[{"id":1,"name":{"en":"Bulbasaur","zh":"妙蛙種子"},"types":{"en":["grass","poison"],"zh":["草","毒"]},"genera":{"en":"Seed Pokémon","zh":"種子寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["A strange seed was planted on its back at birth. The plant sprouts and grows with this Pokémon.","It can go for days without eating a single morsel. In the bulb on its back, it stores energy.","The seed on its back is filled with nutrients. The seed grows steadily larger as its body grows."],"zh":["背上的種子裡存著很多營養,所以就算好幾天不吃東西也能活得好好的!","從出生的時候開始背上就有一顆植物種子。這顆種子會漸漸地長大。","在出生後的一段時間內,牠會吸收背上種子裡儲存著的營養成長。"]}},{"id":2,"name":{"en":"Ivysaur","zh":"妙蛙草"},"types":{"en":["grass","poison"],"zh":["草","毒"]},"genera":{"en":"Seed Pokémon","zh":"種子寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["When the bulb on its back grows large, it appears to lose the ability to stand on its hind legs.","The bulb on its back grows by drawing energy. It gives off an aroma when it is ready to bloom.","Exposure to sun­ light adds to its strength. Sunlight also makes the bud on its back grow larger."],"zh":["在吸收了養分後,變大的花苞開始飄出香氣時,就表示快要開花了。","當背上的花苞長大之後,牠似乎就無法再用兩隻腳站立起來了。","沐浴在陽光下越久,身體內會湧出越多力量,背上的花苞也會漸漸成長。"]}},{"id":3,"name":{"en":"Venusaur","zh":"妙蛙花"},"types":{"en":["grass","poison"],"zh":["草","毒"]},"genera":{"en":"Seed Pokémon","zh":"種子寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["The plant blooms when it is absorbing solar energy. It stays on the move to seek sunlight.","The flower on its back catches the sun's rays. The sunlight is then absorbed and used for energy.","By spreading the broad petals of its flower and catching the sun's rays, it fills its body with power."],"zh":["長在背上的大花能夠吸收太陽光,並轉換成能量。","把太陽的能源當成養分,開出碩大的花朵。總是朝著有陽光的地方移動。","花朵散發出的迷人香味,能安撫激動的心情,甚至消弭鬥爭。"]}},{"id":4,"name":{"en":"Charmander","zh":"小火龍"},"types":{"en":["fire"],"zh":["火"]},"genera":{"en":"Lizard Pokémon","zh":"蜥蜴寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Obviously prefers hot places. When it rains, steam is said to spout from the tip of its tail.","The flame at the tip of its tail makes a sound as it burns. You can only hear it in quiet places.","The flame on its tail shows the strength of its life force. If it is weak, the flame also burns weakly."],"zh":["要是把牠帶到安靜的地方,就能聽見牠的尾巴燃燒時發出的微小聲音。","天生喜歡熱熱的東西。據說當牠被雨淋濕的時候,尾巴的末端會冒出煙來。","從出生時開始尾巴上就有火焰在燃燒。火焰熄滅時,生命也會結束。"]}},{"id":5,"name":{"en":"Charmeleon","zh":"火恐龍"},"types":{"en":["fire"],"zh":["火"]},"genera":{"en":"Flame Pokémon","zh":"火焰寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["When it swings its burning tail, it elevates the temperature to unbearably high levels.","Tough fights could excite this Pokémon. When excited, it may blow out bluish- white flames.","It is very hot­ headed by nature, so it constantly seeks opponents. It calms down only when it wins."],"zh":["在與強敵戰鬥的過程中,如果情緒變得興奮起來,有時會噴出藍白色的火焰。","揮動燃燒著火焰的尾巴,用鋒利的爪子撕裂對手。性情十分粗暴。","如果牠在戰鬥中亢奮起來,就會噴出灼熱的火焰,把周圍的東西燒得一乾二淨。"]}},{"id":6,"name":{"en":"Charizard","zh":"噴火龍"},"types":{"en":["fire","flying"],"zh":["火","飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"Flame Pokémon","zh":"火焰寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Spits fire that is hot enough to melt boulders. Known to cause forest fires unintentionally.","When expelling a blast of super hot fire, the red flame at the tip of its tail burns more intensely.","If Charizard be­ comes furious, the flame at the tip of its tail flares up in a whitish- blue color."],"zh":["從口中噴出熾熱的火焰時,尾巴尖端的紅色火焰會燃燒得更加激烈。","會噴出彷彿連岩石都能燒焦的灼熱火焰。有時會引發森林火災。","能用翅膀飛到距離地面1400公尺的高度。會吐出高溫的火焰。"]}},{"id":7,"name":{"en":"Squirtle","zh":"傑尼龜"},"types":{"en":["water"],"zh":["水"]},"genera":{"en":"Tiny Turtle Pokémon","zh":"小龜寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["After birth, its back swells and hardens into a shell. Powerfully sprays foam from its mouth.","Shoots water at prey while in the water. Withdraws into its shell when in danger.","The shell is soft when it is born. It soon becomes so resilient, prod­ ding fingers will bounce off it."],"zh":["會從水面噴水來擊落獵物。當遇到危險時,會把手腳縮進甲殼裡保護自己。","當牠把長長的脖子縮回殼裡時,會順勢發射力道強勁的水槍。","當牠遇到危險的時候,會將四肢收回甲殼裡保護自己,同時從嘴裡噴出水來。"]}},{"id":8,"name":{"en":"Wartortle","zh":"卡咪龜"},"types":{"en":["water"],"zh":["水"]},"genera":{"en":"Turtle Pokémon","zh":"龜寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Often hides in water to stalk unwary prey. For swimming fast, it moves its ears to maintain balance.","When tapped, this Pokémon will pull in its head, but its tail will still stick out a little bit.","It is recognized as a symbol of longevity. If its shell has algae on it, that Wartortle is very old."],"zh":["如果有人打牠的頭,牠會縮進殼裡來躲避,但會留下一小截尾巴在外面。","被視為長壽的象徵。如果卡咪龜的殼上長著苔蘚,那就代表牠已經活了非常久。","會靈巧地擺動自己毛茸茸的耳朵和尾巴,藉此在水中保持平衡。"]}},{"id":9,"name":{"en":"Blastoise","zh":"水箭龜"},"types":{"en":["water"],"zh":["水"]},"genera":{"en":"Shellfish Pokémon","zh":"甲殼寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["A brutal Pokémon with pressurized water jets on its shell. They are used for high speed tackles.","Once it takes aim at its enemy, it blasts out water with even more force than a fire hose.","It deliberately makes itself heavy so it can with­ stand the recoil of the water jets it fires."],"zh":["在鎖定了目標之後,會用比消防車的水龍更強的力道來射出水柱。","會用重量驚人的身體壓住對手使其昏厥。遇到危險時會躲進殼裡。","從甲殼上的大炮裡放出的噴射水流足以貫穿厚實的鐵板。"]}},{"id":10,"name":{"en":"Caterpie","zh":"綠毛蟲"},"types":{"en":["bug"],"zh":["蟲"]},"genera":{"en":"Worm Pokémon","zh":"蟲寶寶寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Its short feet are tipped with suction pads that enable it to tirelessly climb slopes and walls.","If you touch the feeler on top of its head, it will release a horrible stink to protect itself.","For protection, it releases a horri­ ble stench from the antenna on its head to drive away enemies."],"zh":["如果碰到牠頭上的觸角,牠就會分泌強烈的臭味來保護自己。","被鳥寶可夢襲擊時,會從觸角釋放出臭氣抵抗,但還是經常淪為獵物。","易於捕捉,成長速度亦快。是推薦給新手訓練家作為同伴的寶可夢之一。"]}},{"id":11,"name":{"en":"Metapod","zh":"鐵甲蛹"},"types":{"en":["bug"],"zh":["蟲"]},"genera":{"en":"Cocoon Pokémon","zh":"蛹寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["This Pokémon is vulnerable to attack while its shell is soft, exposing its weak and tender body.","Hardens its shell to protect itself. However, a large impact may cause it to pop out of its shell.","Inside the shell, it is soft and weak as it pre­ pares to evolve. It stays motion­ less in the shell."],"zh":["殼中塞滿了軟綿綿的身體。幾乎動也不動是為了防止身體在不留神時露出來。","雖說堅硬,但還是蟲的外殼。有時還是會破裂的,所以禁止用於激烈的戰鬥。","殼裡面是黏糊糊的液體。為了準備迎接進化,正不斷更新全身的細胞。"]}},{"id":12,"name":{"en":"Butterfree","zh":"巴大蝶"},"types":{"en":["bug","flying"],"zh":["蟲","飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"Butterfly Pokémon","zh":"蝴蝶寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["In battle, it flaps its wings at high speed to release highly toxic dust into the air.","Its wings, covered with poisonous powders, repel water. This allows it to fly in the rain.","It collects honey every day. It rubs honey onto the hairs on its legs to carry it back to its nest."],"zh":["仔細觀察那雙大眼睛的話,會發現那其實是由無數小眼睛聚集在一起而形成的。","如果被其他寶可夢襲擊,就會一邊散布有毒的鱗粉,一邊拍動翅膀抵抗。","附著在翅膀上的鱗粉帶有劇毒,一旦發現有鳥寶可夢要襲擊綠毛蟲,就會撒出鱗粉來趕跑對方。"]}},{"id":13,"name":{"en":"Weedle","zh":"獨角蟲"},"types":{"en":["bug","poison"],"zh":["蟲","毒"]},"genera":{"en":"Hairy Bug Pokémon","zh":"毛毛蟲寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Often found in forests, eating leaves. It has a sharp venomous stinger on its head.","Beware of the sharp stinger on its head. It hides in grass and bushes where it eats leaves.","Its poison stinger is very powerful. Its bright-colored body is intended to warn off its enemies."],"zh":["頭上長著尖銳的針。總是躲在森林或是草叢裡,不停地吃著葉子。"]}},{"id":14,"name":{"en":"Kakuna","zh":"鐵殼蛹"},"types":{"en":["bug","poison"],"zh":["蟲","毒"]},"genera":{"en":"Cocoon Pokémon","zh":"蛹寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Almost incapable of moving, this Pokémon can only harden its shell to protect itself from predators.","Able to move only slightly. When endangered, it may stick out its stinger and poison its enemy.","Although it is a cocoon, it can move a little. It can extend its poison barb if it is attacked."],"zh":["雖然幾乎動也動不了,但如果遭遇到了危險,有時似乎會豎起毒刺來反抗。"]}},{"id":15,"name":{"en":"Beedrill","zh":"大針蜂"},"types":{"en":["bug","poison"],"zh":["蟲","毒"]},"genera":{"en":"Poison Bee Pokémon","zh":"毒蜂寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It has three poisonous stingers on its forelegs and its tail. They are used to jab its enemy repeatedly.","Flies at high speed and attacks using its large venomous stingers on its forelegs and tail.","It has 3 poisonous stingers on its forelegs and its tail. They are used to jab its enemy repeatedly."],"zh":["會用雙手和屁股上的3根毒針不斷猛刺來攻擊對手。"]}},{"id":16,"name":{"en":"Pidgey","zh":"波波"},"types":{"en":["normal","flying"],"zh":["一般","飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"Tiny Bird Pokémon","zh":"小鳥寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["A common sight in forests and woods. It flaps its wings at ground level to kick up blinding sand.","Very docile. If attacked, it will often kick up sand to protect itself rather than fight back.","It usually hides in tall grass. Be­ cause it dislikes fighting, it pro­ tects itself by kicking up sand."],"zh":["性情溫馴,即使遭到襲擊也很少反擊,只會朝對手潑沙子來保護自己。"]}},{"id":17,"name":{"en":"Pidgeotto","zh":"比比鳥"},"types":{"en":["normal","flying"],"zh":["一般","飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"Bird Pokémon","zh":"鳥寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Very protective of its sprawling territorial area, this Pokémon will fiercely peck at any intruder.","This Pokémon is full of vitality. It constantly flies around its large territory in search of prey.","It has outstanding vision. However high it flies, it is able to distin­ guish the move­ ments of its prey."],"zh":["擁有著超乎尋常的體力,會在廣大的地盤裡四處飛行,到遠處去尋找食物。"]}},{"id":18,"name":{"en":"Pidgeot","zh":"大比鳥"},"types":{"en":["normal","flying"],"zh":["一般","飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"Bird Pokémon","zh":"鳥寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["When hunting, it skims the surface of water at high speed to pick off unwary prey such as MAGIKARP.","This Pokémon flies at Mach 2 speed, seeking prey. Its large talons are feared as wicked weapons.","Its well-developed chest muscles make it strong enough to whip up a gusty windstorm with just a few flaps."],"zh":["會以2馬赫的速度飛行來尋找食物。巨大的爪子是很可怕的武器。"]}},{"id":19,"name":{"en":"Rattata","zh":"小拉達"},"types":{"en":["normal"],"zh":["一般"]},"genera":{"en":"Mouse Pokémon","zh":"鼠寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Bites anything when it attacks. Small and very quick, it is a common sight in many places.","Will chew on any­ thing with its fangs. If you see one, it is certain that 40 more live in the area.","It eats anything. Wherever food is available, it will settle down and produce offspring continuously."],"zh":["門牙會終生生長,所以要隨時保養。不幫牠準備好銼刀的話,牠就會去咬柱子來磨牙。","生命力很強,即使在骯髒的地方也能安然生活。放任不管的話會不停繁殖。","門牙會終生生長,如果長得太長,就會因為無法進食而餓死。"]}},{"id":20,"name":{"en":"Raticate","zh":"拉達"},"types":{"en":["normal"],"zh":["一般"]},"genera":{"en":"Mouse Pokémon","zh":"鼠寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It uses its whis­ kers to maintain its balance. It apparently slows down if they are cut off.","Its hind feet are webbed. They act as flippers, so it can swim in rivers and hunt for prey.","Gnaws on anything with its tough fangs. It can even topple concrete buildings by gnaw­ ing on them."],"zh":["擅長游泳。後腳帶有小小的足蹼,會游過河流,有時還會渡過大海。","性格比外表看來殘暴得多。如果把手伸到牠面前,或許會被一口咬斷。","據說牠為了躲避敵人,會用後腳的小蹼在海中游泳,渡海逃往別的島嶼。"]}},{"id":21,"name":{"en":"Spearow","zh":"烈雀"},"types":{"en":["normal","flying"],"zh":["一般","飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"Tiny Bird Pokémon","zh":"小鳥寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It flaps its small wings busily to fly. Using its beak, it searches in grass for prey.","Eats bugs in grassy areas. It has to flap its short wings at high speed to stay airborne.","Inept at flying high. However, it can fly around very fast to protect its ter­ ritory."],"zh":["翅膀很短,不太擅長飛行。總是忙碌地來回走動,啄食草叢裡的蟲寶可夢。","食欲旺盛所以很會吃。因蟲寶可夢而煩惱的農戶對烈雀非常重視。","生性魯莽衝動,只要是為了守護自己的地盤,即使對手是大型寶可夢也會正面迎戰。"]}},{"id":22,"name":{"en":"Fearow","zh":"大嘴雀"},"types":{"en":["normal","flying"],"zh":["一般","飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"Beak Pokémon","zh":"鳥嘴寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["With its huge and magnificent wings, it can keep aloft without ever having to land for rest.","A Pokémon that dates back many years. If it senses danger, it flies high and away, instantly.","It shoots itself suddenly high into the sky, then plummets down in one fell swoop to strike its prey."],"zh":["強壯且擁有優秀的持久力。即使載著很重的貨物持續飛行一整天也沒問題。","經調查發現,在遙遠太古時代的壁畫描繪著形似大嘴雀的寶可夢。","在大嘴雀的地盤上帶著食物走動是件危險的事,食物轉眼間就會被奪走。"]}},{"id":23,"name":{"en":"Ekans","zh":"阿柏蛇"},"types":{"en":["poison"],"zh":["毒"]},"genera":{"en":"Snake Pokémon","zh":"蛇寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Moves silently and stealthily. Eats the eggs of birds, such as PIDGEY and SPEAROW, whole.","The older it gets, the longer it grows. At night, it wraps its long body around tree branches to rest.","It can freely de­ tach its jaw to swallow large prey whole. It can be­ come too heavy to move, however."],"zh":["會藉由讓下顎脫臼來吞食比自己更大的獵物。進食之後會蜷縮起身子休息。","最愛吃鳥寶可夢的蛋。因為總是不咀嚼就整個吞下,有時會被噎住而昏倒。","身體會隨著年齡增長不斷變長。每到夜裡就會把身體纏繞在樹枝上歇息。"]}},{"id":24,"name":{"en":"Arbok","zh":"阿柏怪"},"types":{"en":["poison"],"zh":["毒"]},"genera":{"en":"Cobra Pokémon","zh":"眼鏡蛇寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It is rumored that the ferocious warning markings on its belly differ from area to area.","The frightening patterns on its belly have been studied. Six variations have been confirmed.","Transfixing prey with the face-like pattern on its belly, it binds and poisons the frightened victim."],"zh":["最新的研究結果顯示,牠們肚子上的花紋有20種以上的不同圖案。","用腹部的花紋使對手畏縮後,就會迅速地用身體纏緊對手,然後靜待對手心跳停止。","根據目前已知的研究結果,長在牠肚子上的可怕花紋一共有6種不同的類型。"]}},{"id":25,"name":{"en":"Pikachu","zh":"皮卡丘"},"types":{"en":["electric"],"zh":["電"]},"genera":{"en":"Mouse Pokémon","zh":"鼠寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["When several of these Pokémon gather, their electricity could build and cause lightning storms.","It keeps its tail raised to monitor its surroundings. If you yank its tail, it will try to bite you.","This intelligent Pokémon roasts hard BERRIES with electricity to make them tender enough to eat."],"zh":["最近發表了聚集大量皮卡丘來建造發電廠的計畫。","有積聚電力的特質。不時常盡情釋放電力的話,就會倍感壓力。","擁有儲蓄電力的特性。皮卡丘群居的森林裡會不斷落雷,十分危險。"]}},{"id":26,"name":{"en":"Raichu","zh":"雷丘"},"types":{"en":["electric"],"zh":["電"]},"genera":{"en":"Mouse Pokémon","zh":"鼠寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Its long tail serves as a ground to protect itself from its own high-voltage power.","Its long tail serves as a ground to protect itself from its own high voltage power.","When electricity builds up inside its body, it becomes feisty. It also glows in the dark."],"zh":["電擊有時候會達到十萬伏特,不小心碰到的話,連印度象也會昏厥。","電力積聚的話,脾氣就會變壞。即使是訓練家,一不留神也會被襲擊。","隨著體內電力的累積,性情會變得具有攻擊性。也有人認為電力對牠其實是種壓力。"]}},{"id":27,"name":{"en":"Sandshrew","zh":"穿山鼠"},"types":{"en":["ground"],"zh":["地面"]},"genera":{"en":"Mouse Pokémon","zh":"鼠寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Burrows deep underground in arid locations far from water. It only emerges to hunt for food.","Its body is dry. When it gets cold at night, its hide is said to become coated with a fine dew.","If it fell from a great height, this Pokémon could save itself by rolling into a ball and bouncing."],"zh":["可以蜷縮身體變成球的樣子。骨碌碌滾動著,在沙漠裡高速移動。","不下雨的乾燥地區和沙漠是牠的主要棲息地。會挖洞捕捉蟲寶可夢。","棲息在雨量稀少的地區。遇到危險時會蜷縮起身體,藉此保護自己柔軟的腹部。"]}},{"id":28,"name":{"en":"Sandslash","zh":"穿山王"},"types":{"en":["ground"],"zh":["地面"]},"genera":{"en":"Mouse Pokémon","zh":"鼠寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Curls up into a spiny ball when threatened. It can roll while curled up to attack or escape.","It is skilled at slashing enemies with its claws. If broken, they start to grow back in a day.","In an attempt to hide itself, it will run around at top speed to kick up a blinding dust storm."],"zh":["銳利卻有點脆弱的爪子和尖刺經常折斷。但因為第二天就會長回來,所以不必在意。","用爪子爬上樹,當獵物出現時,身體就蜷縮成尖刺球從高處落下。","爪子和尖刺經常折斷。折斷的爪子和尖刺被人們用來製作成耕作土地的工具。"]}},{"id":29,"name":{"en":"Nidoran♀","zh":"尼多蘭"},"types":{"en":["poison"],"zh":["毒"]},"genera":{"en":"Poison Pin Pokémon","zh":"毒針寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Although small, its venomous barbs render this Pokémon dangerous. The female has smaller horns.","A mild-mannered Pokémon that does not like to fight. Beware, its small horns secrete venom.","The poison hidden in its small horn is extremely po­ tent. Even a tiny scratch can have fatal results."],"zh":["性情溫馴不喜歡戰鬥。但由於牠的小角中含有毒液,因此還是要小心提防。","對氣味比雄性還要敏感。會一邊用鬍鬚確認風向,一邊在下風處尋找食物。","會用堅硬的門牙咬碎樹果後吃下。角的尖端會比雄性還要圓一些。"]}},{"id":30,"name":{"en":"Nidorina","zh":"尼多娜"},"types":{"en":["poison"],"zh":["毒"]},"genera":{"en":"Poison Pin Pokémon","zh":"毒針寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["The female's horn develops slowly. Prefers physical attacks such as clawing and biting.","When resting deep in its burrow, its thorns always retract. This is proof that it is relaxed.","When feeding its young, it first chews and tender­ izes the food, then spits it out for the offspring."],"zh":["待在巢穴深處的時候,牠一定會把身上的刺收起來。這代表牠正處於放鬆狀態。","人們認為牠額頭上的角是為了避免在給孩子餵食時刺到孩子而退化的。","有危險逼近群體時,會與夥伴們團結一致地用超音波的大合唱來攻擊。"]}},{"id":31,"name":{"en":"Nidoqueen","zh":"尼多后"},"types":{"en":["poison","ground"],"zh":["毒","地面"]},"genera":{"en":"Drill Pokémon","zh":"鑽錐寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Its hard scales provide strong protection. It uses its hefty bulk to execute powerful moves.","Tough scales cover the sturdy body of this Pokémon. It appears that the scales grow in cycles.","Its body is cover­ ed with needle- like scales. It never shows signs of shrinking from any attack."],"zh":["堅硬的鱗片包裹著牠強壯的身體。這些鱗片似乎會不斷生長替換。","比起攻擊更擅於防守。會用像鎧甲般的堅硬鱗片保護孩子不被任何攻擊傷害。","會把孩子放在背上的刺與刺之間來哄牠們。這時候絕對不會釋放毒素。"]}},{"id":32,"name":{"en":"Nidoran♂","zh":"尼多朗"},"types":{"en":["poison"],"zh":["毒"]},"genera":{"en":"Poison Pin Pokémon","zh":"毒針寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Stiffens its ears to sense danger. The larger its horns, the more powerful its secreted venom.","Its large ears are always kept upright. If it senses danger, it will attack with a poisonous sting.","It is small, but its horn is filled with poison. It charges then stabs with the horn to inject poison."],"zh":["總是豎起大大的耳朵,探查著周遭的狀況。察覺到危險時會用毒針來應付。","額頭的角有劇毒。警戒心強,隨時都豎著大耳朵戒備著。","體型嬌小,但性情勇猛。為了保護感情好的雌性,會奮不顧身地勇敢戰鬥。"]}},{"id":33,"name":{"en":"Nidorino","zh":"尼多力諾"},"types":{"en":["poison"],"zh":["毒"]},"genera":{"en":"Poison Pin Pokémon","zh":"毒針寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["An aggressive Pokémon that is quick to attack. The horn on its head secretes a powerful venom.","Its horns contain venom. If they are stabbed into an enemy, the impact makes the poison leak out.","It raises its big ears to check its surroundings. If it senses any­ thing, it attacks immediately."],"zh":["神經質且容易發脾氣打架。當體內的腎上腺素增加時,毒素的濃度也會提升。","頭上的角含有毒素,當角撞穿了什麼東西時,毒素就會隨著衝擊而流出。","會用比鑽石還要堅硬的角到處擊碎岩石,藉此尋找月之石。"]}},{"id":34,"name":{"en":"Nidoking","zh":"尼多王"},"types":{"en":["poison","ground"],"zh":["毒","地面"]},"genera":{"en":"Drill Pokémon","zh":"鑽錐寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It uses its powerful tail in battle to smash, constrict, then break the prey's bones.","Its steel-like hide adds to its powerful tackle. Its horns are so hard, they can pierce a diamond.","It swings its big tail around during battle. If its foe flinches, it will charge with its sturdy body."],"zh":["會利用全身鋼鐵般的皮膚,使出威力強大的撞擊。頭上的角連鑽石也能穿透。","一旦大鬧起來就無人能擋,但在長年相伴的尼多后面前則會露出溫和的表情。","以力氣為傲的寶可夢。會善用粗壯的尾巴和連鑽石也能擊碎的角,豪邁地戰鬥。"]}},{"id":35,"name":{"en":"Clefairy","zh":"皮皮"},"types":{"en":["fairy"],"zh":["妖精"]},"genera":{"en":"Fairy Pokémon","zh":"妖精寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Its magical and cute appeal has many admirers. It is rare and found only in certain areas.","Adored for their cute looks and playfulness. They are thought to be rare, as they do not appear often.","The moonlight that it stores in the wings on its back apparently gives it the ability to float in midair."],"zh":["因為可愛的舉止和模樣,不論男女老幼都很喜歡牠。但數量很稀少。","在月圓之夜聚集,和夥伴一起跳舞。周圍被異常的磁場包圍著。","深受人們喜愛,但因為數量稀少所以十分珍貴。如果隨便把牠帶出來炫耀,就會被小偷盯上哦。"]}},{"id":36,"name":{"en":"Clefable","zh":"皮可西"},"types":{"en":["fairy"],"zh":["妖精"]},"genera":{"en":"Fairy Pokémon","zh":"妖精寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["A timid fairy Pokémon that is rarely seen. It will run and hide the moment it senses people.","They appear to be very protective of their own world. It is a kind of fairy, rarely seen by people.","With its acute hearing, it can pick up sounds from far away. It usually hides in quiet places."],"zh":["不喜歡在人面前現身。喜歡群居在深山裡靜靜地生活。","據說,如果看到一對皮可西蹦蹦跳跳的樣子,就能獲得幸福的婚姻。","由於連1公里外針落地的聲音也能聽見,所以牠生活在很少有人或寶可夢出現的深山裡。"]}},{"id":37,"name":{"en":"Vulpix","zh":"六尾"},"types":{"en":["fire"],"zh":["火"]},"genera":{"en":"Fox Pokémon","zh":"狐狸寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["At the time of birth, it has just one tail. The tail splits from its tip as it grows older.","Both its fur and its tails are beautiful. As it grows, the tails split and form more tails.","As it develops,its single white tail gains color and splits into six. It is quite warm and cuddly."],"zh":["因為毛色和尾巴非常漂亮,所以很受歡迎。伴隨著成長,尾巴會分開,長得越來越多。","因為會從口中噴出好像人的靈魂一樣的火焰,所以也有人把牠錯看成鬼怪。","牠美麗的尾巴深受人們喜愛。但如果沒有經常幫牠梳理,很快就會變得滿是毛球。"]}},{"id":38,"name":{"en":"Ninetales","zh":"九尾"},"types":{"en":["fire"],"zh":["火"]},"genera":{"en":"Fox Pokémon","zh":"狐狸寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Very smart and very vengeful. Grabbing one of its many tails could result in a 1000-year curse.","According to an enduring legend, 9 noble saints were united and reincarnated as this Pokémon.","Some legends claim that each of its nine tails has its own unique type of special mystical power."],"zh":["至今還流傳著9位聖者合體變成九尾的傳說,是充滿神秘色彩的寶可夢。","據說生存了1000年。利用神通力自由地操縱火焰,將獵物燒焦。","性情執拗,一旦遭到牠的怨恨,牠會在1000年間不斷作祟,連對方的子孫都不放過。"]}},{"id":39,"name":{"en":"Jigglypuff","zh":"胖丁"},"types":{"en":["normal","fairy"],"zh":["一般","妖精"]},"genera":{"en":"Balloon Pokémon","zh":"氣球寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["When its huge eyes light up, it sings a mysteriously soothing melody that lulls its enemies to sleep.","Uses its alluring eyes to enrapture its foe. It then sings a pleasing melody that lulls the foe to sleep.","If it inflates to SING a lullaby, it can perform longer and cause sure drowsiness in its audience."],"zh":["讓肚子脹得大大的,唱出神奇的旋律。聽到後就會馬上變得昏昏欲睡。","擁有超過12個八度音的音域,不過歌唱得好不好就要看每隻胖丁自己努力的程度了。","在百貨公司的寢具區可以買到收錄著胖丁那奇妙搖籃曲的CD。"]}},{"id":40,"name":{"en":"Wigglytuff","zh":"胖可丁"},"types":{"en":["normal","fairy"],"zh":["一般","妖精"]},"genera":{"en":"Balloon Pokémon","zh":"氣球寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["The body is soft and rubbery. When angered, it will suck in air and inflate itself to an enormous size.","Its body is full of elasticity. By inhaling deeply, it can continue to inflate itself without limit.","Their fur feels so good that if two of them snuggle together, they won't want to be separated."],"zh":["蓬鬆的毛髮會隨季節變遷而掉落。收集這些毛髮所紡織成的毛線是高級商品。","連續不停吸氣,不斷地膨脹起來。胖可丁之間會互相比試誰脹得比較大哦。","富有彈性的身體和細緻的毛皮深受人們喜愛。抱著牠睡覺是件很舒服的事。"]}},{"id":41,"name":{"en":"Zubat","zh":"超音蝠"},"types":{"en":["poison","flying"],"zh":["毒","飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"Bat Pokémon","zh":"蝙蝠寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Forms colonies in perpetually dark places. Uses ultrasonic waves to identify and approach targets.","Emits ultrasonic cries while it flies. They act as a sonar used to check for ob­ jects in its way.","While flying, it constantly emits ultrasonic waves from its mouth to check its sur­ roundings."],"zh":["因為沒有眼珠所以看不見東西。會從口中發出超音波來探測周圍的狀況。","白天在洞穴裡睡覺。由於沒有眼睛,會利用超音波一邊確認周圍環境一邊飛行。","如果被陽光照射到就會灼傷。所使用的超音波的振動會因群體不同而有細微差異。"]}},{"id":42,"name":{"en":"Golbat","zh":"大嘴蝠"},"types":{"en":["poison","flying"],"zh":["毒","飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"Bat Pokémon","zh":"蝙蝠寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Once it strikes, it will not stop draining energy from the victim even if it gets too heavy to fly.","It attacks in a stealthy manner, without warning. Its sharp fangs are used to bite and suck blood.","However hard its victim's hide may be, it punctures with sharp fangs and gorges itself with blood."],"zh":["粗粗的牙齒像吸管一樣是中空的,所以意想不到地脆弱。這牙齒是專為吸血而演變而成的。","也有發生過因吸血過多無法飛行而落到地面成為其他寶可夢的食物的事情。","有時可以看見因為肚子太餓而去咬鋼屬性寶可夢,結果因此缺了牙齒的大嘴蝠。"]}},{"id":43,"name":{"en":"Oddish","zh":"走路草"},"types":{"en":["grass","poison"],"zh":["草","毒"]},"genera":{"en":"Weed Pokémon","zh":"雜草寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["During the day, it keeps its face buried in the ground. At night, it wanders around sowing its seeds.","It may be mistaken for a clump of weeds. If you try to yank it out of the ground, it shrieks horribly.","Awakened by moon­ light, it roamsactively at night. In the day, it stays quietly underground."],"zh":["如果把牠當成普通的雜草去拔,牠就會發出叫聲,讓聽見的人莫名地感到異常恐怖。","沐浴月光就會開始活動。為了四處散播種子,會在夜晚到處走動。","白天為了躲避太陽,會鑽進涼爽的地下。藉由沐浴月光來成長。"]}},{"id":44,"name":{"en":"Gloom","zh":"臭臭花"},"types":{"en":["grass","poison"],"zh":["草","毒"]},"genera":{"en":"Weed Pokémon","zh":"雜草寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["The fluid that oozes from its mouth isn't drool. It is a nectar that is used to attract prey.","Smells incredibly foul! However, around 1 out of 1,000 people enjoy sniffing its nose- bending stink.","What appears to be drool is actually sweet honey. It is very sticky and clings stubbornly if touched."],"zh":["味道奇臭無比!然而每1000人裡總會有1個人喜歡聞這個味道。","雌蕊會散發一種極其強烈的惡臭,能讓2公里外的人昏倒。","看似口水的東西其實是甜甜的蜜。非常黏稠,只要碰到就會一直黏住。"]}},{"id":45,"name":{"en":"Vileplume","zh":"霸王花"},"types":{"en":["grass","poison"],"zh":["草","毒"]},"genera":{"en":"Flower Pokémon","zh":"花寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It has the world’s largest petals. With every step, the petals shake out heavy clouds of toxic pollen.","The larger its petals, the more toxic pollen it contains. Its big head is heavy and hard to hold up.","Flaps its broad flower petals to scatter its poisonous pollen. The flapping sound is very loud."],"zh":["當牠為了散佈有毒的花粉而搖晃大大的花瓣時,會發出震耳欲聾的聲響。","身上那些全世界最大的花瓣會隨著牠的每個步伐搖動,散播大量的毒花粉。","雖然花瓣越大就能放出越多的花粉,但頭部也會隨之變重而容易疲倦。"]}},{"id":46,"name":{"en":"Paras","zh":"派拉斯"},"types":{"en":["bug","grass"],"zh":["蟲","草"]},"genera":{"en":"Mushroom Pokémon","zh":"蘑菇寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Burrows to suck tree roots. The mushrooms on its back grow by draw­ ing nutrients from the bug host.","Burrows under the ground to gnaw on tree roots. The mushrooms on its back absorb most of the nutrition.","It is doused with mushroom spores when it is born. As its body grows, mushrooms sprout from its back."],"zh":["即使不停地吃,不停地吃,大部分攝取的營養都會被生長在背上的蘑菇奪走。","背上生長蘑菇被稱為冬蟲夏草,是一種能延年益壽的藥。乾燥後磨成粉末使用。","不知是因為濕氣不夠還是營養不足,阿羅拉的派拉斯背上的蘑菇長得都不怎麼樣。"]}},{"id":47,"name":{"en":"Parasect","zh":"派拉斯特"},"types":{"en":["bug","grass"],"zh":["蟲","草"]},"genera":{"en":"Mushroom Pokémon","zh":"蘑菇寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["A host-parasite pair in which the parasite mushroom has taken over the host bug. Prefers damp places.","The bug host is drained of energy by the mushrooms on its back. They appear to do all the thinking.","It stays mostly in dark, damp places, the preference not of the bug, but of the big mush­ rooms on its back."],"zh":["大大的蘑菇操縱著派拉斯特。經常和燈罩夜菇爭奪地盤。","從蘑菇的菌傘處撒出有毒的孢子。收集孢子用水煎就能成為中藥。","本體是背上的蘑菇,底下的蟲子幾乎已經死亡。一旦蘑菇脫落,牠就再也不會動了。"]}},{"id":48,"name":{"en":"Venonat","zh":"毛球"},"types":{"en":["bug","poison"],"zh":["蟲","毒"]},"genera":{"en":"Insect Pokémon","zh":"昆蟲寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Lives in the shadows of tall trees where it eats insects. It is attracted by light at night.","Its large eyes act as radars. In a bright place, you can see that they are clusters of many tiny eyes.","Its eyes also function as radar units. It catches and eats small bugs that hide in darkness."],"zh":["在明亮的地方看就會發現那對有著雷達作用的大眼睛,是由許多小眼睛聚集而成的。"]}},{"id":49,"name":{"en":"Venomoth","zh":"摩魯蛾"},"types":{"en":["bug","poison"],"zh":["蟲","毒"]},"genera":{"en":"Poison Moth Pokémon","zh":"毒蛾寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["The dustlike scales covering its wings are color-coded to indicate the kinds of poison it has.","The dust-like scales covering its wings are color coded to indicate the kinds of poison it has.","The powdery scales on its wings are hard to remove. They also contain poison that leaks out on contact."],"zh":["翅膀上的鱗粉一旦沾到身上就很難甩掉,而且鱗粉帶有的毒素還會逐漸滲入體內。"]}},{"id":50,"name":{"en":"Diglett","zh":"地鼠"},"types":{"en":["ground"],"zh":["地面"]},"genera":{"en":"Mole Pokémon","zh":"鼴鼠寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Lives about one yard underground where it feeds on plant roots. It sometimes appears above ground.","It prefers dark places. It spends most of its time underground, though it may pop up in caves.","Its skin is very thin. If it is exposed to light, its blood heats up, causing it to grow weak."],"zh":["會在地下嚼食樹根。根據種植的蔬菜品種不同,有時會對農家造成災害的寶可夢。","地鼠棲息的土地會被翻掘,並因糞便而變得肥沃,所以很多農戶把牠們當成寶貝培育著。","會在地下挖隧道來移動。由於討厭陽光,所以總是在太陽下山後才來到地上。"]}},{"id":51,"name":{"en":"Dugtrio","zh":"三地鼠"},"types":{"en":["ground"],"zh":["地面"]},"genera":{"en":"Mole Pokémon","zh":"鼴鼠寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["A team of DIGLETT triplets. It triggers huge earthquakes by burrowing 60 miles underground.","A team of triplets that can burrow over 60 MPH. Due to this, some people think it's an earthquake.","Its three heads bob separately up and down to loosen the soil nearby, making it easier for it to burrow."],"zh":["三胞胎合作行動。足以挖到地下100公里深的力量是團隊合作的成果。","和農戶等大多數人都很親近,不過還是沒有人見過牠在地面下的樣子。","三胞胎的感情一向很好,但在極少數情況下也會為了哪個頭先吃東西而大吵一架。"]}},{"id":52,"name":{"en":"Meowth","zh":"喵喵"},"types":{"en":["normal"],"zh":["一般"]},"genera":{"en":"Scratch Cat Pokémon","zh":"妖怪貓寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It washes its face regularly to keep the coin on its forehead spotless. It doesn’t get along with Galarian Meowth.","Adores circular objects. Wanders the streets on a nightly basis to look for dropped loose change.","Appears to be more active at night. It loves round and shiny things. It can't stop from picking them up."],"zh":["總是懶懶地睡著度過白天,太陽下山時才開始活動。會在夜晚的街道上搜尋硬幣。","非常喜歡亮晶晶的東西。經常和黑暗鴉為了爭奪獵物而打架。","只要去垃圾場就能看見牠和黑暗鴉為了爭奪發亮的東西而激烈互鬥的景象。"]}},{"id":53,"name":{"en":"Persian","zh":"貓老大"},"types":{"en":["normal"],"zh":["一般"]},"genera":{"en":"Classy Cat Pokémon","zh":"暹羅貓寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Although its fur has many admirers, it is tough to raise as a pet because of its fickle meanness.","The gem in its forehead glows on its own! It walks with all the grace and elegance of a proud queen.","Many adore it for its sophisticated air. However, it will lash out and scratch for little reason."],"zh":["性情粗暴,單單是視線對上就會猛撲過來。被銳利的爪子抓到的話,就會留下很深的傷口。","還沒有達到阿羅拉的貓老大的程度,但是性情傲慢自大。要和牠變得親密相當困難。","額頭上的寶石顏色看起來和阿羅拉的貓老大不一樣,但其實成分沒有什麼不同。"]}},{"id":54,"name":{"en":"Psyduck","zh":"可達鴨"},"types":{"en":["water"],"zh":["水"]},"genera":{"en":"Duck Pokémon","zh":"鴨寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["While lulling its enemies with its vacant look, this wily Pokémon will use psychokinetic powers.","Always tormented by headaches. It uses psychic powers, but it is not known if it intends to do so.","It has mystical powers but doesn't recall that it has used them. That is why it always looks puzzled."],"zh":["身體無意識地不時產生念力,讓牠因為頭痛而哭泣。","一直因頭痛而煩惱著。痛得越厲害,放出的念力越強。","一使出念力就會頭痛,所以平常盡量什麼事都不做,整天不停地發呆。"]}},{"id":55,"name":{"en":"Golduck","zh":"哥達鴨"},"types":{"en":["water"],"zh":["水"]},"genera":{"en":"Duck Pokémon","zh":"鴨寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Often seen swim­ ming elegantly by lake shores. It is often mistaken for the Japanese monster, Kappa.","Its slim and long limbs end in broad flippers. They are used for swim­ ming gracefully in lakes.","When it swims at full speed using its long, webbed limbs, its fore­ head somehow be­ gins to glow."],"zh":["據說只有持有牠前額的紅色部分就會被授予神通力。這讓牠曾有過被濫捕的過去。","在湖邊游來游去,在岸邊靜靜地吃著捕捉到的魚寶可夢。","即使面對游得很快的魚寶可夢,也能用定身法停住對方的動作,輕易地捕捉獵物。"]}},{"id":56,"name":{"en":"Mankey","zh":"猴怪"},"types":{"en":["fighting"],"zh":["格鬥"]},"genera":{"en":"Pig Monkey Pokémon","zh":"豬猴寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Extremely quick to anger. It could be docile one moment then thrashing away the next instant.","An agile Pokémon that lives in trees. It angers easily and will not hesitate to attack anything.","It is extremely ill-tempered. Groups of them will attack any handy target for no reason."],"zh":["會沒有任何徵兆突然發怒。大肆胡鬧把周圍的一切都趕走之後,又會因受不了孤獨而再次發怒。","發洩完怒氣後累得睡著了,但卻在夢裡生氣而醒來,然後又因為醒來而再次發怒了。","遇到一點小事就會發怒。因為從不累積壓力,因此這種寶可夢相當長壽。"]}},{"id":57,"name":{"en":"Primeape","zh":"火爆猴"},"types":{"en":["fighting"],"zh":["格鬥"]},"genera":{"en":"Pig Monkey Pokémon","zh":"豬猴寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Always furious and tenacious to boot. It will not abandon chasing its quarry until it is caught.","It stops being angry only when nobody else is around. To view this moment is very difficult.","If approached while asleep, it may awaken and angrily give chase in a groggy state of semi-sleep."],"zh":["因為太過生氣而就這樣死去,這樣的事也是有的。但死的時候表情很安詳。","某位研究者的學說中提到,即使在精靈球裡,火爆猴好像也在發怒。","不會原諒激怒自己的對手,會不斷追擊,就算把對方揍到無法動彈也不會原諒對方。"]}},{"id":58,"name":{"en":"Growlithe","zh":"卡蒂狗"},"types":{"en":["fire"],"zh":["火"]},"genera":{"en":"Puppy Pokémon","zh":"小狗寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Very protective of its territory. It will bark and bite to repel intruders from its space.","A Pokémon with a friendly nature. However, it will bark fiercely at anything invading its territory.","It has a brave and trustworthy na­ ture. It fear­ lessly stands up to bigger and stronger foes."],"zh":["聰明而忠誠。但是遇到不認識或是侵犯領地的對手,會不停狂吠來威嚇。","雖說很可愛,但如果靠近不認識的訓練家的卡蒂狗,是會被狂吠撕咬的。","與人熟悉之後會表現得很親近,但野生的卡蒂狗會為了爭奪地盤,與岩狗狗展開激烈的鬥爭。"]}},{"id":59,"name":{"en":"Arcanine","zh":"風速狗"},"types":{"en":["fire"],"zh":["火"]},"genera":{"en":"Legendary Pokémon","zh":"傳說寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["A Pokémon that has been admired since the past for its beauty. It runs agilely as if on wings.","A legendary POKé­ MON in China. Many people are charmed by its grace and beauty while running.","This legendary Chinese POKEMON is considered magnif­ icent. Many people are enchanted by its grand mane."],"zh":["在東方的古代傳說中也曾出現。充滿威嚴,強壯而又美麗的寶可夢。","把體內熊熊燃燒的火焰作為能量在大地奔馳。留下了大量的傳說。","只需要一晝夜時間就能跑完10000公里的身影令許多人為之沉醉。"]}},{"id":60,"name":{"en":"Poliwag","zh":"蚊香蝌蚪"},"types":{"en":["water"],"zh":["水"]},"genera":{"en":"Tadpole Pokémon","zh":"蝌蚪寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Its newly grown legs prevent it from running. It appears to prefer swimming than trying to stand.","The direction of the spiral on the belly differs by area. It is more adept at swimming than walking.","Because it is in­ ept at walking on its newly grown legs, it alwaysswims around in water."],"zh":["漩渦是透明可見的內臟。當顏色帶有白色時,代表是有什麼地方生病了。","走路還是很不純熟。成為牠的訓練家後,要每天給牠做走路訓練哦。","雖然危險卻總是想登上陸地。因為連走路都還走不穩,所以一被敵人發現就會慌忙逃進水中。"]}},{"id":61,"name":{"en":"Poliwhirl","zh":"蚊香君"},"types":{"en":["water"],"zh":["水"]},"genera":{"en":"Tadpole Pokémon","zh":"蝌蚪寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Capable of living in or out of water. When out of water, it sweats to keep its body slimy.","Under attack, it uses its bellyspiral to put the foe to sleep. It then makes its escape.","The swirl on its belly subtly un­ dulates. Staring at it may gradual­ ly cause drowsi­ ness."],"zh":["即使在陸地上也能正常生活,但因為天敵較少,所以更喜歡在水中生活。","在陸地上到處走著,搜尋愛吃的蟲寶可夢,然後回到安全的水中享用。","雖然已經能在陸地上生活,但還是棲息在有大量魚寶可夢可以獵食的水中。"]}},{"id":62,"name":{"en":"Poliwrath","zh":"蚊香泳士"},"types":{"en":["water","fighting"],"zh":["水","格鬥"]},"genera":{"en":"Tadpole Pokémon","zh":"蝌蚪寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["An adept swimmer at both the front crawl and breast stroke. Easily overtakes the best human swimmers.","Swims powerfully using all the muscles in its body. It can even overtake champion swimmers.","This strong and skilled swimmer is even capable of crossing the Pacific Ocean just by kicking."],"zh":["阿羅拉的蚊香泳士擅長蛙泳。模仿蚊香泳士學習游泳的孩子也有很多。","體脂肪率基本是0%。因全身都是肌肉而且很重,所以游泳能力很發達。","在水屬性寶可夢中是屬於游泳健將那一類型,但平時卻生活在陸地上。"]}},{"id":63,"name":{"en":"Abra","zh":"凱西"},"types":{"en":["psychic"],"zh":["超能力"]},"genera":{"en":"Psi Pokémon","zh":"念力寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Using its ability to read minds, it will identify impending danger and TELEPORT to safety.","Sleeps 18 hours a day. If it senses danger, it will teleport itself to safety even as it sleeps.","It senses impend­ ing attacks and TELEPORTS away to safety before the actual attacks can strike."],"zh":["1天中有18個小時都在睡覺。即使在睡夢中也能用瞬間移動跑到樹上去採樹果吃。","即使在睡著的時候也會用瞬間移動保護自己的安全,但醒來時會因不知自己在何處而慌張。","即使在睡夢中也會使出各式各樣的超能力,所以很難分辨牠是不是醒著。"]}},{"id":64,"name":{"en":"Kadabra","zh":"勇基拉"},"types":{"en":["psychic"],"zh":["超能力"]},"genera":{"en":"Psi Pokémon","zh":"念力寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It emits special alpha waves from its body that induce headaches just by being close by.","Many odd things happen if this Pokémon is close by. For example, it makes clocks run backwards.","It possesses strong spiritual power. The more danger it faces, the stronger its psychic power."],"zh":["也有說法是說,牠是超能力少年因無法抑制自己體內的精神力量而變身成的。","勇基拉在的時候,電視機等機械的螢幕中會有喚來不幸的可怕影像閃現。","會盯著銀湯匙瞧,來增強並釋放精神力量。換成金湯匙似乎就沒用了。"]}},{"id":65,"name":{"en":"Alakazam","zh":"胡地"},"types":{"en":["psychic"],"zh":["超能力"]},"genera":{"en":"Psi Pokémon","zh":"念力寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Its brain can out­ perform a super­ computer. Its intelligence quotient is said to be 5,000.","A Pokémon that can memorize anything. It never forgets what it learns-- that's why this Pokémon is smart.","Closing both its eyes heightens all its other senses. This enables it to use its abilities to their extremes."],"zh":["智商大約有5000。滿溢著強大的念力,光是在牠身旁就會頭痛不已。","腦細胞到死前都會不斷地增加。越年老的胡地頭部就越巨大。","手中的湯匙是胡地用超能力製造出來的,是全世界獨一無二的作品。"]}},{"id":66,"name":{"en":"Machop","zh":"腕力"},"types":{"en":["fighting"],"zh":["格鬥"]},"genera":{"en":"Superpower Pokémon","zh":"怪力寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Loves to build its muscles. It trains in all styles of martial arts to become even stronger.","Very powerful in spite of its small size. Its mastery of many types of martial arts makes it very tough.","Always brimming with power, it passes time by lifting boulders. Doing so makes it even stronger."],"zh":["最喜歡鍛煉。盯著每天不斷增大的肌肉,就會越來越勤奮地鍛煉自己。","那種能扔飛100個成年人的可怕力量是透過每天舉隆隆石來練成的。","藉由與夥伴的鍛鍊獲得了自信與肌肉之後,就會向幕下力士挑戰。"]}},{"id":67,"name":{"en":"Machoke","zh":"豪力"},"types":{"en":["fighting"],"zh":["格鬥"]},"genera":{"en":"Superpower Pokémon","zh":"怪力寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Its muscular body is so powerful, it must wear a power save belt to be able to regulate its motions.","The belt around its waist holds back its energy. Without it, this Pokémon would be unstoppable.","It always goes at its full power, but this very tough and durable Pokémon never gets tired."],"zh":["不斷鍛煉的成果就是獲得了非常驚人的力量。會靈活運用這股力量幫助人工作。","會積極地幫忙做重體力勞動,因為牠知道這對自己來說是很好的肌肉鍛鍊方法。","當遇上真正的強敵時,會解開限制力量的腰帶來使出全力。"]}},{"id":68,"name":{"en":"Machamp","zh":"怪力"},"types":{"en":["fighting"],"zh":["格鬥"]},"genera":{"en":"Superpower Pokémon","zh":"怪力寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Using its heavy muscles, it throws powerful punches that can send the victim clear over the horizon.","One arm alone can move mountains. Using all four arms, this Pokémon fires off awesome punches.","It quickly swings its four arms to rock its opponents with ceaseless punches and chops from all angles."],"zh":["能使出百萬噸級的拳擊,將擋路的敵人擊飛到地平線的另一端。","即使是大卡車也能輕鬆舉起。但是手指很笨拙,所以細微的工作完全不行。","會用4隻手臂捉住對手,把對手扭成複雜的姿勢,人們稱呼這招為怪力特技。"]}},{"id":69,"name":{"en":"Bellsprout","zh":"喇叭芽"},"types":{"en":["grass","poison"],"zh":["草","毒"]},"genera":{"en":"Flower Pokémon","zh":"花寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["A carnivorous Pokémon that traps and eats bugs. It uses its root feet to soak up needed moisture.","Prefers hot and humid places. It ensnares tiny insects with its vines and devours them.","Even though its body is extremely skinny, it is blindingly fast when catching its prey."],"zh":["喜歡高溫多濕的環境。會利用藤蔓捕捉小蟲當成自己的食物。"]}},{"id":70,"name":{"en":"Weepinbell","zh":"口呆花"},"types":{"en":["grass","poison"],"zh":["草","毒"]},"genera":{"en":"Flycatcher Pokémon","zh":"捕蠅寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It spits out POISONPOWDER to immobilize the enemy and then finishes it with a spray of ACID.","When hungry, it swallows anything that moves. Its hapless prey is melted inside by strong acids.","Even though it is filled with ACID, it does not melt because it also oozes a neutral­ izing fluid."],"zh":["肚子餓的時候會把周圍會動的東西全都吞下去,然後用溶解液致其於死地。"]}},{"id":71,"name":{"en":"Victreebel","zh":"大食花"},"types":{"en":["grass","poison"],"zh":["草","毒"]},"genera":{"en":"Flycatcher Pokémon","zh":"捕蠅寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Said to live in huge colonies deep in jungles, although no one has ever returned from there.","Lures prey with the sweet aroma of honey. Swallowed whole, the prey is melted in a day, bones and all.","ACID that has dis­ solved many prey becomes sweeter, making it even more effective at attracting prey."],"zh":["會用花蜜的香氣引誘獵物。據說被牠吞進了嘴裡的東西只要1天就會溶解到連骨頭都不剩。"]}},{"id":72,"name":{"en":"Tentacool","zh":"瑪瑙水母"},"types":{"en":["water","poison"],"zh":["水","毒"]},"genera":{"en":"Jellyfish Pokémon","zh":"水母寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Drifts in shallow seas. Anglers who hook them by accident are often punished by its stinging acid.","It can sometimes be found all dry and shriveled up on a beach. Toss it back into the sea to revive it.","When the tide goes out, dehydrated Tentacool remains can be found washed up on the shore."],"zh":["就算在沙灘等地方曬得乾乾的,在很多情況下依然可以存活。泡在水裡就會回復濕潤而復活了。","漂浮在沙灘等淺灘地區。要是被牠有毒的觸手刺到或是被咬到,就趕快去醫院吧。","會漂浮在海邊尋找獵物。有毒的觸手有時也會斷掉,但過了一段時間就會重新長出來。"]}},{"id":73,"name":{"en":"Tentacruel","zh":"毒刺水母"},"types":{"en":["water","poison"],"zh":["水","毒"]},"genera":{"en":"Jellyfish Pokémon","zh":"水母寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["The tentacles are normally kept short. On hunts, they are extended to ensnare and immobilize prey.","Its 80 tentacles can stretch and contract freely. They wrap around prey and weaken it with poison.","Its 80 tentacles absorb water and stretch almost endlessly to CON­ STRICT its prey and enemies."],"zh":["有毒的觸手通常有80根。活得越久,觸手的數量就越少。","罕見地大量出現時,周圍海域的魚寶可夢會一隻不剩地全部消失。","會從紅色珠子中發出超音波,使獵物變得虛弱,然後用80根觸手纏住獵物。"]}},{"id":74,"name":{"en":"Geodude","zh":"小拳石"},"types":{"en":["rock","ground"],"zh":["岩石","地面"]},"genera":{"en":"Rock Pokémon","zh":"岩石寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Found in fields and mountains. Mistaking them for boulders, people often step or trip on them.","Commonly found near mountain trails, etc. If you step on one by accident, it gets angry.","Most people may not notice, but a closer look should reveal that there are many Geodude around."],"zh":["圓圓的很容易拿在手裡,但要拿來互相投擲的話就太硬太重了。像打雪仗般互相投擲的話是很危險的。","在路邊隨處可見。有空的學者試著數了一下,光是1條路上就有100隻。","活得久的小拳石身上的稜角會被磨平而變得圓滾滾的,性格也會變得穩重而隨和。"]}},{"id":75,"name":{"en":"Graveler","zh":"隆隆石"},"types":{"en":["rock","ground"],"zh":["岩石","地面"]},"genera":{"en":"Rock Pokémon","zh":"岩石寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Rolls down slopes to move. It rolls over any obstacle without slowing or changing its direction.","Often seen rolling down mountain trails. Obstacles are just things to roll straight over, not avoid.","With a free and uncaring nature, it doesn't mind if pieces break off while it rolls down mountains."],"zh":["最喜歡的食物是長有青苔的岩石。吃的時候會發出咯吱咯吱的聲音,每天會吃1噸以上。","因腿腳笨拙而把身體蜷成一團翻滾著移動。滾出勢頭來的話,時速能超過100公里。","會爬上山崖朝山頂前進,一到達山頂就會馬上沿著來時的山路滾下去。"]}},{"id":76,"name":{"en":"Golem","zh":"隆隆岩"},"types":{"en":["rock","ground"],"zh":["岩石","地面"]},"genera":{"en":"Megaton Pokémon","zh":"重量級寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Its boulder-like body is extremely hard. It can easily withstand dynamite blasts without damage.","Once it sheds its skin, its body turns tender and whitish. Its hide hardens when it's exposed to air.","It sheds its skin once a year. The discarded shell immediately hard­ ens and crumbles away."],"zh":["堅硬的身體就算被炸藥爆破也能毫無損傷,但最討厭濕氣和雨水。","每年脫皮1次。脫下的皮掉到土裡可讓土壤肥沃,因此農戶便會將它收集起來。","年老之後就不會再脫皮。活過了漫長歲月的隆隆岩外皮會長滿苔蘚而變成綠色。"]}},{"id":77,"name":{"en":"Ponyta","zh":"小火馬"},"types":{"en":["fire"],"zh":["火"]},"genera":{"en":"Fire Horse Pokémon","zh":"火馬寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Its hooves are 10 times harder than diamonds. It can trample anything completely flat in little time.","Capable of jumping incredibly high. Its hooves and sturdy legs absorb the impact of a hard landing.","It is a weak run­ ner immediately after birth. It gradually becomes faster by chasing after its parents."],"zh":["在高高跳起之後,會用四蹄和腿上的肌肉來緩和落地時的衝擊。","剛出生的時候不擅長奔跑,但隨著和夥伴們不斷地賽跑,會逐漸鍛鍊出強健的腳力。","得到了小火馬認可的人,在觸摸牠燃燒著的鬃毛時不會覺得燙手,真是不可思議。"]}},{"id":78,"name":{"en":"Rapidash","zh":"烈焰馬"},"types":{"en":["fire"],"zh":["火"]},"genera":{"en":"Fire Horse Pokémon","zh":"火馬寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Very competitive, this Pokémon will chase anything that moves fast in the hopes of racing it.","Just loves to run. If it sees some­ thing faster than itself, it will give chase at top speed.","At full gallop, its four hooves barely touch the ground because it moves so incredi­ bly fast."],"zh":["非常喜愛奔跑,只要看見跑得比自己快的東西,就會立刻全速追上去。","任由燃燒的鬃毛隨風飄揚,以每小時240公里的速度在大草原上自在奔馳。","奔跑速度最快的烈焰馬會成為首領,決定族群前往的地點和奔跑速度。"]}},{"id":79,"name":{"en":"Slowpoke","zh":"呆呆獸"},"types":{"en":["water","psychic"],"zh":["水","超能力"]},"genera":{"en":"Dopey Pokémon","zh":"憨憨寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Incredibly slow and dopey. It takes 5 seconds for it to feel pain when under attack.","Incredibly slow and sluggish. It is quite content to loll about without worrying about the time.","It lazes vacantly near water. If something bites its tail, it won't even notice for a whole day."],"zh":["長長的尾巴經常斷掉。因為不會感到什麼疼痛,而且馬上又會長出來,所以並不在意。","把呆呆獸的尾巴曬乾再用鹽水煮成的小菜,是阿羅拉的家常美味。","傳說當呆呆獸打呵欠時就會開始下雨,所以據說有些地區會祭祀呆呆獸。"]}},{"id":80,"name":{"en":"Slowbro","zh":"呆殼獸"},"types":{"en":["water","psychic"],"zh":["水","超能力"]},"genera":{"en":"Hermit Crab Pokémon","zh":"寄居蟹寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["The SHELLDER that is latched onto SLOWPOKE's tail is said to feed on the host's left over scraps.","Lives lazily by the sea. If the SHELLDER on its tail comes off, it becomes a SLOWPOKE again.","If the tail-biting SHELLDER is thrown off in a harsh battle, it reverts to being an ordi­ nary SLOWPOKE."],"zh":["呆呆地遠望著大海。大舌貝的毒因為在身體中循環,變得越來越呆呆笨笨的。","每次大舌貝狠狠咬下去的瞬間會有什麼在腦海中閃過,但轉瞬之間就全部忘光了。","基本上一直在發呆。當尾巴斷掉,大舌貝脫落後就會變回呆呆獸。"]}},{"id":81,"name":{"en":"Magnemite","zh":"小磁怪"},"types":{"en":["electric","steel"],"zh":["電","鋼"]},"genera":{"en":"Magnet Pokémon","zh":"磁鐵寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Uses anti-gravity to stay suspended. Appears without warning and uses THUNDER WAVE and similar moves.","It is born with the ability to defy gravity. It floats in air on powerful electro­ magnetic waves.","It is attracted by electromagnetic waves. It may approach trainers if they are using their POKéGEAR."],"zh":["會群集在有電力的地方。有時還會成群緊貼在輸送電力的鐵塔等地方。","釋放出電磁波,在空中飄浮。如果在牠吞食電力的時候碰牠,全身就會被電得劈哩啪啦的。","由於小磁怪經常引發停電,有的發電廠甚至會特地發射小磁怪討厭的電波。"]}},{"id":82,"name":{"en":"Magneton","zh":"三合一磁怪"},"types":{"en":["electric","steel"],"zh":["電","鋼"]},"genera":{"en":"Magnet Pokémon","zh":"磁鐵寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Formed by several MAGNEMITEs linked together. They frequently appear when sunspots flare up.","Generates strange radio signals. It raises the tem­ perature by 3.6F degrees within 3,300 feet.","Three MAGNEMITE are linked by a strong magnetic force. Earaches will occur if you get too close."],"zh":["當天空中出現雨雲時,牠們就會聚集在高處,等待著天上落下雷電。","結合的時候,3隻小磁怪的腦袋也會連成一個。但並不會變得3倍聰明。","大約有小磁怪3倍的電力。太陽黑子多的時候,不知為何會大量出現。"]}},{"id":83,"name":{"en":"Farfetch’d","zh":"大蔥鴨"},"types":{"en":["normal","flying"],"zh":["一般","飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"Wild Duck Pokémon","zh":"黃嘴鴨寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["The sprig of green onions it holds is its weapon. It is used much like a metal sword.","Lives where reedy plants grow. They are rarely seen, so it's thought their numbers are decreasing.","If anyone tries to disturb where the essential plant sticks grow, it uses its own stick to thwart them."],"zh":["棲息在莖狀植物生長的地方。由於這種植物十分稀少而罕見,大蔥鴨的數量似乎也越來越少了。","會將翅膀所拿的莖狀植物當成劍一般去劈砍對手。在非常時期會拿它當作食物。","用植物的莖來戰鬥。莖的揮舞方式存在著好幾種不同的流派。"]}},{"id":84,"name":{"en":"Doduo","zh":"嘟嘟"},"types":{"en":["normal","flying"],"zh":["一般","飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"Twin Bird Pokémon","zh":"兩頭鳥寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["A bird that makes up for its poor flying with its fast foot speed. Leaves giant footprints.","Its short wings make flying dif­ ficult. Instead, this Pokémon runs at high speed on developed legs.","By alternately raising and lower­ ing its two heads, it balances itself to be more stable while running."],"zh":["翅膀短小不擅長飛行,但是擁有發達的雙腳,能以很快的速度奔跑。"]}},{"id":85,"name":{"en":"Dodrio","zh":"嘟嘟利"},"types":{"en":["normal","flying"],"zh":["一般","飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"Triple Bird Pokémon","zh":"三頭鳥寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Uses its three brains to execute complex plans. While two heads sleep, one head stays awake.","One of DODUO's 2 heads splits to form a unique species. It runs close to 40 MPH in prairies.","It collects dataand plans three times as wisely, but it may think too much and be­ come immobilized."],"zh":["嘟嘟的其中一個頭分裂形成的變種。能以60公里的時速在草原上奔馳。"]}},{"id":86,"name":{"en":"Seel","zh":"小海獅"},"types":{"en":["water"],"zh":["水"]},"genera":{"en":"Sea Lion Pokémon","zh":"海獅寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["The protruding horn on its head is very hard. It is used for bashing through thick ice.","Loves freezing cold conditions. Relishes swimming in a frigid cli­ mate of around 14F degrees.","Although it can't walk well on land, it is a graceful swimmer. It espe­ cially loves being in frigid seas."],"zh":["人們一向認為牠只棲息在寒冷的海域,沒人知道牠出現在阿羅拉的原因。","因為有著厚厚的脂肪,所以完全不怕寒冷的海域,但在溫暖的海裡就有點容易中暑。","喜歡滴水成冰的寒冷地方。在零下10度的溫度裡也能舒服自在地游泳。"]}},{"id":87,"name":{"en":"Dewgong","zh":"白海獅"},"types":{"en":["water","ice"],"zh":["水","冰"]},"genera":{"en":"Sea Lion Pokémon","zh":"海獅寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Stores thermal energy in its body. Swims at a steady 8 knots even in intensely cold waters.","Its entire body is a snowy-white. Unharmed by even intense cold, it swims powerfully in icy waters.","Its streamlined body has little drag in water. The colder the temperature, the friskier it gets."],"zh":["能以8節的速度在海中游動,尋找能當成獵物的寶可夢。弱丁魚是牠最愛吃的東西。","進食之後會在沙灘上做日光浴,藉此提高體溫來幫助消化。","全身上下一片雪白。不畏寒冷,在滿是浮冰的海上也能元氣十足地游來游去。"]}},{"id":88,"name":{"en":"Grimer","zh":"臭泥"},"types":{"en":["poison"],"zh":["毒"]},"genera":{"en":"Sludge Pokémon","zh":"污泥寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Appears in filthy areas. Thrives by sucking up polluted sludge that is pumped out of factories.","Made of hardened sludge. It smells too putrid to touch. Even weeds won't grow in its path.","As it moves, it loses bits of its body from which new Grimer emerge. This worsens the stench around it."],"zh":["主要的食物是工廠排放的污泥廢液。最近數量減少了。","照射了來自月亮的X射線後,污泥發生變化而誕生。身體的細菌如果減少就會死亡。","誕生自海底的污泥。在乾淨的地方,牠會因為體內的細菌無法增長而死去。"]}},{"id":89,"name":{"en":"Muk","zh":"臭臭泥"},"types":{"en":["poison"],"zh":["毒"]},"genera":{"en":"Sludge Pokémon","zh":"污泥寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Thickly covered with a filthy, vile sludge. It is so toxic, even its footprints contain poison.","Smells so awful, it can cause fainting. Through degeneration, it lost its sense of smell.","They love to gath­ er in smelly areas where sludge ac­ cumulates, making the stench around them worse."],"zh":["總之就是臭得讓人不敢用鼻子呼吸。但是也存在著少數覺得這味道很不錯的臭臭泥愛好者。","經過環境整治後,最近已經很難看到牠的身影了。據說早晚會滅絕。","因為食物減少而導致數量驟減。為了防止牠絕種,人們開始建造人工的污泥池。"]}},{"id":90,"name":{"en":"Shellder","zh":"大舌貝"},"types":{"en":["water"],"zh":["水"]},"genera":{"en":"Bivalve Pokémon","zh":"雙殼貝寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Its hard shell repels any kind of attack. It is vulnerable only when its shell is open.","The shell can withstand any attack. However, when it is open, the tender body is exposed.","It swims facing backward by open­ ing and closing its two-piece shell. It is surprisingly fast."],"zh":["殼的硬度超越鑽石。古時的人會收集殼來做成盾牌。","靈活運用總是伸出的舌頭挖掘海底的沙子,尋找食物。","堆積在殼中的沙子最後會變成珍珠,但會因為佔空間而被牠吐掉。"]}},{"id":91,"name":{"en":"Cloyster","zh":"刺甲貝"},"types":{"en":["water","ice"],"zh":["水","冰"]},"genera":{"en":"Bivalve Pokémon","zh":"雙殼貝寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["When attacked, it launches its horns in quick volleys. Its innards have never been seen.","For protection, it uses its harder- than-diamonds shell. It also shoots spikes from the shell.","Once it slams its shell shut, it is impossible to open, even by those with superi­ or strength."],"zh":["堅硬的外殼連凝固汽油彈也無法擊碎。殼裡的真面目至今仍然不得而知。","從狩獵民族的古墓中大量出土了使用殼上拔下的尖刺製造而成的長矛。","擁有極為堅硬的外殼。外殼上的傷痕會逐漸隆起,最後變成巨大的尖刺。"]}},{"id":92,"name":{"en":"Gastly","zh":"鬼斯"},"types":{"en":["ghost","poison"],"zh":["幽靈","毒"]},"genera":{"en":"Gas Pokémon","zh":"氣體狀寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Almost invisible, this gaseous Pokémon cloaks the target and puts it to sleep without notice.","Said to appear in decrepit, deserted buildings. It has no real shape as it appears to be made of a gas.","With its gas-like body, it can sneak into any place it desires. However, it can be blown away by wind."],"zh":["如果在已成廢墟的建築物裡亮著怪異的光,代表那裡潛藏著鬼斯。","幾乎沒人能看到鬼斯的模樣,但牠在近處出現時,會聞到淡淡的甜香味。","據說怨念寄宿在墳場產生的瓦斯裡,最後變成了寶可夢。"]}},{"id":93,"name":{"en":"Haunter","zh":"鬼斯通"},"types":{"en":["ghost","poison"],"zh":["幽靈","毒"]},"genera":{"en":"Gas Pokémon","zh":"氣體狀寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Because of its ability to slip through block walls, it is said to be from an­ other dimension.","By licking, it saps the victim's life. It causes shaking that won't stop until the victim's demise.","In total darkness, where nothing is visible, Haunter lurks, silently stalking its next victim."],"zh":["會從陰暗處襲擊人類。如果被其冰冷的舌頭舔到,就會一天天虛弱至死。","害怕光亮,喜歡黑夜。據說在深夜也燈火如晝的大都市中有滅絕的危險。","在沒有月亮的夜裡,鬼斯通會四處尋找詛咒的對象,所以不要外出比較好。"]}},{"id":94,"name":{"en":"Gengar","zh":"耿鬼"},"types":{"en":["ghost","poison"],"zh":["幽靈","毒"]},"genera":{"en":"Shadow Pokémon","zh":"影子寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Under a full moon, this Pokémon likes to mimic the shadows of people and laugh at their fright.","A Gengar is close by if you feel a sudden chill. It may be trying to lay a curse on you.","It steals heat from its surround­ ings. If you feel a sudden chill, it is certain that a Gengar appeared."],"zh":["如果突然被寒氣侵襲,那就是被耿鬼盯上的證據。沒有逃脫之法,所以死心吧。","據說耿鬼之所以要人類的命,是因為牠就是人類的末路,想要增加旅伴的緣故。","在世界各地都能聽到孩子如果不乖的話就會被耿鬼找上門的傳說。"]}},{"id":95,"name":{"en":"Onix","zh":"大岩蛇"},"types":{"en":["rock","ground"],"zh":["岩石","地面"]},"genera":{"en":"Rock Snake Pokémon","zh":"岩蛇寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["As it grows, the stone portions of its body harden to become similar to a diamond, but colored black.","Burrows at high speed in search of food. The tunnels it leaves are used as homes by DIGLETTs.","It twists and squirms through the ground. The thunderous roar of its tunneling echoes a long way."],"zh":["會以驚人的氣勢在地底下鑽洞尋找獵物。經過後留下的隧道會成為地鼠的巢穴。","會一邊在地底挖掘前進,一邊吸收各種堅硬的物體,藉此讓身體變得更加結實。","彎曲扭動巨大結實的身體,以時速80公里的猛烈勢頭挖掘前進。"]}},{"id":96,"name":{"en":"Drowzee","zh":"催眠貘"},"types":{"en":["psychic"],"zh":["超能力"]},"genera":{"en":"Hypnosis Pokémon","zh":"催眠寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Puts enemies to sleep then eats their dreams. Occasionally gets sick from eating bad dreams.","If you sleep by it all the time, it will sometimes show you dreams it has eaten in the past.","If you think that you had a good dream, but you can't remember it, a Drowzee has probably eaten it."],"zh":["吞食夢來生存的寶可夢。被認為與食夢夢和夢夢蝕有著共同的祖先。","聽說愉快的夢特別美味。變得親密後,有時也會讓人作最美味的夢哦。","在遊樂設施附近可以看見牠的身影,因為牠想吃那一晚孩子們所做的美夢。"]}},{"id":97,"name":{"en":"Hypno","zh":"引夢貘人"},"types":{"en":["psychic"],"zh":["超能力"]},"genera":{"en":"Hypnosis Pokémon","zh":"催眠寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["When it locks eyes with an enemy, it will use a mix of PSI moves such as HypnoSIS and CONFUSION.","Avoid eye contact if you come across one. It will try to put you to sleep by using its pendulum.","When it is very hungry, it puts humans it meets to sleep, then it feasts on their dreams."],"zh":["非常危險的寶可夢,卻被祈求一夜好眠的人們稱為救世主。","不論遇到誰都先讓對方睡著,品嘗對方的夢。如果遇到了好夢,就會強行帶走。","居住在阿羅拉的引夢貘人主要的目標是樹枕尾熊,人們倒是不太會成為被害者。"]}},{"id":98,"name":{"en":"Krabby","zh":"大鉗蟹"},"types":{"en":["water"],"zh":["水"]},"genera":{"en":"River Crab Pokémon","zh":"清水蟹寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Its pincers are not only powerful weapons, they are used for balance when walking sideways.","Its pincers are superb weapons. They sometimes break off during battle, but they grow back fast.","If it senses dan­ ger approaching, it cloaks itself with bubbles from its mouth so it will look bigger."],"zh":["牠的鉗子是威力強大的武器,但在攻擊時偶爾會脫落。脫落後很快就會長回來。","能在海邊找到牠。巨大的鉗子即使斷掉也會再長出來。","如果危險逼近,就會從嘴裡吐出泡沫包裹全身,讓身體看起來更大。"]}},{"id":99,"name":{"en":"Kingler","zh":"巨鉗蟹"},"types":{"en":["water"],"zh":["水"]},"genera":{"en":"Pincer Pokémon","zh":"鉗子寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["The large pincer has 10000 hp of crushing power. However, its huge size makes it unwieldy to use.","One claw grew massively and as hard as steel. It has 10,000-HP strength. However, it is too heavy.","It can hardly lift its massive, overgrown pincer. The pincer's size makes it difficult to aim properly."],"zh":["只有一邊變得巨大的鉗子有著鋼鐵般的硬度和1萬馬力的力量,但實在是太重了。","雖然堅硬的鉗子有著1萬馬力的力量,但尺寸太大讓牠行動遲緩。","巨大的鉗子破壞力十足,但是因為太過沉重,不戰鬥的時候就很礙事。"]}},{"id":100,"name":{"en":"Voltorb","zh":"霹靂電球"},"types":{"en":["electric"],"zh":["電"]},"genera":{"en":"Ball Pokémon","zh":"球寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Usually found in power plants. Easily mistaken for a POKé BALL, they have zapped many people.","It is said to camouflage itself as a POKé BALL. It will self-destruct with very little stimulus.","It rolls to move. If the ground is uneven, a sudden jolt from hitting a bump can cause it to explode."],"zh":["據說和精靈球相似的外型是牠的保護色,但令人意外地牠其實很容易就會自爆。"]}},{"id":101,"name":{"en":"Electrode","zh":"頑皮雷彈"},"types":{"en":["electric"],"zh":["電"]},"genera":{"en":"Ball Pokémon","zh":"球寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It stores electric energy under very high pressure. It often explodes with little or no provocation.","Stores electrical energy inside its body. Even the slightest shock could trigger a huge explosion.","It is dangerous. If it has too much electricity and has nothing to do, it amuses itself by exploding."],"zh":["只要受到任何一點衝擊,體內的電能就會迅速膨脹然後爆炸。"]}},{"id":102,"name":{"en":"Exeggcute","zh":"蛋蛋"},"types":{"en":["grass","psychic"],"zh":["草","超能力"]},"genera":{"en":"Egg Pokémon","zh":"蛋寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Often mistaken for eggs. When disturbed, they quickly gather and attack in swarms.","The heads attract each other and spin around. There must be 6 heads for it to maintain balance.","The shell is very durable. Even if it cracks, it can survive without spilling the contents."],"zh":["用心靈感應與夥伴交流。聽說同時具備植物與某種屬性的基因。","6隻為1個單位的寶可夢。經常被好勝蟹襲擊,但是會使用念力擊退對方。","6隻合起來算是1隻。就算發生了什麼事導致少了1隻,隔天也一定會變回6隻。"]}},{"id":103,"name":{"en":"Exeggutor","zh":"椰蛋樹"},"types":{"en":["grass","psychic"],"zh":["草","超能力"]},"genera":{"en":"Coconut Pokémon","zh":"椰子寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Legend has it that on rare occasions, one of its heads will drop off and continue on as an EXEGGCUTE.","Its cries are very noisy. This is because each of the 3 heads thinks about whatever it likes.","Its three heads think independent­ ly. However, they are friendly and never appear to squabble."],"zh":["每個腦袋各有各的思想,會通過心靈感應來交談,決定大家要做什麼。","某個時期到來的時候,3個頭的某一個便會掉落,不久就會成長為蛋蛋。","會用精神力量迎戰敵人。3個頭會分別發出念力,所以威力也會變成3倍。"]}},{"id":104,"name":{"en":"Cubone","zh":"卡拉卡拉"},"types":{"en":["ground"],"zh":["地面"]},"genera":{"en":"Lonely Pokémon","zh":"孤獨寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Because it never removes its skull helmet, no one has ever seen this Pokémon's real face.","Wears the skull of its deceased mother. Its cries echo inside the skull and come out as a sad melody.","If it is sad or lonely, the skull it wears shakes, and emits a plain­ tive and mournful sound."],"zh":["想起與自己死別的母親而大聲哭泣,被聽到聲音的禿鷹娜從空中襲擊。","頭上戴著的是死去母親的頭蓋骨。據說,當牠擺脫母親死亡的悲痛時就會進化。","因為思念死去的母親,會在夜裡大聲哭叫,導致自己被天敵禿鷹娜發現。"]}},{"id":105,"name":{"en":"Marowak","zh":"嘎啦嘎啦"},"types":{"en":["ground"],"zh":["地面"]},"genera":{"en":"Bone Keeper Pokémon","zh":"愛骨寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["The bone it holds is its key weapon. It throws the bone skillfully like a boomerang to KO targets.","Small and weak, this Pokémon is adept with its bone club. It has grown more vicious over the ages.","It has been seen pounding boulders with the bone it carries in order to tap out mes­ sages to others."],"zh":["原本因體弱而很膽小。進化後變成了揮舞著骨頭的粗暴性格。","將骨頭像回力鏢一樣扔出去,擊落天敵禿鷹娜來復仇。","會投擲骨頭擊落禿鷹娜。人們認為牠這麼做是為了幫母親報仇。"]}},{"id":106,"name":{"en":"Hitmonlee","zh":"飛腿郎"},"types":{"en":["fighting"],"zh":["格鬥"]},"genera":{"en":"Kicking Pokémon","zh":"踢腿寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["When in a hurry, its legs lengthen progressively. It runs smoothly with extra long, loping strides.","When kicking, the sole of its foot turns as hard as a diamond on im­ pact and destroys its enemy.","This amazing POKé­ MON has an awesome sense of balance. It can kick in succession from any position."],"zh":["在踢擊命中的瞬間!腳底會變得像鑽石般堅硬,將對手踢成碎片。","擁有卓越的平衡感。無論處於什麼姿勢都可以連續施展踢擊的厲害角色。","雙腿能夠自由伸縮,即使離得很遠也能把對手一腳踢飛。"]}},{"id":107,"name":{"en":"Hitmonchan","zh":"快拳郎"},"types":{"en":["fighting"],"zh":["格鬥"]},"genera":{"en":"Punching Pokémon","zh":"拳擊寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["While apparently doing nothing, it fires punches in lightning fast volleys that are impossible to see.","Punches in cork­ screw fashion. It can punch its way through a concrete wall in the same way as a drill.","Its punches slice the air. However, it seems to need a short break after fighting for three minutes."],"zh":["牠的拳擊就像是鑽頭!在牠的攻擊之下,即使是水泥牆也會被鑽出洞來。","使出的拳擊能劈開空氣。出拳的速度極為迅速,即便只是擦過都會造成灼傷。","打出的拳擊甚至能劈開空氣。但連續攻擊3分鐘後,牠似乎就會想休息一下。"]}},{"id":108,"name":{"en":"Lickitung","zh":"大舌頭"},"types":{"en":["normal"],"zh":["一般"]},"genera":{"en":"Licking Pokémon","zh":"舔舔寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Its tongue can be extended like a chameleon's. It leaves a tingling sensation when it licks enemies.","Its tongue spans almost 7 feet and moves more freely than its forelegs. Its licks can cause paralysis.","Its tongue has well-developed nerves that run to the very tip, so it can be deft­ ly manipulated."],"zh":["不管什麼東西都會用長長的舌頭去舔舔看,被舔到的部位如果放著不管就會發炎。","會用舌頭把髒污舔乾淨。舔過的地方會有點臭,是否真的乾淨令人懷疑。","長達2公尺的舌頭比前腳還要靈活。如果被牠舔到,不知為何會感到麻痺。"]}},{"id":109,"name":{"en":"Koffing","zh":"瓦斯彈"},"types":{"en":["poison"],"zh":["毒"]},"genera":{"en":"Poison Gas Pokémon","zh":"毒氣寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Because it stores several kinds of toxic gases in its body, it is prone to exploding without warning.","In hot places, its internal gases could expand and explode without any warning. Be very careful!","Its thin, filmy body is filled with gases that cause constant sniffles, coughs and teary eyes."],"zh":["在高溫的地方,牠體內的氣體會膨脹而有爆炸的危險,要特別小心。","身體裡充滿了毒氣。會為了尋求廚餘垃圾的腐敗氣味而來到垃圾場。","污濁的空氣是牠的美味大餐。據說在昔日的伽勒爾地區曾經存在著更多的瓦斯彈。"]}},{"id":110,"name":{"en":"Weezing","zh":"雙彈瓦斯"},"types":{"en":["poison"],"zh":["毒"]},"genera":{"en":"Poison Gas Pokémon","zh":"毒氣寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Where two kinds of poison gases meet, 2 KOFFINGs can fuse into a Weezing over many years.","It lives and grows by absorbing dust, germs and poison gases that are contained in toxic waste and garbage.","If one of the twin KOFFING inflates, the other one deflates. It con­ stantly mixes its poisonous gases."],"zh":["牠是靠著吸收垃圾中含有的毒氣、細菌和灰塵來維持生命。","用2個身體來混合瓦斯。在往昔的伽勒爾似乎到處都能見到牠們的身影。","雖然吸入空氣的力量稍弱於伽勒爾的雙彈瓦斯,製造出的毒素卻更加強力。"]}},{"id":111,"name":{"en":"Rhyhorn","zh":"獨角犀牛"},"types":{"en":["ground","rock"],"zh":["地面","岩石"]},"genera":{"en":"Spikes Pokémon","zh":"尖尖寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["A Pokémon with a one-track mind. Once it charges,it won't stop running until it falls asleep.","Its massive bones are 1000 times harder than human bones. It can easily knock a trailer flying.","It is inept at turning because of its four short legs. It can only charge and run in one direction."],"zh":["頭腦簡單,一次只能思考一件事。一旦牠開始猛衝,在睡著之前都不會停下來。","頭腦很差但力氣很大,只要撞擊就能把高樓大廈撞得粉粹。","腦子裡只能記住一件事。一旦開始猛衝,不管理由是什麼都會很快感到無所謂而忘掉。"]}},{"id":112,"name":{"en":"Rhydon","zh":"鑽角犀獸"},"types":{"en":["ground","rock"],"zh":["地面","岩石"]},"genera":{"en":"Drill Pokémon","zh":"鑽錐寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Protected by an armor-like hide, it is capable of living in molten lava of 3,600 degrees.","Walks on its hind legs. Shows signs of intelligence. Its armor-like hide even repels molten lava.","Its rugged hide protects it from even the heat of lava. However, the hide also makes it insensitive."],"zh":["變得能夠只用後腳步行,智能也發達了許多。鎧甲般的皮膚足以抵擋熔岩的高溫。","進化後變得只用後腳就能站立。如果被牠的角刺中,就連岩石也會被開出洞來。","全身被鎧甲般的皮膚保護著。甚至能在2000度的熔岩中生存。"]}},{"id":113,"name":{"en":"Chansey","zh":"吉利蛋"},"types":{"en":["normal"],"zh":["一般"]},"genera":{"en":"Egg Pokémon","zh":"蛋寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["A rare and elusive Pokémon that is said to bring happiness to those who manage to get it.","A gentle and kind­ hearted Pokémon that shares its nutritious eggs if it sees an injured Pokémon.","It walks carefully to prevent its egg from breaking. However, it is extremely fast at running away."],"zh":["吉利蛋生下的蛋飽含豐富的營養。是許多寶可夢非常愛吃的東西。","因為是數量稀少而且逃跑很快的寶可夢,所以能找到牠的人運氣相當不錯。","因為其他寶可夢盯上了牠營養又美味的蛋,牠的腳程似乎在逃跑的過程中變快了。"]}},{"id":114,"name":{"en":"Tangela","zh":"蔓藤怪"},"types":{"en":["grass"],"zh":["草"]},"genera":{"en":"Vine Pokémon","zh":"藤蔓狀寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["The whole body is swathed with wide vines that are similar to sea­ weed. Its vines shake as it walks.","Its identity is obscured by masses of thick, blue vines. The vines are said to never stop growing.","The vines that cloak its entire body are always jiggling. They effectively un­ nerve its foes."],"zh":["身體被藍色的藤蔓裹著,沒有人知道牠的真面目。據說藤蔓會持續不斷生長。","藤蔓即使斷了也會繼續無限地生長。藤蔓下的真面目至今仍是個謎。","藤蔓散發著獨特的香氣。在伽勒爾的部分地區會被當作香草使用。"]}},{"id":115,"name":{"en":"Kangaskhan","zh":"袋獸"},"types":{"en":["normal"],"zh":["一般"]},"genera":{"en":"Parent Pokémon","zh":"親子寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["The infant rarely ventures out of its mother's protective pouch until it is 3 years old.","Raises its young in its belly pouch. Won't run from any fight to keep its young protected.","If it is safe, the young gets out of the belly pouch to play. The adult keeps a close eye on the youngster."],"zh":["袋獸的母愛很深。如果是為了守護自己的孩子,據說連死都毫不畏懼。","育兒袋裡的孩子大約3年左右會離開母親自立。