Step 13: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[is [a [[in Texas] [cat gray]]]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$ * $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{Julius}}|\\!|^{}_{e}$ leads to: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[[is [a [[in Texas] [cat gray]]]] Julius]}}|\\!|^{}_{t} \\:=\\: $$({\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}}) \\wedge{} ({\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}} \\wedge{} {\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}}))$ (by FA)
\n" ] } ], "prompt_number": 28 }, { "cell_type": "code", "collapsed": false, "input": [ "sentence1.results[0]" ], "language": "python", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "latex": [ "$|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[[is [in Texas]] Julius]}}|\\!|^{}_{t} \\:=\\: $${\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}})$" ], "metadata": {}, "output_type": "pyout", "prompt_number": 33, "text": [ "BinaryComposite(JULIUS IN is(TEXAS), [BinaryComposite((\u03bb y). y IN is(TEXAS), [||is|| = (\u03bb p). p, BinaryComposite((\u03bb y). y IN is(TEXAS), [||in|| = (\u03bb x). (\u03bb y). y IN is(x), ||Texas|| = TEXAS])]), ||Julius|| = JULIUS])" ] } ], "prompt_number": 33 }, { "cell_type": "code", "collapsed": false, "input": [ "sentence1.results[0].latex_step_tree()" ], "language": "python", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "latex": [ "
$\\lambda{} p_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\: . \\: {p}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$
\n", "
$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: \\lambda{} y_{e} \\: . \\: {y}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({x}_{e})$
\n", "
${\\rm T {\\small EXAS}}$
\n", "
$|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[in Texas]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$
$\\lambda{} y_{e} \\: . \\: {y}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}})$
\n", "
\n", "
$|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[is [in Texas]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$
$\\lambda{} y_{e} \\: . \\: {y}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}})$
\n", "
\n", "
${\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}}$
\n", "
$|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[[is [in Texas]] Julius]}}|\\!|^{}_{t}$
${\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}})$
\n", "
\n" ], "metadata": {}, "output_type": "pyout", "prompt_number": 34, "text": [ "
$\\lambda{} p_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\: . \\: {p}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$
\n", "
$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: \\lambda{} y_{e} \\: . \\: {y}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({x}_{e})$
\n", "
${\\rm T {\\small EXAS}}$
\n", "
$|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[in Texas]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$
$\\lambda{} y_{e} \\: . \\: {y}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}})$
\n", "
\n", "
$|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[is [in Texas]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$
$\\lambda{} y_{e} \\: . \\: {y}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}})$
\n", "
\n", "
${\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}}$
\n", "
$|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[[is [in Texas]] Julius]}}|\\!|^{}_{t}$
${\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}})$
\n", "
\n" ] } ], "prompt_number": 34 }, { "cell_type": "code", "collapsed": false, "input": [ "sentence2.results[0].latex_step_tree()" ], "language": "python", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "latex": [ "
$\\lambda{} p_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\: . \\: {p}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$
\n", "
$\\lambda{} p_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\: . \\: {p}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$
\n", "
$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: {x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}}$
\n", "
$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: {x}_{e} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}}$
\n", "
$|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[gray cat]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$
$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: ({x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}} \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}})$
\n", "
\n", "
$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: \\lambda{} y_{e} \\: . \\: {y}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({x}_{e})$
\n", "
${\\rm T {\\small EXAS}}$
\n", "
$|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[in Texas]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$
$\\lambda{} y_{e} \\: . \\: {y}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}})$
\n", "
\n", "
$|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[[gray cat] [in Texas]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$
$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: (({x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}} \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}}) \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}}))$
\n", "
\n", "
$|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[a [[gray cat] [in Texas]]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$
$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: (({x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}} \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}}) \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}}))$
\n", "
\n", "
$|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[is [a [[gray cat] [in Texas]]]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$
$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: (({x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}} \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}}) \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}}))$
\n", "
\n", "
${\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}}$
\n", "
$|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[[is [a [[gray cat] [in Texas]]]] Julius]}}|\\!|^{}_{t}$
$(({\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}} \\wedge{} {\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}}) \\wedge{} {\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}}))$
\n", "
\n" ], "metadata": {}, "output_type": "pyout", "prompt_number": 35, "text": [ "
$\\lambda{} p_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\: . \\: {p}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$
\n", "
$\\lambda{} p_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\: . \\: {p}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$
\n", "
$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: {x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}}$
\n", "
$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: {x}_{e} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}}$
\n", "
$|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[gray cat]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$
$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: ({x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}} \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}})$
\n", "
\n", "
$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: \\lambda{} y_{e} \\: . \\: {y}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({x}_{e})$
\n", "
${\\rm T {\\small EXAS}}$
\n", "
$|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[in Texas]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$
$\\lambda{} y_{e} \\: . \\: {y}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}})$
\n", "
\n", "
$|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[[gray cat] [in Texas]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$
$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: (({x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}} \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}}) \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}}))$
\n", "
\n", "
$|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[a [[gray cat] [in Texas]]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$
$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: (({x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}} \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}}) \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}}))$
\n", "
\n", "
$|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[is [a [[gray cat] [in Texas]]]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$
$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: (({x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}} \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}}) \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}}))$
\n", "
\n", "
${\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}}$
\n", "
$|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[[is [a [[gray cat] [in Texas]]]] Julius]}}|\\!|^{}_{t}$
$(({\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}} \\wedge{} {\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}}) \\wedge{} {\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}}))$
\n", "
\n" ] } ], "prompt_number": 35 }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "One of the infamous examples from Heim and Kratzer (names different):\n", "\n", " * Julius is a gray cat in Texas fond of John." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "collapsed": false, "input": [ "fond = lang.Item(\"fond\", \"L x_e : L y_e : Fond(y)(x)\")\n", "ofP = lang.Item(\"of\", \"L x_e : x\")\n", "sentence3 = julius * (lang.isV * (a * (np * (fond * (ofP * lang.john)))))\n", "sentence3" ], "language": "python", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "stream", "stream": "stdout", "text": [ "warning: coerced guessed type t for 'FOND' into , to match argument 'y'\n", "warning: coerced guessed type t for 'y FOND is a' into , to match argument 'x'\n" ] }, { "latex": [ "8 composition paths. Results:\n", "
    $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[[is [a [[[gray cat] [in Texas]] [fond [of John]]]]] Julius]}}|\\!|^{}_{t} \\:=\\: $$((({\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}} \\wedge{} {\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}}) \\wedge{} {\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}})) \\wedge{} {\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}} \\text{ }{\\rm F {\\small OND}}({John}_{e}))$\n", "
    $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[[is [a [[fond [of John]] [[gray cat] [in Texas]]]]] Julius]}}|\\!|^{}_{t} \\:=\\: $$({\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}} \\text{ }{\\rm F {\\small OND}}({John}_{e}) \\wedge{} (({\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}} \\wedge{} {\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}}) \\wedge{} {\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}})))$\n", "
    $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[[is [a [[[in Texas] [gray cat]] [fond [of John]]]]] Julius]}}|\\!|^{}_{t} \\:=\\: $$(({\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}}) \\wedge{} ({\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}} \\wedge{} {\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}})) \\wedge{} {\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}} \\text{ }{\\rm F {\\small OND}}({John}_{e}))$\n", "
    $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[[is [a [[fond [of John]] [[in Texas] [gray cat]]]]] Julius]}}|\\!|^{}_{t} \\:=\\: $$({\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}} \\text{ }{\\rm F {\\small OND}}({John}_{e}) \\wedge{} ({\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}}) \\wedge{} ({\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}} \\wedge{} {\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}})))$\n", "
    $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[[is [a [[[cat gray] [in Texas]] [fond [of John]]]]] Julius]}}|\\!|^{}_{t} \\:=\\: $$((({\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}} \\wedge{} {\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}}) \\wedge{} {\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}})) \\wedge{} {\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}} \\text{ }{\\rm F {\\small OND}}({John}_{e}))$\n", "