只有在那個時候母親才會大聲鳴叫。","把自己的孩子放進腹部的袋子裡保護,會毫不留情地狠狠教訓傷害自己孩子的傢伙。"]}},{"id":116,"name":{"en":"Horsea","zh":"墨海馬"},"types":{"en":["water"],"zh":["水"]},"genera":{"en":"Dragon Pokémon","zh":"龍寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Known to shoot down flying bugs with precision blasts of ink from the surface of the water.","If it senses any danger, it will vigorously spray water or a special type of ink from its mouth.","If attacked by a larger enemy, it quickly swims to safety by adeptly controlling its dorsal fin."],"zh":["當遇上生命危險的時候,會從口中噴出強勁的水流和特殊的墨汁。","棲息在海流平穩的海域。被襲擊時會吐出漆黑的墨汁,然後趁機逃走。","會在水中跳舞似地游動來製造漩渦。玩耍時會和夥伴比賽誰做出的漩渦比較大。"]}},{"id":117,"name":{"en":"Seadra","zh":"海刺龍"},"types":{"en":["water"],"zh":["水"]},"genera":{"en":"Dragon Pokémon","zh":"龍寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Capable of swim­ ming backwards by rapidly flapping its wing-like pectoral fins and stout tail.","Touching the back fin causes numb­ ness. It hooks its tail to coral to stay in place while sleeping.","An examination of its cells revealed the presence of a gene not found in HORSEA. It became a hot topic."],"zh":["碰到牠的背鰭會導致麻痺。睡覺時會用尾巴纏住珊瑚,以免被水流沖走。","是由雄性來養育孩子。在育兒時,背上刺的毒素會變得更強更濃。","嘴部雖然細,但吸力卻很強。就算是比嘴還要大的食物,也都能瞬間吸進口裡吃掉。"]}},{"id":118,"name":{"en":"Goldeen","zh":"角金魚"},"types":{"en":["water"],"zh":["水"]},"genera":{"en":"Goldfish Pokémon","zh":"金魚寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Its tail fin billows like an elegant ballroom dress, giving it the nickname of the Water Queen.","When it is time for them to lay eggs, they can be seen swimming up rivers and falls in large groups.","Its dorsal, pecto­ ral and tail fins wave elegantly in water. That is why it is known as the water dancer."],"zh":["天氣變得暖和之後,就會成群結隊溯流而上。那畫面正如宣告春天來臨的風景詩。","被角的長度和魚鰭的美麗所迷住,因而只培育角金魚的風雅訓練家也是很多的。","特徵是美麗的尾鰭,但角金魚們之間競爭的似乎是角的粗細和尖銳度。"]}},{"id":119,"name":{"en":"Seaking","zh":"金魚王"},"types":{"en":["water"],"zh":["水"]},"genera":{"en":"Goldfish Pokémon","zh":"金魚寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["In the autumn spawning season, they can be seen swimming powerfully up rivers and creeks.","In the autumn spawning season, they can be seen swimming power­ fully up rivers and creeks.","It is the male's job to make a nest by carving out boulders in a stream using the horn on its head."],"zh":["天氣變涼的時候,全身就會暈染成鮮紅色。那樣子正如令人感覺到秋意的風景詩。","狂熱愛好金魚王的訓練家分為角的愛好者和魚鰭的愛好者。兩者之間的關係很差。","頭上的角會像鑽頭一樣旋轉,就連堅硬的岩石也能輕易貫穿。雄性的顏色比較鮮豔。"]}},{"id":120,"name":{"en":"Staryu","zh":"海星星"},"types":{"en":["water"],"zh":["水"]},"genera":{"en":"Star Shape Pokémon","zh":"星形寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["If its body is torn, it can grow back if the red core remains. The core flashes at midnight.","An enigmatic Pokémon that can effortlessly regenerate any appendage it loses in battle.","As long as the center section is unharmed, it can grow back fully even if it is chopped to bits."],"zh":["大多在海邊棲息。夜幕降臨時,身體的正中會閃耀出怪異的紅色光芒。","即使被霓虹魚之類的咬到,只要紅色的核心部分還在就會立刻再生,所以一點都不在意。","在各地都流傳著星星落到海中之後變成了海星星的民間傳說。"]}},{"id":121,"name":{"en":"Starmie","zh":"寶石海星"},"types":{"en":["water","psychic"],"zh":["水","超能力"]},"genera":{"en":"Mysterious Pokémon","zh":"謎寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Its central core glows with the seven colors of the rainbow. Some people value the core as a gem.","The center section is named the core. People think it is communicating when it glows in 7 colors.","The center section of its body is called the core. It glows in a dif­ ferent color each time it is seen."],"zh":["據說會從發光的核心收發神秘的電波。靠近的話可能會感到頭痛。","因為身體的造型很抽象,被本地的人謠傳為來自宇宙的侵略者。","閃耀的核心被人們稱為海中寶石。有人把它變成昂貴的飾品,在暗地裡偷偷買賣。"]}},{"id":122,"name":{"en":"Mr. Mime","zh":"魔牆人偶"},"types":{"en":["psychic","fairy"],"zh":["超能力","妖精"]},"genera":{"en":"Barrier Pokémon","zh":"屏障寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["If interrupted while it is miming, it will slap around the offender with its broad hands.","Always practices its pantomime act. It makes enemies believe something exists that really doesn't.","A skilled mime from birth, it gains the ability to create invisi­ ble objects as it matures."],"zh":["實力出神入化的默劇高手。當人們看牠的表演看到入神時,不知不覺間眼前會出現真正的牆壁。","會用默劇製造出看不見的牆壁。如果不讚美牠的話,連環巴掌就會向你襲來。","擅長演默劇,隨時都在練習。即使眼前空無一物,也能讓人相信有東西在那裡。"]}},{"id":123,"name":{"en":"Scyther","zh":"飛天螳螂"},"types":{"en":["bug","flying"],"zh":["蟲","飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"Mantis Pokémon","zh":"螳螂寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["With ninja-like agility and speed, it can create the illusion that there is more than one.","Leaps out of tall grass and slices prey with its scythes. The move­ ment looks like that of a ninja.","It slashes through grass with its sharp scythes, moving too fast for the human eye to track."],"zh":["以忍者般敏捷的動作迷惑獵物,然後趁對方露出破綻的一瞬間用鐮刀將獵物切碎。","年輕的時候在深山裡群居生活,修鍊用鐮刀戰鬥以及高速移動的技術。","鋒利的2把鐮刀不只是武器,飛天螳螂會靈巧地用鐮刀分解獵物來進食。"]}},{"id":124,"name":{"en":"Jynx","zh":"迷唇姐"},"types":{"en":["ice","psychic"],"zh":["冰","超能力"]},"genera":{"en":"Human Shape Pokémon","zh":"人形寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It seductively wiggles its hips as it walks. It can cause people to dance in unison with it.","Appears to move to a rhythm of its own, as if it were dancing. It wiggles its hips as it walks.","It rocks its body rhythmically. It appears to alter the rhythm depend­ ing on how it is feeling."],"zh":["會以獨特的節奏扭動腰部。棲息在阿羅拉的迷唇姐動作更是特別完美無瑕。","奇異的叫聲聽起來就像是人類的語言。也有些音樂家會創作讓迷唇姐唱的曲子。","似乎有著獨特的節奏感。會以跳舞般的輕快動作扭著腰來走路。"]}},{"id":125,"name":{"en":"Electabuzz","zh":"電擊獸"},"types":{"en":["electric"],"zh":["電"]},"genera":{"en":"Electric Pokémon","zh":"電擊寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Normally found near power plants, they can wander away and cause major blackouts in cities.","If a major power outage occurs, it is certain that this Pokémon has eaten electricity at a power plant.","Electricity runs across the surface of its body. In darkness, its en­ tire body glows a whitish-blue."],"zh":["突發的停電,有一半是因為電擊獸聚集在發電廠胡亂吞食電力造成的。","比起透過進食獲得的電量,從身體洩露的電量壓倒性地多。","全身帶著電流,會不斷轉動手臂來充電然後使出拳擊。"]}},{"id":126,"name":{"en":"Magmar","zh":"鴨嘴火獸"},"types":{"en":["fire"],"zh":["火"]},"genera":{"en":"Spitfire Pokémon","zh":"吐火寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Its body always burns with an orange glow that enables it to hide perfectly among flames.","Born in an active volcano. Its body is always cloaked in flames, so it looks like a big ball of fire.","It dislikes cold places, so it blows scorching flames to make the environment suit­ able for itself."],"zh":["感到疲勞時會跳入火山口,浸泡在熔岩中讓身體舒緩疲勞。全身以1200度燃燒著。","生氣的時候會從全身噴出灼熱的火焰,不把對手燒成灰燼就無法平息怒火。","全身都在燃燒,光是呼出的氣息就帶著高溫,打噴嚏時會同時噴出火焰。"]}},{"id":127,"name":{"en":"Pinsir","zh":"凱羅斯"},"types":{"en":["bug"],"zh":["蟲"]},"genera":{"en":"Stag Beetle Pokémon","zh":"鍬形蟲寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["If it fails to crush the victim in its pincers, it will swing it around and toss it hard.","Grips its prey in its pincers and squeezes hard! It can't move if it's cold, so it lives in warm places.","With its horns, it digs burrows to sleep in at night. In the morning, damp soil clings to its body."],"zh":["會用長長的角把對手夾住,就這樣把對方夾成兩半。力量非常強大,但很害怕寒冷。","角的一擊連大樹都能折斷。在阿羅拉,鍬農炮蟲是牠最大的競爭者。","會和鍬農炮蟲爭奪地盤。不知為何,在阿羅拉這裡,牠和赫拉克羅斯的關係相當不錯。"]}},{"id":128,"name":{"en":"Tauros","zh":"肯泰羅"},"types":{"en":["normal"],"zh":["一般"]},"genera":{"en":"Wild Bull Pokémon","zh":"暴牛寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["When it targets an enemy, it charges furiously while whipping its body with its long tails.","A rowdy Pokémon with a lot of stamina. Once running, it won't stop until it hits something.","They fight each other by locking horns. The herd's protector takes pride in its bat­ tle-scarred horns."],"zh":["在世界各地都有騎著肯泰羅生活的歷史,但這一切的開端據說是在阿羅拉。","性格暴躁的寶可夢,但是聽說阿羅拉地區的肯泰羅會比較穩重。","會組成群體來生活。群體中角最粗、最長,且傷痕最多的就是老大。"]}},{"id":129,"name":{"en":"Magikarp","zh":"鯉魚王"},"types":{"en":["water"],"zh":["水"]},"genera":{"en":"Fish Pokémon","zh":"魚寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["In the distant past, it was somewhat stronger than the horribly weak descendants that exist today.","Famous for being very unreliable. It can be found swimming in seas, lakes, rivers and shallow puddles.","An underpowered, pathetic Pokémon. It may jump high on rare occasions, but never more than seven feet."],"zh":["力量很弱,派不上用場,只有繁殖力異常驚人。多得簡直要看膩了。","因為胡亂躍起,總是馬上就被襲擊。但據說多虧了鯉魚王,大多數寶可夢都能活得更久。","在遙遠的過去實力還算強大,但隨著時光的流轉,牠變得越來越弱了。"]}},{"id":130,"name":{"en":"Gyarados","zh":"暴鯉龍"},"types":{"en":["water","flying"],"zh":["水","飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"Atrocious Pokémon","zh":"凶惡寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Once it begins to rampage, a Gyarados will burn everything down, even in a harsh storm.","They say that during past strife, Gyarados would appear and leave blazing ruins in its wake.","Rarely seen in the wild. Huge and vicious, it is capable of destroying entire cities in a rage."],"zh":["據說,某個激怒了暴鯉龍的城鎮在一夜之間就被燃燒殆盡,連一點痕跡都沒有留下。","暴鯉龍出現的地方肯定會遭到破壞,有些人相信這種說法。","會不斷吐出破壞光線,把周圍一帶燃燒殆盡,有的地方把牠稱為破壞神。"]}},{"id":131,"name":{"en":"Lapras","zh":"拉普拉斯"},"types":{"en":["water","ice"],"zh":["水","冰"]},"genera":{"en":"Transport Pokémon","zh":"乘載寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["A Pokémon that has been over­ hunted almost to extinction. It can ferry people across the water.","A gentle soul that can read the minds of people. It can ferry people across the sea on its back.","They have gentle hearts. Because they rarely fight, many have been caught. Their num­ ber has dwindled."],"zh":["擁有很高的智商,理解人類的語言。心情好的時候會用美妙的聲音唱歌。","因違法捕撈而導致瀕臨絕種。但據說在受到重點保護之後,數量反而開始過度增加了。","喜歡載著人游泳。在阿羅拉地區是重要的水上交通工具。"]}},{"id":132,"name":{"en":"Ditto","zh":"百變怪"},"types":{"en":["normal"],"zh":["一般"]},"genera":{"en":"Transform Pokémon","zh":"變身寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Capable of copying an enemy's genetic code to instantly transform itself into a duplicate of the enemy.","When it spots an enemy, its body transfigures into an almost perfect copy of its oppo­ nent.","It can transform into anything. When it sleeps, it changes into a stone to avoid being attacked."],"zh":["利用細胞重組將自己的模樣變成和眼前的對手一模一樣。相似度會因個體而異。","因其驚人的變身能力,無論與誰都能成為夥伴。但是百變怪同類之間的關係惡劣。","能夠變身成任何東西,但每隻百變怪似乎各自有擅長和不擅長變形的對象。"]}},{"id":133,"name":{"en":"Eevee","zh":"伊布"},"types":{"en":["normal"],"zh":["一般"]},"genera":{"en":"Evolution Pokémon","zh":"進化寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Its genetic code is irregular. It may mutate if it is exposed to radiation from element STONEs.","Its genetic code is unstable, so it could evolve in a variety of ways. There are only a few alive.","It has the ability to alter the com­ position of its body to suit its surrounding envi­ ronment."],"zh":["擁有不平衡且不穩定的基因,因而蘊含著十分各種各樣的進化可能性。","根據目前的調查,擁有進化為多達8種寶可夢的可能性。","為何只有伊布有著極其不穩定的基因?理由至今仍然不明。"]}},{"id":134,"name":{"en":"Vaporeon","zh":"水伊布"},"types":{"en":["water"],"zh":["水"]},"genera":{"en":"Bubble Jet Pokémon","zh":"吐泡寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Lives close to water. Its long tail is ridged with a fin which is often mistaken for a mermaid's.","Its cell structure is similar to water molecules. It will melt away and become invis­ ible in water.","When Vaporeon's fins begin to vi­ brate, it is a sign that rain will come within a few hours."],"zh":["細胞構造與水分子非常相似。由於在水邊棲息,有時候會被誤認為是人魚。","與水融為一體,隱藏自己的氣息,一動不動地埋伏著等待獵物──魚寶可夢的到來。","主要的棲息地是乾淨的水邊。一旦有遭到外敵侵襲的危險,就會跳進水中躲起來。"]}},{"id":135,"name":{"en":"Jolteon","zh":"雷伊布"},"types":{"en":["electric"],"zh":["電"]},"genera":{"en":"Lightning Pokémon","zh":"雷寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It accumulates negative ions in the atmosphere to blast out 10000- volt lightning bolts.","A sensitive POKé­ MON that easily becomes sad or angry. Every time its mood changes, it charges power.","It concentrates the weak electric charges emitted by its cells and launches wicked lightning bolts."],"zh":["能噴出大約10000伏特的電力。因為相當神經質,所以要與牠變得親密是非常困難的。","體毛豎立就是要噴出電流的信號。旁邊可能會有落雷,所以要多加注意。","肺中有著能產生電力的器官,可以聽見牠吐氣的聲音裡混雜著劈哩啪啦的電流聲。"]}},{"id":136,"name":{"en":"Flareon","zh":"火伊布"},"types":{"en":["fire"],"zh":["火"]},"genera":{"en":"Flame Pokémon","zh":"火寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["When storing thermal energy in its body, its temperature could soar to over 1600 degrees.","It has a flame chamber inside its body. It inhales, then blows out fire that is over 3,000F degrees.","It stores some of the air it inhales in its internal flame pouch, which heats it to over 3,000 degrees."],"zh":["如果尋獲樹果或捕捉到獵物,就會噴出火焰將其烤至熟透,然後大口吃掉。","平均體溫700~800度。在體內的火袋裡熊熊燃燒著1700度的火焰。","當牠大口吸入空氣時,就是即將發動攻擊的信號,1700度的火焰即將來襲。"]}},{"id":137,"name":{"en":"Porygon","zh":"多邊獸"},"types":{"en":["normal"],"zh":["一般"]},"genera":{"en":"Virtual Pokémon","zh":"虛擬寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["A Pokémon that consists entirely of programming code. Capable of moving freely in cyberspace.","The only Pokémon people anticipate can fly into space. None has managed the feat yet, however.","It is a manmade Pokémon. Since it doesn't breathe, people are eager to try it in any environment."],"zh":["大約20年前,集結了當時的科學力量創造出來的人工寶可夢。","可將身體化為數位資料,所以可進入電腦空間。","由於是大約20年前的科學技術創造出的寶可夢,如今許多部分已經過時了。"]}},{"id":138,"name":{"en":"Omanyte","zh":"菊石獸"},"types":{"en":["rock","water"],"zh":["岩石","水"]},"genera":{"en":"Spiral Pokémon","zh":"漩渦寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Although long extinct, in rare cases, it can be genetically resurrected from fossils.","An ancient Pokémon that was recovered from a fossil. It swims by cleverly twisting its 10 tentacles about.","Revived from an ancient fossil, this Pokémon uses air stored in its shell to sink and rise in water."],"zh":["生活在古代海洋中的寶可夢。似乎是始祖大鳥的食物,曾被發現過帶有齒痕的化石。","從古代的化石復原而來。在很久以前曾經是海洋的地方能夠發掘到牠的貝殼化石。","復原自能夠靈活地扭動10隻腳在古代海上漂浮的寶可夢的化石。"]}},{"id":139,"name":{"en":"Omastar","zh":"多刺菊石獸"},"types":{"en":["rock","water"],"zh":["岩石","水"]},"genera":{"en":"Spiral Pokémon","zh":"漩渦寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["A prehistoric Pokémon that died out when its heavy shell made it impossible to catch prey.","Sharp beaks ring its mouth. Its shell was too big for it to move freely, so it became extinct.","Apparently, it cracked SHELLDER's shell with its sharp fangs and sucked out the insides."],"zh":["被認為是因為身上沉重的殼而滅絕的古代寶可夢。似乎是章魚桶的遠祖。","會用觸手纏住獵物,封鎖對手的行動,然後用銳利的牙齒給予致命一擊。","擁有尖銳的牙齒,但似乎因為甲殼太大而不易移動,最後陷入了滅絕。"]}},{"id":140,"name":{"en":"Kabuto","zh":"化石盔"},"types":{"en":["rock","water"],"zh":["岩石","水"]},"genera":{"en":"Shellfish Pokémon","zh":"甲殼寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["A Pokémon that was resurrected from a fossil found in what was once the ocean floor eons ago.","A Pokémon that was recovered from a fossil. It uses the eyes on its back while hiding on the sea floor.","On rare occasions, some have been found as fossils which they became while hiding on the ocean floor."],"zh":["3億年前十分常見的寶可夢。據說在某個地區至今仍偶爾能看見活著的化石盔。","除了極少數的區域之外,這種寶可夢幾乎已經絕種。會用堅硬的外殼保護身體。","從化石復活而來的寶可夢。似乎會躲在海底,用背上的眼睛來觀察四周。"]}},{"id":141,"name":{"en":"Kabutops","zh":"鐮刀盔"},"types":{"en":["rock","water"],"zh":["岩石","水"]},"genera":{"en":"Shellfish Pokémon","zh":"甲殼寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Its sleek shape is perfect for swim­ ming. It slashes prey with its claws and drains the body fluids.","A slim and fast swimmer. It slices its prey with its sharp sickles and drinks the body fluids.","In the water, it tucks in its limbs to become more compact, then it wiggles its shell to swim fast."],"zh":["為了在陸地上也能活動,身體開始了演化,但還來不及演化完就絕種了。","能以大約29節的速度游動。會迅速地接近獵物,然後用鐮刀撕裂對手給予致命一擊。","會用細長的身體快速游動。似乎會用鐮刀切開捉到的獵物,然後吸取對方的體液。"]}},{"id":142,"name":{"en":"Aerodactyl","zh":"化石翼龍"},"types":{"en":["rock","flying"],"zh":["岩石","飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"Fossil Pokémon","zh":"化石寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["A Pokémon that roamed the skies in the dinosaur era. Its teeth are like saw blades.","A ferocious, pre­ historic Pokémon that goes for the enemy's throat with its serrated saw-like fangs.","A savage Pokémon that died out in ancient times. It was resurrected using DNA taken from amber."],"zh":["恐龍時代的寶可夢。會用鋸子般的牙齒將獵物撕碎後吞食。","在古代是廣闊天空的王者。因巨大隕石的墜落而滅絕的學說在人們心中根深蒂固。","由琥珀中殘留的基因還原而來。性情比想像中更加兇暴,甚至還出現了犧牲者。"]}},{"id":143,"name":{"en":"Snorlax","zh":"卡比獸"},"types":{"en":["normal"],"zh":["一般"]},"genera":{"en":"Sleeping Pokémon","zh":"瞌睡寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Very lazy. Just eats and sleeps. As its rotund bulk builds, it becomes steadily more slothful.","Will eat anything, even if the food happens to be a little moldy. It never gets an upset stomach.","What sounds like its cry may ac­ tually be its snores or the rumblings of its hungry belly."],"zh":["據說擁有最強的胃袋。就連臭臭泥的毒對卡比獸的舌頭來說也只是調味料而已。","每天要吃下400公斤的食物。一開始吃就會打瞌睡,即使是睡著的狀態也會繼續吃。","平常不是吃就是睡,但如果因某種原因認真起來的話,似乎就會發揮驚人的力量。"]}},{"id":144,"name":{"en":"Articuno","zh":"急凍鳥"},"types":{"en":["ice","flying"],"zh":["冰","飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"Freeze Pokémon","zh":"冰凍寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["A legendary bird Pokémon that is said to appear to doomed people who are lost in icy mountains.","A legendary bird Pokémon. It freezes water that is contained in winter air and makes it snow.","The magnificent, seemingly translu­ cent wings of this legendary bird Pokémon are said to be made of ice."],"zh":["傳說的鳥寶可夢。會讓冬天空中的空氣所含的水分凍結,降下雪花。","藍色的美麗羽毛據說是由冰構成的。會搖曳著長長的尾巴飛過雪山。","擁有能自在操縱冰的能力。據說是棲息在永凍之地的雪山中。"]}},{"id":145,"name":{"en":"Zapdos","zh":"閃電鳥"},"types":{"en":["electric","flying"],"zh":["電","飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"Electric Pokémon","zh":"電擊寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["A legendary bird Pokémon that is said to appear from clouds while dropping enormous lightning bolts.","This legendary bird Pokémon is said to appear when the sky turns dark and lightning showers down.","This legendary bird Pokémon causes savage thunderstorms by flapping its glit­ tering wings."],"zh":["當天空被陰霾籠罩,落雷不斷時,傳說的寶可夢將會現身。","能夠自在地操縱雷電。相傳牠的巢穴就在烏黑的雷雲之中。","傳說的鳥寶可夢。據說只要牠磨蹭翅膀,立刻就會有雷電劈下。"]}},{"id":146,"name":{"en":"Moltres","zh":"火焰鳥"},"types":{"en":["fire","flying"],"zh":["火","飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"Flame Pokémon","zh":"火焰寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Known as the legendary bird of fire. Every flap of its wings creates a dazzling flash of flames.","A legendary bird Pokémon. As it flaps its flaming wings, even the night sky will turn red.","This legendary Pokémon scatters embers with every flap of its wings. It is a thrilling sight to behold."],"zh":["傳說的鳥寶可夢。當牠揮舞熾熱燃燒的翅膀,就連夜空都會映上一片紅光。","每當牠拍動翅膀,羽毛就會閃爍出美麗的赤紅火焰。是傳說的鳥寶可夢之一。","相傳牠會以美麗燃燒的翅膀照亮山路,救助在山中遇險的人。"]}},{"id":147,"name":{"en":"Dratini","zh":"迷你龍"},"types":{"en":["dragon"],"zh":["龍"]},"genera":{"en":"Dragon Pokémon","zh":"龍寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Long considered a mythical Pokémon until recently when a small colony was found living underwater.","The existence of this mythical Pokémon was only recently confirmed by a fisherman who caught one.","It is born large to start with. It repeatedly sheds its skin as it steadily grows longer."],"zh":["藉由反覆脫皮一點點地長大。將脫下的皮加工後制成的靴子是超高級商品。","某個釣手經過10個小時的奮戰,最後才成功將牠釣上來,而牠的存在也終於被證實。","由於還很弱小,所以會潛伏在水底悄悄地生活,靠著吃沉入水底的東西為生。"]}},{"id":148,"name":{"en":"Dragonair","zh":"哈克龍"},"types":{"en":["dragon"],"zh":["龍"]},"genera":{"en":"Dragon Pokémon","zh":"龍寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["A mystical Pokémon that exudes a gentle aura. Has the ability to change climate conditions.","According to a witness, its body was surrounded by a strange aura that gave it a mystical look.","They say that if it emits an aura from its whole body, the weather will begin to change instantly."],"zh":["據說,在水晶般的珠子裡蘊含著操縱天氣的力量。","自太古時代就被從事農業的人們當做掌管天氣者而崇拜著。","人們相信牠能操縱天氣,所以哈克龍居住的湖裡總是不乏人們獻上的供品。"]}},{"id":149,"name":{"en":"Dragonite","zh":"快龍"},"types":{"en":["dragon","flying"],"zh":["龍","飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"Dragon Pokémon","zh":"龍寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["An extremely rarely seen marine Pokémon. Its intelligence is said to match that of humans.","It is said that this Pokémon lives somewhere in the sea and that it flies. However, it is only a rumor.","It is said that this Pokémon con­ stantly flies over the immense seas and rescues drown­ ing people."],"zh":["遇難的男人獲救後被帶去的孤島是只屬於快龍的樂園。","一般都是非常穩重的,但如果觸碰到了牠的逆鱗,牠將毀滅一切才肯罷休。","能輕描淡寫地飛越驚濤駭浪,目睹這個景象的船長稱呼牠為大海的化身。"]}},{"id":150,"name":{"en":"Mewtwo","zh":"超夢"},"types":{"en":["psychic"],"zh":["超能力"]},"genera":{"en":"Genetic Pokémon","zh":"基因寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It was created by a scientist after years of horrific gene splicing and DNA engineering experiments.","Its DNA is almost the same as MEW's. However, its size and disposition are vastly dif­ ferent.","Because its battle abilities were raised to the ultimate level, it thinks only of de­ feating its foes."],"zh":["身上的基因與夢幻幾乎一樣,但無論是體型大小還是性格都與夢幻有著巨大的差別。"]}},{"id":151,"name":{"en":"Mew","zh":"夢幻"},"types":{"en":["psychic"],"zh":["超能力"]},"genera":{"en":"New Species Pokémon","zh":"新種寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["So rare that it is still said to be a mirage by many experts. Only a few people have seen it worldwide.","When viewed through a micro­ scope, this Pokémon's short, fine, delicate hair can be seen.","Apparently, it appears only to those people who are pure of heart and have a strong desire to see it."],"zh":["用顯微鏡觀察就會發現,牠的身上長著又細又短,十分細緻的體毛。"]}},{"id":152,"name":{"en":"Chikorita","zh":"菊草葉"},"types":{"en":["grass"],"zh":["草"]},"genera":{"en":"Leaf Pokémon","zh":"葉子寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["A sweet aroma gently wafts from the leaf on its head. It is docile and loves to soak up the sun's rays.","Its pleasantly aromatic leaves have the ability to check the hu­ midity and tem­ perature.","It loves to bask in the sunlight. It uses the leaf on its head to seek out warm places."],"zh":["雖然會揮舞葉子威嚇對手,但因為葉子上會飄散出甜甜的香氣,所以雙方都會變得心平氣和下來。"]}},{"id":153,"name":{"en":"Bayleef","zh":"月桂葉"},"types":{"en":["grass"],"zh":["草"]},"genera":{"en":"Leaf Pokémon","zh":"葉子寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["The scent of spices comes from around its neck. Somehow, sniffing it makes you want to fight.","A spicy aroma ema­ nates from around its neck. The aroma acts as a stimulant to re­ store health.","The scent that wafts from the leaves on its neck causes anyone who smells it to become energetic."],"zh":["脖子周圍圓圓捲起的每片葉子中,都長著1個小樹芽。那香味會讓人充滿活力。"]}},{"id":154,"name":{"en":"Meganium","zh":"大竺葵"},"types":{"en":["grass"],"zh":["草"]},"genera":{"en":"Herb Pokémon","zh":"芳草寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["The aroma that rises from its petals contains a substance that calms aggressive feelings.","Meganium's breath has the power to revive dead grass and plants. It can make them healthy again.","Anyone who stands beside it becomes refreshed, just as if they were relaxing in a sunny forest."],"zh":["花的香味能夠平復情緒。戰鬥的時候,牠會散發出香味來削弱對手的戰意。"]}},{"id":155,"name":{"en":"Cyndaquil","zh":"火球鼠"},"types":{"en":["fire"],"zh":["火"]},"genera":{"en":"Fire Mouse Pokémon","zh":"火鼠寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It has a timid nature. If it is startled, the flames on its back burn more vigorously.","It is timid, and always curls it­ self up in a ball. If attacked, it flares up its back for protection.","It usually stays hunched over. If it is angry or surprised, it shoots flames out of its back."],"zh":["會從背上噴出火焰保護自己。雖然生氣時的火焰勢頭猛烈,但疲憊時就會不完全燃燒。","棲息在城都地區的寶可夢。生性膽小,總是將身子縮成一團,但其實體內蘊藏著強大的火力。"]}},{"id":156,"name":{"en":"Quilava","zh":"火岩鼠"},"types":{"en":["fire"],"zh":["火"]},"genera":{"en":"Volcano Pokémon","zh":"火山寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Be careful if it turns its back during battle. It means that it will attack with the fire on its back.","This Pokémon is fully covered by nonflammable fur. It can withstand any kind of fire attack.","Before battle, it turns its back on its opponent to demonstrate how ferociously its fire blazes."],"zh":["會用火勢和熱風威嚇對手。在用敏捷的身手躲避對手攻擊的同時會用火焰點燃對手。","擁有一身絕不會被點燃的奇異體毛。當牠背向己方時須特別小心,這是牠將發動攻擊的信號。"]}},{"id":157,"name":{"en":"Typhlosion","zh":"火爆獸"},"types":{"en":["fire"],"zh":["火"]},"genera":{"en":"Volcano Pokémon","zh":"火山寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["If its rage peaks, it becomes so hot that anything that touches it will instantly go up in flames.","It has a secret, devastating move. It rubs its blaz­ing fur together to cause huge explosions.","When heat from its body causes the air around it to shimmer, this is a sign that it is ready to battle."],"zh":["會用灼熱的火焰在周圍製造出熱浪隱藏身影。燃起的爆炸氣浪能燒盡一切。"]}},{"id":158,"name":{"en":"Totodile","zh":"小鋸鱷"},"types":{"en":["water"],"zh":["水"]},"genera":{"en":"Big Jaw Pokémon","zh":"大顎寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Its well-developed jaws are powerful and capable of crushing anything. Even its trainer must be careful.","It is small but rough and tough. It won't hesitate to take a bite out of anything that moves.","This rough critter chomps at any moving object it sees. Turning your back on it is not recommended."],"zh":["個子雖小但雙顎力量很強。力量強大到小鋸鱷只是想輕輕咬一下,但卻會讓對方受到重傷的程度。"]}},{"id":159,"name":{"en":"Croconaw","zh":"藍鱷"},"types":{"en":["water"],"zh":["水"]},"genera":{"en":"Big Jaw Pokémon","zh":"大顎寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["If it loses a fang, a new one grows back in its place. There are always 48 fangs lining its mouth.","It opens its huge jaws wide when attacking. If it loses any fangs while biting, they grow back in.","The tips of its fangs are slanted backward. Once those fangs clamp down, the prey has no hope of escape."],"zh":["一旦咬住就絕不會鬆口。牙齒尖端像魚鉤那樣向後彎曲,一旦刺進去就拔不出來了。"]}},{"id":160,"name":{"en":"Feraligatr","zh":"大力鱷"},"types":{"en":["water"],"zh":["水"]},"genera":{"en":"Big Jaw Pokémon","zh":"大顎寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["When it bites with its massive and powerful jaws, it shakes its head and savagely tears its victim up.","It is hard for it to support its own weight out of water, so it gets down on all fours. But it moves fast.","Although it has a massive body, its powerful hind legs enable it to move quickly, even on the ground."],"zh":["會張開大嘴威嚇對手。能用強韌的後腳蹬地,以驚人的速度猛撞過來。"]}},{"id":161,"name":{"en":"Sentret","zh":"尾立"},"types":{"en":["normal"],"zh":["一般"]},"genera":{"en":"Scout Pokémon","zh":"放哨寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["A very cautious Pokémon, it raises itself up using its tail to get a better view of its surroundings.","It stands on its tail so it can see a long way. If it spots an enemy, it cries loudly to warn its kind.","When acting as a lookout, it warns others of danger by screeching and hitting the ground with its tail."],"zh":["睡覺的時候會輪流放哨。察覺到危險便會叫醒夥伴。和族群走散後會害怕得睡不著覺。"]}},{"id":162,"name":{"en":"Furret","zh":"大尾立"},"types":{"en":["normal"],"zh":["一般"]},"genera":{"en":"Long Body Pokémon","zh":"長軀幹寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It makes a nest to suit its long and skinny body. The nest is impossible for other Pokémon to enter.","There is no tell­ ing where the tail begins. Despite its short legs, it is quick at hunt­ ing RATTATA.","It lives in narrow burrows that fit its slim body. The deeper the nests go, the more maze­ like they become."],"zh":["就算受到敵人的襲擊,也能一溜煙鑽進細小的縫隙裡逃走。手腳雖短卻十分靈活。"]}},{"id":163,"name":{"en":"Hoothoot","zh":"咕咕"},"types":{"en":["normal","flying"],"zh":["一般","飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"Owl Pokémon","zh":"貓頭鷹寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It always stands on one foot. It changes feet so fast, the movement can rarely be seen.","It has a perfect sense of time. Whatever happens, it keeps rhythm by precisely tilting its head in time.","It begins to hoot at the same time every day. Some trainers use them in place of clocks."],"zh":["每天必定會按照固定的節奏傾斜脖子,過去人們會養牠來代替時鐘。","每天都會在固定的時間鳴叫。過去的人們非常重視牠,把牠當成報時的神之使者。","總是用單腳站立。由於換腳的速度太快,很難用肉眼看清換腳的瞬間。"]}},{"id":164,"name":{"en":"Noctowl","zh":"貓頭夜鷹"},"types":{"en":["normal","flying"],"zh":["一般","飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"Owl Pokémon","zh":"貓頭鷹寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Its eyes are specially adapted. They concentrate even faint light and enable it to see in the dark.","When it needs to think, it rotates its head 180 de­ grees to sharpen its intellectual power.","Its extremely soft feathers make no sound in flight. It silently sneaks up on prey without being detected."],"zh":["擁有在黑暗中也能清楚看見的眼睛,不會放過任何獵物,所以也被稱為黑夜帝王。","如果牠的頭倒轉過來,就代表牠非常煩惱。這時如果去驚動牠就會被啄。","雙眼有著特殊的構造,只要有些微的光線,即使在黑暗中也能看得像白天一樣清楚。"]}},{"id":165,"name":{"en":"Ledyba","zh":"芭瓢蟲"},"types":{"en":["bug","flying"],"zh":["蟲","飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"Five Star Pokémon","zh":"五星寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It is very timid. It will be afraid to move if it is alone. But it will be active if it is in a group.","When the weather turns cold, lots of Ledyba gather from everywhere to cluster and keep each other warm.","It is timid and clusters together with others. The fluid secreted by its feet indicates its location."],"zh":["天性膽小,總是成群結隊,不然就會感到不安。背上的花紋每隻都有細微的不同。","用帶氣味的體液與夥伴交流。發怒的時候,氣味會酸酸的。","非常怕冷的寶可夢。在溫暖的阿羅拉可以看見牠生氣勃勃的樣子。"]}},{"id":166,"name":{"en":"Ledian","zh":"安瓢蟲"},"types":{"en":["bug","flying"],"zh":["蟲","飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"Five Star Pokémon","zh":"五星寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["When the stars flicker in the night sky, it flutters about, scattering a glowing powder.","The star patterns on its back grow larger or smaller depending on the number of stars in the night sky.","In the daytime when it gets warm, it curls up inside a big leaf and drifts off into a deep slumber."],"zh":["據說星光是牠的能量,但一般來說樹果也是牠喜愛的食物。白天會把身體包在草堆裡睡覺。","用4隻手臂揮拳戰鬥。一拳的威力並不怎麼樣,但依靠出拳數取勝。","據說牠背上的花紋與夜空中的星星有關,但詳細情形至今仍然不明。"]}},{"id":167,"name":{"en":"Spinarak","zh":"圓絲蛛"},"types":{"en":["bug","poison"],"zh":["蟲","毒"]},"genera":{"en":"String Spit Pokémon","zh":"吐絲寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It lies still in the same pose for days in its web, waiting for its unsuspecting prey to wander close.","It spins a web using fine--but durable--thread. It then waits pa­ tiently for prey to be trapped.","If prey becomes ensnared in its nest of spun string, it waits motionlessly until it becomes dark."],"zh":["總是一心一意地等待,直到愛吃的萌虻落入巢中。實在是很有耐心的寶可夢。","也有漁夫會將堅韌的絲編織起來,製作成可以捕捉魚寶可夢的網。","吐絲製成的巢穴相當堅固,即使放上10公斤重的岩石也不會破掉。"]}},{"id":168,"name":{"en":"Ariados","zh":"阿利多斯"},"types":{"en":["bug","poison"],"zh":["蟲","毒"]},"genera":{"en":"Long Leg Pokémon","zh":"長腿寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It spins string not only from its rear but also from its mouth. It is hard to tell which end is which.","A single strand of a special string is endlessly spun out of its rear. The string leads back to its nest.","Rather than mak­ ing a nest in one specific spot, it wanders in search of food after darkness falls."],"zh":["也有地方會使用阿利多斯的絲來織布。結實的布料廣受好評。","屁股和嘴裡都會吐出絲。用絲綁住獵物,慢慢地吸食獵物的體液。","每晚都為了尋求獵物而四處徘徊,發現獵物時會吐絲封鎖對方的行動,然後用牙齒啃食。"]}},{"id":169,"name":{"en":"Crobat","zh":"叉字蝠"},"types":{"en":["poison","flying"],"zh":["毒","飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"Bat Pokémon","zh":"蝙蝠寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It flies so si­ lently through the dark on its four wings that it may not be noticed even when nearby.","The development of wings on its legs enables it to fly fast but also makes it tough to stop and rest.","As a result of its pursuit of faster, yet more silent flight, a new set of wings grew on its hind legs."],"zh":["因為連雙腳也變成翅膀,所以不擅長在地上行動,只能到處爬行。","用4隻翅膀快速而安靜地飛行。在被發現之前一口咬住獵物,一瞬間把血吸得乾乾淨淨。","牙齒很銳利,就算在黑暗中被牠咬住吸血,也會因感覺不到疼痛而無法立刻發現。"]}},{"id":170,"name":{"en":"Chinchou","zh":"燈籠魚"},"types":{"en":["water","electric"],"zh":["水","電"]},"genera":{"en":"Angler Pokémon","zh":"琵琶魚寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Chinchou blink their shining antennae at one another to claim their respective turf.","It shoots positive and negative elec­ tricity between the tips of its two antennae and zaps its enemies.","On the dark ocean floor, its only means of communi­ cation is its constantly flash­ ing lights."],"zh":["2根觸手原本是鰭。會釋放電力讓獵物麻痺後進行襲擊。","在光線無法觸及的海底生活。讓觸手發光來與夥伴們交流。","會讓2根觸手微微發光,藉此引誘獵物靠近。是種在夜釣時很好用的寶可夢。"]}},{"id":171,"name":{"en":"Lanturn","zh":"電燈怪"},"types":{"en":["water","electric"],"zh":["水","電"]},"genera":{"en":"Light Pokémon","zh":"燈寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["The light it emits is so bright that it can illuminate the sea's surface from a depth of over three miles.","It blinds prey with an intense burst of light, then swallows the immobilized prey in a single gulp.","This Pokémon uses the bright part of its body, which changed from a dorsal fin, to lure prey."],"zh":["探頭望向夜晚的海面,如果能看到有如星星閃爍一樣的光,那就是電燈怪哦。","發出強光讓獵物暫時失明。趁獵物露出破綻時,用電擊招呼對手。","當棲息在觸手中的細菌吸食電燈怪的體液時,會產生強烈的發光現象。"]}},{"id":172,"name":{"en":"Pichu","zh":"皮丘"},"types":{"en":["electric"],"zh":["電"]},"genera":{"en":"Tiny Mouse Pokémon","zh":"小鼠寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It is not yet skilled at storing electricity. It may send out a jolt if amused or startled.","Despite its small size, it can zap even adult humans. However, if it does so, it also surprises itself.","It is unskilled at storing electric power. Any kind of shock causes it to discharge energy spontaneously."],"zh":["還未能熟練地操縱電力。有時候稍不留神就會被自己的電麻痺到。","雖然很可愛,但如果一起生活的話,就必須有隨時被電擊電得麻麻的覺悟。","還不擅長運用電力,一旦吃驚或是情緒高漲就會馬上開始放電。"]}},{"id":173,"name":{"en":"Cleffa","zh":"皮寶寶"},"types":{"en":["fairy"],"zh":["妖精"]},"genera":{"en":"Star Shape Pokémon","zh":"星形寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Because of its unusual, star-like silhouette, people believe that it came here on a meteor.","When numerous me­ teors illuminate the night sky, sightings of Cleffa strangely increase.","If the impact site of a meteorite is found, this Pokémon is certain to be within the immediate area."],"zh":["在流星閃耀的深夜裡凝望著天空的樣子,似乎是在緬懷故鄉。","因為外表輪廓的關係,被認為是星星的轉世。不知為何很喜歡小隕星。","會在流星多的夜裡聚集起來,圍成一圈跳舞。如果能看見牠們跳舞的樣子,就會遇上好事。"]}},{"id":174,"name":{"en":"Igglybuff","zh":"寶寶丁"},"types":{"en":["normal","fairy"],"zh":["一般","妖精"]},"genera":{"en":"Balloon Pokémon","zh":"氣球寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It has a very soft body. If it starts to roll, it will bounce all over and be impossible to stop.","Its extremely flexible and elas­ tic body makes it bounce continuous­ ly--anytime, any­ where.","Instead of walking with its short legs, it moves around by bouncing on its soft, tender body."],"zh":["很喜歡唱歌,但唱得不怎麼樣。如果好好地稱讚牠,就會越唱越好哦。","蹦蹦蹦地彈跳著移動。因大量運動而流汗時,會發出微甜的體味。","為了讓歌喉變好,牠一直努力練習唱歌,就連在睡夢中也不斷歌唱。"]}},{"id":175,"name":{"en":"Togepi","zh":"波克比"},"types":{"en":["fairy"],"zh":["妖精"]},"genera":{"en":"Spike Ball Pokémon","zh":"針球寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["The shell seems to be filled with joy. It is said that it will share good luck when treated kindly.","A proverb claims that happiness will come to any­ one who can make a sleeping Togepi stand up.","It is considered to be a symbol of good luck. Its shell is said to be filled with happiness."],"zh":["殼內好像塞滿了許多幸福,據說只要溫柔地對待牠,牠就會把幸運分給對方。","好運的象徵。據說在牠的殼裡裝著滿滿的幸福。"]}},{"id":176,"name":{"en":"Togetic","zh":"波克基古"},"types":{"en":["fairy","flying"],"zh":["妖精","飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"Happiness Pokémon","zh":"幸福寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["They say that it will appear before kindhearted, car­ ing people and shower them with happiness.","It grows dispirit­ ed if it is not with kind people. It can float in midair without moving its wings.","Although it does not flap its wings very much, it can stay up in the air as it tags along after its trainer."],"zh":["據說牠會為了將幸福帶給心地善良的人而現身。","不待在溫柔的人身邊就會變得沒有精神。不揮動翅膀也能浮在空中。"]}},{"id":177,"name":{"en":"Natu","zh":"天然雀"},"types":{"en":["psychic","flying"],"zh":["超能力","飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"Tiny Bird Pokémon","zh":"小鳥寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Because its wings aren't yet fully grown, it has to hop to get around. It is always star­ ing at something.","It usually forages for food on the ground but may, on rare occasions, hop onto branches to peck at shoots.","It is extremely good at climbing tree trunks and likes to eat the new sprouts on the trees."],"zh":["雖然還不會飛,但跳躍力超群,會跳上高處的樹枝去啄食樹芽。","牠的眼神似乎一直在觀察著這裡。但只要稍微靠近,牠就會蹦蹦跳跳地逃開。","能夠靈巧地跳上樹幹。喜歡在枝頭上啄食新長出來的嫩芽。"]}},{"id":178,"name":{"en":"Xatu","zh":"天然鳥"},"types":{"en":["psychic","flying"],"zh":["超能力","飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"Mystic Pokémon","zh":"神秘寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["They say that it stays still and quiet because it is seeing both the past and future at the same time.","In South America, it is said that its right eye sees the future and its left eye views the past.","Once it begins to meditate at sun­ rise, the entire day will pass before it will move again."],"zh":["據說這種寶可夢擁有能夠預知未來的能力,但是沒有足以改變未來的力量。","能夠看見未來,但似乎因為未來的變化不符合期望,所以牠一動也不動。","人們相信牠之所以幾乎不動也不叫地靜靜待著,是因為牠正注視著過去和未來。"]}},{"id":179,"name":{"en":"Mareep","zh":"咩利羊"},"types":{"en":["electric"],"zh":["電"]},"genera":{"en":"Wool Pokémon","zh":"綿毛寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["If static elec­ tricity builds in its body, its fleece doubles in volume. Touching it will shock you.","Its fleece grows continually. In the summer, the fleece is fully shed, but it grows back in a week.","It stores lots of air in its soft fur, allowing it to stay cool in summer and warm in winter."],"zh":["用咩利羊的毛製成的衣服很容易起靜電,所以會經過特殊加工。","會累積絨毛摩擦時所產生的電力。如果因為牠可愛而直接用手去摸,就會被電得又麻又痛。"]}},{"id":180,"name":{"en":"Flaaffy","zh":"茸茸羊"},"types":{"en":["electric"],"zh":["電"]},"genera":{"en":"Wool Pokémon","zh":"綿毛寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["As a result of storing too much electricity, it developed patches where even downy wool won't grow.","Its fluffy fleece easily stores electricity. Its rubbery hide keeps it from being electrocuted.","Because of its rubbery, electric­ ity-resistant skin, it can store lots of electric­ ity in its fur."],"zh":["一根毛髮也沒有的皮膚跟橡膠一樣不會導電,即使觸碰到也很安全。","會將電力儲存在鬆軟的毛中。因為儲存了太多電力,身上有些地方變得光禿禿的。"]}},{"id":181,"name":{"en":"Ampharos","zh":"電龍"},"types":{"en":["electric"],"zh":["電"]},"genera":{"en":"Light Pokémon","zh":"燈寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["The tail's tip shines brightly and can be seen from far away. It acts as a beacon for lost people.","The bright light on its tail can be seen far away. It has been treasured since ancient times as a beacon.","When it gets dark, the light from its bright, shiny tail can be seen from far away on the ocean's surface."],"zh":["尾巴發出的光能直達宇宙,讓牠的所在位置一目了然,所以牠平常不會讓尾巴發光。","尾巴發出的耀眼光芒被船員們當成引路的路標,從過去就一直深受重視。"]}},{"id":182,"name":{"en":"Bellossom","zh":"美麗花"},"types":{"en":["grass"],"zh":["草"]},"genera":{"en":"Flower Pokémon","zh":"花寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Plentiful in the tropics. When it dances, its petals rub together and make a pleasant ringing sound.","Bellossom gather at times and appear to dance. They say that the dance is a ritual to summon the sun.","When these dance together, their petals rub against each other, making pretty, relaxing sounds."],"zh":["在南國大量生活著。跳舞時花瓣會互相碰觸,發出悅耳的聲音。","有時美麗花們會聚在一起,做出像是跳舞的動作。據說這是呼喚太陽的儀式。"]}},{"id":183,"name":{"en":"Marill","zh":"瑪力露"},"types":{"en":["water","fairy"],"zh":["水","妖精"]},"genera":{"en":"Aqua Mouse Pokémon","zh":"水鼠寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["The tip of its tail, which con­ tains oil that is lighter than wa­ ter, lets it swim without drowning.","The end of its tail serves as a buoy that keeps it from drowning, even in a vicious current.","The fur on its body naturally repels water. It can stay dry, even when it plays in the water."],"zh":["圓圓的尾巴能用來代替救生圈。球裡面滿滿都是轉換成油脂的營養。","很能彈開水的體毛就算是從寒冷的海裡上岸時也能立刻乾掉,一點都不冷。"]}},{"id":184,"name":{"en":"Azumarill","zh":"瑪力露麗"},"types":{"en":["water","fairy"],"zh":["水","妖精"]},"genera":{"en":"Aqua Rabbit Pokémon","zh":"水兔寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It lives in water virtually all day long. Its body color and pattern act as camouflage that makes it tough for enemies to spot in water.","By keeping still and listening in­ tently, it can tell what is in even wild, fast- moving rivers.","When it plays in water, it rolls up its elongated ears to prevent their insides from get­ ting wet."],"zh":["整天幾乎都是在水中度過。天氣晴朗時會浮在水面上曬太陽。","會製作填滿空氣的泡泡。當露力麗到河裡玩耍的時候,牠就會用泡泡把露力麗包起來。"]}},{"id":185,"name":{"en":"Sudowoodo","zh":"樹才怪"},"types":{"en":["rock"],"zh":["岩石"]},"genera":{"en":"Imitation Pokémon","zh":"模仿寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Although it always pretends to be a tree, its composi­ tion appears to be closer to a rock than a plant.","It disguises it­ self as a tree to avoid attack. It hates water, so it will disappear if it starts raining.","If a tree branch shakes when there is no wind, it's a Sudowoodo, not a tree. It hides from the rain."],"zh":["為了不被襲擊而模仿成樹木的樣子,但如果被討厭的水潑到,就會慌慌張張地逃走。","很受以老年人為中心的人們歡迎。聽說綠色的部分越大,愛好者們的評價就越高。","很受老人家喜愛,甚至有關於牠的專門雜誌。愛好者特別講究牠的手臂長度和角度。"]}},{"id":186,"name":{"en":"Politoed","zh":"蚊香蛙皇"},"types":{"en":["water"],"zh":["水"]},"genera":{"en":"Frog Pokémon","zh":"蛙寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["If POLIWAG and POLIWHIRL hear its echoing cry, they respond by gather­ ing from far and wide.","Whenever three or more of these get together, they sing in a loud voice that sounds like bellowing.","When it expands its throat to croak out a tune, nearby POLIWAG and POLIWHIRL gather immediately."],"zh":["在月圓之夜聚集起來大合唱。那歌聲像是怒吼一般,雖然並不美妙,但卻別有韻味。","蚊香蝌蚪和蚊香君的領袖。蚊香蛙皇一聲吼,大家都嚇得伏在地上一動不動。","雖然叫聲像噪音一樣吵,但某位作曲家卻受到其影響,創作了優美的敘事曲。"]}},{"id":187,"name":{"en":"Hoppip","zh":"毽子草"},"types":{"en":["grass","flying"],"zh":["草","飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"Cottonweed Pokémon","zh":"棉草寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["To keep from being blown away by the wind, they gather in clusters. They do enjoy gentle breezes, though.","Its body is so light, it must grip the ground firmly with its feet to keep from being blown away.","It can be carried away on even the gentlest breeze. It may even float all the way to the next town."],"zh":["能隨風輕輕飄浮的寶可夢。如果感到有強風要來的跡象,夥伴之間就會互相綁緊葉子,做好不被強風吹走的準備。"]}},{"id":188,"name":{"en":"Skiploom","zh":"毽子花"},"types":{"en":["grass","flying"],"zh":["草","飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"Cottonweed Pokémon","zh":"棉草寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["The bloom on top of its head opens and closes as the temperature fluc­ tuates up and down.","It spreads its petals to absorb sunlight. It also floats in the air to get closer to the sun.","As soon as it rains, it closes its flower and hides in the shade of a tree to avoid getting wet."],"zh":["氣溫超過18度就會開花。開花方式會隨著溫度的不同而變化,所以有時也會用來代替溫度計。"]}},{"id":189,"name":{"en":"Jumpluff","zh":"毽子棉"},"types":{"en":["grass","flying"],"zh":["草","飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"Cottonweed Pokémon","zh":"棉草寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Once it catches the wind, it deft­ ly controls its cotton-puff spores to float, even around the world.","Drifts on seasonal winds and spreads its cotton-like spores all over the world to make more offspring.","Even in the fierc­ est wind, it can control its fluff to make its way to any place in the world it wants."],"zh":["會乘著溫暖的南風飛越大海,一直飛到外國的寶可夢。遇到冷空氣就會降落到地面上。"]}},{"id":190,"name":{"en":"Aipom","zh":"長尾怪手"},"types":{"en":["normal"],"zh":["一般"]},"genera":{"en":"Long Tail Pokémon","zh":"長尾寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Its tail is so powerful that it can use it to grab a tree branch and hold itself up in the air.","It lives atop tall trees. When leap­ ing from branch to branch, it deftly uses its tail for balance.","It uses its tail to hang on to tree branches. It uses its momentum to swing from one branch to another."],"zh":["習慣了用尾巴做各種事之後,雙手就變得不怎麼靈活了。會在很高的樹上築巢。","會從樹上尋找獵物。只要發現自己愛吃的甜竹竹,就會興奮地飛撲過去。","擁有如同手掌般靈活的尾巴。棲息在樹上,有古書將其敘述為只有一隻手的奇妙寶可夢。"]}},{"id":191,"name":{"en":"Sunkern","zh":"向日種子"},"types":{"en":["grass"],"zh":["草"]},"genera":{"en":"Seed Pokémon","zh":"種子寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It may drop out of the sky suddenly. If attacked by a SPEAROW, it will violently shake its leaves.","It lives by drink­ ing only dewdrops from under the leaves of plants. It is said that it eats nothing else.","It is very weak. Its only means of defense is to shake its leaves desperately at its attacker."],"zh":["為了將體內儲存的營養保留到進化那一刻,牠幾乎動也不動。平時什麼都不吃,就只會喝朝露。"]}},{"id":192,"name":{"en":"Sunflora","zh":"向日花怪"},"types":{"en":["grass"],"zh":["草"]},"genera":{"en":"Sun Pokémon","zh":"太陽寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It converts sun­ light into energy. In the darkness after sunset, it closes its petals and becomes still.","In the daytime, it rushes about in a hectic manner, but it comes to a com­ plete stop when the sun sets.","As the hot season approaches, the petals on this Pokémon's face become more vivid and lively."],"zh":["會從太陽的能量中製造出營養。在氣溫高的白天會頻繁地活動,太陽下山後會突然變得一動也不動。"]}},{"id":193,"name":{"en":"Yanma","zh":"蜻蜻蜓"},"types":{"en":["bug","flying"],"zh":["蟲","飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"Clear Wing Pokémon","zh":"薄翼寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["If it flaps its wings really fast, it can generate shock waves that will shatter win­ dows in the area.","Its large eyes can scan 360 degrees. It looks in all directions to seek out insects as its prey.","It can see in all directions without moving its big eyes, helping it spot attackers and food right away."],"zh":["不轉動眼珠就可以360度環視。擅長急停和轉向,很快便能將盯上的獵物追得走投無路。","翅膀看似脆弱,薄到可以透光。然而當牠飛翔之時卻能拂亂大氣,發揮足以吹倒家屋的強勁力道。"]}},{"id":194,"name":{"en":"Wooper","zh":"烏波"},"types":{"en":["water","ground"],"zh":["水","地面"]},"genera":{"en":"Water Fish Pokémon","zh":"水魚寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["This Pokémon lives in cold water. It will leave the water to search for food when it gets cold outside.","When it walks a­ round on the ground, it coats its body with a slimy, poisonous film.","A mucous membrane covers its body. Touching it barehanded will cause a shooting pain."],"zh":["在冰冷的水中生活。當周遭的天氣變涼時,也會來到陸地上覓食。","為了在地面上行走時不讓皮膚乾燥,會用有毒的黏膜覆蓋身體。"]}},{"id":195,"name":{"en":"Quagsire","zh":"沼王"},"types":{"en":["water","ground"],"zh":["水","地面"]},"genera":{"en":"Water Fish Pokémon","zh":"水魚寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["This carefree Pokémon has an easy-going nature. While swimming, it always bumps into boat hulls.","Due to its relaxed and carefree atti­ tude, it often bumps its head on boulders and boat hulls as it swims.","Its body is always slimy. It often bangs its head on the river bottom as it swims but seems not to care."],"zh":["就算腦袋撞上船底或河裡的岩石,也完全不會去在意,悠然自在地游泳的悠閒寶可夢。","身體總是滑溜溜的。雖然游泳時頭總會撞到河底,但牠自己毫不在意。"]}},{"id":196,"name":{"en":"Espeon","zh":"太陽伊布"},"types":{"en":["psychic"],"zh":["超能力"]},"genera":{"en":"Sun Pokémon","zh":"太陽寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It uses the fine hair that covers its body to sense air currents and predict its ene­ my's actions.","By reading air currents, it can predict things such as the weath­ er or its foe's next move.","The tip of its forked tail quivers when it is predicting its opponent's next move."],"zh":["利用又細又短的體毛感受空氣的流動,連對手的行動也能一瞬間洞悉。","從額頭的珠子放射出精神力量進行戰鬥。當力量用盡時,珠子的顏色也會褪去。","據說本來沒有任何能力,是為了要保護自己,預知的能力才因此覺醒。"]}},{"id":197,"name":{"en":"Umbreon","zh":"月亮伊布"},"types":{"en":["dark"],"zh":["惡"]},"genera":{"en":"Moonlight Pokémon","zh":"月光寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["When agitated, this Pokémon pro­ tects itself by spraying poisonous sweat from its pores.","When darkness falls, the rings on the body begin to glow, striking fear in the hearts of anyone nearby.","On the night of a full moon, or when it gets excited, the ring patterns on its body glow yellow."],"zh":["發怒的時候會從全身的毛孔裡噴出混合了毒素的汗液,瞄準對手的眼睛發動攻擊。","黑色的體毛與黑暗融為一體。一動不動地等待著獵物鬆懈,對準咽喉一口咬住。","夜行性寶可夢。大大的眼睛即使在一片漆黑中也能看清獵物的樣子。"]}},{"id":198,"name":{"en":"Murkrow","zh":"黑暗鴉"},"types":{"en":["dark","flying"],"zh":["惡","飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"Darkness Pokémon","zh":"黑暗寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Feared and loathed by many, it is believed to bring misfortune to all those who see it at night.","It is said that when chased, it lures its attacker onto dark mountain trails where the foe will get lost.","It hides any shiny object it finds in a secret location. Murkrow and MEOWTH loot one another's stashes."],"zh":["日落時醒來,於低垂的夜幕中飛行。也有所謂 「黑暗鴉出巢,快點回家吧」 的俗語。","被人嫌棄為不吉的象徵,但是會把亮晶晶發著光的東西送給關係好的訓練家。","對閃亮亮的東西毫無抵抗力,有時會為了尋求寶物而潛入會儲存寶石的尖牙陸鯊的巢穴。"]}},{"id":199,"name":{"en":"Slowking","zh":"呆呆王"},"types":{"en":["water","psychic"],"zh":["水","超能力"]},"genera":{"en":"Royal Pokémon","zh":"王者寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It has incredible intellect and in­ tuition. Whatever the situation, it remains calm and collected.","When its head was bitten, toxins entered SLOWPOKE's head and unlocked an extraordinary power.","Every time it ya­ wns, SHELLDER injects more poi­ son into it. The poison makes it more intelligent."],"zh":["受被咬到時的毒素影響,擁有天才的頭腦。能自由自在地操縱精神力量。","迷路就問呆呆王,也有地區流傳著這樣的俗語,可見牠因聰明而廣為人知。","腦海中不停湧現各種足以改變世界的點子,但牠馬上就會忘了那些點子。"]}},{"id":200,"name":{"en":"Misdreavus","zh":"夢妖"},"types":{"en":["ghost"],"zh":["幽靈"]},"genera":{"en":"Screech Pokémon","zh":"夜啼寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It likes playing mischievous tricks such as screaming and wailing to startle people at night.","It loves to bite and yank people's hair from behind without warning, just to see their shocked reactions.","It loves to watch people it's scar­ ed. It frightens them by screaming loudly or appear­ ing suddenly."],"zh":["千方百計地驚嚇人類,吸取生命的能量。嚇人的練習從來不曾間斷。","如果從四下無人的房間裡傳來抽泣般的聲音,那一定是夢妖的惡作劇。","把嚇唬別人當成自己活著的意義。如果把耳朵貼近牠脖子上的紅珠子,就會聽見裡頭傳來哀嚎的聲音。"]}},{"id":201,"name":{"en":"Unown","zh":"未知圖騰"},"types":{"en":["psychic"],"zh":["超能力"]},"genera":{"en":"Symbol Pokémon","zh":"象徵寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Their shapes look like hieroglyphs on ancient tab­ lets. It is said that the two are somehow related.","Its flat, thin body is always stuck on walls. Its shape appears to have some mean­ ing.","Because different types of Unown exist, it is said that they must have a variety of abilities."],"zh":["身體像是古代文字的寶可夢。雖然已有人在研究先出現的是文字還是未知圖騰,但至今仍是個謎。","奇形怪狀不似生物,且個體之間形狀各異,吾人指出其身姿與異國文字的共通性,但未獲重視。"]}},{"id":202,"name":{"en":"Wobbuffet","zh":"果然翁"},"types":{"en":["psychic"],"zh":["超能力"]},"genera":{"en":"Patient Pokémon","zh":"忍耐寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It hates light and shock. If attack­ ed, it inflates its body to pump up its counter­ strike.","To keep its pitch- black tail hidden, it lives quietly in the darkness. It is never first to attack.","In order to con­ ceal its black tail, it lives in a dark cave and only moves about at night."],"zh":["討厭光和衝擊。受到攻擊時身體會膨脹,反擊也會因此變強。","為了隱藏漆黑的尾巴而悄悄地生活在黑暗之中。不會主動發動攻擊。"]}},{"id":203,"name":{"en":"Girafarig","zh":"麒麟奇"},"types":{"en":["normal","psychic"],"zh":["一般","超能力"]},"genera":{"en":"Long Neck Pokémon","zh":"長頸寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Its tail has a small brain of its own. Beware! If you get close, it may react to your scent and bite.","Its tail, which also contains a small brain, may bite on its own if it notices an alluring smell.","When it is in danger, its tail uses some sort of mysterious powers to drive away the enemy."],"zh":["尾巴上的腦袋裡也有小小的大腦。會對氣味和聲音產生反應發動攻擊,因此從後面靠近的話會被突然咬住。","雖然尾巴上的腦袋小到無法思考,但因為不睡覺也沒關係,所以會24小時持續監視周圍的狀況。"]}},{"id":204,"name":{"en":"Pineco","zh":"榛果球"},"types":{"en":["bug"],"zh":["蟲"]},"genera":{"en":"Bagworm Pokémon","zh":"蓑衣蟲寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It likes to make its shell thicker by adding layers of tree bark. The additional weight doesn't bother it.","It hangs and waits for flying insect prey to come near. It does not move about much on its own.","It spits out a fluid that it uses to glue tree bark to its body. The fluid hardens when it touches air."],"zh":["會掛在樹上靜靜等待被牠當成獵物的蟲寶可夢上門。在阿羅拉,牠最愛吃的是萌虻。","會用唾液把樹皮貼在自己身上,讓自己變得更厚更大。上了年紀的榛果球是無比巨大的。"]}},{"id":205,"name":{"en":"Forretress","zh":"佛烈托斯"},"types":{"en":["bug","steel"],"zh":["蟲","鋼"]},"genera":{"en":"Bagworm Pokémon","zh":"蓑衣蟲寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Its entire body is shielded by a steel-hard shell. What lurks inside the armor is a total mystery.","It remains immova­ bly rooted to its tree. It scatters pieces of its hard shell to drive its enemies away.","Usually found hanging on to a fat tree trunk. It shoots out bits of its shell when it sees action."],"zh":["只要有東西靠近,牠就會發射鋼鐵外殼的碎片來攻擊。這是一種與意識無關的條件反射。","只有在吞下獵物的瞬間,殼裡的身體才會出現。至今還沒有人見過牠的真面目。"]}},{"id":206,"name":{"en":"Dunsparce","zh":"土龍弟弟"},"types":{"en":["normal"],"zh":["一般"]},"genera":{"en":"Land Snake Pokémon","zh":"地蛇寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["When spotted, this Pokémon escapes backward by furi­ ously boring into the ground with its tail.","If spotted, it es­ capes by burrowing with its tail. It can float just slightly using its wings.","It hides deep inside caves where no light ever reaches it and remains virtually motionless there."],"zh":["會挖掘地面來移動。與地鼠保持著友好的關係,會共用彼此的隧道。","一看到人就會用尾巴挖洞逃走。如果能夠遇見牠,代表你很幸運。","因為牠擁有小小的翅膀,有些學者主張很久以前牠曾是在天上飛的。"]}},{"id":207,"name":{"en":"Gligar","zh":"天蠍"},"types":{"en":["ground","flying"],"zh":["地面","飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"Fly Scorpion Pokémon","zh":"飛蠍寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It flies straight at its target's face then clamps down on the star­ tled victim to inject poison.","It usually clings to cliffs. When it spots its prey, it spreads its wings and glides down to attack.","It builds its nest on a steep cliff. When it is done gliding, it hops along the ground back to its nest."],"zh":["會悄無聲息地用滑翔的方式滑過空中。能用雙臂上的大爪子和腳上的爪子抓住獵物的臉,然後刺入毒刺。","尾部尖端長有恐怖的巨針。會撲上獵物的臉,遮蔽其視線,再以尾針注入毒素取其性命。"]}},{"id":208,"name":{"en":"Steelix","zh":"大鋼蛇"},"types":{"en":["steel","ground"],"zh":["鋼","地面"]},"genera":{"en":"Iron Snake Pokémon","zh":"鐵蛇寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It is thought its body transformed as a result of iron accumulating internally from swallowing soil.","Its body has been compressed deep under the ground. As a result, it is even harder than a diamond.","It is said that if an ONIX lives for over 100 years, its composition changes to become diamond-like."],"zh":["據說當大岩蛇活到了100年以上,身體的成分就會變得如同鑽石一般。","人們認為牠的身體是因為堆積了和泥土一起吞下的鐵質,才會發生變化的。"]}},{"id":209,"name":{"en":"Snubbull","zh":"布魯"},"types":{"en":["fairy"],"zh":["妖精"]},"genera":{"en":"Fairy Pokémon","zh":"妖精寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Although it looks frightening, it is actually kind and affectionate. It is very popular among women.","It has an active, playful nature. Many women like to frolic with it because of its af­ fectionate ways.","In truth, it is a cowardly Pokémon. It growls eagerly in order to hide its fear from its opponent."],"zh":["臉看起來很嚴厲,但其實相當膽小。那拼命作出威嚇的表情很受女性歡迎。","發出的嗚咽聲讓對手不安。平時是很悠閒的傢伙,1天中有一半時間都在睡覺哦。","喜歡與人親近,很會撒嬌。牠的動作與長相之間的反差似乎能讓年輕女性不禁著迷。"]}},{"id":210,"name":{"en":"Granbull","zh":"布魯皇"},"types":{"en":["fairy"],"zh":["妖精"]},"genera":{"en":"Fairy Pokémon","zh":"妖精寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It is actually timid and easily spooked. If at­ tacked, it flails about to fend off its attacker.","Because its fangs are too heavy, it always keeps its head tilted down. However, its BITE is powerful.","It can make most any Pokémon run away simply by opening its mouth wide to reveal its big fangs."],"zh":["發達的下顎和沉重的牙齒是牠的武器。只要不惹牠生氣,就不太會咬人哦。","比布魯更加膽小。與外表之間的反差萌很受歡迎,在年輕女性中人氣很高。","下顎的力量很強,但因為生性不喜歡鬥爭,所以很少有展露的機會。"]}},{"id":211,"name":{"en":"Qwilfish","zh":"千針魚"},"types":{"en":["water","poison"],"zh":["水","毒"]},"genera":{"en":"Balloon Pokémon","zh":"氣球寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["To fire its poison spikes, it must inflate its body by drinking over 2.6 gallons of water all at once.","The small spikes covering its body developed from scales. They in­ ject a toxin that causes fainting.","When faced with a larger opponent, it swallows as much water as it can to match the opponent's size."],"zh":["對手的體型越是巨大,牠就會喝下越多的水使身體膨脹,彷彿馬上就要破裂一般。","全身上下的小針是由鱗片變化而來的。如果被刺中的話,就會中毒並陷入昏迷。"]}},{"id":212,"name":{"en":"Scizor","zh":"巨鉗螳螂"},"types":{"en":["bug","steel"],"zh":["蟲","鋼"]},"genera":{"en":"Pincer Pokémon","zh":"鉗子寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It has a steel-hard body. It intimidates foes by upraising its eye-patterned pincers.","It swings its eye- patterned pincers up to scare its foes. This makes it look like it has three heads.","Its wings are not used for flying. They are flapped at high speed to adjust its body temperature."],"zh":["為了防止戰鬥時變得過熱,而令金屬的身體熔化,會使用翅膀調節體溫。","一旦認定對方是敵人,就會用具有鋼鐵硬度的鉗子毫不留情地將對方擊倒。","有著鋼鐵般的身體,比起用來夾住敵人,牠粗重的鉗子更適合用來把敵人砸扁。"]}},{"id":213,"name":{"en":"Shuckle","zh":"壺壺"},"types":{"en":["bug","rock"],"zh":["蟲","岩石"]},"genera":{"en":"Mold Pokémon","zh":"發酵寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["The BERRIES it stores in its vase-like shell decompose and become a gooey liquid.","It stores BERRIES inside its shell. To avoid attacks, it hides beneath rocks and remains completely still.","The fluid secreted by its toes carves holes in rocks for nesting and can be mixed with BERRIES to make a drink."],"zh":["甲殼裡儲存著樹果。為了避免受到襲擊,會一動不動地躲在岩石下面。","儲存在壺形甲殼裡的樹果會在不知不覺間變成黏糊糊的果汁。"]}},{"id":214,"name":{"en":"Heracross","zh":"赫拉克羅斯"},"types":{"en":["bug","fighting"],"zh":["蟲","格鬥"]},"genera":{"en":"Single Horn Pokémon","zh":"獨角寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It is usually docile, but if it is disturbed while sipping honey, it chases off the intruder with its horn.","This powerful Pokémon thrusts its prized horn under its enemies’ bellies then lifts and throws them.","Usually docile, but if disturbed while sipping honey, it chases off the intruder with its horn."],"zh":["以擁有粗壯的角為傲。在阿羅拉,鍬農炮蟲是牠最大的競爭者,雙方經常大打出手。","會在森林中四處尋找甜甜蜜。雖然以擁有一身怪力為傲,但卻不是很擅長飛行。","非常喜歡甘甜的樹液。會用2隻觸角偵測氣味,在森林中四處覓食。"]}},{"id":215,"name":{"en":"Sneasel","zh":"狃拉"},"types":{"en":["dark","ice"],"zh":["惡","冰"]},"genera":{"en":"Sharp Claw Pokémon","zh":"鉤爪寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Its paws conceal sharp claws. If attacked, it sud­ denly extends the claws and startles its enemy.","Vicious in nature, it drives PIDGEY from their nests and feasts on the eggs that are left behind.","This cunning Pokémon hides under the cover of darkness, waiting to attack its prey."],"zh":["性格狡猾且兇猛。會趁著雙親不在時侵入巢穴把蛋盜走。","用爪子在蛋上開個孔,吸食中間的美味。有時會被培育家憎惡而遭到驅逐。","靠著團隊合作從鳥寶可夢的巢穴中把蛋偷出來之後,卻會為了由誰來吃而爭吵。"]}},{"id":216,"name":{"en":"Teddiursa","zh":"熊寶寶"},"types":{"en":["normal"],"zh":["一般"]},"genera":{"en":"Little Bear Pokémon","zh":"小熊寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["If it finds honey, its crescent mark glows. It always licks its paws because they are soaked with honey.","Before food be­ comes scarce in wintertime, its habit is to hoard food in many hid­ den locations.","It always licks honey. Its palm tastes sweet because of all the honey it has absorbed."],"zh":["不停舔著滲入了蜜糖的手掌。熊寶寶的蜜糖是由水果和大針蜂採集的花粉混合後製成的。","總是舔舐著滲入掌中的香甜蜜汁。三蜜蜂積蓄在巢中的花蜜時常被牠毫不客氣地佔為己有。"]}},{"id":217,"name":{"en":"Ursaring","zh":"圈圈熊"},"types":{"en":["normal"],"zh":["一般"]},"genera":{"en":"Hibernator Pokémon","zh":"冬眠寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Although it is a good climber, it prefers to snap trees with its forelegs and eat fallen BERRIES.","With its ability to distinguish any aroma, it unfail­ ingly finds all food buried deep underground.","Although it has a large body, it is quite skilled at climbing trees. It eats and sleeps in the treetops."],"zh":["據說森林裡到處都是圈圈熊用來收集食物的大樹和小河。每天都會為了收集食物在森林裡走動。","在洗翠大地被嚴寒籠罩的季節裡,徘徊於山野之中尋找愛吃的樹果。空腹帶來的焦躁使牠變得極為凶暴。"]}},{"id":218,"name":{"en":"Slugma","zh":"熔岩蟲"},"types":{"en":["fire"],"zh":["火"]},"genera":{"en":"Lava Pokémon","zh":"熔岩寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It never sleeps. It has to keep moving because if it stopped, its magma body would cool and harden.","A common sight in volcanic areas, it slowly slithers around in a con­ stant search for warm places.","These group to­ gether in areas that are hotter than normal. If it cools off, its skin hardens."],"zh":["雖然體內有灼熱的熔岩不斷捲動,但變冷後就會凝固崩裂,身體也會因此變小。","灼熱的熔岩代替了血液在體內不斷循環,輸送身體所需的營養和氧氣。"]}},{"id":219,"name":{"en":"Magcargo","zh":"熔岩蝸牛"},"types":{"en":["fire","rock"],"zh":["火","岩石"]},"genera":{"en":"Lava Pokémon","zh":"熔岩寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["The shell on its back is just skin that has cooled and hardened. It breaks easily with a slight touch.","Its brittle shell occasionally spouts intense flames that cir­ culate throughout its body.","Its body is as hot as lava and is always billowing. Flames will occasionally burst from its shell."],"zh":["殼是由皮膚冷卻後凝固而成的。只要碰一下就會崩裂成碎片。進入熔岩中就會恢復到原來的大小。","據說體溫約有1萬度,因此被雨滴打到時會蒸汽瀰漫,讓周圍被濃厚的霧氣所籠罩。"]}},{"id":220,"name":{"en":"Swinub","zh":"小山豬"},"types":{"en":["ice","ground"],"zh":["冰","地面"]},"genera":{"en":"Pig Pokémon","zh":"小豬寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It rubs its snout on the ground to find and dig up food. It sometimes discovers hot springs.","If it smells some­ thing enticing, it dashes headlong off to find the source of the aroma.","It uses the tip of its nose to dig for food. Its nose is so tough that even frozen ground poses no problem."],"zh":["為了尋找食物,會用鼻子摩擦地面來挖掘。偶爾會挖到溫泉。","一聞到誘人的香味時,就會不顧一切地朝香味傳來的方向飛奔而去。"]}},{"id":221,"name":{"en":"Piloswine","zh":"長毛豬"},"types":{"en":["ice","ground"],"zh":["冰","地面"]},"genera":{"en":"Swine Pokémon","zh":"野豬寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Because the long hair all over its body obscures its sight, it just keeps charging repeatedly.","If it charges at an enemy, the hairs on its back stand up straight. It is very sensi­ tive to sound.","Although its legs are short, its rugged hooves prevent it from slipping, even on icy ground."],"zh":["朝著對手衝過去時,背上的體毛會倒豎起來。對聲音極度敏感。","雖然4隻腳很短,但因為蹄很寬而且粗糙,所以就算在雪地上行走也不會打滑。"]}},{"id":222,"name":{"en":"Corsola","zh":"太陽珊瑚"},"types":{"en":["water","rock"],"zh":["水","岩石"]},"genera":{"en":"Coral Pokémon","zh":"珊瑚寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It continuously sheds and grows. The tip of its head is prized as a treasure for its beauty.","In a south sea nation, the people live in communi­ ties that are built on groups of these Pokémon.","The points on its head absorb nutrients from clean water. They cannot survive in polluted water."],"zh":["頭頂上長有珊瑚枝。雖然相當容易被折斷,但大約3天就能恢復原狀哦。","襲擊頭頂枝條的好壞星追過來的時候,會果斷地自己折斷枝條逃生哦。","生活在阿羅拉的太陽珊瑚身上的粉紅色非常鮮豔濃郁,這都是拜富含營養的大海所賜。"]}},{"id":223,"name":{"en":"Remoraid","zh":"鐵炮魚"},"types":{"en":["water"],"zh":["水"]},"genera":{"en":"Jet Pokémon","zh":"噴射寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It has superb ac­ curacy. The water it shoots out can strike even moving prey from more than 300 feet.","Using its dorsal fin as a suction pad, it clings to a MANTINE's under­ side to scavenge for leftovers.","To escape from an attacker, it may shoot water out of its mouth, then use that force to swim backward."],"zh":["會貼在巨翅飛魚身上,靠吃剩的食物殘渣過活。當巨翅飛魚遭到襲擊時會挺身一起戰鬥。","又被稱做海洋狙擊手。就算是100公尺外的獵物,牠發射的水槍也一定能夠命中。","從嘴裡噴出的水連100公尺外的活動獵物都能命中。"]}},{"id":224,"name":{"en":"Octillery","zh":"章魚桶"},"types":{"en":["water"],"zh":["水"]},"genera":{"en":"Jet Pokémon","zh":"噴射寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It traps enemies with its suction- cupped tentacles then smashes them with its rock-hard head.","It instinctively sneaks into rocky holes. If it gets sleepy, it steals the nest of a fel­ low Octillery.","Its instinct is to bury itself in holes. It often steals the nesting holes of others to sleep in them."],"zh":["逃跑時吐出特別的墨汁,裡頭含有會讓嗅覺變遲鈍的成分,就算是鼻子靈敏的寶可夢也能騙過。","岩洞是牠主要的棲身之處。章魚桶吐出的漆黑墨汁也可以用來當成料理用的食材。","有著愛鑽洞的習性。會搶奪其他寶可夢築的巢穴,在裡面睡覺。"]}},{"id":225,"name":{"en":"Delibird","zh":"信使鳥"},"types":{"en":["ice","flying"],"zh":["冰","飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"Delivery Pokémon","zh":"搬運寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It carries food all day long. There are tales about lost people who were saved by the food it had.","It nests at the edge of sharp cliffs. It spends all day carrying food to its await­ ing chicks.","It always carries its food with it, wherever it goes. If attacked, it throws its food at the opponent."],"zh":["原本很喜歡寒冷的地方,但是阿羅拉的信使鳥好像也能忍耐一定程度的炎熱。","因為有跟人類及寶可夢分享自己食物的習性,所以一直都在到處尋找食物。","會把自己的食物分給遇難者。因為牠是雜食性的寶可夢,分到的食物有時會是蟲寶可夢。"]}},{"id":226,"name":{"en":"Mantine","zh":"巨翅飛魚"},"types":{"en":["water","flying"],"zh":["水","飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"Kite Pokémon","zh":"風箏寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["As it majestically swims, it doesn't care if REMORAID attach to it for scavenging its leftovers.","Swimming freely in open seas, it may fly out of the water and over the waves if it builds up enough speed.","It swims along freely, eating things that swim into its mouth. Its whole body is very coarse."],"zh":["阿羅拉的熱門特產是畫了巨翅飛魚在海浪上優雅跳躍的手繪明信片和海報。","也有許多人是因為嚮往巨翅飛魚的華麗泳姿才開始衝浪的。","游動時速度上來後,甚至會從波浪上飛起來,然後就這樣滑翔100公尺。"]}},{"id":227,"name":{"en":"Skarmory","zh":"盔甲鳥"},"types":{"en":["steel","flying"],"zh":["鋼","飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"Armor Bird Pokémon","zh":"鋼甲鳥寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Its sturdy wings look heavy, but they are actually hollow and light, allowing it to fly freely in the sky.","After nesting in bramble bushes, the wings of its chicks grow hard from scratches by thorns.","The feathers that it sheds are very sharp. It is said that people once used the feathers as swords."],"zh":["每次成長都會脫落的羽毛又薄又銳利。古時的戰士將之當作刀來使用。","鐵的身體十分結實,但很容易生銹,所以下雨天會一直留在巢穴哦。","將牠脫落下來的翅膀加工製成的菜刀,鋒利程度足以讓一流廚師也點頭認可。"]}},{"id":228,"name":{"en":"Houndour","zh":"戴魯比"},"types":{"en":["dark","fire"],"zh":["惡","火"]},"genera":{"en":"Dark Pokémon","zh":"陰暗寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It uses different kinds of cries for communicating with others of its kind and for pursuing its prey.","To corner prey, they check each other's location using barks that only they can understand.","Around dawn, its ominous howl echoes through the area to announce that this is its territory."],"zh":["擅長與夥伴合作。只要與訓練家成為搭檔,就會徹底服從訓練家的命令。","會在天亮前反覆發出令人不寒而慄的長嚎,藉此強調自己群體的存在。"]}},{"id":229,"name":{"en":"Houndoom","zh":"黑魯加"},"types":{"en":["dark","fire"],"zh":["惡","火"]},"genera":{"en":"Dark Pokémon","zh":"陰暗寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["If you are burned by the flames it shoots from its mouth, the pain will never go away.","Upon hearing its eerie howls, other Pokémon get the shivers and head straight back to their nests.","The pungent- smelling flame that shoots from its mouth results from toxins burn­ ing in its body."],"zh":["會噴出帶有毒素的火焰給予對手致命的一擊。會與群體的成員平分獵物。","特徵是令人不寒而慄的長嚎。過去人們認為牠是來自地獄的使者,對牠十分畏懼。"]