    $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[[is [a [[fond [of John]] [[cat gray] [in Texas]]]]] Julius]}}|\\!|^{}_{t} \\:=\\: $$({\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}} \\text{ }{\\rm F {\\small OND}}({John}_{e}) \\wedge{} (({\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}} \\wedge{} {\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}}) \\wedge{} {\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}})))$\n", "
    $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[[is [a [[[in Texas] [cat gray]] [fond [of John]]]]] Julius]}}|\\!|^{}_{t} \\:=\\: $$(({\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}}) \\wedge{} ({\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}} \\wedge{} {\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}})) \\wedge{} {\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}} \\text{ }{\\rm F {\\small OND}}({John}_{e}))$\n", "
    $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[[is [a [[fond [of John]] [[in Texas] [cat gray]]]]] Julius]}}|\\!|^{}_{t} \\:=\\: $$({\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}} \\text{ }{\\rm F {\\small OND}}({John}_{e}) \\wedge{} ({\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}}) \\wedge{} ({\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}} \\wedge{} {\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}})))$" ], "metadata": {}, "output_type": "pyout", "prompt_number": 36, "text": [ "[BinaryComposite((((JULIUS GRAY is & JULIUS CAT is a) & JULIUS IN is(TEXAS)) & JULIUS FOND (John)), [BinaryComposite((\u03bb x). (((x GRAY is & x CAT is a) & x IN is(TEXAS)) & x FOND (John)), [||is|| = (\u03bb p). p, BinaryComposite((\u03bb x). (((x GRAY is & x CAT is a) & x IN is(TEXAS)) & x FOND (John)), [||a|| = (\u03bb p). p, BinaryComposite((\u03bb x). (((x GRAY is & x CAT is a) & x IN is(TEXAS)) & x FOND (John)), [BinaryComposite((\u03bb x). ((x GRAY is & x CAT is a) & x IN is(TEXAS)), [BinaryComposite((\u03bb x). (x GRAY is & x CAT is a), [||gray|| = (\u03bb x). x GRAY is, ||cat|| = (\u03bb x). x CAT is a]), BinaryComposite((\u03bb y). y IN is(TEXAS), [||in|| = (\u03bb x). (\u03bb y). y IN is(x), ||Texas|| = TEXAS])]), BinaryComposite((\u03bb y). y FOND (John), [||fond|| = (\u03bb x). (\u03bb y). y FOND (x), BinaryComposite(John, [||of|| = (\u03bb x). x, ||John|| = John])])])])]), ||Julius|| = JULIUS]), BinaryComposite((JULIUS FOND (John) & ((JULIUS GRAY is & JULIUS CAT is a) & JULIUS IN is(TEXAS))), [BinaryComposite((\u03bb x). (x FOND (John) & ((x GRAY is & x CAT is a) & x IN is(TEXAS))), [||is|| = (\u03bb p). p, BinaryComposite((\u03bb x). (x FOND (John) & ((x GRAY is & x CAT is a) & x IN is(TEXAS))), [||a|| = (\u03bb p). p, BinaryComposite((\u03bb x). (x FOND (John) & ((x GRAY is & x CAT is a) & x IN is(TEXAS))), [BinaryComposite((\u03bb y). y FOND (John), [||fond|| = (\u03bb x). (\u03bb y). y FOND (x), BinaryComposite(John, [||of|| = (\u03bb x). x, ||John|| = John])]), BinaryComposite((\u03bb x). ((x GRAY is & x CAT is a) & x IN is(TEXAS)), [BinaryComposite((\u03bb x). (x GRAY is & x CAT is a), [||gray|| = (\u03bb x). x GRAY is, ||cat|| = (\u03bb x). x CAT is a]), BinaryComposite((\u03bb y). y IN is(TEXAS), [||in|| = (\u03bb x). (\u03bb y). y IN is(x), ||Texas|| = TEXAS])])])])]), ||Julius|| = JULIUS]), BinaryComposite(((JULIUS IN is(TEXAS) & (JULIUS GRAY is & JULIUS CAT is a)) & JULIUS FOND (John)), [BinaryComposite((\u03bb x). ((x IN is(TEXAS) & (x GRAY is & x CAT is a)) & x FOND (John)), [||is|| = (\u03bb p). p, BinaryComposite((\u03bb x). ((x IN is(TEXAS) & (x GRAY is & x CAT is a)) & x FOND (John)), [||a|| = (\u03bb p). p, BinaryComposite((\u03bb x). ((x IN is(TEXAS) & (x GRAY is & x CAT is a)) & x FOND (John)), [BinaryComposite((\u03bb x). (x IN is(TEXAS) & (x GRAY is & x CAT is a)), [BinaryComposite((\u03bb y). y IN is(TEXAS), [||in|| = (\u03bb x). (\u03bb y). y IN is(x), ||Texas|| = TEXAS]), BinaryComposite((\u03bb x). (x GRAY is & x CAT is a), [||gray|| = (\u03bb x). x GRAY is, ||cat|| = (\u03bb x). x CAT is a])]), BinaryComposite((\u03bb y). y FOND (John), [||fond|| = (\u03bb x). (\u03bb y). y FOND (x), BinaryComposite(John, [||of|| = (\u03bb x). x, ||John|| = John])])])])]), ||Julius|| = JULIUS]), BinaryComposite((JULIUS FOND (John) & (JULIUS IN is(TEXAS) & (JULIUS GRAY is & JULIUS CAT is a))), [BinaryComposite((\u03bb x). (x FOND (John) & (x IN is(TEXAS) & (x GRAY is & x CAT is a))), [||is|| = (\u03bb p). p, BinaryComposite((\u03bb x). (x FOND (John) & (x IN is(TEXAS) & (x GRAY is & x CAT is a))), [||a|| = (\u03bb p). p, BinaryComposite((\u03bb x). (x FOND (John) & (x IN is(TEXAS) & (x GRAY is & x CAT is a))), [BinaryComposite((\u03bb y). y FOND (John), [||fond|| = (\u03bb x). (\u03bb y). y FOND (x), BinaryComposite(John, [||of|| = (\u03bb x). x, ||John|| = John])]), BinaryComposite((\u03bb x). (x IN is(TEXAS) & (x GRAY is & x CAT is a)), [BinaryComposite((\u03bb y). y IN is(TEXAS), [||in|| = (\u03bb x). (\u03bb y). y IN is(x), ||Texas|| = TEXAS]), BinaryComposite((\u03bb x). (x GRAY is & x CAT is a), [||gray|| = (\u03bb x). x GRAY is, ||cat|| = (\u03bb x). x CAT is a])])])])]), ||Julius|| = JULIUS]), BinaryComposite((((JULIUS CAT is a & JULIUS GRAY is) & JULIUS IN is(TEXAS)) & JULIUS FOND (John)), [BinaryComposite((\u03bb x). (((x CAT is a & x GRAY is) & x IN is(TEXAS)) & x FOND (John)), [||is|| = (\u03bb p). p, BinaryComposite((\u03bb x). (((x CAT is a & x GRAY is) & x IN is(TEXAS)) & x FOND (John)), [||a|| = (\u03bb p). p, BinaryComposite((\u03bb x). (((x CAT is a & x GRAY is) & x IN is(TEXAS)) & x FOND (John)), [BinaryComposite((\u03bb x). ((x CAT is a & x GRAY is) & x IN is(TEXAS)), [BinaryComposite((\u03bb x). (x CAT is a & x GRAY is), [||cat|| = (\u03bb x). x CAT is a, ||gray|| = (\u03bb x). x GRAY is]), BinaryComposite((\u03bb y). y IN is(TEXAS), [||in|| = (\u03bb x). (\u03bb y). y IN is(x), ||Texas|| = TEXAS])]), BinaryComposite((\u03bb y). y FOND (John), [||fond|| = (\u03bb x). (\u03bb y). y FOND (x), BinaryComposite(John, [||of|| = (\u03bb x). x, ||John|| = John])])])])]), ||Julius|| = JULIUS]), BinaryComposite((JULIUS FOND (John) & ((JULIUS CAT is a & JULIUS GRAY is) & JULIUS IN is(TEXAS))), [BinaryComposite((\u03bb x). (x FOND (John) & ((x CAT is a & x GRAY is) & x IN is(TEXAS))), [||is|| = (\u03bb p). p, BinaryComposite((\u03bb x). (x FOND (John) & ((x CAT is a & x GRAY is) & x IN is(TEXAS))), [||a|| = (\u03bb p). p, BinaryComposite((\u03bb x). (x FOND (John) & ((x CAT is a & x GRAY is) & x IN is(TEXAS))), [BinaryComposite((\u03bb y). y FOND (John), [||fond|| = (\u03bb x). (\u03bb y). y FOND (x), BinaryComposite(John, [||of|| = (\u03bb x). x, ||John|| = John])]), BinaryComposite((\u03bb x). ((x CAT is a & x GRAY is) & x IN is(TEXAS)), [BinaryComposite((\u03bb x). (x CAT is a & x GRAY is), [||cat|| = (\u03bb x). x CAT is a, ||gray|| = (\u03bb x). x GRAY is]), BinaryComposite((\u03bb y). y IN is(TEXAS), [||in|| = (\u03bb x). (\u03bb y). y IN is(x), ||Texas|| = TEXAS])])])])]), ||Julius|| = JULIUS]), BinaryComposite(((JULIUS IN is(TEXAS) & (JULIUS CAT is a & JULIUS GRAY is)) & JULIUS FOND (John)), [BinaryComposite((\u03bb x). ((x IN is(TEXAS) & (x CAT is a & x GRAY is)) & x FOND (John)), [||is|| = (\u03bb p). p, BinaryComposite((\u03bb x). ((x IN is(TEXAS) & (x CAT is a & x GRAY is)) & x FOND (John)), [||a|| = (\u03bb p). p, BinaryComposite((\u03bb x). ((x IN is(TEXAS) & (x CAT is a & x GRAY is)) & x FOND (John)), [BinaryComposite((\u03bb x). (x IN is(TEXAS) & (x CAT is a & x GRAY is)), [BinaryComposite((\u03bb y). y IN is(TEXAS), [||in|| = (\u03bb x). (\u03bb y). y IN is(x), ||Texas|| = TEXAS]), BinaryComposite((\u03bb x). (x CAT is a & x GRAY is), [||cat|| = (\u03bb x). x CAT is a, ||gray|| = (\u03bb x). x GRAY is])]), BinaryComposite((\u03bb y). y FOND (John), [||fond|| = (\u03bb x). (\u03bb y). y FOND (x), BinaryComposite(John, [||of|| = (\u03bb x). x, ||John|| = John])])])])]), ||Julius|| = JULIUS]), BinaryComposite((JULIUS FOND (John) & (JULIUS IN is(TEXAS) & (JULIUS CAT is a & JULIUS GRAY is))), [BinaryComposite((\u03bb x). (x FOND (John) & (x IN is(TEXAS) & (x CAT is a & x GRAY is))), [||is|| = (\u03bb p). p, BinaryComposite((\u03bb x). (x FOND (John) & (x IN is(TEXAS) & (x CAT is a & x GRAY is))), [||a|| = (\u03bb p). p, BinaryComposite((\u03bb x). (x FOND (John) & (x IN is(TEXAS) & (x CAT is a & x GRAY is))), [BinaryComposite((\u03bb y). y FOND (John), [||fond|| = (\u03bb x). (\u03bb y). y FOND (x), BinaryComposite(John, [||of|| = (\u03bb x). x, ||John|| = John])]), BinaryComposite((\u03bb x). (x IN is(TEXAS) & (x CAT is a & x GRAY is)), [BinaryComposite((\u03bb y). y IN is(TEXAS), [||in|| = (\u03bb x). (\u03bb y). y IN is(x), ||Texas|| = TEXAS]), BinaryComposite((\u03bb x). (x CAT is a & x GRAY is), [||cat|| = (\u03bb x). x CAT is a, ||gray|| = (\u03bb x). x GRAY is])])])])]), ||Julius|| = JULIUS])]" ] } ], "prompt_number": 36 }, { "cell_type": "code", "collapsed": false, "input": [ "sentence3.results[0].latex_step_tree()\n" ], "language": "python", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "latex": [ "
$\\lambda{} p_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\: . \\: {p}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$
\n", "
$\\lambda{} p_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\: . \\: {p}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$
\n", "
$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: {x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}}$
\n", "
$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: {x}_{e} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}}$
\n", "
$|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[gray cat]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$
$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: ({x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}} \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}})$
\n", "
\n", "
$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: \\lambda{} y_{e} \\: . \\: {y}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({x}_{e})$
\n", "
${\\rm T {\\small EXAS}}$
\n", "
$|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[in Texas]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$
$\\lambda{} y_{e} \\: . \\: {y}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}})$
\n", "
\n", "
$|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[[gray cat] [in Texas]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$
$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: (({x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}} \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}}) \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}}))$
\n", "
\n", "
$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: \\lambda{} y_{e} \\: . \\: {y}_{e} \\text{ }{\\rm F {\\small OND}}({x}_{e})$
\n", "
$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: {x}_{e}$
\n", "
\n", "
$|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[of John]}}|\\!|^{}_{e}$
\n", "
\n", "
$|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[fond [of John]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$
$\\lambda{} y_{e} \\: . \\: {y}_{e} \\text{ }{\\rm F {\\small OND}}({John}_{e})$
\n", "
\n", "
$|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[[[gray cat] [in Texas]] [fond [of John]]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$
$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: ((({x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}} \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}}) \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}})) \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ }{\\rm F {\\small OND}}({John}_{e}))$
\n", "
\n", "
$|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[a [[[gray cat] [in Texas]] [fond [of John]]]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$
$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: ((({x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}} \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}}) \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}})) \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ }{\\rm F {\\small OND}}({John}_{e}))$
\n", "
\n", "
$|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[is [a [[[gray cat] [in Texas]] [fond [of John]]]]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$
$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: ((({x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}} \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}}) \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}})) \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ }{\\rm F {\\small OND}}({John}_{e}))$
\n", "
\n", "
${\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}}$
\n", "
$|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[[is [a [[[gray cat] [in Texas]] [fond [of John]]]]] Julius]}}|\\!|^{}_{t}$