}},{"id":230,"name":{"en":"Kingdra","zh":"刺龍王"},"types":{"en":["water","dragon"],"zh":["水","龍"]},"genera":{"en":"Dragon Pokémon","zh":"龍寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It is said that it usually hides in underwater caves. It can create whirlpools by yawning.","It sleeps deep on the ocean floor to build its energy. It is said to cause tornadoes as it wakes.","It stores energy by sleeping at underwater depths at which no other life forms can survive."],"zh":["暴風雨來襲時會在海面上現身。如果撞見了快龍,就會展開激烈的爭鬥。","脫落的鱗片光澤高雅有深度,甚至被拿去獻給王族作為貢品。"]}},{"id":231,"name":{"en":"Phanpy","zh":"小小象"},"types":{"en":["ground"],"zh":["地面"]},"genera":{"en":"Long Nose Pokémon","zh":"長鼻寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It swings its long snout around play­ fully, but because it is so strong, that can be dan­ gerous.","As a sign of af­ fection, it bumps with its snout. However, it is so strong, it may send you flying.","During the desert­ ed morning hours, it comes ashore where it deftly uses its trunk to take a shower."],"zh":["在河邊挖掘豎坑生活。會在住處附近蓋上鼻子標記,以此來告訴夥伴這裡是自己的地盤。","會用長鼻子噴水沖涼。夥伴們聚集起來後就會互相噴水。會在岸邊曬乾濕透的身體。"]}},{"id":232,"name":{"en":"Donphan","zh":"頓甲"},"types":{"en":["ground"],"zh":["地面"]},"genera":{"en":"Armor Pokémon","zh":"鎧甲寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It has sharp, hard tusks and a rugged hide. Its TACKLE is strong enough to knock down a house.","The longer and bigger its tusks, the higher its rank in its herd. The tusks take long to grow.","Because this Pokémon's skin is so tough, a normal attack won't even leave a scratch on it."],"zh":["最擅長的攻擊是將身體捲成一團,在高速滾動的同時猛撞向對手。一旦開始滾動就很難停下來。","堅硬的身體連房屋都能撞毀。會用這種力量幫忙把從山上崩落下來阻塞山路的土石移開哦。"]}},{"id":233,"name":{"en":"Porygon2","zh":"多邊獸Ⅱ"},"types":{"en":["normal"],"zh":["一般"]},"genera":{"en":"Virtual Pokémon","zh":"虛擬寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["This upgraded version of PORYGON is designed for space exploration. It can't fly, though.","Further research enhanced its abil­ ities. Sometimes, it may exhibit motions that were not programmed.","This manmade Pokémon evolved from the latest technology. It may have unprog­ rammed reactions."],"zh":["將行星的開發納入視野,以當時的最新技術升級了多邊獸。","以行星的開發為目標升級了多邊獸,但距離夢想實現還有很長的距離。","內建AI。會自己學習各式各樣的事物,但也會記住一些多餘的東西。"]}},{"id":234,"name":{"en":"Stantler","zh":"驚角鹿"},"types":{"en":["normal"],"zh":["一般"]},"genera":{"en":"Big Horn Pokémon","zh":"大角寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["The curved antlers subtly change the flow of air to create a strange space where real­ ity is distorted.","Those who stare at its antlers will gradually lose control of their senses and be unable to stand.","The round balls found on the fallen antlers can be ground into a powder that aids in sleeping."],"zh":["由於形狀完美的角作為藝術品可以賣出高價,因此這種寶可夢曾遭到濫捕而差點滅絕。","形狀怪異的犄角蘊含迷惑他人之力。從角上脫落的黑珠在磨碎後可以入藥,用以治療失眠。"]}},{"id":235,"name":{"en":"Smeargle","zh":"圖圖犬"},"types":{"en":["normal"],"zh":["一般"]},"genera":{"en":"Painter Pokémon","zh":"畫畫寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["A special fluid oozes from the tip of its tail. It paints the fluid everywhere to mark its territory.","Once it becomes an adult, it has a tendency to let its comrades plant footprints on its back.","The color of the mysterious fluid secreted from its tail is predeter­ mined for each Smeargle."],"zh":["用從尾巴尖端慢慢滲出的體液繪出獨有的標記,用以宣告自己的地盤。","會到處畫下展示自己地盤的標記,所以在圖圖犬比較多的城市,路邊牆上到處都是這些塗鴉。","從尾巴尖端滲出的體液會隨著圖圖犬的情緒變化而出現不同的顏色。"]}},{"id":236,"name":{"en":"Tyrogue","zh":"無畏小子"},"types":{"en":["fighting"],"zh":["格鬥"]},"genera":{"en":"Scuffle Pokémon","zh":"打鬥寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It is always bursting with en­ ergy. To make it­ self stronger, it keeps on fighting even if it loses.","Even though it is small, it can't be ignored because it will slug any handy target with­ out warning.","To brush up on its fighting skills, it will challenge anyone. It has a very strong com­ petitive spirit."],"zh":["無論何時都充滿活力。為了變強,就算輸了一次又一次,也會不斷重新站起來迎戰對手。","體型雖小卻不可輕視,因為牠只要發現合適的對手,就會馬上撲上去大打出手。"]}},{"id":237,"name":{"en":"Hitmontop","zh":"戰舞郎"},"types":{"en":["fighting"],"zh":["格鬥"]},"genera":{"en":"Handstand Pokémon","zh":"倒立寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["If you become enchanted by its smooth, elegant, dance-like kicks, you may get drilled hard.","It launches kicks while spinning. If it spins at high speed, it may bore its way into the ground.","After doing a handstand to throw off the opponent's timing, it presents its fancy kick moves."],"zh":["會旋轉身體使出踢擊。當牠高速旋轉身體時,會直接鑽進地底下。","會透過倒立來擾亂對方的節奏,然後趁隙施展華麗的踢擊。"]}},{"id":238,"name":{"en":"Smoochum","zh":"迷唇娃"},"types":{"en":["ice","psychic"],"zh":["冰","超能力"]},"genera":{"en":"Kiss Pokémon","zh":"親吻寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Its lips are the most sensitive parts on its body. It always uses its lips first to examine things.","It always rocks its head slowly backwards and for­ wards as if it is trying to kiss someone.","The sensitivity of its lips develops most quickly. It uses them to try to identify unknown objects."],"zh":["在確認某樣東西時不是用手,而是會先用嘴唇去觸碰。會經常用舌頭舔去髒污。","嘴唇是敏感的感應器。為了不讓嘴唇乾裂,牠每天都會用樹液塗抹嘴唇來保濕。","只要稍微弄髒了臉,就會馬上去用水沖乾淨。但對於身體的髒污似乎就不太在意。"]}},{"id":239,"name":{"en":"Elekid","zh":"電擊怪"},"types":{"en":["electric"],"zh":["電"]},"genera":{"en":"Electric Pokémon","zh":"電氣寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It rotates its arms to generate electricity, but it tires easily, so it charges up only a little bit.","Even in the most vicious storm, this Pokémon plays happily if thunder rumbles in the sky.","It loves violent thunder. The space between its horns flickers bluish- white when it is charging energy."],"zh":["常常跟來搶奪電力的托戈德瑪爾打架。結果通常是不分上下。","在家的時候,插座就相當於奶瓶。會啜啜地吸取電力哦。","聽到打雷的聲音就會很高興。如果能先把打雷的聲音錄下來,當牠心情低落的時候會很好用。"]}},{"id":240,"name":{"en":"Magby","zh":"鴨嘴寶寶"},"types":{"en":["fire"],"zh":["火"]},"genera":{"en":"Live Coal Pokémon","zh":"火種寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Each and every time it inhales and exhales, hot embers dribble out of its mouth and nostrils.","It is found in volcanic craters. Its body temp. is over 1100 degrees, so don't under­ estimate it.","It naturally spits an 1100-degree flame. It is said when many appear, it heralds a volcanic eruption."],"zh":["經常能在火山地帶發現牠的蹤影。如果隨意餵牠東西吃的話,牠會很高興並激動得噴出600度的火焰。","有位著名的陶藝家和鴨嘴寶寶一起生活。用牠柔和的火似乎能創作出很棒的作品。","當火焰像打開水龍頭似地不停從鼻子冒出來時,就代表牠感冒了。這時就讓牠待在熔岩裡休息吧。"]}},{"id":241,"name":{"en":"Miltank","zh":"大奶罐"},"types":{"en":["normal"],"zh":["一般"]},"genera":{"en":"Milk Cow Pokémon","zh":"乳牛寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Its milk is packed with nutrition, making it the ultimate beverage for the sick or weary.","If it has just had a baby, the milk it produces con­ tains much more nutrition than usual.","In order to milk a Miltank, one must have a knack for rhythmically pull­ ing up and down on its udders."],"zh":["牠的牛奶營養豐富且熱量很高。如果飲用過量的話就會變成大奶罐般的體型。","人們幾乎都是為了生產鮮奶而培育牠,但因為相當強壯和結實,也很適合參加戰鬥。","每天能生產20公升的鮮奶。當地的牧草越是優質,牠所生產的鮮奶就越香濃美味。"]}},{"id":242,"name":{"en":"Blissey","zh":"幸福蛋"},"types":{"en":["normal"],"zh":["一般"]},"genera":{"en":"Happiness Pokémon","zh":"幸福寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Anyone who takes even one bite of Blissey's egg be­ comes unfailingly caring and pleas­ ant to everyone.","It has a very com­ passionate nature. If it sees a sick Pokémon, it will nurse the sufferer back to health.","Biting into one of the delicious eggs that Blissey provides will make everyone around smile with joy."],"zh":["只要吃了據說飽含著幸福的幸福蛋的蛋,無論多麼殘暴的寶可夢都會變得溫馴。","蓬鬆的體毛有感應的作用。能夠察覺寶可夢和人類的心情。","牠的蛋美味至極,甚至有吃了就能獲得幸福的說法,所以在市場上的價格是最高的。"]}},{"id":243,"name":{"en":"Raikou","zh":"雷公"},"types":{"en":["electric"],"zh":["電"]},"genera":{"en":"Thunder Pokémon","zh":"天雷寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["The rain clouds it carries let it fire thunderbolts at will. They say that it descended with lightning.","A Pokémon that races across the land while barking a cry that sounds like crashing thunder.","This rough Pokémon stores energy inside its body, then sweeps across the land, shooting off electricity."],"zh":["體內蘊藏著雷電般速度的寶可夢。牠的長嚎就像天雷落地一般,能震動空氣,搖撼大地。"]}},{"id":244,"name":{"en":"Entei","zh":"炎帝"},"types":{"en":["fire"],"zh":["火"]},"genera":{"en":"Volcano Pokémon","zh":"火山寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Volcanoes erupt when it barks. Un­ able to restrain its extreme power, it races headlong around the land.","A Pokémon that races across the land. It is said that one is born every time a new volcano appears.","This brawny Pokémon courses around the earth, spouting flames hotter than a volcano's magma."],"zh":["體內蘊藏著熔岩般熱情的寶可夢。被認為是從火山的爆發中誕生,能噴出燃盡一切的火焰。"]}},{"id":245,"name":{"en":"Suicune","zh":"水君"},"types":{"en":["water"],"zh":["水"]},"genera":{"en":"Aurora Pokémon","zh":"極光寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It races around the world to purify fouled water. It dashes away with the north wind.","Said to be the reincarnation of north winds, it can instantly purify filthy, murky water.","This Pokémon races across the land. It is said that north winds will somehow blow when­ ever it appears."],"zh":["體內蘊藏著泉水般溫柔的寶可夢。會用滑行般的動作在大地上奔跑,有著淨化濁水的力量。"]}},{"id":246,"name":{"en":"Larvitar","zh":"幼基拉斯"},"types":{"en":["rock","ground"],"zh":["岩石","地面"]},"genera":{"en":"Rock Skin Pokémon","zh":"岩石膚寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It feeds on soil. After it has eaten a large mountain, it will fall asleep so it can grow.","It is born deep underground. It can't emerge until it has entirely consumed the soil around it.","Born deep under­ ground, this Pokémon becomes a pupa after eating enough dirt to make a mountain."],"zh":["誕生在地裡,會一邊吃著泥土一邊朝母親所在的地面上前進。光線很刺眼,所以牠不太能適應。","靠著土中的營養長大。當吃下大約一座山那麼多的土壤之後,牠就會變成蛹。","誕生於地底深處。把周圍的泥土都吃光後,就會出現在地上變成蛹。"]}},{"id":247,"name":{"en":"Pupitar","zh":"沙基拉斯"},"types":{"en":["rock","ground"],"zh":["岩石","地面"]},"genera":{"en":"Hard Shell Pokémon","zh":"子彈寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Its shell is as hard as sheet rock, and it is also very strong. Its THRASHING can topple a mountain.","Even sealed in its shell, it can move freely. Hard and fast, it has out­ standing destruc­ tive power.","It will not stay still, even while it's a pupa. It already has arms and legs under its solid shell."],"zh":["等不及進化,就會用壓縮氣體四處亂飛大鬧來抒解壓力,是種令人頭痛的寶可夢。","會到處大鬧,是種很危險的蛹。在彷彿岩盤一般的外殼裡,新的身體正在逐漸成形。","被外殼覆蓋,但能自由自在地跳來跳去。兼具硬度與速度,因此破壞力超群。"]}},{"id":248,"name":{"en":"Tyranitar","zh":"班基拉斯"},"types":{"en":["rock","dark"],"zh":["岩石","惡"]},"genera":{"en":"Armor Pokémon","zh":"鎧甲寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Its body can't be harmed by any sort of attack, so it is very eager to make challenges against enemies.","Extremely strong, it can change the landscape. It has an insolent nature that makes it not care about others.","In just one of its mighty hands, it has the power to make the ground shake and moun­ tains crumble."],"zh":["會在山中徘徊尋找對手來戰鬥,但如果遇到的是比自己弱小的對手,牠就會視若無睹地離開。","這種寶可夢是會移動的災害。在牠前進的道路上,不管是山還是房屋都會被破壞殆盡。","擁有無論遭受任何攻擊都能毫髮無傷的身體,因此會不斷向對手挑戰。"]}},{"id":249,"name":{"en":"Lugia","zh":"洛奇亞"},"types":{"en":["psychic","flying"],"zh":["超能力","飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"Diving Pokémon","zh":"潛水寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It is said that it quietly spends its time deep at the bottom of the sea because its powers are too strong.","It is said to be the guardian of the seas. It is rumored to have been seen on the night of a storm.","It has an incred­ ible ability to calm raging sto­ rms. It is said that Lugia appears when storms start."],"zh":["有著只要輕輕揮動翅膀就能吹走房屋的破壞力,因此躲在不為人知的海底生活。"]}},{"id":250,"name":{"en":"Ho-Oh","zh":"鳳王"},"types":{"en":["fire","flying"],"zh":["火","飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"Rainbow Pokémon","zh":"虹色寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Legends claim this Pokémon flies the world's skies con­ tinuously on its magnificent seven- colored wings.","A legend says that its body glows in seven colors. A rainbow is said to form behind it when it flies.","It will reveal itself before a pure-hearted trainer by shining its bright rain­ bow-colored wings."],"zh":["據說在不同角度的光線照射下,會閃耀七彩光芒的羽毛能帶來幸福。據說牠住在彩虹的腳下。"]}},{"id":251,"name":{"en":"Celebi","zh":"時拉比"},"types":{"en":["psychic","grass"],"zh":["超能力","草"]},"genera":{"en":"Time Travel Pokémon","zh":"時空穿越寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["This Pokémon wan­ ders across time. Grass and trees flourish in the forests in which it has appeared.","When Celebi disap­ pears deep in a forest, it is said to leave behind an egg it brought from the future.","Revered as a guardian of the forest, Celebi appears wherever beautiful forests exist."],"zh":["擁有能夠穿越時光的力量。在許多時代都留下了將牠視為森林之神的紀錄。","從未來穿越時光而來。能夠治癒傷痛,也會把自己的力量分給草木。"]}},{"id":252,"name":{"en":"Treecko","zh":"木守宮"},"types":{"en":["grass"],"zh":["草"]},"genera":{"en":"Wood Gecko Pokémon","zh":"林蜥寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Treecko has small hooks on the bottom of its feet that enable it to scale vertical walls. This Pokémon attacks by slamming foes with its thick tail.","Treecko is cool, calm, and collected - it never panics under any situation. If a bigger foe were to glare at this Pokémon, it would glare right back without conceding an inch of ground.","It makes its nest in a giant tree in the forest. It ferociously guards against anything nearing its territory. It is said to be the protector of the forest’s trees."],"zh":["能夠用腳底的小刺鉤住垂直的牆壁攀爬。會甩動粗粗的尾巴擊打對手。","沉著冷靜,面對任何事都能鎮定自若。就算被體型很大的寶可夢瞪著,也會毫不退讓地瞪回去。"]}},{"id":253,"name":{"en":"Grovyle","zh":"森林蜥蜴"},"types":{"en":["grass"],"zh":["草"]},"genera":{"en":"Wood Gecko Pokémon","zh":"林蜥寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["The leaves growing out of Grovyle’s body are convenient for camouflaging it from enemies in the forest. This Pokémon is a master at climbing trees in jungles.","This Pokémon adeptly flies from branch to branch in trees. In a forest, no Pokémon can ever hope to catch a fleeing Grovyle however fast they may be.","Leaves grow out of this Pokémon’s body. They help obscure a Grovyle from the eyes of its enemies while it is in a thickly overgrown forest."],"zh":["靠著身上長出的葉子,可以方便地在森林裡隱藏身形躲避敵人。是生活在密林裡的爬樹高手。","能在枝頭間輕巧地跳來跳去。不管是多快的寶可夢,也無法在森林中捉住森林蜥蜴。"]}},{"id":254,"name":{"en":"Sceptile","zh":"蜥蜴王"},"types":{"en":["grass"],"zh":["草"]},"genera":{"en":"Forest Pokémon","zh":"密林寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["The leaves growing on Sceptile’s body are very sharp edged. This Pokémon is very agile - it leaps all over the branches of trees and jumps on its foe from above or behind.","Sceptile has seeds growing on its back. They are said to be bursting with nutrients that revitalize trees. This Pokémon raises the trees in a forest with loving care.","In the jungle, its power is without equal. This Pokémon carefully grows trees and plants. It regulates its body temperature by basking in sunlight."],"zh":["身上長出的葉子非常鋒利。會用敏捷的動作在樹枝間跳來跳去,從敵人的頭上或背後猛撲過去。","據說背上的種子裡儲存著許多能讓樹木生機盎然的營養。是會小心培育林中樹木的寶可夢。"]}},{"id":255,"name":{"en":"Torchic","zh":"火稚雞"},"types":{"en":["fire"],"zh":["火"]},"genera":{"en":"Chick Pokémon","zh":"雛雞寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Torchic sticks with its TRAINER, following behind with unsteady steps. This Pokémon breathes fire of over 1,800 degrees F, including fireballs that leave the foe scorched black.","Torchic has a place inside its body where it keeps its flame. Give it a hug - it will be glowing with warmth. This Pokémon is covered all over by a fluffy coat of down.","If attacked, it strikes back by spitting balls of fire it forms in its stomach. A Torchic dislikes darkness because it can’t see its surroundings."],"zh":["會緊貼著訓練家搖搖晃晃地走路。能從嘴裡噴出攝氏1000度的灼熱火球把對手燒焦。","體內有著讓火焰燃燒的地方,因此抱在懷裡暖烘烘的非常溫暖。全身覆蓋著蓬鬆的羽毛。"]}},{"id":256,"name":{"en":"Combusken","zh":"力壯雞"},"types":{"en":["fire","fighting"],"zh":["火","格鬥"]},"genera":{"en":"Young Fowl Pokémon","zh":"幼雞寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Combusken toughens up its legs and thighs by running through fields and mountains. This Pokémon’s legs possess both speed and power, enabling it to dole out ten kicks in one second.","Combusken battles with the intensely hot flames it spews from its beak and with outstandingly destructive kicks. This Pokémon’s cry is very loud and distracting.","It lashes out with 10 kicks per second. Its strong fighting instinct compels it to keep up its offensive until the opponent gives up."],"zh":["會在山野間跑來跑去鍛鍊腳力。能用兼具速度和力量的腿在1秒內連踢10次。","會用鳥嘴裡吐出的灼熱火焰和極具破壞力的踢腿來戰鬥。因為叫聲很大,所以非常吵。"]}},{"id":257,"name":{"en":"Blaziken","zh":"火焰雞"},"types":{"en":["fire","fighting"],"zh":["火","格鬥"]},"genera":{"en":"Blaze Pokémon","zh":"猛火寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["In battle, Blaziken blows out intense flames from its wrists and attacks foes courageously. The stronger the foe, the more intensely this Pokémon’s wrists burn.","Blaziken has incredibly strong legs - it can easily clear a 30-story building in one leap. This Pokémon’s blazing punches leave its foes scorched and blackened.","It learns martial arts that use punches and kicks. Every several years, its old feathers burn off, and new, supple feathers grow back in their place."],"zh":["戰鬥時會從手腕噴出灼熱的火焰,勇敢地迎戰對手。對手越強,火焰就會燒得越旺。","有著強韌的下盤,連30層大樓都能輕鬆躍過。會用火焰拳把對手燒焦。"]}},{"id":258,"name":{"en":"Mudkip","zh":"水躍魚"},"types":{"en":["water"],"zh":["水"]},"genera":{"en":"Mud Fish Pokémon","zh":"沼魚寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["The fin on Mudkip’s head acts as highly sensitive radar. Using this fin to sense movements of water and air, this Pokémon can determine what is taking place around it without using its eyes.","In water, Mudkip breathes using the gills on its cheeks. If it is faced with a tight situation in battle, this Pokémon will unleash its amazing power - it can crush rocks bigger than itself.","On land, it can powerfully lift large boulders by planting its four feet and heaving. It sleeps by burying itself in soil at the water’s edge."],"zh":["頭上的鰭是非常靈敏的雷達。可以不靠眼睛,從水或空氣的流動中感知周圍的狀況。","在水中會用臉頰上的腮呼吸。如果遇到危險,就會發揮出能擊碎比自己身體還大的岩石的力量。"]}},{"id":259,"name":{"en":"Marshtomp","zh":"沼躍魚"},"types":{"en":["water","ground"],"zh":["水","地面"]},"genera":{"en":"Mud Fish Pokémon","zh":"沼魚寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["The surface of Marshtomp’s body is enveloped by a thin, sticky film that enables it to live on land. This Pokémon plays in mud on beaches when the ocean tide is low.","Marshtomp is much faster at traveling through mud than it is at swimming. This Pokémon’s hindquarters exhibit obvious development, giving it the ability to walk on just its hind legs.","Its toughened hind legs enable it to stand upright. Because it weakens if its skin dries out, it replenishes fluids by playing in mud."],"zh":["為了讓自己可以在地面上生活,牠的身體表面包覆著一層薄薄的黏膜。會在退潮後的海岸邊玩泥巴。","在爛泥中移動的速度遠比在水中游動時更快。下盤很發達,可以用2條腿走路。"]}},{"id":260,"name":{"en":"Swampert","zh":"巨沼怪"},"types":{"en":["water","ground"],"zh":["水","地面"]},"genera":{"en":"Mud Fish Pokémon","zh":"沼魚寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Swampert is very strong. It has enough power to easily drag a boulder weighing more than a ton. This Pokémon also has powerful vision that lets it see even in murky water.","Swampert predicts storms by sensing subtle differences in the sounds of waves and tidal winds with its fins. If a storm is approaching, it piles up boulders to protect itself.","If it senses the approach of a storm and a tidal wave, it protects its seaside nest by piling up boulders. It swims as fast as a jet ski."],"zh":["這種寶可夢有著能輕鬆拖動1噸以上岩石的力量。視力好到在混濁的水中也能看清。","巨沼怪能用鰭感知波濤聲和海風的細微變化來預測暴風雨。暴風雨來襲時,會堆積岩石保護巢穴。"]}},{"id":261,"name":{"en":"Poochyena","zh":"土狼犬"},"types":{"en":["dark"],"zh":["惡"]},"genera":{"en":"Bite Pokémon","zh":"緊咬寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["At first sight, Poochyena takes a bite at anything that moves. This Pokémon chases after prey until the victim becomes exhausted. However, it may turn tail if the prey strikes back.","Poochyena is an omnivore - it will eat anything. A distinguishing feature is how large its fangs are compared to its body. This Pokémon tries to intimidate its foes by making the hair on its tail bristle out.","It savagely threatens foes with bared fangs. It chases after fleeing targets tenaciously. It turns tail and runs, however, if the foe strikes back."],"zh":["看到會動的東西就會立刻咬上去。雖然在獵物精疲力盡之前會一直追著不放,但如果受到反擊,有時也會嚇得跌倒。","什麼都吃的雜食性寶可夢。跟體型相比顯得特別大的牙齒是牠的特徵。會將尾巴上的毛豎起來威嚇敵人。"]}},{"id":262,"name":{"en":"Mightyena","zh":"大狼犬"},"types":{"en":["dark"],"zh":["惡"]},"genera":{"en":"Bite Pokémon","zh":"緊咬寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Mightyena gives obvious signals when it is preparing to attack. It starts to growl deeply and then flattens its body. This Pokémon will bite savagely with its sharply pointed fangs.","Mightyena travel and act as a pack in the wild. The memory of its life in the wild compels the Pokémon to obey only those TRAINERS that it recognizes to possess superior skill.","In the wild, Mightyena live in a pack. They never defy their leader’s orders. They defeat foes with perfectly coordinated teamwork."],"zh":["當牠發出兇猛的吼聲並壓低身體時,就是牠準備發動攻擊的前兆。會用鋒利的尖牙一口咬住對手。","體內殘留著群體行動時代的野性血脈,只會認同優秀的訓練家當自己的首領,並聽從其命令。"]}},{"id":263,"name":{"en":"Zigzagoon","zh":"蛇紋熊"},"types":{"en":["normal"],"zh":["一般"]},"genera":{"en":"Tiny Raccoon Pokémon","zh":"豆貍寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Zigzagoon restlessly wanders everywhere at all times. This Pokémon does so because it is very curious. It becomes interested in anything that it happens to see.","The hair on Zigzagoon’s back isbristly. It rubs the hard back hair against trees to leave its territorial markings. This Pokémon may play dead to fool foes in battle.","Rubbing its nose against the ground, it always wanders about back and forth in search of something. It is distinguished by the zigzag footprints it leaves."],"zh":["會用背上的硬毛摩擦樹木,留下代表自己地盤的標記。性情比伽勒爾的蛇紋熊溫馴。","伽勒爾的蛇紋熊適應了其他地區環境後的樣子。十分擅長找東西。"]}},{"id":264,"name":{"en":"Linoone","zh":"直衝熊"},"types":{"en":["normal"],"zh":["一般"]},"genera":{"en":"Rushing Pokémon","zh":"猛衝寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Linoone always runs full speed and only in straight lines. If facing an obstacle, it makes a right-angle turn to evade it. This Pokémon is very challenged by gently curving roads.","When hunting, Linoone will make a beeline straight for the prey at a full run. While this Pokémon is capable of topping 60 mph, it has to come to a screeching halt before it can turn.","It is exceedingly fast if it only has to run in a straight line. When it spots pond- dwelling prey underwater, it quickly leaps in and catches it with its sharp claws."],"zh":["體毛有著良好的韌度與質感。用牠身上掉下的毛製成的刮鬍刷是最上等的高級貨。","用自己超群的爆發力和銳利的爪子來制服獵物。不擅長在彎曲的道路上奔跑。"]}},{"id":265,"name":{"en":"Wurmple","zh":"刺尾蟲"},"types":{"en":["bug"],"zh":["蟲"]},"genera":{"en":"Worm Pokémon","zh":"蟲寶寶寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Using the spikes on its rear end, Wurmple peels the bark off trees and feeds on the sap that oozes out. This Pokémon’s feet are tipped with suction pads that allow it to cling to glass without slipping.","Wurmple is targeted by SWELLOW as prey. This Pokémon will try to resist by pointing the spikes on its rear at the attacking predator. It will weaken the foe by leaking poison from the spikes.","It sticks to tree branches and eats leaves. The thread it spits from its mouth, which becomes gooey when it touches air, slows the movement of its foes."],"zh":["會用尾部的刺剝開樹皮,以滲出的樹汁為食糧。長著吸盤的腳即使在玻璃上也不會打滑。","會把尾部的刺對準想捉自己當食物的大王燕進行抵抗。能用滲出的毒來削弱對方。","嗜食樹液,大量生息於山野之中。進化成不同形態的理由不明,且無法從外觀判斷其進化方式。"]}},{"id":266,"name":{"en":"Silcoon","zh":"甲殼繭"},"types":{"en":["bug"],"zh":["蟲"]},"genera":{"en":"Cocoon Pokémon","zh":"蛹寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Silcoon tethers itself to a tree branch using silk to keep from falling. There,this Pokémon hangs quietly while it awaits evolution. It peers out of the silk cocoon through a small hole.","Silcoon was thought to endure hunger and not consume anything before its evolution. However, it is now thought that this Pokémon slakes its thirst by drinking rainwater that collects on its silk.","It prepares for evolution using the energy it stored while it was a WURMPLE. It keeps watch over the surroundings with its two eyes."],"zh":["為了不讓自己掉落,將絲線纏在樹枝上支撐身體並等待著進化。會從小洞觀察外面的狀況。","雖然過去被認為在進化之前會忍著什麼都不吃,但實際上牠好像會喝掛在絲線上的雨水解渴。","以細絲包裹全身,積蓄進化所需的活力。雖然無手無腳且動作遲緩,但雙眼射出的凌厲視線不會放過四周的風吹草動。"]}},{"id":267,"name":{"en":"Beautifly","zh":"狩獵鳳蝶"},"types":{"en":["bug","flying"],"zh":["蟲","飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"Butterfly Pokémon","zh":"蝴蝶寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Beautifly’s favorite food is the sweet pollen of flowers. If you want to see this Pokémon, just leave a potted flower by an open window. Beautifly is sure to come looking for pollen.","Beautifly has a long mouth like a coiled needle, which is very convenient for collecting pollen from flowers. This Pokémon rides the spring winds as it flits around gathering pollen.","Its colorfully patterned wings are its most prominent feature. It flies through flower-covered fields collecting pollen. It attacks ferociously when angered."],"zh":["非常喜歡甜蜜花粉的寶可夢。如果把開著花的花盆放在窗邊,牠就一定會飛過來採集花粉。","圓圓捲起的長長嘴巴像針一樣,在採集花粉時非常方便。會乘著春風四處採集花粉。","擁有色彩鮮豔的美麗外貌,然而性情貪婪,會驅趕正在採集花蜜的三蜜蜂,以便獨佔自己愛吃的花蜜。"]}},{"id":268,"name":{"en":"Cascoon","zh":"盾甲繭"},"types":{"en":["bug"],"zh":["蟲"]},"genera":{"en":"Cocoon Pokémon","zh":"蛹寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Cascoon makes its protective cocoon by wrapping its body entirely with a fine silk from its mouth. Once the silk goes around its body, it hardens. This Pokémon prepares for its evolution inside the cocoon.","If it is attacked, Cascoon remains motionless however badly it may be hurt. It does so because if it were to move, its body would be weak upon evolution. This Pokémon will also not forget the pain it endured.","To avoid detection by its enemies, it hides motionlessly beneath large leaves and in the gaps of branches. It also attaches dead leaves to its body for camouflage."],"zh":["盾甲繭的身體是由口中吐出的細絲包裹身體後硬化形成的。牠會在繭裡準備進化。","一旦動了就無法進化出強壯的身體,所以無論受到怎樣的痛擊都不會動。不過牠永遠不會忘記那時受到的疼痛。","包裹全身的絲雖細,但強度十足,且色澤更勝甲殼繭的絲,以此織成的衣物被人們視為上品。"]}},{"id":269,"name":{"en":"Dustox","zh":"毒粉蛾"},"types":{"en":["bug","poison"],"zh":["蟲","毒"]},"genera":{"en":"Poison Moth Pokémon","zh":"毒蛾寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Dustox is instinctively drawn to light. Swarms of this Pokémon are attracted by the bright lights of cities, where they wreak havoc by stripping the leaves off roadside trees for food.","When Dustox flaps its wings, a fine dust is scattered all over. This dust is actually a powerful poison that will even make a pro wrestler sick. This Pokémon searches for food using its antennae like radar.","It is a nocturnal Pokémon that flies from fields and mountains to the attraction of streetlights at night. It looses highly toxic powder from its wings."],"zh":["有著被燈光吸引的習性。被路燈引誘的毒粉蛾群會把行道樹上的葉子吃得一塌糊塗。","揮動翅膀就會揚起細小的劇毒粉末,一旦吸入就連職業摔角手也會臥病不起。會用像雷達一樣的觸角尋找食物。","有著被黑暗中的篝火吸引的習性。會散布毒性猛烈的鱗粉,令人們為了將牠們驅離村落而煞費苦心。"]}},{"id":270,"name":{"en":"Lotad","zh":"蓮葉童子"},"types":{"en":["water","grass"],"zh":["水","草"]},"genera":{"en":"Water Weed Pokémon","zh":"浮萍寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It searches about for clean water. If it does not drink water for too long, the leaf on its head wilts.","Lotad live in ponds and lakes, where they float on the surface. It grows weak if its broad leaf dies. On rare occasions, this Pokémon travels on land in search of clean water.","Lotad is said to have dwelled on land before. However, this Pokémon is thought to have returned to water because the leaf on its head grew large and heavy. It now lives by floating atop the water."],"zh":["會為了尋找清水而走動。如果長時間不喝水的話,頭上的葉子就會枯萎。","因為葉子長得太大太重,所以才會改變習性,漂浮在水面上生活。"]}},{"id":271,"name":{"en":"Lombre","zh":"蓮帽小童"},"types":{"en":["water","grass"],"zh":["水","草"]},"genera":{"en":"Jolly Pokémon","zh":"爽朗寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It lives at the water’s edge where it is sunny. It sleeps on a bed of water grass by day and becomes active at night.","Lombre is nocturnal - it will get active after dusk. It is also a mischief-maker. When this Pokémon spots anglers, it tugs on their fishing lines from beneath the surface and enjoys their consternation.","Lombre’s entire body is covered by a slippery, slimy film. It feels horribly unpleasant to be touched by this Pokémon’s hands. Lombre is often mistaken for a human child."],"zh":["傍晚時開始活動的夜行性寶可夢。喜歡吃河底的水苔。","住在日照充足的水邊。白天在水草做的床上睡覺,太陽下山後就會出來活動。"]}},{"id":272,"name":{"en":"Ludicolo","zh":"樂天河童"},"types":{"en":["water","grass"],"zh":["水","草"]},"genera":{"en":"Carefree Pokémon","zh":"樂天寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Ludicolo begins dancing as soon as it hears cheerful, festive music. This Pokémon is said to appear when it hears the singing of children on hiking outings.","Upon hearing an upbeat and cheerful rhythm, the cells in Ludicolo’s body become very energetic and active. Even in battle, this Pokémon will exhibit an amazing amount of power.","When it hears festive music, all the cells in its body become stimulated, and it begins moving in rhythm. It does not quail even when it faces a tough opponent."],"zh":["快樂的音樂節奏會讓樂天河童的細胞活性化,使牠發揮出強大的力量。","樂天河童會跟著歡快的音樂搖擺身體,藉而增強自己的力量。"]}},{"id":273,"name":{"en":"Seedot","zh":"橡實果"},"types":{"en":["grass"],"zh":["草"]},"genera":{"en":"Acorn Pokémon","zh":"橡實寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Seedot attaches itself to a tree branch using the top of its head. It sucks moisture from the tree while hanging off the branch. The more water it drinks, the glossier this Pokémon’s body becomes.","Seedot looks exactly like an acorn when it is dangling from a tree branch. It startles other Pokémon by suddenly moving. This Pokémon polishes its body once a day using leaves.","It hangs off branches and absorbs nutrients. When it finishes eating, its body becomes so heavy that it drops to the ground with a thump."],"zh":["在牠一動也不動的時候,看起來和樹果一模一樣,以嚇唬來啄食自己的寶可夢為樂。","會將頭頂黏在樹枝上懸掛著。也有被大風吹落的時候。"]}},{"id":274,"name":{"en":"Nuzleaf","zh":"長鼻葉"},"types":{"en":["grass","dark"],"zh":["草","惡"]},"genera":{"en":"Wily Pokémon","zh":"捉弄寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Nuzleaf live in densely overgrown forests. They occasionally venture out of the forest to startle people. This Pokémon dislikes having its long nose pinched.","This Pokémon pulls out the leaf on its head and makes a flute with it. The sound of Nuzleaf’s flute strikes fear and uncertainty in the hearts of people lost in a forest.","A forest-dwelling Pokémon that is skilled at climbing trees. Its long and pointed nose is its weak point. It loses power if the nose is gripped."],"zh":["棲息在森林深處。會用頭上的葉子做成笛子,吹出令人感到不安的音色。","長鼻葉居住在大樹上的洞穴裡,牠吹奏出的草笛聲會讓聽到的人感到不安。"]}},{"id":275,"name":{"en":"Shiftry","zh":"狡猾天狗"},"types":{"en":["grass","dark"],"zh":["草","惡"]},"genera":{"en":"Wicked Pokémon","zh":"邪惡寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It lives quietly in the deep forest. It is said to create chilly winter winds with the fans it holds.","Shiftry is a mysterious Pokémon that is said to live atop towering treesdating back over a thousand years. It creates terrific windstorms with the fans it holds.","Shiftry’s large fans generate awesome gusts of wind at a speed close to 100 feet per second. The whipped-up wind blows anything away. This Pokémon chooses to live quietly deep in forests."],"zh":["過去被視為森林之神而受到畏懼的寶可夢。有著讀取對手想法並搶先一步行動的能力。","在森林深處靜靜地生活。據說當牠搧動大大的團扇,就會刮起冬日寒風。"]}},{"id":276,"name":{"en":"Taillow","zh":"傲骨燕"},"types":{"en":["normal","flying"],"zh":["一般","飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"Tiny Swallow Pokémon","zh":"幼燕寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Taillow courageously stands its ground against foes, however strong they may be. This gutsy Pokémon will remain defiant even after a loss. On the other hand, it cries loudly if it becomes hungry.","Taillow is young - it has only just left its nest. As a result, it sometimes becomes lonesome and cries at night. This Pokémon feeds on WURMPLE that live in forests.","Although it is small, it is very courageous. It will take on a larger SKARMORY on an equal footing. However, its will weakens if it becomes hungry."],"zh":["不管面對多麼強大的對手都會勇敢挑戰。有著就算輸了也不會氣餒的骨氣。肚子餓了就會大聲痛哭。","由於才剛剛離巢,所以到了晚上有時會因為太寂寞而哭出來。以捕捉住在森林裡的刺尾蟲為食。"]}},{"id":277,"name":{"en":"Swellow","zh":"大王燕"},"types":{"en":["normal","flying"],"zh":["一般","飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"Swallow Pokémon","zh":"燕子寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Swellow flies high above our heads, making graceful arcs in the sky. This Pokémon dives at a steep angle as soon as it spots its prey. The hapless prey is tightly grasped by Swellow’s clawed feet, preventing escape.","Swellow is very conscientious about the upkeep of its glossy wings. Once two Swellow are gathered, they diligently take care of cleaning each other’s wings.","A Swellow dives upon prey from far above. It never misses its targets. It takes to the skies in search of lands with a warm climate."],"zh":["會盤旋在遙遠的高空,發現獵物後就會俯衝而下,用腳爪緊緊抓住獵物令其無法逃脫。","從不會疏於修整自己光鮮的羽毛。2隻大王燕聚集在一起時,一定會互相把對方的羽毛修整得更漂亮。"]}},{"id":278,"name":{"en":"Wingull","zh":"長翅鷗"},"types":{"en":["water","flying"],"zh":["水","飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"Seagull Pokémon","zh":"海鷗寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Wingull has the habit of carrying prey and valuables in its beak and hiding them in all sorts of locations. This Pokémon rides the winds and flies as if it were skating across the sky.","Wingull rides updrafts rising from the sea by extending its long and narrow wings to glide. This Pokémon’s long beak is useful for catching prey.","It makes its nest on a sheer cliff at the edge of the sea. It has trouble keeping its wings flapping in flight. Instead, it soars on updrafts."],"zh":["空心的骨頭是為了保持輕盈。用大大的翅膀迎著風,飛向浩瀚的天空。","在長翅鷗飛來飛去的海底下聚集著成群的魚寶可夢,所以漁夫會先尋找長翅鷗。","翅膀又細又長,能乘著上升氣流,像滑翔機一般飛上天空。"]}},{"id":279,"name":{"en":"Pelipper","zh":"大嘴鷗"},"types":{"en":["water","flying"],"zh":["水","飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"Water Bird Pokémon","zh":"水鳥寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It is a messenger of the skies, carrying small Pokémon and eggs to safety in its bill.","Pelipper is a flying transporter that carries small Pokémon and eggs inside its massive bill. This Pokémon builds its nest on steep cliffs facing the sea.","Pelipper searches for food while in flight by skimming the wave tops. This Pokémon dips its large bill in the sea to scoop up food, then swallows everything in one big gulp."],"zh":["鼓脹得大大的鳥嘴是連幼稚園生那麼大的孩子都能裝進去的大小。","收集食物是年輕♂的工作。會在大大的鳥嘴裡儲藏食物,運送到夥伴等待的巢穴中。","會把小型寶可夢裝進牠那脹鼓鼓的鳥嘴中運送,但沒人知道會被牠帶到哪裡去。"]}},{"id":280,"name":{"en":"Ralts","zh":"拉魯拉絲"},"types":{"en":["psychic","fairy"],"zh":["超能力","妖精"]},"genera":{"en":"Feeling Pokémon","zh":"心情寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Ralts senses the emotions of people using the horns on its head. This Pokémon rarely appears before people. But when it does, it draws closer if it senses that the person has a positive disposition.","Ralts has the ability to sense the emotions of people. If its TRAINER is in a cheerful mood, this Pokémon grows cheerful and joyous in the same way.","A Ralts has the power to sense the emotions of people and Pokémon with the horns on its head. It takes cover if it senses any hostility."],"zh":["能敏銳地感知人和寶可夢的感情。一旦感受到敵意就會躲進暗處。","用紅色的角感知到人和寶可夢的溫情後,全身也會變得有點暖暖的。"]}},{"id":281,"name":{"en":"Kirlia","zh":"奇魯莉安"},"types":{"en":["psychic","fairy"],"zh":["超能力","妖精"]},"genera":{"en":"Emotion Pokémon","zh":"感情寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It is said that a Kirlia that is exposed to the positive emotions of its TRAINER grows beautiful. This Pokémon controls psychokinetic powers with its highly developed brain.","Kirlia uses the horns on its head to amplify its psychokinetic power. When the Pokémon uses its power, the air around it becomes distorted, creating mirages of nonexistent scenery.","A Kirlia has the psychic power to createa rip in the dimensions and see into the future. It is said to dance with pleasure on sunny mornings."],"zh":["當訓練家高興的時候,奇魯莉安會充滿能量,開心地轉著圈跳舞。","能夠操縱精神力量來扭曲周圍的空間,讓自己看見未來。"]}},{"id":282,"name":{"en":"Gardevoir","zh":"沙奈朵"},"types":{"en":["psychic","fairy"],"zh":["超能力","妖精"]},"genera":{"en":"Embrace Pokémon","zh":"包容寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Gardevoir has the ability to read the future. If it senses impending danger to its TRAINER, this Pokémon is said to unleash its psychokinetic energy at full power.","Gardevoir has the psychokinetic power to distort the dimensions and create a small black hole. This Pokémon will try to protect its TRAINER even at the risk of its own life.","It apparently does not feel the pull of gravity because it supports itself with psychic power. It will give its life to protect its TRAINER."],"zh":["有著預知未來的能力。在保護訓練家的時候,會發揮出最強的力量。","如果是為了保護訓練家,牠會不惜用盡自己的精神力量製造出小型黑洞。"]}},{"id":283,"name":{"en":"Surskit","zh":"溜溜糖球"},"types":{"en":["bug","water"],"zh":["蟲","水"]},"genera":{"en":"Pond Skater Pokémon","zh":"水黽寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["From the tips of its feet, Surskit secretes an oil that enables it to walk on water as if it were skating. This Pokémon feeds on microscopic organisms in ponds and lakes.","If Surskit senses danger, it secretes a thick, sugary syrup from the tip of its head. There are some Pokémon that love eating this syrup.","They gather on puddles after evening downpours, gliding across the surface of water as if sliding. It secretes honey with a sweet aroma from its head."],"zh":["在水面像滑行一樣移動。偶爾會為了爭奪食物而和滴蛛打架。","危險來臨時,會從頭的頂端滲出有甜味的液體。是鳥寶可夢討厭的味道。","遇到危險時會從突起的部分流出甜甜的汁液。把這種汁液製成的糖漿塗在麵包上會很可口。"]}},{"id":284,"name":{"en":"Masquerain","zh":"雨翅蛾"},"types":{"en":["bug","flying"],"zh":["蟲","飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"Eyeball Pokémon","zh":"眼珠寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Masquerain intimidates enemies with the eyelike patterns on its antennas. This Pokémon flaps its four wings to freely fly in any direction - even sideways and backwards - as if it were a helicopter.","Masquerain’s antennas have eyelike patterns that usually give it an angry look. If the “eyes” are droopy and appear sad, it is said to be a sign that a heavy rainfall is on its way.","It intimidates foes with the large eyelike patterns on its antennae. Because it can’t fly if its wings get wet, it shelters itself from rain under large trees and eaves."],"zh":["用觸角上的眼珠花紋威嚇敵人。用4根翅膀前後左右靈活飛行。","翅膀和觸角很怕濕氣。雨後會朝著太陽的方向曬乾身體。","會用眼珠花紋威嚇敵人。如果威嚇起不了作用,就會用4片翅膀靈活地四處竄逃。"]}},{"id":285,"name":{"en":"Shroomish","zh":"蘑蘑菇"},"types":{"en":["grass"],"zh":["草"]},"genera":{"en":"Mushroom Pokémon","zh":"蘑菇寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Shroomish live in damp soil in the dark depths of forests. They are often found keeping still under fallen leaves. This Pokémon feeds on compost that is made up of fallen, rotted leaves.","If Shroomish senses danger, it shakes its body and scatters spores from the top of its head. This Pokémon’s spores are so toxic, they make trees and weeds wilt.","It loves to eat damp, composted soil in forests. If you enter a forest after a long rain, you can see many Shroomish feasting on composted soil."],"zh":["棲息在森林深處潮濕的地面上。經常一動不動地待在落葉下面。以落葉堆積起來後形成的腐葉土為食。","感覺到危險時會振動身體,從頭頂上撒出能讓草木都枯萎的劇毒孢子。"]}},{"id":286,"name":{"en":"Breloom","zh":"斗笠菇"},"types":{"en":["grass","fighting"],"zh":["草","格鬥"]},"genera":{"en":"Mushroom Pokémon","zh":"蘑菇寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Breloom closes in on its foe with light and sprightly footwork, then throws punches with its stretchy arms. This Pokémon’s fighting technique puts boxers to shame.","The seeds ringing Breloom’s tail are made of hardened toxic spores. It is horrible to eat the seeds. Just taking a bite of this Pokémon’s seed will cause your stomach to rumble.","It scatters spores from holes in the cap on its head. It loves warm and humid climates. It feeds on trees and plants in fields and forests."],"zh":["會用輕巧的步法接近敵人,然後用能伸縮的手臂出拳。有著能令拳擊手汗顏的技術。","尾巴上的種子是由毒孢子變硬後形成的,所以吃下去的話可不得了。吃上一口肚子裡頭就會開始翻騰。"]}},{"id":287,"name":{"en":"Slakoth","zh":"懶人獺"},"types":{"en":["normal"],"zh":["一般"]},"genera":{"en":"Slacker Pokémon","zh":"懶人寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Slakoth lolls around for over twenty hours every day. Because it moves so little, it does not need much food. This Pokémon’s sole daily meal consists of just three leaves.","Slakoth’s heart beats just once a minute. Whatever happens, it is content to loaf around motionless. It is rare to see this Pokémon in motion.","It sleeps virtually all day and night long. It doesn’t change its nest its entire life, but it sometimes travels great distances by swimming in rivers."],"zh":["每天會趴上20小時以上的時間。因為身體幾乎動也不動,所以1天只要吃3片葉子就吃飽了。","心臟每分鐘只跳動1次。因為是只會一直趴著不動的寶可夢,所以幾乎沒有機會看到牠動的樣子。"]}},{"id":288,"name":{"en":"Vigoroth","zh":"過動猿"},"types":{"en":["normal"],"zh":["一般"]},"genera":{"en":"Wild Monkey Pokémon","zh":"暴猿寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Vigoroth is always itching and agitated to go on a wild rampage. It simply can’t tolerate sitting still for even a minute. This Pokémon’s stress level rises if it can’t be moving constantly.","Vigoroth is simply incapable of remaining still. Even when it tries to sleep, the blood in its veins grows agitated, compelling this Pokémon to run wild throughout the jungle before it can settle down.","It can’t keep still because its blood boils with energy. It runs through the fields and mountains all day to calm itself. If it doesn’t, it can’t sleep at night."],"zh":["一直在蠢蠢欲動,想要大鬧一番。甚至連1分鐘都坐不住。如果不動就會累積壓力。","一刻也停不下來的寶可夢。就算想睡覺,全身血液也會繼續沸騰,不去森林裡到處奔跑就無法平息下來。"]}},{"id":289,"name":{"en":"Slaking","zh":"請假王"},"types":{"en":["normal"],"zh":["一般"]},"genera":{"en":"Lazy Pokémon","zh":"怕麻煩寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Slaking spends all day lying down and lolling about. It eats grass growing within its reach. If it eats all the grass it can reach, this Pokémon reluctantly moves to another spot.","Wherever Slaking live, rings of over a yard in diameter appear in grassy fields. They are made by the Pokémon as it eats all the grass within reach while lying prone on the ground.","Hordes of Slaking gather around trees when fruits come into season. They wait around patiently for ripened fruits to fall out of the trees."],"zh":["整天躺著生活的寶可夢。會吃伸手能及的地方長出來的草,如果草吃光了,就會很不情願地換個地方。","刻在草原上半徑1公尺的圓圈,是請假王躺在地上吃光了身邊的草之後形成的。"]}},{"id":290,"name":{"en":"Nincada","zh":"土居忍士"},"types":{"en":["bug","ground"],"zh":["蟲","地面"]},"genera":{"en":"Trainee Pokémon","zh":"入門寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Nincada lives underground for many years in complete darkness. This Pokémon absorbs nutrients from the roots of trees. It stays motionless as it waits for evolution.","Nincada lives underground. It uses its sharp claws to carve the roots of trees and absorb moisture and nutrients. This Pokémon can’t withstand bright sunlight so avoids it.","It makes its nest at the roots of a mighty tree. Using its whiskerlike antennae, it probes its surroundings in the pitch-black darkness of soil."],"zh":["因為長時間生活在地底下,所以眼睛幾乎什麼都看不到。會靠觸角來探察周圍的狀況。","有時會在土裡生活10年以上。會從樹木的根部吸取營養。"]}},{"id":291,"name":{"en":"Ninjask","zh":"鐵面忍者"},"types":{"en":["bug","flying"],"zh":["蟲","飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"Ninja Pokémon","zh":"忍者寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Ninjask moves around at such a high speed that it cannot be seen, even while its crying can be clearly heard. For that reason, this Pokémon was long believed to be invisible.","If Ninjask is not trained properly, it will refuse to obey the TRAINER and cry loudly continuously. Because of this quality, this Pokémon is said to be one that puts the TRAINER’s abilities to the test.","Because it darts about vigorously at high speed, it is very difficult to see. Hearing its distinctive cries for too long induces a headache."],"zh":["一直聽牠的叫聲會讓人頭痛不止。會以肉眼無法看清的速度移動。","行動十分迅速的寶可夢。說牠無論什麼攻擊都能避開也不誇張。非常喜歡甘甜的樹液。"]}},{"id":292,"name":{"en":"Shedinja","zh":"脫殼忍者"},"types":{"en":["bug","ghost"],"zh":["蟲","幽靈"]},"genera":{"en":"Shed Pokémon","zh":"空殼寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Shedinja’s hard body doesn’t move - not even a twitch. In fact, its body appears to be merely a hollow shell. It is believed that this Pokémon will steal the spirit of anyone peering into its hollow body from its back.","Shedinja is a peculiar Pokémon. It seems to appear unsought in a POKé BALL after a NINCADA evolves. This bizarre Pokémon is entirely immobile - it doesn’t even breathe.","A peculiar Pokémon that floats in air even though its wings remain completely still. The inside of its body is hollow and utterly dark."],"zh":["牠是一種在土居忍士進化時,會神不知鬼不覺地出現在精靈球裡的神奇寶可夢。","不拍動翅膀也能四處飛行。身體裡面空空的,是一種不呼吸的奇妙寶可夢。"]}},{"id":293,"name":{"en":"Whismur","zh":"咕妞妞"},"types":{"en":["normal"],"zh":["一般"]},"genera":{"en":"Whisper Pokémon","zh":"細語寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Normally, Whismur’s voice is very quiet - it is barely audible even if one is paying close attention. However, if this Pokémon senses danger, it starts crying at an earsplitting volume.","Whismur is very timid. If it starts to cry loudly, it becomes startled by its own crying and cries even harder. When it finally stops crying, the Pokémon goes to sleep, all tired out.","Its cries equal a jet plane in volume. It inhales through its ear canals. Because of this system, it can cry continually without having to catch its breath."],"zh":["叫聲的音量會超過100分貝。要是被牠在近距離大叫,就會一整天都會頭痛不止。","一旦叫了起來,就會被自己的聲音嚇到,然後用更大的聲音大吼大叫。叫到累了就會睡著。"]}},{"id":294,"name":{"en":"Loudred","zh":"吼爆彈"},"types":{"en":["normal"],"zh":["一般"]},"genera":{"en":"Big Voice Pokémon","zh":"大聲寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Loudred’s bellowing can completely decimate a wood-frame house. It uses its voice to punish its foes. This Pokémon’s round ears serve as loudspeakers.","Loudred shouts while stamping its feet. After it finishes shouting, this Pokémon becomes incapable of hearing anything for a while. This is considered to be a weak point.","It positions the round speakers on its head to assail foes with ultrasonic waves at massive volume. It builds power by stomping the ground."],"zh":["耳朵具有擴音器的功能。會從耳朵發射出威力足以震飛一棟房子的音波。","巨大的叫聲不只會傷害聽覺,還會壓縮空氣造成衝擊波將對手震飛造成傷害。"]}},{"id":295,"name":{"en":"Exploud","zh":"爆音怪"},"types":{"en":["normal"],"zh":["一般"]},"genera":{"en":"Loud Noise Pokémon","zh":"噪音寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Exploud triggers earthquakes with the tremors it creates by bellowing. If this Pokémon violently inhales from the ports on its body, it’s a sign that it is preparing to let loose a huge bellow.","Exploud communicates its feelings to the others by emitting whistle-like sounds from the tubes on its body. This Pokémon only raises its voice when it is in battle.","It has sound-generating organs all over its body. It communicates with others by adjusting the tone and volume of the cries it emits."],"zh":["以前的人曾利用爆音怪的大吼聲,作為與遙遠城鎮彼此聯絡的方法。","不只會大吼,還會從身上的洞發出各種音色與夥伴們彼此溝通。"]}},{"id":296,"name":{"en":"Makuhita","zh":"幕下力士"},"types":{"en":["fighting"],"zh":["格鬥"]},"genera":{"en":"Guts Pokémon","zh":"毅力寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Makuhita is tenacious - it will keep getting up and attacking its foe however many times it is knocked down. Every time it gets back up, this Pokémon stores more energy in its body for evolving.","Makuhita has a tireless spirit - it will never give up hope. It eats a lot of food, gets plenty of sleep, and it trains very rigorously. By living that way, this Pokémon packs its body with energy.","It loves to toughen up its body above all else. If you hear quaking rumbles in a cave, it is the sound of Makuhita undertaking strenuous training."],"zh":["最早是從其他地區被帶到這裡來的,但現在阿羅拉的幕下力士比較有名。","每天早上醒來後大家一起訓練。到了中午吃完東西後就睡午覺。睡醒後又繼續訓練。","會對著樹幹反覆練習推掌,有時會因為對著椰蛋樹使出推掌而反過來被丟得遠遠的。"]}},{"id":297,"name":{"en":"Hariyama","zh":"鐵掌力士"},"types":{"en":["fighting"],"zh":["格鬥"]},"genera":{"en":"Arm Thrust Pokémon","zh":"猛推寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It has the habit of challenging others without hesitation to tests of strength. It’s been known to stand on train tracks and stop trains using forearm thrusts.","Hariyama practices its straight-arm slaps in any number of locations. One hit of this Pokémon’s powerful, openhanded, straight-arm punches could snap a telephone pole in two.","Hariyama’s thick body may appear fat, but it is actually a hunk of solid muscle. If this Pokémon bears down and tightens all its muscles, its body becomes as hard as a rock."],"zh":["因怪力而為人所知,但上了年紀後就會放棄戰鬥,轉而負責訓練幕下力士。","擁有一巴掌就能把貨車打飛的怪力,最喜歡和對手比力氣。","雖然喜歡和對手比力氣,但心地善良且注重禮儀,會慰勞與自己對戰的對手。"]}},{"id":298,"name":{"en":"Azurill","zh":"露力麗"},"types":{"en":["normal","fairy"],"zh":["一般","妖精"]},"genera":{"en":"Polka Dot Pokémon","zh":"水珠寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["A Pokémon that lives by water. It moves quickly on land by bouncing on its big tail.","Azurill spins its tail as if it were a lasso, then hurls it far. The momentum of the throw sends its body flying, too. Using this unique action, one of these Pokémon managed to hurl itself a record 33 feet.","Azurill’s tail is large and bouncy. It is packed full of the nutrients this Pokémon needs to grow. Azurill can be seen bouncing and playing on its big, rubbery tail."],"zh":["尾巴的球狀部分能像皮球那樣彈跳,裡面滿滿都是牠在成長時所需的營養。","雖然是個性溫順的寶可夢,但生氣時就會大力揮甩尾巴上的大球來擊打對手。"]}},{"id":299,"name":{"en":"Nosepass","zh":"朝北鼻"},"types":{"en":["rock"],"zh":["岩石"]},"genera":{"en":"Compass Pokémon","zh":"羅盤寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Nosepass’s magnetic nose is always pointed to the north. If two of these Pokémon meet, they cannot turn their faces to each other when they are close because their magnetic noses repel one another.","Nosepass had been said to be completely unmoving, with its magnetic nose pointed due north. However, close observation has revealed that the Pokémon actually moves by a little over 3/8 of an inch every year.","Its body emits a powerful magnetism. It feeds on prey that is pulled in by the force. Its magnetism is stronger in cold seasons."],"zh":["朝北鼻鼻子上的磁鐵絕對不會失靈,所以是訓練家旅行時的良伴。","用強勁的磁力把獵物吸過來。也會吸引並收集鐵來保護身軀。","每年只會移動1公分,但在陷入危機時會轉動身體,在一瞬間潛入地底。"]}},{"id":300,"name":{"en":"Skitty","zh":"向尾喵"},"types":{"en":["normal"],"zh":["一般"]},"genera":{"en":"Kitten Pokémon","zh":"小貓寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Skitty has the habit of becoming fascinated by moving objects and chasing them around. This Pokémon is known to chase after its own tail and become dizzy.","Skitty is known to chase around playfully after its own tail. In the wild, this Pokémon lives in holes in the trees of forests. It is very popular as a pet because of its adorable looks.","A Skitty’s adorably cute behavior makes it highly popular. In battle, it makes its tail puff out. It threatens foes with a sharp growl."],"zh":["這種寶可夢有著看到動的東西就會不顧一切追著到處跑的習性。會追自己的尾巴追得頭昏眼花。","會追著自己尾巴到處跑的寶可夢。野生的向尾喵生活在森林中的樹洞裡。有著可愛臉蛋的牠是很受歡迎的寵物。"]}},{"id":301,"name":{"en":"Delcatty","zh":"優雅貓"},"types":{"en":["normal"],"zh":["一般"]},"genera":{"en":"Prim Pokémon","zh":"清高寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Delcatty prefers to live an unfettered existence in which it can do as it pleases at its own pace. Because this Pokémon eats and sleeps whenever it decides, its daily routines are completely random.","Delcatty sleeps anywhere it wants without keeping a permanent nest. If other Pokémon approach it as it sleeps, this Pokémon will never fight - it will just move away somewhere else.","Rather than keeping a permanent lair, it habitually seeks comfortable spots and sleeps there. It is nocturnal and becomes active at dusk."],"zh":["個性我行我素,喜歡自由散漫的生活。因為總是想吃就吃,想睡就睡,所以每天都毫無規律可言。","過著居無定所生活的寶可夢。即使有其他寶可夢接近自己睡覺的地方也絕不會去爭鬥,而會換個地方睡覺。"]}},{"id":302,"name":{"en":"Sableye","zh":"勾魂眼"},"types":{"en":["dark","ghost"],"zh":["惡","幽靈"]},"genera":{"en":"Darkness Pokémon","zh":"黑暗寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Sableye lead quiet lives deep inside caverns. They are feared, however, because these Pokémon are thought to steal the spirits of people when their eyes burn with a sinister glow in the darkness.","Sableye digs the ground with sharpened claws to find rocks that it eats. Substances in the eaten rocks crystallize and rise up to the Pokémon’s body surface.","It digs branching holes in caves using its sharp claws in search of food--raw gems. A Sableye lurks in darkness and is seen only rarely."],"zh":["非常喜歡寶石,因此到處追著小碎鑽跑,但卻被尖牙陸鯊半路奪走。","寶石的眼睛發出詭異光芒時,就會攝取人的魂魄。是令人恐懼的寶可夢。","會用堅硬的爪子挖土,並用粗壯的獠牙啃食寶石。最喜歡吃小碎鑽。"]}},{"id":303,"name":{"en":"Mawile","zh":"大嘴娃"},"types":{"en":["steel","fairy"],"zh":["鋼","妖精"]},"genera":{"en":"Deceiver Pokémon","zh":"欺騙寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["MAWHILE’s huge jaws are actually steel horns that have been transformed. Its docile-looking face serves to lull its foe into letting down its guard. When the foe least expects it, MAWHILE chomps it with its gaping jaws.","Don’t be taken in by this Pokémon’s cute face - it’s very dangerous. Mawile fools the foe into letting down its guard, then chomps down with its massive jaws. The steel jaws are really horns that have been transformed.","Its giant jaws are actually steel horns that transformed. It fools foes into complacency with its adorable gestures, then chomps them with its huge jaws."],"zh":["聰明又狡猾,可怕的寶可夢。會用可愛的動作使對手掉以輕心,然後出其不意地用大顎一口吞下。","擁有2張嘴。頭部後面的大顎沒有味覺,所以會用來吃那些自己不喜歡的東西。","用溫順的長相讓對手大意,然後用大顎一口咬住對手。咬住後就絕不會鬆口。"]}},{"id":304,"name":{"en":"Aron","zh":"可可多拉"},"types":{"en":["steel","rock"],"zh":["鋼","岩石"]},"genera":{"en":"Iron Armor Pokémon","zh":"鐵鎧寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["This Pokémon has a body of steel. To make its body, Aron feeds on iron ore that it digs from mountains. Occasionally, it causes major trouble by eating bridges and rails.","Aron has a body of steel. With one all-out charge, this Pokémon can demolish even a heavy dump truck. The destroyed dump truck then becomes a handy meal for the Pokémon.","A Pokémon that is clad in steel armor. A new suit of armor is made when it evolves. The old, discarded armor is salvaged as metal for making iron products."],"zh":["保護牠身體的鋼鐵盔甲,是由牠吃下的鐵礦石以及偶爾吃下的鐵軌所製成的。","進化時身上的鋼鐵盔甲會脫落。以前的人會把它撿起來用在生活上。"]}},{"id":305,"name":{"en":"Lairon","zh":"可多拉"},"types":{"en":["steel","rock"],"zh":["鋼","岩石"]},"genera":{"en":"Iron Armor Pokémon","zh":"鐵鎧寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Lairon tempers its steel body by drinking highly nutritious mineral springwater until it is bloated. This Pokémon makes its nest close to springs of delicious water.","Lairon feeds on iron contained in rocks and water. It makes its nest on mountains where iron ore is buried. As a result, the Pokémon often clashes with humans mining the iron ore.","When two Lairon meet in the wild, they fight for territory by bashing into each other with their steel bodies. The sound of their collision carries for miles."],"zh":["可多拉棲息的山區有豐富的泉水和鐵礦石,因此常會與人類起紛爭。","會互相碰撞身體來爭奪地盤。仔細看牠的鋼鐵盔甲,就會發現有傷痕及凹痕。"]}},{"id":306,"name":{"en":"Aggron","zh":"波士可多拉"},"types":{"en":["steel","rock"],"zh":["鋼","岩石"]},"genera":{"en":"Iron Armor Pokémon","zh":"鐵鎧寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Aggron claims an entire mountain as its own territory. It mercilessly beats up anything that violates its environment. This Pokémon vigilantly patrols its territory at all times.","Aggron is surprisingly protective of its environment. If its mountain is ravaged by a landslide or a fire, this Pokémon will haul topsoil to the area, plant trees, and beautifully restore its own territory.","Its iron horns grow longer a little at a time. They are used to determine the Aggron’s age. The gouges in its armor are worn with pride as mementos from battles."],"zh":["在撞擊敵人的同時,會用能刺穿厚鐵板的銳利尖角給予對方致命的一擊。","古時候有位國王將自己的頭盔製作成波士可多拉頭部的樣子,期盼為自己帶來像牠的強大力量。"]}},{"id":307,"name":{"en":"Meditite","zh":"瑪沙那"},"types":{"en":["fighting","psychic"],"zh":["格鬥","超能力"]},"genera":{"en":"Meditate Pokémon","zh":"冥想寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Meditite undertakes rigorous mental training deep in the mountains. However, whenever it meditates, this Pokémon always loses its concentration and focus. As a result, its training never ends.","Meditite heightens its inner energy through meditation. It survives on just one berry a day. Minimal eating is another aspect of this Pokémon’s training.","It continually meditates for hours every day. As a result of rigorous and dedicated yoga training, it has tempered its spiritual power so much it can fly."],"zh":["在深山裡進行著瑜伽修行。總是會在冥想的途中分心,所以修行一直無法結束。","會用冥想來提高精神能量。每天只吃1個樹果。少吃也是修行的一部分。"]}},{"id":308,"name":{"en":"Medicham","zh":"恰雷姆"},"types":{"en":["fighting","psychic"],"zh":["格鬥","超能力"]},"genera":{"en":"Meditate Pokémon","zh":"冥想寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It is said that through meditation, Medicham heightens energy inside its body and sharpens its sixth sense. This Pokémon hides its presence by merging itself with fields and mountains.","Through the power of meditation, Medicham developed its sixth sense. It gained the ability to use psychokinetic powers. This Pokémon is known to meditate for a whole month without eating.","Through crushingly harsh yoga training, it gained the power to foretell its foe’s actions. It battles with elegant, dance- like movement."],"zh":["據說會透過冥想讓體內的能量提升,並讓第六感變得更加敏銳。會和山野融為一體來消除自己的氣息。","瑜伽的力量讓第六感變得發達,使得牠變得能夠操縱精神力量。會在1個月裡不吃任何東西進行冥想。"]}},{"id":309,"name":{"en":"Electrike","zh":"落雷獸"},"types":{"en":["electric"],"zh":["電"]},"genera":{"en":"Lightning Pokémon","zh":"閃電寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Electrike stores electricity in its long body hair. This Pokémon stimulates its leg muscles with electric charges. These jolts of power give its legs explosive acceleration performance.","Electrike runs faster than the human eye can follow. The friction from running is converted into electricity, which is then stored in this Pokémon’s fur.","It generates electricity using friction from the atmosphere. In seasons with especially arid air, its entire body blazes with violent showers of sparks."],"zh":["會透過空氣和體毛的摩擦來產生靜電。落雷獸奔跑時會發出劈哩啪啦的聲音。","會讓長長的體毛互相摩擦,藉此在全身儲存靜電。是種以速度為傲的寶可夢。","會將靜電積蓄在體毛中後放電。當暴風雨來臨前,會從全身冒出火花。"]}},{"id":310,"name":{"en":"Manectric","zh":"雷電獸"},"types":{"en":["electric"],"zh":["電"]},"genera":{"en":"Discharge Pokémon","zh":"放電寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Manectric is constantly discharging electricity from its mane. The sparks sometimes ignite forest fires. When it enters a battle, this Pokémon creates thunderclouds.","Manectric discharges strong electricity from its mane. The mane is used for collecting electricity in the atmosphere. This Pokémon creates thunderclouds above its head.","Because lightning falls in their vicinities, Manectric were thought to have been born from lightning. In battle, they create thunderclouds."],"zh":["在不自然的雷雲之下有著雷電獸的身影。據說牠奔馳的速度和雷電一樣快。","會用電流刺激肌肉,所以能迅速行動。電流同時也能幫助肌肉放鬆,讓酸痛迅速痊癒。","會用電流刺激肌肉,因此能迅速行動。電流也能讓肌肉放鬆並快速治癒酸痛。"]}},{"id":311,"name":{"en":"Plusle","zh":"正電拍拍"},"types":{"en":["electric"],"zh":["電"]},"genera":{"en":"Cheering Pokémon","zh":"加油寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Plusle always acts as a cheerleader for its partners. Whenever a teammate puts out a good effort in battle, this Pokémon shorts out its body to create the crackling noises of sparks to show its joy.","When Plusle is cheering on its partner, it flashes with electric sparks from all over its body. If its partner loses, this Pokémon cries loudly.","It has the trait of cheering on its fellow Pokémon. By shorting out the electricity it releases from its paws, it creates pom-poms for cheering."],"zh":["總是在為夥伴加油的寶可夢。當夥伴努力加油的時候,牠會讓身體短路,發出劈哩啪啦的火花聲來表達自己的喜悅。","為夥伴加油的時候,會從全身發出電火花並劈哩啪啦地發光。如果夥伴輸了就會放聲大哭。"]}},{"id":312,"name":{"en":"Minun","zh":"負電拍拍"},"types":{"en":["electric"],"zh":["電"]},"genera":{"en":"Cheering Pokémon","zh":"加油寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Minun is more concerned about cheering on its partners than its own safety. It shorts out the electricity in its body to create brilliant showers of sparks to cheer on its teammates.","Minun loves to cheer on its partner in battle. It gives off sparks from its body while it is doing so. If its partner is in trouble, this Pokémon gives off increasing amounts of sparks.","At a meeting of Pokémon academics, it was announced that simultaneous exposure to electricity from a PLUSLE and Minun will promote circulation and boost vitality."],"zh":["比起自己來,為夥伴加油更重要。會讓體內發出的電流短路,一邊發出華麗的火花一邊為夥伴加油。","最喜歡幫夥伴加油的寶可夢。如果夥伴快要輸掉的話,體內迸發出的火花就會不斷增多。"]}},{"id":313,"name":{"en":"Volbeat","zh":"電螢蟲"},"types":{"en":["bug"],"zh":["蟲"]},"genera":{"en":"Firefly Pokémon","zh":"螢火蟲寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["With the arrival of night, Volbeat emits light from its tail. It communicates with others by adjusting the intensity and flashing of its light. This Pokémon is attracted by the sweet aroma of ILLUMISE.","Volbeat’s tail glows like a lightbulb. With other Volbeat, it uses its tail to draw geometric shapes in the night sky. This Pokémon loves the sweet aroma given off by ILLUMISE.","With their taillights lit, Volbeat fly in a swarm, drawing geometric designs in the night sky. They move their nests if their pond water becomes dirty."],"zh":["太陽下山後就會讓尾巴發光,透過亮度或閃爍來和夥伴對話。會被甜甜螢的甜甜香氣吸引。","會利用尾巴的亮光,成群結隊地在夜空中描繪幾何圖形。最喜歡甜甜螢放出的甜甜香氣。"]}},{"id":314,"name":{"en":"Illumise","zh":"甜甜螢"},"types":{"en":["bug"],"zh":["蟲"]},"genera":{"en":"Firefly Pokémon","zh":"螢火蟲寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["With its sweet aroma, it guides Volbeat to draw signs with light in the night sky.","Illumise attracts a swarm of VOLBEAT using a sweet fragrance. Once the VOLBEAT have gathered, this Pokémon leads the lit-up swarm in drawing geometric designs on the canvas of the night sky.","Illumise leads a flight of illuminated VOLBEAT to draw signs in the night sky. This Pokémon is said to earn greater respect from its peers by composing more complex designs in the sky."],"zh":["會利用甜甜的香氣引誘電螢蟲。然後誘導大量聚集而來的電螢蟲,讓牠們在夜空中描繪幾何圖形。","會誘導電螢蟲描繪記號。據說記號描繪得越複雜的甜甜螢,就越會受到夥伴的尊敬。"]}},{"id":315,"name":{"en":"Roselia","zh":"毒薔薇"},"types":{"en":["grass","poison"],"zh":["草","毒"]},"genera":{"en":"Thorn Pokémon","zh":"荊棘寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Roselia shoots sharp thorns as projectiles at any opponent that tries to steal the flowers on its arms. The aroma of this Pokémon brings serenity to living things.","On extremely rare occasions, a Roselia is said to appear with its flowers in unusual colors. The thorns on this Pokémon’s head contain a vicious poison.","A Roselia that drinks nutritionally rich springwater blooms with lovely flowers. The fragrance of its flowers has the effect of making its foes careless."],"zh":["只要聞到牠的花香,就能放鬆心情。濃郁的香味是毒薔薇有活力的證明。","會用右手和左手分別施放2種不同的毒來進行攻擊。香氣越濃越有活力。"]}},{"id":316,"name":{"en":"Gulpin","zh":"溶食獸"},"types":{"en":["poison"],"zh":["毒"]},"genera":{"en":"Stomach Pokémon","zh":"胃袋寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Virtually all of Gulpin’s body is its stomach. As a result, it can swallow something its own size. This Pokémon’s stomach contains a special fluid that digests anything.","Most of Gulpin’s body is made up of its stomach - its heart and brain are very small in comparison. This Pokémon’s stomach contains special enzymes that dissolve anything.","This Pokémon’s stomach fluid can even digest scrap iron. In one gulp, it can swallow something that is as large as itself."],"zh":["因為整個身體幾乎都是胃,所以能吞下和自己一樣大的東西。能用特殊的胃液消化任何東西。","身體的大部分都是胃,心臟和大腦非常小。有著能溶化任何東西的特殊胃液。"]}},{"id":317,"name":{"en":"Swalot","zh":"吞食獸"},"types":{"en":["poison"],"zh":["毒"]},"genera":{"en":"Poison Bag Pokémon","zh":"毒袋寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["When Swalot spots prey, it spurts out a hideously toxic fluid from its pores and sprays the target. Once the prey has weakened, this Pokémon gulps it down whole with its cavernous mouth.","Swalot has no teeth, so what it eats, it swallows whole, no matter what. Its cavernous mouth yawns widely. An automobile tire could easily fit inside this Pokémon’s mouth.","Its powerful stomach acid is capable of digesting almost anything. The one thing in the whole world a Swalot can’t digest is its own stomach."],"zh":["發現獵物時會把毛孔中噴出的劇毒體液灑向對手。等獵物變得虛弱時再張開大嘴一口吞掉。","1顆牙齒都沒有,所以吃東西時都是整個吞下。嘴巴完全張開的時候非常大,可以把汽車輪胎整個塞進去。"]}},{"id":318,"name":{"en":"Carvanha","zh":"利牙魚"},"types":{"en":["water","dark"],"zh":["水","惡"]},"genera":{"en":"Savage Pokémon","zh":"凶猛寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Carvanha’s strongly developed jaws and its sharply pointed fangs pack the destructive power to rip out boat hulls. Many boats have been attacked and sunk by this Pokémon.","If anything invades Carvanha’s territory, it will swarm and tear at the intruder with its pointed fangs. On its own, however, this Pokémon turns suddenly timid.","Carvanha attack ships in swarms, making them sink. Although it is said to be a very vicious Pokémon, it timidly flees as soon as it finds itself alone."],"zh":["每個群體都擁有自己的地盤。對於入侵者,會毫不留情地露出牙齒發動攻擊。","能聞出些微的鮮血氣味,集體攻擊獵物。只有1隻的時候相當膽小。","個性膽小,只有1隻的話連狩獵也不敢去,但如果聚集了5隻左右就會一下子變得兇暴。"]}},{"id":319,"name":{"en":"Sharpedo","zh":"巨牙鯊"},"types":{"en":["water","dark"],"zh":["水","惡"]},"genera":{"en":"Brutal Pokémon","zh":"凶暴寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Nicknamed “the bully of the sea,” Sharpedo is widely feared. Its cruel fangs grow back immediately if they snap off. Just one of these Pokémon can thoroughly tear apart a supertanker.","Sharpedo can swim at speeds of up to 75 mph by jetting seawater out of its backside. This Pokémon’s drawback is its inability to swim long distances.","The vicious and sly gangster of the sea. Its skin is specially textured to minimize drag in water. Its speed tops out at over 75 miles per hour."],"zh":["以120公里的時速追逐獵物,再用連鐵都能咬碎的牙齒捕殺。人稱牠為大海惡霸。","在過去,牠的背鰭被當作貴重的食材,因此有著被濫捕的悲慘歷史。","人們相信只要帶著牠脫落的牙齒就不會在海上遭遇事故,因此會將牠的牙齒加工成飾品。"]}},{"id":320,"name":{"en":"Wailmer","zh":"吼吼鯨"},"types":{"en":["water"],"zh":["水"]},"genera":{"en":"Ball Whale Pokémon","zh":"球鯨寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Wailmer’s nostrils are located above its eyes. This playful Pokémon loves to startle people by forcefully snorting out seawater it stores inside its body out of its nostrils.","Wailmer can store water inside its body to transform itself into a ball for bouncing around on the ground. By filling itself up with more water, this Pokémon can elevate the height of its bounces.","While this Pokémon usually lives in the sea, it can survive on land, although not too long. It loses vitality if its body becomes dried out."],"zh":["很喜歡嚇人。會喝海水把肚子撐得跟球一樣來玩彈跳遊戲。","把喝入的海水從眼睛上方的鼻孔中噴出來吸引他人。每天要吃1噸弱丁魚。","會張著嘴巴游泳,把食物連同海水一起吃下去。不要的水會從鼻子噴出去捨棄掉。"]}},{"id":321,"name":{"en":"Wailord","zh":"吼鯨王"},"types":{"en":["water"],"zh":["水"]},"genera":{"en":"Float Whale Pokémon","zh":"浮鯨寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Wailord is the largest of all identified Pokémon up to now. This giant Pokémon swims languorously in the vast open sea, eating massive amounts of food at once with its enormous mouth.","When chasing prey, Wailord herds them by leaping out of the water and making a humongous splash. It is breathtaking to see this Pokémon leaping out of the sea with others in its pod.","It breathes through nostrils that it raises above the sea. By inhaling to its maximum capacity, a Wailord can dive close to 10,000 feet beneath the waves."],"zh":["有成群結隊追逐獵物的習性。