$((({\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}} \\wedge{} {\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}}) \\wedge{} {\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}})) \\wedge{} {\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}} \\text{ }{\\rm F {\\small OND}}({John}_{e}))$
\n", "
\n" ], "metadata": {}, "output_type": "pyout", "prompt_number": 38, "text": [ "
$\\lambda{} p_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\: . \\: {p}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$
\n", "
$\\lambda{} p_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\: . \\: {p}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$
\n", "
$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: {x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}}$
\n", "
$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: {x}_{e} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}}$
\n", "
$|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[gray cat]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$
$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: ({x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}} \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}})$
\n", "
\n", "
$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: \\lambda{} y_{e} \\: . \\: {y}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({x}_{e})$
\n", "
${\\rm T {\\small EXAS}}$
\n", "
$|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[in Texas]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$
$\\lambda{} y_{e} \\: . \\: {y}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}})$
\n", "
\n", "
$|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[[gray cat] [in Texas]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$
$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: (({x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}} \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}}) \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}}))$
\n", "
\n", "
$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: \\lambda{} y_{e} \\: . \\: {y}_{e} \\text{ }{\\rm F {\\small OND}}({x}_{e})$
\n", "
$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: {x}_{e}$
\n", "
\n", "
$|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[of John]}}|\\!|^{}_{e}$
\n", "
\n", "
$|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[fond [of John]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$
$\\lambda{} y_{e} \\: . \\: {y}_{e} \\text{ }{\\rm F {\\small OND}}({John}_{e})$
\n", "
\n", "
$|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[[[gray cat] [in Texas]] [fond [of John]]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$
$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: ((({x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}} \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}}) \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}})) \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ }{\\rm F {\\small OND}}({John}_{e}))$
\n", "
\n", "
$|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[a [[[gray cat] [in Texas]] [fond [of John]]]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$
$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: ((({x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}} \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}}) \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}})) \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ }{\\rm F {\\small OND}}({John}_{e}))$
\n", "
\n", "
$|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[is [a [[[gray cat] [in Texas]] [fond [of John]]]]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$
$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: ((({x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}} \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}}) \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}})) \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ }{\\rm F {\\small OND}}({John}_{e}))$
\n", "
\n", "
${\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}}$
\n", "
$|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[[is [a [[[gray cat] [in Texas]] [fond [of John]]]]] Julius]}}|\\!|^{}_{t}$
$((({\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}} \\wedge{} {\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}}) \\wedge{} {\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}})) \\wedge{} {\\rm J {\\small ULIUS}} \\text{ }{\\rm F {\\small OND}}({John}_{e}))$
\n", "
\n" ] } ], "prompt_number": 38 }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "The _Composite_ class subclasses _nltk.Tree_, and so supports the things that class does. E.g. []-based paths:" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "collapsed": false, "input": [ "parse_tree3 = sentence3.results[0]\n", "parse_tree3[0][1][1].latex_step_tree()" ], "language": "python", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "latex": [ "
$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: {x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}}$
\n", "
$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: {x}_{e} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}}$
\n", "
$|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[gray cat]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$
$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: ({x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}} \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}})$
\n", "
\n", "
$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: \\lambda{} y_{e} \\: . \\: {y}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({x}_{e})$
\n", "
${\\rm T {\\small EXAS}}$
\n", "
$|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[in Texas]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$
$\\lambda{} y_{e} \\: . \\: {y}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}})$
\n", "
\n", "
$|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[[gray cat] [in Texas]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$
$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: (({x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}} \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}}) \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}}))$
\n", "
\n", "
$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: \\lambda{} y_{e} \\: . \\: {y}_{e} \\text{ }{\\rm F {\\small OND}}({x}_{e})$
\n", "
$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: {x}_{e}$
\n", "
\n", "
$|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[of John]}}|\\!|^{}_{e}$
\n", "
\n", "
$|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[fond [of John]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$
$\\lambda{} y_{e} \\: . \\: {y}_{e} \\text{ }{\\rm F {\\small OND}}({John}_{e})$
\n", "
\n", "
$|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[[[gray cat] [in Texas]] [fond [of John]]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$
$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: ((({x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}} \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}}) \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}})) \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ }{\\rm F {\\small OND}}({John}_{e}))$
\n", "
\n" ], "metadata": {}, "output_type": "pyout", "prompt_number": 39, "text": [ "
$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: {x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}}$
\n", "
$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: {x}_{e} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}}$
\n", "
$|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[gray cat]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$
$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: ({x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}} \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}})$
\n", "
\n", "
$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: \\lambda{} y_{e} \\: . \\: {y}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({x}_{e})$
\n", "
${\\rm T {\\small EXAS}}$
\n", "
$|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[in Texas]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$
$\\lambda{} y_{e} \\: . \\: {y}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}})$
\n", "
\n", "
$|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[[gray cat] [in Texas]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$
$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: (({x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}} \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}}) \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}}))$
\n", "
\n", "
$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: \\lambda{} y_{e} \\: . \\: {y}_{e} \\text{ }{\\rm F {\\small OND}}({x}_{e})$
\n", "
$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: {x}_{e}$
\n", "
\n", "
$|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[of John]}}|\\!|^{}_{e}$
\n", "
\n", "
$|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[fond [of John]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$
$\\lambda{} y_{e} \\: . \\: {y}_{e} \\text{ }{\\rm F {\\small OND}}({John}_{e})$
\n", "
\n", "
$|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[[[gray cat] [in Texas]] [fond [of John]]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$
$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: ((({x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}} \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is a }{\\rm C {\\small AT}}) \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm I {\\small N}}({\\rm T {\\small EXAS}})) \\wedge{} {x}_{e} \\text{ }{\\rm F {\\small OND}}({John}_{e}))$
\n", "
\n" ] } ], "prompt_number": 39 }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "Some rudimentary support for traces." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "collapsed": false, "input": [ "binder = lang.Item(\"23\", None)\n", "binder2 = lang.Item(\"5\", None)\n", "t = lang.Trace(23, types.type_e)\n", "t2 = lang.Trace(5)\n", "ltx_print(t, t2, binder)" ], "language": "python", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "latex": [ "$|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{t23}}|\\!|^{}_{e} \\:=\\: $${t23}_{e}$
$|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{t5}}|\\!|^{}_{e} \\:=\\: $${t5}_{e}$
" ], "metadata": {}, "output_type": "pyout", "prompt_number": 40, "text": [ "$|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{t23}}|\\!|^{}_{e} \\:=\\: $${t23}_{e}$
$|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{t5}}|\\!|^{}_{e} \\:=\\: $${t5}_{e}$
" ] } ], "prompt_number": 40 }, { "cell_type": "code", "collapsed": false, "input": [ "((t * gray))" ], "language": "python", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "latex": [ "1 composition path. Result:\n", "
    $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[gray t23]}}|\\!|^{}_{t} \\:=\\: $${t23}_{e} \\text{ is }{\\rm G {\\small RAY}}$" ], "metadata": {}, "output_type": "pyout", "prompt_number": 41, "text": [ "[BinaryComposite(t23 GRAY is, [||gray|| = (\u03bb x). x GRAY is, ||t23|| = t23])]" ] } ], "prompt_number": 41 }, { "cell_type": "code", "collapsed": false, "input": [ "b1 = (binder * (binder2 * (t * (lang.inP * t2))))\n", "b2 = (binder2 * (binder * (t * (lang.inP * t2))))\n", "ltx_print(b1, b2)" ], "language": "python", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "latex": [ "1 composition path. Result:\n", "
    $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[23 [5 [[in t5] t23]]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} x1_{e} \\: . \\: \\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: {In}_{\\langle{}e,\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}}({x1}_{e})({x}_{e})$
1 composition path. Result:\n", "
    $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[5 [23 [[in t5] t23]]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} x1_{e} \\: . \\: \\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: {In}_{\\langle{}e,\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}}({x}_{e})({x1}_{e})$
" ], "metadata": {}, "output_type": "pyout", "prompt_number": 44, "text": [ "1 composition path. Result:\n", "
    $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[23 [5 [[in t5] t23]]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} x1_{e} \\: . \\: \\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: {In}_{\\langle{}e,\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}}({x1}_{e})({x}_{e})$
1 composition path. Result:\n", "