會用大大的嘴巴將整群的弱丁魚一口氣吞下。","因為無比巨大而受歡迎。觀看吼鯨王的生態在各地都是非常受歡迎的遊覽項目。","因為會吃掉太多的魚寶可夢,一旦牠們的數量增加得太多,就會遭到漁夫們的驅趕。"]}},{"id":322,"name":{"en":"Numel","zh":"呆火駝"},"types":{"en":["fire","ground"],"zh":["火","地面"]},"genera":{"en":"Numb Pokémon","zh":"遲鈍寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Numel is extremely dull witted - it doesn’t notice being hit. However, it can’t stand hunger for even a second. This Pokémon’s body is a seething cauldron of boiling magma.","Numel stores magma of almost 2,200 degrees F within its body. If it gets wet, the magma cools and hardens. In that event, the Pokémon’s body grows heavy and its movements become sluggish.","A Numel stores boiling magma in the hump on its back. It is a hardy Pokémon that can transport a 220-pound load. It has served humans at work since long ago."],"zh":["雖然遲鈍到被人打也不會察覺,但對於飢餓卻是1秒都無法忍耐。體內的熔岩隨時都在沸騰。","體內儲存著1200度的熔岩。一旦被水淋濕,熔岩就會凝固變重,動作也會因此變得遲緩。"]}},{"id":323,"name":{"en":"Camerupt","zh":"噴火駝"},"types":{"en":["fire","ground"],"zh":["火","地面"]},"genera":{"en":"Eruption Pokémon","zh":"噴火寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Camerupt has a volcano inside its body. Magma of 18,000 degrees F courses through its body. Occasionally, the humps on this Pokémon’s back erupt, spewing the superheated magma.","The humps on Camerupt’s back are formed by a transformation of its bones. They sometimes blast out molten magma. This Pokémon apparently erupts often when it is enraged.","A Pokémon that lives in the crater of a volcano. Every 10 years, the volcanoes on its back erupt violently. Research is under way on the cause of eruption."],"zh":["體內有著火山的寶可夢。會不時會從背上的駝峰裡噴出體內儲存的攝氏1萬度的熔岩。","背上的駝峰是由骨頭變形而成。會不時噴出沸騰的熔岩。憤怒時好像經常爆發。"]}},{"id":324,"name":{"en":"Torkoal","zh":"煤炭龜"},"types":{"en":["fire"],"zh":["火"]},"genera":{"en":"Coal Pokémon","zh":"煤炭寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["You can tell how it’s feeling by the smoke spouting from its shell. Tremendous velocity is a sign of good health.","Torkoal digs through mountains in search of coal. If it finds some, it fills hollow spaces on its shell with the coal and burns it. If it is attacked, this Pokémon spouts thick black smoke to beat a retreat.","Torkoal generates energy by burning coal. It grows weaker as the fire dies down. When it is preparing for battle, this Pokémon burns more coal."],"zh":["煤炭是牠的能量來源。在煤炭龜棲息著的山裡,沉睡著大量的煤炭。","如果甲殼中的火焰熄滅就會死亡。要在家裡培育的話,必須常備燃料。","從甲殼噴出的煙可以看出牠的身體狀況。煙噴得很激烈時,代表牠很有精神。"]}},{"id":325,"name":{"en":"Spoink","zh":"跳跳豬"},"types":{"en":["psychic"],"zh":["超能力"]},"genera":{"en":"Bounce Pokémon","zh":"彈跳寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Spoink bounces around on its tail. The shock of its bouncing makes its heart pump. As a result, this Pokémon cannot afford to stop bouncing - if it stops, its heart will stop.","Spoink keeps a pearl on top of its head. The pearl functions to amplify this Pokémon’s psychokinetic powers. It is therefore on a constant search for a bigger pearl.","A Pokémon that manipulates psychic power at will. It doesn’t stop bouncing even when it is asleep. It loves eating mushrooms that grow underground."],"zh":["會用尾巴蹦來蹦去彈跳的寶可夢。因為是靠跳躍時的震動來使心臟跳動,所以不能停止彈跳。","戴在頭上的珍珠有提高跳跳豬精神力量的功效。一直在尋找大珍珠。"]}},{"id":326,"name":{"en":"Grumpig","zh":"噗噗豬"},"types":{"en":["psychic"],"zh":["超能力"]},"genera":{"en":"Manipulate Pokémon","zh":"操縱寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Grumpig uses the black pearls on its body to amplify its psychic power waves for gaining total control over its foe. When this Pokémon uses its special power, its snorting breath grows labored.","Grumpig uses the black pearls on its body to wield its fantastic powers. When it is doing so, it dances bizarrely. This Pokémon’s black pearls are valuable as works of art.","It stores power in the black pearls on its forehead. When it uses psychic power, it performs an odd dance step. Its style of dancing became hugely popular overseas."],"zh":["會用黑珍珠增強精神力量的波動,藉此自在操縱對手的寶可夢。使用力量時鼻息會變得急促。","利用黑珍珠使出奇異力量的時候,會跳起奇妙的舞步。黑珍珠有著藝術品的價值。"]}},{"id":327,"name":{"en":"Spinda","zh":"晃晃斑"},"types":{"en":["normal"],"zh":["一般"]},"genera":{"en":"Spot Panda Pokémon","zh":"斑點熊貓寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["No two Spinda have the same pattern of spots. Its tottering step fouls the aim of foes.","All the Spinda that exist in the world are said to have utterly unique spot patterns. The shaky, tottering steps of this Pokémon give it the appearance of dancing.","No two Spinda are said to have identical spot patterns on their hides. This Pokémon moves in a curious manner as if it is stumbling in dizziness. Its lurching movements can cause the opponent to become confused."],"zh":["雖然走路總是搖搖晃晃歪七扭八的,但晃晃斑自己是打算要筆直走路的哦。","每一隻身上的斑點花紋都不同。聽說也有愛好者以這細微的斑點位置的不同為樂。","總是搖搖晃晃,連走都走不穩。如果連續走了太長的時間,身體就會不舒服。"]}},{"id":328,"name":{"en":"Trapinch","zh":"大顎蟻"},"types":{"en":["ground"],"zh":["地面"]},"genera":{"en":"Ant Pit Pokémon","zh":"蟻獅寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Trapinch’s nest is a sloped, bowl-like pit dug in sand. This Pokémon patiently waits for prey to tumble down the pit. Its giant jaws have enough strength to crush even boulders.","Trapinch is a patient hunter. It digs an inescapable pit in a desert and waits for its prey to come tumbling down. This Pokémon can go a whole week without access to any water.","Its big jaws crunch through boulders. Because its head is so big, it has a hard time getting back upright if it tips over onto its back."],"zh":["1整個星期什麼都不吃也能生存。總是動也不動地呆在巢穴底部等待獵物的到來。","一邊用大大的顎把礙事的岩石咬碎,一邊挖沙子。巢穴的形狀就像研磨缽一樣。","重量十足的下顎足以粉碎岩石,一旦身子翻過去就爬不起來,黑眼鱷會趁這個空檔襲擊牠。"]}},{"id":329,"name":{"en":"Vibrava","zh":"超音波幼蟲"},"types":{"en":["ground","dragon"],"zh":["地面","龍"]},"genera":{"en":"Vibration Pokémon","zh":"震動寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["To make prey faint, Vibrava generates ultrasonic waves by vigorously making its two wings vibrate. This Pokémon’s ultrasonic waves are so powerful, they can bring on headaches in people.","Vibrava’s wings have not yet completed the process of growing. Rather than flying long distances, they are more useful for generating ultrasonic waves by vibrating.","It looses ultrasonic waves by rubbing its wings together. Since a Vibrava’s wings are still in the process of growing, it can only fly short distances."],"zh":["2片翅膀高速振動產生的超音波會引起劇烈的頭痛。","還未發達的翅膀比起用於飛行,更常用來摩擦產生超音波,從而攻擊敵人。","為了讓翅膀成長,每天要用消化液溶化並吸食大量的獵物。"]}},{"id":330,"name":{"en":"Flygon","zh":"沙漠蜻蜓"},"types":{"en":["ground","dragon"],"zh":["地面","龍"]},"genera":{"en":"Mystic Pokémon","zh":"神秘寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Flygon is nicknamed “the elementalspirit of the desert.” Because its flapping wings whip up a cloud of sand, this Pokémon is always enveloped in a sandstorm while flying.","Flygon whips up a sandstorm by flapping its wings. The wings create a series of notes that sound like singing. Because the “singing” is the only thing that can be heard in a sandstorm, this Pokémon is said to be the desert spirit.","The flapping of its wings sounds like singing. To prevent detection by enemies, it hides itself by flapping up a cloud of desert sand."],"zh":["揮動翅膀的振翅聲簡直有如歌聲。凡是被這聲音迷惑的,最終會被捲入沙暴成為沙漠蜻蜓的食物。","因為總是位於自己引發的沙暴中心,所以是極少現身於人前的寶可夢。","會拍動翅膀捲起沙暴,讓流氓鱷潛伏在裡面。捉到的獵物會一起分享。"]}},{"id":331,"name":{"en":"Cacnea","zh":"刺球仙人掌"},"types":{"en":["grass"],"zh":["草"]},"genera":{"en":"Cactus Pokémon","zh":"仙人掌寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Cacnea lives in arid locations such as deserts. It releases a strong aroma from its flower to attract prey. When prey comes near, this Pokémon shoots sharp thorns from its body to bring the victim down.","The more arid and harsh the environment, the more pretty and fragrant a flower Cacnea grows. This Pokémon battles by wildly swinging its thorny arms.","Cacnea live in deserts with virtually no rainfall. It battles by swinging its thick, spiked arms. Once a year, a yellow flower blooms."],"zh":["喜歡沙漠等嚴酷環境。能靠體內儲存的水分存活30天。","棲息在乾燥少雨的地方。黃色的花朵每年綻放1次。"]}},{"id":332,"name":{"en":"Cacturne","zh":"夢歌仙人掌"},"types":{"en":["grass","dark"],"zh":["草","惡"]},"genera":{"en":"Scarecrow Pokémon","zh":"稻草人寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["During the daytime, Cacturne remains unmoving so that it does not lose any moisture to the harsh desert sun. This Pokémon becomes active at night when the temperature drops.","If a traveler is going through a desert in the thick of night, Cacturne will follow in a ragtag group. The Pokémon are biding their time, waiting for the traveler to tire and become incapable of moving.","After spending thousands of years in harsh deserts, its blood transformed into the same substances as sand. It is nocturnal, so it hunts at night."],"zh":["會成群跟在沙漠中的旅人後方,等待對方因疲累而變得無法動彈。","棲息在沙漠。一到晚上就會開始活動,去捕捉因受不了沙漠的炎熱而精疲力盡的獵物。"]}},{"id":333,"name":{"en":"Swablu","zh":"青綿鳥"},"types":{"en":["normal","flying"],"zh":["一般","飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"Cotton Bird Pokémon","zh":"綿鳥寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Swablu has light and fluffy wings that are like cottony clouds. This Pokémon is not frightened of people. It lands on the heads of people and sits there like a cotton-fluff hat.","Swablu loves to make things clean. If it spots something dirty, it will wipe and polish it with its cottony wings. If its wings become dirty, this Pokémon finds a stream and showers itself.","A Pokémon that has wings like cottony clouds. After enduring winter, in which little food is available, Swablu flocks move closer to towns in the spring."],"zh":["絲綿般的翅膀會鎖住空氣,呈現蓬蓬鬆鬆的觸感。牠總是會細心地打理翅膀。","看起來就像是團綿雲,因此不易被敵人發現。據說牠的翅膀是在一代代的演變下成為白色的。"]}},{"id":334,"name":{"en":"Altaria","zh":"七夕青鳥"},"types":{"en":["dragon","flying"],"zh":["龍","飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"Humming Pokémon","zh":"哼唱寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Altaria dances and wheels through the sky among billowing, cotton-like clouds. By singing melodies in its crystal-clear voice, this Pokémon makes its listeners experience dreamy wonderment.","Altaria sings in a gorgeous soprano. Its wings are like cotton clouds. This Pokémon catches updrafts with its buoyant wings and soars way up into the wild blue yonder.","It hums in a beautiful soprano voice. It flies among white clouds in the blue sky. It launches intensely hot fireballs from its mouth."],"zh":["會一邊在天空中悠然飛翔,一邊哼唱出令人心醉神迷的美妙旋律。","性情溫柔,但一旦被激怒,就會用尖銳的叫聲威嚇對方,並且毫不留情地施加攻擊。"]}},{"id":335,"name":{"en":"Zangoose","zh":"貓鼬斬"},"types":{"en":["normal"],"zh":["一般"]},"genera":{"en":"Cat Ferret Pokémon","zh":"貓鼬寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Memories of battling its arch-rival SEVIPER are etched into every cell of Zangoose’s body. This Pokémon adroitly dodges attacks with incredible agility.","Zangoose usually stays on all fours, but when angered, it gets up on its hind legs and extends its claws. This Pokémon shares a bitter rivalry with SEVIPER that dates back over generations.","When it battles, it stands on its hind legs and attacks with its sharply clawed forelegs. Its fur bristles if it encounters any SEVIPER."],"zh":["和飯匙蛇是死對頭。一旦撞見彼此,就會立刻張開前腳的爪子來威嚇對方。","遇上飯匙蛇就會豎起體毛,擺出攻擊的架勢。銳利的爪子是最大的武器。"]}},{"id":336,"name":{"en":"Seviper","zh":"飯匙蛇"},"types":{"en":["poison"],"zh":["毒"]},"genera":{"en":"Fang Snake Pokémon","zh":"牙蛇寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Seviper shares a generations-long feud with ZANGOOSE. The scars on its body are evidence of vicious battles. This Pokémon attacks using its sword- edged tail.","Seviper’s swordlike tail serves two purposes - it slashes foes and douses them with secreted poison. This Pokémon will not give up its long- running blood feud with ZANGOOSE.","Seviper and ZANGOOSE are eternal rivals. It counters a ZANGOOSE’s dazzling agility with its swordlike tail, which also oozes a horrible poison."],"zh":["平時都用堅硬的岩石來打磨刀刃般的尾巴。會躲在樹叢裡,然後趁獵物靠近時用毒牙襲擊。","總是用岩石打磨尾巴上的刀刃,所以刀刃非常鋒利。和貓鼬斬是死對頭。"]}},{"id":337,"name":{"en":"Lunatone","zh":"月石"},"types":{"en":["rock","psychic"],"zh":["岩石","超能力"]},"genera":{"en":"Meteorite Pokémon","zh":"隕石寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Lunatone was discovered at a location where a meteorite fell. As a result, some people theorize that this Pokémon came from space. However, no one has been able to prove this theory so far.","Lunatone becomes active around the time of the full moon. Instead of walking, it moves by floating in midair. The Pokémon’s intimidating red eyes cause all those who see it to become transfixed with fear.","It becomes very active on the night of a full moon. This Pokémon was first discovered 40 years ago at the site of a meteor strike."],"zh":["月亮的盈虧似乎會影響牠力量的增減。每到滿月之夜就會變得活躍。","在40年前隕石墜落的地點第一次被發現。瞪一眼就能使敵人沉睡。"]}},{"id":338,"name":{"en":"Solrock","zh":"太陽岩"},"types":{"en":["rock","psychic"],"zh":["岩石","超能力"]},"genera":{"en":"Meteorite Pokémon","zh":"隕石寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Solar energy is the source of its power, so it is strong during the daytime. When it spins, its body shines.","Solrock is a new species of Pokémon that is said to have fallen from space. It floats in air and moves silently. In battle, this Pokémon releases intensely bright light.","Sunlight is the source of Solrock’s power. It is said to possess the ability to read the emotions of others. This Pokémon gives off intense heat while rotating its body."],"zh":["當牠旋轉自己的身體時,會發出太陽般的光芒,讓敵人的眼睛暫時失明。","太陽能量是力量的來源,所以在白天裡很強。旋轉時身體會發光。"]}},{"id":339,"name":{"en":"Barboach","zh":"泥泥鰍"},"types":{"en":["water","ground"],"zh":["水","地面"]},"genera":{"en":"Whiskers Pokémon","zh":"鬚魚寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Barboach’s sensitive whiskers serve as a superb radar system. This Pokémon hides in mud, leaving only its two whiskers exposed while it waits for prey to come along.","Barboach’s body is covered with a slimy film. If a foe grabs it, this Pokémon just slips out of the enemy’s grip. This Pokémon grows weak if the slimy coating dries up.","Its body is covered with a slimy film. The film acts as a barrier to prevent germs in muddy water from entering the Barboach’s body."],"zh":["2根鬍子是靈敏的雷達。即使在因為泥濘而渾濁的水中,也能偵查到獵物的位置。","滑溜溜的身體很難抓住。有的祭典甚至會舉辦看能徒手捉住多少隻的比賽。","全身黏黏滑滑的,就算被鳥寶可夢啄到,也可以馬上滑開溜走。"]}},{"id":340,"name":{"en":"Whiscash","zh":"鯰魚王"},"types":{"en":["water","ground"],"zh":["水","地面"]},"genera":{"en":"Whiskers Pokémon","zh":"鬚魚寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Whiscash is extremely territorial. Just one of these Pokémon will claim a large pond as its exclusive territory. If a foe approaches it, it thrashes about and triggers a massive earthquake.","If Whiscash goes on a wild rampage, it sets off a quake-like tremor with a radius of over three miles. This Pokémon has the ability to predict real earthquakes.","Mysteriously, it can foretell earthquakes. In the daytime, it sleeps in mud at the bottom of a pond. When it awakens, it continually feeds throughout the night."],"zh":["只要是會動的東西,無論什麼都會咬住不放大吃特吃。平常會靜靜埋伏在沼澤底部動也不動地等待著獵物。","成群的鯰魚王在水面上跳躍的景象被認為是地震的先兆。","會猛烈地搖晃地面來威嚇對手。獵食沼澤底部的獵物時,會把獵物連同泥巴整個吞下去。"]}},{"id":341,"name":{"en":"Corphish","zh":"龍蝦小兵"},"types":{"en":["water"],"zh":["水"]},"genera":{"en":"Ruffian Pokémon","zh":"無賴寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Its hardy vitality enables it to adapt to any environment. Its pincers will never release prey.","Corphish were originally foreign Pokémon that were imported as pets. They eventually turned up in the wild. This Pokémon is very hardy and has greatly increased its population.","Corphish catches prey with its sharp claws. It has no likes or dislikes when it comes to food - it will eat anything. This Pokémon has no trouble living in filthy water."],"zh":["培育到一半就被訓練家放生的個體越來越多,如今在阿羅拉也能經常見到。","對環境的適應力非常強。會待在混濁的臭水溝裡的,大概只有醜醜魚和這傢伙。","有著頑強生命力的寶可夢。不論河裡的水有多髒都能適應並繁衍後代。"]}},{"id":342,"name":{"en":"Crawdaunt","zh":"鐵螯龍蝦"},"types":{"en":["water","dark"],"zh":["水","惡"]},"genera":{"en":"Rogue Pokémon","zh":"流氓寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Crawdaunt has an extremely violent nature that compels it to challenge other living things to battle. Other life-forms refuse to live in ponds inhabited by this Pokémon, making them desolate places.","Crawdaunt molts (sheds) its shell regularly. Immediately after molting, its shell is soft and tender. Until the shell hardens, this Pokémon hides in its streambed burrow to avoid attack from its foes.","A brutish Pokémon that loves to battle. A veteran Crawdaunt that has prevailed in hundreds of battles has giant pincers marked with countless scars."],"zh":["性情粗暴愛打架,然而一旦鉗子掉落就會馬上變得軟弱,在重新長出之前都會提心吊膽。","鉗子經常脫落。與好勝蟹還有鐵臂槍蝦不同,鉗子裡頭的肉帶有泥臭味所以很難吃。","不停揮舞自己巨大的鉗子,是個性情粗暴的傢伙。被認為是很難培育的寶可夢。"]}},{"id":343,"name":{"en":"Baltoy","zh":"天秤偶"},"types":{"en":["ground","psychic"],"zh":["地面","超能力"]},"genera":{"en":"Clay Doll Pokémon","zh":"泥偶寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Baltoy moves while spinning around on its one foot. Primitive wall paintings depicting this Pokémon living among people were discovered in some ancient ruins.","As soon as it spots others of its kind, Baltoy congregates with them and then begins crying noisily in unison. This Pokémon sleeps while cleverly balancing itself on its one foot.","A Baltoy moves by spinning on its single foot. It has been depicted in muralsadorning the walls of a once-bustling city in an ancient age."],"zh":["在原始人居住的洞穴裡,可以看見牆壁上畫著像是天秤偶的寶可夢。","只要發現夥伴就會發出吵雜的叫聲聚集起來。會大量出沒在古代的墳場裡。","用單腳一邊旋轉一邊移動。有時候也能看到顛倒過來旋轉的天秤偶。"]}},{"id":344,"name":{"en":"Claydol","zh":"念力土偶"},"types":{"en":["ground","psychic"],"zh":["地面","超能力"]},"genera":{"en":"Clay Doll Pokémon","zh":"泥偶寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Claydol are said to be dolls of mud made by primitive humans and brought to life by exposure to a mysterious ray. This Pokémon moves about while levitating.","Claydol is an enigma that appeared from a clay statue made by an ancient civilization dating back 20,000 years. This Pokémon shoots beams from both its hands.","A Claydol sleeps while hovering in midair. Its arms are separate from its body. They are kept floating by the Pokémon’s manipulation of psychic power."],"zh":["一旦被淋濕身體就會溶解,所以下雨時牠會用精神力量包住全身來保護自己。","似乎是古代人模仿從天而降的某種東西而製造的。會從雙臂發射出光束。","似乎是由2萬年前的古代人製作的泥偶蛻變而來的謎之寶可夢。"]}},{"id":345,"name":{"en":"Lileep","zh":"觸手百合"},"types":{"en":["rock","grass"],"zh":["岩石","草"]},"genera":{"en":"Sea Lily Pokémon","zh":"海百合寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Lileep became extinct approximately a hundred million years ago. This ancient Pokémon attaches itself to a rock on the seafloor and catches approaching prey using tentaclesshaped like flower petals.","Lileep is an ancient Pokémon that was regenerated from a fossil. It remains permanently anchored to a rock. From its immobile perch, this Pokémon intently scans for prey with its two eyes.","It disguises itself as seaweed by making its tentacles sway. Unsuspecting prey that come too close are swallowed whole. It became extinct 100 million years ago."],"zh":["曾經生活在古代的溫暖海洋中。會偽裝成海草,埋伏著等待獵物,在獵物靠近時一口吞下。","會用強力的吸盤附著在岩石上,不管遇到什麼樣的驚濤駭浪都不會被沖走。","從化石復原而來的寶可夢。曾經棲息在大約1億年前的溫暖大海裡。"]}},{"id":346,"name":{"en":"Cradily","zh":"搖籃百合"},"types":{"en":["rock","grass"],"zh":["岩石","草"]},"genera":{"en":"Barnacle Pokémon","zh":"藤壺寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Cradily roams around the ocean floor in search of food. This Pokémon freely extends its tree trunk-like neck and captures unwary prey using its eight tentacles.","Cradily’s body serves as an anchor, preventing it from being washed away in rough seas. This Pokémon secretes a strong digestive fluid from its tentacles.","It drags its heavy body along the seafloor. It makes its nest in the shallows of warm seas. Cradily can be seen on beaches when the tide goes out."],"zh":["平時棲息在海中淺灘的底部,每當退潮時就會爬到陸地上,四處尋找獵物。","古代海裡的肉食性寶可夢。會用8根觸手捉住獵物,一邊用消化液溶解一邊進食。","雖然腳短且走得慢,但脖子和觸手能伸長3倍去捕捉在遠處的獵物。"]}},{"id":347,"name":{"en":"Anorith","zh":"太古羽蟲"},"types":{"en":["rock","bug"],"zh":["岩石","蟲"]},"genera":{"en":"Old Shrimp Pokémon","zh":"古蝦寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Anorith was regenerated from a prehistoric fossil. This primitive Pokémon once lived in warm seas. It grips its prey firmly between its two large claws.","Anorith is said to be a type ofPokémon predecessor, with eight wings at the sides of its body. This Pokémon swam in the primordial sea by undulating these eight wings.","It was resurrected from a fossil using the power of science. It swims by undulating the eight wings at its sides. They were feet that adapted to life in the sea."],"zh":["從化石復原而來的太古羽蟲就算放進海裡也不會有活力,因為現在的水質和當年是不同的。","是古代的蟲寶可夢的一種。會用8片翅膀游動,速度出乎意料地快。","從化石復原而來的寶可夢。曾經生活在大約1億年前的大海,用2隻爪子捕捉獵物。"]}},{"id":348,"name":{"en":"Armaldo","zh":"太古盔甲"},"types":{"en":["rock","bug"],"zh":["岩石","蟲"]},"genera":{"en":"Plate Pokémon","zh":"甲胄寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Armaldo’s tough armor makes all attacks bounce off. This Pokémon’s two enormous claws can be freely extended or contracted. They have the power to punch right through a steel slab.","Armaldo is a Pokémon species that became extinct in prehistoric times. This Pokémon is said to have walked on its hind legs, which would have been more convenient for life on land.","Armaldo usually lives on land. However, when it hunts for prey, it dives beneath the ocean. It swims around using its two large wings."],"zh":["過去的牠生活在陸地上,會為了尋找獵物而去海中狩獵。銳利的爪子是牠最大的武器。","從海裡搬到了陸地上生活。根據了解,牠是一部份蟲寶可夢的祖先。","進化後搬到了陸地上生活,且下半身獲得了強化。用尾巴使出的一擊破壞力十分驚人。"]}},{"id":349,"name":{"en":"Feebas","zh":"醜醜魚"},"types":{"en":["water"],"zh":["水"]},"genera":{"en":"Fish Pokémon","zh":"魚寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Feebas’s fins are ragged and tattered from the start of its life. Because of its shoddy appearance, this Pokémon is largely ignored. It is capable of living in both the sea and in rivers.","While Feebas’s body is in tatters, it has a hardy and tenacious life force that enables it to live anywhere. However, this Pokémon is also slow and dimwitted, making it an easy catch.","Feebas live in ponds that are heavily infested with weeds. Because of its hopelessly shabby appearance, it seems as if few TRAINERS raise it."],"zh":["即使在髒水裡也毫不介意的堅強寶可夢。但那一副破破爛爛的寒酸樣子並不受到歡迎。","外表醜陋,所以不受歡迎。擁有驚人的生命力,因而成為了研究對象。","因為破破爛爛的,誰也不會去捉牠。因為看起來很難吃,所以不會被當成獵物。於是數量就變得越來越多了。"]}},{"id":350,"name":{"en":"Milotic","zh":"美納斯"},"types":{"en":["water"],"zh":["水"]},"genera":{"en":"Tender Pokémon","zh":"慈愛寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Its lovely scales are described as rainbow colored. They change color depending on the viewing angle.","Milotic is said to be the most beautiful of all the Pokémon. It has the power to becalm such emotions as anger and hostility to quell bitter feuding.","Milotic live at the bottom of large lakes. When this Pokémon’s body glows a vivid pink, it releases a pulsing wave of energy that brings soothing calm to restless spirits."],"zh":["也被稱為最美的寶可夢,一直以來帶給了藝術家無數靈感。","棲息在清澈的湖底。在發生戰爭時出現,治癒人們的心。","被稱為最美的寶可夢。但就喜歡醜醜魚而培育牠的訓練家看來卻未必如此。"]}},{"id":351,"name":{"en":"Castform","zh":"飄浮泡泡"},"types":{"en":["normal"],"zh":["一般"]},"genera":{"en":"Weather Pokémon","zh":"天氣寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Castform’s appearance changes with the weather. This Pokémon gained the ability to use the vast power of nature to protect its tiny body.","Castform borrows the power of nature to transform itself into the guises of the sun, rain clouds, and snow clouds. This Pokémon’s feelings change with the weather.","It alters its form depending on the weather. Changes in the climate such as the temperature and humidity appear to affect its cellular structure."],"zh":["會隨著天氣而改變樣子。氣溫和濕度的變化似乎會對牠的細胞產生影響。","細胞會靈敏地反應氣溫和濕度,導致樣子不由自主地變化。","樣子會隨著天氣而改變。這似乎是化學反應產生的結果,不受牠自身的意志控制。"]}},{"id":352,"name":{"en":"Kecleon","zh":"變隱龍"},"types":{"en":["normal"],"zh":["一般"]},"genera":{"en":"Color Swap Pokémon","zh":"變色寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It changes body color to blend in with its surroundings. It also changes color if it is happy or sad.","Kecleon is capable of changing its body colors at will to blend in with its surroundings. There is one exception - this Pokémon can’t change the zigzag pattern on its belly.","Kecleon alters its body coloration to blend in with its surroundings, allowing it to sneak up on its prey unnoticed. Then it lashes out with its long, stretchy tongue to instantly ensnare the unsuspecting target."],"zh":["能改變體色,融入周圍的景色中。如果長時間不去理會牠,牠就會鬧彆扭而不肯現身。","就算是在不需要隱身的時候,體色也會隨心情和身體狀態而改變。顏色越濃代表牠越有活力。"]}},{"id":353,"name":{"en":"Shuppet","zh":"怨影娃娃"},"types":{"en":["ghost"],"zh":["幽靈"]},"genera":{"en":"Puppet Pokémon","zh":"人偶寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Shuppet is attracted by feelings of jealousy and vindictiveness. If someone develops strong feelings of vengeance, this Pokémon will appear in a swarm and line up beneath the eaves of that person’s home.","Shuppet grows by feeding on dark emotions, such as vengefulness andenvy, in the hearts of people. It roams through cities in search of grudges that taint people.","This Pokémon roams about deep in the night seeking such negative emotions as grudges and envy. It retreats to its nest when the sun begins to rise."],"zh":["因為會吞食怨恨、嫉妒之類的情感,對某些人來說是很可貴的寶可夢。","不要去跟那些在黃昏時有怨影娃娃在排隊的人家來往。這是自古流傳下來的諺語。"]}},{"id":354,"name":{"en":"Banette","zh":"詛咒娃娃"},"types":{"en":["ghost"],"zh":["幽靈"]},"genera":{"en":"Marionette Pokémon","zh":"布偶寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Banette generates energy for laying strong curses by sticking pins into its own body. This Pokémon was originally a pitiful plush doll that was thrown away.","A cursed energy permeated the stuffing of a discarded and forgotten plush doll, giving it new life as Banette. The Pokémon’s energy would escape if it were to ever open its mouth.","An abandoned plush doll became this Pokémon. They are said to live in garbage dumps and wander about in search of the children that threw them away."],"zh":["怨念附在被丟棄的玩偶上,不斷尋找著丟棄自己的人,想要為自己報仇。","誕生自遭到捨棄時的怨念。據說只要讓牠感覺自己受到重視,牠就會滿意地變回原本的玩偶。"]}},{"id":355,"name":{"en":"Duskull","zh":"夜巡靈"},"types":{"en":["ghost"],"zh":["幽靈"]},"genera":{"en":"Requiem Pokémon","zh":"渡魂寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Duskull can pass through any wall no matter how thick it may be. Once this Pokémon chooses a target, it will doggedly pursue the intended victim until the break of dawn.","Duskull wanders lost among the deep darkness of midnight. There is an oft- told admonishment given to misbehaving children that this Pokémon will spirit away bad children who earn scoldings from their mothers.","A glare from its single scarlet eye makes even burly grown-ups freeze in utter fear. It is a nocturnal Pokémon that roams about under the cloak of darkness."],"zh":["據說一旦發現不聽話的孩子,牠就會在深夜裡把那個孩子帶去某個不知名的地方。","會讓身體變透明,然後偷偷地靠近獵物。擁有穿過厚牆壁的能力。"]}},{"id":356,"name":{"en":"Dusclops","zh":"彷徨夜靈"},"types":{"en":["ghost"],"zh":["幽靈"]},"genera":{"en":"Beckon Pokémon","zh":"招手寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Dusclops’s body is completely hollow - there is nothing at all inside. It is said that its body is like a black hole. This Pokémon will absorb anything into its body, but nothing will ever come back out.","Dusclops absorbs anything, however large the object may be. This Pokémon hypnotizes its foe by waving its hands in a macabre manner and by bringing its single eye to bear. The hypnotized foe is made to do Dusclops’s bidding.","It is thought that its body is hollow with only a spectral ball of fire burning inside. However, no one has been able to confirm this theory as fact."],"zh":["身體內部是空的。只要一張開嘴就會像黑洞一樣吸入所有東西。","尋找遊盪的靈魂,吸入自己空洞的身體裡。沒人知道被吸入後會發生什麼事。"]}},{"id":357,"name":{"en":"Tropius","zh":"熱帶龍"},"types":{"en":["grass","flying"],"zh":["草","飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"Fruit Pokémon","zh":"水果寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["The bunches of fruit around Tropius’s neck are very popular with children. This Pokémon loves fruit, and eats it continuously. Apparently, its love for fruit resulted in its own outgrowth of fruit.","Children of the southern tropics eat as snacks the fruit that grows in bunches around the neck of Tropius. This Pokémon flies by flapping the leaves on its back as if they were wings.","It flies by flapping its broad leaves. The bunch of fruit that grows around its neck is deliciously sweet. In the spring, it scatters pollen from its neck."],"zh":["棲息在阿羅拉的熱帶龍脖子上的果實比其他地區的更甜,簡直美味到了極點。","脖子上的美味水果很受歡迎。在溫暖的地區有很多養殖熱帶龍的牧場。"]}},{"id":358,"name":{"en":"Chimecho","zh":"風鈴鈴"},"types":{"en":["psychic"],"zh":["超能力"]},"genera":{"en":"Wind Chime Pokémon","zh":"風鈴寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Chimecho makes its cries echo inside its hollow body. When this Pokémon becomes enraged, its cries result in ultrasonic waves that have the power to knock foes flying.","In high winds, Chimecho cries as it hangs from a tree branch or the eaves of a building using a suction cup on its head. This Pokémon plucks berries with its long tail and eats them.","They fly about very actively when the hot season arrives. They communicate among themselves using seven different and distinguishing cries."],"zh":["會讓聲音在身體的空洞裡迴響。發怒時的叫聲會變成超音波,擁有震飛敵人的威力。","風力變強的時候,會用頭部的吸盤懸掛在樹枝或是屋簷下並發出叫聲。用長長的尾巴抓起樹果食用。","發出的空氣波動威力大到足以擊倒身高超過自己的獵物。據推測這是牠將微弱的風聲在體內增幅後的結果。"]}},{"id":359,"name":{"en":"Absol","zh":"阿勃梭魯"},"types":{"en":["dark"],"zh":["惡"]},"genera":{"en":"Disaster Pokémon","zh":"災禍寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Every time Absol appears before people, it is followed by a disaster such as an earthquake or a tidal wave. As a result, it came to be known as the disaster Pokémon.","Absol has the ability to foretell the coming of natural disasters. It lives in a harsh, rugged mountain environment. This Pokémon very rarely ventures down from the mountains.","It sharply senses even subtle changes in the sky and the land to predict natural disasters. It is a long-lived Pokémon that has a life-span of 100 years."],"zh":["在迷信橫行的過去,因被認為會招來災禍而遭到厭惡,並被趕到了深山中去。","被認為會帶來災禍,但實際上性格很溫和。會將災害危機的警訊傳達給人們。","牠只有外表看起來不吉祥。其實牠會幫忙守護田地,還會在災害發生時發出警告,是種對人們很有助益的寶可夢。"]}},{"id":360,"name":{"en":"Wynaut","zh":"小果然"},"types":{"en":["psychic"],"zh":["超能力"]},"genera":{"en":"Bright Pokémon","zh":"開朗寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Wynaut can always be seen with a big, happy smile on its face. Look at its tail to determine if it is angry. When angered, this Pokémon will be slapping the ground with its tail.","Wynaut gather on moonlit nights to play by squeezing up against each other. By being squeezed, this Pokémon gains endurance and is trained to dole out powerful counterattacks.","A Wynaut loves to eat sweet fruits. It cleverly picks fruits using its earlike arms. They gather in fruit gardens, drawn by the fragrance."],"zh":["和大群夥伴一起行動,透過和夥伴彼此推擠來鍛鍊自己的忍耐力。","具有集體行動的習性。睡覺的時候會在洞窟中和夥伴們把身體挨在一起。"]}},{"id":361,"name":{"en":"Snorunt","zh":"雪童子"},"types":{"en":["ice"],"zh":["冰"]},"genera":{"en":"Snow Hat Pokémon","zh":"雪笠寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Snorunt live in regions with heavy snowfall. In seasons without snow, such as spring and summer, this Pokémon steals away to live quietly among stalactites and stalagmites deep in caverns.","Snorunt survives by eating only snow and ice. Old folklore claims that a house visited by this Pokémon is sure to prosper for many generations to come.","They tend to move about in groups of around five Snorunt. In snowy regions, it is said that when they are seen late at night, snowfall will arrive by morning."],"zh":["不知不覺間已在阿羅拉增多起來。據說,有雪童子棲息的家庭會子孫滿堂家族繁榮。","只能在寒冷的土地上生存。即使在零下100度的環境下也能充滿活力地到處蹦蹦跳跳哦。","雪和冰是牠的主食。在溫暖的阿羅拉地區,牠只能在少數地方生存。"]}},{"id":362,"name":{"en":"Glalie","zh":"冰鬼護"},"types":{"en":["ice"],"zh":["冰"]},"genera":{"en":"Face Pokémon","zh":"臉面寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Glalie has a body made of rock, which it hardens with an armor of ice. This Pokémon has the ability to freeze moisture in the atmosphere into any shape it desires.","Glalie has the ability to freely control ice. For example, it can instantly freeze its foe solid. After immobilizing its foe in ice, this Pokémon enjoys eating it in leisurely fashion.","A Glalie has the power to instantaneously freeze moisture in the atmosphere. A dazzling cloud of diamondlike ice crystals forms around its body."],"zh":["據說是在即將登頂時在雪山上罹難的登山家心中的遺憾附在岩石上而形成的。","從大大的嘴巴裡噴出寒氣,把獵物瞬間凍得硬梆梆的,然後大口咬碎享用。","會把獵物凍住後整個拿來啃,但最愛吃的還是迷你冰之類原本就已經結凍的寶可夢。"]}},{"id":363,"name":{"en":"Spheal","zh":"海豹球"},"types":{"en":["ice","water"],"zh":["冰","水"]},"genera":{"en":"Clap Pokémon","zh":"拍手寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Spheal is much faster rolling thanwalking to get around. When groups of this Pokémon eat, they all clap at once to show their pleasure. Because of this, their mealtimes are noisy.","Spheal always travels by rolling around on its ball-like body. When the season for ice floes arrives, this Pokémon can be seen rolling about on ice and crossing the sea.","It is completely covered with plushy fur. As a result, it never feels the cold even when it is rolling about on ice floes or diving in the sea."],"zh":["身體被厚厚的脂肪包裹著,圓得令人讚嘆。用翻滾的方式移動反而比走路還要快。","會漂浮在波浪間探查周圍的狀況。一旦發現獵物,就會通知群體的帝牙海獅。"]}},{"id":364,"name":{"en":"Sealeo","zh":"海魔獅"},"types":{"en":["ice","water"],"zh":["冰","水"]},"genera":{"en":"Ball Roll Pokémon","zh":"滾球寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Sealeo has the habit of always juggling on the tip of its nose anything it sees for the first time. This Pokémon occasionally entertains itself by balancing and rolling a SPHEAL on its nose.","Sealeo often balances and rolls things on the tip of its nose. While the Pokémon is rolling something, it checks the object’s aroma and texture to determine whether it likes the object or not.","Sealeo live in herds on ice floes. Using its powerful flippers, it shatters ice. It dives into the sea to hunt prey five times a day."],"zh":["在浮冰上生活。能夠一邊游泳一邊嗅出獵物的氣味,把對方找出來獵捕。","牠只要看見了圓形的東西,不論那是海豹球或是精靈球,都會把它頂在鼻子上轉轉看。"]}},{"id":365,"name":{"en":"Walrein","zh":"帝牙海獅"},"types":{"en":["ice","water"],"zh":["冰","水"]},"genera":{"en":"Ice Break Pokémon","zh":"破冰寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It swims through icy seas while shattering ice floes with its large tusks. It is protected by its thick blubber.","Walrein’s two massively developed tusks can totally shatter blocks of ice weighing ten tons with one blow. This Pokémon’s thick coat of blubber insulates it from subzero temperatures.","Walrein swims all over in frigid seawater while crushing icebergs with its grand, imposing tusks. Its thick layer of blubber makes enemy attacks bounce off harmlessly."],"zh":["會由2、30隻群居生活。受到敵人攻擊時,首領會奮不顧身地保護群體。","獠牙會一輩子不停地成長。即使在戰鬥中折斷,也只需要1年的時間就又能長得巨大如初。"]}},{"id":366,"name":{"en":"Clamperl","zh":"珍珠貝"},"types":{"en":["water"],"zh":["水"]},"genera":{"en":"Bivalve Pokémon","zh":"雙殼貝寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Clamperl’s sturdy shell is not only good for protection - it is also used for clamping and catching prey. A fully grown Clamperl’s shell will be scored with nicks and scratches all over.","Clamperl grows while being protected by its rock-hard shell. When its body becomes too large to fit inside the shell, it is sure evidence that this Pokémon is getting close to evolution.","A Clamperl slams its shell closed on prey to prevent escape. The pearl it creates upon evolution is said to be infused with a mysterious energy."],"zh":["別看牠長這樣,牠可是肉食性的。會用2片外殼牢牢夾住獵物,直到獵物完全不動了才會放開。","珍珠貝的珍珠非常貴重,據說價值是大舌貝所產珍珠的10倍以上。"]}},{"id":367,"name":{"en":"Huntail","zh":"獵斑魚"},"types":{"en":["water"],"zh":["水"]},"genera":{"en":"Deep Sea Pokémon","zh":"深海寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Huntail’s presence went unnoticed by people for a long time because it lives at extreme depths in the sea. This Pokémon’s eyes can see clearly even in the murky dark depths of the ocean.","Huntail’s tail is shaped like a fish. It uses the tail to attract prey, then swallows the prey whole with its large, gaping mouth. This Pokémon swims by wiggling its slender body like a snake.","To withstand the crushing pressure of water deep under the sea, its spine is very thick and sturdy. Its tail, which is shaped like a small fish, has eyes that light up."],"zh":["游泳能力不怎麼強,會揮動尾巴來吸引獵物,趁獵物靠近的時候一口咬住。","棲息在深海中。傳說如果有獵斑魚被沖上沙灘,就會有不好的事發生。"]}},{"id":368,"name":{"en":"Gorebyss","zh":"櫻花魚"},"types":{"en":["water"],"zh":["水"]},"genera":{"en":"South Sea Pokémon","zh":"南海寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Gorebyss lives in the southern seas at extreme depths. Its body is built to withstand the enormous pressure of water at incredible depths. Because of this, this Pokémon’s body is unharmed by ordinary attacks.","Although Gorebyss is the very picture of elegance and beauty while swimming, it is also cruel. When it spots prey, this Pokémon inserts its thin mouth into the prey’s body and drains the prey of its body fluids.","A Gorebyss siphons the body fluids of prey through its thin, tubular mouth. Its light pink body color turns vivid when it finishes feeding."],"zh":["體色會隨著水溫而變化,阿羅拉的櫻花魚呈現著耀眼奪目的鮮豔色彩。","會吸取獵物的體液。剩下的肉會沉入海底,成為其他寶可夢的食物。"]}},{"id":369,"name":{"en":"Relicanth","zh":"古空棘魚"},"types":{"en":["water","rock"],"zh":["水","岩石"]},"genera":{"en":"Longevity Pokémon","zh":"長壽寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Relicanth is a Pokémon species that existed for a hundred million years without ever changing its form. This ancient Pokémon feeds on microscopic organisms with its toothless mouth.","Relicanth is a rare species that was discovered in deep-sea explorations. This Pokémon’s body withstands the enormous water pressure of the ocean depths. Its body is covered in tough scales that are like craggy rocks.","A Pokémon that was once believed to have been extinct. The species has not changed its form for 100 million years. It walks on the seafloor using its pectoral fins."],"zh":["從1億年前就長這個樣子。因為體內積存著厚厚的脂肪,所以能承受深海的水壓。","在深海調查中偶然被發現。牙齒退化,只能用吸食的方式攝取微生物。","曾被認為已經絕種。古空棘魚名字的由來是取自發現者的名字。"]}},{"id":370,"name":{"en":"Luvdisc","zh":"愛心魚"},"types":{"en":["water"],"zh":["水"]},"genera":{"en":"Rendezvous Pokémon","zh":"相隨寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Luvdisc live in shallow seas in the tropics. This heart-shaped Pokémon earned its name by swimming after loving couples it spotted in the ocean’s waves.","Luvdisc’s heart-shaped body is a symbol of love and romance. It is said that any couple meeting this Pokémon is promised a loving relationship that never ends.","Luvdisc make the branches of CORSOLA their nests. There is a custom from long ago of giving a Luvdisc as a gift to express one’s feelings of love."],"zh":["變成只有獨自1隻的愛心魚會變得無精打采而破綻處處。於是就被大嘴鷗趁機叼走了。","很受情侶歡迎,因此被放養在蜜月客人住宿的旅館泳池裡。","傳聞說如果擁有牠的心形鱗片就能交到男女朋友,這讓牠曾經在某段時期遭到濫捕。"]}},{"id":371,"name":{"en":"Bagon","zh":"寶貝龍"},"types":{"en":["dragon"],"zh":["龍"]},"genera":{"en":"Rock Head Pokémon","zh":"堅硬腦袋寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Dreaming of one day flying, it practices by leaping off cliffs every day.","Bagon has a dream of one day soaring in the sky. In doomed efforts to fly, this Pokémon hurls itself off cliffs. As a result of its dives, its head hasgrown tough and as hard as tempered steel.","Bagon harbors a never-ending dream of one day soaring high among the clouds. As if trying to dispel its frustration over its inability to fly, this Pokémon slams its hard head against huge rocks and shatters them into pebbles."],"zh":["牠之所以深信自己總有一天能飛,據說是因為受到基因中的資訊影響。","用鋼鐵般堅硬的腦袋胡亂地作出頭錘攻擊。這是無法飛到空中的精神壓力造成的。","每當見到飛在天空上的鳥寶可夢,牠就會羨慕到用頭錘把周圍的東西砸得粉碎。"]}},{"id":372,"name":{"en":"Shelgon","zh":"甲殼龍"},"types":{"en":["dragon"],"zh":["龍"]},"genera":{"en":"Endurance Pokémon","zh":"耐力寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Inside Shelgon’s armor-like shell, cells are in the midst of transformation to create an entirely new body. This Pokémon’s shell is extremely heavy, making its movements sluggish.","Covering Shelgon’s body are outgrowths much like bones. The shell is very hard and bounces off enemy attacks. When awaiting evolution, this Pokémon hides away in a cavern.","It hardly eats while it awaits evolution. It becomes hardier by enduring hunger. Its shell peels off the instant it begins to evolve."],"zh":["細胞在殼中以爆發般的速度變化,正在為進化做準備。","一動不動地潛伏在洞穴深處,不吃也不喝。不知為何不會死掉。","體內的細胞以令人目不暇給的速度不斷變化。堅硬的外殼成分與骨骼相同。"]}},{"id":373,"name":{"en":"Salamence","zh":"暴飛龍"},"types":{"en":["dragon","flying"],"zh":["龍","飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"Dragon Pokémon","zh":"龍寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Salamence came about as a result of a strong, long-held dream of growing wings. It is said that this powerful desire triggered a sudden mutation in this Pokémon’s cells, causing it to sprout its magnificent wings.","By evolving into Salamence, this Pokémon finally realizes its long-held dream of growing wings. To express its joy, it flies and wheels all over the sky while spouting flames from its mouth.","After many long years, its cellular structure underwent a sudden mutation to grow wings. When angered, it loses all thought and rampages out of control."],"zh":["一生氣就會忘記自我,把周圍都破壞掉。破壞會持續不斷,直到暴飛龍精疲力盡。","用終於長出來的翅膀在浩瀚的天空翱翔。高興地噴出火焰,將大地變成一片火海。","因為終於能飛的喜悅而不斷在天空四處翱翔。在耗盡體力而入睡之前,幾乎不會降落。"]}},{"id":374,"name":{"en":"Beldum","zh":"鐵啞鈴"},"types":{"en":["steel","psychic"],"zh":["鋼","超能力"]},"genera":{"en":"Iron Ball Pokémon","zh":"鐵球寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Instead of blood, a powerful magnetic force courses throughout Beldum’s body. This Pokémon communicates with others by sending controlled pulses of magnetism.","Beldum keeps itself floating by generating a magnetic force that repels earth’s natural magnetism. When it sleeps, this Pokémon anchors itself to a cliff using the hooks on its rear.","When Beldum gather in a swarm, they move in perfect unison as if they were but one Pokémon. They communicate with each other using brain waves."],"zh":["細胞全部是磁鐵。會使用磁力和夥伴之間進行交流。","放出磁力將對手吸到身邊,然後用臀部的爪子將對方割開。","在體內循環的不是血液而是磁力。當牠身體狀況不好的時候就拿磁鐵給牠吧。"]}},{"id":375,"name":{"en":"Metang","zh":"金屬怪"},"types":{"en":["steel","psychic"],"zh":["鋼","超能力"]},"genera":{"en":"Iron Claw Pokémon","zh":"鐵爪寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["When two BELDUM fuse together, Metang is formed. The brains of the BELDUM are joined by a magnetic nervous system. By linking its brains magnetically, this Pokémon generates strong psychokinetic power.","When two BELDUM fuse together, Metang is formed. The brains of the BELDUM are joined by a magnetic nervous system. This Pokémon turns its arms to the rear for traveling at high speed.","The claws tipping its arms pack the destructive power to tear through thick iron sheets as if they were silk. It flies at over 60 miles per hour."],"zh":["2隻鐵啞鈴結合起來,精神力量也變為2倍。但是智商並沒有發生改變。","非常喜歡能放出磁力的礦物。會以100公里的時速窮追朝北鼻。","會從2個大腦發射出強大的精神能量,藉此封鎖獵物的行動。"]}},{"id":376,"name":{"en":"Metagross","zh":"巨金怪"},"types":{"en":["steel","psychic"],"zh":["鋼","超能力"]},"genera":{"en":"Iron Leg Pokémon","zh":"鐵足寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Metagross has four brains in total. Combined, the four brains can breeze through difficult calculations faster than a supercomputer. This Pokémon can float in the air by tucking in its four legs.","Metagross is the result of two METANG achieving fusion. When hunting, this Pokémon pins the prey to the ground under its massive body. It then eats the helpless victim using the largemouth on its stomach.","Metagross has four brains that are joined by a complex neural network. As a result of integration, this Pokémon is smarter than a supercomputer."],"zh":["用4隻爪子和龐大的身體牢牢地按住獵物後,用腹部的牙齒嚼食。","2隻金屬怪連結起來。透過4個腦袋的同步處理,只要一瞬間就可完成任何的計算。","除了精神力量,也以怪力為傲。會用4隻腳捕捉獵物,再用鋼鐵爪子封鎖對方的行動。"]}},{"id":377,"name":{"en":"Regirock","zh":"雷吉洛克"},"types":{"en":["rock"],"zh":["岩石"]},"genera":{"en":"Rock Peak Pokémon","zh":"岩山寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Its entire body is made of rock. If any part chips off in battle, it attaches rocks to repair itself.","Regirock was sealed away by people long ago. If this Pokémon’s body is damaged in battle, it is said to seek out suitable rocks on its own to repair itself.","Regirock’s body is composed entirely of rocks. Recently, a study made the startling discovery that the rocks were all unearthed from different locations."],"zh":["全身所有部分都是由岩石構成。即使身體有磨損,也能自己補上岩石修復。","有人利用最新的科學技術調查了牠的岩石身體,但卻找不到牠的大腦或心臟。"]}},{"id":378,"name":{"en":"Regice","zh":"雷吉艾斯"},"types":{"en":["ice"],"zh":["冰"]},"genera":{"en":"Iceberg Pokémon","zh":"冰山寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Regice’s body was made during an ice age. The deep-frozen body can’t be melted, even by fire. This Pokémon controls frigid air of minus 328 degrees F.","Regice cloaks itself with frigid air of negative 328 degrees F. Things will freeze solid just by going near this Pokémon. Its icy body is so cold, it will not melt even if it is immersed in magma.","Its entire body is made of Antarctic ice. After extensive studies, researchers believe the ice was formed during an ice age."],"zh":["能操控降至零下200度的寒氣,將靠近牠的東西都在一瞬間就冰封起來。","全身都是由冰塊構成。據說牠是在冰河時期誕生在厚實的冰層下。"]}},{"id":379,"name":{"en":"Registeel","zh":"雷吉斯奇魯"},"types":{"en":["steel"],"zh":["鋼"]},"genera":{"en":"Iron Pokémon","zh":"黑金寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Registeel has a body that is harder than any kind of metal. Its body is apparently hollow. No one has any idea what this Pokémon eats.","Registeel was imprisoned by people in ancient times. The metal composing its body is thought to be a curious substance that is not of this earth.","Its body is harder than any other kind of metal. The body metal is composed of a mysterious substance. Not only is it hard, it shrinks and stretches flexibly."],"zh":["構成牠身體的神奇物質具有能夠伸縮的柔軟性,但卻比任何金屬都還要堅韌。","據說牠誕生於地底的地幔中,並且在大約1萬年前出現在地表。"]}},{"id":380,"name":{"en":"Latias","zh":"拉帝亞斯"},"types":{"en":["dragon","psychic"],"zh":["龍","超能力"]},"genera":{"en":"Eon Pokémon","zh":"無限寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Latias is highly sensitive to the emotions of people. If it senses any hostility, this Pokémon ruffles the feathers all over its body and cries shrilly to intimidate the foe.","Latias is highly intelligent and capable of understanding human speech. It is covered with a glass-like down. The Pokémon enfolds its body with its down and refracts light to alter its appearance.","They make a small herd of only several members. They rarely make contact with people or other Pokémon. They disappear if they sense enemies."],"zh":["能敏銳地感知人心。一旦察覺到敵意就會豎起全身羽毛,用激烈的叫聲威嚇對方。","擁有很高的智慧,能理解人類的語言。會用玻璃般的羽毛包裹身體,令光發生折射來改變自己的樣子。"]}},{"id":381,"name":{"en":"Latios","zh":"拉帝歐斯"},"types":{"en":["dragon","psychic"],"zh":["龍","超能力"]},"genera":{"en":"Eon Pokémon","zh":"無限寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Latios has the ability to make its foe see an image of what it has seen or imagines in its head. This Pokémon is intelligent and understands human speech.","Latios will only open its heart to a TRAINER with a compassionate spirit. This Pokémon can fly faster than a jet plane by folding its forelegs to minimize air resistance.","Even in hiding, it can detect the locations of others and sense their emotions since it has telepathy. Its intelligence allows it to understand human languages."],"zh":["擁有將所見所思用影像展現給對方的能力。能理解人類的語言。","只對心地善良的人友善。折起前肢能減少空氣阻力,在空中能飛得比噴射機還快。"]}},{"id":382,"name":{"en":"Kyogre","zh":"蓋歐卡"},"types":{"en":["water"],"zh":["水"]},"genera":{"en":"Sea Basin Pokémon","zh":"海底寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Kyogre has the power to create massive rain clouds that cover the entire sky and bring about torrential downpours. This Pokémon saved people who were suffering from droughts.","Kyogre is named in mythology as the Pokémon that expanded the sea by covering the land with torrential rains and towering tidal waves. It took to sleep after a cataclysmic battle with GROUDON.","Kyogre has appeared in mythology as the creator of the sea. After long years of feuding with GROUDON, it took to sleep at the bottom of the sea."],"zh":["利用自然能量進行原始回歸,回到了原本的樣子。擁有呼風喚雨擴張海洋的力量。","據說是海洋化身的寶可夢。傳說中為了尋求自然的能量,牠曾不斷與固拉多爭鬥。"]}},{"id":383,"name":{"en":"Groudon","zh":"固拉多"},"types":{"en":["ground"],"zh":["地面"]},"genera":{"en":"Continent Pokémon","zh":"大陸寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Groudon has long been described inmythology as the Pokémon that raised lands and expanded continents. This Pokémon took to sleep after a cataclysmic battle with KYOGRE.","Groudon has the power to scatter rain clouds and make water evaporate with light and heat. It came as a savior to people who had been suffering from terrible floods.","Groudon has appeared in mythology as the creator of the land. It sleeps in magma underground and is said to make volcanoes erupt on awakening."],"zh":["被認為是大地化身的寶可夢。傳說中牠為了尋求自然的能量,曾不斷與蓋歐卡爭鬥。","利用自然能量進行原始回歸,回到了原本的樣子。擁有產生熔岩擴張大地的力量。"]}},{"id":384,"name":{"en":"Rayquaza","zh":"烈空坐"},"types":{"en":["dragon","flying"],"zh":["龍","飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"Sky High Pokémon","zh":"天空寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Rayquaza lived for hundreds of millions of years in the earth’s ozone layer,never descending to the ground. This Pokémon appears to feed on water and particles in the atmosphere.","Rayquaza is said to have lived for hundreds of millions of years in the earth’s ozone layer, above the clouds. Its existence had been completely unknown because it lived so high in the sky.","A Pokémon that flies endlessly in the ozone layer. It is said it would descend to the ground if KYOGRE and GROUDON were to fight."],"zh":["據說已經生存了數億年。世上留存著牠調解了固拉多與蓋歐卡之間爭鬥的傳說。","不斷在臭氧層飛行,吞食隕石作為食物。用儲存在體內的隕石能量來超級進化。"]}},{"id":385,"name":{"en":"Jirachi","zh":"基拉祈"},"types":{"en":["steel","psychic"],"zh":["鋼","超能力"]},"genera":{"en":"Wish Pokémon","zh":"祈願寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["A legend states that Jirachi will make true any wish that is written on notes attached to its head when it awakens. If this Pokémon senses danger, it will fight without awakening.","Jirachi will awaken from its sleep of a thousand years if you sing to it in a voice of purity. It is said to make true any wish that people desire.","Jirachi is said to make wishes come true. While it sleeps, a tough crystalline shell envelops the body to protect it from enemies."],"zh":["每1000年讓牠聽一次清澈的歌聲,就能讓牠維持7天的清醒。","傳說當牠從1000年的沉睡中醒來時,會實現寫在牠頭部許願箋上的願望。"]}},{"id":386,"name":{"en":"Deoxys","zh":"代歐奇希斯"},"types":{"en":["psychic"],"zh":["超能力"]},"genera":{"en":"DNA Pokémon","zh":"DNA寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["The DNA of a space virus underwent a sudden mutation upon exposure to a laser beam and resulted in Deoxys. The crystalline organ on this Pokémon’s chest appears to be its brain.","Deoxys emerged from a virus that came from space. It is highly intelligent and wields psychokinetic powers. This Pokémon shoots lasers from the crystalline organ on its chest.","A Pokémon that mutated from an extraterrestrial virus exposed to a laser beam. Its body is configured for superior agility and speed."],"zh":["宇宙病毒的DNA受到雷射光照射後發生突變而誕生的寶可夢。胸部的水晶體好像是牠的大腦。","誕生自宇宙病毒的寶可夢。擁有很高的智慧,會操控超能力。從胸部的水晶體發射出雷射光。"]}},{"id":387,"name":{"en":"Turtwig","zh":"草苗龜"},"types":{"en":["grass"],"zh":["草"]},"genera":{"en":"Tiny Leaf Pokémon","zh":"嫩葉寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Made from soil, the shell on its back hardens when it drinks water. It lives along lakes.","It undertakes photosynthesis with its body, making oxygen. The leaf on its head wilts if it is thirsty.","The shell on its back is made of soil. On a very healthy Turtwig, the shell should feel moist."],"zh":["沐浴著陽光,用全身進行光合作用。甲殼是泥土變硬後形成的。","用全身進行光合作用,製造氧氣。當口渴的時候,頭上的葉子就會枯萎。","陽光越是照耀,活力越是充沛。形似甲殼的部分質地近似泥沙,觸感濕潤且帶有微溫。"]}},{"id":388,"name":{"en":"Grotle","zh":"樹林龜"},"types":{"en":["grass"],"zh":["草"]},"genera":{"en":"Grove Pokémon","zh":"樹叢寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It knows where pure water wells up. It carries fellow Pokémon there on its back.","A Grotle that lives in the forest is said to have its own secret springwater.","It lives along water in forests. In the daytime, it leaves the forest to sunbathe its treed shell."],"zh":["生活在森林中的水邊。白天會去森林的外面,讓甲殼上的樹木曬曬太陽。","知道哪裡會湧出清澈的泉水,會讓夥伴寶可夢騎在牠背上,運到那個地方去。","出現在清泉湧出的地方。殼上樹木所生的果實滋味甘甜且營養豐富,十分美味。"]}},{"id":389,"name":{"en":"Torterra","zh":"土台龜"},"types":{"en":["grass","ground"],"zh":["草","地面"]},"genera":{"en":"Continent Pokémon","zh":"大陸寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Small Pokémon occasionally gather on its unmoving back to begin building their nests.","Groups of this Pokémon migrating in search of water have been mistaken for “moving forests.”","Some Pokémon are born on a Torterra’s back and spend their entire life there."],"zh":["古時候的人們曾經想像過,在大地的底下存在著巨大的土台龜。","有時候小型的寶可夢們會聚集起來,在一動不動的土台龜背上築起巢穴。","擁有形如雋麗林園般的巨軀,且是力大無窮的強者。為尋求淨水而巡遍山野。"]}},{"id":390,"name":{"en":"Chimchar","zh":"小火焰猴"},"types":{"en":["fire"],"zh":["火"]},"genera":{"en":"Chimp Pokémon","zh":"小猴寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It agilely scales sheer cliffs to live atop craggy mountains. Its fire is put out when it sleeps.","Its fiery rear end is fueled by gas made in its belly. Even rain can’t extinguish the fire.","It is very agile. Before going to sleep, it extinguishes the flame on its tail to prevent fires."],"zh":["屁股上的火焰是以肚子裡產生的瓦斯為燃料。即使被雨淋到也不會熄滅。","肚子產生的瓦斯在屁股上燃燒。如果身體狀況不好的話,火焰就會變弱。","活力十足,時時刻刻都充滿鬥志。自古被人們稱為「臀點燈」,當成鬼怪的一種恐懼著。"]}},{"id":391,"name":{"en":"Monferno","zh":"猛火猴"},"types":{"en":["fire","fighting"],"zh":["火","格鬥"]},"genera":{"en":"Playful Pokémon","zh":"頑皮寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["To intimidate attackers, it stretches the fire on its tail to make itself appear bigger.","It uses ceilings and walls to launch aerial attacks. Its fiery tail is but one weapon.","It skillfully controls the intensity of the fire on its tail to keep its foes at an ideal distance."],"zh":["能熟練地控制尾部火焰的火勢,以自己擅長的距離進行戰鬥。","利用天花板和牆壁使出空中攻擊。尾巴上的火焰也是武器之一。","臉上藍色越深,實力越是強橫。會靈活地在四周上竄下躍,並以尾上火焰猛擊敵手。"]}},{"id":392,"name":{"en":"Infernape","zh":"烈焰猴"},"types":{"en":["fire","fighting"],"zh":["火","格鬥"]},"genera":{"en":"Flame Pokémon","zh":"火焰寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It uses a special kind of martial arts involving all its limbs. Its fire never goes out.","Its crown of fire is indicative of its fiery nature. It is beaten by none in terms of quickness.","It uses unique fighting moves with fire on its hands and feet. It will take on any opponent."],"zh":["性格像頭上燃燒的火焰般激烈。在速度方面沒有任何寶可夢可以匹敵。","用速度玩弄對手。會使用手腳並用的獨特戰鬥方式。","擁有絢爛的容貌與奇偉的身姿。牠在戰鬥時帶著火焰舞動身軀的模樣,令人大飽眼福,嘆為觀止。"]}},{"id":393,"name":{"en":"Piplup","zh":"波加曼"},"types":{"en":["water"],"zh":["水"]},"genera":{"en":"Penguin Pokémon","zh":"企鵝寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Because it is very proud, it hates accepting food from people. Its thick down guards it from cold.","It lives along shores in northern countries. A skilled swimmer, it dives for over 10 minutes to hunt.","A poor walker, it often falls down. However, its strong pride makes it puff up its chest without a care."],"zh":["非常討厭被別人照顧。因為不肯聽訓練家的指示,要和牠變得親密是很困難的。","自尊心很強,討厭從人那裡接受食物。長長的絨毛能抵禦寒冷。","喜愛寒冷,會出現在海邊。外表如孩童般可愛,但心高氣傲,不願接受來自人類的施捨。"]}},{"id":394,"name":{"en":"Prinplup","zh":"波皇子"},"types":{"en":["water"],"zh":["水"]},"genera":{"en":"Penguin Pokémon","zh":"企鵝寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It lives alone, away from others. Apparently, every one of them believes it is the most important.","Its wings deliver wicked blows that snap even the thickest of trees. It searches for prey in icy seas.","Because every Prinplup considers itself to be the most important, they can never form a group."],"zh":["總是獨來獨往,從不集結成群。所有的波皇子似乎都認為自己是最了不起的。","從不結交夥伴,獨自生活。用翅膀發出的強烈一擊能把大樹劈成兩半。","在嚴寒的大海中昂然暢泳,發出彷如海潮聲般的音色。擁有強韌的翅膀與一身的傲氣。"]}},{"id":395,"name":{"en":"Empoleon","zh":"帝王拿波"},"types":{"en":["water","steel"],"zh":["水","鋼"]},"genera":{"en":"Emperor Pokémon","zh":"皇帝寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["The three horns that extend from its beak attest to its power. The leader has the biggest horns.","It swims as fast as a jet boat. The edges of its wings are sharp and can slice apart drifting ice.","If anyone were to hurt its pride, it would slash them with wings that can cleave through an ice floe."],"zh":["能以不輸水上摩托車的速度游泳。翅膀的邊緣十分鋒利,甚至能夠切斷浮冰。","從鳥嘴延伸出的3隻角是實力的象徵。領袖的角是最大的。","被洗翠的居民稱為波濤之主,自古便受到崇拜的寶可夢。其雙翼足以匹敵名匠打造的利器。"]}},{"id":396,"name":{"en":"Starly","zh":"姆克兒"},"types":{"en":["normal","flying"],"zh":["一般","飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"Starling Pokémon","zh":"椋鳥寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["They flock in great numbers. Though small, they flap their wings with great power.","Usually with a large flock, it is barely noticeable when alone. Its cries are very strident.","Because they are weak individually, they form groups. However, they bicker if the group grows too big."],"zh":["為了獵捕蟲寶可夢,以龐大的群體在山野間飛來飛去。叫聲非常吵鬧。","會成群結隊來互補單獨1隻時的弱小,然而群體一旦變大卻又會起爭執。","在山野中成群生活,叫聲聒噪吵雜。身軀雖小但翅膀十分有力。要是被牠的翅膀打到,可是會整整痛上一個星期。"]}},{"id":397,"name":{"en":"Staravia","zh":"姆克鳥"},"types":{"en":["normal","flying"],"zh":["一般","飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"Starling Pokémon","zh":"椋鳥寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It flies around forests and fields in search of bug Pokémon. It stays within a huge flock.","It lives in forests and fields. Squabbles over territory occur when flocks collide.","Recognizing their own weakness, they always live in a group. When alone, a Staravia cries noisily."],"zh":["心知肚明自己的弱小,所以平時都是群體生活。單獨行動時會發出吵鬧的叫聲。","有組成龐大團隊來行動的習性。各個團隊之間的爭鬥很激烈。","會形成醒目的大群體來生活,群體內總是紛爭不斷。據考察,頭頂上羽冠的氣派程度對牠們而言是強者的象徵。"]}},{"id":398,"name":{"en":"Staraptor","zh":"姆克鷹"},"types":{"en":["normal","flying"],"zh":["一般","飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"Predator Pokémon","zh":"猛禽寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It has a savage nature. It will courageously challenge foes that are much larger.","The muscles in its wings and legs are strong. It can easily fly while gripping a small Pokémon.","It never stops attacking even if it is injured. It fusses over the shape of its comb."],"zh":["變成姆克鷹後,就會脫離群體獨自生活。擁有強韌的翅膀。","即使自己受了傷也不會停止攻擊。很在意自己頭冠的形狀。","獲得了離開群體獨力生存的能力。就連壯漢也能一把攫起帶走的飛行能力是一大威脅。"]}},{"id":399,"name":{"en":"Bidoof","zh":"大牙狸"},"types":{"en":["normal"],"zh":["一般"]},"genera":{"en":"Plump Mouse Pokémon","zh":"圓鼠寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["With nerves of steel, nothing can perturb it. It is more agile and active than it appears.","It constantly gnaws on logs and rocks to whittle down its front teeth. It nests alongside water.","A comparison revealed that Bidoof’s front teeth grow at the same rate as RATTATA’s."],"zh":["遇到任何事都不慌不忙,神經很大條的傢伙。能做出與外表不相稱的靈敏動作。","總是啃大樹和石頭來打磨堅硬的門牙。在水邊築巢生活。","表情木訥,遇到何事都能處之泰然。過去曾發生大牙狸光明正大地跑進村裡,還光明正大地把房屋啃了一番的妙事。"]}},{"id":400,"name":{"en":"Bibarel","zh":"大尾狸"},"types":{"en":["normal","water"],"zh":["一般","水"]},"genera":{"en":"Beaver Pokémon","zh":"河狸寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It makes its nest by damming streams with bark and mud. It is known as an industrious worker.","While its movements out of water are sluggish, it can swim as fast as any FEEBAS.","A river dammed by Bibarel will never overflow its banks, which is appreciated by people nearby."],"zh":["會勤勞地把用銳利的門牙啃斷的樹枝和樹根堆積起來,在水邊築起巢穴。","用樹幹和泥巴築起水壩,堵住河流建造住所。以勤勞而聞名。","體毛有著極佳的撥水效果,且保溫性十足,性能十分優秀。會在河中築起堤壩當作巢穴。"]}},{"id":401,"name":{"en":"Kricketot","zh":"圓法師"},"types":{"en":["bug"],"zh":["蟲"]},"genera":{"en":"Cricket Pokémon","zh":"蟋蟀寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It shakes its head back to front, causing its antennae to hit each other and sound like a xylophone.","It chats with others using the sounds of its colliding antennae. These sounds are fall hallmarks.","Its legs are short. Whenever it stumbles, its stiff antennae clack with a xylophone-like sound."],"zh":["每當腳短短的牠快要跌倒時,堅硬的觸角就會互相摩擦,發出如木琴般的聲響。","觸角之間互相碰撞時,會叮叮咚咚地奏出如同木琴一般的音色。","當樹木染上秋色時數量便會變多。敲打觸角所奏出的音色聽起來好似木琴這種異國樂器。"]}},{"id":402,"name":{"en":"Kricketune","zh":"音箱蟀"},"types":{"en":["bug"],"zh":["蟲"]},"genera":{"en":"Cricket Pokémon","zh":"蟋蟀寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It crosses its knifelike arms in front of its chest when it cries. It can compose melodies ad lib.","It signals its emotions with its melodies. Scientists are studying these melodic patterns.","There is a village that hosts a contest based on the amazingly variable cries of this Pokémon."],"zh":["透過讓聲音在身體裡的空洞迴響,自己的叫聲就可以變得清脆悅耳。","有村子會讓牠們互相比拼變化多端的叫聲,當成娛樂活動。","用短刀般的手臂發出聲音。所奏出的旋律隨個體不同而異,從中尋找自己喜愛的旋律也是一大樂事。"]}},{"id":403,"name":{"en":"Shinx","zh":"小貓怪"},"types":{"en":["electric"],"zh":["電"]},"genera":{"en":"Flash Pokémon","zh":"閃光寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["All of its fur dazzles if danger is sensed. It flees while the foe is momentarily blinded.","Its forelegs have a muscle-based system of generating electricity. Its body shines if endangered.","The extension and contraction of its muscles generates electricity. It glows when in trouble."],"zh":["能利用肌肉的伸縮來產生電流。當牠全身都在抖動時,就代表牠正在激烈地發電。","體毛通電就會發光。會揮動明亮發光的尾巴前端來向夥伴打信號。"]}},{"id":404,"name":{"en":"Luxio","zh":"勒克貓"},"types":{"en":["electric"],"zh":["電"]},"genera":{"en":"Spark Pokémon","zh":"電光寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Its claws loose electricity with enough amperage to cause fainting. They live in small groups.","It rests its forelegs on others to communicate with rhythmic electric pulses from its claws.","Strong electricity courses through the tips of its sharp claws. A light scratch causes fainting in foes."],"zh":["如果與夥伴尾巴牽尾巴,就能借用對方的電能,然後發出更強的電擊。","遇見敵人時會從腳伸出有百萬伏特威力的爪子,為對戰做好準備。"]}},{"id":405,"name":{"en":"Luxray","zh":"倫琴貓"},"types":{"en":["electric"],"zh":["電"]},"genera":{"en":"Gleam Eyes Pokémon","zh":"目光寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It has eyes that can see through anything. It spots and captures prey hiding behind objects.","When its eyes gleam gold, it can spot hiding prey--even those taking shelter behind a wall.","It can see clearly through walls to track down its prey and seek its lost young."],"zh":["擁有透視能力的寶可夢。能夠在眨眼間就發現躲在厚厚牆壁另一側的獵物。","由於透視會消耗極大量的電能,因此牠會花很長的時間睡覺,藉此儲存能量。"]}},{"id":406,"name":{"en":"Budew","zh":"含羞苞"},"types":{"en":["grass","poison"],"zh":["草","毒"]},"genera":{"en":"Bud Pokémon","zh":"花苞寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Over the winter, it closes its bud and endures the cold. In spring, the bud opens and releases pollen.","It lives alongside clear ponds. It scatters pollen that induces harsh sneezing and runny noses.","Sensitive to changing temperature, the bud is said to bloom when it feels the sun’s warm touch."],"zh":["會散佈帶有毒素的花粉。培育時所用的水越乾淨,所含有的毒性就越高。","對氣溫的變化很敏感。當牠開始打開花苞,便是冬去春來之時。"]}},{"id":407,"name":{"en":"Roserade","zh":"羅絲雷朵"},"types":{"en":["grass","poison"],"zh":["草","毒"]},"genera":{"en":"Bouquet Pokémon","zh":"花束寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It attracts prey with a sweet aroma, then downs it with thorny whips hidden in its arms.","With the movements of a dancer, it strikes with whips that are densely lined with poison thorns.","Each of its hands contains different toxins, but both hands can jab with near-fatal power."],"zh":["會用馥郁芬芳的花香迷惑敵人,並用荊棘上的鞭子猛力抽打對方。","右手的毒是速效的,左手的毒則是慢性的。無論哪邊的毒性都能致命。"]}},{"id":408,"name":{"en":"Cranidos","zh":"頭蓋龍"},"types":{"en":["rock"],"zh":["岩石"]},"genera":{"en":"Head Butt Pokémon","zh":"頭錘寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It lived in jungles around 100 million years ago. Its skull is as hard as iron.","It was resurrected from an iron ball-like fossil. It downs prey with its head butts.","A lifelong jungle dweller from 100 million years ago, it would snap obstructing trees with head butts."],"zh":["曾經生活在大約1億年前的密林中。用最拿手的頭錘對抗化石翼龍。","在發現頭蓋龍化石的地層裡也能發現折斷了的樹木的化石。","太古時代的寶可夢。擁有堅硬而結實的頭蓋骨,但是頭腦相當不靈光。"]}},{"id":409,"name":{"en":"Rampardos","zh":"戰槌龍"},"types":{"en":["rock"],"zh":["岩石"]},"genera":{"en":"Head Butt Pokémon","zh":"頭錘寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Its powerful head butt has enough power to shatter even the most durable things upon impact.","Its skull is as hard as iron. It is a brute that tears down jungle trees while catching prey.","If two were to smash their heads together, their foot-thick skulls would keep them from fainting."],"zh":["反復使出頭錘的頭蓋骨變得又硬又厚。但腦容量比起頭蓋龍有所縮減。","曾經有過復原進化後的戰槌龍逃之夭夭,用頭錘破壞高層建築的記錄。","古時候人們會挖出牠的化石,用比鋼鐵還要堅硬的頭蓋骨製作頭盔。"]}},{"id":410,"name":{"en":"Shieldon","zh":"盾甲龍"},"types":{"en":["rock","steel"],"zh":["岩石","鋼"]},"genera":{"en":"Shield Pokémon","zh":"護盾寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["A Pokémon that lived in jungles around 100 million years ago. Its facial hide is extremely hard.","It habitually polishes its face by rubbing it against tree trunks. It is weak to attacks from behind.","It is outstandingly armored. As a result, it can eat grass and berries without having to fight."],"zh":["大量的化石被發現,但幾乎所有化石臉的部位都沒有任何損傷或缺失。","多虧那張結實的臉,牠的敵人應該不多。棲息在太古時代的叢林裡。","草食性的溫馴寶可夢。會用結實的臉部皮膚挖掘地面,連樹根之類的東西也會吃。"]}},{"id":411,"name":{"en":"Bastiodon","zh":"護城龍"},"types":{"en":["rock","steel"],"zh":["岩石","鋼"]},"genera":{"en":"Shield Pokémon","zh":"護盾寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Any frontal attack is repulsed. It is a docile Pokémon that feeds on grass and berries.","When attacked, they form a wall with their shieldlike faces to protect their young.","When they lined up side by side, no foe could break through. They shielded their young in that way."],"zh":["如果是從正面的話,可以防住所有的攻擊,但從後方遇襲的話就束手無策了。","與戰槌龍生活在相似的地方。也曾發現過2隻互相爭鬥後同歸於盡而變成的化石。","臉部的骨頭又大又硬,所以在復原成功之前一直被誤認為是脊椎骨。"]}},{"id":412,"name":{"en":"Burmy","zh":"結草兒"},"types":{"en":["bug"],"zh":["蟲"]},"genera":{"en":"Bagworm Pokémon","zh":"蓑衣蟲寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["To shelter itself from cold, wintry winds, it covers itself with a cloak made of twigs and leaves.","If its cloak is broken in battle, it quickly remakes the cloak with materials nearby.","Even if it is born where there are no cocooning materials, it somehow always ends up with a cloak."],"zh":["為了抵禦秋冬時節的寒風,會用小樹枝和落葉當材料,做成蓑衣裹在身上。","如果蓑衣在戰鬥中壞掉了,就會用附近的材料立刻重新做一件蓑衣。","蓑衣只要稍有缺損,就會立即用身邊的材料加以修補。蓑衣內的身體十分細瘦且畏懼寒冷。"]}},{"id":413,"name":{"en":"Wormadam","zh":"結草貴婦"},"types":{"en":["bug","grass"],"zh":["蟲","草"]},"genera":{"en":"Bagworm Pokémon","zh":"蓑衣蟲寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["When BURMY evolved, its cloak became a part of this Pokémon’s body. The cloak is never shed.","Its appearance changes depending on where it evolved. The materials on hand become a part of its body.","When evolving, its body takes in surrounding materials. As a result, there are many body variations."],"zh":["樣子會根據進化時所在地點的不同而發生變化。身邊的材料會成為身體的一部分。","從結草兒進化過來時,蓑衣成了身體的一部分。一輩子都不會脫下蓑衣。","草木製成的蓑衣與本體融合,如同體毛或皮膚般成為了身體的一部分。據考察這乃是進化能量帶來的作用。"]