    $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[5 [23 [[in t5] t23]]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} x1_{e} \\: . \\: \\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: {In}_{\\langle{}e,\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}}({x}_{e})({x1}_{e})$
" ] } ], "prompt_number": 44 }, { "cell_type": "code", "collapsed": false, "input": [ "b1.full_trace_latex()" ], "language": "python", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "latex": [ "Full composition trace. 1 path:
\n", "    Step 1: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{23}}|\\!|^{}$
\n", "    Step 2: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{5}}|\\!|^{}$
\n", "    Step 3: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{in}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: \\lambda{} y_{e} \\: . \\: {In}_{\\langle{}e,\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}}({y}_{e})({x}_{e})$
\n", "    Step 4: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{t5}}|\\!|^{}_{e} \\:=\\: $${t5}_{e}$
\n", "    Step 5: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{in}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}}$ * $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{t5}}|\\!|^{}_{e}$ leads to: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[in t5]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} y_{e} \\: . \\: {In}_{\\langle{}e,\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}}({y}_{e})({t5}_{e})$ (by FA)
\n", "    Step 6: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{t23}}|\\!|^{}_{e} \\:=\\: $${t23}_{e}$
\n", "    Step 7: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[in t5]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$ * $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{t23}}|\\!|^{}_{e}$ leads to: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[[in t5] t23]}}|\\!|^{}_{t} \\:=\\: $${In}_{\\langle{}e,\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}}({t23}_{e})({t5}_{e})$ (by FA)
\n", "    Step 8: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{5}}|\\!|^{}$ * $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[[in t5] t23]}}|\\!|^{}_{t}$ leads to: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[5 [[in t5] t23]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: {In}_{\\langle{}e,\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}}({t23}_{e})({x}_{e})$ (by PA)
\n", "    Step 9: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{23}}|\\!|^{}$ * $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[5 [[in t5] t23]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$ leads to: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[23 [5 [[in t5] t23]]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} x1_{e} \\: . \\: \\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: {In}_{\\langle{}e,\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}}({x1}_{e})({x}_{e})$ (by PA)
\n" ], "metadata": {}, "output_type": "pyout", "prompt_number": 45, "text": [ "Full composition trace. 1 path:
\n", "    Step 1: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{23}}|\\!|^{}$
\n", "    Step 2: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{5}}|\\!|^{}$
\n", "    Step 3: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{in}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: \\lambda{} y_{e} \\: . \\: {In}_{\\langle{}e,\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}}({y}_{e})({x}_{e})$
\n", "    Step 4: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{t5}}|\\!|^{}_{e} \\:=\\: $${t5}_{e}$
\n", "    Step 5: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{in}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}}$ * $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{t5}}|\\!|^{}_{e}$ leads to: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[in t5]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} y_{e} \\: . \\: {In}_{\\langle{}e,\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}}({y}_{e})({t5}_{e})$ (by FA)
\n", "    Step 6: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{t23}}|\\!|^{}_{e} \\:=\\: $${t23}_{e}$
\n", "    Step 7: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[in t5]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$ * $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{t23}}|\\!|^{}_{e}$ leads to: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[[in t5] t23]}}|\\!|^{}_{t} \\:=\\: $${In}_{\\langle{}e,\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}}({t23}_{e})({t5}_{e})$ (by FA)
\n", "    Step 8: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{5}}|\\!|^{}$ * $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[[in t5] t23]}}|\\!|^{}_{t}$ leads to: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[5 [[in t5] t23]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: {In}_{\\langle{}e,\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}}({t23}_{e})({x}_{e})$ (by PA)
\n", "    Step 9: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{23}}|\\!|^{}$ * $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[5 [[in t5] t23]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$ leads to: $|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[23 [5 [[in t5] t23]]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}} \\:=\\: $$\\lambda{} x1_{e} \\: . \\: \\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: {In}_{\\langle{}e,\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}}({x1}_{e})({x}_{e})$ (by PA)
\n" ] } ], "prompt_number": 45 }, { "cell_type": "code", "collapsed": true, "input": [ "b1.results[0].latex_step_tree()" ], "language": "python", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "latex": [ "
\n", "
\n", "
$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: \\lambda{} y_{e} \\: . \\: {In}_{\\langle{}e,\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}}({y}_{e})({x}_{e})$
\n", "
\n", "
$|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[in t5]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$
$\\lambda{} y_{e} \\: . \\: {In}_{\\langle{}e,\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}}({y}_{e})({t5}_{e})$
\n", "
\n", "
\n", "
$|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[[in t5] t23]}}|\\!|^{}_{t}$
\n", "
\n", "
$|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[5 [[in t5] t23]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$
$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: {In}_{\\langle{}e,\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}}({t23}_{e})({x}_{e})$
\n", "
\n", "
$|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[23 [5 [[in t5] t23]]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}}$
$\\lambda{} x1_{e} \\: . \\: \\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: {In}_{\\langle{}e,\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}}({x1}_{e})({x}_{e})$
\n", "
\n" ], "metadata": {}, "output_type": "pyout", "prompt_number": 46, "text": [ "
\n", "
\n", "
$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: \\lambda{} y_{e} \\: . \\: {In}_{\\langle{}e,\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}}({y}_{e})({x}_{e})$
\n", "
\n", "
$|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[in t5]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$
$\\lambda{} y_{e} \\: . \\: {In}_{\\langle{}e,\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}}({y}_{e})({t5}_{e})$
\n", "
\n", "
\n", "
$|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[[in t5] t23]}}|\\!|^{}_{t}$
\n", "
\n", "
$|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[5 [[in t5] t23]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}}$
$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: {In}_{\\langle{}e,\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}}({t23}_{e})({x}_{e})$
\n", "
\n", "
$|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{[23 [5 [[in t5] t23]]]}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}}$
$\\lambda{} x1_{e} \\: . \\: \\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: {In}_{\\langle{}e,\\langle{}e,t\\rangle{}\\rangle{}}({x1}_{e})({x}_{e})$
\n", "
\n" ] } ], "prompt_number": 46 }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "Current work: implementing tree-based computation, and top-down/deferred computation\n", "\n", "* using nltk Tree objects.\n", "* system for deferred / uncertain types -- rudimentary inference over unknown types (really primitive right now)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "collapsed": false, "input": [ "t2 = Tree(\"S\", [\"NP\", \"VP\"])\n", "r2 = lang.hk3_system.compose(t2)\n", "r2.results[2].latex_step_tree() #._repr_latex_()" ], "language": "python", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "latex": [ "
\n", "
\n", "
$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: (|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{NP}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t_{?}\\rangle{}_{?}}({x}_{e}) \\wedge{} |\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{VP}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t_{?}\\rangle{}_{?}}({x}_{e}))$
\n", "
\n" ], "metadata": {}, "output_type": "pyout", "prompt_number": 61, "text": [ "
\n", "
\n", "
$\\lambda{} x_{e} \\: . \\: (|\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{NP}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t_{?}\\rangle{}_{?}}({x}_{e}) \\wedge{} |\\!|\\mathbf{\\text{VP}}|\\!|^{}_{\\langle{}e,t_{?}\\rangle{}_{?}}({x}_{e}))$
\n", "
\n" ] } ], "prompt_number": 61 }, { "cell_type": "code", "collapsed": false, "input": [], "language": "python", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "prompt_number": 59 }, { "cell_type": "code", "collapsed": false, "input": [ "from lamb.tree_mini import Tree # hacked package to work with python 3\n", "t = Tree(\"S\", [cat, \"VP\"]) # this is a tree with a missing VP. Exploit the fact that Composites are trees and nodes can be Items in lamb.\n", "local_tree = lang.tfa_l.build_local(t)\n", "local_tree # need to implement ipython output routines for nltk.Tree.\n", "#lang.hk3_system.compose(t)" ], "language": "python", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [] }, { "cell_type": "code", "collapsed": false, "input": [ "ltx_print(local_tree[0], local_tree[0].type, \"missing VP:\", local_tree[1], local_tree[1].type) # type not yet inferred" ], "language": "python", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [] }, { "cell_type": "code", "collapsed": false, "input": [ "r = lang.hk3_system.compose(t)\n", "r" ], "language": "python", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [] }, { "cell_type": "code", "collapsed": false, "input": [ "r = lang.tfa_l(t)\n", "ltx_print(r,r.type)" ], "language": "python", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [] }, { "cell_type": "code", "collapsed": false, "input": [ "l = lang.tfa_r(t)\n", "l" ], "language": "python", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ " \n", "\n", "## Some future projects, non-exhaustive ##\n", "\n", "* complete fragment of Heim and Kratzer\n", "* extend fragment coverage. Some interesting targets where interactivity would be useful to understanding:\n", " * Continuations and quantification (Cf. van Eijck and Unger's Haskell implementation)\n", " * Jacobson-style analyses of pronouns\n", " * Compositional hamblin semantics\n", " * Compositional DRT\n", "* better inference over types. (Standard algorithms from type-logical grammar?)\n", "* variables over types -- for type-flexible denotations.\n", "* type shifts. (Quite easy in this framework.)\n", "* underlying model theory.\n", "* various improvements to the graphics -- trees (?), double brackets (hard in mathjax), ...\n", "* full latex output (trees in tikz-qtree and so on).\n", "* better set theory mechanisms\n", "* presuppositions and some form of projection (Starting point, Heim and Kratzer)\n", "\n", "Longer term:\n", "\n", "* integration with SymPy (?)\n", "* release as an app\n", "* deeper integration with nltk (once nltk is compatible with python 3)\n", "* parsing that makes less use of python `eval`, and is generally less ad-hoc. (This is an issue inherited from AIMA-python's logic.py.)\n", " * this is an issue where in principle, a language like Haskell is a better choice than python. But I think the usability / robustness of python and its libraries has the edge here overall, not to mention ipython notebook...\n", "* toy spatial system\n", "* side-by-side comparison of e.g. multiple analyses of presupposition projection" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "collapsed": false, "input": [], "language": "python", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [] } ], "metadata": {} } ] }