}},{"id":414,"name":{"en":"Mothim","zh":"紳士蛾"},"types":{"en":["bug","flying"],"zh":["蟲","飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"Moth Pokémon","zh":"蓑衣蛾寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It loves the honey of flowers and steals honey collected by COMBEE.","It does not keep a nest. It flies over fields and mountains in constant search of floral honey.","While it loves floral honey, it won’t gather any itself. Instead, it plots to steal some from COMBEE."],"zh":["非常愛吃花蜜。會搶奪三蜜蜂採集到的花蜜,然後自己吃掉。","夜裡會活躍地飛來飛去,從睡著的三蜜蜂的巢穴裡搶奪蜂蜜後逃走。","拍動翅膀時會灑下銀灰色的鱗粉。雖然觀察結果顯示其主食是花蜜,但卻很少在花田看見牠們。"]}},{"id":415,"name":{"en":"Combee","zh":"三蜜蜂"},"types":{"en":["bug","flying"],"zh":["蟲","飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"Tiny Bee Pokémon","zh":"幼蜂寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["A Pokémon formed by three others. It busily carries sweet floral honey to VESPIQUEN.","It collects and delivers honey to its colony. At night, they cluster to form a beehive and sleep.","The trio is together from birth. It constantly gathers honey from flowers to please VESPIQUEN."],"zh":["3隻一直都在一起,但每一隻對花蜜的喜好卻略有不同。","從早到晚都在採集花蜜。這一切都是為了自己的族群和蜂女王。"]}},{"id":416,"name":{"en":"Vespiquen","zh":"蜂女王"},"types":{"en":["bug","flying"],"zh":["蟲","飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"Beehive Pokémon","zh":"蜂巢寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Its abdomen is a honeycomb for grubs. It raises its grubs on honey collected by COMBEE.","When endangered, grubs from its six-cell honeycomb strike back. There is only one in a colony.","It releases various pheromones to make the grubs in its body do its bidding while fighting foes."],"zh":["自由自在地指揮孩子們與敵人戰鬥。孩子們會為了蜂女王而拼上性命。","能釋放越多費洛蒙的蜂女王,就能讓越多的三蜜蜂聽從自己的指揮。"]}},{"id":417,"name":{"en":"Pachirisu","zh":"帕奇利茲"},"types":{"en":["electric"],"zh":["電"]},"genera":{"en":"EleSquirrel Pokémon","zh":"電松鼠寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It makes fur balls that crackle with static electricity. It stores them with berries in tree holes.","It makes electricity with pouches in its cheeks and shoots charges from its tail. It lives atop trees.","A pair may be seen rubbing their cheek pouches together in an effort to share stored electricity."],"zh":["雙頰上有電囊的寶可夢的一員。儲存的電力會從尾巴釋放出去。","有時候可以見到為了將儲存的電力分給同伴而互相摩擦頰囊的帕奇利茲。","屬於與皮卡丘相近的物種。雖然性情溫和,然而接觸其帶電的尾巴或臉頰仍是件危險的事。"]}},{"id":418,"name":{"en":"Buizel","zh":"泳圈鼬"},"types":{"en":["water"],"zh":["水"]},"genera":{"en":"Sea Weasel Pokémon","zh":"海鼬寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It has a flotation sac that is like an inflatable collar. It floats on water with its head out.","It swims by rotating its two tails like a screw. When it dives, its flotation sac collapses.","It spins its two tails like a screw to propel itself through water. The tails also slice clinging seaweed."],"zh":["像螺旋槳一樣旋轉的尾巴除了能夠讓牠在水裡游泳,還能切斷纏住自己的海草。","會膨脹頸部的浮囊讓自己能把臉露出水面,以探查地上獵物的動靜。","會轉動分岔的尾巴形成推進力,藉此在水中自在移動。偶然的是,此構造與蒸汽船的螺旋槳十分相似。"]}},{"id":419,"name":{"en":"Floatzel","zh":"浮潛鼬"},"types":{"en":["water"],"zh":["水"]},"genera":{"en":"Sea Weasel Pokémon","zh":"海鼬寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It floats using its well-developed flotation sac. It assists in the rescues of drowning people.","Its flotation sac developed as a result of pursuing aquatic prey. It can double as a rubber raft.","It is a common sight around fishing ports. It is known to rescue people and carry off prey."],"zh":["膨脹起浮囊後就能讓人坐在自己背上。排出浮囊的氣來潛水。","大量棲息在漁村,除了會去救助溺水的人,還會幫忙搬捕獲的獵物。","擁有又長又大的浮囊,即便遭遇海上風暴也不會溺水。三不五時會在漁村附近被人目擊。"]}},{"id":420,"name":{"en":"Cherubi","zh":"櫻花寶"},"types":{"en":["grass"],"zh":["草"]},"genera":{"en":"Cherry Pokémon","zh":"櫻桃寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["The small ball holds the nutrients needed for evolution. Apparently, it is very sweet and tasty.","Sunlight colors it red. When the small ball is drained of nutrients, it shrivels to herald evolution.","The small ball is not only filled with nutrients, it is also tasty. STARLY try to peck it off."],"zh":["牠營養豐富的小球是鳥寶可夢的最愛。為了不被啄到而四處逃跑。","身體越紅的櫻花寶含有的營養越豐富,味道也很甜很好吃。"]}},{"id":421,"name":{"en":"Cherrim","zh":"櫻花兒"},"types":{"en":["grass"],"zh":["草"]},"genera":{"en":"Blossom Pokémon","zh":"櫻花寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It blooms during times of strong sunlight. It tries to make up for everything it endured as a bud.","It is docile as a bud, but turns cheerful when it blooms. It folds back into a bud if sunlight wanes.","If it senses strong sunlight, it opens its folded petals to absorb the sun’s rays with its whole body."],"zh":["花苞形態時性情穩重,幾乎不會動,只是靜靜地等待太陽光的出現。","闔起來的花瓣很硬。即使被鳥寶可夢啄到,也完全沒問題。"]}},{"id":422,"name":{"en":"Shellos","zh":"無殼海兔"},"types":{"en":["water"],"zh":["水"]},"genera":{"en":"Sea Slug Pokémon","zh":"海兔寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Its colors and shapes differ from region to region. In the Sinnoh region, two types are confirmed.","It lives along bodies of water. Its body shape has changed to suit its habitat.","Beware of pushing strongly on its squishy body, as it makes a mysterious purple fluid ooze out."],"zh":["岩岸是牠主要的居所。根據棲息地的環境和所吃食物的質地,顏色和樣子會有所不同。","如果用手摸牠,紫色的黏液就會沾到手上。不管怎麼洗都很難洗掉,所以要注意。","平常生活在海裡,但只要皮膚沒有乾燥,也可以在陸地上活動。"]}},{"id":423,"name":{"en":"Gastrodon","zh":"海兔獸"},"types":{"en":["water","ground"],"zh":["水","地面"]},"genera":{"en":"Sea Slug Pokémon","zh":"海兔寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It has a pliable body without any bones. If any part of its body is torn off, it grows right back.","It apparently had a huge shell for protection in ancient times. It lives in shallow tidal pools.","Long ago, its entire back was shielded with a sturdy shell. There are traces of it left in its cells."],"zh":["再生能力很高。即使被魚寶可夢咬斷也會在幾小時內恢復原狀哦。","牠的主要食物是無形的浮游生物。會到陸地上來,但原因尚不清楚。","過去背上曾經有殼,如今只在背部內側殘留著又硬又薄的弧狀物。"]}},{"id":424,"name":{"en":"Ambipom","zh":"雙尾怪手"},"types":{"en":["normal"],"zh":["一般"]},"genera":{"en":"Long Tail Pokémon","zh":"長尾寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["To eat, it deftly shucks nuts with its two tails. It rarely uses its arms now.","They work in large colonies and make rings by linking their tails, apparently in friendship.","Split into two, the tails are so adept at handling and doing things, Ambipom rarely uses its hands."],"zh":["為了搶佔舒適好住的樹木,不斷與投擲猴群爭奪地盤,但結果是雙方勢均力敵。","不管做什麼事都會用到尾巴。如果牠用2根尾巴抱緊你,就代表牠真的和你很親近。"]}},{"id":425,"name":{"en":"Drifloon","zh":"飄飄球"},"types":{"en":["ghost","flying"],"zh":["幽靈","飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"Balloon Pokémon","zh":"氣球寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["A Pokémon formed by the spirits of people and Pokémon. It loves damp, humid seasons.","It tugs on the hands of children to steal them away. However, it gets pulled around instead.","Because of the way it floats aimlessly, an old folktale calls it a “Signpost for Wandering Spirits.”"],"zh":["據說會牽著年幼孩子的手,將其帶去另一個世界。不喜歡身體重的孩子。","身體因某種原因破掉的話,就會伴隨著呼喊一樣的聲音溢出魂魄來。","圓滾滾的身體裡塞滿了靈魂,每當牠把誰給帶走時,身體就會更加膨脹。"]}},{"id":426,"name":{"en":"Drifblim","zh":"隨風球"},"types":{"en":["ghost","flying"],"zh":["幽靈","飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"Blimp Pokémon","zh":"熱氣球寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["At dusk, swarms of them are carried aloft on winds. When noticed, they suddenly vanish.","It’s drowzy in daytime, but flies off in the evening in big groups. No one knows where they go.","It carries people and Pokémon when it flies. But since it only drifts, it can end up anywhere."],"zh":["曾經發生過乘著隨風球出發旅行的男人就這樣失蹤的事件。","日暮時分飛行的大群隨風球,即使一直盯著觀察,也會在一不留神間消失。","傳說如果被乘著風在暮色裡飛行的隨風球捉住,就會被帶到陰間去。"]}},{"id":427,"name":{"en":"Buneary","zh":"捲捲耳"},"types":{"en":["normal"],"zh":["一般"]},"genera":{"en":"Rabbit Pokémon","zh":"兔子寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It slams foes by sharply uncoiling its rolled ears. It stings enough to make a grown-up cry in pain.","When it senses danger, it perks up its ears. On cold nights, it sleeps with its head tucked into its fur.","Its ears are always rolled up. They can be forcefully extended to shatter even a large boulder."],"zh":["手腳的力量很弱,但如果使勁伸長緊緊捲起的耳朵,就連大岩石也能粉碎。","一隻耳朵之所以總是捲起來,是為了在遭到敵人襲擊的時候能夠立刻做出反擊。","將左右兩耳都捲起來時,就代表牠的身體或心情狀況不佳,需要照顧。"]}},{"id":428,"name":{"en":"Lopunny","zh":"長耳兔"},"types":{"en":["normal"],"zh":["一般"]},"genera":{"en":"Rabbit Pokémon","zh":"兔子寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["An extremely cautious Pokémon. It cloaks its body with its fluffy ear fur when it senses danger.","It is very conscious of its looks and never fails to groom its ears. It runs with sprightly jumps.","The ears appear to be delicate. If they are touched roughly, it kicks with its graceful legs."],"zh":["每年會換2次毛。用這種毛製成的圍巾和帽子非常保暖。","警戒心很強。雖然不喜歡戰鬥,但牠能夠用柔韌的雙腳使出強而有力的踢腿。","總是注意著周圍的狀況。危險逼近時,就會給對手奉上破壞力十足的踢腿。"]}},{"id":429,"name":{"en":"Mismagius","zh":"夢妖魔"},"types":{"en":["ghost"],"zh":["幽靈"]},"genera":{"en":"Magical Pokémon","zh":"魔法寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Its cries sound like incantations. Those hearing it are tormented by headaches and hallucinations.","It chants incantations. While they usually torment targets, some chants bring happiness.","Its cry sounds like an incantation. It is said the cry may rarely be imbued with happiness-giving power."],"zh":["不知從何處出現,碎碎念著咒文,施加詛咒,製造恐怖的幻象。","因為也會施加實現戀愛願望的咒語,所以也有不惜性命尋找夢妖魔的人。","因為會四處作祟並散播詛咒而被人們畏懼。有時也會隨性地使用幫助人的咒語。"]}},{"id":430,"name":{"en":"Honchkrow","zh":"烏鴉頭頭"},"types":{"en":["dark","flying"],"zh":["惡","飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"Big Boss Pokémon","zh":"大頭目寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Becoming active at night, it is known to swarm with numerous MURKROW in tow.","It makes its MURKROW cronies bring it food. It idles its time away, grooming itself in its nest.","If one utters a deep cry, many MURKROW gather quickly. For this, it is called “Summoner of Night.”"],"zh":["夜行性。只要鳴叫一聲,就會有超過100隻的黑暗鴉跟班聚集起來。","對於捕獵失敗還有背叛了的黑暗鴉跟班們,無論天涯海角都會窮追過去施以處罰。","絕不會容忍失敗或背叛的手下。這是為了維持群體的秩序,而不得不用的手段。"]}},{"id":431,"name":{"en":"Glameow","zh":"魅力喵"},"types":{"en":["normal"],"zh":["一般"]},"genera":{"en":"Catty Pokémon","zh":"裝乖寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It claws if displeased and purrs when affectionate. Its fickleness is very popular among some.","With its sharp glare, it puts foes in a mild hypnotic state. It is a very fickle Pokémon.","It hides its spiteful tendency of hooking its claws into the nose of its Trainer if it isn’t fed."],"zh":["一不高興就會豎起爪子。但有時也會從喉嚨發出聲響來撒嬌。這樣的性格很受部分人的喜愛。","魅力喵心情好的時候,會用尾巴展現像韻律體操的彩帶般的美麗動作。","以漩渦狀的尾巴及眼力迷惑人心。暗藏的爪子也十分銳利,一旦與之為敵將會非常棘手。"]}},{"id":432,"name":{"en":"Purugly","zh":"東施喵"},"types":{"en":["normal"],"zh":["一般"]},"genera":{"en":"Tiger Cat Pokémon","zh":"虎斑貓寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It is a brazen brute that barges its way into another Pokémon’s nest and claims it as its own.","To make itself appear intimidatingly beefy, it tightly cinches its waist with its twin tails.","It binds its body with its tails to make itself look bigger. If it locks eyes, it will glare ceaselessly."],"zh":["即使是其他寶可夢的住所,如果感覺很舒服的話,就會當成自己的住所賴著不走。","為了讓自己的身體看起來大一點來威嚇對手,會把分叉的尾巴緊緊纏在腰上。","性情厚顏無恥且極難馴服,但由於擁有更勝棉花絨的美麗毛皮,因此很受人歡迎。"]}},{"id":433,"name":{"en":"Chingling","zh":"鈴鐺響"},"types":{"en":["psychic"],"zh":["超能力"]},"genera":{"en":"Bell Pokémon","zh":"鈴鐺寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It emits cries by agitating an orb at the back of its throat. It moves with flouncing hops.","Each time it hops, it makes a ringing sound. It deafens foes by emitting high-frequency cries.","There is an orb inside its mouth. When it hops, the orb bounces all over and makes a ringing sound."],"zh":["每次跳躍都會發出鈴鈴聲。用高頻率的叫聲讓對手失去聽力。","如果跳起來,嘴裡的珠子就會到處反彈,發出鈴鐺一般的音色。","即使在聽不見其叫聲的時候,亦有可能發生難以忍受的頭痛。也許牠能夠發出人類聽覺無法分辨的聲音。"]}},{"id":434,"name":{"en":"Stunky","zh":"臭鼬噗"},"types":{"en":["poison","dark"],"zh":["毒","惡"]},"genera":{"en":"Skunk Pokémon","zh":"臭鼬寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It protects itself by spraying a noxious fluid from its rear. The stench lingers for 24 hours.","It sprays a nose-curling, stinky fluid from its rear to repel attackers.","It sprays a foul fluid from its rear. Its stench spreads over a mile radius, driving Pokémon away."],"zh":["瞄準對手的臉,從屁股噴出奇臭無比的液體。液體能噴到5公尺外。","要是牠翹起尾巴把屁股對準了你,請一定要小心。因為這表示牠將要噴出足以讓人窒息的臭液。"]}},{"id":435,"name":{"en":"Skuntank","zh":"坦克臭鼬"},"types":{"en":["poison","dark"],"zh":["毒","惡"]},"genera":{"en":"Skunk Pokémon","zh":"臭鼬寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It sprays a vile-smelling fluid from the tip of its tail to attack. Its range is over 160 feet.","It sprays a stinky fluid from its tail. The fluid smells worse the longer it is allowed to fester.","It attacks by spraying a horribly smelly fluid from the tip of its tail. Attacks from above confound it."],"zh":["會在肚子裡囤滿臭液,從尾巴噴出臭液攻擊敵人。臭味會依吃下的東西而不同。","從尾巴尖端噴出的液體帶有強烈的惡臭。會在地面上挖洞建造巢穴。"]}},{"id":436,"name":{"en":"Bronzor","zh":"銅鏡怪"},"types":{"en":["steel","psychic"],"zh":["鋼","超能力"]},"genera":{"en":"Bronze Pokémon","zh":"青銅寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Implements shaped like it were discovered in ancient tombs. It is unknown if they are related.","X-ray photos were taken to check its body structure. Nothing appeared, however.","There are researchers who believe this Pokémon reflected like a mirror in the distant past."],"zh":["會在古老的遺跡出現。身上的紋路不屬於伽勒爾文化,因此至今仍然謎團重重。","雖然人們說把銅鏡怪打磨到發光,牠就能映照出真相,但其實牠非常討厭被打磨。"]}},{"id":437,"name":{"en":"Bronzong","zh":"青銅鐘"},"types":{"en":["steel","psychic"],"zh":["鋼","超能力"]},"genera":{"en":"Bronze Bell Pokémon","zh":"銅鐘寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["One caused a news sensation when it was dug up at a construction site after a 2,000-year sleep.","It can summon rain clouds. People long ago revered it as the bringer of plentiful harvests.","It brought rains by opening portals to another world. It was revered as a bringer of plentiful harvests."],"zh":["被稱為能召喚雨雲的神明。生氣時會用像鐘聲一般令人毛骨悚然的聲音來威嚇對手。","牠身上的紋路讓許多學者認為牠原本並不存在於伽勒爾。"]}},{"id":438,"name":{"en":"Bonsly","zh":"盆才怪"},"types":{"en":["rock"],"zh":["岩石"]},"genera":{"en":"Bonsai Pokémon","zh":"盆栽寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It looks as if it is always crying. It is actually adjusting its body’s fluid levels by eliminating excess.","It prefers arid environments. It leaks water from its eyes to adjust its body’s fluid levels.","It prefers an arid atmosphere. It leaks water that looks like tears when adjusting its moisture level."],"zh":["很怕水,所以生活在乾燥的地方。因為周圍綠色植物很少,所以相當顯眼。","會從眼睛排出體內多餘的水分。該成分接近人類的汗液。","會從眼睛排出水分。因為看起來就像是在哭,似乎也有讓敵人疏忽大意的效果。"]}},{"id":439,"name":{"en":"Mime Jr.","zh":"魔尼尼"},"types":{"en":["psychic","fairy"],"zh":["超能力","妖精"]},"genera":{"en":"Mime Pokémon","zh":"默劇寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It habitually mimics foes. Once mimicked, the foe cannot take its eyes off this Pokémon.","It likes places where people gather. It mimics foes to confuse them, then makes its getaway.","It mimics the expressions and motions of those it sees to understand the feelings of others."],"zh":["會拼命模仿對方的動作和表情,但還算不上模仿得很好。","擅長模仿。對方如果因此吃驚,牠就會很開心,甚至不知不覺忘了自己正在模仿這件事。","會模仿一切映入眼簾的事物。一心一意模仿踏冰人偶華麗的舞步,不停地練習。"]}},{"id":440,"name":{"en":"Happiny","zh":"小福蛋"},"types":{"en":["normal"],"zh":["一般"]},"genera":{"en":"Playhouse Pokémon","zh":"家家酒寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It loves round white things. It carries an egg-shaped rock in imitation of CHANSEY.","It carries a round, egg-shaped rock in its belly pouch and gives the rock to its friends.","It likes to carry around a small rock. It may wander around others’ feet and cause them to stumble."],"zh":["腹部的袋子裡裝著白色的圓形石頭。如果和牠變得友好,也可能會分一點給你哦。","因為很小,還不能生蛋。會尋找白白圓圓的石頭來代替。","性情溫馴的寶可夢,但如果肚子上的圓形石頭被搶走,就會哭著大吵大鬧。"]}},{"id":441,"name":{"en":"Chatot","zh":"聒噪鳥"},"types":{"en":["normal","flying"],"zh":["一般","飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"Music Note Pokémon","zh":"音符寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It can learn and speak human words. If they gather, they all learn the same saying.","It keeps rhythm by flicking its tail feathers like a metronome. It imitates human speech.","Its tongue is just like a human’s. As a result, it can cleverly mimic human speech."],"zh":["會發出與對手相同的叫聲,讓對方相信自己是同伴,藉此避免遭到襲擊。","學習人類的語言來鳴叫。當夥伴們聚集在同一個地方時,大家就會學會同樣的詞語。","能將人類話語模仿得維妙維肖的表演家。當隨著年齡增長而累積眾多經驗後,甚至還能夠理解話語中的含意。"]}},{"id":442,"name":{"en":"Spiritomb","zh":"花岩怪"},"types":{"en":["ghost","dark"],"zh":["幽靈","惡"]},"genera":{"en":"Forbidden Pokémon","zh":"封印寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["A Pokémon that was formed by 108 spirits. It is bound to a fissure in an odd keystone.","It was bound to a fissure in an odd keystone as punishment for misdeeds 500 years ago.","Its constant mischief and misdeeds resulted in it being bound to an Odd Keystone by a mysterious spell."],"zh":["108個靈魂聚集在一起成為了寶可夢,但其中似乎混進了壞心眼的靈魂。","總是作惡多端,不料有一天被使用神奇法術的旅人綁縛到了楔石上。"]}},{"id":443,"name":{"en":"Gible","zh":"圓陸鯊"},"types":{"en":["dragon","ground"],"zh":["龍","地面"]},"genera":{"en":"Land Shark Pokémon","zh":"陸鯊寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It nests in small, horizontal holes in cave walls. It pounces to catch prey that stray too close.","It once lived in the tropics. To avoid the cold, it lives in caves warmed by geothermal heat.","It attacks using its huge mouth. While its attacks are powerful, it hurts itself out of clumsiness, too."],"zh":["生活在充滿地熱的溫暖洞窟裡。即便如此,一旦變冷就會和夥伴們緊緊靠在一起。","潛伏在地洞內,如果有獵物或敵人經過,就會撲出來咬住。有時會用力過猛而咬壞牙齒。","會對動的東西產生反應並撲過去咬住。有時會因此傷到自己,但牠並不怎麼在意。"]}},{"id":444,"name":{"en":"Gabite","zh":"尖牙陸鯊"},"types":{"en":["dragon","ground"],"zh":["龍","地面"]},"genera":{"en":"Cave Pokémon","zh":"洞穴寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["There is a long-held belief that medicine made from its scales will heal even incurable illnesses.","It habitually digs up and hoards gems in its nest. Its loot is constantly targeted by thieves.","It loves sparkly things. It seeks treasures in caves and hoards the loot in its nest."],"zh":["偶爾脫皮,鱗片會脫落。含有其成分的藥可以讓疲勞的身體活力四射。","最喜歡閃閃發光的東西。會一直呆在巢穴裡盯著寶石和捕捉到的小碎鑽。","最喜歡會發亮的東西。只要發現在打小碎鑽主意的勾魂眼,就會非常生氣地發動攻擊。"]}},{"id":445,"name":{"en":"Garchomp","zh":"烈咬陸鯊"},"types":{"en":["dragon","ground"],"zh":["龍","地面"]},"genera":{"en":"Mach Pokémon","zh":"音速寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["When it folds up its body and extends its wings, it looks like a jet plane. It flies at sonic speed.","It flies at speeds equal to a jet fighter plane. It never allows its prey to escape.","It is said that when one runs at high speed, its wings create blades of wind that can fell nearby trees."],"zh":["以媲美噴射機的速度高速飛行。如果衝入鳥寶可夢的群體中,會就直接把整個群體都吞掉。","頭上長著的2個突起物是作為感應器的用途。就連遠處獵物的狀況也能察覺。","以音速飛行來尋找獵物。會為了爭奪食物而與暴飛龍展開空中戰鬥。"]}},{"id":446,"name":{"en":"Munchlax","zh":"小卡比獸"},"types":{"en":["normal"],"zh":["一般"]},"genera":{"en":"Big Eater Pokémon","zh":"大胃王寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It wolfs down its weight in food once a day, swallowing food whole with almost no chewing.","It hides food under its long body hair. However, it forgets it has hidden the food.","In its desperation to gulp down food, it forgets about the food it has hidden under its fur."],"zh":["每天必須要吃和自身體重同等份量的食物。並不在意味道的好壞。","一旦找到看起來能吃的東西,就不管三七二十一先撿起來吞了。所以就這麼一天天地變胖起來。","牠會把食物藏在長長的毛裡面,但有時會忘了自己藏著東西的事,造成惡臭四散的問題。"]}},{"id":447,"name":{"en":"Riolu","zh":"利歐路"},"types":{"en":["fighting"],"zh":["格鬥"]},"genera":{"en":"Emanation Pokémon","zh":"波紋寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["The aura that emanates from its body intensifies to alert others if it is afraid or sad.","Its body is lithe yet powerful. It can crest three mountains and cross two canyons in one night.","It has the peculiar power of being able to see emotions such as joy and rage in the form of waves."],"zh":["以「波導」這種波的形式觀察人和寶可夢的感情,以及自然的樣子。","能跑整整一晚上,是非常堅毅努力的傢伙,不過仍然是毛頭小子。","能夠看見被稱為波導的波動,藉此探知人和寶可夢的心情。不會靠近危險的對手。"]}},{"id":448,"name":{"en":"Lucario","zh":"路卡利歐"},"types":{"en":["fighting","steel"],"zh":["格鬥","鋼"]},"genera":{"en":"Aura Pokémon","zh":"波導寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It has the ability to sense the auras of all things. It understands human speech.","By catching the aura emanating from others, it can read their thoughts and movements.","A well-trained one can sense auras to identify and take in the feelings of creatures over half a mile away."],"zh":["不僅僅是讀取,還獲得了操控波導的能力。也會用於戰鬥。","能察覺到1公里外生物的種類和心情。操縱波導以群體形式狩獵。","集中精神後能放出一種被稱為波導的奇異波動,就連巨大的岩石都能粉碎。"]}},{"id":449,"name":{"en":"Hippopotas","zh":"沙河馬"},"types":{"en":["ground"],"zh":["地面"]},"genera":{"en":"Hippo Pokémon","zh":"河馬寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It lives in arid places. Instead of perspiration, it expels grainy sand from its body.","It enshrouds itself with sand to protect itself from germs. It does not enjoy getting wet.","It shuts its nostrils tight then travels through sand as if walking. They form colonies of around ten."],"zh":["張大嘴巴移動,連同沙子把對手一整個吞下去。會從鼻孔把沙子噴出來丟掉。","主要在白天活動。因為沙漠的夜晚會降溫,所以會鑽進沙子的深處睡覺。"]}},{"id":450,"name":{"en":"Hippowdon","zh":"河馬獸"},"types":{"en":["ground"],"zh":["地面"]},"genera":{"en":"Heavyweight Pokémon","zh":"重量寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It blasts internally stored sand from ports on its body to create a towering twister for attack.","Its huge mouth is almost seven feet across. It has enough power to completely crush a car.","It is surprisingly quick to anger. It holds its mouth agape as a display of its strength."],"zh":["偶爾會有石子卡在身體的孔洞裡。因為石居蟹會幫忙把石子拿出來,所以會用心地保護牠們。","生氣的時候非常凶暴。會噴出儲存在體內的沙子來引發沙塵暴。"]}},{"id":451,"name":{"en":"Skorupi","zh":"鉗尾蠍"},"types":{"en":["poison","bug"],"zh":["毒","蟲"]},"genera":{"en":"Scorpion Pokémon","zh":"蠍子寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It grips prey with its tail claws and injects poison. It tenaciously hangs on until the poison takes.","It lives in arid lands. It buries itself in sand and lies in wait for unsuspecting prey.","As soon as the tail claws close, its needle tips secrete poison. It can survive a year without food."],"zh":["將自己的身體埋在沙子裡,一聲不響地等待獵物。祖先和燒火蚣的祖先是近親。","用尾巴上帶毒的鉤爪襲擊對手。一旦被夾住,毒素就會擴散開來,導致全身無法動彈。"]}},{"id":452,"name":{"en":"Drapion","zh":"龍王蠍"},"types":{"en":["poison","dark"],"zh":["毒","惡"]},"genera":{"en":"Ogre Scorpion Pokémon","zh":"蠍怪寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It has the power in its clawed arms to make scrap of a car. The tips of its claws release poison.","Its body is encased in a sturdy shell. Its head rotates 180 degrees, eliminating blind spots.","Possessing a sturdy build, it takes pride in its strength, taking down foes without using toxins."],"zh":["雖然擁有劇毒,但只有在極少數的情況下才會使用。會用能敲爛汽車的怪力亂打一通。","雖然猙獰凶猛到被人們稱為沙之惡魔,但在河馬獸面前卻表現得低調溫順。"]}},{"id":453,"name":{"en":"Croagunk","zh":"不良蛙"},"types":{"en":["poison","fighting"],"zh":["毒","格鬥"]},"genera":{"en":"Toxic Mouth Pokémon","zh":"毒擊寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Its cheeks hold poison sacs. It tries to catch foes off guard to jab them with toxic fingers.","Inflating its poison sacs, it makes an eerie blubbering sound for intimidation.","It rarely fights fairly, but that is strictly to ensure survival. It is popular as a mascot."],"zh":["會從自己臉頰上的毒囊發出聲音來威嚇對手,趁對手畏懼的時候使出毒擊。","毒素在稀釋後能製成藥品。牠是製藥公司的吉祥物,廣受眾人的歡迎。"]}},{"id":454,"name":{"en":"Toxicroak","zh":"毒骷蛙"},"types":{"en":["poison","fighting"],"zh":["毒","格鬥"]},"genera":{"en":"Toxic Mouth Pokémon","zh":"毒擊寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Its knuckle claws secrete a toxin so vile that even a scratch could prove fatal.","The toxin made in its poison sacs is pumped to the knuckle claws through tubes down its arms.","It has a poison sac at its throat. When it croaks, the stored poison is churned for greater potency."],"zh":["一躍而起接近敵人,用有毒的爪子狠抓對方!光是擦傷就能將對手KO。","制服了獵物之後,便會呱呱地發出勝利的歡呼。與蟾蜍王是相近的物種。"]}},{"id":455,"name":{"en":"Carnivine","zh":"尖牙籠"},"types":{"en":["grass"],"zh":["草"]},"genera":{"en":"Bug Catcher Pokémon","zh":"捕蟲寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It attracts prey with its sweet- smelling saliva, then chomps down. It takes a whole day to eat prey.","Hanging from branches using its tentacles, it looks like a plant. It awaits prey, mouth wide open.","It binds itself to trees in marshes. It attracts prey with its sweet- smelling drool and gulps them down."],"zh":["以散發甜甜香氣的唾液吸引獵物,再用大顎一口咬住。會花上一整天吃掉獵物。","會纏繞在生長於潮濕地帶的樹木上,以散發甜甜香氣的唾液吸引獵物靠近,再一口吃掉。","雖是草木形態的寶可夢,但性情卻是貪婪粗暴,會張開大口襲擊獵物。"]}},{"id":456,"name":{"en":"Finneon","zh":"螢光魚"},"types":{"en":["water"],"zh":["水"]},"genera":{"en":"Wing Fish Pokémon","zh":"飛翅魚寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["After long exposure to sunlight, the patterns on its tail fins shine vividly when darkness arrives.","The way its two tail fins flutter while it swims has earned it the nickname “BEAUTIFLY of the Sea.”","The line running down its side can store sunlight. It shines vividly at night."],"zh":["粉紅色的皮膚部分會儲存太陽光發光。聽說是用來做保護色的。","用2枚尾鰭活力充沛地跳躍。跳出海面的那一刻,會被長翅鷗叼走。","粉紅色的花紋到了夜裡就會發光。由於很受潛水者的歡迎,在度假地有時會被人工馴養。"]}},{"id":457,"name":{"en":"Lumineon","zh":"霓虹魚"},"types":{"en":["water"],"zh":["水"]},"genera":{"en":"Neon Pokémon","zh":"霓虹寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It lives on the deep-sea floor. It attracts prey by flashing the patterns on its four tail fins.","To avoid detection by predators, it crawls along the seafloor using the two fins on its chest.","It crawls along the seafloor using its long front fins like legs. It competes for food with LANTURN."],"zh":["利用光來引誘獵物靠近,但往往連天敵的兇猛魚寶可夢也引了過來。","棲息在海底的深海寶可夢。使用鰭在海底爬行,尋找愛吃的寶石海星。","深海的海底獵物很少,為了爭奪寶貴的食物,會和電燈怪展開激烈的鬥爭。"]}},{"id":458,"name":{"en":"Mantyke","zh":"小球飛魚"},"types":{"en":["water","flying"],"zh":["水","飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"Kite Pokémon","zh":"風箏寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["A friendly Pokémon that captures the subtle flows of seawater using its two antennae.","Scientists discovered that the distinctive patterns on its back differ by region.","People organize tours to see this Pokémon frolic and skim the tops of waves with REMORAID."],"zh":["性情毫不怕生,很容易親近人。與小球飛魚互動的行程是非常受歡迎的海灘活動。","很親近人類,會主動靠近人類的船隻。背上的花紋依地域而有所不同。","也許是因為海水溫度偏低,伽勒爾地區的小球飛魚動作似乎有點遲緩。"]}},{"id":459,"name":{"en":"Snover","zh":"雪笠怪"},"types":{"en":["grass","ice"],"zh":["草","冰"]},"genera":{"en":"Frost Tree Pokémon","zh":"樹冰寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It lives on snowy mountains. Having had little contact with humans, it is boldly inquisitive.","In the spring, it grows berries with the texture of frozen treats around its belly.","Seemingly curious about people, they gather around footsteps they find on snowy mountains."],"zh":["生活在積雪深厚的山上。會透過把腳踩進積雪中來吸收水分和冷氣。","雪笠怪肚子上結出來的樹果口感彷如冰棒,是伽勒爾的火紅不倒翁們的最愛。"]}},{"id":460,"name":{"en":"Abomasnow","zh":"暴雪王"},"types":{"en":["grass","ice"],"zh":["草","冰"]},"genera":{"en":"Frost Tree Pokémon","zh":"樹冰寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It whips up blizzards in mountains that are always buried in snow. It is the abominable snowman.","It blankets wide areas in snow by whipping up blizzards. It is also known as “The Ice Monster.”","They appear when the snow flowers bloom. When the petals fall, they retreat to places unknown again."],"zh":["會像揮動鎚子般揮下自己大大的手臂,趕走要襲擊雪笠怪的火紅不倒翁群體。","會引發暴風雪的寶可夢。只要牠搖動巨大的身體,周圍立刻會變得一片雪白。"]}},{"id":461,"name":{"en":"Weavile","zh":"瑪狃拉"},"types":{"en":["dark","ice"],"zh":["惡","冰"]},"genera":{"en":"Sharp Claw Pokémon","zh":"鉤爪寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["They live in cold regions, forming groups of four or five that hunt prey with impressive coordination.","It sends signals to others by carving odd patterns in frost- covered trees and ice.","Evolution made it even more devious. It communicates by clawing signs in boulders."],"zh":["4~5隻一組行動。在岩石和樹木上留下記號,以團隊合作捕殺獵物。","生活在寒冷的地方,在阿羅拉以六尾和穿山鼠為主食。捕獲的獵物會和同伴們公平地分享。","一隻負責絆住穿山鼠的腳,讓牠翻過來。另一隻則用銳利的爪子給予致命一擊。"]}},{"id":462,"name":{"en":"Magnezone","zh":"自爆磁怪"},"types":{"en":["electric","steel"],"zh":["電","鋼"]},"genera":{"en":"Magnet Area Pokémon","zh":"磁場寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It evolved from exposure to a special magnetic field. Three units generate magnetism.","A group tried to use scientific means to make Magnezone evolve, but their efforts ended in failure.","Exposure to a special magnetic field changed MAGNETON’s molecular structure, turning it into Magnezone."],"zh":["從3個組件中放出磁力。經常出現把飛上夜空的自爆磁怪錯看成UFO的報告。","據說會一邊發送怪異電波一邊在空中四處飛行,接收未知的電波。","用雷達監視著自己的地盤。一旦發現入侵者,就會立刻用破壞光線來解決對方。"]}},{"id":463,"name":{"en":"Lickilicky","zh":"大舌舔"},"types":{"en":["normal"],"zh":["一般"]},"genera":{"en":"Licking Pokémon","zh":"舔舔寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It wraps things with its extensible tongue. Getting too close to it will leave you soaked with drool.","The long tongue is always soggy with slobber. The saliva contains a solvent that causes numbness.","Its saliva can decompose anything. It wraps its long tongue around things to coat them with its sticky saliva."],"zh":["會舉行比賽誰的舌頭伸得最遠的大會。目前的最高紀錄是25公尺。","比起手腳,牠更加擅長使用舌頭。就算是1粒小小的豆子,牠也能靈巧地用舌頭撿起來。","神奇的舌頭能夠伸到身高的好幾倍遠。至今沒人能解開為什麼它會這麼神奇。"]}},{"id":464,"name":{"en":"Rhyperior","zh":"超甲狂犀"},"types":{"en":["ground","rock"],"zh":["地面","岩石"]},"genera":{"en":"Drill Pokémon","zh":"鑽錐寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It puts rocks in holes in its palms and uses its muscles to shoot them. GEODUDE are shot at rare times.","It can launch a rock held in its hand like a missile by tightening then expanding muscles instantly.","From holes in its palms, it fires out GEODUDE. Its carapacecan withstand volcanic eruptions."],"zh":["會在手掌的洞裡塞進岩石和石丸子發射出去,每隻手裡可以裝填3個。","用護具彈開敵人的攻擊,在對手畏縮時用自己引以為傲的鑽頭貫穿對方。"]}},{"id":465,"name":{"en":"Tangrowth","zh":"巨蔓藤"},"types":{"en":["grass"],"zh":["草"]},"genera":{"en":"Vine Pokémon","zh":"藤蔓狀寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It ensnares prey by extending arms made of vines. Losing arms to predators does not trouble it.","Its arms are made of plants that bind themselves to things. They grow back right away if cut.","When it remains still, it appears to be a large shrub. Unsuspecting prey that wander near get ensnared by its vines."],"zh":["最近的研究發現,牠這雙能夠自由伸縮的手臂其實是由成束的藤蔓形成的。","棲息的地方越溫暖,藤蔓就會長得越快。當藤蔓變得太長時,就會自己扯斷它來調整長度。"]}},{"id":466,"name":{"en":"Electivire","zh":"電擊魔獸"},"types":{"en":["electric"],"zh":["電"]},"genera":{"en":"Thunderbolt Pokémon","zh":"雷電寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["As its electric charge amplifies, blue sparks begin to crackle between its horns.","It pushes the tips of its two tails against the foe, then lets loose with over 20,000 volts of power.","Heedless of enemy attacks, it closes in, shoves its tails onto the foe, then looses high voltage."],"zh":["用尾巴尖端按住敵人,灌注高壓電流。敵人瞬間就變成黑炭了。","興奮的時候會捶胸發出聲響。每次捶胸都會飛濺出電火花,雷聲會在四周回響。","會握住帶著強烈電流的尾巴,形成帶電的拳頭,然後使盡力氣痛毆對手。"]}},{"id":467,"name":{"en":"Magmortar","zh":"鴨嘴炎獸"},"types":{"en":["fire"],"zh":["火"]},"genera":{"en":"Blast Pokémon","zh":"爆炎寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It blasts fireballs of over 3,600 degrees F from the ends of its arms. It lives in volcanic craters.","When launching 3,600 degrees F fireballs, its body takes on a whitish hue from the intense heat.","It blasts fireballs of over 3,600 degrees Fahrenheit out of its arms. Its breath also sears and sizzles."],"zh":["棲息在火山口。據說1座火山只有一對鴨嘴炎獸。","從手部前端發射出攝氏2000度的火球。連發時手會稍稍熔化。","至今仍有不少的工廠是依靠鴨嘴炎獸的火焰來對金屬進行加工。"]}},{"id":468,"name":{"en":"Togekiss","zh":"波克基斯"},"types":{"en":["fairy","flying"],"zh":["妖精","飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"Jubilee Pokémon","zh":"祝福寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It will never appear where there is strife. Its sightings have become rare recently.","It shares many blessings with people who respect one another’s rights and avoid needless strife.","As everyone knows, it visits peaceful regions, bringing them gifts of kindness and sweet blessings."],"zh":["不會出現在發生爭端和紛亂的地方。近來幾乎見不到牠的身影。","被稱為帶來恩惠的寶可夢,從很久很久以前開始,人們就視牠為吉祥之物。"]}},{"id":469,"name":{"en":"Yanmega","zh":"遠古巨蜓"},"types":{"en":["bug","flying"],"zh":["蟲","飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"Ogre Darner Pokémon","zh":"勾蜓寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["By churning its wings, it creates shock waves that inflict critical internal injuries to foes.","Its jaw power is incredible. It is adept at biting apart foes while flying by at high speed.","This six-legged Pokémon is easily capable of transporting an adult in flight. The wings on its tail help it stay balanced."],"zh":["喜歡高速飛行,並在擦身而過的瞬間咬斷對手脖子的戰法。","能以6隻腳攫住成年人並輕鬆地飛行。以尾部的翅膀保持平衡。","性情極其凶暴,狩獵時會看準獵物的要害出擊,不會有任何無謂動作。能馴服此種寶可夢的人堪稱豪傑。"]}},{"id":470,"name":{"en":"Leafeon","zh":"葉伊布"},"types":{"en":["grass"],"zh":["草"]},"genera":{"en":"Verdant Pokémon","zh":"新綠寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Just like a plant, it uses photosynthesis. As a result, it is always enveloped in clear air.","It basically does not fight. With cells similar to those of plants, it can perform photosynthesis.","When you see Leafeon asleep in a patch of sunshine, you’ll know it is using photosynthesis to produce clean air."],"zh":["比起動物,細胞構成更接近植物。靠著光合作用,就算不吃東西也能獲得能量。","越是年幼的葉伊布,越是有刺鼻的青草味。年老後就會變成好像落葉的味道。","本性並不好鬥,但若是為了保護夥伴,牠會讓尾巴上的葉片變尖,形成刀刃來戰鬥。"]}},{"id":471,"name":{"en":"Glaceon","zh":"冰伊布"},"types":{"en":["ice"],"zh":["冰"]},"genera":{"en":"Fresh Snow Pokémon","zh":"新雪寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["As a protective technique, it can completely freeze its fur to make its hairs stand like needles.","By controlling its body heat, it can freeze the atmosphere around it to make a diamond-dust flurry.","It causes small ice crystals to form by lowering the temperature of the surrounding atmosphere."],"zh":["能自由地控制體溫,讓大氣中的水分凍結,捲起冰晶。","冰凍體毛,讓其像銳利的冰柱那樣變尖之後,向著獵物衝撞。","會把體毛凍住,變成銳利的針來保護自己。體溫最低可下降到零下60度。"]}},{"id":472,"name":{"en":"Gliscor","zh":"天蠍王"},"types":{"en":["ground","flying"],"zh":["地面","飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"Fang Scorpion Pokémon","zh":"牙蠍寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It observes prey while hanging inverted from branches. When the chance presents itself, it swoops!","If it succeeds in catching even a faint breeze properly, it can circle the globe without flapping once.","Its flight is soundless. It uses its lengthy tail to carry off its prey... Then its elongated fangs do the rest."],"zh":["用尾巴倒掛在樹枝上觀察獵物。會看準時機從上空偷襲。","可不發出振翅聲而在空中飛行。先用長長的尾巴攫住獵物,再用牙齒朝弱點給予一刺。","用漆黑的雙翼悄無聲息地滑翔,而後將銳利的獠牙刺進獵物的喉嚨,直至吸盡獵物血液後方可滿足。"]}},{"id":473,"name":{"en":"Mamoswine","zh":"象牙豬"},"types":{"en":["ice","ground"],"zh":["冰","地面"]},"genera":{"en":"Twin Tusk Pokémon","zh":"雙牙寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Its impressive tusks are made of ice. The population thinned when it turned warm after the ice age.","A frozen one was dug up from soil dating back 10,000 years. It woke up to much amazement.","A frozen Mamoswine was dug from ice dating back 10,000 years. This Pokémon has been around a long, long, long time."],"zh":["在1萬年前的壁畫上也能見到牠的身影。曾有一段時期,人們認為牠已經滅絕了。","牠的力量就如外表那樣強大。天氣越是寒冷,牠的冰牙就會長得越粗、越長、越結實。"]}},{"id":474,"name":{"en":"Porygon-Z","zh":"多邊獸Z"},"types":{"en":["normal"],"zh":["一般"]},"genera":{"en":"Virtual Pokémon","zh":"虛擬寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Additional software was installed to make it a better Pokémon. It began acting oddly, however.","Its programming was modified to enable work in alien dimensions. It did not work as planned.","Its programming was modified to enable it to travel through alien dimensions. Seems there might have been an error..."],"zh":["以成為更優秀的寶可夢為目標所新追加的程式好像狀況不佳,使得動作變得很奇怪。","以能夠在異次元空間活動為目標更新了程式,但是怪異的動作非常惹人注目。","動作明顯地不穩定。這個問題似乎要歸咎於負責升級程式的技術人員。"]}},{"id":475,"name":{"en":"Gallade","zh":"艾路雷朵"},"types":{"en":["psychic","fighting"],"zh":["超能力","格鬥"]},"genera":{"en":"Blade Pokémon","zh":"利刃寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["A master of courtesy and swordsmanship, it fights using extending swords on its elbows.","When trying to protect someone, it extends its elbows as if they were swords and fights savagely.","Because it can sense what its foe is thinking, its attacks burst out first, fast, and fierce."],"zh":["被稱為武神的寶可夢。只有在為了保護什麼的時候,才會去使用自己的肘刀。","能夠敏銳地感知到尋求幫助的感情,並且火速趕去援助對方。"]}},{"id":476,"name":{"en":"Probopass","zh":"大朝北鼻"},"types":{"en":["rock","steel"],"zh":["岩石","鋼"]},"genera":{"en":"Compass Pokémon","zh":"羅盤寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It freely controls three small units called Mini-Noses using magnetic force.","It exudes strong magnetism from all over. It controls three small units called Mini-Noses.","It controls three units called Mini-Noses using magnetic force. With them, it can attack the foe from three directions."],"zh":["因為會釋放強大的磁力,導致附近的電器都變得無法使用。","可以本體不動,自由操縱被稱為小朝北鼻的3個組件來捕捉獵物。","會操縱被稱為小朝北鼻的組件。但這些組件有時似乎會因為迷路而無法回來。"]}},{"id":477,"name":{"en":"Dusknoir","zh":"黑夜魔靈"},"types":{"en":["ghost"],"zh":["幽靈"]},"genera":{"en":"Gripper Pokémon","zh":"抓握寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["The antenna on its head captures radio waves from the world of spirits that command it to take people there.","It is said to take lost spirits into its pliant body and guide them home.","This feared Pokémon is said to travel to worlds unknown. Some even believe that it takes lost spirits along with it."],"zh":["沒人知道牠是否擁有意識。會從來自靈界的電波中接受指示,將人和寶可夢帶走。","用腹部的嘴將獵物整個吞下。只會吃掉對方的魂魄,離去時會把肉體吐出來。"]}},{"id":478,"name":{"en":"Froslass","zh":"雪妖女"},"types":{"en":["ice","ghost"],"zh":["冰","幽靈"]},"genera":{"en":"Snow Land Pokémon","zh":"雪國寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It freezes foes with an icy breath nearly -60 degrees F. What seems to be its body is actually hollow.","It freezes prey by blowing its -58 degrees F breath. It is said to then secretly display its prey.","Legends in snowy regions say that a woman who was lost on an icy mountain was reborn as Froslass."],"zh":["會用寒氣把喜歡的人類或寶可夢都凍結起來,然後帶回巢穴當成裝飾。","在雪山遇難的女性魂魄附身在冰柱上。喜歡吃男性的魂魄。","會把來爬雪山的登山男凍成冰塊後帶回自己的巢穴,目標就只限於美男子。"]}},{"id":479,"name":{"en":"Rotom","zh":"洛托姆"},"types":{"en":["electric","ghost"],"zh":["電","幽靈"]},"genera":{"en":"Plasma Pokémon","zh":"等離子寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Its body is composed of plasma. It is known to infiltrate electronic devices and wreak havoc.","Its electric-like body can enter some kinds of machines and take control in order to make mischief.","Research continues on this Pokémon, which could be the power source of a unique motor."],"zh":["某位少年的發明促使人們開始製造各種活用洛托姆的機器。","會用等離子構成的身體潛入各式各樣的機器裡。最喜歡惡作劇嚇人。"]}},{"id":480,"name":{"en":"Uxie","zh":"由克希"},"types":{"en":["psychic"],"zh":["超能力"]},"genera":{"en":"Knowledge Pokémon","zh":"知識寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Known as “The Being of Knowledge.” It is said that it can wipe out the memory of those who see its eyes.","It is said that its emergence gave humans the intelligence to improve their quality of life.","When Uxie flew, people gained the ability to solve problems. It was the birth of knowledge."],"zh":["被稱為知識之神。擁有將與自己視線相對者的記憶消去的力量。","據說因為由克希的誕生,使人們的生活變得豐富多彩的智慧才得以出現。","會奪去惡人的記憶,因而受到人們敬畏的寶可夢。吾人曾發現提及此寶可夢司掌知識的紀錄。"]}},{"id":481,"name":{"en":"Mesprit","zh":"艾姆利多"},"types":{"en":["psychic"],"zh":["超能力"]},"genera":{"en":"Emotion Pokémon","zh":"感情寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Known as “The Being of Emotion.” It taught humans the nobility of sorrow, pain, and joy.","It sleeps at the bottom of a lake. Its spirit is said to leave its body to fly on the lake’s surface.","When Mesprit flew, people learned the joy and sadness of living. It was the birth of emotions."],"zh":["教導了人們悲傷的痛苦以及喜悅的珍貴。被稱為感情之神。","在湖底沉睡。但據說牠的靈魂會跑出來,在水面徘徊飛行。","有著感情之神別名的寶可夢。傳說牠會令對其不敬之人的感情失控,因而受到人們畏懼。"]}},{"id":482,"name":{"en":"Azelf","zh":"亞克諾姆"},"types":{"en":["psychic"],"zh":["超能力"]},"genera":{"en":"Willpower Pokémon","zh":"意志寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Known as “The Being of Willpower.” It sleeps at the bottom of a lake to keep the world in balance.","It is thought that UXIE, MESPRIT and Azelf all came from the same egg.","When Azelf flew, people gained the determination to do things. It was the birth of willpower."],"zh":["被稱為意志之神。在湖底沉睡著,維持世界的平衡。","由克希、艾姆利多和亞克諾姆被認為是從同一個蛋裡誕生出的寶可夢。","以意志之神的身分受人畏懼的寶可夢。傳說牠能操縱與己敵對者的意志,使其化成傀儡。"]}},{"id":483,"name":{"en":"Dialga","zh":"帝牙盧卡"},"types":{"en":["steel","dragon"],"zh":["鋼","龍"]},"genera":{"en":"Temporal Pokémon","zh":"時間寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It has the power to control time. It appears in Sinnoh-region myths as an ancient deity.","A Pokémon spoken of in legend. It is said that time began moving when Dialga was born.","A legendary Pokémon of Sinnoh. It is said that time flows when Dialga’s heart beats."],"zh":["因為帝牙盧卡的誕生,時間才得以開始流動。是有著如此傳說的寶可夢。","擁有操縱時間的力量。在神奧地區被稱為神,並在神話中登場。","洗翠地區流傳著這樣的神話傳說:當此神誕生,現世的時間便如滔滔大河般開始流動。"]}},{"id":484,"name":{"en":"Palkia","zh":"帕路奇亞"},"types":{"en":["water","dragon"],"zh":["水","龍"]},"genera":{"en":"Spatial Pokémon","zh":"空間寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It has the ability to distort space. It is described as a deity in Sinnoh-region mythology.","It is said to live in a gap in the spatial dimension parallel to ours. It appears in mythology.","A legendary Pokémon of Sinnoh. It is said that space becomes more stable with Palkia’s every breath."],"zh":["據說住在互相平行的空間之間的狹縫。是在神話中登場的寶可夢。","擁有扭曲空間的能力。在神奧地區的神話裡被描述為神。","洗翠地區流傳著這樣的神話傳說:當此神誕生,阻隔現世的屏障消失,出現了無邊無際的空間。"]}},{"id":485,"name":{"en":"Heatran","zh":"席多藍恩"},"types":{"en":["fire","steel"],"zh":["火","鋼"]},"genera":{"en":"Lava Dome Pokémon","zh":"火山口寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It dwells in volcanic caves. It digs in with its cross-shaped feet to crawl on ceilings and walls.","Its body is made of rugged steel. However, it is partially melted in spots because of its own heat.","Boiling blood, like magma, circulates through its body. It makes its dwelling place in volcanic caves."],"zh":["棲息在火山的洞穴裡。以十字形的爪子勾住牆壁或洞頂爬行。","體內流著如熔岩般滾燙的血液。棲息在火山的洞穴裡。","傳說中誕生自天冠山內部滾燙熔岩之中。由熔化的鋼鐵構成的身體,充滿未解之謎。"]}},{"id":486,"name":{"en":"Regigigas","zh":"雷吉奇卡斯"},"types":{"en":["normal"],"zh":["一般"]},"genera":{"en":"Colossal Pokémon","zh":"巨大寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["There is an enduring legend that states this Pokémon towed continents with ropes.","It is said to have made Pokémon that look like itself from a special ice mountain, rocks, and magma.","It is believed to have shaped REGIROCK, REGICE, and REGISTEEL out of clay, ice, and magma."],"zh":["世界各地的傳說都有提到牠曾經模仿自己的樣子做出了寶可夢。","據說牠曾使用各種材料製作了寶可夢,然後把大陸移動到了現在的位置。"]}},{"id":487,"name":{"en":"Giratina","zh":"騎拉帝納"},"types":{"en":["ghost","dragon"],"zh":["幽靈","龍"]},"genera":{"en":"Renegade Pokémon","zh":"反抗寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["A Pokémon that is said to live in a world on the reverse side of ours. It appears in an ancient cemetery.","It was banished for its violence. It silently gazed upon the old world from the Distortion World.","This Pokémon is said to live in a world on the reverse side of ours, where common knowledge is distorted and strange."],"zh":["棲息在據說位於這個世界的背面,一般常識無法通用的毀壞的世界裡。","雖然因為粗暴的性格而遭到放逐,但牠一直在名為毀壞的世界的地方,靜靜地看著原來的世界。","洗翠地區自古流傳著這樣一句話:強光照而暗影生。在吾人的想像中,暗影指的正是這種寶可夢。"]}},{"id":488,"name":{"en":"Cresselia","zh":"克雷色利亞"},"types":{"en":["psychic"],"zh":["超能力"]},"genera":{"en":"Lunar Pokémon","zh":"新月寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Shiny particles are released from its wings like a veil. It is said to represent the crescent moon.","On nights around the quarter moon, the aurora from its tail extends and undulates beautifully.","Those who sleep holding Cresselia’s feather are assured of joyful dreams. It is said to represent the crescent moon."],"zh":["飛行時,會從薄紗般的翅膀發出閃亮的粒子。被稱為新月的化身。","據說只要拿著克雷色利亞的羽毛入睡,就能作個美夢。被稱為新月的化身。","令人聯想到彎月的寶可夢。在夜空中飛翔時,會留下一道鮮明的光跡,就像是在天上畫出一條銀河的仙女。"]}},{"id":489,"name":{"en":"Phione","zh":"霏歐納"},"types":{"en":["water"],"zh":["水"]},"genera":{"en":"Sea Drifter Pokémon","zh":"海洋寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It drifts in warm seas. It always returns to where it was born, no matter how far it may have drifted.","A Pokémon that lives in warm seas. It inflates the flotation sac on its head to drift and search for food.","When the water warms, they inflate the flotation sac on their heads and drift languidly on the sea in packs."],"zh":["當海水溫度上升時,會讓頭部的浮囊膨脹,集體在海面上漂流。","在溫暖的海面上漂流。不論被沖得多遠,都能夠回到出生的地方。","在海水溫度上升的季節可以看見牠漂在海岸附近的身影。蒼藍的體色與海水顏色相近,能保護牠免於天敵的侵襲。"]}},{"id":490,"name":{"en":"Manaphy","zh":"瑪納霏"},"types":{"en":["water"],"zh":["水"]},"genera":{"en":"Seafaring Pokémon","zh":"洄游寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Born on a cold seafloor, it will swim great distances to return to its birthplace.","Water makes up 80% of its body. This Pokémon is easily affected by its environment.","It is born with a wondrous power that lets it bond with any kind of Pokémon."],"zh":["只要使用與生俱來的神奇力量,就能與任何寶可夢心意相通。","有著能與任何寶可夢心意相通的神奇能力。","迴游在大洋中,有傳聞說牠在極少數情況下會來到洗翠近海。外型與霏歐納相似,但有許多不同之處,兩者之間關係不明。"]}},{"id":491,"name":{"en":"Darkrai","zh":"達克萊伊"},"types":{"en":["dark"],"zh":["惡"]},"genera":{"en":"Pitch-Black Pokémon","zh":"暗黑寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It can lull people to sleep and make them dream. It is active during nights of the new moon.","Folklore has it that on moonless nights, this Pokémon will make people see horrific nightmares.","To protect itself, it afflicts those around it with nightmares. However, it means no harm."],"zh":["用引誘進入深層睡眠的力量,讓人或寶可夢作惡夢,並將其逐出自己的領地。","有著引誘人們進入深層睡眠,並使其作夢的能力。會在新月之夜活動。","以往曾有過在無月的夜裡,村子裡所有的人都夢見了惡夢的異事。村人們宣稱惡夢中出現的寶可夢就是此寶可夢。"]}},{"id":492,"name":{"en":"Shaymin","zh":"謝米"},"types":{"en":["grass"],"zh":["草"]},"genera":{"en":"Gratitude Pokémon","zh":"感謝寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It lives in flower patches and avoids detection by curling up to look like a flowering plant.","It can dissolve toxins in the air to instantly transform ruined land into a lush field of flowers.","The flowers all over its body burst into bloom if it is lovingly hugged and senses gratitude."],"zh":["有著能分解大氣中的毒素,並將荒蕪的大地瞬間變成一片花海的力量。","葛拉西蒂亞花盛開的季節裡,據說牠會為了傳遞感謝之情而飛向天空。","當人們欣喜於嚴冬隨著季節輪轉而終結,向上天奉獻感謝之意時,此寶可夢就會現身,令荒寂的大地開滿鮮花。"]}},{"id":493,"name":{"en":"Arceus","zh":"阿爾宙斯"},"types":{"en":["normal"],"zh":["一般"]},"genera":{"en":"Alpha Pokémon","zh":"創造寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It is described in mythology as the Pokémon that shaped the universe with its 1,000 arms.","It is told in mythology that this Pokémon was born before the universe even existed.","It is said to have emerged from an egg in a place where there was nothing, then shaped the world."],"zh":["神奧神話裡描述牠從蛋裡出現,並創造了整個世界。","神話裡描述牠是在宇宙還不存在時就誕生的最早的寶可夢。","以己身為光源,從天照耀洗翠大地。憑藉其光明引導並守護寶可夢。洗翠神話視其為萬物的創造主。"]}},{"id":494,"name":{"en":"Victini","zh":"比克提尼"},"types":{"en":["psychic","fire"],"zh":["超能力","火"]},"genera":{"en":"Victory Pokémon","zh":"勝利寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["This Pokémon brings victory. It is said that Trainers with Victini always win, regardless of the type of encounter.","It creates an unlimited supply of energy inside its body, which it shares with those who touch it.","When it shares the infinite energy it creates, that being’s entire body will be overflowing with power."],"zh":["帶來勝利的寶可夢。據說帶著比克提尼的訓練家,不論任何比賽必能取得勝利。","如果分享到比克提尼產出的無限能量,全身就會充滿力量。"]}},{"id":495,"name":{"en":"Snivy","zh":"藤藤蛇"},"types":{"en":["grass"],"zh":["草"]},"genera":{"en":"Grass Snake Pokémon","zh":"草蛇寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It is very intelligent and calm. Being exposed to lots of sunlight makes its movements swifter.","They photosynthesize by bathing their tails in sunlight. When they are not feeling well, their tails droop.","Being exposed to sunlight makes its movements swifter. It uses vines more adeptly than its hands."],"zh":["只要沐浴在陽光下,動作就會變得比平常更加迅速。用起藤蔓時比用手更加靈活。","用尾巴吸收太陽光,進行光合作用。沒精神的時候尾巴會垂下。"]}},{"id":496,"name":{"en":"Servine","zh":"青藤蛇"},"types":{"en":["grass"],"zh":["草"]},"genera":{"en":"Grass Snake Pokémon","zh":"草蛇寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It moves along the ground as if sliding. Its swift movements befuddle its foes, and it then attacks with a vine whip.","They avoid attacks by sinking into the shadows of thick foliage. They retaliate with masterful whipping techniques.","When it gets dirty, its leaves can’t be used in photosynthesis, so it always keeps itself clean."],"zh":["如滑行般地在地面前進。先用敏捷的動作使對手迷惑,再用藤鞭加以解決。","如果身體弄髒,就沒辦法用葉子進行光合作用。因此總是維持著身體的清潔。"]}},{"id":497,"name":{"en":"Serperior","zh":"君主蛇"},"types":{"en":["grass"],"zh":["草"]},"genera":{"en":"Regal Pokémon","zh":"皇家寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It can stop its opponents’ movements with just a glare. It takes in solar energy and boosts it internally.","They raise their heads to intimidate opponents but only give it their all when fighting a powerful opponent.","It only gives its all against strong opponents who are not fazed by the glare from Serperior’s noble eyes."],"zh":["君主蛇只會對那些即使被牠高貴的眼神看透,也毫不畏懼的強敵拿出真本領。","只要一瞪,就能止住對手的行動。在體內讓太陽能量增幅。"]}},{"id":498,"name":{"en":"Tepig","zh":"暖暖豬"},"types":{"en":["fire"],"zh":["火"]},"genera":{"en":"Fire Pig Pokémon","zh":"火豬寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It can deftly dodge its foe’s attacks while shooting fireballs from its nose. It roasts berries before it eats them.","It blows fire through its nose. When it catches a cold, the fire becomes pitch-black smoke instead.","It loves to eat roasted berries, but sometimes it gets too excited and burns them to a crisp."],"zh":["可以輕盈地閃避敵人的攻擊,並從鼻子射出火球。會用火焰烤樹果來吃。","最喜歡吃烤過的樹果,但有時候會因為興奮過頭,把樹果烤得焦黑。"]}},{"id":499,"name":{"en":"Pignite","zh":"炒炒豬"},"types":{"en":["fire","fighting"],"zh":["火","格鬥"]},"genera":{"en":"Fire Pig Pokémon","zh":"火豬寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["When its internal fire flares up, its movements grow sharper and faster. When in trouble, it emits smoke.","Whatever it eats becomes fuel for the flame in its stomach. When it is angered, the intensity of the flame increases.","The more it eats, the more fuel it has to make the fire in its stomach stronger. This fills it with even more power."],"zh":["吃得越多,可供燃燒的東西就越多。胃裡的火焰會因此變強,力量也會源源不絕地湧出。","當體內的火焰熊熊燃燒時,行動就會變得更加敏捷俐落。遇到危機時會噴出煙霧。"]}},{"id":500,"name":{"en":"Emboar","zh":"炎武王"},"types":{"en":["fire","fighting"],"zh":["火","格鬥"]},"genera":{"en":"Mega Fire Pig Pokémon","zh":"大火豬寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It can throw a fire punch by setting its fists on fire with its fiery chin. It cares deeply about its friends.","It has mastered fast and powerful fighting moves. It grows a beard of fire.","A flaring beard of fire is proof that it is fired up. It is adept at using many different moves."],"zh":["用下顎的火焰燃燒拳頭,接連使出火焰拳擊。是對夥伴非常關心的寶可夢。","蓄著火焰鬍鬚。具有使出兼顧力量與速度的格鬥招式的本領。"]}},{"id":501,"name":{"en":"Oshawott","zh":"水水獺"},"types":{"en":["water"],"zh":["水"]},"genera":{"en":"Sea Otter Pokémon","zh":"海獺寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It fights using the scalchop on its stomach. In response to an attack, it retaliates immediately by slashing.","The scalchop on its stomach is made from the same elements as claws. It detaches the scalchop for use as a blade.","The scalchop on its stomach isn’t just used for battle--it can be used to break open hard berries as well."],"zh":["長在腹部的扇貝貝不僅可在戰鬥中使用,要敲開堅硬樹果時也能派上用場。","用腹部的扇貝貝戰鬥。擋住攻擊後,能迅速地斬切對手反擊。","棲息在合眾地區的寶可夢。會將腹部貝殼作為兵刃斬擊敵手,因而吾人將此貝殼命名為扇貝貝刀。"]}},{"id":502,"name":{"en":"Dewott","zh":"雙刃丸"},"types":{"en":["water"],"zh":["水"]},"genera":{"en":"Discipline Pokémon","zh":"修行寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Strict training is how it learns its flowing double-scalchop technique.","Scalchop techniques differ from one Dewott to another. It never neglects maintaining its scalchops.","As a result of strict training, each Dewott learns different forms for using the scalchops."],"zh":["如同行雲流水的刀法般運用兩片扇貝貝的招式是經過嚴格的修練才習得的。","經過嚴格的修練後,每隻雙刃丸都能習得不同套路的扇貝貝刀法。","或許是拜平日的鍛鍊所賜,運用兩枚扇貝貝刀的高超技術能令劍豪也甘拜下風。"]}},{"id":503,"name":{"en":"Samurott","zh":"大劍鬼"},"types":{"en":["water"],"zh":["水"]},"genera":{"en":"Formidable Pokémon","zh":"威嚴寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["One swing of the sword incorporated in its armor can fell an opponent. A simple glare from one of them quiets everybody.","Part of the armor on its anterior legs becomes a giant sword. Its cry alone is enough to intimidate most enemies.","In the time it takes a foe to blink, it can draw and sheathe the seamitars attached to its front legs."],"zh":["能在敵人眨眼的瞬間,用前腳的足刃斬切對手後將足刃收回前腳。","揮舞藏在鎧甲裡的劍,一劍就能擊倒對手。瞪一眼就能讓敵人嚇得不敢出聲。"]}},{"id":504,"name":{"en":"Patrat","zh":"探探鼠"},"types":{"en":["normal"],"zh":["一般"]},"genera":{"en":"Scout Pokémon","zh":"放哨寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Using food stored in cheek pouches, they can keep watch for days. They use their tails to communicate with others.","Extremely cautious, they take shifts to maintain a constant watch of their nest. They feel insecure without a lookout.","Extremely cautious, one of them will always be on the lookout, but it won’t notice a foe coming from behind."],"zh":["會在頰囊裡藏食物,連續站崗好幾天。會用尾巴向夥伴發出信號。","警戒心強烈,雖然一定有1隻負責站崗,但不會注意到來自後方的敵人。"]}},{"id":505,"name":{"en":"Watchog","zh":"步哨鼠"},"types":{"en":["normal"],"zh":["一般"]},"genera":{"en":"Lookout Pokémon","zh":"警戒寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["When they see an enemy, their tails stand high, and they spit the seeds of berries stored in their cheek pouches.","They make the patterns on their bodies shine in order to threaten predators. Keen eyesight lets them see in the dark.","Using luminescent matter, it makes its eyes and body glow and stuns attacking opponents."],"zh":["透過體內的發光物質讓眼珠或身體變得閃閃發亮,使來襲的敵人畏縮。","射出儲存在頰囊的樹果種子攻擊。發現敵人時,尾巴會豎起。"]}},{"id":506,"name":{"en":"Lillipup","zh":"小約克"},"types":{"en":["normal"],"zh":["一般"]},"genera":{"en":"Puppy Pokémon","zh":"小狗寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It faces strong opponents with great courage. But, when at a disadvantage in a fight, this intelligent Pokémon flees.","The long hair around its face provides an amazing radar that lets it sense subtle changes in its surroundings.","Though it is a very brave Pokémon, it’s also smart enough to check its foe’s strength and avoid battle."],"zh":["因為不會汪汪汪地叫個不停,所以很受住公寓的訓練家們的歡迎。","覆蓋著臉部的毛擁有雷達的功能,用來探測戰鬥對手的狀況。","擁有優秀判斷力的寶可夢。一旦判斷自己無法戰勝對手,就會立刻夾著尾巴逃走,"]}},{"id":507,"name":{"en":"Herdier","zh":"哈約克"},"types":{"en":["normal"],"zh":["一般"]},"genera":{"en":"Loyal Dog Pokémon","zh":"忠犬寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It has black, cape-like fur that is very hard and decreases the amount of damage it receives.","It loyally follows its Trainer’s orders. For ages, they have helped Trainers raise Pokémon.","This very loyal Pokémon helps Trainers, and it also takes care of other Pokémon."],"zh":["黑色的體毛非常堅硬,且會不斷長出,需要花錢修剪,是很費事的寶可夢。","會忠實地聽從主人的命令。但絕對不聽自己看不起的人所說的話。","黑色的體毛會隨著成長變得越來越堅硬結實,連爪子和牙齒也無法輕易穿透。"]}},{"id":508,"name":{"en":"Stoutland","zh":"長毛狗"},"types":{"en":["normal"],"zh":["一般"]},"genera":{"en":"Big-Hearted Pokémon","zh":"寬大寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It rescues people stranded by blizzards in the mountains. Its shaggy fur shields it from the cold.","This extremely wise Pokémon excels at rescuing people stranded at sea or in the mountains.","Being wrapped in its long fur is so comfortable that a person would be fine even overnight on a wintry mountain."],"zh":["聰明溫厚而勇敢。是深受救援隊隊員們信賴的好夥伴。","很聰明,不用擔心牠會襲擊人,所以也有家長會把保護孩子的任務交給牠。","靠著又長又暖的毛皮,一點也不怕寒冷的天氣。但阿羅拉的長毛狗看起來有點難受。"]}},{"id":509,"name":{"en":"Purrloin","zh":"扒手貓"},"types":{"en":["dark"],"zh":["惡"]},"genera":{"en":"Devious Pokémon","zh":"壞心眼寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["They steal from people for fun, but their victims can’t help but forgive them. Their deceptively cute act is perfect.","Its cute act is a ruse. When victims let down their guard, they find their items taken. It attacks with sharp claws.","Their cute act is a ruse. They trick people and steal their valuables just to see the looks on their faces."],"zh":["為了要看見人們困擾的樣子而去偷盜他們的物品。和偷兒狐是競爭對手。","會用可愛的動作讓對手放下戒心,趁對方靠過來時冷不防用爪子猛抓,然後得意地大笑。"]}},{"id":510,"name":{"en":"Liepard","zh":"酷豹"},"types":{"en":["dark"],"zh":["惡"]},"genera":{"en":"Cruel Pokémon","zh":"冷酷寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["These Pokémon vanish and appear unexpectedly. Many Trainers are drawn to their beautiful form and fur.","Stealthily, it sneaks up on its target, striking from behind before its victim has a chance to react.","Their beautiful form comes from the muscles they have developed. They run silently in the night."],"zh":["雖然人們容易被牠美麗的毛皮和姿態所迷惑,但牠其實是一種善變而凶暴的寶可夢。","和狐大盜爭搶地盤。能夠悄無聲息地從背後偷偷靠近獵物。"]}},{"id":511,"name":{"en":"Pansage","zh":"花椰猴"},"types":{"en":["grass"],"zh":["草"]},"genera":{"en":"Grass Monkey Pokémon","zh":"草猴寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["This Pokémon dwells deep in the forest. Eating a leaf from its head whisks weariness away as if by magic.","It shares the leaf on its head with weary-looking Pokémon. These leaves are known to relieve stress.","It’s good at finding berries and gathers them from all over. It’s kind enough to share them with friends."],"zh":["會把頭上的葉子分給沒有精神的寶可夢。葉子有消除疲勞的效果。","擅長尋找樹果,有著四處收集樹果與夥伴分享的體貼之心。"]}},{"id":512,"name":{"en":"Simisage","zh":"花椰猿"},"types":{"en":["grass"],"zh":["草"]},"genera":{"en":"Thorn Monkey Pokémon","zh":"刺猴寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Ill tempered, it fights by swinging its barbed tail around wildly. The leaf growing on its head is very bitter.","It attacks enemies with strikes of its thorn-covered tail. This Pokémon is wild tempered.","It strikes its enemies with a thorn-covered tail. The leaf on its head is bitter."],"zh":["將帶有許多尖刺的尾巴甩向對手進行攻擊。是性情凶暴的寶可夢。","性情凶暴,會猛烈地揮舞帶刺的尾巴戰鬥。頭上的葉子非常苦。"]}},{"id":513,"name":{"en":"Pansear","zh":"爆香猴"},"types":{"en":["fire"],"zh":["火"]},"genera":{"en":"High Temp Pokémon","zh":"高溫寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["When it is angered, the temperature of its head tuft reaches 600° F. It uses its tuft to roast berries.","This Pokémon lives in caves in volcanoes. The fire within the tuft on its head can reach 600° F.","Very intelligent, it roasts berries before eating them. It likes to help people."],"zh":["智商很高,有把樹果烤過再吃的習性。喜歡幫助人類。","在火山的洞穴裡生活。頭上的毛髮叢中熊熊燃燒著,溫度高達300度。"]}},{"id":514,"name":{"en":"Simisear","zh":"爆香猿"},"types":{"en":["fire"],"zh":["火"]},"genera":{"en":"Ember Pokémon","zh":"火花寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It loves sweets because they become energy for the fire burning inside its body.","A flame burns inside its body. It scatters embers from its head and tail to sear its opponents.","When it gets excited, embers rise from its head and tail and it gets hot. For some reason, it loves sweets."],"zh":["燃燒體內的火焰,從頭部與尾巴撒出火花,燒焦敵人。","興奮的時候,頭部與尾巴就會變熱並飛出火花。不知為何最喜歡吃甜的。"]}},{"id":515,"name":{"en":"Panpour","zh":"冷水猴"},"types":{"en":["water"],"zh":["水"]},"genera":{"en":"Spray Pokémon","zh":"潑水寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["The water stored inside the tuft on its head is full of nutrients. Plants that receive its water grow large.","It does not thrive in dry environments. It keeps itself damp by shooting water stored in its head tuft from its tail.","The water stored inside the tuft on its head is full of nutrients. It waters plants with it using its tail."],"zh":["頭上的毛髮叢裡儲藏的水營養非常豐富。牠會用尾巴拿這種水來灌溉草木。","頭上的毛髮叢裡儲藏的水充滿營養。如果拿來灌溉,植物就會茁壯成長。"]}},{"id":516,"name":{"en":"Simipour","zh":"冷水猿"},"types":{"en":["water"],"zh":["水"]},"genera":{"en":"Geyser Pokémon","zh":"放水寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["The tuft on its head holds water. When the level runs low, it replenishes the tuft by siphoning up water with its tail.","The high-pressure water expelled from its tail is so powerful, it can destroy a concrete wall.","It prefers places with clean water. When its tuft runs low, it replenishes it by siphoning up water with its tail."],"zh":["從尾巴發射出的高壓水柱,有著能把水泥牆也破壞掉的威力。","喜歡水質乾淨的地方。頭上儲存的水如果減少,就會從尾巴吸取水來補給。"]}},{"id":517,"name":{"en":"Munna","zh":"食夢夢"},"types":{"en":["psychic"],"zh":["超能力"]},"genera":{"en":"Dream Eater Pokémon","zh":"食夢寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Munna always float in the air. People whose dreams are eaten by them forget what the dreams had been about.","It eats the dreams of people and Pokémon. When it eats a pleasant dream, it expels pink-colored mist.","This Pokémon appears before people and Pokémon who are having nightmares and eats those dreams."],"zh":["會在深夜出現在枕頭邊。在吃夢的時候,身上的花紋會微微發亮。","在吃掉夢之後會吐出煙霧。吃了快樂的夢時,煙霧是粉紅色的;如果是惡夢,煙霧則是黑灰色的。"]}},{"id":518,"name":{"en":"Musharna","zh":"夢夢蝕"},"types":{"en":["psychic"],"zh":["超能力"]},"genera":{"en":"Drowsing Pokémon","zh":"半夢半醒寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["The mist emanating from their foreheads is packed with the dreams of people and Pokémon.","With the mist from its forehead, it can create shapes of things from dreams it has eaten.","The dream mist coming from its forehead changes into many different colors depending on the dream that was eaten."],"zh":["在牠冒出黑黑的煙霧時,還是不要接近牠為妙,否則惡夢將會成真。","總是在打瞌睡作夢。剛睡醒的時候會鬧脾氣,所以最好別去招惹牠。"]}},{"id":519,"name":{"en":"Pidove","zh":"豆豆鴿"},"types":{"en":["normal","flying"],"zh":["一般","飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"Tiny Pigeon Pokémon","zh":"小鴿寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Each follows its Trainer’s orders as best it can, but they sometimes fail to understand complicated commands.","These Pokémon live in cities. They are accustomed to people. Flocks often gather in parks and plazas.","This very forgetful Pokémon will wait for a new order from its Trainer even though it already has one."],"zh":["會出現在人類生活的地方。一旦撒出飼料就會有好幾百隻豆豆鴿聚集而來,千萬要小心。","雖然既健忘又不太聰明,因為性格認真且容易親近人,所以受到了許多訓練家的喜愛。"]}},{"id":520,"name":{"en":"Tranquill","zh":"咕咕鴿"},"types":{"en":["normal","flying"],"zh":["一般","飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"Wild Pigeon Pokémon","zh":"野鴿寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It can return to its Trainer’s location regardless of the distance separating them.","Many people believe that, deep in the forest where Tranquill live, there is a peaceful place where there is no war.","No matter where in the world it goes, it knows where its nest is, so it never gets separated from its Trainer."],"zh":["飛行速度不可小覷。無論飛到多遠的地方,都會記得自己的主人和巢。","頭腦聰明且記性很好。似乎有許多快遞員將牠選為自己的搭檔。"]}},{"id":521,"name":{"en":"Unfezant","zh":"高傲雉雞"},"types":{"en":["normal","flying"],"zh":["一般","飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"Proud Pokémon","zh":"自尊心寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Males swing their head plumage to threaten opponents. The females’ flying abilities surpass those of the males.","Males have plumage on their heads. They will never let themselves feel close to anyone other than their Trainers.","Males swing the plumage on their heads to threaten others, but females are better at flying."],"zh":["擁有高度的飛行能力。雌性擅於持久,雄性擅長速度。","頭腦聰明,所以自尊心也強。如果能成為高傲雉雞的訓練家,所有人都會對你刮目相看。"]}},{"id":522,"name":{"en":"Blitzle","zh":"斑斑馬"},"types":{"en":["electric"],"zh":["電"]},"genera":{"en":"Electrified Pokémon","zh":"帶電寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["When thunderclouds cover the sky, it will appear. It can catch lightning with its mane and store the electricity.","Its mane shines when it discharges electricity. They use their flashing manes to communicate with one another.","Its mane shines when it discharges electricity. They use the frequency and rhythm of these flashes to communicate."],"zh":["當天空雷雲密佈時就會出現。會用鬃毛捕捉雷電,儲存電力。","放電時鬃毛會發光。利用鬃毛閃爍的次數及節奏與夥伴交談。"]}},{"id":523,"name":{"en":"Zebstrika","zh":"雷電斑馬"},"types":{"en":["electric"],"zh":["電"]},"genera":{"en":"Thunderbolt Pokémon","zh":"雷電寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["They have lightning-like movements. When Zebstrika run at full speed, the sound of thunder reverberates.","This ill-tempered Pokémon is dangerous because when it’s angry, it shoots lightning from its mane in all directions.","When this ill-tempered Pokémon runs wild, it shoots lightning from its mane in all directions."],"zh":["是有著粗暴性格的寶可夢。如果生氣,就會從鬃毛朝四面八方放電。","有著閃電般的爆發力。如果雷電斑馬全速奔馳,雷聲就會響徹雲霄。"]}},{"id":524,"name":{"en":"Roggenrola","zh":"石丸子"},"types":{"en":["rock"],"zh":["岩石"]},"genera":{"en":"Mantle Pokémon","zh":"地幔寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Its ear is hexagonal in shape. Compressed underground, its body is as hard as steel.","They were discovered a hundred years ago in an earthquake fissure. Inside each one is an energy core.","The hexagonal-shaped hole is its ear. It has a tendency to walk in the direction the sound is coming from."],"zh":["在地下的最深處誕生。會和血緣相近的小拳石還有小碎鑽互相較量硬度。","六角形的空洞是耳朵。會朝著聲音響起的方向走過去,但聲音一旦停止便會迷惘地跌倒。","六角形的洞是耳朵。耳朵裡面有能量核心,如果把手伸進去就會惹牠生氣。"]}},{"id":525,"name":{"en":"Boldore","zh":"地幔岩"},"types":{"en":["rock"],"zh":["岩石"]},"genera":{"en":"Ore Pokémon","zh":"礦石寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["When it overflows with power, the orange crystal on its body glows. It looks for underground water in caves.","Because its energy was too great to be contained, the energy leaked and formed orange crystals.","When it is healthy, its core sticks out. Always facing the same way, it swiftly moves front to back and left to right."],"zh":["橙色的結晶是能量塊。一塊結晶可提供100輛大卡車所需的燃料。","在洞窟裡尋找地下水。對水的抵抗力並不好,所以都是一點一點慢慢舔。","從身體溢出的能量形成了橘色的結晶,硬度高到連鑽石都能敲碎。"]}},{"id":526,"name":{"en":"Gigalith","zh":"龐岩怪"},"types":{"en":["rock"],"zh":["岩石"]},"genera":{"en":"Compressed Pokémon","zh":"高壓寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Compressing the energy from its internal core lets it fire off an attack capable of blowing away a mountain.","The solar energy absorbed by its body’s orange crystals is magnified internally and fired from its mouth.","The solar rays it absorbs are processed in its energy core and fired as a ball of light."],"zh":["利用太陽光製造出來的能量彈威力強大。但是晚上和雨天都無法發射。","因為擁有相當大的馬力,所以建築相關人員很喜歡選擇這個寶可夢當拍檔。","如果全力射出能量,強大的力量會讓牠自己的身體產生出無數的裂痕。"]}},{"id":527,"name":{"en":"Woobat","zh":"滾滾蝙蝠"},"types":{"en":["psychic","flying"],"zh":["超能力","飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"Bat Pokémon","zh":"蝙蝠寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Its habitat is dark forests and caves. It emits ultrasonic waves from its nose to learn about its surroundings.","Suction from its nostrils enables it to stick to cave walls during sleep. It leaves a heart-shaped mark behind.","The heart-shaped mark left on a body after a Woobat has been attached to it is said to bring good fortune."],"zh":["在洞窟中,如果抬頭看到牆壁上留著心形的痕跡,就代表滾滾蝙蝠住在那裡。","一邊發出超音波,一邊飛來飛去尋找蟲寶可夢來填飽自己的肚子。"]}},{"id":528,"name":{"en":"Swoobat","zh":"心蝙蝠"},"types":{"en":["psychic","flying"],"zh":["超能力","飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"Courting Pokémon","zh":"求愛寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It emits sound waves of various frequencies from its nose, including some powerful enough to destroy rocks.","Anyone who comes into contact with the ultrasonic waves emitted by a courting male experiences a positive mood shift.","It shakes its tail vigorously when it emits ultrasonic waves strong enough to reduce concrete to rubble."],"zh":["在發出極其強力的音波後會陷入疲勞,暫時無法飛行。","據說有些地區的人覺得牠鼻子的形狀很吉利,而把牠當成幸福的象徵來祭拜。"]}},{"id":529,"name":{"en":"Drilbur","zh":"螺釘地鼠"},"types":{"en":["ground"],"zh":["地面"]},"genera":{"en":"Mole Pokémon","zh":"鼴鼠寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It can dig through the ground at a speed of 30 mph. It could give a car running aboveground a good race.","It makes its way swiftly through the soil by putting both claws together and rotating at high speed.","By spinning its body, it can dig straight through the ground at a speed of 30 mph."],"zh":["會將雙掌上的爪子併攏,並讓身體高速旋轉,瞄準獵物衝過去。","會用爪子在地底挖掘前進。一些農民因為擔心牠會因此糟蹋蔬菜而討厭牠。"]}},{"id":530,"name":{"en":"Excadrill","zh":"龍頭地鼠"},"types":{"en":["ground","steel"],"zh":["地面","鋼"]},"genera":{"en":"Subterrene Pokémon","zh":"地底寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It can help in tunnel construction. Its drill has evolved into steel strong enough to bore through iron plates.","More than 300 feet below the surface, they build mazelike nests. Their activity can be destructive to subway tunnels.","Forming a drill with its steel claws and head, it can bore through a steel plate, no matter how thick it is."],"zh":["有許多看似自然形成的洞窟其實都是龍頭地鼠一陣亂鑽之後留下來的。","別名鑽頭王。在地底下挖掘前進的速度高達每小時150公里。"]}},{"id":531,"name":{"en":"Audino","zh":"差不多娃娃"},"types":{"en":["normal"],"zh":["一般"]},"genera":{"en":"Hearing Pokémon","zh":"聽力寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It touches others with the feelers on its ears, using the sound of their heartbeats to tell how they are feeling.","Its auditory sense is astounding. It has a radarlike ability to understand its surroundings through slight sounds.","Using the feelers on its ears, it can tell how someone is feeling or when an egg might hatch."],"zh":["擁有極為敏銳的聽覺。連2公里外有小石子滾動的聲音牠都能聽見。","心地善良的寶可夢。透過用觸角觸碰,就能了解對方的情緒和身體狀況。"]}},{"id":532,"name":{"en":"Timburr","zh":"搬運小匠"},"types":{"en":["fighting"],"zh":["格鬥"]},"genera":{"en":"Muscular Pokémon","zh":"筋骨寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It fights by swinging a piece of lumber around. It is close to evolving when it can handle the lumber without difficulty.","These Pokémon appear at building sites and help out with construction. They always carry squared logs.","Always carrying squared logs, they help out with construction. As they grow, they carry bigger logs."],"zh":["喜歡幫忙做建築的工作。因為下雨而停工時,會亂揮木材大鬧一番。","如果搬運小匠可以搬起自己體重3倍左右的木材,就代表牠進化的日子要到了。"]}},{"id":533,"name":{"en":"Gurdurr","zh":"鐵骨土人"},"types":{"en":["fighting"],"zh":["格鬥"]},"genera":{"en":"Muscular Pokémon","zh":"筋骨寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["This Pokémon is so muscular and strongly built that even a group of wrestlers could not make it budge an inch.","They strengthen their bodies by carrying steel beams. They show off their big muscles to their friends.","With strengthened bodies, they skillfully wield steel beams to take down buildings."],"zh":["與其他的夥伴還有豪力一起比拼肌肉。輸掉的那一方會暫時躲起來。","能夠靈巧地操縱鋼骨。雖然對拆除得心應手,但卻不太擅長組裝。"]}},{"id":534,"name":{"en":"Conkeldurr","zh":"修建老匠"},"types":{"en":["fighting"],"zh":["格鬥"]},"genera":{"en":"Muscular Pokémon","zh":"筋骨寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It is thought that Conkeldurr taught humans how to make concrete more than 2,000 years ago.","They use concrete pillars as walking canes. They know moves that enable them to swing the pillars freely in battle.","Rather than rely on force, they master moves that utilize the centrifugal force of spinning concrete."],"zh":["即使成分相同,修建老匠攪拌的混凝土格外地堅硬結實。","要是認真起來就會扔掉手中的混凝土柱,赤手空拳地撲向敵人。"]}},{"id":535,"name":{"en":"Tympole","zh":"圓蝌蚪"},"types":{"en":["water"],"zh":["水"]},"genera":{"en":"Tadpole Pokémon","zh":"蝌蚪寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["They warn others of danger by vibrating their cheeks to create a high-pitched sound.","By vibrating its cheeks, it emits sound waves imperceptible to humans. It uses the rhythm of these sounds to talk.","By vibrating its cheeks, it emits sound waves imperceptible to humans and warns others of danger."],"zh":["如果水面上擴散開美麗的波紋,就代表有圓蝌蚪正在水面下用高昂的聲音鳴叫。","透過音波來聯繫夥伴。人類和其他寶可夢都聽不見牠發出的警告聲。"]}},{"id":536,"name":{"en":"Palpitoad","zh":"藍蟾蜍"},"types":{"en":["water","ground"],"zh":["水","地面"]},"genera":{"en":"Vibration Pokémon","zh":"震動寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["When they vibrate the bumps on their heads, they can make waves in water or earthquake-like vibrations on land.","It lives in the water and on land. It uses its long, sticky tongue to capture prey.","It lives in the water and on land. It uses its long, sticky tongue to immobilize its opponents."],"zh":["透過發出足以造成頭痛的音波來充分削弱獵物之後,用黏糊糊的舌頭將其捉住。","有時也會發出悅耳的叫聲。身上突起物越大的藍蟾蜍越能以更廣的音域來鳴叫。"]}},{"id":537,"name":{"en":"Seismitoad","zh":"蟾蜍王"},"types":{"en":["water","ground"],"zh":["水","地面"]},"genera":{"en":"Vibration Pokémon","zh":"震動寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["They shoot paralyzing liquid from their head bumps. They use vibration to hurt their opponents.","It increases the power of its punches by vibrating the bumps on its fists. It can turn a boulder to rubble with one punch.","By putting power into its bumps, it creates vibrations and increases the power of its punches."],"zh":["透過震動全身的瘤來引發地震般的晃動。與不良蛙是相近的物種。","在老年人之間廣受歡迎。因為他們覺得牠身上的瘤發出的震動拿來按摩剛剛好。"]}},{"id":538,"name":{"en":"Throh","zh":"投摔鬼"},"types":{"en":["fighting"],"zh":["格鬥"]},"genera":{"en":"Judo Pokémon","zh":"柔道寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["When it tightens its belt, it becomes stronger. Wild Throh use vines to weave their own belts.","When they encounter foes bigger than themselves, they try to throw them. They always travel in packs of five.","When it encounters a foe bigger than itself, it wants to throw it. It changes belts as it gets stronger."],"zh":["能使出一流的投摔招式。帶子被戰鬥時流下的汗水浸濕,顏色越變越深。","5隻一組一起努力練習。在練習中掉隊的投摔鬼會扔掉帶子離開團隊。"]}},{"id":539,"name":{"en":"Sawk","zh":"打擊鬼"},"types":{"en":["fighting"],"zh":["格鬥"]},"genera":{"en":"Karate Pokémon","zh":"空手道寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["The sound of Sawk punching boulders and trees can be heard all the way from the mountains where they train.","Tying their belts gets them pumped and makes their punches more destructive. Disturbing their training angers them.","Desiring the strongest karate chop, they seclude themselves in mountains and train without sleeping."],"zh":["不斷地尋求強大的實力。要是看到了在山上修行的打擊鬼,就靜靜地離開吧。","不斷重複練習的打擊鬼所使出的空手劈擁有足以劈開大海的破壞力。"]}},{"id":540,"name":{"en":"Sewaddle","zh":"蟲寶包"},"types":{"en":["bug","grass"],"zh":["蟲","草"]},"genera":{"en":"Sewing Pokémon","zh":"裁縫寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Leavanny dress it in clothes they made for it when it hatched. It hides its head in its hood while it is sleeping.","This Pokémon makes clothes for itself. It chews up leaves and sews them with sticky thread extruded from its mouth.","Since this Pokémon makes its own clothes out of leaves, it is a popular mascot for fashion designers."],"zh":["咬斷葉子,用口中吐出的黏絲來縫合。是會自己做衣服的寶可夢。","會用葉子做衣服,因此在服裝設計師之間作為吉祥物而廣受歡迎。"]}},{"id":541,"name":{"en":"Swadloon","zh":"寶包繭"},"types":{"en":["bug","grass"],"zh":["蟲","草"]},"genera":{"en":"Leaf-Wrapped Pokémon","zh":"足不出葉寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Forests where Swadloon live have superb foliage because the nutrients they make from fallen leaves nourish the plant life.","It protects itself from the cold by wrapping up in leaves. It stays on the move, eating leaves in forests.","Preferring dark, damp places, it spends the entire day eating fallen leaves that lie around it."],"zh":["寶包繭居住的森林裡草木生長得特別繁盛。因為牠會將落葉轉化成養分。","用葉子包裹身體來抵禦寒冷。一邊吃著身旁的落葉,一邊在森林裡移動。"]}},{"id":542,"name":{"en":"Leavanny","zh":"保母蟲"},"types":{"en":["bug","grass"],"zh":["蟲","草"]},"genera":{"en":"Nurturing Pokémon","zh":"育兒寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Upon finding a small Pokémon, it weaves clothing for it from leaves, using the cutters on its arms and sticky silk.","It keeps its eggs warm with heat from fermenting leaves. It also uses leaves to make warm wrappings for Sewaddle.","Upon finding a small Pokémon, it weaves clothing for it from leaves by using the sticky silk secreted from its mouth."],"zh":["一旦發現幼小的寶可夢,就會用口中吐出的黏絲為牠縫製葉子衣服。","用落葉發酵時產生的熱來幫蛋保溫。會以葉子為蟲寶包做襁褓。"]}},{"id":543,"name":{"en":"Venipede","zh":"百足蜈蚣"},"types":{"en":["bug","poison"],"zh":["蟲","毒"]},"genera":{"en":"Centipede Pokémon","zh":"蜈蚣寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Its bite injects a potent poison, enough to paralyze large bird Pokémon that try to prey on it.","It discovers what is going on around it by using the feelers on its head and tail. It is brutally aggressive.","Using the feelers on its head and tail, it picks up vibrations in the air to determine its prey’s location and state."],"zh":["雖然和燒火蚣屬於種類相近的夥伴,但是彼此撞見時就會大打一架喔。","牙齒有劇毒。一旦發現了看似能吃下肚的獵物,就會不加思索地撲上去。"]}},{"id":544,"name":{"en":"Whirlipede","zh":"車輪毬"},"types":{"en":["bug","poison"],"zh":["蟲","毒"]},"genera":{"en":"Curlipede Pokémon","zh":"繭蜈蚣寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Protected by a hard shell, it spins its body like a wheel and crashes furiously into its enemies.","It is usually motionless, but when attacked, it rotates at high speed and then crashes into its opponent.","Storing energy for evolution, it sits. But, when predators approach, it moves to stab them with poison spikes."],"zh":["會高速旋轉去突擊對手。牠的最高時速可以達到大約100公里。","用堅硬的殼和有毒的刺保護自己,同時累積進化所需的能量。"]}},{"id":545,"name":{"en":"Scolipede","zh":"蜈蚣王"},"types":{"en":["bug","poison"],"zh":["蟲","毒"]},"genera":{"en":"Megapede Pokémon","zh":"巨蜈蚣寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["With quick movements, it chases down its foes, attacking relentlessly with its horns until it prevails.","Highly aggressive, it uses the claws near its neck to dig into its opponents and poison them.","It clasps its prey with the claws on its neck until it stops moving. Then it finishes it off with deadly poison."],"zh":["用頸部的爪子夾住獵物後,會直接將對方摔到地上,然後用毒刺戳下去。","為了搶地盤,會和焚焰蚣激烈地爭鬥。輸掉的那一方會直接變成對手的獵物。"]}},{"id":546,"name":{"en":"Cottonee","zh":"木棉球"},"types":{"en":["grass","fairy"],"zh":["草","妖精"]},"genera":{"en":"Cotton Puff Pokémon","zh":"棉球寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["When attacked, it escapes by shooting cotton from its body. The cotton serves as a decoy to distract the attacker.","They go wherever the wind takes them. On rainy days, their bodies are heavier, so they take shelter beneath big trees.","Perhaps because they feel more at ease in a group, they stick to others they find. They end up looking like a cloud."],"zh":["找到夥伴後就會黏過去。黏得太多的話,有時候看上去就像積雨雲。","使用木棉球吐出的棉花製作而成的枕頭和被褥是又輕又透氣的高級商品。","會撒出棉花保護自己。如果淋到雨,棉花就會受潮變重,讓牠的身體動彈不得。"]}},{"id":547,"name":{"en":"Whimsicott","zh":"風妖精"},"types":{"en":["grass","fairy"],"zh":["草","妖精"]},"genera":{"en":"Windveiled Pokémon","zh":"風隱寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Like the wind, it can slip through any gap, no matter how small. It leaves balls of white fluff behind.","Riding whirlwinds, they appear. These Pokémon sneak through gaps into houses and cause all sorts of mischief.","They appear along with whirlwinds. They pull pranks, such as moving furniture and leaving balls of cotton in homes."],"zh":["沒有特定的棲息地。會乘著旋風移動,到處現身去惡作劇。","乘著風侵入民居。把房間裡弄得滿是棉絮後,就會嘻嘻哈哈地笑著離去。","乘著風出現,但如果風力過強,頭上的棉花就會被風扯掉。"]}},{"id":548,"name":{"en":"Petilil","zh":"百合根娃娃"},"types":{"en":["grass"],"zh":["草"]},"genera":{"en":"Bulb Pokémon","zh":"根莖寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["The leaves on its head are very bitter. Eating one of these leaves is known to refresh a tired body.","Since they prefer moist, nutrient-rich soil, the areas where Petilil live are known to be good for growing plants.","The leaves on its head grow right back even if they fall out. These bitter leaves refresh those who eat them."],"zh":["頭上的葉子味道苦得讓人頭昏,但是對疲倦的身體很有效果。如果煎服飲用會更有效。","如果偶爾修剪葉子,就會長成圓鼓鼓很華麗的樣子。","把牠頭上的葉子放在太陽下曬乾,煎煮之後服用就能回復精力,因此很受老年人的喜愛。"]}},{"id":549,"name":{"en":"Lilligant","zh":"裙兒小姐"},"types":{"en":["grass"],"zh":["草"]},"genera":{"en":"Flowering Pokémon","zh":"花飾寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Even veteran Trainers face a challenge in getting its beautiful flower to bloom. This Pokémon is popular with celebrities.","The fragrance of the garland on its head has a relaxing effect. It withers if a Trainer does not take good care of it.","The fragrance of the garland on its head has a relaxing effect, but taking care of it is very difficult."],"zh":["無論花多少功夫和金錢,比起借助人工手段培育出的花,在野外綻放的花更美。","一旦和♂成為伴侶,美麗的花就會漸漸黯淡,變得枯萎。","隨著栽培用的土壤不同,花香也會有些不一樣。聞一下就能舒緩心情,帶來安寧。"]}},{"id":550,"name":{"en":"Basculin","zh":"野蠻鱸魚"},"types":{"en":["water"],"zh":["水"]},"genera":{"en":"Hostile Pokémon","zh":"粗暴寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Red and blue Basculin get along so poorly, they’ll start fighting instantly. These Pokémon are very hostile.","Red and blue Basculin usually do not get along, but sometimes members of one school mingle with the other’s school.","Red- and blue-striped Basculin are very violent and always fighting. They are also remarkably tasty."],"zh":["性情粗暴且凶猛的寶可夢。紅色和藍色的野蠻鱸魚總是為了爭奪地盤而打架。","因為性情粗暴,在野蠻鱸魚群出沒的湖裡,就只有龍蝦小兵或鐵螯龍蝦之類的能夠留下來。","牠上鉤時頑強的抵抗深受釣魚者喜愛。由於人們擅自把牠們放生到池塘裡,數量越來越多。"]}},{"id":551,"name":{"en":"Sandile","zh":"黑眼鱷"},"types":{"en":["ground","dark"],"zh":["地面","惡"]},"genera":{"en":"Desert Croc Pokémon","zh":"沙漠鱷魚寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["They live buried in the sands of the desert. The sun-warmed sands prevent their body temperature from dropping.","It moves along below the sand’s surface, except for its nose and eyes. A dark membrane shields its eyes from the sun.","They live hidden under hot desert sands in order to keep their body temperature from dropping."],"zh":["潛藏在沙中像游泳一樣移動。這是種兼具不被敵人發現和保持體溫效果的生存智慧。","把身體潛藏在沙子中,一口吃掉在上面行走的獵物的腳。最喜歡吃的東西是大顎蟻。","一年到頭都很溫暖的阿羅拉對牠來說是很適合居住的環境。在沙漠以外的地方也能時常見到牠。"]}},{"id":552,"name":{"en":"Krokorok","zh":"混混鱷"},"types":{"en":["ground","dark"],"zh":["地面","惡"]},"genera":{"en":"Desert Croc Pokémon","zh":"沙漠鱷魚寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["They live in groups of a few individuals. Protective membranes shield their eyes from sandstorms.","The special membrane covering its eyes can sense the heat of objects, so it can see its surroundings even in darkness.","Protected by thin membranes, their eyes can see even in the dead of night. They live in groups of a few individuals."],"zh":["通常以數隻為單位成群行動。群體的中心大多都是♀,♂們負責收集食物。","多虧蓋住眼睛的特殊膜,即使在深夜也能把周圍看得一清二楚。","非常害怕身體變冷。在氣溫下降的夜晚,會潛藏在沙漠的沙底深處。"]}},{"id":553,"name":{"en":"Krookodile","zh":"流氓鱷"},"types":{"en":["ground","dark"],"zh":["地面","惡"]},"genera":{"en":"Intimidation Pokémon","zh":"威嚇寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["They never allow prey to escape. Their jaws are so powerful, they can crush the body of an automobile.","It can expand the focus of its eyes, enabling it to see objects in the far distance as if it were using binoculars.","Very violent Pokémon, they try to clamp down on anything that moves in front of their eyes."],"zh":["擁有特殊的雙眼,即使在沙暴中也能發現前方50公里處的小獵物。","用強力的顎咬住後,狠狠地扭動身體,將獵物切斷。","當發現了前方50公里處的獵物,就會像游泳一樣在沙漠上移動,然後飛撲過去咬住。"]}},{"id":554,"name":{"en":"Darumaka","zh":"火紅不倒翁"},"types":{"en":["fire"],"zh":["火"]},"genera":{"en":"Zen Charm Pokémon","zh":"不倒翁寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["When its internal fire is burning, it cannot calm down and it runs around. When the fire diminishes, it falls asleep.","Darumaka’s droppings are hot, so people used to put them in their clothes to keep themselves warm.","When it sleeps, it pulls its limbs into its body and its internal fire goes down to 1,100° F."],"zh":["能量之源是體內的火焰。如果火焰變小了,牠馬上就會睡著。","在牠睡覺的時候,無論是推是拉,牠都不會倒下。因為象徵著吉利而大受歡迎。"]}},{"id":555,"name":{"en":"Darmanitan","zh":"達摩狒狒"},"types":{"en":["fire"],"zh":["火"]},"genera":{"en":"Blazing Pokémon","zh":"爆燃寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Its internal fire burns at 2,500° F, making enough power that it can destroy a dump truck with one punch.","When weakened in battle, it transforms into a stone statue. Then it sharpens its mind and fights on mentally.","When one is injured in a fierce battle, it hardens into a stone-like form. Then it meditates and sharpens its mind."],"zh":["總是熱血沸騰的寶可夢。牠厚重的手臂使出的拳擊甚至能把砂石車打得粉碎。","體內的火焰燃得越旺,力量就越大。火焰的溫度有時甚至能超過1400度。"]}},{"id":556,"name":{"en":"Maractus","zh":"沙鈴仙人掌"},"types":{"en":["grass"],"zh":["草"]},"genera":{"en":"Cactus Pokémon","zh":"仙人掌寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It uses an up-tempo song and dance to drive away the bird Pokémon that prey on its flower seeds.","Arid regions are their habitat. They move rhythmically, making a sound similar to maracas.","When it moves rhythmically, it makes a sound similar to maracas, making the surprised Pokémon flee."],"zh":["會發出沙鈴般的聲音。鳥寶可夢會因那輕快的節奏而受驚飛走。","一年散播一次種子。花的種子營養十足,是沙漠中貴重的食糧。"]}},{"id":557,"name":{"en":"Dwebble","zh":"石居蟹"},"types":{"en":["bug","rock"],"zh":["蟲","岩石"]},"genera":{"en":"Rock Inn Pokémon","zh":"石居寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["This Pokémon can easily melt holes in hard rocks with a liquid secreted from its mouth.","It makes a hole in a suitable rock. If that rock breaks, the Pokémon remains agitated until it locates a replacement.","When it finds a stone of a suitable size, it secretes a liquid from its mouth to open up a hole to crawl into."],"zh":["會在自己喜歡的石頭上開洞當成住所。對石丸子還有小炭仔來說是天敵。","如果找不到大小合適的石頭來當成自己的家,牠也會住到河馬獸的洞裡。"]}},{"id":558,"name":{"en":"Crustle","zh":"岩殿居蟹"},"types":{"en":["bug","rock"],"zh":["蟲","岩石"]},"genera":{"en":"Stone Home Pokémon","zh":"岩居寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Competing for territory, Crustle fight viciously. The one whose boulder is broken is the loser of the battle.","It possesses legs of enormous strength, enabling it to carry heavy slabs for many days, even when crossing arid land.","When its boulder is broken in battles for territory, it feels unsure and begins to weaken."],"zh":["喜歡乾燥的地方,下雨時不會從岩石裡出來。有著很強的地盤意識。","厚實的鉗子是牠最大的武器。硬度高到甚至能讓超甲狂犀的護具裂開。"]}},{"id":559,"name":{"en":"Scraggy","zh":"滑滑小子"},"types":{"en":["dark","fighting"],"zh":["惡","格鬥"]},"genera":{"en":"Shedding Pokémon","zh":"蛻皮寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Its skin has a rubbery elasticity, so it can reduce damage by defensively pulling its skin up to its neck.","It immediately headbutts anyone that makes eye contact with it. Its skull is massively thick.","Proud of its sturdy skull, it suddenly headbutts everything, but its weight makes it unstable, too."],"zh":["以數隻為一組來行動。會慢吞吞地走來走去,和對方視線對上時就會冷不防用頭錘撞過去。","會把鬆垮垮的皮拉到脖子上來保護自己。皮越是鬆垮的滑滑小子,地位似乎就越高。","與牠視線交會是很危險的!不管對手是誰,牠都會用頭錘招呼,是個難搞的傢伙。"]}},{"id":560,"name":{"en":"Scrafty","zh":"頭巾混混"},"types":{"en":["dark","fighting"],"zh":["惡","格鬥"]},"genera":{"en":"Hoodlum Pokémon","zh":"惡黨寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Groups of them beat up anything that enters their territory. Each can spit acidic liquid from its mouth.","It can smash concrete blocks with its kicking attacks. The one with the biggest crest is the group leader.","It pulls up its shed skin to protect itself while it kicks. The bigger the crest, the more respected it is."],"zh":["性情很粗暴,但牠是一種對自己的家族、群體的夥伴以及地盤十分重視的寶可夢。","會吐口水來挑釁對手。有著固定的地盤,會待在裡頭度過一生,永不離開。","牠看似無精打采的踢擊其實擁有足以擊碎修建老匠手中混凝土的破壞力。"]}},{"id":561,"name":{"en":"Sigilyph","zh":"象徵鳥"},"types":{"en":["psychic","flying"],"zh":["超能力","飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"Avianoid Pokémon","zh":"似鳥寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["They never vary the route they fly, because their memories of guarding an ancient city remain steadfast.","The guardians of an ancient city, they use their psychic power to attack enemies that invade their territory.","The guardians of an ancient city, they always fly the same route while keeping watch for invaders."],"zh":["利用精神力量在空中飛翔,被稱為古代都市的守護神。也有人認為牠是守護神的使者。","人們在象徵鳥飛過的沙漠地下進行調查,結果在那裡發現了疑似古代都市的遺跡。"]}},{"id":562,"name":{"en":"Yamask","zh":"哭哭面具"},"types":{"en":["ghost"],"zh":["幽靈"]},"genera":{"en":"Spirit Pokémon","zh":"魂寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Each of them carries a mask that used to be its face when it was human. Sometimes they look at it and cry.","These Pokémon arose from the spirits of people interred in graves in past ages. Each retains memories of its former life.","These Pokémon arose from the spirits of people interred in graves. Each retains memories of its former life."],"zh":["每天夜裡都在遺跡中徘徊。據說牠拿著的面具是牠還是人類時的臉。","古代人的靈魂變成了寶可夢。為了尋找認得自己長相的人而在遺跡裡徘徊。"]}},{"id":563,"name":{"en":"Cofagrigus","zh":"死神棺"},"types":{"en":["ghost"],"zh":["幽靈"]},"genera":{"en":"Coffin Pokémon","zh":"棺木寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It has been said that they swallow those who get too close and turn them into mummies. They like to eat gold nuggets.","They pretend to be elaborate coffins to teach lessons to grave robbers. Their bodies are covered in pure gold.","Grave robbers who mistake them for real coffins and get too close end up trapped inside their bodies."],"zh":["擁有閃亮亮的黃金身軀。據說牠已再也無法記起自己曾經是人類。","死神棺象徵著國王的財富,因此許多古墓裡都有牠的壁畫。"]}},{"id":564,"name":{"en":"Tirtouga","zh":"原蓋海龜"},"types":{"en":["water","rock"],"zh":["水","岩石"]},"genera":{"en":"Prototurtle Pokémon","zh":"古代龜寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Restored from a fossil, this Pokémon can dive to depths beyond half a mile.","About 100 million years ago, these Pokémon swam in oceans. It is thought they also went on land to attack prey.","This Pokémon was restored from a fossil. It swam skillfully and dove to depths beyond half a mile."],"zh":["根據對其骨骼的調查結果,牠好像能潛水到大約1000米的深海之中。","據說是大部分龜寶可夢的祖先。曾經生活在大約1億年前的溫暖大海裡。","從古代的化石復活而來。當時是生活在海裡,但也會到陸地上來尋找獵物。"]}},{"id":565,"name":{"en":"Carracosta","zh":"肋骨海龜"},"types":{"en":["water","rock"],"zh":["水","岩石"]},"genera":{"en":"Prototurtle Pokémon","zh":"古代龜寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["They can live both in the ocean and on land. A slap from one of them is enough to open a hole in the bottom of a tanker.","Incredible jaw strength enables them to chew up steel beams and rocks along with their prey.","It could knock out a foe with a slap from one of its developed front appendages and chew it up, shell or bones and all."],"zh":["為了形成結實的甲殼,會把獵物的硬殼和骨頭整個嚼碎後吃下去。","在大海和陸地兩個地方活動。會將陸地的獵物拖入海中後殺死。","下巴的力量非常驚人,連多刺菊石獸和菊石獸的殼也能輕而易舉地整個吃掉。"]}},{"id":566,"name":{"en":"Archen","zh":"始祖小鳥"},"types":{"en":["rock","flying"],"zh":["岩石","飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"First Bird Pokémon","zh":"遠古鳥寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Said to be an ancestor of bird Pokémon, they were unable to fly and moved about by hopping from one branch to another.","Revived from a fossil, this Pokémon is thought to be the ancestor of all bird Pokémon.","It was revived from an ancient fossil. Not able to fly, it lived in treetops and hopped from one branch to another."],"zh":["是所有鳥寶可夢的祖先。始祖小鳥本身還不會飛,而是在樹上跳著移動。","似乎不會飛行,但聽說會從高高的樹上滑翔捕捉獵物。","一直以來被認為是所有鳥寶可夢的祖先,但最近也有研究指出事實並非如此。"]}},{"id":567,"name":{"en":"Archeops","zh":"始祖大鳥"},"types":{"en":["rock","flying"],"zh":["岩石","飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"First Bird Pokémon","zh":"遠古鳥寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["They are intelligent and will cooperate to catch prey. From the ground, they use a running start to take flight.","It runs better than it flies. It catches prey by running at speeds comparable to those of an automobile.","It runs better than it flies. It takes off into the sky by running at a speed of 25 mph."],"zh":["好像也懂得飛行,但主要是在地上四處飛奔。平均時速達到40公里。","會成群結隊進行捕獵。將獵物追到無路可逃時,其他夥伴便會從空中突然發動襲擊。","古代的寶可夢。因為羽毛很細,若不是由熟練的師傅來動手,就無法成功復原。"]}},{"id":568,"name":{"en":"Trubbish","zh":"破破袋"},"types":{"en":["poison"],"zh":["毒"]},"genera":{"en":"Trash Bag Pokémon","zh":"垃圾袋寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Inhaling the gas they belch will make you sleep for a week. They prefer unsanitary places.","The combination of garbage bags and industrial waste caused the chemical reaction that created this Pokémon.","Wanting more garbage, they follow people who litter. They always belch poison gas."],"zh":["喜歡不衛生的地方。在阿羅拉經常可以看見牠被臭泥追著到處跑的樣子。","吃垃圾吃到肚子鼓鼓之後,便會從嘴裡噴出毒瓦斯來。不小心聞到的話就得立即進醫院。","呼吸時會有毒氣漏出,聞到這個味道的臭臭泥會流著口水跑過來。"]}},{"id":569,"name":{"en":"Garbodor","zh":"灰塵山"},"types":{"en":["poison"],"zh":["毒"]},"genera":{"en":"Trash Heap Pokémon","zh":"垃圾場寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It clenches opponents with its left arm and finishes them off with foul-smelling poison gas belched from its mouth.","They absorb garbage and make it part of their bodies. They shoot a poisonous liquid from their right-hand fingertips.","Consuming garbage makes new kinds of poison gases and liquids inside their bodies."],"zh":["要注意從右臂噴出的毒液。只要沾到一點點,就會被未知的毒素侵襲。","在阿羅拉的數量從某個時期開始爆炸性增加,但是自從臭泥來了之後,數量一下子便減少了。","用左臂鎖住敵人後,會將毒液灑向敵人全身,使對方無法動彈。"]}},{"id":570,"name":{"en":"Zorua","zh":"索羅亞"},"types":{"en":["dark"],"zh":["惡"]},"genera":{"en":"Tricky Fox Pokémon","zh":"惡狐寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It changes into the forms of others to surprise them. Apparently, it often transforms into a silent child.","To protect themselves from danger, they hide their true identities by transforming into people and Pokémon.","It changes so it looks just like its foe, tricks it, and then uses that opportunity to flee."],"zh":["性情膽小的寶可夢。除了和夥伴待在一起的時候之外,通常都會幻化成其他東西。","平常很愛說話的孩子如果突然變得很沉默,就有可能是索羅亞假扮的。","似乎是因為性情膽小,因此學會了幻化成其他模樣的能力。"]}},{"id":571,"name":{"en":"Zoroark","zh":"索羅亞克"},"types":{"en":["dark"],"zh":["惡"]},"genera":{"en":"Illusion Fox Pokémon","zh":"妖狐寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Bonds between these Pokémon are very strong. It protects the safety of its pack by tricking its opponents.","Each has the ability to fool a large group of people simultaneously. They protect their lair with illusory scenery.","Stories say those who tried to catch Zoroark were trapped in an illusion and punished."],"zh":["不只會幻化成其他東西,還擁有能夠讓數百人看見幻象的力量。","據說當牠的棲息地快要暴露在人類面前時,牠會製造出幻影,讓人在森林裡不斷徘徊。","是時刻為夥伴著想的寶可夢。為了保護棲息地和族群的安全,會讓敵人看到恐怖的幻影。"]}},{"id":572,"name":{"en":"Minccino","zh":"泡沫栗鼠"},"types":{"en":["normal"],"zh":["一般"]},"genera":{"en":"Chinchilla Pokémon","zh":"栗鼠寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["They greet one another by rubbing each other with their tails, which are always kept well groomed and clean.","These Pokémon prefer a tidy habitat. They are always sweeping and dusting, using their tails as brooms.","Minccino greet each other by grooming one another thoroughly with their tails."],"zh":["因為有潔癖,無法容忍絲毫髒污。會把尾巴當成拖把,把髒污的地方徹底擦乾淨。","當尾巴因為打掃自己的身體和巢穴而變髒時,會花一整天時間用乾淨的湧泉水把尾巴洗乾淨。","用尾巴來清掃灰塵。雖說能幫忙打掃是件好事,但牠的潔癖也會讓人感到棘手。"]}},{"id":573,"name":{"en":"Cinccino","zh":"奇諾栗鼠"},"types":{"en":["normal"],"zh":["一般"]},"genera":{"en":"Scarf Pokémon","zh":"圍巾寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Their white fur is coated in a special oil that makes it easy for them to deflect attacks.","Their white fur feels amazing to touch. Their fur repels dust and prevents static electricity from building up.","Cinccino’s body is coated in a special oil that helps it deflect attacks, such as punches."],"zh":["體內滲出的油在白色的毛皮上形成覆膜,能滑溜溜地避開敵人的攻擊。","從全身滲出的油非常滑。對於因為肌膚乾燥而煩惱的人也很有效果。","潔癖使得牠連一絲灰塵都無法容忍,會把自己身上滲出的油塗在巢上保持清潔。"]}},{"id":574,"name":{"en":"Gothita","zh":"哥德寶寶"},"types":{"en":["psychic"],"zh":["超能力"]},"genera":{"en":"Fixation Pokémon","zh":"凝視寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Their ribbonlike feelers increase their psychic power. They are always staring at something.","They intently observe both Trainers and Pokémon. Apparently, they are looking at something that only Gothita can see.","It stares intently at everything. It can become so obsessed with watching that it doesn’t notice attacks."],"zh":["雖然還是寶寶,有時也會用儲存在像蝴蝶結一樣的觸角裡的精神力量來戰鬥。","哥德寶寶會在看似無人的地方輕聲地叫。牠好像是在與某種只有牠才看得見的東西說話。"]}},{"id":575,"name":{"en":"Gothorita","zh":"哥德小童"},"types":{"en":["psychic"],"zh":["超能力"]},"genera":{"en":"Manipulate Pokémon","zh":"操縱寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["They use hypnosis to control people and Pokémon. Tales of Gothorita leading people astray are told in every corner.","Starlight is the source of their power. At night, they mark star positions by using psychic power to float stones.","According to many old tales, it creates friends for itself by controlling sleeping children on starry nights."],"zh":["據說會在星光閃耀的夜裡把睡著的孩子們帶走。也有人稱牠為制裁魔女。","哥德小童的精神力量似乎會在星光閃耀的夜晚達到最高點。牠與宇宙的關係至今不明。"]}},{"id":576,"name":{"en":"Gothitelle","zh":"哥德小姐"},"types":{"en":["psychic"],"zh":["超能力"]},"genera":{"en":"Astral Body Pokémon","zh":"天體寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Starry skies thousands of light-years away are visible in the space distorted by their intense psychic power.","They can predict the future from the placement and movement of the stars. They can see Trainers’ life spans.","It can see the future from the movement of the stars. When it learns its Trainer’s life span, it cries in sadness."],"zh":["根據星星的動向預知未來。雖然擁有強大的精神力量,但生性並不喜好紛爭。","從哥德小姐那裡看到了自己下場的惡人在那之後便銷聲匿跡了。"]}},{"id":577,"name":{"en":"Solosis","zh":"單卵細胞球"},"types":{"en":["psychic"],"zh":["超能力"]},"genera":{"en":"Cell Pokémon","zh":"細胞寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["They drive away attackers by unleashing psychic power. They can use telepathy to talk with others.","Because their bodies are enveloped in a special liquid, they can survive in any environment.","Because their bodies are enveloped in a special liquid, they are fine in any environment, no matter how severe."],"zh":["透過心靈感應來與夥伴交流。如果受到了強烈的衝擊,包裹著身體的液體就會漏出來。","身體被特殊的液體包裹著,許多人因此認為牠即使在宇宙中也能存活。"]}},{"id":578,"name":{"en":"Duosion","zh":"雙卵細胞球"},"types":{"en":["psychic"],"zh":["超能力"]},"genera":{"en":"Mitosis Pokémon","zh":"分割寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Since they have two divided brains, at times they suddenly try to take two different actions at once.","When their brains, now divided in two, are thinking the same thoughts, these Pokémon exhibit their maximum power.","When their two divided brains think the same thoughts, their psychic power is maximized."],"zh":["據說當牠的2個大腦意見一致時,發出的念力可以覆蓋方圓1公里的範圍。","由於牠一分為二的大腦思考的內容幾乎完全不同,導致牠的行動非常難以預測。"]}},{"id":579,"name":{"en":"Reuniclus","zh":"人造細胞卵"},"types":{"en":["psychic"],"zh":["超能力"]},"genera":{"en":"Multiplying Pokémon","zh":"增幅寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["When Reuniclus shake hands, a network forms between their brains, increasing their psychic power.","These remarkably intelligent Pokémon fight by controlling arms that can grip with rock-crushing power.","They use psychic power to control their arms, which are made of a special liquid. They can crush boulders psychically."],"zh":["比起使用超能力,牠更喜歡靠著揮動自傲的手臂來打倒對手。","雖然有人說只要喝掉牠特殊的液體就能得到智慧,但對人造細胞卵以外來說,那其實是劇毒。"]}},{"id":580,"name":{"en":"Ducklett","zh":"鴨寶寶"},"types":{"en":["water","flying"],"zh":["水","飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"Water Bird Pokémon","zh":"水鳥寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["These bird Pokémon are excellent divers. They swim around in the water eating their favorite food--peat moss.","When attacked, it uses its feathers to splash water, escaping under cover of the spray.","They are better at swimming than flying, and they happily eat their favorite food, peat moss, as they dive underwater."],"zh":["受到敵人襲擊時,會從全身上下的羽毛噴出水花。混在一片水霧中逃之夭夭。","比起飛行更擅長游泳。一潛入水中就會開心地吃起最愛的水苔。"]}},{"id":581,"name":{"en":"Swanna","zh":"舞天鵝"},"types":{"en":["water","flying"],"zh":["水","飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"White Bird Pokémon","zh":"白鳥寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Swanna start to dance at dusk. The one dancing in the middle is the leader of the flock.","It administers sharp, powerful pecks with its bill. It whips its long neck to deliver forceful repeated strikes.","Despite their elegant appearance, they can flap their wings strongly and fly for thousands of miles."],"zh":["有著優雅的外表,但卻可以有力地拍動翅膀,持續飛行數千公里。","舞天鵝們會隨著黎明起舞。在正中間跳舞的就是群體的首領。"]}},{"id":582,"name":{"en":"Vanillite","zh":"迷你冰"},"types":{"en":["ice"],"zh":["冰"]},"genera":{"en":"Fresh Snow Pokémon","zh":"新雪寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["The temperature of their breath is -58° F. They create snow crystals and make snow fall in the areas around them.","This Pokémon formed from icicles bathed in energy from the morning sun. It sleeps buried in snow.","Theoretically, this Pokémon formed from icicles bathed in energy from the morning sun. Their breath is -58° F."],"zh":["從冰柱中誕生的寶可夢。用冰冷的氣息製造雪的結晶,讓周圍降雪。","抱緊牠就會感覺涼涼的非常舒服。在炎熱的地區,是每家必備1隻的便利寶可夢。","會吐出零下50度的寒氣。如果待在溫暖的地方,身體就會漸漸地變小。"]}},{"id":583,"name":{"en":"Vanillish","zh":"多多冰"},"types":{"en":["ice"],"zh":["冰"]},"genera":{"en":"Icy Snow Pokémon","zh":"冰雪寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Snowy mountains are this Pokémon’s habitat. During an ancient ice age, they moved to southern areas.","It conceals itself from enemy eyes by creating many small ice particles and hiding among them.","They cool down the surrounding air and create ice particles, which they use to freeze their foes."],"zh":["在炎熱的天氣裡身體會溶化。如果冰凍起來就會恢復原狀,但身體的形狀會稍稍歪掉。","從冰河時期就已經存在。操縱冰粒讓敵人凍僵後,再用頭錘將對方打碎。","會噴出冰粒凍住敵人的身體。棲息在阿羅拉的多多冰整體來說體型比較小。"]}},{"id":584,"name":{"en":"Vanilluxe","zh":"雙倍多多冰"},"types":{"en":["ice"],"zh":["冰"]},"genera":{"en":"Snowstorm Pokémon","zh":"暴風雪寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Swallowing large amounts of water, they make snow clouds inside their bodies and attack their foes with violent blizzards.","If both heads get angry simultaneously, this Pokémon expels a blizzard, burying everything in snow.","Swallowing large amounts of water, they make snow clouds inside their bodies and, when angry, cause violent blizzards."],"zh":["2個頭擁有各自的大腦,如果兩者意見一致,就會噴出猛烈的暴風雪襲擊敵人。","即使失去其中一邊的頭也可以毫無問題地繼續存活。會在身體的內部製造雪雲。","會從2張嘴裡噴出暴風雪。由於不管在哪裡都能造雪,所以很受雪上運動家的歡迎。"]}},{"id":585,"name":{"en":"Deerling","zh":"四季鹿"},"types":{"en":["normal","grass"],"zh":["一般","草"]},"genera":{"en":"Season Pokémon","zh":"季節寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["The color and scent of their fur changes to match the mountain grass. When they sense hostility, they hide in the grass.","The turning of the seasons changes the color and scent of this Pokémon’s fur. People use it to mark the seasons.","Their coloring changes according to the seasons and can be slightly affected by the temperature and humidity as well."],"zh":["氣味會隨季節變遷而改變。初春的氣味略帶香甜,能使情緒穩定下來。","雖然長相可愛,卻因為喜歡吃草木長出的新芽而遭到農民們的疏遠。"]}},{"id":586,"name":{"en":"Sawsbuck","zh":"萌芽鹿"},"types":{"en":["normal","grass"],"zh":["一般","草"]},"genera":{"en":"Season Pokémon","zh":"季節寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["They migrate according to the seasons. People can tell the season by looking at Sawsbuck’s horns.","The plants growing on its horns change according to the season. The leaders of the herd possess magnificent horns.","They migrate according to the seasons, so some people call Sawsbuck the harbingers of spring."],"zh":["角上有很多花的萌芽鹿由於會被花搶走養分,而導致成長速度略顯緩慢。","有許多愛好者的寶可夢。愛好者們認為牠角上綻放的淡紅色花朵顏色越淡越是美麗。"]}},{"id":587,"name":{"en":"Emolga","zh":"電飛鼠"},"types":{"en":["electric","flying"],"zh":["電","飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"Sky Squirrel Pokémon","zh":"飛鼠寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["The energy made in its cheeks’ electric pouches is stored inside its membrane and released while it is gliding.","They live on treetops and glide using the inside of a cape-like membrane while discharging electricity.","It glides on its outstretched membrane while shocking foes with the electricity stored in the pouches on its cheeks."],"zh":["用斗篷一樣的翼膜滑翔。到處散布電流,讓敵人和同伴都紛紛觸電。","會用電擊將樹果和蟲寶可夢烤得恰到好處後再吃掉。主要是把小篤兒挖出的樹洞當成巢穴。","蓄著電在空中飛行。在雷電交加的深夜裡,牠們甚至會密密麻麻地佈滿整個天空。"]}},{"id":588,"name":{"en":"Karrablast","zh":"蓋蓋蟲"},"types":{"en":["bug"],"zh":["蟲"]},"genera":{"en":"Clamping Pokémon","zh":"啃咬寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["These mysterious Pokémon evolve when they receive electrical stimulation while they are in the same place as Shelmet.","When they feel threatened, they spit an acidic liquid to drive attackers away. This Pokémon targets Shelmet.","For some reason they evolve when they receive electrical energy while they are attacking Shelmet."],"zh":["有著會對電能產生反應的奇異體質。和小嘴蝸待在一起就會進化。","用嘴裡吐出的液體來融化小嘴蝸的殼,只會去吃裡面的身體。"]}},{"id":589,"name":{"en":"Escavalier","zh":"騎士蝸牛"},"types":{"en":["bug","steel"],"zh":["蟲","鋼"]},"genera":{"en":"Cavalry Pokémon","zh":"騎兵寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["They fly around at high speed, striking with their pointed spears. Even when in trouble, they face opponents bravely.","These Pokémon evolve by wearing the shell covering of a Shelmet. The steel armor protects their whole body.","Wearing the shell covering they stole from Shelmet, they defend themselves and attack with two lances."],"zh":["搶走小嘴蝸的殼,將自己全副武裝。在伽勒爾地區,騎士蝸牛非常受到人們喜愛。","會舉起長矛突擊敵人。有一幅名畫描繪著牠和蔥遊兵決鬥的場景。"]}},{"id":590,"name":{"en":"Foongus","zh":"哎呀球菇"},"types":{"en":["grass","poison"],"zh":["草","毒"]},"genera":{"en":"Mushroom Pokémon","zh":"蘑菇寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It lures people in with its Poké Ball pattern, then releases poison spores. Why it resembles a Poké Ball is unknown.","For some reason, this Pokémon resembles a Poké Ball. They release poison spores to repel those who try to catch them.","It lures Pokémon with its pattern that looks just like a Poké Ball then releases poison spores."],"zh":["酷似精靈球的花紋究竟有什麼意義和理由,至今仍沒有人能了解。","從雙臂噴出的孢子是劇毒,但據說在徹底乾燥之後,可以作為腸胃藥使用。"]}},{"id":591,"name":{"en":"Amoonguss","zh":"敗露球菇"},"types":{"en":["grass","poison"],"zh":["草","毒"]},"genera":{"en":"Mushroom Pokémon","zh":"蘑菇寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It lures prey close by dancing and waving its arm caps, which resemble Poké Balls, in a swaying motion.","They show off their Poké Ball caps to lure prey, but very few Pokémon are fooled by this.","It moves the caps on both arms and does a dance to lure prey. It prefers damp places."],"zh":["會噴出帶有毒性的孢子。如果不盡快洗掉的話,就會從那裡長出蘑菇來喔。","平時不太會有動作。只是一動也不動地待在地上掉落的精靈球旁邊。"]}},{"id":592,"name":{"en":"Frillish","zh":"輕飄飄"},"types":{"en":["water","ghost"],"zh":["水","幽靈"]},"genera":{"en":"Floating Pokémon","zh":"漂浮寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["With its thin, veil-like arms wrapped around the body of its opponent, it sinks to the ocean floor.","They paralyze prey with poison, then drag them down to their lairs, five miles below the surface.","If its veil-like arms stun and wrap a foe, that foe will be dragged miles below the surface, never to return."],"zh":["會用薄紗般的手腳纏住正在游泳的獵物,將對方拖進深海。","為了讓敵人麻痺而溺斃,牠那薄紗般的手腳上長著許多肉眼看不見的毒針。","會用薄紗般的手腳纏住獵物,將對手拖進8000公尺深的海中。"]}},{"id":593,"name":{"en":"Jellicent","zh":"胖嘟嘟"},"types":{"en":["water","ghost"],"zh":["水","幽靈"]},"genera":{"en":"Floating Pokémon","zh":"漂浮寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["The fate of the ships and crew that wander into Jellicent’s habitat:all sunken, all lost, all vanished.","They propel themselves by expelling absorbed seawater from their bodies. Their favorite food is life energy.","Its body is mostly seawater. It’s said there’s a castle of ships Jellicent have sunk on the seafloor."],"zh":["經常纏著豪華客輪或是油輪不放,目的是把獵物拖進海裡。","漁夫們對牠十分恐懼。傳說中牠會把漁夫拖進海裡,奪走他們的性命。","身體的絕大部分都由與海水相同的成分組成。會把沉船當成自己的城堡。"]}},{"id":594,"name":{"en":"Alomomola","zh":"保母曼波"},"types":{"en":["water"],"zh":["水"]},"genera":{"en":"Caring Pokémon","zh":"看護寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["The special membrane enveloping Alomomola has the ability to heal wounds.","Floating in the open sea is how they live. When they find a wounded Pokémon, they embrace it and bring it to shore.","It gently holds injured and weak Pokémon in its fins. Its special membrane heals their wounds."],"zh":["抱著受傷的寶可夢,用特殊的黏液敷傷口。但理由不明。","漂浮在汪洋大海上生活。保母曼波的周圍會聚集起許多水屬性寶可夢。","漁夫在長程航海時會帶著牠。有保母曼波在身邊就不需要醫生或藥物了。"]}},{"id":595,"name":{"en":"Joltik","zh":"電電蟲"},"types":{"en":["bug","electric"],"zh":["蟲","電"]},"genera":{"en":"Attaching Pokémon","zh":"吸附寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Joltik that live in cities have learned a technique for sucking electricity from the outlets in houses.","They attach themselves to large-bodied Pokémon and absorb static electricity, which they store in an electric pouch.","Since it can’t generate its own electricity, it sticks onto large-bodied Pokémon and absorbs static electricity."],"zh":["會附在寶可夢的身上吸收靜電。自身並沒有製造電的能力。","會附在其他寶可夢身上吸取靜電。經常會把自己貼在來電汪的屁股上。"]}},{"id":596,"name":{"en":"Galvantula","zh":"電蜘蛛"},"types":{"en":["bug","electric"],"zh":["蟲","電"]},"genera":{"en":"EleSpider Pokémon","zh":"電蜘蛛寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["When attacked, they create an electric barrier by spitting out many electrically charged threads.","They employ an electrically charged web to trap their prey. While it is immobilized by shock, they leisurely consume it.","It creates barriers from electrified silk that stun foes. This works as a weapon as well as a defense."],"zh":["發射腹部帶電的毛來攻擊。要是被牠的毛刺中,就會全身麻痺三天三夜。","為了捕捉不太會飛的幼鳥,會在鳥寶可夢的巢穴附近用帶電的絲設下陷阱。"]}},{"id":597,"name":{"en":"Ferroseed","zh":"種子鐵球"},"types":{"en":["grass","steel"],"zh":["草","鋼"]},"genera":{"en":"Thorn Seed Pokémon","zh":"刺果寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["When threatened, it attacks by shooting a barrage of spikes, which gives it a chance to escape by rolling away.","They stick their spikes into cave walls and absorb the minerals they find in the rock.","It absorbs the iron it finds in the rock while clinging to the ceiling. It shoots spikes when in danger."],"zh":["會發射尖刺來保護自己。需要反覆訓練才能將尖刺準確地射中目標。","偏愛長著青苔的洞窟。青苔中所含的酵素能使牠的尖刺成長得又大又結實。"]}},{"id":598,"name":{"en":"Ferrothorn","zh":"堅果啞鈴"},"types":{"en":["grass","steel"],"zh":["草","鋼"]},"genera":{"en":"Thorn Pod Pokémon","zh":"刺球寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It fights by swinging around its three spiky feelers. A hit from these steel spikes can reduce a boulder to rubble.","They attach themselves to cave ceilings, firing steel spikes at targets passing beneath them.","By swinging around its three spiky feelers and shooting spikes, it can obliterate an opponent."],"zh":["用尖刺刺裂岩壁之後,牠會用觸手的尖端接觸裂縫吸收營養。","擁有比鋼鐵還堅硬的尖刺。會利用觸手上的尖刺攀附在岩壁上移動。"]}},{"id":599,"name":{"en":"Klink","zh":"齒輪兒"},"types":{"en":["steel"],"zh":["鋼"]},"genera":{"en":"Gear Pokémon","zh":"齒輪寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["The two minigears that mesh together are predetermined. Each will rebound from other minigears without meshing.","Interlocking two bodies and spinning around generates the energy they need to live.","Two bodies comprise a fixed pair. They spin around each other to generate energy."],"zh":["2個身體比雙胞胎還要親近。要是換成別的齒輪兒,就沒有辦法好好咬合。","據說在很久以前,是看到了齒輪兒的人發明了齒輪的構造。"]}},{"id":600,"name":{"en":"Klang","zh":"齒輪組"},"types":{"en":["steel"],"zh":["鋼"]},"genera":{"en":"Gear Pokémon","zh":"齒輪寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["By changing the direction in which it rotates, it communicates its feelings to others. When angry, it rotates faster.","Spinning minigears are rotated at high speed and repeatedly fired away. It is dangerous if the gears don’t return.","A minigear and big gear comprise its body. If the minigear it launches at a foe doesn’t return, it will die."],"zh":["如果認真起來,大齒輪外圈的齒輪會和小齒輪完全接合。此時轉速將會大幅提升。","被認為是工業技術的象徵。有許多伽勒爾當地的公司選擇牠作為企業的標誌。"]}},{"id":601,"name":{"en":"Klinklang","zh":"齒輪怪"},"types":{"en":["steel"],"zh":["鋼"]},"genera":{"en":"Gear Pokémon","zh":"齒輪寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["The gear with the red core is rotated at high speed for a rapid energy charge.","Its red core functions as an energy tank. It fires the charged energy through its spikes into an area.","The minigear spins at high speed. Then the energy from the red core charges the minigear to make it ready to fire."],"zh":["會從尖刺的前端發出強力電擊。紅色核心裡填充著非常多的能量。","讓3個齒輪高速旋轉。新增出來的那個帶著尖刺的齒輪並不是生物。"]}},{"id":602,"name":{"en":"Tynamo","zh":"麻麻小魚"},"types":{"en":["electric"],"zh":["電"]},"genera":{"en":"EleFish Pokémon","zh":"電魚寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["While one alone doesn’t have much power, a chain of many Tynamo can be as powerful as lightning.","These Pokémon move in schools. They have an electricity-generating organ, so they discharge electricity if in danger.","One alone can emit only a trickle of electricity, so a group of them gathers to unleash a powerful electric shock."],"zh":["1隻的電力雖小,但只要多隻麻麻小魚聚集在一起,威力便可媲美雷電。","集體行動的寶可夢。擁有製造電力的器官,遇到危機時就會發電。"]}},{"id":603,"name":{"en":"Eelektrik","zh":"麻麻鰻"},"types":{"en":["electric"],"zh":["電"]},"genera":{"en":"EleFish Pokémon","zh":"電魚寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["They coil around foes and shock them with electricity-generating organs that seem simply to be circular patterns.","These Pokémon have a big appetite. When they spot their prey, they attack it and paralyze it with electricity.","It wraps itself around its prey and paralyzes it with electricity from the round spots on its sides. Then it chomps."],"zh":["圓圓的花紋是發電器官。會先纏住對手,然後把花紋壓在對手身上後放出電流。","食慾旺盛的寶可夢。一發現獵物就會發動襲擊,用電流使其麻痺後大快朵頤。"]}},{"id":604,"name":{"en":"Eelektross","zh":"麻麻鰻魚王"},"types":{"en":["electric"],"zh":["電"]},"genera":{"en":"EleFish Pokémon","zh":"電魚寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["They crawl out of the ocean using their arms. They will attack prey on shore and immediately drag it into the ocean.","With their sucker mouths, they suck in prey. Then they use their fangs to shock the prey with electricity.","It latches on to prey with its sucker mouth, sinking in its fangs and shocking the prey with powerful electricity."],"zh":["用手臂的力量從大海裡爬出,襲擊水邊的獵物。會瞬間將獵物拖入海中。","會用吸盤的嘴吸附在對手身上,然後刺進牙齒放出強大的電流。"]}},{"id":605,"name":{"en":"Elgyem","zh":"小灰怪"},"types":{"en":["psychic"],"zh":["超能力"]},"genera":{"en":"Cerebral Pokémon","zh":"腦寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It uses its strong psychic power to squeeze its opponent’s brain, causing unendurable headaches.","This Pokémon had never been seen until it appeared from far in the desert 50 years ago.","Rumors of its origin are linked to a UFO crash site in the desert 50 years ago."],"zh":["操縱著驚人的精神力量。大部分目擊到外星人的消息都是把小灰怪錯看成外星人了。","據說是大約50年前從墜落到地上的UFO中出現。是充滿未解之謎的寶可夢。","當牠站在電視機旁邊時,畫面上會出現奇怪的景色。據說那是牠的故鄉。"]}},{"id":606,"name":{"en":"Beheeyem","zh":"大宇怪"},"types":{"en":["psychic"],"zh":["超能力"]},"genera":{"en":"Cerebral Pokémon","zh":"腦寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It can manipulate an opponent’s memory. Apparently, it communicates by flashing its three different-colored fingers.","It uses psychic power to control an opponent’s brain and tamper with its memories.","Apparently, it communicates by flashing its three fingers, but those patterns haven’t been decoded."],"zh":["會用精神力量竄改對手的記憶。你的記憶說不定也已經被竄改了。","擁有強大的精神力量。會用發出3色光輝的手指操縱對手,改寫記憶。","如果大宇怪出現在牧場裡,那麼就會有1隻毛毛角羊在不知不覺間消失。"]}},{"id":607,"name":{"en":"Litwick","zh":"燭光靈"},"types":{"en":["ghost","fire"],"zh":["幽靈","火"]},"genera":{"en":"Candle Pokémon","zh":"蠟燭寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Litwick shines a light that absorbs the life energy of people and Pokémon, which becomes the fuel that it burns.","While shining a light and pretending to be a guide, it leeches off the life force of any who follow it.","Its flame is usually out, but it starts shining when it absorbs life force from people or Pokémon."],"zh":["頭上燃燒著的燭光讓牠的身體保持微熱。會拉著迷路孩子的手,將他們帶向靈界。","吸取到的靈魂越年輕,頭上的燭光就會燃燒得越旺越詭異。"]}},{"id":608,"name":{"en":"Lampent","zh":"燈火幽靈"},"types":{"en":["ghost","fire"],"zh":["幽靈","火"]},"genera":{"en":"Lamp Pokémon","zh":"油燈寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["This ominous Pokémon is feared. Through cities it wanders, searching for the spirits of the fallen.","It arrives near the moment of death and steals spirit from the body.","The spirits it absorbs fuel its baleful fire. It hangs around hospitals waiting for people to pass on."],"zh":["由於牠會在人類臨終時出現,人們因此認為牠是死神的使者,對牠畏懼不已。","偽裝成燈的樣子藏身在城鎮裡。一旦發現了臨近死期的人,便會悄悄地跟在後面。"]}},{"id":609,"name":{"en":"Chandelure","zh":"水晶燈火靈"},"types":{"en":["ghost","fire"],"zh":["幽靈","火"]},"genera":{"en":"Luring Pokémon","zh":"引誘寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It absorbs a spirit, which it then burns. By waving the flames on its arms, it puts its foes into a hypnotic trance.","Being consumed in Chandelure’s flame burns up the spirit, leaving the body behind.","The spirits burned up in its ominous flame lose their way and wander this world forever."],"zh":["住在古老的洋樓裡。詭異地搖晃手臂上的火焰,以此來催眠對手。","據說在用水晶燈火靈來充當照明設備的房子裡,喪事會接連不斷。"]}},{"id":610,"name":{"en":"Axew","zh":"牙牙"},"types":{"en":["dragon"],"zh":["龍"]},"genera":{"en":"Tusk Pokémon","zh":"牙寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["They use their tusks to crush the berries they eat. Repeated regrowth makes their tusks strong and sharp.","They mark their territory by leaving gashes in trees with their tusks. If a tusk breaks, a new one grows in quickly.","Its large tusks have a tendency to break, but each time they grow back, they grow in harder and sturdier."],"zh":["在地面上築巢居住。用牙齒粉碎堅硬的樹果,和夥伴比拼力氣。","會和夥伴們一起互撞牙齒來玩。折斷的牙齒會馬上長出來,所以絲毫都不會在意。"]}},{"id":611,"name":{"en":"Fraxure","zh":"斧牙龍"},"types":{"en":["dragon"],"zh":["龍"]},"genera":{"en":"Axe Jaw Pokémon","zh":"顎斧寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Since a broken tusk will not grow back, they diligently sharpen their tusks on river rocks after they’ve been fighting.","Their tusks can shatter rocks. Territory battles between Fraxure can be intensely violent.","A broken tusk will not grow back, so it diligently sharpens its tusks on river rocks after the end of a battle."],"zh":["牙齒一旦折斷就不會再次生長。戰鬥結束之後會用河灘上的岩石仔細地磨牙。","皮膚像盔甲一樣堅硬。非常擅長在撞擊的同時用牙齒猛刺的戰法。"]}},{"id":612,"name":{"en":"Haxorus","zh":"雙斧戰龍"},"types":{"en":["dragon"],"zh":["龍"]},"genera":{"en":"Axe Jaw Pokémon","zh":"顎斧寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["They are kind but can be relentless when defending territory. They challenge foes with tusks that can cut steel.","Their sturdy tusks will stay sharp even if used to cut steel beams. These Pokémon are covered in hard armor.","Its tusks are incredibly destructive. They can easily slice through a thick, sturdy steel column every time."],"zh":["堅固的大牙是牠的驕傲。為了保持牙齒的強度,會舔泥土來補充礦物質。","性情溫和,但生起氣來非常恐怖。會用自己那引以為傲,可以削鐵如泥的牙齒攻擊敵人。"]}},{"id":613,"name":{"en":"Cubchoo","zh":"噴嚏熊"},"types":{"en":["ice"],"zh":["冰"]},"genera":{"en":"Chill Pokémon","zh":"結冰寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["When it is not feeling well, its mucus gets watery and the power of its Ice-type moves decreases.","Its nose is always running. It sniffs the snot back up because the mucus provides the raw material for its moves.","Their snot is a barometer of health. When healthy, their snot is sticky and the power of their ice moves increases."],"zh":["健康時鼻涕的黏度會變強。只要遇到自己討厭的對手,就會把鼻涕擦到對方身上。","使出招式前會先倒吸鼻涕。鼻涕裡所含有的強烈冷氣是冰屬性招式的能量來源。"]}},{"id":614,"name":{"en":"Beartic","zh":"凍原熊"},"types":{"en":["ice"],"zh":["冰"]},"genera":{"en":"Freezing Pokémon","zh":"凍結寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It can make its breath freeze at will. Very able in the water, it swims around in northern seas and catches prey.","It freezes its breath to create fangs and claws of ice to fight with. Cold northern areas are its habitat.","They love the cold seas of the north. They create pathways across the ocean waters by freezing their own breath."],"zh":["吐出的氣息凍結而成的冰牙比鋼鐵還硬。為了尋找食物,會在寒冷的海裡游動徘徊。","在冰冷的大海裡精力十足地游泳。感到疲勞的時候會吐出氣息凍結海水,在冰面上休息。"]}},{"id":615,"name":{"en":"Cryogonal","zh":"幾何雪花"},"types":{"en":["ice"],"zh":["冰"]},"genera":{"en":"Crystallizing Pokémon","zh":"結晶寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["When its body temperature goes up, it turns into steam and vanishes. When its temperature lowers, it returns to ice.","They are born in snow clouds. They use chains made of ice crystals to capture prey.","They are composed of ice crystals. They capture prey with chains of ice, freezing the prey at -148° F."],"zh":["會操縱用冰做成的鎖鏈凍住遇見的獵物,然後把牠帶去不知名的地方。","天氣一熱,就會變成水蒸氣。在夏天見到牠的機會少之又少。"]}},{"id":616,"name":{"en":"Shelmet","zh":"小嘴蝸"},"types":{"en":["bug"],"zh":["蟲"]},"genera":{"en":"Snail Pokémon","zh":"蝸牛寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["When attacked, it defends itself by closing the lid of its shell. It can spit a sticky, poisonous liquid.","It evolves when bathed in an electric-like energy along with Karrablast. The reason is still unknown.","When it and Karrablast are together, and both receive electrical stimulation, they both evolve."],"zh":["一旦被敵人襲擊,便會關上殼蓋保護自己。不過蓋蓋蟲能打得開。","有著會對電能產生反應的奇異體質。不知為何,和蓋蓋蟲待在一起就會進化。"]}},{"id":617,"name":{"en":"Accelgor","zh":"敏捷蟲"},"types":{"en":["bug"],"zh":["蟲"]},"genera":{"en":"Shell Out Pokémon","zh":"脫殼寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["When its body dries out, it weakens. So, to prevent dehydration, it wraps itself in many layers of thin membrane.","Having removed its heavy shell, it becomes very light and can fight with ninja-like movements.","When its body dries out, it weakens. So it wraps a membrane around itself for protection while it spits poison."],"zh":["行動迅速,會噴出毒液來戰鬥。敏捷蟲擔綱主角的電影和漫畫擁有極高的人氣。","脫殼後變得更輕巧了。為了防止乾燥,會將帶狀的黏膜裹在身上。"]}},{"id":618,"name":{"en":"Stunfisk","zh":"泥巴魚"},"types":{"en":["ground","electric"],"zh":["地面","電"]},"genera":{"en":"Trap Pokémon","zh":"陷阱寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Its skin is very hard, so it is unhurt even if stepped on by sumo wrestlers. It smiles when transmitting electricity.","It conceals itself in the mud of the seashore. Then it waits. When prey touch it, it delivers a jolt of electricity.","When its opponent can’t be paralyzed, it contorts itself with unexpected speed and flops away."],"zh":["潮間帶便是牠的巢穴。製造電的器官由於泥裡的細菌而發達起來。","當從身上的黃色斑紋裡釋放出強大電流時,牠會莫名地露出微笑。"]}},{"id":619,"name":{"en":"Mienfoo","zh":"功夫鼬"},"types":{"en":["fighting"],"zh":["格鬥"]},"genera":{"en":"Martial Arts Pokémon","zh":"武術寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["In fights, they dominate with onslaughts of flowing, continuous attacks. With their sharp claws, they cut enemies.","They have mastered elegant combos. As they concentrate, their battle moves become swifter and more precise.","It takes pride in the speed at which it can use moves. What it loses in power, it makes up for in quantity."],"zh":["在早晨可以看見牠們集體用緩慢的動作擺出各種姿勢哦。","與群體的夥伴們一起在深山裡閉關修行。不同的群體有著不同的踢腿和手刀技法。","千錘百鍊的功夫鼬能夠在1分鐘內使出超過100次的劈擊。"]}},{"id":620,"name":{"en":"Mienshao","zh":"師父鼬"},"types":{"en":["fighting"],"zh":["格鬥"]},"genera":{"en":"Martial Arts Pokémon","zh":"武術寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It wields the fur on its arms like a whip. Its arm attacks come with such rapidity that they cannot even be seen.","They use the long fur on their arms as a whip to strike their opponents.","Using the long fur on its arms like whips, it launches into combo attacks that, once started, no one can stop."],"zh":["快到無法看清的踢腿非常強烈,即使是巨大的岩石也能粉碎。","會用連續攻擊壓倒對手。致命的一擊會在緩慢蓄力之後施展出來。","當牠用奇妙聲音發出叫喊時是很危險的,由快到無法看清的踢腿和手刀組成的連續攻擊將接踵而來。"]}},{"id":621,"name":{"en":"Druddigon","zh":"赤面龍"},"types":{"en":["dragon"],"zh":["龍"]},"genera":{"en":"Cave Pokémon","zh":"洞穴寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It warms its body by absorbing sunlight with its wings. When its body temperature falls, it can no longer move.","It races through narrow caves, using its sharp claws to catch prey. The skin on its face is harder than a rock.","It runs through the narrow tunnels formed by Excadrill and Onix. It uses its sharp claws to catch prey."],"zh":["臉上的紅色皮膚比岩石還要堅硬。在狹窄的洞窟中,會用臉朝著敵人發動突襲。","會入侵地鼠或三地鼠挖掘的隧道,靜靜地等待著獵物經過。","居住在地洞裡。如果身體受涼就會無法動彈,因此一定會做日光浴。"]}},{"id":622,"name":{"en":"Golett","zh":"泥偶小人"},"types":{"en":["ground","ghost"],"zh":["地面","幽靈"]},"genera":{"en":"Automaton Pokémon","zh":"魔像寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["The energy that burns inside it enables it to move, but no one has yet been able to identify this energy.","These Pokémon are thought to have been created by the science of an ancient and mysterious civilization.","Ancient science fashioned this Pokémon from clay. It’s been active for thousands of years."],"zh":["靠著神秘的能量來活動。因為從古代開始就持續活動,有可能就快要耗盡力量了。","古代人之所以捏黏土製造牠,似乎是為了當成僕人使喚。能量來源至今不明。","誕生自黏土的古代寶可夢。不知為何,有一些泥偶小人會不斷地把大石頭排列起來。"]}},{"id":623,"name":{"en":"Golurk","zh":"泥偶巨人"},"types":{"en":["ground","ghost"],"zh":["地面","幽靈"]},"genera":{"en":"Automaton Pokémon","zh":"魔像寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It flies across the sky at Mach speeds. Removing the seal on its chest makes its internal energy go out of control.","It is said that Golurk were ordered to protect people and Pokémon by the ancient people who made them.","Golurk were created to protect people and Pokémon. They run on a mysterious energy."],"zh":["據說古代人發明泥偶巨人是為了當成勞動力來使用。牠會忠實遵從主人的命令。","胸口的封印一旦解開就會不顧一切地四處大鬧,把街道全都化成瓦礫堆。","古代人城堡的牆壁裡那像炮台一樣的底座是為了讓泥偶巨人發射光束而建的。"]}},{"id":624,"name":{"en":"Pawniard","zh":"駒刀小兵"},"types":{"en":["dark","steel"],"zh":["惡","鋼"]},"genera":{"en":"Sharp Blade Pokémon","zh":"利器寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Blades comprise this Pokémon’s entire body. If battling dulls the blades, it sharpens them on stones by the river.","They fight at Bisharp’s command. They cling to their prey and inflict damage by sinking their blades into it.","Ignoring their injuries, groups attack by sinking the blades that cover their bodies into their prey."],"zh":["斬斷獵物之後,會用河灘上的石頭來磨刀。每個駒刀小兵各自有著自己喜歡的石頭。","遵照劈斬司令的命令襲擊敵人。斬斷對手時,就會敲響雙手的刀刃。","揮舞銳利的刀刃將敵人逼向絕境。會用河灘的石頭來精心保養刀刃。"]}},{"id":625,"name":{"en":"Bisharp","zh":"劈斬司令"},"types":{"en":["dark","steel"],"zh":["惡","鋼"]},"genera":{"en":"Sword Blade Pokémon","zh":"刀刃寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It leads a group of Pawniard. It battles to become the boss, but will be driven from the group if it loses.","Bisharp pursues prey in the company of a large group of Pawniard. Then Bisharp finishes off the prey.","This pitiless Pokémon commands a group of Pawniard to hound prey into immobility. It then moves in to finish the prey off."],"zh":["據說無論是多麼強大的劈斬司令,一旦頭上的刀刃出現了缺損,就會從首領的位子上退下來。","率領著成群的駒刀小兵。即使在給對手致命一擊的時候,也完全面不改色。","率領著一大群駒刀小兵。為了防止手下們背叛自己,總是睜大著眼睛監視牠們。"]}},{"id":626,"name":{"en":"Bouffalant","zh":"爆炸頭水牛"},"types":{"en":["normal"],"zh":["一般"]},"genera":{"en":"Bash Buffalo Pokémon","zh":"頭錘牛寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Their fluffy fur absorbs damage, even if they strike foes with a fierce headbutt.","They charge wildly and headbutt everything. Their headbutts have enough destructive force to derail a train.","They are known to charge so wildly that if a train were to enter their territory, they would send it flying."],"zh":["只用頭錘就能壓扁汽車。頭部的那團毛越大一團,在群體裡的地位就會越高。","會組成約20隻的群體一起生活。不知為何,背叛了群體的爆炸頭水牛頭上的毛會脫落。"]}},{"id":627,"name":{"en":"Rufflet","zh":"毛頭小鷹"},"types":{"en":["normal","flying"],"zh":["一般","飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"Eaglet Pokémon","zh":"雛鷹寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["They crush berries with their talons. They bravely stand up to any opponent, no matter how strong it is.","They will challenge anything, even strong opponents, without fear. Their frequent fights help them become stronger.","It stands up to massive opponents, not out of courage, but out of recklessness. But that is how it gets stronger."],"zh":["會不由分說挑起戰鬥。隨著每次被打倒,每次受傷,會成長得更強更壯。","用尖尖的爪子刺穿獵物後啄食。雖然也會吃樹果,但基本上是肉食性寶可夢。","靠著強大的腳力和結實的爪子,連大舌貝的堅硬外殼都能弄碎,去啄食裡面的東西。"]}},{"id":628,"name":{"en":"Braviary","zh":"勇士雄鷹"},"types":{"en":["normal","flying"],"zh":["一般","飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"Valiant Pokémon","zh":"勇猛寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["They fight for their friends without any thought about danger to themselves. One can carry a car while flying.","The more scars they have, the more respect these brave soldiers of the skyget from their peers.","For the sake of its friends, this brave warrior of the sky will not stop battling, even if injured."],"zh":["連死都毫不畏懼的勇敢性格。太古時代,阿羅拉的人們稱之為天空的勇士,並尊敬著牠。","據說過去棲息地曾經遭受人類的威脅,而勇士雄鷹們團結一致進行了抵抗。","正面的傷越多就表示越勇敢,而背後受傷較多的則會在群體中受到輕視。"]}},{"id":629,"name":{"en":"Vullaby","zh":"禿鷹丫頭"},"types":{"en":["dark","flying"],"zh":["惡","飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"Diapered Pokémon","zh":"尿布寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Their wings are too tiny to allow them to fly. They guard their posteriors with bones that were gathered by Mandibuzz.","Its wings are too tiny to allow it to fly. As the time approaches for it to evolve, it discards the bones it was wearing.","They tend to guard their posteriors with suitable bones they have found. They pursue weak Pokémon."],"zh":["保護著軟綿綿屁股的是吃完獵物後剩下的骨頭。會隨著每次成長丟棄更換哦。","還是貪玩的年紀。翅膀還未發達,所以無法飛行,會來來回回地蹦蹦跳哦。","骸骨是禿鷹娜給的。雖然翅膀太短還不能飛,但總是因為憧憬著天空而蹦蹦跳跳。"]}},{"id":630,"name":{"en":"Mandibuzz","zh":"禿鷹娜"},"types":{"en":["dark","flying"],"zh":["惡","飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"Bone Vulture Pokémon","zh":"骨鷹寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It makes a nest out of bones it finds. It grabs weakened prey in its talons and hauls it to its nest of bones.","Watching from the sky, they swoop to strike weakened Pokémon on the ground. They decorate themselves with bones.","They fly in circles around the sky. When they spot prey, they attack and carry it back to their nest with ease."],"zh":["據說,用骨頭華麗地裝飾是為了吸引♂,但還沒有發現過♂的禿鷹娜。","一邊在天空盤旋,一邊瞄準弱小的寶可夢。最喜歡吃的是卡拉卡拉。","會利用吃掉獵物後剩下的骨頭靈巧地做成自己的巢穴。大部分的骨頭是來自卡拉卡拉。"]}},{"id":631,"name":{"en":"Heatmor","zh":"熔蟻獸"},"types":{"en":["fire"],"zh":["火"]},"genera":{"en":"Anteater Pokémon","zh":"食蟻獸寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It breathes through a hole in its tail while it burns with an internal fire. Durant is its prey.","Using their very hot, flame-covered tongues, they burn through Durant’s steel bodies and consume their insides.","It draws in air through its tail, transforms it into fire, and uses it like a tongue. It melts Durant and eats them."],"zh":["從尾部的孔洞吸入空氣,燃起火焰。如果孔洞被堵住了,身體就會不舒服。","將火焰當成舌頭來使用。會一點一點地熔化鐵蟻堅硬的外骨骼,然後把牠吃掉。"]}},{"id":632,"name":{"en":"Durant","zh":"鐵蟻"},"types":{"en":["bug","steel"],"zh":["蟲","鋼"]},"genera":{"en":"Iron Ant Pokémon","zh":"鐵蟻寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["They attack in groups, covering themselves in steel armor to protect themselves from Heatmor.","Durant dig nests in mountains. They build their complicated, interconnected tunnels into mazes.","Individuals each play different roles in driving Heatmor, their natural predator, away from their colony."],"zh":["在巢穴的深處產卵。受到熔蟻獸的襲擊時會用大大的顎部咬住對方進行反擊。","巨大的顎部能咬碎岩石。為了不讓沙螺蟒把蛋搶走,會和其他同類一起並肩戰鬥。"]}},{"id":633,"name":{"en":"Deino","zh":"單首龍"},"types":{"en":["dark","dragon"],"zh":["惡","龍"]},"genera":{"en":"Irate Pokémon","zh":"粗魯寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It tends to bite everything, and it is not a picky eater. Approaching it carelessly is dangerous.","They cannot see, so they tackle and bite to learn about their surroundings. Their bodies are covered in wounds.","Lacking sight, it’s unaware of its surroundings, so it bumps into things and eats anything that moves."],"zh":["不管遇到什麼都習慣先咬再說。據說如果咬起來味道不錯,牠就會牢牢記住那種氣味。","因為眼睛看不見,所以會又撞又咬,來判斷四周的狀況。"]}},{"id":634,"name":{"en":"Zweilous","zh":"雙首暴龍"},"types":{"en":["dark","dragon"],"zh":["惡","龍"]},"genera":{"en":"Hostile Pokémon","zh":"粗暴寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["After it has eaten up all the food in its territory, it moves to another area. Its two heads do not get along.","Since their two heads do not get along and compete with each other for food, they always eat too much.","The two heads do not get along. Whichever head eats more than the other gets to be the leader."],"zh":["在自己的領地走來走去,尋找食物。2個頭時常會為了前進的方向而爭吵。","2個頭會爭搶同一個食物。明明沒有去和別人戰鬥,卻總是遍體鱗傷。"]}},{"id":635,"name":{"en":"Hydreigon","zh":"三首惡龍"},"types":{"en":["dark","dragon"],"zh":["惡","龍"]},"genera":{"en":"Brutal Pokémon","zh":"凶暴寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["This brutal Pokémon travels the skies on its six wings. Anything that moves seems like a foe to it, triggering its attack.","The heads on their arms do not have brains. They use all three heads to consume and destroy everything.","It responds to movement by attacking. This scary, three-headed Pokémon devours everything in its path!"],"zh":["會咬住一切會動的物體。有不少傳說裡都提到了三首惡龍毀滅村莊的故事。","3個頭會輪流去咬敵人。在對方倒下之前,絕對不會停止攻擊。"]}},{"id":636,"name":{"en":"Larvesta","zh":"燃燒蟲"},"types":{"en":["bug","fire"],"zh":["蟲","火"]},"genera":{"en":"Torch Pokémon","zh":"火炬寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["This Pokémon was believed to have been born from the sun. When it evolves, its entire body is engulfed in flames.","The base of volcanoes is where they make their homes. They shoot fire from their five horns to repel attacking enemies.","Said to have been born from the sun, it spews fire from its horns and encases itself in a cocoon of fire when it evolves."],"zh":["從5根角中噴出火焰與對手戰鬥。火焰的溫度最高可達3000度。","會用火焰保護自己。過去的人們相信牠的巢在太陽上。","遠古時代的人們相信燃燒蟲是從太陽上摔下來的。"]}},{"id":637,"name":{"en":"Volcarona","zh":"火神蛾"},"types":{"en":["bug","fire"],"zh":["蟲","火"]},"genera":{"en":"Sun Pokémon","zh":"太陽寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["When volcanic ash darkened the atmosphere, it is said that Volcarona’s fire provided a replacement for the sun.","A sea of fire engulfs the surroundings of their battles, since they use their six wings to scatter their ember scales.","Thought to be an embodiment of the sun, it appeared during a bitterly cold winter and saved Pokémon from freezing."],"zh":["一邊散佈火焰鱗粉,一邊四處飛翔。古代的人們稱呼牠為太陽的怒火,對牠十分畏懼。","傳說中,牠是從熊熊燃燒著火焰的繭中誕生。會去救助受寒冷所苦的人和寶可夢。","據說牠會飛灑火焰鱗粉造成火災,也有說法說牠會去救助受寒冷所苦的生物。"]}},{"id":638,"name":{"en":"Cobalion","zh":"勾帕路翁"},"types":{"en":["steel","fighting"],"zh":["鋼","格鬥"]},"genera":{"en":"Iron Will Pokémon","zh":"鐵心寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["This legendary Pokémon battled against humans to protect Pokémon. Its personality is calm and composed.","It has a body and heart of steel. Its glare is sufficient to make even an unruly Pokémon obey it.","It has a body and heart of steel. It worked with its allies to punish people when they hurt Pokémon."],"zh":["傳說牠曾經與代拉基翁和畢力吉翁一起,為了保護合眾地區的寶可夢而與人類作戰。","生來就具有領導風範。即使是性情狂暴的寶可夢,在勾帕路翁面前也會變得溫順。"]}},{"id":639,"name":{"en":"Terrakion","zh":"代拉基翁"},"types":{"en":["rock","fighting"],"zh":["岩石","格鬥"]},"genera":{"en":"Cavern Pokémon","zh":"岩窟寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["This Pokémon came to the defense of Pokémon that had lost their homes in a war among humans.","Its charge is strong enough to break through a giant castle wall in one blow. This Pokémon is spoken of in legends.","Spoken of in legend, this Pokémon used its phenomenal power to destroy a castle in its effort to protect Pokémon."],"zh":["擁有異常強大的力量。會把欺負弱小寶可夢的對手打到再也站不起來。","代拉基翁為保護寶可夢而與人類作戰的傳說在合眾地區廣為流傳。"]}},{"id":640,"name":{"en":"Virizion","zh":"畢力吉翁"},"types":{"en":["grass","fighting"],"zh":["草","格鬥"]},"genera":{"en":"Grassland Pokémon","zh":"草原寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["This Pokémon fought humans in order to protect its friends. Legends about it continue to be passed down.","Its head sprouts horns as sharp as blades. Using whirlwind-like movements, it confounds and swiftly cuts opponents.","Legends say this Pokémon confounded opponents with its swift movements."],"zh":["與勾帕路翁和代拉基翁並肩保護合眾地區寶可夢的傳說一直流傳至今。","以敏捷的身手像旋風一般將敵人玩弄於股掌之中,會用鋒利的角毫不留情地斬斷對手。"]}},{"id":641,"name":{"en":"Tornadus","zh":"龍捲雲"},"types":{"en":["flying"],"zh":["飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"Cyclone Pokémon","zh":"旋風寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["The lower half of its body is wrapped in a cloud of energy. It zooms through the sky at 200 mph.","Tornadus expels massive energy from its tail, causing severe storms. Its power is great enough to blow houses away.","In every direction it flies, creating winds so powerful, they blow everything away."],"zh":["下半身被雲一般的能量包裹著。能以時速300公里的速度在空中飛行。","從龍捲雲尾部噴出的能量會引起暴風雨。威力足以將整棟房屋吹走。","引發風暴的寶可夢。傳說由於牠攪拌大氣,季節因此得以循環不息。據吾人考察,近似人類的形態才是假象而非真身。"]}},{"id":642,"name":{"en":"Thundurus","zh":"雷電雲"},"types":{"en":["electric","flying"],"zh":["電","飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"Bolt Strike Pokémon","zh":"雷擊寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Countless charred remains mar the landscape of places through which Thundurus has passed.","The spikes on its tail discharge immense bolts of lightning. It flies around the Unova region firing off lightning bolts.","As it flies around, it shoots lightning all over the place and causes forest fires. It is therefore disliked."],"zh":["從尾部的尖刺發出電擊。在合眾地區的上空來回飛行,製造落雷。","一邊在空中飛來飛去,一邊四處打雷引發森林大火,因此受到厭惡。","傳說牠憑藉自身的雷擊,自古便與宿敵龍捲雲不斷鬥爭。牠那貫穿大地的雷電使得土壤得到了精鍊。"]}},{"id":643,"name":{"en":"Reshiram","zh":"萊希拉姆"},"types":{"en":["dragon","fire"],"zh":["龍","火"]},"genera":{"en":"Vast White Pokémon","zh":"白陽寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["This Pokémon appears in legends. It sends flames into the air from its tail, burning up everything around it.","When Reshiram’s tail flares, the heat energy moves the atmosphere and changes the world’s weather.","This legendary Pokémon can scorch the world with fire. It helps those who want to build a world of truth."],"zh":["從尾部噴出火焰,像噴射機那樣飛翔。據說牠能將世界燃燒殆盡。","在神話的敘述裡,如果人類蔑視真實、放縱欲望,牠就會用火焰燒盡他們的王國。"]}},{"id":644,"name":{"en":"Zekrom","zh":"捷克羅姆"},"types":{"en":["dragon","electric"],"zh":["龍","電"]},"genera":{"en":"Deep Black Pokémon","zh":"黑陰寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Concealing itself in lightning clouds, it flies throughout the Unova region. It creates electricity in its tail.","This Pokémon appears in legends. In its tail, it has a giant generator that creates electricity.","This legendary Pokémon can scorch the world with lightning. It assists those who want to build an ideal world."],"zh":["當尾巴的內部像馬達那樣旋轉起來,就能製造出好幾道閃電,穿透周圍的一切。","在神話的敘述裡,如果人類失去了正義之心,牠就會用狂暴的雷電毀滅他們的王國。"]}},{"id":645,"name":{"en":"Landorus","zh":"土地雲"},"types":{"en":["ground","flying"],"zh":["地面","飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"Abundance Pokémon","zh":"豐饒寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Lands visited by Landorus grant such bountiful crops that it has been hailed as “The Guardian of the Fields.”","The energy that comes pouring from its tail increases the nutrition in the soil, making crops grow to great size.","From the forces of lightning and wind, it creates energy to give nutrients to the soil and make the land abundant."],"zh":["土地雲造訪的土地上,作物會結實纍纍,因此被稱為農田之神。","吸收風與雷後轉化成的能量能夠給予土壤營養,讓大地變得豐饒。","會在旋風與電擊的化身互相鬥爭之時現身並加以平息。在風暴與雷電過後,大地必將迎來豐收。"]}},{"id":646,"name":{"en":"Kyurem","zh":"酋雷姆"},"types":{"en":["dragon","ice"],"zh":["龍","冰"]},"genera":{"en":"Boundary Pokémon","zh":"境界寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It generates a powerful, freezing energy inside itself, but its body became frozen when the energy leaked out.","It can produce ultracold air. Its body is frozen.","This legendary ice Pokémon waits for a hero to fill in the missing parts of its body with truth or ideals."],"zh":["雖然擁有凌駕於萊希拉姆和捷克羅姆之上的力量,但是那力量已被極低溫冷氣封住了。","為了穩定細胞組織,牠似乎用自己製造出的冷氣冰凍著身體。"]}},{"id":647,"name":{"en":"Keldeo","zh":"凱路迪歐"},"types":{"en":["water","fighting"],"zh":["水","格鬥"]},"genera":{"en":"Colt Pokémon","zh":"幼馬寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["By blasting water from its hooves, it can glide across water. It excels at using leg moves while battling.","It crosses the world, running over the surfaces of oceans and rivers. It appears at scenic waterfronts.","When it is resolute, its body fills with power and it becomes swifter. Its jumps are then too fast to follow."],"zh":["從勾帕路翁、代拉基翁和畢力吉翁那裡學會了戰鬥。馳騁全世界,不斷修行。","據說當牠歷經艱難的戰鬥,藉此鍛鍊了額頭上的角之後,就能激發出自己真正的力量。"]}},{"id":648,"name":{"en":"Meloetta","zh":"美洛耶塔"},"types":{"en":["normal","psychic"],"zh":["一般","超能力"]},"genera":{"en":"Melody Pokémon","zh":"旋律寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Its melodies are sung with a special vocalization method that can control the feelings of those who hear it.","Many famous songs have been inspired by the melodies that Meloetta plays.","The melodies sung by Meloetta have the power to make Pokémon that hear them happy or sad."],"zh":["美洛耶塔演奏的旋律有著能讓周圍的寶可夢或悲或喜的力量。","以特殊的發聲法唱出的旋律,能自在地操控聽者的情緒。"]}},{"id":649,"name":{"en":"Genesect","zh":"蓋諾賽克特"},"types":{"en":["bug","steel"],"zh":["蟲","鋼"]},"genera":{"en":"Paleozoic Pokémon","zh":"古生代寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Over 300 million years ago, it was feared as the strongest of hunters. It has been modified by Team Plasma.","This ancient bug Pokémon was altered by Team Plasma. They upgraded the cannon on its back.","This Pokémon existed 300 million years ago. Team Plasma altered it and attached a cannon to its back."],"zh":["被等離子隊改造過的古代的蟲寶可夢。背上的大砲力量得到了提升。","存在於3億年前的寶可夢。被等離子隊改造,在背部裝了砲台。"]}},{"id":650,"name":{"en":"Chespin","zh":"哈力栗"},"types":{"en":["grass"],"zh":["草"]},"genera":{"en":"Spiny Nut Pokémon","zh":"刺栗寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["The quills on its head are usually soft. When it flexes them, the points become so hard and sharp that they can pierce rock.","Such a thick shell of wood covers its head and back that even a direct hit from a truck wouldn’t faze it."],"zh":["頭上的刺平時很柔軟,一旦集中力量就會變得尖銳,硬度足以刺穿岩石。","頭和背部包覆著堅硬樹殼,即使被卡車撞上也能安然無事。"]}},{"id":651,"name":{"en":"Quilladin","zh":"胖胖哈力"},"types":{"en":["grass"],"zh":["草"]},"genera":{"en":"Spiny Armor Pokémon","zh":"刺鎧寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It relies on its sturdy shell to deflect predators’ attacks. It counterattacks with its sharp quills.","They strengthen their lower bodies by running into one another. They are very kind and won’t start fights."],"zh":["覆蓋身體的結實外殼不僅能反彈敵人的攻擊,還能以尖銳的刺展開反擊。","夥伴間互相碰撞身體來鍛鍊下盤。個性溫和,不會自己挑起戰鬥。"]}},{"id":652,"name":{"en":"Chesnaught","zh":"布里卡隆"},"types":{"en":["grass","fighting"],"zh":["草","格鬥"]},"genera":{"en":"Spiny Armor Pokémon","zh":"刺鎧寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Its Tackle is forceful enough to flip a 50-ton tank. It shields its allies from danger with its own body.","When it takes a defensive posture with its fists guarding its face, it could withstand a bomb blast."],"zh":["有著能夠用身體撞翻50噸重坦克車的力量。會把自身當成護盾保護夥伴。","讓雙拳擺在臉前,做出防禦姿勢的話,就算直接被炸彈轟中也能承受。"]}},{"id":653,"name":{"en":"Fennekin","zh":"火狐狸"},"types":{"en":["fire"],"zh":["火"]},"genera":{"en":"Fox Pokémon","zh":"狐狸寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Eating a twig fills it with energy, and its roomy ears give vent to air hotter than 390 degrees Fahrenheit.","As it walks, it munches on a twig in place of a snack. It intimidates opponents by puffing hot air out of its ears."],"zh":["吃了小樹枝就會變得有精神,從大大的耳朵中噴出超過攝氏200度的熱氣。","隨身帶著小樹枝,卡滋卡滋地當零食吃。會從耳朵噴出熱氣來威嚇對手。"]}},{"id":654,"name":{"en":"Braixen","zh":"長尾火狐"},"types":{"en":["fire"],"zh":["火"]},"genera":{"en":"Fox Pokémon","zh":"狐狸寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It has a twig stuck in its tail. With friction from its tail fur, it sets the twig on fire and launches into battle.","When the twig is plucked from its tail, friction sets the twig alight. The flame is used to send signals to its allies."],"zh":["尾巴上插有樹枝。用樹枝和尾巴上的毛摩擦生熱,點燃樹枝應戰。","將樹枝從尾巴拔出時,會因摩擦而起火。會揮動樹枝,以樹枝上面的火焰向夥伴發送信號。"]}},{"id":655,"name":{"en":"Delphox","zh":"妖火紅狐"},"types":{"en":["fire","psychic"],"zh":["火","超能力"]},"genera":{"en":"Fox Pokémon","zh":"狐狸寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It gazes into the flame at the tip of its branch to achieve a focused state, which allows it to see into the future.","Using psychic power, it generates a fiery vortex of 5,400 degrees Fahrenheit, incinerating foes swept into this whirl of flame."],"zh":["只要注視著木杖前端燃燒的火焰並集中精神,就能看穿未來將會發生的事。","能用超能力操控攝氏3000度的火焰旋渦。用旋渦包圍敵人後將其燒盡。"]}},{"id":656,"name":{"en":"Froakie","zh":"呱呱泡蛙"},"types":{"en":["water"],"zh":["水"]},"genera":{"en":"Bubble Frog Pokémon","zh":"泡蛙寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It secretes flexible bubbles from its chest and back. The bubbles reduce the damage it would otherwise take when attacked.","It protects its skin by covering its body in delicate bubbles. Beneath its happy-go-lucky air, it keeps a watchful eye on its surroundings."],"zh":["從胸口和背上做出泡泡。以富有彈力的泡泡抵擋攻擊,減少所受的傷害。","以細膩的泡泡包住身體,保護皮膚。裝出一副悠閒的樣子,但其實精明地打量著四周。"]}},{"id":657,"name":{"en":"Frogadier","zh":"呱頭蛙"},"types":{"en":["water"],"zh":["水"]},"genera":{"en":"Bubble Frog Pokémon","zh":"泡蛙寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It can throw bubble-covered pebbles with precise control, hitting empty cans up to a hundred feet away.","Its swiftness is unparalleled. It can scale a tower of more than 2,000 feet in a minute’s time."],"zh":["會使出用泡泡包著小石頭擲出的招式。有著能擊中30公尺外空罐子的精準度。","靈巧的動作不會輸給任何人。只需1分鐘就能登上超過600公尺高的塔頂。"]}},{"id":658,"name":{"en":"Greninja","zh":"甲賀忍蛙"},"types":{"en":["water","dark"],"zh":["水","惡"]},"genera":{"en":"Ninja Pokémon","zh":"忍者寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It creates throwing stars out of compressed water. When it spins them and throws them at high speed, these stars can split metal in two.","It appears and vanishes with a ninja’s grace. It toys with its enemies using swift movements, while slicing them with throwing stars of sharpest water."],"zh":["將水壓縮,做出手裡劍。高速旋轉射出的手裡劍,就連金屬也能一分為二。","如忍者般神出鬼沒。以敏捷的動作戲弄對手,再用水之手裡劍將其劈裂。"]}},{"id":659,"name":{"en":"Bunnelby","zh":"掘掘兔"},"types":{"en":["normal"],"zh":["一般"]},"genera":{"en":"Digging Pokémon","zh":"挖洞寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["They use their large ears to dig burrows. They will dig the whole night through.","It has ears like shovels. Digging holes strengthens its ears so much that they can sever thick roots effortlessly.","It excels at digging holes. Using its ears, it can dig a nest 33 feet deep in one night."],"zh":["擅長用耳朵挖洞。只需一個晚上就能挖出深至地下10公尺的巢穴。","對危險很敏感。只要聽到鋼鎧鴉拍打翅膀的聲音,就會馬上挖洞鑽進地下藏身。"]}},{"id":660,"name":{"en":"Diggersby","zh":"掘地兔"},"types":{"en":["normal","ground"],"zh":["一般","地面"]},"genera":{"en":"Digging Pokémon","zh":"挖洞寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["With their powerful ears, they can heft boulders of a ton or more with ease. They can be a big help at construction sites.","As powerful as an excavator, its ears can reduce dense bedrock to rubble. When it’s finished digging, it lounges lazily.","With power equal to an excavator, it can dig through dense bedrock. It’s a huge help during tunnel construction."],"zh":["力量不亞於挖掘機,連堅硬的岩盤也能挖掘。在隧道建設工程中十分活躍。","肚子上的體毛保溫性能優秀。在過去,人們會用牠掉落的毛來製作保暖服裝。"]}},{"id":661,"name":{"en":"Fletchling","zh":"小箭雀"},"types":{"en":["normal","flying"],"zh":["一般","飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"Tiny Robin Pokémon","zh":"知更鳥寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["These friendly Pokémon send signals to one another with beautiful chirps and tail-feather movements.","Despite the beauty of its lilting voice, it’s merciless to intruders that enter its territory.","This amiable Pokémon is easy to train. But when battle is joined, it shows its ferocious side."],"zh":["和人很親近,所以是易於訓練的寶可夢,但一旦進入戰鬥,就會變得非常兇猛。","一感到興奮,體溫會上升到2倍,同時體內的荷爾蒙會變得活躍。","雖然是種容易與人親近的寶可夢,但如果強行去摸牠,牠的身體會一口氣發熱而讓人灼傷。"]}},{"id":662,"name":{"en":"Fletchinder","zh":"火箭雀"},"types":{"en":["fire","flying"],"zh":["火","飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"Ember Pokémon","zh":"火花寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["From its beak, it expels embers that set the tall grass on fire. Then it pounces on the bewildered prey that pop out of the grass.","The hotter the flame sac on its belly, the faster it can fly, but it takes some time to get the fire going.","From its beak, it fires embers at its prey. Once it has caught them, it grills them at high heat before feasting upon them."],"zh":["從鳥嘴裡噴出火花擊向獵物。會把捉到的獵物烤過之後再享用。","擁有半徑達數公里的地盤,並且不允許其他火箭雀進入。","會向草叢撒出火花,然後趁蟲寶可夢被火焰嚇到從草叢跳出來時大口吞食。"]}},{"id":663,"name":{"en":"Talonflame","zh":"烈箭鷹"},"types":{"en":["fire","flying"],"zh":["火","飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"Scorching Pokémon","zh":"烈火寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["In the fever of an exciting battle, it showers embers from the gaps between its feathers and takes to the air.","When attacking prey, it can reach speeds of up to 310 mph. It finishes its prey off with a colossal kick.","Its favorite foods are Wingull and Pikipek. It attacks with a powerful kick and grasps them firmly in its talons."],"zh":["主要的獵物是鳥寶可夢。會急速接近對手,然後用猛烈的腳踢把對手擊落到地面。","喜歡吃長翅鷗和小篤兒。會對獵物施展猛烈的踢腿,再用銳利的爪子牢牢抓住。","從翅膀的縫隙裡噴出火花,同時以500公里的時速直線衝向獵物。"]}},{"id":664,"name":{"en":"Scatterbug","zh":"粉蝶蟲"},"types":{"en":["bug"],"zh":["蟲"]},"genera":{"en":"Scatterdust Pokémon","zh":"噴粉寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["When under attack from bird Pokémon, it spews a poisonous black powder that causes paralysis on contact.","The powder that covers its body regulates its temperature, so it can live in any region or climate."],"zh":["吸入體內的毒素會變成黑色的粉末後被排出體外,所以能夠吃下毒葉和毒樹根。","會灑出毒粉趕走敵人。棲息的土地不同,作為食糧的植物也就不同。"]}},{"id":665,"name":{"en":"Spewpa","zh":"粉蝶蛹"},"types":{"en":["bug"],"zh":["蟲"]},"genera":{"en":"Scatterdust Pokémon","zh":"噴粉寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It lives hidden within thicket shadows. When predators attack, it quickly bristles the fur covering its body in an effort to threaten them.","The beaks of bird Pokémon can’t begin to scratch its stalwart body. To defend itself, it spews powder."],"zh":["遭毛頭小鷹用鳥嘴襲擊時,就會以尖銳的體毛和帶毒的黑色粉末迎戰。","沒有固定的住處。會隨心所欲地在山野走來走去,蓄積進化時所需的能量。"]}},{"id":666,"name":{"en":"Vivillon","zh":"彩粉蝶"},"types":{"en":["bug","flying"],"zh":["蟲","飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"Scale Pokémon","zh":"鱗粉寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Vivillon with many different patterns are found all over the world. These patterns are affected by the climate of their habitat.","The patterns on this Pokémon’s wings depend on the climate and topography of its habitat. It scatters colorful scales."],"zh":["世界上有著各式各樣擁有不同翅膀花紋的彩粉蝶。花紋似乎是受到棲息地的氣候影響。","翅膀花紋依棲息地的氣候和水土而有所不同的寶可夢。會散佈色彩鮮艷的鱗粉。"]}},{"id":667,"name":{"en":"Litleo","zh":"小獅獅"},"types":{"en":["fire","normal"],"zh":["火","一般"]},"genera":{"en":"Lion Cub Pokémon","zh":"幼獅寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["The stronger the opponent it faces, the more heat surges from its mane and the more power flows through its body.","They set off on their own from their pride and live by themselves to become stronger. These hot-blooded Pokémon are quick to fight.","When they’re young, they live with a pride. Once they’re able to hunt prey on their own, they’re kicked out and have to make their own way."],"zh":["小時候會和夥伴們群居在一起,當成長到能自己捕捉獵物之後,就會被趕出群體獨立生活。","血氣方剛且好奇心旺盛。當牠生氣或是開始戰鬥時,短短的鬃毛就會變熱。"]}},{"id":668,"name":{"en":"Pyroar","zh":"火炎獅"},"types":{"en":["fire","normal"],"zh":["火","一般"]},"genera":{"en":"Royal Pokémon","zh":"王者寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["The male with the largest mane of fire is the leader of the pride.","With fiery breath of more than 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit, they viciously threaten any challenger. The females protect the pride’s cubs.","The males are usually lazy, but when attacked by a strong foe, a male will protect its friends with no regard for its own safety."],"zh":["雄性平常十分懶散,但當有強敵來襲的時候,會奮不顧身地保護夥伴。","能吐出攝氏6000度的氣息,但不會用在獵物身上,因為牠比較喜歡吃生肉。"]}},{"id":669,"name":{"en":"Flabébé","zh":"花蓓蓓"},"types":{"en":["fairy"],"zh":["妖精"]},"genera":{"en":"Single Bloom Pokémon","zh":"單朵寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It draws out and controls the hidden power of flowers. The flower Flabébé holds is most likely part of its body.","When it finds a flower it likes, it dwells on that flower its whole life long. It floats in the wind’s embrace with an untroubled heart.","It’s not safe without the power of a flower, but it will keep traveling around until it finds one with the color and shape it wants."],"zh":["要是沒有花的力量會很危險,但在找到自己喜愛的顏色和形狀之前,牠都會繼續旅行下去。","頭上的冠是收集花粉製成的,蘊藏著治癒的效果。"]}},{"id":670,"name":{"en":"Floette","zh":"花葉蒂"},"types":{"en":["fairy"],"zh":["妖精"]},"genera":{"en":"Single Bloom Pokémon","zh":"單朵寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It flutters around fields of flowers and cares for flowers that are starting to wilt. It draws out the hidden power of flowers to battle.","When the flowers of a well-tended flower bed bloom, it appears and celebrates with an elegant dance.","It raises flowers and uses them as weapons. The more gorgeous the blossom, the more power it contains."],"zh":["會培育花朵來當成自己的武器。開得越美麗的花朵,所蘊藏的力量就越強大。","會把自己的力量分給花,用心地加以照料。絕不會原諒破壞花壇的傢伙。"]}},{"id":671,"name":{"en":"Florges","zh":"花潔夫人"},"types":{"en":["fairy"],"zh":["妖精"]},"genera":{"en":"Garden Pokémon","zh":"花園寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It claims exquisite flower gardens as its territory, and it obtains power from basking in the energy emitted by flowering plants.","In times long past, governors of castles would invite Florges to create flower gardens to embellish the castle domains.","It controls the flowers it grows. The petal blizzards that Florges triggers are overwhelming in their beauty and power."],"zh":["會操縱自己培育的花朵。花潔夫人使出的落英繽紛有著壓倒性的力與美。","擁有數百年的壽命。據說牠終其一生都會不斷守護著庭園。"]}},{"id":672,"name":{"en":"Skiddo","zh":"坐騎小羊"},"types":{"en":["grass"],"zh":["草"]},"genera":{"en":"Mount Pokémon","zh":"坐騎寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Thought to be one of the first Pokémon to live in harmony with humans, it has a placid disposition.","If it has sunshine and water, it doesn’t need to eat, because it can generate energy from the leaves on its back."],"zh":["一直到最近為止,都還有山岳的住民乘在坐騎小羊的背上,在山路上移動。","有陽光和水就能用身上的葉子製造能量,因此在沒有糧食的岩山也能生存下去。"]}},{"id":673,"name":{"en":"Gogoat","zh":"坐騎山羊"},"types":{"en":["grass"],"zh":["草"]},"genera":{"en":"Mount Pokémon","zh":"坐騎寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It can tell how its Trainer is feeling by subtle shifts in the grip on its horns. This empathic sense lets them run as if one being.","They inhabit mountainous regions. The leader of the herd is decided by a battle of clashing horns."],"zh":["用角一碰就可以感受到對手的心情。從5000年前起就一直協助著人類工作至今。","在山岳地帶過著集體生活。會用角互相碰撞來一較高下,勝利的個體將成為領袖。"]}},{"id":674,"name":{"en":"Pancham","zh":"頑皮熊貓"},"types":{"en":["fighting"],"zh":["格鬥"]},"genera":{"en":"Playful Pokémon","zh":"頑皮寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It does its best to be taken seriously by its enemies, but its glare is not sufficiently intimidating. Chewing on a leaf is its trademark.","It does its level best to glare and pull a scary face, but it can’t help grinning if anyone pats its head.","It grows up imitating the behavior of Pangoro, which it looks up to as a leader."],"zh":["不斷模仿被自己當成老大哥般敬仰著的流氓熊貓的舉止,由此漸漸變得獨當一面。","嘴裡叼著的葉子沒有任何意義,只是為了裝酷。因為很頑皮,所以不適合沒經驗的訓練家。","像跟班似地跟在流氓熊貓後面。如果犯了重大的錯誤,葉子就會被沒收。"]}},{"id":675,"name":{"en":"Pangoro","zh":"流氓熊貓"},"types":{"en":["fighting","dark"],"zh":["格鬥","惡"]},"genera":{"en":"Daunting Pokémon","zh":"惡顏寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Although it possesses a violent temperament, it won’t put up with bullying. It uses the leaf in its mouth to sense the movements of its enemies.","It charges ahead and bashes its opponents like a berserker, uncaring about any hits it might take. Its arms are mighty enough to snap a telephone pole.","It boasts superb physical strength. Those who wish to become Pangoro’s Trainer have no choice but to converse with their fists."],"zh":["以腕力為傲,個性豪邁。想要成為流氓熊貓的訓練家的話,只能用拳頭來和牠交心。","透過竹葉的擺動來洞悉敵人的動向。性格很粗暴,但是對夥伴的感情很深厚。","以自己的腕力為傲,充滿野性的寶可夢。豪爽的性情令許多訓練家為之著迷。"]}},{"id":676,"name":{"en":"Furfrou","zh":"多麗米亞"},"types":{"en":["normal"],"zh":["一般"]},"genera":{"en":"Poodle Pokémon","zh":"貴賓犬寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Trimming its fluffy fur not only makes it more elegant but also increases the swiftness of its movements.","Historically, in the Kalos region, these Pokémon were the designated guardians of the king.","There was an era when aristocrats would compete to see who could trim their Furfrou’s fur into the most exquisite style."],"zh":["曾經有過一個時代,貴族之間會互相比較誰能把牠的體毛修剪得更美麗。","如果放著不管,體毛就會不斷變長,但牠只允許信賴的人幫自己修剪。"]}},{"id":677,"name":{"en":"Espurr","zh":"妙喵"},"types":{"en":["psychic"],"zh":["超能力"]},"genera":{"en":"Restraint Pokémon","zh":"自制寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["The organ that emits its intense psychic power is sheltered by its ears to keep power from leaking out.","It has enough psychic energy to blast everything within 300 feet of itself, but it has no control over its power.","Though Espurr’s expression never changes, behind that blank stare is an intense struggle to contain its devastating psychic power."],"zh":["雖然一直都面無表情,但是那其實是因為牠在努力不讓自己強大的精神力量漏出。","雖然擁有可以彈飛職業摔角選手的精神力量,卻因無法好好控制而感到煩惱。"]}},{"id":678,"name":{"en":"Meowstic","zh":"超能妙喵"},"types":{"en":["psychic"],"zh":["超能力"]},"genera":{"en":"Constraint Pokémon","zh":"抑制寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["When in danger, it raises its ears and releases enough psychic power to grind a 10-ton truck into dust.","The eyeball patterns on the interior of its ears emit psychic energy. It keeps the patterns tightly covered because that power is too immense.","Revealing the eyelike patterns on the insides of its ears will unleash its psychic powers. It normally keeps the patterns hidden, however."],"zh":["會從耳朵內側眼珠花紋的地方釋放出精神力量,但平時會將那種力量隱藏起來。","雄性的防衛本能很強,在保護自己和夥伴時能發揮最大的威力。"]}},{"id":679,"name":{"en":"Honedge","zh":"獨劍鞘"},"types":{"en":["steel","ghost"],"zh":["鋼","幽靈"]},"genera":{"en":"Sword Pokémon","zh":"刀劍寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Apparently this Pokémon is born when a departed spirit inhabits a sword. It attaches itself to people and drinks their life force.","If anyone dares to grab its hilt, it wraps a blue cloth around that person’s arm and drains that person’s life energy completely.","Honedge’s soul once belonged to a person who was killed a long time ago by the sword that makes up Honedge’s body."],"zh":["很久以前因這把劍而喪命之人的靈魂成為了獨劍鞘的靈魂。","獨劍鞘護手上的藍色眼珠是牠的本體。會用陳舊的布吸取人類的精氣。"]}},{"id":680,"name":{"en":"Doublade","zh":"雙劍鞘"},"types":{"en":["steel","ghost"],"zh":["鋼","幽靈"]},"genera":{"en":"Sword Pokémon","zh":"刀劍寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["When Honedge evolves, it divides into two swords, which cooperate via telepathy to coordinate attacks and slash their enemies to ribbons.","The complex attack patterns of its two swords are unstoppable, even for an opponent greatly accomplished at swordplay.","Honedge evolves into twins. The two blades rub together to emit a metallic sound that unnerves opponents."],"zh":["進化之後變成了雙胞胎。用互相摩擦劍刃發出的聲音來威嚇對手。","2把劍會用令人眼花繚亂的速度不斷交替攻擊和防禦,藉以制服獵物。"]}},{"id":681,"name":{"en":"Aegislash","zh":"堅盾劍怪"},"types":{"en":["steel","ghost"],"zh":["鋼","幽靈"]},"genera":{"en":"Royal Sword Pokémon","zh":"王劍寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Generations of kings were attended by these Pokémon, which used their spectral power to manipulate and control people and Pokémon.","Apparently, it can detect the innate qualities of leadership. According to legend, whoever it recognizes is destined to become king.","In this defensive stance, Aegislash uses its steel body and a force field of spectral power to reduce the damage of any attack."],"zh":["處於防禦狀態時,會用鋼之身體和靈力的屏障來減弱一切的攻擊。","堅盾劍怪曾經用強大的靈力控制人和寶可夢,建立了適合自己生活的國家。"]}},{"id":682,"name":{"en":"Spritzee","zh":"粉香香"},"types":{"en":["fairy"],"zh":["妖精"]},"genera":{"en":"Perfume Pokémon","zh":"香水寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It emits a scent that enraptures those who smell it. This fragrance changes depending on what it has eaten.","In the past, rather than using perfume, royal ladies carried a Spritzee that would waft a fragrance they liked.","A scent pouch within this Pokémon’s body allows it to create various scents. A change in its diet will alter the fragrance it produces."],"zh":["用體內的香囊製造香氣的寶可夢。如果更換餵給牠的食物,製造出的香氣也會隨之改變。","身上飄出的香氣能讓人們神魂顛倒。貴婦們對牠鍾愛萬分。"]}},{"id":683,"name":{"en":"Aromatisse","zh":"芳香精"},"types":{"en":["fairy"],"zh":["妖精"]},"genera":{"en":"Fragrance Pokémon","zh":"芳香寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It devises various scents, pleasant and unpleasant, and emits scents that its enemies dislike in order to gain an edge in battle.","Its scent is so overpowering that, unless a Trainer happens to really enjoy the smell, he or she will have a hard time walking alongside it.","The scent that constantly emits from its fur is so powerful that this Pokémon’s companions will eventually lose their sense of smell."],"zh":["由於牠會不斷從體毛裡散發出強烈的香氣,導致夥伴訓練家的嗅覺失靈。","會發出惡臭讓敵人喪失戰意,或者發出芳香的味道來幫助自己的夥伴。"]}},{"id":684,"name":{"en":"Swirlix","zh":"綿綿泡芙"},"types":{"en":["fairy"],"zh":["妖精"]},"genera":{"en":"Cotton Candy Pokémon","zh":"棉花糖寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["To entangle its opponents in battle, it extrudes white threads as sweet and sticky as cotton candy.","Because it eats nothing but sweets, its fur is as sticky sweet as cotton candy.","It eats its own weight in sugar every day. If it doesn’t get enough sugar, it becomes incredibly grumpy."],"zh":["每天要吃掉與自己體重相同重量的砂糖,糖分不夠就會鬧脾氣。","蓬鬆的體毛聞起來就像棉花糖一樣甜甜的。會放出黏答答的絲纏住敵人。"]}},{"id":685,"name":{"en":"Slurpuff","zh":"胖甜妮"},"types":{"en":["fairy"],"zh":["妖精"]},"genera":{"en":"Meringue Pokémon","zh":"泡沫奶油寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It can distinguish the faintest of scents. It puts its sensitive sense of smell to use by helping pastry chefs in their work.","Its sense of smell is 100 million times better than a human’s, so even the faintest scent tells it about everything in the area. It’s like it can see with its nose!","By taking in a person’s scent, it can sniff out their mental and physical condition. It’s hoped that this skill will have many medical applications."],"zh":["能從人們身上的氣味裡嗅出他們的身心狀態。在醫療領域的實際應用備受矚目。","因為體毛裡富含空氣,所以摸起來十分柔軟,重量也比看起來要輕。"]}},{"id":686,"name":{"en":"Inkay","zh":"好啦魷"},"types":{"en":["dark","psychic"],"zh":["惡","超能力"]},"genera":{"en":"Revolving Pokémon","zh":"回轉寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Opponents who stare at the flashing of the light-emitting spots on its body become dazed and lose their will to fight.","It flashes the light-emitting spots on its body, which drains its opponent’s will to fight. It takes the opportunity to scuttle away and hide.","It draws prey near with its blinking lights and then wraps them up in its long tentacles and holds them in place."],"zh":["會利用閃爍的光吸引獵物靠近,然後用長長的觸手纏住對手,封鎖獵物的行動。","與夥伴交換訊息時,會讓身上的發光體以複雜的節奏發光。","旋轉著閃爍自己的發光體。透過改變閃爍的方式來和其他夥伴交流。"]}},{"id":687,"name":{"en":"Malamar","zh":"烏賊王"},"types":{"en":["dark","psychic"],"zh":["惡","超能力"]},"genera":{"en":"Overturning Pokémon","zh":"倒轉寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It wields the most compelling hypnotic powers of any Pokémon, and it forces others to do whatever it wants.","It lures its prey close with hypnotic motions, then wraps its tentacles around it before finishing it off with digestive fluids.","When it comes to strong hypnosis, there’s an endless number of people who utilize Malamar for their nefarious deeds."],"zh":["會使用強力的催眠術。利用這點來做壞事的人從來就沒有少過。","會讓身體上的花紋發光,操縱獵物靠近自己。鰭的前端非常鋒利。","要是盯著牠的發光體看,就會馬上陷入催眠狀態,並且受到牠的控制。"]}},{"id":688,"name":{"en":"Binacle","zh":"龜腳腳"},"types":{"en":["rock","water"],"zh":["岩石","水"]},"genera":{"en":"Two-Handed Pokémon","zh":"雙手寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Two Binacle live together on one rock. When they fight, one of them will move to a different rock.","They stretch and then contract, yanking their rocks along with them in bold hops. They eat seaweed that washes up on the shoreline.","After two Binacle find a suitably sized rock, they adhere themselves to it and live together. They cooperate to gather food during high tide."],"zh":["2隻龜腳腳會在海邊找一塊大小合適的岩石,附在上面一起生活。漲潮的時候會互相合作尋找食物。","如果2隻龜腳腳配合得不好,不但無法有效地攻擊和防禦,甚至沒辦法生存下去。"]}},{"id":689,"name":{"en":"Barbaracle","zh":"龜足巨鎧"},"types":{"en":["rock","water"],"zh":["岩石","水"]},"genera":{"en":"Collective Pokémon","zh":"集合寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["When they evolve, two Binacle multiply into seven. They fight with the power of seven Binacle.","Barbaracle’s legs and hands have minds of their own, and they will move independently. But they usually follow the head’s orders.","Seven Binacle come together to form one Barbaracle. The Binacle that serves as the head gives orders to those serving as the limbs."],"zh":["7隻龜腳腳組成了1隻龜足巨鎧的身體。由頭部對手腳發號施令。","用手掌上的眼珠來觀察前後左右的狀況。遇上危機時手腳會自己動起來打倒對手。"]}},{"id":690,"name":{"en":"Skrelp","zh":"垃垃藻"},"types":{"en":["poison","water"],"zh":["毒","水"]},"genera":{"en":"Mock Kelp Pokémon","zh":"似草寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Camouflaged as rotten kelp, they spray liquid poison on prey that approaches unawares and then finish it off.","It looks just like rotten kelp. It hides from foes while storing up power for its evolution.","It vanishes into seaweed and remains perfectly still to avoid attacks from large Pokémon. Rotten seaweed is its main food source."],"zh":["為了不被大型寶可夢襲擊,總是混在海藻屑裡動也不動。主要的食物是腐爛的海草。","因為不擅長游泳,所以會纏在海藻碎屑上。在阿羅拉地區,經常可以在破破舵輪旁邊看見牠。","會混在海藻屑裡漂浮在大海,並且捕獵來吃海藻的寶可夢,當作大餐飽吃一頓。"]}},{"id":691,"name":{"en":"Dragalge","zh":"毒藻龍"},"types":{"en":["poison","dragon"],"zh":["毒","龍"]},"genera":{"en":"Mock Kelp Pokémon","zh":"似草寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Their poison is strong enough to eat through the hull of a tanker, and they spit it indiscriminately at anything that enters their territory.","Tales are told of ships that wander into seas where Dragalge live, never to return.","This vicious Pokémon sprays a poisonous liquid on opponents that come near. For whatever reason, it gets along really well with Dhelmise."],"zh":["性情兇暴,會對靠近自己的對手噴出毒液。不知為何就只跟破破舵輪關係非常親密。","混在海藻裡等待獵物上門。會噴出連金屬都能溶解的毒液,給獵物致命一擊。","會用能夠腐蝕金屬的毒液將闖入自己地盤的油輪化為碎屑,沉入大海。"]}},{"id":692,"name":{"en":"Clauncher","zh":"鐵臂槍蝦"},"types":{"en":["water"],"zh":["水"]},"genera":{"en":"Water Gun Pokémon","zh":"水槍寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["They knock down flying prey by firing compressed water from their massive claws like shooting a pistol.","Through controlled explosions of internal gas, it can expel water like a pistol shot. At close distances, it can shatter rock.","Its claws occasionally fall off, and it keeps a low profile until they grow back. The meat of its claws is so delicious!"],"zh":["鉗子時常會脫落,在重新長出前會偷偷摸摸地生活。鉗子裡面的肉非常美味。","從右邊的鉗子噴出水來移動。因為無法取得平衡,所以不擅長直線游動。","鉗子就算在戰鬥中脫落,也會重新長出來。鉗子裡面的肉在伽勒爾是很有人氣的珍奇美食。"]}},{"id":693,"name":{"en":"Clawitzer","zh":"鋼炮臂蝦"},"types":{"en":["water"],"zh":["水"]},"genera":{"en":"Howitzer Pokémon","zh":"發射器寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Their enormous claws launch cannonballs of water powerful enough to pierce tanker hulls.","By expelling water from the nozzle in the back of its claw, it can move at a speed of 60 knots.","It compresses the water it has sucked up and then projects it with enough power to punch a hole right through a thick sheet of iron."],"zh":["會將吸入體內的水壓縮之後發射出去,威力足以在厚厚的鐵板上打穿一個洞。","右臂的肉非常緊實飽滿。脫落下來的鉗子會被當成食材外銷到海外。","能夠利用巨大鉗子的觸角探測獵物的位置,然後發射水砲彈。"]}},{"id":694,"name":{"en":"Helioptile","zh":"傘電蜥"},"types":{"en":["electric","normal"],"zh":["電","一般"]},"genera":{"en":"Generator Pokémon","zh":"發電寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["They make their home in deserts. They can generate their energy from basking in the sun, so eating food is not a requirement.","The frills on either side of its head have cells that generate electricity when exposed to sunlight.","When spread, the frills on its head act like solar panels, generating the power behind this Pokémon’s electric moves."],"zh":["當牠張開頭部的褶邊用太陽光發電,就能使出威力強大的電屬性招式。","擁有太陽能發電的結構。如果有人打擾牠發電,牠就會因心理壓力而衰弱。"]}},{"id":695,"name":{"en":"Heliolisk","zh":"光電傘蜥"},"types":{"en":["electric","normal"],"zh":["電","一般"]},"genera":{"en":"Generator Pokémon","zh":"發電寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["They flare their frills and generate energy. A single Heliolisk can generate sufficient electricity to power a skyscraper.","It stimulates its muscles with electricity, boosting the strength in its legs and enabling it to run 100 yards in five seconds.","A now-vanished desert culture treasured these Pokémon. Appropriately, when Heliolisk came to the Galar region, treasure came with them."],"zh":["在如今已滅亡的沙漠之國曾經是人們珍視的對象。和財寶一起來到了伽勒爾地區。","如果展開頸傘沐浴陽光,單憑1隻光電傘蜥就能製造出大城市所需的電力。"]}},{"id":696,"name":{"en":"Tyrunt","zh":"寶寶暴龍"},"types":{"en":["rock","dragon"],"zh":["岩石","龍"]},"genera":{"en":"Royal Heir Pokémon","zh":"幼君寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["This Pokémon was restored from a fossil. If something happens that it doesn’t like, it throws a tantrum and runs wild.","Its immense jaws have enough destructive force that it can chew up an automobile. It lived 100 million years ago.","Its large jaw has incredible destructive power. Some theories suggest that its restored form is different from its form of long ago."],"zh":["大顎有著非常驚人的破壞力。也有一種說法是,即使將牠復原,也無法重現牠原本的樣子。","愛撒嬌又任性。有時候即使寶寶暴龍只是想鬧著玩,對手也會受到重創。","復活的古代寶可夢。性情粗暴又任性。能用大顎咬碎任何東西。"]}},{"id":697,"name":{"en":"Tyrantrum","zh":"怪顎龍"},"types":{"en":["rock","dragon"],"zh":["岩石","龍"]},"genera":{"en":"Despot Pokémon","zh":"暴君寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Thanks to its gargantuan jaws, which could shred thick metal plates as if they were paper, it was invincible in the ancient world it once inhabited.","Nothing could stop this Pokémon 100 million years ago, so it behaved like a king.","Complete restoration is impossible, allowing room for theories that its entire body was once covered in a feather-like coat."],"zh":["要完全復原牠是不可能的。有人說牠全身上下其實覆滿了羽毛般的體毛。","古代的王者。大顎的力量非常驚人,連汽車也能輕易咬碎。","大約1億年前的寶可夢。雖然凶暴,但威風堂堂,有王者的風範。"]}},{"id":698,"name":{"en":"Amaura","zh":"冰雪龍"},"types":{"en":["rock","ice"],"zh":["岩石","冰"]},"genera":{"en":"Tundra Pokémon","zh":"凍原寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["This ancient Pokémon was restored from part of its body that had been frozen in ice for over 100 million years.","This calm Pokémon lived in a cold land where there were no violent predators like Tyrantrum.","It lived in cold areas in ancient times. It’s said that when Amaura whinnies, auroras appear in the night sky."],"zh":["曾經棲息在古代的寒冷地帶。據說當冰雪龍發出鳴叫時,夜空中就會出現極光。","雖然從化石中復原成功,但因為現代的環境太熱了,被認為無法長久生存。","從化石復原成功的寶可夢。曾經群居在天敵不多的寒冷地區。"]}},{"id":699,"name":{"en":"Aurorus","zh":"冰雪巨龍"},"types":{"en":["rock","ice"],"zh":["岩石","冰"]},"genera":{"en":"Tundra Pokémon","zh":"凍原寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["The diamond-shaped crystals on its body expel air as cold as -240 degrees Fahrenheit, surrounding its enemies and encasing them in ice.","Using its diamond-shaped crystals, it can instantly create a wall of ice to block an opponent’s attack.","An Aurorus was found frozen solid within a glacier, just as it appeared long ago, which became quite a big event in the news."],"zh":["有人在冰山裡發現了結凍的冰雪巨龍,牠仍然保持著當時的模樣。這件事被新聞報了出來。","身體表面的溫度是零下150度。平常是非常穩重溫和的寶可夢。","從化石復原的寶可夢。據說當冰雪巨龍吼叫時,夜空中就會出現極光。"]}},{"id":700,"name":{"en":"Sylveon","zh":"仙子伊布"},"types":{"en":["fairy"],"zh":["妖精"]},"genera":{"en":"Intertwining Pokémon","zh":"連結寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It sends a soothing aura from its ribbonlike feelers to calm fights.","It wraps its ribbonlike feelers around the arm of its beloved Trainer and walks with him or her.","Its ribbonlike feelers give off an aura that weakens hostility in its prey, causing them to let down their guard. Then it attacks."],"zh":["從有如蝴蝶結的觸角裡釋放出削弱敵意的波動,令獵物大意後襲擊對方。","發現獵物後,就會搖晃蝴蝶結形狀的觸角讓對方大意,一旦有機可乘就會猛撲過去。","一旦進入戰鬥狀態,即便對手是比自己大幾倍的龍寶可夢,也會毫不畏懼地飛撲過去。"]}},{"id":701,"name":{"en":"Hawlucha","zh":"摔角鷹人"},"types":{"en":["fighting","flying"],"zh":["格鬥","飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"Wrestling Pokémon","zh":"摔角寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Although its body is small, its proficient fighting skills enable it to keep up with big bruisers like Machamp and Hariyama.","With its wings, it controls its position in the air. It likes to attack from above, a maneuver that is difficult to defend against.","It overwhelms opponents with quick moves, but sometimes it showboats for too long when it’s using a special move and gets itself into a pinch."],"zh":["用速度快的招式壓倒對手。由於使出必殺技時的前置動作太長,有時會因此陷入危機。","會用輕盈的跳躍跳到對手的死角來戰鬥。也很擅長華麗的關節技。","利用發揮輕盈體型優勢的戰法,在消耗了對手的體力之後使用華麗的絕招分出勝負。"]}},{"id":702,"name":{"en":"Dedenne","zh":"咚咚鼠"},"types":{"en":["electric","fairy"],"zh":["電","妖精"]},"genera":{"en":"Antenna Pokémon","zh":"天線寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Its whiskers serve as antennas. By sending and receiving electrical waves, it can communicate with others over vast distances.","It uses its tail to absorb electricity from power plants or from outlets in houses, and then it fires the electricity from its whiskers.","It sneaks into people’s homes and steals electricity from their outlets. When your electric bill seems off, it’s the handiwork of this rascal."],"zh":["能用鬍鬚接收來自夥伴們的電波,藉此向彼此分享哪裡有食物或電力。","會潛入人們家裡,從插座偷電。如果發現電費不正常,那就是這傢伙幹的。","上面的鬍鬚是探索周遭環境的感應器,長在下面的鬍鬚是釋放電流的器官。"]}},{"id":703,"name":{"en":"Carbink","zh":"小碎鑽"},"types":{"en":["rock","fairy"],"zh":["岩石","妖精"]},"genera":{"en":"Jewel Pokémon","zh":"寶石寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Born from the temperatures and pressures deep underground, it fires beams from the stone in its head.","It has slept underground for hundreds of millions of years since its birth. It’s occasionally found during the excavation of caves.","Born from the high temperatures and pressures deep underground, it defends itself by firing beams from the jewel part of its body."],"zh":["出生在高溫高壓的地底深處。從寶石的部分釋放光束保護身體。","雖然並不是很稀有,但閃閃發光的寶石身體很受女性歡迎。","據說在地底的深處,有著小碎鑽族群和牠們的女王所居住的寶石王國。"]}},{"id":704,"name":{"en":"Goomy","zh":"黏黏寶"},"types":{"en":["dragon"],"zh":["龍"]},"genera":{"en":"Soft Tissue Pokémon","zh":"軟體生物寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["The weakest Dragon-type Pokémon, it lives in damp, shady places, so its body doesn’t dry out.","It’s covered in a slimy membrane that makes any punches or kicks slide off it harmlessly.","The weakest of all Dragon-type Pokémon, it’s unable to breathe if its skin dries out, so it sticks to shady places."],"zh":["最弱小的龍屬性寶可夢。皮膚一旦乾燥就會無法呼吸,因此總是靜靜地呆在遮蔭下哦。","用滑膩膩的黏膜保護身體。因為黏膜上佈滿各種細菌,接觸後要好好地洗手哦。","會用角探查周圍的狀況。角非常敏感,一旦被握住,牠就會驚嚇到無法動彈。"]}},{"id":705,"name":{"en":"Sliggoo","zh":"黏美兒"},"types":{"en":["dragon"],"zh":["龍"]},"genera":{"en":"Soft Tissue Pokémon","zh":"軟體生物寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It drives away opponents by excreting a sticky liquid that can dissolve anything. Its eyes devolved, so it can’t see anything.","Its four horns are a high-performance radar system. It uses them to sense sounds and smells, rather than using ears or a nose.","It has trouble drawing a line between friends and food. It will calmly try to melt and eat even those it gets along well with."],"zh":["獵物和夥伴的區別模糊不清。即使關係親密,有時候也會淡定地將對方溶解吸食。","因為沒有牙齒,所以會釋放可溶解任何物體的黏液,將獵物溶化後再吸食。","慢吞吞地爬行著移動。漩渦狀的突起部分裝著牠的大腦和內臟。"]}},{"id":706,"name":{"en":"Goodra","zh":"黏美龍"},"types":{"en":["dragon"],"zh":["龍"]},"genera":{"en":"Dragon Pokémon","zh":"龍寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["This very friendly Dragon-type Pokémon will hug its beloved Trainer, leaving that Trainer covered in sticky slime.","It attacks with retractable horns. It throws a punch that’s the equivalent of the force of a hundred pro boxers.","An amazingly friendly Pokémon, but if left to itself, loneliness overcomes it, and it oozes gooey tears."],"zh":["和人非常親近的寶可夢。沒人理睬的話就會很寂寞,流著黏糊糊的眼淚鳴叫。","如果因為牠性情溫順就去戲弄牠,會被牠用角狠戳,再用粗粗的尾巴掃倒。","和人非常親近。變得親密後,會用沾滿黏糊糊黏液的身體抱上來,這時就只能忍耐了。"]}},{"id":707,"name":{"en":"Klefki","zh":"鑰圈兒"},"types":{"en":["steel","fairy"],"zh":["鋼","妖精"]},"genera":{"en":"Key Ring Pokémon","zh":"鑰匙串寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["These key collectors threaten any attackers by fiercely jingling their keys at them.","It never lets go of a key that it likes, so people give it the keys to vaults and safes as a way to prevent crime.","This even-tempered Pokémon has a habit of collecting keys. It will sneak into people’s homes to steal their keys."],"zh":["有收集鑰匙的習慣。性格穩重,卻會偷偷潛入民居偷盜鑰匙。","把頭上的角刺入金屬的縫隙中,吸取金屬離子。另外,不知為何在收集鑰匙。","雖不知牠為何要收集鑰匙,但如果給牠鑰匙,牠就會很開心。不過,牠似乎就只喜歡萬能鑰匙。"]}},{"id":708,"name":{"en":"Phantump","zh":"小木靈"},"types":{"en":["ghost","grass"],"zh":["幽靈","草"]},"genera":{"en":"Stump Pokémon","zh":"樹樁寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["These Pokémon are created when spirits possess rotten tree stumps. They prefer to live in abandoned forests.","According to old tales, these Pokémon are stumps possessed by the spirits of children who died while lost in the forest.","These Pokémon are stumps possessed by the spirits of children who died in the forest. Their cries sound like eerie screams."],"zh":["在森林中死去的孩子的靈魂寄生在樹樁上。用悲鳴般的詭異聲音鳴叫。","傳說摘取綠色的樹葉煎煮飲用的話,能治百病。","會模仿孩子的聲音,把人引到森林深處讓人迷路。因為牠想讓對方當自己的夥伴。"]}},{"id":709,"name":{"en":"Trevenant","zh":"朽木妖"},"types":{"en":["ghost","grass"],"zh":["幽靈","草"]},"genera":{"en":"Elder Tree Pokémon","zh":"老樹寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It can control trees at will. It will trap people who harm the forest, so they can never leave.","Using its roots as a nervous system, it controls the trees in the forest. It’s kind to the Pokémon that reside in its body.","This Pokémon is said to devour anyone daring to ravage the forest. To the creatures dwelling in the forest, it offers great kindness."],"zh":["據說會把破壞森林的人吃掉的寶可夢。對生活在森林中的生物們非常溫柔。","透過樹根操縱其他樹木。在朽木妖棲息的森林裡砍伐樹木的話,會因詛咒而死。","人們認為牠是可怕的森林怪物。樵夫們進入森林時,會帶著朽木妖討厭的火屬性寶可夢。"]}},{"id":710,"name":{"en":"Pumpkaboo","zh":"南瓜精"},"types":{"en":["ghost","grass"],"zh":["幽靈","草"]},"genera":{"en":"Pumpkin Pokémon","zh":"南瓜寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["The pumpkin body is inhabited by a spirit trapped in this world. As the sun sets, it becomes restless and active.","It is said to carry wandering spirits to the place where they belong so they can move on.","Spirits that wander this world are placed into Pumpkaboo’s body. They’re then moved on to the afterlife."],"zh":["在這個世界遊蕩的靈魂會被裝到南瓜精的身體裡,啟程前往另一個世界。","南瓜的洞裡發出的光會催眠並控制看到牠的人和寶可夢。"]}},{"id":711,"name":{"en":"Gourgeist","zh":"南瓜怪人"},"types":{"en":["ghost","grass"],"zh":["幽靈","草"]},"genera":{"en":"Pumpkin Pokémon","zh":"南瓜寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Singing in eerie voices, they wander town streets on the night of the new moon. Anyone who hears their song is cursed.","It enwraps its prey in its hairlike arms. It sings joyfully as it observes the suffering of its prey.","Eerie cries emanate from its body in the dead of night. The sounds are said to be the wails of spirits who are suffering in the afterlife."],"zh":["深夜時分,牠身體裡發出的詭異叫聲似乎是死者在另一個世界裡的痛苦哭聲。","南瓜怪人會在朔月的夜裡去別人家門口敲門。開了門的人會被牠帶往另一個世界。"]}},{"id":712,"name":{"en":"Bergmite","zh":"冰寶"},"types":{"en":["ice"],"zh":["冰"]},"genera":{"en":"Ice Chunk Pokémon","zh":"冰塊寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It blocks opponents’ attacks with the ice that shields its body. It uses cold air to repair any cracks with new ice.","Using air of -150 degrees Fahrenheit, they freeze opponents solid. They live in herds above the snow line on mountains.","They chill the air around them to −150 degrees Fahrenheit, freezing the water in the air into ice that they use as armor."],"zh":["用零下100度的冷氣凍住空氣中的水分,用冰之裝甲保護自身。","棲息在極其寒冷的地域。會把自己的腳凍在冰岩怪的背上固定起來。"]}},{"id":713,"name":{"en":"Avalugg","zh":"冰岩怪"},"types":{"en":["ice"],"zh":["冰"]},"genera":{"en":"Iceberg Pokémon","zh":"冰山寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Its ice-covered body is as hard as steel. Its cumbersome frame crushes anything that stands in its way.","The way several Bergmite huddle on its back makes it look like an aircraft carrier made of ice.","At high latitudes, this Pokémon can be found with clusters of Bergmite on its back as it swims among the icebergs."],"zh":["把好幾隻冰寶馱在背上,混進眾多冰山之間,在高緯度的寒冷大海裡游動。","雖然身體的裂縫會因白天的活動而變大,但只要一晚就能全部長好。"]}},{"id":714,"name":{"en":"Noibat","zh":"嗡蝠"},"types":{"en":["flying","dragon"],"zh":["飛行","龍"]},"genera":{"en":"Sound Wave Pokémon","zh":"音波寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["They live in pitch-black caves. Their enormous ears can emit ultrasonic waves of 200,000 hertz.","Even a robust wrestler will become dizzy and unable to stand when exposed to its 200,000-hertz ultrasonic waves.","Fruits are its favorite foods. This gourmet carefully picks out just the ripe ones using its sonar."],"zh":["喜歡吃水果。是個美食家,會對水果發射超音波,從中挑選出成熟的果實來吃。","為了尋找能當食物的水果而四處飛翔。能用超音波判斷水果是否已成熟。","每到太陽下山時,牠便會離開居住的洞窟四處飛行,用超音波尋找熟透的果實。"]}},{"id":715,"name":{"en":"Noivern","zh":"音波龍"},"types":{"en":["flying","dragon"],"zh":["飛行","龍"]},"genera":{"en":"Sound Wave Pokémon","zh":"音波寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["They fly around on moonless nights and attack careless prey. Nothing can beat them in a battle in the dark.","The ultrasonic waves it emits from its ears can reduce a large boulder to pebbles. It swoops out of the dark to attack.","Although it has a violent disposition, if you give it a nice ripe fruit that it loves, Noivern will suddenly become tame."],"zh":["性情粗暴,但如果給牠愛吃的成熟水果,牠就會改頭換面似地變得很親近人。","會用連岩石都能粉碎的超音波朝目光所及的一切發動攻擊,是種性情暴躁的寶可夢。","會對在黑暗中無計可施的對手痛加打擊。好勇鬥狠,性情殘忍。"]}},{"id":716,"name":{"en":"Xerneas","zh":"哲爾尼亞斯"},"types":{"en":["fairy"],"zh":["妖精"]},"genera":{"en":"Life Pokémon","zh":"生命寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Legends say it can share eternal life. It slept for a thousand years in the form of a tree before its revival.","When the horns on its head shine in seven colors, it is said to be sharing everlasting life."],"zh":["據說會分享永恆的生命。以樹木的模樣沉睡1000年後復活。","據說當頭上的角閃耀七色光芒時,就會分享永恆的生命。"]}},{"id":717,"name":{"en":"Yveltal","zh":"伊裴爾塔爾"},"types":{"en":["dark","flying"],"zh":["惡","飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"Destruction Pokémon","zh":"破壞寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["When this legendary Pokémon’s wings and tail feathers spread wide and glow red, it absorbs the life force of living creatures.","When its life comes to an end, it absorbs the life energy of every living thing and turns into a cocoon once more."],"zh":["傳說的寶可夢。據說當牠展開的翅膀與尾羽閃耀紅色光芒時,就會吸走生物的生命。","據說當生命走到盡頭時,會吸光所有生物的生命,回到繭的狀態。"]}},{"id":718,"name":{"en":"Zygarde","zh":"基格爾德"},"types":{"en":["dragon","ground"],"zh":["龍","地面"]},"genera":{"en":"Order Pokémon","zh":"秩序寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["When the Kalos region’s ecosystem falls into disarray, it appears and reveals its secret power.","It’s hypothesized that it’s monitoring those who destroy the ecosystem from deep in the cave where it lives.","This is Zygarde’s form when it has gathered 50% of its cells. It wipes out all those who oppose it, showing not a shred of mercy."],"zh":["細胞聚集了50%的樣子。會毫不留情地把敵對者全部消滅。","被認為監視著生態系統。有傳言說牠蘊藏著更為強大的力量。","構成基格爾德的單位聚集了大約一半時的樣子。有著監視生態系統的責任。"]}},{"id":719,"name":{"en":"Diancie","zh":"蒂安希"},"types":{"en":["rock","fairy"],"zh":["岩石","妖精"]},"genera":{"en":"Jewel Pokémon","zh":"寶石寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["A sudden transformation of Carbink, its pink, glimmering body is said to be the loveliest sight in the whole world.","It can instantly create many diamonds by compressing the carbon in the air between its hands."],"zh":["小碎鑽的突變種。散發著粉紅光輝的身體被譽為世界第一美麗。","在雙手的間隙中壓縮空氣中的碳元素,轉瞬間變出許多鑽石。"]}},{"id":720,"name":{"en":"Hoopa","zh":"胡帕"},"types":{"en":["psychic","ghost"],"zh":["超能力","幽靈"]},"genera":{"en":"Mischief Pokémon","zh":"頑童寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["This troublemaker sends anything and everything to faraway places using its loop, which can warp space.","It gathers things it likes and passes them through its loop to teleport them to a secret place.","In its true form, it possess a huge amount of power. Legends of its avarice tell how it once carried off an entire castle to gain the treasure hidden within."],"zh":["真正的樣子擁有著巨大的力量。傳說因為對財寶的慾望,曾將藏著財寶的整座城堡連根拔起奪走。","據說會用6個圓環和6隻巨大的手臂奪走一切東西。力量被封印而變成了嬌小的樣子。"]}},{"id":721,"name":{"en":"Volcanion","zh":"波爾凱尼恩"},"types":{"en":["fire","water"],"zh":["火","水"]},"genera":{"en":"Steam Pokémon","zh":"蒸汽寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It lets out billows of steam and disappears into the dense fog. It’s said to live in mountains where humans do not tread.","It expels its internal steam from the arms on its back. It has enough power to blow away a mountain."],"zh":["噴出水蒸氣,用濃霧隱藏自己。據說住在渺無人煙的山裡。","從背上的手臂噴出體內的水蒸氣。有著將整座山轟飛的威力。"]}},{"id":722,"name":{"en":"Rowlet","zh":"木木梟"},"types":{"en":["grass","flying"],"zh":["草","飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"Grass Quill Pokémon","zh":"草羽寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["This wary Pokémon uses photosynthesis to store up energy during the day, while becoming active at night.","Silently it glides, drawing near its targets. Before they even notice it, it begins to pelt them with vicious kicks.","It sends its feathers, which are as sharp as blades, flying in attack. Its legs are strong, so its kicks are also formidable."],"zh":["警戒心很強。白天利用光合作用積蓄力量,到了夜晚才開始活動。","能不發出一絲聲響地滑翔,極速接近敵人。在對方還未發覺時,使出猛烈的腳踢來攻擊。","能射出刀刃般鋒利的羽毛進行攻擊。雙腳的力量也很強,腳踢的威力同樣不能小看。"]}},{"id":723,"name":{"en":"Dartrix","zh":"投羽梟"},"types":{"en":["grass","flying"],"zh":["草","飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"Blade Quill Pokémon","zh":"刃羽寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["A bit of a dandy, it spends its free time preening its wings. Its preoccupation with any dirt on its plumage can leave it unable to battle.","It throws sharp feathers called blade quills at enemies or prey. It seldom misses.","This narcissistic Pokémon is a clean freak. If you don’t groom it diligently, it will stop listening to you."],"zh":["很注重外表,只要有空就會整理翅膀。有時候也會因為過於在意羽毛的整潔而無法戰鬥。","將被稱為刃羽的銳利羽毛射向敵人或獵物。基本上百發百中。","個性自戀又愛美,如果不勤快地為牠打理外表,牠有可能會因此變得不聽話。"]}},{"id":724,"name":{"en":"Decidueye","zh":"狙射樹梟"},"types":{"en":["grass","ghost"],"zh":["草","幽靈"]},"genera":{"en":"Arrow Quill Pokémon","zh":"箭羽寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It fires arrow quills from its wings with such precision, they can pierce a pebble at distances over a hundred yards.","Although basically cool and cautious, when it’s caught by surprise, it’s seized by panic.","It nocks its arrow quills and shoots them at opponents. When it simply can’t afford to miss, it tugs the vine on its head to improve its focus."],"zh":["托弓拉弦射出藏在翅膀裡的箭羽。精準度高到連前方100米遠的小石頭也能貫穿。","基本上性格謹慎而冷靜,但如果受到突如其來的襲擊,就會陷入巨大的驚慌中。","會搭上箭羽朝對手射出。在絕對必須射中的時候,會拉緊頭上的藤蔓來集中精神。"]}},{"id":725,"name":{"en":"Litten","zh":"火斑喵"},"types":{"en":["fire"],"zh":["火"]},"genera":{"en":"Fire Cat Pokémon","zh":"火貓寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["While grooming itself, it builds up fur inside its stomach. It sets the fur alight and spews fiery attacks, which change based on how it coughs.","It doesn’t allow its emotions to be easily seen. Earning its trust takes time. It prefers solitude.","If you try too hard to get close to it, it won’t open up to you. Even if you do grow close, giving it too much affection is still a no-no."],"zh":["將理毛時屯積在肚子裡的落毛引燃並吐出火焰。火焰會隨著吐毛的方式不同而變化。","不喜歡流露感情,喜歡獨處。要取得牠的信任,需要花不少時間。","如果被糾纏不休,就會變得不肯打開心扉。就算和牠變得親近了,也嚴禁與牠有過度的親密接觸。"]}},{"id":726,"name":{"en":"Torracat","zh":"炎熱喵"},"types":{"en":["fire"],"zh":["火"]},"genera":{"en":"Fire Cat Pokémon","zh":"火貓寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["At its throat, it bears a bell of fire. The bell rings brightly whenever this Pokémon spits fire.","It boasts powerful front legs. With a single punch, it can bend an iron bar right over.","It can act spoiled if it grows close to its Trainer. A powerful Pokémon, its sharp claws can leave its Trainer’s whole body covered in scratches."],"zh":["脖子上掛著火焰鈴鐺。噴出火焰的時候,會叮鈴鈴地發出響亮的聲音。","以前腳的力量而自豪。只要一拳就能把鐵棒都打彎。","變得親近後也會對訓練家撒嬌。但因為力氣很大,爪子又很銳利,訓練家會被弄得全身是傷。"]}},{"id":727,"name":{"en":"Incineroar","zh":"熾焰咆哮虎"},"types":{"en":["fire","dark"],"zh":["火","惡"]},"genera":{"en":"Heel Pokémon","zh":"反派寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["This Pokémon has a violent, selfish disposition. If it’s not in the mood to listen, it will ignore its Trainer’s orders with complete nonchalance.","After hurling ferocious punches and flinging furious kicks, it finishes opponents off by spewing fire from around its navel.","Although it’s rough mannered and egotistical, it finds beating down unworthy opponents boring. It gets motivated for stronger opponents."],"zh":["在使出猛烈的拳擊或腳踢後,會從肚臍周圍噴出火焰,將敵人一擊斃命。","性格粗魯又任性。心情不爽的時候,連訓練家的命令也會冷漠地無視。","個性粗魯又任性,但討厭欺負弱小這種無聊的事,只有在面對強大對手時才會拿出幹勁。"]}},{"id":728,"name":{"en":"Popplio","zh":"球球海獅"},"types":{"en":["water"],"zh":["水"]},"genera":{"en":"Sea Lion Pokémon","zh":"海獅寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["This Pokémon snorts body fluids from its nose, blowing balloons to smash into its foes. It’s famous for being a hard worker.","This Pokémon can control water bubbles. It practices diligently so it can learn to make big bubbles.","The balloons it inflates with its nose grow larger and larger as it practices day by day."],"zh":["因勤奮的性格而聞名。會用鼻子將體液吹成氣球,然後扔向敵人。","操縱水做的氣球。為了製造大大的氣球,孜孜不倦地反復練習。","靠著每天不斷地練習,用鼻子吹出的氣球會一點一滴地漸漸變大。"]}},{"id":729,"name":{"en":"Brionne","zh":"花漾海獅"},"types":{"en":["water"],"zh":["水"]},"genera":{"en":"Pop Star Pokémon","zh":"偶像寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["A skillful dancer, it creates a sequence of water balloons as it dances, and briskly bombards its enemies.","It cares deeply for its companions. When its Trainer is feeling down, it performs a cheery dance to try and help.","It gets excited when it sees a dance it doesn’t know. This hard worker practices diligently until it can learn that dance."],"zh":["很擅長跳舞,會邊跳舞邊一個接一個地製造水氣球扔向敵人。","非常關心自己的夥伴。訓練家如果情緒低落,就會跳舞給予鼓勵。","個性勤奮,只要看見自己不知道的舞蹈,就會很興奮。會拚命練習直到自己也會跳為止。"]}},{"id":730,"name":{"en":"Primarina","zh":"西獅海壬"},"types":{"en":["water","fairy"],"zh":["水","妖精"]},"genera":{"en":"Soloist Pokémon","zh":"獨唱者寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It controls its water balloons with song. The melody is learned from others of its kind and is passed down from one generation to the next.","Its singing voice is its chief weapon in battle. This Pokémon’s Trainer must prioritize the daily maintenance of its throat at all costs.","To Primarina, every battle is a stage. It takes down its prey with beautiful singing and dancing."],"zh":["用歌聲操縱水氣球。這個旋律會在夥伴間互相學習,在群體中一代代地傳承下去。","靈活運用歌聲來戰鬥。每天保養牠的喉嚨,是訓練家的重要任務。","對西獅海壬來說,戰鬥就是表演的舞台,牠會在華麗地唱歌跳舞的同時給予獵物致命一擊。"]}},{"id":731,"name":{"en":"Pikipek","zh":"小篤兒"},"types":{"en":["normal","flying"],"zh":["一般","飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"Woodpecker Pokémon","zh":"啄木鳥寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It can peck at a rate of 16 times a second to drill holes in trees. It uses the holes for food storage and for nesting.","This Pokémon feeds on berries, whose leftover seeds become the ammunition for the attacks it fires off from its mouth.","It pecks at trees with its hard beak. You can get some idea of its mood or condition from the rhythm of its pecking."],"zh":["以每秒16下連擊在樹幹上啄出洞來。啄開的洞穴用作收藏食物的倉庫和巢穴。","主要的食物是樹果。會把吃完後剩下的種子當成子彈,從嘴裡發射用來攻擊。","會用堅硬的鳥嘴啄樹木。從牠啄擊的節奏可以大致看出牠當時的心情和身體狀況。"]}},{"id":732,"name":{"en":"Trumbeak","zh":"喇叭啄鳥"},"types":{"en":["normal","flying"],"zh":["一般","飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"Bugle Beak Pokémon","zh":"喇叭喙寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It eats berries and stores their seeds in its beak. When it encounters enemies or prey, it fires off all the seeds in a burst.","By bending its beak, it can produce a variety of calls and brand itself a noisy nuisance for its neighbors.","It can bend the tip of its beak to produce over a hundred different cries at will."],"zh":["把吃掉的樹果的種子儲藏在鳥嘴裡。遇到敵人或獵物時,就一口氣發射出去。","揚起鳥嘴,以各種聲音鳴叫。因為相當吵鬧,所以被周圍的居民們嫌棄。","只要噘起鳥嘴的前端,就能自在地發出100種以上的叫聲。"]}},{"id":733,"name":{"en":"Toucannon","zh":"銃嘴大鳥"},"types":{"en":["normal","flying"],"zh":["一般","飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"Cannon Pokémon","zh":"銃炮寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["When it battles, its beak heats up. The temperature can easily exceed 212 degrees Fahrenheit, causing severe burns when it hits.","Within its beak, its internal gas ignites, explosively launching seeds with enough power to pulverize boulders.","They smack beaks with others of their kind to communicate. The strength and number of hits tell each other how they feel."],"zh":["讓鳥嘴發熱來戰鬥。那溫度足足超過100度,只要被啄到就會嚴重灼傷。","在嘴裡爆發體內的氣體,發射出樹果的種子。威力大到連巨大的岩石也能粉碎。","會與夥伴互相敲擊鳥嘴來進行溝通,透過敲擊的強度和次數來傳達彼此的心情。"]}},{"id":734,"name":{"en":"Yungoos","zh":"貓鼬少"},"types":{"en":["normal"],"zh":["一般"]},"genera":{"en":"Loitering Pokémon","zh":"巡迴寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["With its sharp fangs, it will bite anything. It did not originally live in Alola but was imported from another region.","It wanders around in a never-ending search for food. At dusk, it collapses from exhaustion and falls asleep on the spot.","Its stomach takes up most of its long torso. It’s a big eater, so the amount Trainers have to spend on its food is no laughing matter."],"zh":["銳利的牙齒可咬住任何東西。原本並不住在阿羅拉,是從其他地區被帶過來的。","不斷徘徊著尋找食物。到了太陽下山的時候,會因為精疲力盡而一頭倒下睡著。","長長的身體內部幾乎全被胃佔滿。因為食量很大,飼養牠的伙食費相當驚人。"]}},{"id":735,"name":{"en":"Gumshoos","zh":"貓鼬探長"},"types":{"en":["normal"],"zh":["一般"]},"genera":{"en":"Stakeout Pokémon","zh":"監視寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["When it finds a trace of its prey, it patiently stakes out the location...but it’s always snoozing by nightfall.","It adores having Rattata and Raticate for dinner, but as it’s diurnal, it never encounters them. This Pokémon boasts incredible patience.","Although it wasn’t originally found in Alola, this Pokémon was brought over a long time ago when there was a huge Rattata outbreak."],"zh":["找到獵物的蹤跡後,就會堅持蹲守在那個地方,但到了傍晚就會昏昏欲睡。","喜歡吃小拉達和拉達,但因為是晝行性而沒機會遇到。是以忍耐力強而自豪的寶可夢。","原本沒有棲息在阿羅拉,是在過去小拉達大量繁殖的時候被人們帶過來的。"]}},{"id":736,"name":{"en":"Grubbin","zh":"強顎雞母蟲"},"types":{"en":["bug"],"zh":["蟲"]},"genera":{"en":"Larva Pokémon","zh":"幼蟲寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Its strong jaw enables it to scrape trees and slurp out the sap. It normally lives underground.","They often gather near places frequented by electric Pokémon in order to avoid being attacked by bird Pokémon.","If you find its nest, you shouldn’t stick your hand inside. You’ll get bitten by an irritated Grubbin."],"zh":["會用結實的下顎切削樹木,並吸取樹的汁液。平常則是在地底下生活。","為了不被鳥寶可夢襲擊,經常聚集在電屬性寶可夢棲息的地方。","就算發現強顎雞母蟲的巢穴也絕不能把手伸進去,不然會惹起牠的反感而被咬。"]}},{"id":737,"name":{"en":"Charjabug","zh":"蟲電寶"},"types":{"en":["bug","electric"],"zh":["蟲","電"]},"genera":{"en":"Battery Pokémon","zh":"蓄電池寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Its body is capable of storing electricity. On camping trips, people are grateful to have one around.","From the food it digests, it generates electricity, and it stores this energy in its electric sac.","It buries itself in fallen leaves and barely moves, munching away on humus. If you accidentally step on one, you’ll get a shock!"],"zh":["擁有在體內蓄電的能力。露營的時候有1隻這種寶可夢在的話,是非常值得慶幸的。","吃下食物後進行消化時產生的電能會被儲藏在電力袋中。","埋在落葉堆裡幾乎不動,只是不斷地吃著腐葉土。如果不小心踩到牠就會被電到。"]}},{"id":738,"name":{"en":"Vikavolt","zh":"鍬農炮蟲"},"types":{"en":["bug","electric"],"zh":["蟲","電"]},"genera":{"en":"Stag Beetle Pokémon","zh":"鍬形蟲寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It zips around, on sharp lookout for an opening. It concentrates electrical energy within its large jaws and uses it to zap its enemies.","It produces electricity via an electrical organ in its abdomen. It overwhelms bird Pokémon with shocking beams of electrical energy.","It has an organ that generates electricity in its abdomen. It concentrates energy in its strong jaws and fires off powerful jolts of electricity."],"zh":["腹部有著發電器官,會將能量集中在大顎上,發出驚人的電擊。","來回盤旋尋找機會。用巨大的顎部積蓄電能,向敵人發射。","利用位於腹部的發電器官製造電力。靠著電擊光束,即使面對鳥寶可夢也能佔據優勢。"]}},{"id":739,"name":{"en":"Crabrawler","zh":"好勝蟹"},"types":{"en":["fighting"],"zh":["格鬥"]},"genera":{"en":"Boxing Pokémon","zh":"拳鬥寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["While guarding its weak points with its pincers, it looks for an opening and unleashes punches. When it loses, it foams at the mouth and faints.","It punches so much, its pincers often come off from overuse, but they grow back quickly. What little meat they contain is rich and delicious.","Its hard pincers are well suited to both offense and defense. Fights between two Crabrawler are like boxing matches."],"zh":["用鉗子保護自己的弱點,同時等候時機出拳。輸了的話會吐著泡泡倒下。","因為常常打架,鉗子經常掉落,不過很快又會長出來。鉗子裡的肉很少,但味道濃郁且非常美味。","堅硬的鉗子攻守皆宜。好勝蟹與好勝蟹之間的戰鬥就像是拳擊賽一樣。"]}},{"id":740,"name":{"en":"Crabominable","zh":"好勝毛蟹"},"types":{"en":["fighting","ice"],"zh":["格鬥","冰"]},"genera":{"en":"Woolly Crab Pokémon","zh":"毛蟹寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It aimed for the top but got lost and ended up on a snowy mountain. Being forced to endure the cold, this Pokémon evolved and grew fur.","It just throws punches indiscriminately. In times of desperation, it can lop off its own pincers and fire them like rockets.","It stores coldness in its pincers and pummels its foes. It can even smash thick walls of ice to bits!"],"zh":["原本是為了超越顛峰而深入山中修行,卻走錯路登上雪山,在忍受寒冷的同時,毛髮不斷生長而產生了進化。","不顧一切地打架。遇到突發危機便會自斷鉗子,像發射火箭一樣砸出去。","會將寒氣聚集在鉗子中然後用力痛毆。就算是厚厚的冰壁也能打得粉碎。"]}},{"id":741,"name":{"en":"Oricorio","zh":"花舞鳥"},"types":{"en":["fire","flying"],"zh":["火","飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"Dancing Pokémon","zh":"舞蹈寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It beats its wings together to create fire. As it moves in the steps of its beautiful dance, it bathes opponents in intense flames.","This Oricorio has sipped red nectar. Its passionate dance moves cause its enemies to combust in both body and mind.","It wins the hearts of its enemies with its passionate dancing and then uses the opening it creates to burn them up with blazing flames."],"zh":["拍打翅膀生火。一邊踩著華麗的步伐,一邊灑下猛烈的火焰。","吸食了朱紅色花蜜的花舞鳥。以熱情的舞步將敵人的身心全部燃燒殆盡。","會用熱情的舞蹈抓住敵人的心,再趁對手失去戒心的空檔用熊熊燃燒的火焰把對方燒成灰。"]}},{"id":742,"name":{"en":"Cutiefly","zh":"萌虻"},"types":{"en":["bug","fairy"],"zh":["蟲","妖精"]},"genera":{"en":"Bee Fly Pokémon","zh":"蜂虻寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It feeds on the nectar and pollen of flowers. Because it’s able to sense auras, it can identify which flowers are about to bloom.","Myriads of Cutiefly flutter above the heads of people who have auras resembling those of flowers.","Nectar and pollen are its favorite fare. In fields of flowers, it gets into skirmishes with Butterfree over food."],"zh":["花蜜和花粉是牠的食物。擁有感知氣場的力量,能分辨出要綻放的花。","擁有像花一般氣場的人,頭上會有許多萌虻聚集過來哦。","喜歡吃花蜜和花粉。經常在花圃裡為了爭奪食物而和巴大蝶發生小衝突。"]}},{"id":743,"name":{"en":"Ribombee","zh":"蝶結萌虻"},"types":{"en":["bug","fairy"],"zh":["蟲","妖精"]},"genera":{"en":"Bee Fly Pokémon","zh":"蜂虻寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It rolls up pollen into puffs. It makes many different varieties, some used as food and others used in battle.","Some of Ribombee’s pollen puffs are highly nutritious. They are sometimes sold as supplements.","Rain makes pollen damp, so Ribombee hates rain. When it sees ominous clouds, it finds a hollow in a tree, where it waits stock-still."],"zh":["把花粉揉成圓形,做成花粉團。花粉團從食用到戰鬥用,分成很多種類哦。","蝶結萌虻做出來的花粉團中有些含有豐富的營養。有時還會被當成營養補給品出售。","討厭下雨,因為花粉會濕掉。當天上烏雲密佈的時候,牠會靜靜地躲在樹洞裡不動。"]}},{"id":744,"name":{"en":"Rockruff","zh":"岩狗狗"},"types":{"en":["rock"],"zh":["岩石"]},"genera":{"en":"Puppy Pokémon","zh":"小狗寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It’s considered to be a good Pokémon for beginners because of its friendliness, but its disposition grows rougher as it grows up.","This Pokémon has lived with people since times long ago. It can sense when its Trainer is in the dumps and will stick close by its Trainer’s side.","As they develop, their disposition grows more violent and aggressive. Many Trainers find them too much to handle and abandon them."],"zh":["非常容易親近,據說是適合推薦給新手訓練家的寶可夢。可是一旦成長,脾氣就會變得粗暴。","從過去開始就一直和人類生活。當訓練家感到悲傷的時候,牠會察覺到,並不會離開對方身邊。","在成長的過程中,性情會漸漸變得粗暴而有攻擊性。也有不少訓練家因為應付不了而遺棄牠。"]}},{"id":745,"name":{"en":"Lycanroc","zh":"鬃岩狼人"},"types":{"en":["rock"],"zh":["岩石"]},"genera":{"en":"Wolf Pokémon","zh":"狼寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Its quick movements confuse its enemies. Well equipped with claws and fangs, it also uses the sharp rocks in its mane as weapons.","When properly raised from a young age, it will become a trustworthy partner that will absolutely never betray its Trainer.","The sharp rocks in its mane can cut like knives. Lycanroc wears its prey down by degrees before finishing them off."],"zh":["快速移動迷惑敵人。除了爪子和牙齒之外,鬃毛裡的尖銳岩石也是武器之一。","從小開始好好培育的話,會成為絕不背叛訓練家,值得信賴的好夥伴。","鬃毛裡的岩石像刀子一樣鋒利。會對獵物窮追不捨,等獵物筋疲力盡時再給予致命一擊。"]}},{"id":746,"name":{"en":"Wishiwashi","zh":"弱丁魚"},"types":{"en":["water"],"zh":["水"]},"genera":{"en":"Small Fry Pokémon","zh":"小魚寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["When it’s in trouble, its eyes moisten and begin to shine. The shining light attracts its comrades, and they stand together against their enemies.","It’s awfully weak and notably tasty, so everyone is always out to get it. As it happens, anyone trying to bully it receives a painful lesson.","They’re weak, so they move in schools. However, they can also often be seen all alone, having strayed from the school."],"zh":["一旦陷入危機,眼睛就會變得濕潤並發光。和被光亮召集來的夥伴們一起對抗敵人。","牠非常弱小,又非常美味,所以總是成為被攻擊的目標,不過若欺負牠,只會吃苦頭哦。","因為很弱小,總是以群體行動。但也能經常見到與群體走散了的弱丁魚單獨游動的樣子。"]}},{"id":747,"name":{"en":"Mareanie","zh":"好壞星"},"types":{"en":["poison","water"],"zh":["毒","水"]},"genera":{"en":"Brutal Star Pokémon","zh":"非星寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It plunges the poison spike on its head into its prey. When the prey has weakened, Mareanie deals the finishing blow with its 10 tentacles.","It’s found crawling on beaches and seafloors. The coral that grows on Corsola’s head is as good as a five-star banquet to this Pokémon.","They eat Corsola branches, so Mareanie are hated by craftsmen who work with Corsola branches that have naturally fallen off."],"zh":["用頭上的毒刺扎進獵物身體。獵物變虛弱後,再用10根觸手捉住並給予致命的一擊。","牠會在海底和海岸爬來爬去。非常喜歡吃生長在太陽珊瑚頭上的珊瑚。","因為牠會吃太陽珊瑚的枝條,所以專門收集自然掉落的枝條來加工的工匠們很討厭牠。"]}},{"id":748,"name":{"en":"Toxapex","zh":"超壞星"},"types":{"en":["poison","water"],"zh":["毒","水"]},"genera":{"en":"Brutal Star Pokémon","zh":"非星寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Toxapex crawls along the ocean floor on its 12 legs. It leaves a trail of Corsola bits scattered in its wake.","Those attacked by Toxapex’s poison will suffer intense pain for three days and three nights. Post-recovery, there will be some aftereffects.","To attack, this Pokémon sends toxic spikes flying at its enemies. Ones that come close get mown down by the claws on its feet."],"zh":["利用12隻腳在海底爬行。在超壞星爬過的地方會散落太陽珊瑚的碎屑。","如果被超壞星的毒傷到,會連續3天3夜遭受劇烈的疼痛,即使得到救助也會留下後遺症。","會射出帶有劇毒的尖刺攻擊敵人,並用腳上的爪子撂倒靠近自己的對手。"]}},{"id":749,"name":{"en":"Mudbray","zh":"泥驢仔"},"types":{"en":["ground"],"zh":["地面"]},"genera":{"en":"Donkey Pokémon","zh":"驢寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["The mud stuck to Mudbray’s hooves enhances its grip and its powerful running gait.","It has a stubborn, individualistic disposition. Eating dirt, making mud, and playing in the mire all form part of its daily routine.","It loves playing in the mud. If it isn’t showered with mud on a daily basis, it gets stressed out and stops listening to its Trainer."],"zh":["最喜歡玩泥巴。如果沒有每天到泥巴裡玩的話,會因為壓力累積而變得不聽話。","牢牢地黏在腳上的泥提高了抓地力,讓牠能夠盡情地全力奔馳。","性格頑固,並我行我素。會吃土製作泥巴,玩泥巴是每天的功課。"]}},{"id":750,"name":{"en":"Mudsdale","zh":"重泥挽馬"},"types":{"en":["ground"],"zh":["地面"]},"genera":{"en":"Draft Horse Pokémon","zh":"挽馬寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It spits a mud that provides resistance to both wind and rain, so the walls of old houses were often coated with it.","Its heavy, mud-covered kicks are its best means of attack, and it can reduce large trucks to scrap without breaking a sweat.","It remains calm and unmoving no matter the situation. It mixes dirt with the saliva in its mouth to make a special kind of mud."],"zh":["從嘴裡吐出的泥凝固後,即使是風雨也能擋得住,所以過去常被塗在家屋的外牆上。","牠擅長利用沾滿了泥的沉重腳踢來進行攻擊。即使是大型貨車也能輕鬆踢成廢鐵。","無論發生什麼事都能不動如山。會把含進嘴裡的土與唾液混合,製造出特殊的泥。"]}},{"id":751,"name":{"en":"Dewpider","zh":"滴蛛"},"types":{"en":["water","bug"],"zh":["水","蟲"]},"genera":{"en":"Water Bubble Pokémon","zh":"水泡寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It crawls onto the land in search of food. Its water bubble allows it to breathe and protects its soft head.","When it comes across enemies or potential prey, this Pokémon smashes its water-bubble-covered head into them.","When two Dewpider meet, they display their water bubbles to each other. Then the one with the smaller bubble gets out of the other’s way."],"zh":["為了尋找食物而到地上來。戴著水泡是為了呼吸,以及保護柔軟的頭部。","發現獵物或敵人後,會將頭上戴著的水泡彈出去,用水進行攻擊。","滴蛛們在與同類相遇時,會互相炫耀自己頭上的水泡,水泡小的一方會乖乖讓路。"]}},{"id":752,"name":{"en":"Araquanid","zh":"滴蛛霸"},"types":{"en":["water","bug"],"zh":["水","蟲"]},"genera":{"en":"Water Bubble Pokémon","zh":"水泡寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It delivers headbutts with the water bubble on its head. Small Pokémon get sucked into the bubble, where they drown.","Despite what its appearance suggests, it cares for others. If it finds vulnerable, weak Pokémon, it protectively brings them into its water bubble.","It usually passes its time in the water. When its belly is full, it stores its subdued prey in the water bubble on its head."],"zh":["用頭部的水泡來進行頭錘攻擊。如果是弱小的寶可夢,會被裹進水泡溺死。","與外表不同,性格非常體貼。當發現弱小的夥伴時,會讓對方進入水泡來保護牠。","平常在水中生活。肚子不餓的時候會把捉到的獵物收在頭部的水泡裡。"]}},{"id":753,"name":{"en":"Fomantis","zh":"偽螳草"},"types":{"en":["grass"],"zh":["草"]},"genera":{"en":"Sickle Grass Pokémon","zh":"鐮草寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["During the day, it sleeps and soaks up light. When night falls, it walks around looking for a safer place to sleep.","They give off a sweet and refreshing scent. Cutiefly often gather near the tall grass where Fomantis are hiding.","When the sun rises, Fomantis spreads its four leaves and bathes in the sunlight. The tip of its head has a pleasant aroma."],"zh":["白天的時候,一邊沐浴陽光一邊睡覺。到了晚上就會為尋找更安全的睡床而走出來。","會發出清爽而甘甜的香味。萌虻經常聚集在偽螳草藏匿的草叢裡。","太陽出來時,會張開4片葉子來做日光浴。會從頭頂發出宜人的香味。"]}},{"id":754,"name":{"en":"Lurantis","zh":"蘭螳花"},"types":{"en":["grass"],"zh":["草"]},"genera":{"en":"Bloom Sickle Pokémon","zh":"花鐮寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It requires a lot of effort to maintain Lurantis’s vivid coloring, but some collectors enjoy this work and treat it as their hobby.","It fires beams from its sickle-shaped petals. These beams are powerful enough to cleave through thick metal plates.","For self-protection, it pretends to be a bug Pokémon. Both of its arms bear keen-edged petals."],"zh":["要維持這鮮豔的體色,可是要花很多功夫的。但也有特殊嗜好的人把這當興趣。","從鐮刀狀的花瓣中放射光束。具有連厚厚的鐵板也能一切兩半的威力。","之所以偽裝成蟲寶可夢是為了要保護自己。雙手的花瓣非常鋒利。"]}},{"id":755,"name":{"en":"Morelull","zh":"睡睡菇"},"types":{"en":["grass","fairy"],"zh":["草","妖精"]},"genera":{"en":"Illuminating Pokémon","zh":"發光寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It scatters spores that flicker and glow. Anyone seeing these lights falls into a deep slumber.","As it drowses the day away, it nourishes itself by sucking from tree roots. It wakens at the fall of night, wandering off in search of a new tree.","It scatters its shining spores around itself. Even though they’re dangerous, nighttime tours of forests where Morelull live are popular."],"zh":["在周圍到處散播一閃一閃發著光的孢子。看到這個光的都會陷入沉睡中。","在白天會一邊睡覺一邊從樹根吸取養分。到了晚上醒來,出走尋找新的樹木。","會向四周散佈發光的孢子。雖然危險,但在睡睡菇棲息的森林舉行的夜遊行程很受人們歡迎。"]}},{"id":756,"name":{"en":"Shiinotic","zh":"燈罩夜菇"},"types":{"en":["grass","fairy"],"zh":["草","妖精"]},"genera":{"en":"Illuminating Pokémon","zh":"發光寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Forests where Shiinotic live are treacherous to enter at night. People confused by its strange lights can never find their way home again.","It emits flickering spores that cause drowsiness. When its prey succumb to sleep, this Pokémon feeds on them by sucking in their energy.","It puts its prey to sleep and siphons off their vitality through the tip of its arms. If one of its kind is weakened, it helps by sending it vitality."],"zh":["深夜前往燈罩夜菇棲息的森林是很危險的。會被怪異的光線迷惑,從此再也回不來。","會噴出閃爍的孢子讓獵物睡著,再從睡著的獵物身上吸取精氣。","會讓獵物睡著,然後用手臂前端奪取獵物的精氣。在夥伴虛弱的時候,會輸送精氣過去拯救對方。"]}},{"id":757,"name":{"en":"Salandit","zh":"夜盜火蜥"},"types":{"en":["poison","fire"],"zh":["毒","火"]},"genera":{"en":"Toxic Lizard Pokémon","zh":"毒蜥寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It burns its bodily fluids to create a poisonous gas. When its enemies become disoriented from inhaling the gas, it attacks them.","Volcanoes or dry, craggy places are its home. It emanates a sweet-smelling poisonous gas that attracts bug Pokémon, then attacks them.","The males will do whatever the females tell them. They give the females most of their food. Due to malnutrition, the males can’t evolve."],"zh":["燃燒體液製造毒瓦斯。在吸了毒瓦斯的敵人變得頭暈目眩之後發動襲擊。","棲息在火山和乾燥的岩石地帶。放出帶有甜甜香味的毒瓦斯,吸引蟲寶可夢過來後進行襲擊。","雄性對雌性幾乎是唯命是從。因為獲得的食物幾乎都獻給了雌性,所以雄性因為營養不足而無法進化。"]}},{"id":758,"name":{"en":"Salazzle","zh":"焰后蜥"},"types":{"en":["poison","fire"],"zh":["毒","火"]},"genera":{"en":"Toxic Lizard Pokémon","zh":"毒蜥寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["For some reason, only females have been found. It creates a reverse harem of male Salandit that it lives with.","Filled with pheromones, its poisonous gas can be diluted to use in the production of luscious perfumes.","Salazzle lives deep in caves and forces the Salandit it has attracted with its pheromones to serve it."],"zh":["不知為何只發現♀。率領夜盜火蜥的♂,組成逆後宮一起生活。","毒瓦斯裡含有很多的費洛蒙。稀釋後可用來製作性感的香水。","棲息在洞窟的深處,讓那些被自己的費洛蒙迷住的夜盜火蜥們侍奉自己。"]}},{"id":759,"name":{"en":"Stufful","zh":"童偶熊"},"types":{"en":["normal","fighting"],"zh":["一般","格鬥"]},"genera":{"en":"Flailing Pokémon","zh":"抓狂寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Despite its adorable appearance, when it gets angry and flails about, its arms and legs could knock a pro wrestler sprawling.","A touch from anyone except a known friend sends it into a surging frenzy. It’s an incredibly dangerous Pokémon.","It boasts power enough to split large trees in half. The organ on its rear releases an odor that it uses to communicate with others of its kind."],"zh":["外表惹人喜愛,但如果被牠發怒後胡亂揮舞的腿碰到,即使是職業摔角手也會被踢到老遠。","除了親密的對象和夥伴以外,一旦被接觸到,便會用可怕的力量發狂,所以很危險。","以連大樹都能折斷的力氣為傲。會從臀部的器官發出氣味,藉此與夥伴進行溝通。"]}},{"id":760,"name":{"en":"Bewear","zh":"穿著熊"},"types":{"en":["normal","fighting"],"zh":["一般","格鬥"]},"genera":{"en":"Strong Arm Pokémon","zh":"強臂寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["This immensely dangerous Pokémon possesses overwhelming physical strength. Its habitat is generally off-limits.","This Pokémon has the habit of hugging its companions. Many Trainers have left this world after their spines were squashed by its hug.","It waves its hands wildly in intimidation and warning. Life is over for anyone who doesn’t run away as fast as possible."],"zh":["擁有壓倒性的肌肉力量,是非常危險的寶可夢。棲息地基本上是禁止進入。","有和夥伴互相緊抱的習性。被這個力量壓碎脊椎而去世的訓練家也很多。","大動作的揮手是威嚇與警戒的信號。看見時一定要立刻逃走,不然可是會沒命的。"]}},{"id":761,"name":{"en":"Bounsweet","zh":"甜竹竹"},"types":{"en":["grass"],"zh":["草"]},"genera":{"en":"Fruit Pokémon","zh":"水果寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["A delectable aroma pours from its body. They are often swallowed whole by Toucannon lured by that wafting deliciousness.","Although it’s too sugary for human consumption, Bounsweet’s sweat can be watered down into a juice with just the right amount of sweetness.","Because of its sweet, delicious aroma, bird Pokémon are always after it, but it’s not intelligent enough to care."],"zh":["聞起來很美味的香氣從體內滲透出來。會被受氣味誘惑的銃嘴大鳥整個吞下。","人若直接吃下的話就太甜了。但若把甜竹竹的汗利用水稀釋一下,便會成為甜度剛剛好的果汁。","甜美的香味讓牠成了鳥寶可夢襲擊的對象,但因為牠不怎麼聰明,所以根本不在意。"]}},{"id":762,"name":{"en":"Steenee","zh":"甜舞妮"},"types":{"en":["grass"],"zh":["草"]},"genera":{"en":"Fruit Pokémon","zh":"水果寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["The sepals on its head developed to protect its body. These are quite hard, so even if pecked by bird Pokémon, this Pokémon is totally fine.","This Pokémon is always bouncing around energetically. Other Pokémon are attracted by its lively appearance and pleasant aroma.","It’s protected by its hard sepals, so it plays with bird Pokémon without worry. They peck it relentlessly, but it doesn’t care."],"zh":["為了保護身體,殼蓋變得很發達。因為相當堅硬,即使被鳥寶可夢啄到,也能完全安然無恙。","總是精神飽滿地跳來跳去。因為有著充滿活力的樣子和好聞的香味,寶可夢都會聚集到牠的周圍來。","因為被堅硬的果蒂保護著,所以跟鳥寶可夢也能安心玩耍。雖然不停被啄,但牠毫不在意。"]}},{"id":763,"name":{"en":"Tsareena","zh":"甜冷美后"},"types":{"en":["grass"],"zh":["草"]},"genera":{"en":"Fruit Pokémon","zh":"水果寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Its long, striking legs aren’t just for show but to be used to kick with skill. In victory, it shows off by kicking the defeated, laughing boisterously.","A Pokémon known for the beauty of its well-shaped legs, it sometimes appears as a mascot in advertisements for beauty salons.","A master of grand and beautiful kicks, it can knock out even kickboxing champions with a single blow."],"zh":["擅長運用自己的腳使出踢擊。會狠狠教訓被打倒的對手,大笑著炫耀自己的勝利。","以擁有美腿的寶可夢為人所知,成了美容沙龍等廣告的吉祥物。","動作優美的踢技高手。就算是面對搏擊冠軍,也能一擊將對方打倒。"]}},{"id":764,"name":{"en":"Comfey","zh":"花療環環"},"types":{"en":["fairy"],"zh":["妖精"]},"genera":{"en":"Posy Picker Pokémon","zh":"摘花寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It attaches flowers to its highly nutritious vine. This revitalizes the flowers, and they give off an aromatic scent.","Baths prepared with the flowers from its vine have a relaxing effect, so this Pokémon is a hit with many people.","It stretches sticky vines out from its head and picks flowers to adorn itself with. When it doesn’t have any flowers, it feels uneasy."],"zh":["將花黏在充滿營養的藤蔓上。花會活化,飄散出迷人的芳香。","把藤蔓上附著的花放進浴盆裡飄浮,泡澡時就會有舒緩的效果,在廣大女性中極具人氣。","會從頭上伸出有黏性的藤蔓摘下花朵,拿來裝飾自己。沒有花就會感到不安。"]}},{"id":765,"name":{"en":"Oranguru","zh":"智揮猩"},"types":{"en":["normal","psychic"],"zh":["一般","超能力"]},"genera":{"en":"Sage Pokémon","zh":"賢者寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Known for its extreme intelligence, this Pokémon will look down on inexperienced Trainers, so it’s best suited to veteran Trainers.","Deep in the jungle, high in the lofty canopy, this Pokémon abides. On rare occasions, it shows up at the beach to match wits with Slowking.","It normally spends its time meditating in the treetops. It throws Poké Balls and gives other Pokémon orders as it pleases."],"zh":["因為非常聰明而被聞名。看不起沒經驗的訓練家,是種適合資深訓練家的寶可夢。","棲息在叢林深處的樹上。偶爾會出現在海邊,與呆呆王較量誰聰明。","平時待在樹上冥想度日。會隨意投擲精靈球,對寶可夢下達命令。"]}},{"id":766,"name":{"en":"Passimian","zh":"投擲猴"},"types":{"en":["fighting"],"zh":["格鬥"]},"genera":{"en":"Teamwork Pokémon","zh":"配合寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["They form groups of roughly 20 individuals. Their mutual bond is remarkable—they will never let down a comrade.","They battle with hard berries for weapons. Their techniques are passed from the boss to the group, generation upon generation.","They use their saliva to stick leaves to their shoulders. You can tell what troop they belong to from the position of the leaves."],"zh":["會組成20隻左右的團隊。大家心連心非常團結,絕不會捨棄夥伴。","使用堅硬的樹果戰鬥。這個技術會透過每一代的老大傳承給團隊裡的夥伴們。","會用唾液將葉片貼在肩膀上當作標記。只要看葉片的排列就能得知所屬的群體。"]}},{"id":767,"name":{"en":"Wimpod","zh":"膽小蟲"},"types":{"en":["bug","water"],"zh":["蟲","水"]},"genera":{"en":"Turn Tail Pokémon","zh":"疾行寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["This Pokémon is a coward. As it desperately dashes off, the flailing of its many legs leaves a sparkling clean path in its wake.","Its habitat varies from beaches to seabeds. A natural scavenger, it will gleefully chow down on anything edible, no matter how rotten.","It will pick up anything it finds on the ground. Sometimes it finds coins, so Murkrow and Meowth will go after it."],"zh":["性格膽小,會慌慌張張地揮動著許多腳拼命逃跑。逃跑後會留下閃閃發亮的美麗痕跡。","從沙灘到海底,會棲息在各式各樣的地方。即使是腐爛的食物也能吃得很開心,是大自然的清潔員。","掉在地上的東西全都會撿起來。因為有時也會撿到硬幣,所以會被黑暗鴉和喵喵襲擊。"]}},{"id":768,"name":{"en":"Golisopod","zh":"具甲武者"},"types":{"en":["bug","water"],"zh":["蟲","水"]},"genera":{"en":"Hard Scale Pokémon","zh":"裝甲寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["With a flashing slash of its giant sharp claws, it cleaves seawater—or even air—right in two.","It battles skillfully with its six arms, but spends most of its time peacefully meditating in caves deep beneath the sea.","The shell covering its body is as hard as diamond. This Pokémon will do anything it takes to win."],"zh":["本領高強,當銳利而巨大的爪子一揮而下,連空氣和海水都能一分為二。","用6條手臂靈活地戰鬥。平時就在深海的岩洞裡像在冥想一般靜靜地生活。","覆蓋著身體的堅硬外殼有著不遜於鑽石的強度。為了勝利會不擇手段。"]}},{"id":769,"name":{"en":"Sandygast","zh":"沙丘娃"},"types":{"en":["ghost","ground"],"zh":["幽靈","地面"]},"genera":{"en":"Sand Heap Pokémon","zh":"沙丘寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Born from a sand mound playfully built by a child, this Pokémon embodies the grudges of the departed.","It takes control of anyone who puts a hand in its mouth. And so it adds to the accumulation of its sand-mound body.","It likes the shovel on its head, so Sandygast will get serious and fight any children who come to take it back."],"zh":["倒斃路邊者的怨念附在孩子們堆砌的沙山上誕生而成。","為了讓沙山的身體變大,會操縱把手伸進自己嘴巴者。","很喜歡頭上的鏟子。會和來拿回鏟子的孩子打架,打著打著往往會真的互毆起來。"]}},{"id":770,"name":{"en":"Palossand","zh":"噬沙堡爺"},"types":{"en":["ghost","ground"],"zh":["幽靈","地面"]},"genera":{"en":"Sand Castle Pokémon","zh":"沙堡寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Possessed people controlled by this Pokémon transformed its sand mound into a castle. As it evolved, its power to curse grew ever stronger.","Buried beneath the castle are masses of dried-up bones from those whose vitality it has drained.","Each of its grains of sand has its own will. Palossand eats small Pokémon and siphons away their vital essence while they’re still alive."],"zh":["操縱人們,讓沙山進化為沙堡。詛咒的力量也得到了提升。","在城堡的下面埋藏著大量被吸乾了精氣者的骸骨。","每一粒沙子都有意識。會活生生吞下小型寶可夢,奪走對方的精氣。"]}},{"id":771,"name":{"en":"Pyukumuku","zh":"拳海參"},"types":{"en":["water"],"zh":["水"]},"genera":{"en":"Sea Cucumber Pokémon","zh":"海參寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It’s covered in a slime that keeps its skin moist, allowing it to stay on land for days without drying up.","It lives in shallow seas, such as areas near a beach. It can eject its internal organs, which it uses to engulf its prey or battle enemies.","These Pokémon line the beaches. The sticky mucous that covers their bodies can be used to soothe sunburned skin. How convenient!"],"zh":["棲息在沙灘等淺海地區。會從身體裡彈出體內器官,藉此捕捉食物或是與敵人戰鬥。","在沙灘隨處可見。包裹著身體的黏糊糊液體對日曬後的護膚非常有用。","扔拳海參的文化最早是始於將被沖上海岸的拳海參扔回海裡的習俗。"]}},{"id":772,"name":{"en":"Type:Null","zh":"屬性:空"},"types":{"en":["normal"],"zh":["一般"]},"genera":{"en":"Synthetic Pokémon","zh":"人工寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["The heavy control mask it wears suppresses its intrinsic capabilities. This Pokémon has some hidden special power.","Due to the danger that this synthetic Pokémon may go on a rampage, it wears a control mask to restrain its power.","A Pokémon weapon developed for a specific mission, it went berserk during an experiment, so it was cryogenically frozen."],"zh":["帶著沉重的控制面罩,無法釋放出原有的能力。蘊藏著特別的力量。","人工創造出的寶可夢。因為有暴走的危險,所以其力量被控制面罩封印住了。","為了某個任務而被開發出來的寶可夢兵器。因為在實驗中失控而遭到了凍結。"]}},{"id":773,"name":{"en":"Silvally","zh":"銀伴戰獸"},"types":{"en":["normal"],"zh":["一般"]},"genera":{"en":"Synthetic Pokémon","zh":"人工寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Its trust in its partner is what awakens it. This Pokémon is capable of changing its type, a flexibility that is well displayed in battle.","Although its name was Type:Null at first, the boy who evolved it into this form gave it the name by which it is now known.","This is its form once it has awakened and evolved. Freed from its heavy mask, its speed is greatly increased."],"zh":["因為與同伴之間的信賴而覺醒。發揮自由變換屬性的能力進行戰鬥。","這個名字是由第一個讓「屬性:空」進化成這個樣子的少年所取名的。","覺醒進化之後的模樣。從沉重的面罩中獲得解放,速度大幅提升。"]}},{"id":774,"name":{"en":"Minior","zh":"小隕星"},"types":{"en":["rock","flying"],"zh":["岩石","飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"Meteor Pokémon","zh":"流星寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Originally making its home in the ozone layer, it hurtles to the ground when the shell enclosing its body grows too heavy.","Strong impacts can knock it out of its shell. This Pokémon was born from mutated nanoparticles.","It lives in the ozone layer, where it becomes food for stronger Pokémon. When it tries to run away, it falls to the ground."],"zh":["原本棲息在臭氧層,身體的外殼變重後,就會向著地面落下。","若受到強烈的衝擊,外殼就會剝落。是奈米粒子突變而誕生的寶可夢。","棲息在臭氧層,被更強大的寶可夢當成了食物。在逃跑的過程中落到了地上。"]}},{"id":775,"name":{"en":"Komala","zh":"樹枕尾熊"},"types":{"en":["normal"],"zh":["一般"]},"genera":{"en":"Drowsing Pokémon","zh":"半夢半醒寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It is born asleep, and it dies asleep. All its movements are apparently no more than the results of it tossing and turning in its dreams.","The log it holds was given to it by its parents at birth. It has also been known to cling to the arm of a friendly Trainer.","It stays asleep from the moment it’s born. When it falls into a deep sleep, it stops moving altogether."],"zh":["睡著生,睡著死。似乎所有的行動都是根據所看見的夢而引發的睡相。","抱住的樹是出生時父母所贈的。關係親密的話,也會緊緊抱著訓練家的胳膊。","從出生那刻起就一直在睡覺。當進入深度睡眠的時候,會變得完全靜止不動。"]}},{"id":776,"name":{"en":"Turtonator","zh":"爆焰龜獸"},"types":{"en":["fire","dragon"],"zh":["火","龍"]},"genera":{"en":"Blast Turtle Pokémon","zh":"爆炸龜寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["The shell on its back is chemically unstable and explodes violently if struck. The hole in its stomach is its weak point.","It gushes fire and poisonous gases from its nostrils. Its dung is an explosive substance and can be put to various uses.","It lives in volcanoes and eats sulfur and other minerals. Materials from the food it eats form the basis of its explosive shell."],"zh":["背上的甲殼是爆裂物,不小心打到的話會發生大爆炸。肚子上的小洞是弱點。","從鼻孔裡噴出火焰和毒瓦斯。糞便是爆裂物,具有各式各樣的用途。","棲息在火山,吃硫磺和礦物為生。吃下的食物中所含的成分形成了牠那會爆炸的甲殼。"]}},{"id":777,"name":{"en":"Togedemaru","zh":"托戈德瑪爾"},"types":{"en":["electric","steel"],"zh":["電","鋼"]},"genera":{"en":"Roly-Poly Pokémon","zh":"蜷縮寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["The spiny fur on its back is normally at rest. When this Pokémon becomes agitated, its fur stands on end and stabs into its attackers.","The long hairs on its back act as lightning rods. The bolts of lightning it attracts are stored as energy in its electric sac.","When it’s surprised or agitated, the 14 fur spikes on its back will stand up involuntarily."],"zh":["背上的針毛平時是倒伏的。一旦興奮就會倒立起來,刺向前來襲擊的敵人。","背上的長毛是引雷針。引來落雷,吸收雷電後,就會將之儲存在電力袋中。","背上的14根針狀毛在牠受驚嚇或是興奮的時候會不受控制地豎起來。"]}},{"id":778,"name":{"en":"Mimikyu","zh":"謎擬Q"},"types":{"en":["ghost","fairy"],"zh":["幽靈","妖精"]},"genera":{"en":"Disguise Pokémon","zh":"畫皮寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Its actual appearance is unknown. A scholar who saw what was under its rag was overwhelmed by terror and died from the shock.","A lonely Pokémon, it conceals its terrifying appearance beneath an old rag so it can get closer to people and other Pokémon.","Although it’s a quiet, lonely Pokémon, if you try to look at what’s under its rag, it will become agitated and resist violently."],"zh":["真面目是個謎。某個看過破布裡面的學者因為太可怕而被活活嚇死了。","用破破爛爛的布隱藏起可怕的模樣,接近人類和其他寶可夢的寂寞傢伙。","性情溫和且害怕寂寞,但如果有人試圖窺看破布裡面的樣子,牠就會非常厭惡地激烈反抗。"]}},{"id":779,"name":{"en":"Bruxish","zh":"磨牙彩皮魚"},"types":{"en":["water","psychic"],"zh":["水","超能力"]},"genera":{"en":"Gnash Teeth Pokémon","zh":"磨牙寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["When it unleashes its psychic power from the protuberance on its head, the grating sound of grinding teeth echoes through the area.","It stuns its prey with psychokinesis and then grinds them to mush with its strong teeth. Even Shellder’s shell is no match for it.","It burrows beneath the sand, radiating psychic power from the protuberance on its head. It waits for prey as it surveys the area."],"zh":["從頭部的突起物發出精神力量的時候,周圍會響起非常刺耳的磨牙聲。","用念力令獵物麻痺後,再用結實的牙齒將其咬碎。即使是大舌貝的殼也毫不費力。","會潛藏在沙子裡,從頭部的突起物發射精神力量,在探查周圍狀況的同時等待獵物。"]}},{"id":780,"name":{"en":"Drampa","zh":"老翁龍"},"types":{"en":["normal","dragon"],"zh":["一般","龍"]},"genera":{"en":"Placid Pokémon","zh":"悠遊寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It has a compassionate personality, but if it is angered, it completely destroys its surroundings with its intense breath.","This Pokémon is friendly to people and loves children most of all. It comes from deep in the mountains to play with children it likes in town.","If a child it has made friends with is bullied, Drampa will find the bully’s house and burn it to the ground."],"zh":["心地非常善良。一旦被激怒,就會用非常猛烈的氣息把周圍破壞殆盡。","容易和人親近,最喜歡小孩子。為了和關係好的小孩子玩耍,會從深山裡來到城鎮。","如果和自己成為朋友的孩子被欺負,牠會去找出欺負人的那個孩子家,然後把房子燒光光。"]}},{"id":781,"name":{"en":"Dhelmise","zh":"破破舵輪"},"types":{"en":["ghost","grass"],"zh":["幽靈","草"]},"genera":{"en":"Sea Creeper Pokémon","zh":"碎藻寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Swinging its massive anchor, it can KO Wailord in a single blow. What appears to be green seaweed is actually its body.","The soul of seaweed adrift in the waves became reborn as this Pokémon. It maintains itself with new infusions of seabed detritus and seaweed.","It wraps its prey in green seaweed and sucks away their vitality. It only likes to go after big prey like Wailord."],"zh":["來回揮舞巨大的船錨,連吼鯨王也能一擊打倒。綠色的海藻是牠的本體。","由海上飄蕩的海藻的魂魄轉生而成。利用海藻網羅海裡的垃圾,鞏固身體。","會用綠色的海藻纏住獵物並奪取精氣。總是喜歡找上吼鯨王之類的大型對手。"]}},{"id":782,"name":{"en":"Jangmo-o","zh":"心鱗寶"},"types":{"en":["dragon"],"zh":["龍"]},"genera":{"en":"Scaly Pokémon","zh":"鱗片寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It expresses its feelings by smacking its scales. Metallic sounds echo through the tall mountains where Jangmo-o lives.","They live in mountains where no trace of humans can be detected. Jangmo-o grow little by little as they battle one another.","It smacks the scales on its head against rocks or against the ground to frighten its opponents. It can also contact its friends with these noises."],"zh":["透過敲擊鱗片來傳遞自己的心情。在心鱗寶棲息的高山上,迴盪著金屬的聲音。","生活在渺無人煙的山裡。心鱗寶們會透過和同伴間的戰鬥而逐漸成長。","會用頭部的鱗片敲擊岩石或地面來威嚇對手。也會用這種聲音和夥伴聯絡。"]}},{"id":783,"name":{"en":"Hakamo-o","zh":"鱗甲龍"},"types":{"en":["dragon","fighting"],"zh":["龍","格鬥"]},"genera":{"en":"Scaly Pokémon","zh":"鱗片寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It leaps at its prey with a courageous shout. Its scaly punches tear its opponents to shreds.","It sheds and regrows its scales on a continuous basis. The scales become harder and sharper each time they’re regrown.","It makes noise by clanging its scales together. When the rhythm has reached its peak, Hakamo-o attacks."],"zh":["伴隨著吼叫聲猛撲獵物。用鱗片的拳頭將對手撕成碎片。","鱗片會不斷更替。隨著每次嶄新蛻變,鱗片會變得堅硬又鋒利。","會讓鱗片互相撞擊來發出聲響,並在節奏達到最高潮的時候發動襲擊。"]}},{"id":784,"name":{"en":"Kommo-o","zh":"杖尾鱗甲龍"},"types":{"en":["dragon","fighting"],"zh":["龍","格鬥"]},"genera":{"en":"Scaly Pokémon","zh":"鱗片寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["When it spots enemies, it threatens them by jingling the scales on its tail. Weak opponents will crack and flee in panic.","Its rigid scales function as offense and defense. In the past, its scales were processed and used to make weapons and other commodities.","When it howls after finishing off its prey, the metallic sounds of its celebrating comrades can be heard from all around."],"zh":["遇到敵人便會敲響尾部的鱗片來威嚇對方。只會與不畏懼自己的強者戰鬥。","看到敵人後,會讓尾部的鱗片發出噹啷噹啷的聲音進行威嚇。弱小的傢伙聽到聲音就會逃走。","堅硬的鱗片集攻防於一體。過去曾被加工成武器和日用品來使用。"]}},{"id":785,"name":{"en":"Tapu Koko","zh":"卡璞・鳴鳴"},"types":{"en":["electric","fairy"],"zh":["電","妖精"]},"genera":{"en":"Land Spirit Pokémon","zh":"土地神寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["This guardian deity of Melemele is brimming with curiosity. It summons thunderclouds and stores their lightning inside its body.","It confuses its enemies by flying too quickly for the eye to follow. It has a hair-trigger temper but forgets what made it angry an instant later.","Although it’s called a guardian deity, if a person or Pokémon puts it in a bad mood, it will become a malevolent deity and attack."],"zh":["擁有旺盛的好奇心,是美樂美樂的守護神。會呼喚雷雨雲,把雷儲存在體內。","以迅雷不及掩耳的速度擾亂敵人。雖然極度易怒,但卻很快就會忘記為何生氣。","雖被稱為守護神,但會去襲擊惹自己不開心的人或寶可夢,是個性情凶悍的神。"]}},{"id":786,"name":{"en":"Tapu Lele","zh":"卡璞・蝶蝶"},"types":{"en":["psychic","fairy"],"zh":["超能力","妖精"]},"genera":{"en":"Land Spirit Pokémon","zh":"土地神寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["This guardian deity of Akala is guilelessly cruel. The fragrant aroma of flowers is the source of its energy.","As it flutters about, it scatters its strangely glowing scales. Touching them is said to restore good health on the spot.","It heals the wounds of people and Pokémon by sprinkling them with its sparkling scales. This guardian deity is worshiped on Akala."],"zh":["天真無邪但殘酷的阿卡拉守護神。鮮花的芳香氣息是牠的能量來源。","四處翩翩飛舞,撒下閃著不可思議光芒的鱗粉。據說碰到的人眨眼間就會恢復活力。","會四處散佈閃閃發亮的鱗粉,治癒人和寶可夢的傷。是阿羅拉的人們信奉的守護神。"]}},{"id":787,"name":{"en":"Tapu Bulu","zh":"卡璞・哞哞"},"types":{"en":["grass","fairy"],"zh":["草","妖精"]},"genera":{"en":"Land Spirit Pokémon","zh":"土地神寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It pulls large trees up by the roots and swings them around. It causes vegetation to grow, and then it absorbs energy from the growth.","The guardian deity of Ula’ula is a lazy Pokémon. It commands plants to immobilize its foes and then deals them a savage blow with its horns.","Although it’s called a guardian deity, it’s violent enough to crush anyone it sees as an enemy."],"zh":["拔出巨大的樹木,轟轟地來回揮舞。會讓草木茂盛生長,再吸收其中的能量。","烏拉烏拉的守護神,性情懶散。透過操縱草木捆住敵人,讓對方動彈不得後,再用角一下刺入。","雖被稱呼為守護神,但有著會將自己視為敵人的對手徹底擊潰的狂暴個性。"]}},{"id":788,"name":{"en":"Tapu Fini","zh":"卡璞・鰭鰭"},"types":{"en":["water","fairy"],"zh":["水","妖精"]},"genera":{"en":"Land Spirit Pokémon","zh":"土地神寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["The dense fog it creates brings the downfall and destruction of its confused enemies. Ocean currents are the source of its energy.","The guardian deity of Poni, it can control water. People say it can create pure water that will wash away any uncleanness.","This guardian deity of Poni Island manipulates water. Because it lives deep within a thick fog, it came to be both feared and revered."],"zh":["擁有利用濃霧迷惑敵人,讓其自我毀滅的可怕能力。海流是其能量的來源。","操縱水的波尼守護神。傳說會生出能夠除去污穢的清淨之水。","棲息在濃霧的深處,受到了人們的敬畏。能夠操縱水,是波尼的守護神。"]}},{"id":789,"name":{"en":"Cosmog","zh":"科斯莫古"},"types":{"en":["psychic"],"zh":["超能力"]},"genera":{"en":"Nebula Pokémon","zh":"星雲寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Its body is gaseous and frail. It slowly grows as it collects dust from the atmosphere.","In ages past, it was called the child of the stars. It’s said to be a Pokémon from another world, but no specific details are known.","Even though its helpless, gaseous body can be blown away by the slightest breeze, it doesn’t seem to care."],"zh":["容易消逝的氣體狀身體。一邊收集大氣中的塵埃,一邊慢慢地成長著。","在遙遠的過去被稱為星之子。據說是屬於其他世界的寶可夢,但具體情況不詳。","不可靠的氣體狀身體只要稍微有點風就會被吹走,但牠看起來一點都不在意。"]}},{"id":790,"name":{"en":"Cosmoem","zh":"科斯莫姆"},"types":{"en":["psychic"],"zh":["超能力"]},"genera":{"en":"Protostar Pokémon","zh":"原始星寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Motionless as if dead, its body is faintly warm to the touch. In the distant past, it was called the cocoon of the stars.","There’s something accumulating around the black core within its hard shell. People think this Pokémon may come from another world.","The king who ruled Alola in times of antiquity called it the “cocoon of the stars” and built an altar to worship it."],"zh":["就像死去一樣動也不動,但觸碰後會感到些許溫暖。在遙遠的過去被稱為星之繭。","在堅硬的外殼內,有著某種東西在不斷地向黑色核心聚集著。據說是屬於其他世界的寶可夢。","太古時代支配著阿羅拉的國王稱呼牠為星之繭,為了崇拜牠而建造了祭壇。"]}},{"id":791,"name":{"en":"Solgaleo","zh":"索爾迦雷歐"},"types":{"en":["psychic","steel"],"zh":["超能力","鋼"]},"genera":{"en":"Sunne Pokémon","zh":"日輪寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It is said to live in another world. The intense light it radiates from the surface of its body can make the darkest of nights light up like midday.","This Pokémon is said to be a male evolution of Cosmog. At the activation of its third eye, it departs for another world.","Sometimes the result of its opening an Ultra Wormhole is that energy and life-forms from other worlds are called here to this world."],"zh":["傳說中棲息在另一個世界裡。當全身釋放出強烈的光芒時,能將暗夜照亮如白晝。","據說是科斯莫古進化後的♂。當第3隻眼浮現時,就會奔向其他世界。","打開究極之洞的後果,是有可能把異世界的能量和生命召喚到這個世界來。"]}},{"id":792,"name":{"en":"Lunala","zh":"露奈雅拉"},"types":{"en":["psychic","ghost"],"zh":["超能力","幽靈"]},"genera":{"en":"Moone Pokémon","zh":"月輪寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It is said to be a female evolution of Cosmog. When its third eye activates, away it flies to another world.","Said to live in another world, this Pokémon devours light, drawing the moonless dark veil of night over the brightness of day.","Records of it exist in writings from long, long ago, where it was known by the name “the beast that calls the moon.”"],"zh":["據說是科斯莫古進化後的♀。當第3隻眼浮現時,就會飛去另一個世界。","據說是棲息在其他世界。不斷吞食光線,令白晝也昏暗得好像午夜一樣。","在遙遠過去的文獻裡,牠被人們以邀引月亮之獸的名字記錄了下來。"]}},{"id":793,"name":{"en":"Nihilego","zh":"虛吾伊德"},"types":{"en":["rock","poison"],"zh":["岩石","毒"]},"genera":{"en":"Parasite Pokémon","zh":"寄生寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["One of several mysterious Ultra Beasts. People on the street report observing those infested by it suddenly becoming violent.","One of the Ultra Beasts. It’s unclear whether or not this Pokémon is sentient, but sometimes it can be observed behaving like a young girl.","A life-form from another world, it was dubbed a UB and is thought to produce a strong neurotoxin."],"zh":["是充滿謎團的UB的一種。有人曾目擊到走在街上的路人被寄生後暴走的模樣。","UB的一種。是否有自主意識尚不清楚,但不時會展現少女般的姿態。","被稱為究極異獸,是來自其他世界的生命體。被認為擁有強烈的神經毒。"]}},{"id":794,"name":{"en":"Buzzwole","zh":"爆肌蚊"},"types":{"en":["bug","fighting"],"zh":["蟲","格鬥"]},"genera":{"en":"Swollen Pokémon","zh":"膨脹寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["This Ultra Beast appeared from another world. It shows off its body, but whether that display is a boast or a threat remains unclear.","A mysterious life-form called an Ultra Beast. Witnesses saw it pulverize a dump truck with a single punch.","Although it’s alien to this world and a danger here, it’s apparently a common organism in the world where it normally lives."],"zh":["來自另一個世界的UB。會主動向人展示自己的身體,但不知道是想要自豪還是威嚇。","謎一般的生物──UB。被目擊到了一拳把大卡車打得粉碎的情景。","在這個世界是危險的異類,但在原本棲息的世界裡,牠似乎是常見的普通生物。"]}},{"id":795,"name":{"en":"Pheromosa","zh":"費洛美螂"},"types":{"en":["bug","fighting"],"zh":["蟲","格鬥"]},"genera":{"en":"Lissome Pokémon","zh":"美艷寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["One of the dangerous Ultra Beasts, it has been spotted running across the land at terrific speeds.","One of the Ultra Beasts. It refuses to touch anything, perhaps because it senses some uncleanness in this world.","A life-form that lives in another world, its body is thin and supple, but it also possesses great power."],"zh":["屬於危險UB的一種。被人目擊到以駭人的速度在大地狂奔的樣子。","UB的一種。或許是覺得這個世界上萬物污穢不堪,因此不願用手觸及分毫。","棲息在其他世界的生命體。身體纖細柔軟,但似乎蘊藏著強大的力量。"]}},{"id":796,"name":{"en":"Xurkitree","zh":"電束木"},"types":{"en":["electric"],"zh":["電"]},"genera":{"en":"Glowing Pokémon","zh":"燈飾寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["One of the mysterious life-forms known as Ultra Beasts. Astonishing electric shocks emanate from its entire body, according to witnesses.","It appeared from the Ultra Wormhole. It raided a power plant, so people think it energizes itself with electricity.","Although it’s alien to this world and a danger here, it’s apparently a common organism in the world where it normally lives."],"zh":["有人目擊到牠全身噴湧出駭人電流的情景。是神秘生物UB的一種。","從究極之洞出現。因為襲擊了發電廠,被認為電力就是牠的能量。","在這個世界是危險的異類,但在原本棲息的世界裡,牠似乎是常見的普通生物。"]}},{"id":797,"name":{"en":"Celesteela","zh":"鐵火輝夜"},"types":{"en":["steel","flying"],"zh":["鋼","飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"Launch Pokémon","zh":"發射寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It appeared from the Ultra Wormhole. Witnesses observed it flying across the sky at high speed.","One kind of Ultra Beast. Witnesses have seen it burn down a forest by expelling gas from its two arms.","One of the dangerous UBs, high energy readings can be detected coming from both of its huge arms."],"zh":["從究極之洞裡出現。被人目擊以高速在空中飛行的究極異獸。","UB的一種。有人看見牠從2條手臂噴出氣體燒毀森林的樣子。","是一種危險的究極異獸。從牠巨大的雙臂中檢測到了強大的能量反應。"]}},{"id":798,"name":{"en":"Kartana","zh":"紙御劍"},"types":{"en":["grass","steel"],"zh":["草","鋼"]},"genera":{"en":"Drawn Sword Pokémon","zh":"拔刀寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["This Ultra Beast came from the Ultra Wormhole. It seems not to attack enemies on its own, but its sharp body is a dangerous weapon in itself.","One of the Ultra Beast life-forms, it was observed cutting down a gigantic steel tower with one stroke of its blade.","This Ultra Beast’s body, which is as thin as paper, is like a sharpened sword."],"zh":["來自究極之洞的UB。本身不會主動襲擊敵人,但是銳利的全身就是兇器。","被目擊到了一刀將巨大鐵塔切斷的樣子。是究極異獸的一種。","從這種究極異獸像紙一樣薄的身體上,可以感受到如同研磨過的刀刃般的鋒利度。"]}},{"id":799,"name":{"en":"Guzzlord","zh":"惡食大王"},"types":{"en":["dark","dragon"],"zh":["惡","龍"]},"genera":{"en":"Junkivore Pokémon","zh":"異食寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It has gobbled mountains and swallowed whole buildings, according to reports. It’s one of the Ultra Beasts.","A dangerous Ultra Beast, it appears to be eating constantly, but for some reason its droppings have never been found.","Although it’s alien to this world and a danger here, it’s apparently a common organism in the world where it normally lives."],"zh":["報告指出有人見過牠削山吞樓的模樣。是究極異獸的一種。","危險生物,是究極異獸的一種。好像一直都在吃著什麼,但不知為何從未發現過糞便。","在這個世界是危險的異類,但在原本棲息的世界裡,牠似乎是常見的普通生物。"]}},{"id":800,"name":{"en":"Necrozma","zh":"奈克洛茲瑪"},"types":{"en":["psychic"],"zh":["超能力"]},"genera":{"en":"Prism Pokémon","zh":"稜鏡寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Reminiscent of the Ultra Beasts, this life-form, apparently asleep underground, is thought to have come from another world in ancient times.","Light is apparently the source of its energy. It has an extraordinarily vicious disposition and is constantly firing off laser beams.","It looks somehow pained as it rages around in search of light, which serves as its energy. It’s apparently from another world."],"zh":["光似乎是牠的能量來源。毫無節制地不停發射雷射,性格非常凶暴。","好像一直都沉睡在地底下。被認為是在太古時代從另一個世界來到此地,是種類似UB的生物。","為了尋求作為能量的光而發狂的牠看起來有些痛苦。似乎是來自於其他世界。"]}},{"id":801,"name":{"en":"Magearna","zh":"瑪機雅娜"},"types":{"en":["steel","fairy"],"zh":["鋼","妖精"]},"genera":{"en":"Artificial Pokémon","zh":"人造寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["This artificial Pokémon, constructed more than 500 years ago, can understand human speech but cannot itself speak.","Its mechanized body is merely a vessel. Its true self is its Soul-Heart, an artificial soul.","It synchronizes its consciousness with others to understand their feelings. This faculty makes it useful for taking care of people."],"zh":["500多年前被製造出的人造寶可夢。可理解人類的語言,但本身無法說話。","機械結構的身體只是一個容器。被稱為魂心的人造靈魂才是牠的本體。","能夠讓意識同步,藉此理解對方的心情。在照顧別人時是很方便的能力。"]}},{"id":802,"name":{"en":"Marshadow","zh":"瑪夏多"},"types":{"en":["fighting","ghost"],"zh":["格鬥","幽靈"]},"genera":{"en":"Gloomdweller Pokémon","zh":"棲影寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Able to conceal itself in shadows, it never appears before humans, so its very existence was the stuff of myth.","It lurks in the shadows of others, copying their movements and powers. This Pokémon is craven and cowering.","It slips into the shadows of others and mimics their powers and movements. As it improves, it becomes stronger than those it’s imitating."],"zh":["可以潛入影子中,因為從不在人前現身,所以其存在曾被視為幻想。","會潛入對手的影子,複製其動作和力量。是種性格膽小而孱弱的寶可夢。","能夠潛入對手的影子,模仿對手的動作和能力。在模仿的過程中會變得比本尊更強。"]}},{"id":803,"name":{"en":"Poipole","zh":"毒貝比"},"types":{"en":["poison"],"zh":["毒"]},"genera":{"en":"Poison Pin Pokémon","zh":"毒針寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["This Ultra Beast is well enough liked to be chosen as a first partner in its own world.","An Ultra Beast that lives in a different world, it cackles wildly as it sprays its opponents with poison from the needles on its head."],"zh":["在異世界是人們十分熟悉的究極異獸,有時甚至會被選為踏上旅程時的夥伴。","棲息在異世界的究極異獸。會從頭上的毒針朝對手噴出毒液,然後放聲大笑。"]}},{"id":804,"name":{"en":"Naganadel","zh":"四顎針龍"},"types":{"en":["poison","dragon"],"zh":["毒","龍"]},"genera":{"en":"Poison Pin Pokémon","zh":"毒針寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It stores hundreds of liters of poisonous liquid inside its body. It is one of the organisms known as UBs.","One kind of Ultra Beast, it fires a glowing, venomous liquid from its needles. This liquid is also immensely adhesive."],"zh":["體內儲存著數百公升的毒液,是被稱為究極異獸的生物中的一種。","究極異獸的一種。會從毒針發射出黏度很高的發光毒液。"]}},{"id":805,"name":{"en":"Stakataka","zh":"壘磊石"},"types":{"en":["rock","steel"],"zh":["岩石","鋼"]},"genera":{"en":"Rampart Pokémon","zh":"石牆寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It appeared from an Ultra Wormhole. Each one appears to be made up of many life-forms stacked one on top of each other.","When stone walls started moving and attacking, the brute’s true identity was this mysterious life-form, which brings to mind an Ultra Beast."],"zh":["從究極之洞中出現。似乎是由多數的生命堆積起來形成的個體。","疑似究極異獸的神秘生命體。突然動起來展開襲擊的石牆,它的真面目就是這個傢伙。"]}},{"id":806,"name":{"en":"Blacephalon","zh":"砰頭小丑"},"types":{"en":["fire","ghost"],"zh":["火","幽靈"]},"genera":{"en":"Fireworks Pokémon","zh":"煙火寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It slithers toward people. Then, without warning, it triggers the explosion of its own head. It’s apparently one kind of Ultra Beast.","A UB that appeared from an Ultra Wormhole, it causes explosions, then takes advantage of opponents’ surprise to rob them of their vitality."],"zh":["會扭動著身體靠近人,然後突然讓頭爆炸。似乎是究極異獸的一種。","從究極之洞中出現的究極異獸。會用爆炸嚇唬對手,然後趁機奪取對方的精氣。"]}},{"id":807,"name":{"en":"Zeraora","zh":"捷拉奧拉"},"types":{"en":["electric"],"zh":["電"]},"genera":{"en":"Thunderclap Pokémon","zh":"奔雷寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It electrifies its claws and tears its opponents apart with them. Even if they dodge its attack, they’ll be electrocuted by the flying sparks.","It approaches its enemies at the speed of lightning, then tears them limb from limb with its sharp claws.","It runs as fast as lightning strikes, shredding its opponents with its high-voltage claws."],"zh":["會讓雙手雙腳的爪子帶電,然後將對手撕裂。就算被躲開,也會用飛散的電擊讓對手觸電。","會用與落雷相同的速度急速接近敵人,然後用銳利的爪子把對手撕碎。","以媲美閃電的速度奔跑,用能釋放高壓電的爪子將敵人撕得粉碎。"]}},{"id":808,"name":{"en":"Meltan","zh":"美錄坦"},"types":{"en":["steel"],"zh":["鋼"]},"genera":{"en":"Hex Nut Pokémon","zh":"螺帽寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It melts particles of iron and other metals found in the subsoil, so it can absorb them into its body of molten steel.","It dissolves and eats metal. Circulating liquid metal within its body is how it generates energy.","They live as a group, but when the time comes, one strong Meltan will absorb all the others and evolve."],"zh":["身體是融化成液狀的鋼鐵。能夠將地底的鐵或其他金屬溶解後吸收進體內。","會溶解金屬然後吃掉。透過讓液體金屬在體內循環來製造能量。","美錄坦們雖然聚在一起生活,但當時機到來,會由最強的那1隻吸收其他的夥伴來進化。"]}},{"id":809,"name":{"en":"Melmetal","zh":"美錄梅塔"},"types":{"en":["steel"],"zh":["鋼"]},"genera":{"en":"Hex Nut Pokémon","zh":"螺帽寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Revered long ago for its capacity to create iron from nothing, for some reason it has come back to life after 3,000 years.","At the end of its life-span, Melmetal will rust and fall apart. The small shards left behind will eventually be reborn as Meltan.","Centrifugal force is behind the punches of Melmetal’s heavy hex-nut arms. Melmetal is said to deliver the strongest punches of all Pokémon."],"zh":["擁有產出鐵的力量,因而受到人們的崇拜。不知為何,在經過3000年的時間後甦醒過來。","壽命快到盡頭的時候,身體就會生鏽解體。到最後細小的碎片會復活為美錄坦。","美錄梅塔利用離心力帶動沉重的螺帽揮出的拳擊被認為是寶可夢界之最。"]}},{"id":810,"name":{"en":"Grookey","zh":"敲音猴"},"types":{"en":["grass"],"zh":["草"]},"genera":{"en":"Chimp Pokémon","zh":"小猴寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["When it uses its special stick to strike up a beat, the sound waves produced carry revitalizing energy to the plants and flowers in the area.","It attacks with rapid beats of its stick. As it strikes with amazing speed, it gets more and more pumped."],"zh":["當牠用特別的木棒敲奏時,能夠給予花草活力的力量就會變成音波擴散開來。","會用木棒連續擊打來攻擊。在以飛快的速度擊打的同時,情緒也會變得越來越高漲。"]}},{"id":811,"name":{"en":"Thwackey","zh":"啪咚猴"},"types":{"en":["grass"],"zh":["草"]},"genera":{"en":"Beat Pokémon","zh":"節拍寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["The faster a Thwackey can beat out a rhythm with its two sticks, the more respect it wins from its peers.","When it’s drumming out rapid beats in battle, it gets so caught up in the rhythm that it won’t even notice that it’s already knocked out its opponent."],"zh":["越是能用2根木棒敲奏出激烈節拍的啪咚猴,越是能獲得夥伴們的尊敬。","打著激烈的節拍戰鬥時,由於過於忘我,甚至不會意識到自己已經把對手打昏了。"]}},{"id":812,"name":{"en":"Rillaboom","zh":"轟擂金剛猩"},"types":{"en":["grass"],"zh":["草"]},"genera":{"en":"Drummer Pokémon","zh":"鼓手寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["By drumming, it taps into the power of its special tree stump. The roots of the stump follow its direction in battle.","The one with the best drumming techniques becomes the boss of the troop. It has a gentle disposition and values harmony among its group."],"zh":["能夠透過打鼓來控制特別的樹樁中的力量,操縱樹根進行戰鬥。","打鼓技巧最高超的那一隻會成為首領。性情溫和,重視族群的和諧相處。"]}},{"id":813,"name":{"en":"Scorbunny","zh":"炎兔兒"},"types":{"en":["fire"],"zh":["火"]},"genera":{"en":"Rabbit Pokémon","zh":"兔子寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["A warm-up of running around gets fire energy coursing through this Pokémon’s body. Once that happens, it’s ready to fight at full power.","It has special pads on the backs of its feet, and one on its nose. Once it’s raring to fight, these pads radiate tremendous heat."],"zh":["不斷奔跑使體溫升高後,火之能量會在牠體內循環,促使牠發揮出真正的力量。","一旦做好了戰鬥的準備,牠鼻頭上和腳底的肉球就會散發出極度的高溫。"]}},{"id":814,"name":{"en":"Raboot","zh":"騰蹴小將"},"types":{"en":["fire"],"zh":["火"]},"genera":{"en":"Rabbit Pokémon","zh":"兔子寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Its thick and fluffy fur protects it from the cold and enables it to use hotter fire moves.","It kicks berries right off the branches of trees and then juggles them with its feet, practicing its footwork."],"zh":["蓬鬆的體毛幫助牠增強了抵禦寒冷的能力,也使牠能夠使出溫度更高的火屬性招式。","會用腳把樹果從樹木上踢落,用來練習挑球,藉此鍛鍊自己的腳法。"]}},{"id":815,"name":{"en":"Cinderace","zh":"閃焰王牌"},"types":{"en":["fire"],"zh":["火"]},"genera":{"en":"Striker Pokémon","zh":"前鋒寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It juggles a pebble with its feet, turning it into a burning soccer ball. Its shots strike opponents hard and leave them scorched.","It’s skilled at both offense and defense, and it gets pumped up when cheered on. But if it starts showboating, it could put itself in a tough spot."],"zh":["會將小石頭像足球般用腳挑起,製造出纏繞著火焰的足球。會用猛烈的踢射來燃燒對手。","擁有熟練的進攻和防守技巧。只要得到聲援就會更有衝勁,但有時會為了出風頭而弄巧成拙。"]}},{"id":816,"name":{"en":"Sobble","zh":"淚眼蜥"},"types":{"en":["water"],"zh":["水"]},"genera":{"en":"Water Lizard Pokémon","zh":"水蜥寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["When scared, this Pokémon cries. Its tears pack the chemical punch of 100 onions, and attackers won’t be able to resist weeping.","When it gets wet, its skin changes color, and this Pokémon becomes invisible as if it were camouflaged."],"zh":["害怕時流下的淚水中含有相當於100顆洋蔥的催淚成分,能讓對手淚流不止。","皮膚在濕掉時會變色,彷彿像是隱身了一樣,誰都看不見牠的身影。"]}},{"id":817,"name":{"en":"Drizzile","zh":"變澀蜥"},"types":{"en":["water"],"zh":["水"]},"genera":{"en":"Water Lizard Pokémon","zh":"水蜥寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["A clever combatant, this Pokémon battles using water balloons created with moisture secreted from its palms.","Highly intelligent but also very lazy, it keeps enemies out of its territory by laying traps everywhere."],"zh":["很有戰略頭腦,會把手掌分泌出的水分做成水彈攻擊敵人。","頭腦聰明但是很怕麻煩。為了不讓敵人接近自己的地盤,在各個地方都設下了陷阱。"]}},{"id":818,"name":{"en":"Inteleon","zh":"千面避役"},"types":{"en":["water"],"zh":["水"]},"genera":{"en":"Secret Agent Pokémon","zh":"特工寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It has many hidden capabilities, such as fingertips that can shoot water and a membrane on its back that it can use to glide through the air.","Its nictitating membranes let it pick out foes’ weak points so it can precisely blast them with water that shoots from its fingertips at Mach 3."],"zh":["身上隱藏著多種特殊能力,例如從手指噴射水流,以及用背部的翼膜滑翔等等。","能從指尖射出速度高達3馬赫的水槍。牠的瞬膜能幫助牠看穿敵人的弱點,準確地擊中要害。"]}},{"id":819,"name":{"en":"Skwovet","zh":"貪心栗鼠"},"types":{"en":["normal"],"zh":["一般"]},"genera":{"en":"Cheeky Pokémon","zh":"貪吃寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Found throughout the Galar region, this Pokémon becomes uneasy if its cheeks are ever completely empty of berries.","It eats berries nonstop—a habit that has made it more resilient than it looks. It’ll show up on farms, searching for yet more berries."],"zh":["在伽勒爾隨處可見。如果不往兩邊的頰囊裡塞滿樹果,就會感到不安。","由於牠無論何時都在吃樹果,使得牠比外表看起來還要頑強。會出現在田地裡尋找樹果。"]}},{"id":820,"name":{"en":"Greedent","zh":"藏飽栗鼠"},"types":{"en":["normal"],"zh":["一般"]},"genera":{"en":"Greedy Pokémon","zh":"貪慾寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It stashes berries in its tail—so many berries that they fall out constantly. But this Pokémon is a bit slow-witted, so it doesn’t notice the loss.","Common throughout the Galar region, this Pokémon has strong teeth and can chew through the toughest of berry shells."],"zh":["在尾巴裡囤積樹果。雖然囤過頭了就會掉出來,但遲鈍的牠不會發現。","無論多麼堅硬的樹果殼都能用引以為傲的大牙咬碎。在伽勒爾是很常見的寶可夢。"]}},{"id":821,"name":{"en":"Rookidee","zh":"稚山雀"},"types":{"en":["flying"],"zh":["飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"Tiny Bird Pokémon","zh":"小鳥寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It will bravely challenge any opponent, no matter how powerful. This Pokémon benefits from every battle—even a defeat increases its strength a bit.","Jumping nimbly about, this small-bodied Pokémon takes advantage of even the slightest opportunity to disorient larger opponents."],"zh":["性情勇敢,無論多強的敵人都勇於挑戰。即使在敵人的反擊中被打敗,也能從中得到鍛鍊。","嬌小的體型讓牠能敏捷地飛翔。攻其不備的戰法將體型巨大的對手玩弄於股掌之間。"]}},{"id":822,"name":{"en":"Corvisquire","zh":"藍鴉"},"types":{"en":["flying"],"zh":["飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"Raven Pokémon","zh":"烏鴉寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Smart enough to use tools in battle, these Pokémon have been seen picking up rocks and flinging them or using ropes to wrap up enemies.","The lessons of many harsh battles have taught it how to accurately judge an opponent’s strength."],"zh":["頭腦聰明,懂得使用工具。會用爪子抓起小石頭投向敵人,或是用繩子把敵人綑住。","歷經無數次艱難的戰鬥後,牠學會了該如何正確地判斷敵人的力量。"]}},{"id":823,"name":{"en":"Corviknight","zh":"鋼鎧鴉"},"types":{"en":["flying","steel"],"zh":["飛行","鋼"]},"genera":{"en":"Raven Pokémon","zh":"烏鴉寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["This Pokémon reigns supreme in the skies of the Galar region. The black luster of its steel body could drive terror into the heart of any foe.","With their great intellect and flying skills, these Pokémon very successfully act as the Galar region’s airborne taxi service."],"zh":["在伽勒爾地區的空中所向無敵。牠那黑得發亮的鋼鐵之軀有著讓敵人畏懼的威懾力。","擁有優秀飛行能力和極度聰明頭腦的牠在伽勒爾地區從事飛翔計程車的工作。"]}},{"id":824,"name":{"en":"Blipbug","zh":"索偵蟲"},"types":{"en":["bug"],"zh":["蟲"]},"genera":{"en":"Larva Pokémon","zh":"幼蟲寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["A constant collector of information, this Pokémon is very smart. Very strong is what it isn’t.","Often found in gardens, this Pokémon has hairs on its body that it uses to assess its surroundings."],"zh":["總是孜孜不倦地收集情報,所以頭腦相當地聰明,但是力量方面就差了一些。","經常出現在田地裡的寶可夢。會透過長在身體上的毛來感應周圍發生的事。"]}},{"id":825,"name":{"en":"Dottler","zh":"天罩蟲"},"types":{"en":["bug","psychic"],"zh":["蟲","超能力"]},"genera":{"en":"Radome Pokémon","zh":"天線罩寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It barely moves, but it’s still alive. Hiding in its shell without food or water seems to have awakened its psychic powers.","As it grows inside its shell, it uses its psychic abilities to monitor the outside world and prepare for evolution."],"zh":["雖然幾乎從來不動但還是活著的。牠的超能力似乎是在縮在殼裡不吃不喝的過程中覺醒的。","正在殼裡成長著。用精神力量掌握外界的狀況,做好進化的準備。"]}},{"id":826,"name":{"en":"Orbeetle","zh":"以歐路普"},"types":{"en":["bug","psychic"],"zh":["蟲","超能力"]},"genera":{"en":"Seven Spot Pokémon","zh":"七星寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It’s famous for its high level of intelligence, and the large size of its brain is proof that it also possesses immense psychic power.","It emits psychic energy to observe and study what’s around it—and what’s around it can include things over six miles away."],"zh":["以頭腦聰慧而聞名。大大的腦子是牠擁有出眾精神力量的證明。","釋放出精神力量來調查周圍的情況。牠的偵測範圍甚至可以達到方圓10公里。"]}},{"id":827,"name":{"en":"Nickit","zh":"偷兒狐"},"types":{"en":["dark"],"zh":["惡"]},"genera":{"en":"Fox Pokémon","zh":"狐狸寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Aided by the soft pads on its feet, it silently raids the food stores of other Pokémon. It survives off its ill-gotten gains.","Cunning and cautious, this Pokémon survives by stealing food from others. It erases its tracks with swipes of its tail as it makes off with its plunder."],"zh":["靠搶奪其他寶可夢找到的食物為生。腳上長著軟乎乎的肉球,走路時不會發出絲毫聲響。","性情謹慎且狡猾。在偷盜食物逃走的時候會用尾巴擦掉自己的足跡。"]}},{"id":828,"name":{"en":"Thievul","zh":"狐大盜"},"types":{"en":["dark"],"zh":["惡"]},"genera":{"en":"Fox Pokémon","zh":"狐狸寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It secretly marks potential targets with a scent. By following the scent, it stalks its targets and steals from them when they least expect it.","With a lithe body and sharp claws, it goes around stealing food and eggs. Boltund is its natural enemy."],"zh":["會偷偷在看中的獵物身上留下標記,追蹤目標的氣味,在對方放鬆警戒時偷盜。","靠著輕盈的身體和銳利的爪子到處去偷食物和蛋。逐電犬是牠的天敵。"]}},{"id":829,"name":{"en":"Gossifleur","zh":"幼棉棉"},"types":{"en":["grass"],"zh":["草"]},"genera":{"en":"Flowering Pokémon","zh":"花飾寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It anchors itself in the ground with its single leg, then basks in the sun. After absorbing enough sunlight, its petals spread as it blooms brilliantly.","It whirls around in the wind while singing a joyous song. This delightful display has charmed many into raising this Pokémon."],"zh":["當牠把單腳紮進地面裡,並且沐浴充分的陽光,花瓣就會染上鮮豔的顏色。","會隨著微風一邊轉圈圈一邊愉快地唱歌。許多人因為喜歡這可愛的模樣而培育牠。"]}},{"id":830,"name":{"en":"Eldegoss","zh":"白蓬蓬"},"types":{"en":["grass"],"zh":["草"]},"genera":{"en":"Cotton Bloom Pokémon","zh":"棉飾寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["The seeds attached to its cotton fluff are full of nutrients. It spreads them on the wind so that plants and other Pokémon can benefit from them.","The cotton on the head of this Pokémon can be spun into a glossy, gorgeous yarn—a Galar regional specialty."],"zh":["棉絮的種子營養豐富。牠會藉由風散播種子,讓草木和寶可夢變得活力十足。","用牠頭上的棉絮製成的線有著十分美麗動人的光澤,是伽勒爾地區的名產。"]}},{"id":831,"name":{"en":"Wooloo","zh":"毛辮羊"},"types":{"en":["normal"],"zh":["一般"]},"genera":{"en":"Sheep Pokémon","zh":"綿羊寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Its curly fleece is such an effective cushion that this Pokémon could fall off a cliff and stand right back up at the bottom, unharmed.","If its fleece grows too long, Wooloo won’t be able to move. Cloth made with the wool of this Pokémon is surprisingly strong."],"zh":["捲捲的體毛彈性十足。就算從懸崖上掉下去,也不會受傷。","要是身上的毛長得太長就會不能動彈。用毛辮羊的體毛織成的布結實得讓人吃驚。"]}},{"id":832,"name":{"en":"Dubwool","zh":"毛毛角羊"},"types":{"en":["normal"],"zh":["一般"]},"genera":{"en":"Sheep Pokémon","zh":"綿羊寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Weave a carpet from its springy wool, and you end up with something closer to a trampoline. You’ll start to bounce the moment you set foot on it.","Its majestic horns are meant only to impress the opposite gender. They never see use in battle."],"zh":["用牠那彈力十足的毛織成的地毯就像是彈簧墊,可以站上去蹦蹦跳。","長得長長的角是為了向異性求愛而存在的。牠從不會把角當作武器。"]}},{"id":833,"name":{"en":"Chewtle","zh":"咬咬龜"},"types":{"en":["water"],"zh":["水"]},"genera":{"en":"Snapping Pokémon","zh":"咬住寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Apparently the itch of its teething impels it to snap its jaws at anything in front of it.","It starts off battles by attacking with its rock-hard horn, but as soon as the opponent flinches, this Pokémon bites down and never lets go."],"zh":["有著不管看到什麼都會咬上去的習性。這似乎是因為長門牙的時候會癢的緣故。","會用頭上硬如岩石的角攻擊敵人。趁其不備之時大口咬住對方,一旦咬住便再也不會鬆口。"]}},{"id":834,"name":{"en":"Drednaw","zh":"暴噬龜"},"types":{"en":["water","rock"],"zh":["水","岩石"]},"genera":{"en":"Bite Pokémon","zh":"緊咬寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["With jaws that can shear through steel rods, this highly aggressive Pokémon chomps down on its unfortunate prey.","This Pokémon rapidly extends its retractable neck to sink its sharp fangs into distant enemies and take them down."],"zh":["性情凶暴的寶可夢。會用能咬斷鐵棍的顎部大口咬住獵物。","頸部可以伸縮。能從遠處迅速伸長頸部,用銳利的牙齒解決對手。"]}},{"id":835,"name":{"en":"Yamper","zh":"來電汪"},"types":{"en":["electric"],"zh":["電"]},"genera":{"en":"Puppy Pokémon","zh":"小狗寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["This Pokémon is very popular as a herding dog in the Galar region. As it runs, it generates electricity from the base of its tail.","This gluttonous Pokémon only assists people with their work because it wants treats. As it runs, it crackles with electricity."],"zh":["奔跑的時候會從尾巴的根部製造出電能。在伽勒爾是很受歡迎的牧羊犬。","因為想要得到零食而幫助人類工作的貪吃鬼。總是帶著電火花跑來跑去。"]}},{"id":836,"name":{"en":"Boltund","zh":"逐電犬"},"types":{"en":["electric"],"zh":["電"]},"genera":{"en":"Dog Pokémon","zh":"狗寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["This Pokémon generates electricity and channels it into its legs to keep them going strong. Boltund can run nonstop for three full days.","It sends electricity through its legs to boost their strength. Running at top speed, it easily breaks 50 mph."],"zh":["會製造電能,並傳送到腳上作為奔跑時的輔助動力。能不眠不休地奔跑三天三夜。","電力增強了牠的腳力。當以最高速度奔跑時,時速可以輕易超過90公里。"]}},{"id":837,"name":{"en":"Rolycoly","zh":"小炭仔"},"types":{"en":["rock"],"zh":["岩石"]},"genera":{"en":"Coal Pokémon","zh":"煤炭寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Most of its body has the same composition as coal. Fittingly, this Pokémon was first discovered in coal mines about 400 years ago.","It can race around like a unicycle, even on rough, rocky terrain. Burning coal sustains it."],"zh":["大約400年前在煤礦坑中被人們發現。身體絕大部分的成分都和煤炭相同。","在滿是岩石的崎嶇路面上也能像獨輪車那樣自在移動。靠燃燒煤炭維持生命。"]}},{"id":838,"name":{"en":"Carkol","zh":"大炭車"},"types":{"en":["rock","fire"],"zh":["岩石","火"]},"genera":{"en":"Coal Pokémon","zh":"煤炭寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It forms coal inside its body. Coal dropped by this Pokémon once helped fuel the lives of people in the Galar region.","By rapidly rolling its legs, it can travel at over 18 mph. The temperature of the flames it breathes exceeds 1,800 degrees Fahrenheit."],"zh":["能在體內製造煤炭。在過去,伽勒爾人曾經用牠身上掉下來的煤炭生活。","能透過高速旋轉自己的腳,以30公里的時速奔跑。能噴出攝氏1000度的火焰。"]}},{"id":839,"name":{"en":"Coalossal","zh":"巨炭山"},"types":{"en":["rock","fire"],"zh":["岩石","火"]},"genera":{"en":"Coal Pokémon","zh":"煤炭寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It’s usually peaceful, but the vandalism of mines enrages it. Offenders will be incinerated with flames that reach 2,700 degrees Fahrenheit.","While it’s engaged in battle, its mountain of coal will burn bright red, sending off sparks that scorch the surrounding area."],"zh":["平時性情溫和,但在人類破壞礦山時會大發雷霆,用1500度的大火將他們燒盡。","進入戰鬥狀態後,牠會把煤炭山燃燒得通紅,飛撒火花來燒焦四周。"]}},{"id":840,"name":{"en":"Applin","zh":"啃果蟲"},"types":{"en":["grass","dragon"],"zh":["草","龍"]},"genera":{"en":"Apple Core Pokémon","zh":"蘋果居寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It spends its entire life inside an apple. It hides from its natural enemies, bird Pokémon, by pretending it’s just an apple and nothing more.","As soon as it’s born, it burrows into an apple. Not only does the apple serve as its food source, but the flavor of the fruit determines its evolution."],"zh":["終其一生都在蘋果裡度過。遇到天敵鳥寶可夢時,會裝成蘋果保護自己。","一出生就躲進了蘋果中,一邊吃果肉一邊成長。進化方向依蘋果的味道而定。"]}},{"id":841,"name":{"en":"Flapple","zh":"蘋裹龍"},"types":{"en":["grass","dragon"],"zh":["草","龍"]},"genera":{"en":"Apple Wing Pokémon","zh":"蘋果翅寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It ate a sour apple, and that induced its evolution. In its cheeks, it stores an acid capable of causing chemical burns.","It flies on wings of apple skin and spits a powerful acid. It can also change its shape into that of an apple."],"zh":["啃果蟲吃了酸蘋果後進化而成。頰囊裡儲存著足以造成灼傷的強酸性液體。","會用蘋果皮的翅膀飛翔,並吐出強酸性的唾液。能變成蘋果的形狀。"]}},{"id":842,"name":{"en":"Appletun","zh":"豐蜜龍"},"types":{"en":["grass","dragon"],"zh":["草","龍"]},"genera":{"en":"Apple Nectar Pokémon","zh":"蘋果汁寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Eating a sweet apple caused its evolution. A nectarous scent wafts from its body, luring in the bug Pokémon it preys on.","Its body is covered in sweet nectar, and the skin on its back is especially yummy. Children used to have it as a snack."],"zh":["啃果蟲吃了甜蘋果後進化而成。以蟲寶可夢為食,會從體內發出甜甜的香味引誘牠們上鉤。","身體被甜甜的蜜汁包裹,背部的皮尤其甘甜,過去曾經是小孩的零食。"]}},{"id":843,"name":{"en":"Silicobra","zh":"沙包蛇"},"types":{"en":["ground"],"zh":["地面"]},"genera":{"en":"Sand Snake Pokémon","zh":"沙蛇寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["As it digs, it swallows sand and stores it in its neck pouch. The pouch can hold more than 17 pounds of sand.","It spews sand from its nostrils. While the enemy is blinded, it burrows into the ground to hide."],"zh":["一邊挖洞一邊把吃掉的沙子儲存在頸部的囊裡。囊裡面能裝進8公斤的沙子。","會從鼻孔噴射出沙子,趁敵人看不清的時候躲進地底下藏身。"]}},{"id":844,"name":{"en":"Sandaconda","zh":"沙螺蟒"},"types":{"en":["ground"],"zh":["地面"]},"genera":{"en":"Sand Snake Pokémon","zh":"沙蛇寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["When it contracts its body, over 220 pounds of sand sprays from its nose. If it ever runs out of sand, it becomes disheartened.","Its unique style of coiling allows it to blast sand out of its sand sac more efficiently."],"zh":["蜷縮身體後從鼻孔裡噴射出100公斤的沙子。沒有了沙子就會變得很懦弱。","牠之所以會以獨特的方式盤繞自己的身體,是為了能更有效率地噴射沙囊中的沙子。"]}},{"id":845,"name":{"en":"Cramorant","zh":"古月鳥"},"types":{"en":["flying","water"],"zh":["飛行","水"]},"genera":{"en":"Gulp Pokémon","zh":"一口吞寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It’s so strong that it can knock out some opponents in a single hit, but it also may forget what it’s battling midfight.","This hungry Pokémon swallows Arrokuda whole. Occasionally, it makes a mistake and tries to swallow a Pokémon other than its preferred prey."],"zh":["雖然擁有一擊定勝負的威力,但因為記性實在太差,對戰還沒結束就會忘記對手是誰。","非常貪吃,會把刺梭魚整隻吞進嘴裡。偶爾也會搞錯對象去咬其他的寶可夢。"]}},{"id":846,"name":{"en":"Arrokuda","zh":"刺梭魚"},"types":{"en":["water"],"zh":["水"]},"genera":{"en":"Rush Pokémon","zh":"突擊寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["If it sees any movement around it, this Pokémon charges for it straightaway, leading with its sharply pointed jaw. It’s very proud of that jaw.","After it’s eaten its fill, its movements become extremely sluggish. That’s when Cramorant swallows it up."],"zh":["尖銳的下巴是牠的驕傲。只要發現周圍有什麼小動作,就會一直線衝過去。","吃飽了之後動作會變得極度遲緩,於是就被古月鳥整隻吞了下去。"]}},{"id":847,"name":{"en":"Barraskewda","zh":"戽斗尖梭"},"types":{"en":["water"],"zh":["水"]},"genera":{"en":"Skewer Pokémon","zh":"穿刺寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["This Pokémon has a jaw that’s as sharp as a spear and as strong as steel. Apparently Barraskewda’s flesh is surprisingly tasty, too.","It spins its tail fins to propel itself, surging forward at speeds of over 100 knots before ramming prey and spearing into them."],"zh":["像長矛一樣尖銳的下巴擁有鋼鐵般的硬度。據說牠的肉好吃得驚人。","會旋轉著自己的尾鰭一口氣突擊。能夠以超過100節的速度貫穿獵物。"]}},{"id":848,"name":{"en":"Toxel","zh":"毒電嬰"},"types":{"en":["electric","poison"],"zh":["電","毒"]},"genera":{"en":"Baby Pokémon","zh":"嬰兒寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It stores poison in an internal poison sac and secretes that poison through its skin. If you touch this Pokémon, a tingling sensation follows.","It manipulates the chemical makeup of its poison to produce electricity. The voltage is weak, but it can cause a tingling paralysis."],"zh":["會從皮膚把體內的毒囊裡儲存著的毒素分泌出來。一旦觸碰牠就會感到麻麻的。","透過讓自身的毒素產生化學反應來發電。電力雖然弱,卻能造成麻痺。"]}},{"id":849,"name":{"en":"Toxtricity","zh":"顫弦蠑螈"},"types":{"en":["electric","poison"],"zh":["電","毒"]},"genera":{"en":"Punk Pokémon","zh":"龐克寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["When this Pokémon sounds as if it’s strumming a guitar, it’s actually clawing at the protrusions on its chest to generate electricity.","This short-tempered and aggressive Pokémon chugs stagnant water to absorb any toxins it might contain."],"zh":["當牠用力抓撓胸部的突起物來製造電力時,四周會響起如同吉他演奏般的聲音。","氣勢洶洶的急性子。會大口喝下混濁的水,吸收其中所含的毒素。"]}},{"id":850,"name":{"en":"Sizzlipede","zh":"燒火蚣"},"types":{"en":["fire","bug"],"zh":["火","蟲"]},"genera":{"en":"Radiator Pokémon","zh":"發熱寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It stores flammable gas in its body and uses it to generate heat. The yellow sections on its belly get particularly hot.","It wraps prey up with its heated body, cooking them in its coils. Once they’re well-done, it will voraciously nibble them down to the last morsel."],"zh":["靠儲存在體內的可燃氣體來發熱。熱度最高的是腹部的黃色部分。","會用滾燙的身體勒緊獵物,等到烤得恰到好處之時,就把牠們大口大口地吃掉。"]}},{"id":851,"name":{"en":"Centiskorch","zh":"焚焰蚣"},"types":{"en":["fire","bug"],"zh":["火","蟲"]},"genera":{"en":"Radiator Pokémon","zh":"發熱寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["When it heats up, its body temperature reaches about 1,500 degrees Fahrenheit. It lashes its body like a whip and launches itself at enemies.","While its burning body is already dangerous on its own, this excessively hostile Pokémon also has large and very sharp fangs."],"zh":["發熱時的體溫大約有800度。會像鞭子那樣彎曲身體,朝著敵人彈跳過去。","性情極具攻擊性。危險的不只是牠燒燙的身體,大大的獠牙也銳利無比。"]}},{"id":852,"name":{"en":"Clobbopus","zh":"拳拳蛸"},"types":{"en":["fighting"],"zh":["格鬥"]},"genera":{"en":"Tantrum Pokémon","zh":"纏人寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It’s very curious, but its means of investigating things is to try to punch them with its tentacles. The search for food is what brings it onto land.","Its tentacles tear off easily, but it isn’t alarmed when that happens—it knows they’ll grow back. It’s about as smart as a three-year-old."],"zh":["會為了尋找食物而登上陸地。擁有旺盛的好奇心,不管看到什麼,都會先用觸手打一打再說。","智商大致相當於3歲的兒童。雖然觸手經常斷掉,但因為能再生,所以牠並不在意。"]}},{"id":853,"name":{"en":"Grapploct","zh":"八爪武師"},"types":{"en":["fighting"],"zh":["格鬥"]},"genera":{"en":"Jujitsu Pokémon","zh":"柔術寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["A body made up of nothing but muscle makes the grappling moves this Pokémon performs with its tentacles tremendously powerful.","Searching for an opponent to test its skills against, it emerges onto land. Once the battle is over, it returns to the sea."],"zh":["全身都是肌肉。會用觸手施展絞技,威力無與倫比。","會為了試自己的身手而登上陸地尋找對手。戰鬥結束後就會回到海裡。"]}},{"id":854,"name":{"en":"Sinistea","zh":"來悲茶"},"types":{"en":["ghost"],"zh":["幽靈"]},"genera":{"en":"Black Tea Pokémon","zh":"紅茶寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["This Pokémon is said to have been born when a lonely spirit possessed a cold, leftover cup of tea.","The teacup in which this Pokémon makes its home is a famous piece of antique tableware. Many forgeries are in circulation."],"zh":["據說這隻寶可夢是因為害怕寂寞的靈魂住進了涼透的喝剩紅茶而誕生的。","被牠當成住處的茶杯是有名的古董餐具。市面上有很多贗品。"]}},{"id":855,"name":{"en":"Polteageist","zh":"怖思壺"},"types":{"en":["ghost"],"zh":["幽靈"]},"genera":{"en":"Black Tea Pokémon","zh":"紅茶寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["This species lives in antique teapots. Most pots are forgeries, but on rare occasions, an authentic work is found.","Leaving leftover black tea unattended is asking for this Pokémon to come along and pour itself into it, turning the tea into a new Polteageist."],"zh":["住在古董茶壺裡。雖然大多數都是贗品,但偶爾也能發現真貨。","每當發現喝剩的紅茶,牠就會把自己的身體倒進去,讓那壺紅茶變成怖思壺。"]}},{"id":856,"name":{"en":"Hatenna","zh":"迷布莉姆"},"types":{"en":["psychic"],"zh":["超能力"]},"genera":{"en":"Calm Pokémon","zh":"寧靜寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Via the protrusion on its head, it senses other creatures’ emotions. If you don’t have a calm disposition, it will never warm up to you.","If this Pokémon senses a strong emotion, it will run away as fast as it can. It prefers areas without people."],"zh":["透過頭部的突起物來感應生物的情感。只對溫和的人敞開心扉。","喜歡沒有人煙的地方。一旦感覺到強烈的情感,就會一溜煙地逃走。"]}},{"id":857,"name":{"en":"Hattrem","zh":"提布莉姆"},"types":{"en":["psychic"],"zh":["超能力"]},"genera":{"en":"Serene Pokémon","zh":"肅靜寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["No matter who you are, if you bring strong emotions near this Pokémon, it will silence you violently.","Using the braids on its head, it pummels foes to get them to quiet down. One blow from those braids would knock out a professional boxer."],"zh":["遇到情緒激昂的對手時,無論對方是誰,都會用粗暴的方式使其沉默。","會用頭上的辮子攻擊對手,讓對方安靜下來。破壞力強到能一擊KO職業拳擊手。"]}},{"id":858,"name":{"en":"Hatterene","zh":"布莉姆溫"},"types":{"en":["psychic","fairy"],"zh":["超能力","妖精"]},"genera":{"en":"Silent Pokémon","zh":"寂靜寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It emits psychic power strong enough to cause headaches as a deterrent to the approach of others.","If you’re too loud around it, you risk being torn apart by the claws on its tentacle. This Pokémon is also known as the Forest Witch."],"zh":["由於會朝四周釋放足以引起頭痛的精神力量,其他生物都躲得遠遠的。","又被稱為森林魔女。如果有人大吵大鬧,可能會被牠用觸手上的爪子撕碎。"]}},{"id":859,"name":{"en":"Impidimp","zh":"搗蛋小妖"},"types":{"en":["dark","fairy"],"zh":["惡","妖精"]},"genera":{"en":"Wily Pokémon","zh":"捉弄寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Through its nose, it sucks in the emanations produced by people and Pokémon when they feel annoyed. It thrives off this negative energy.","It sneaks into people’s homes, stealing things and feasting on the negative energy of the frustrated occupants."],"zh":["會用鼻子吸收人類或寶可夢情緒糟糕時產生的負能量,來為自己補充活力。","不但會溜進民宅偷盜,還會吸收人們悔恨時的負面能量。"]}},{"id":860,"name":{"en":"Morgrem","zh":"詐唬魔"},"types":{"en":["dark","fairy"],"zh":["惡","妖精"]},"genera":{"en":"Devious Pokémon","zh":"壞心眼寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["When it gets down on all fours as if to beg for forgiveness, it’s trying to lure opponents in so that it can stab them with its spear-like hair.","With sly cunning, it tries to lure people into the woods. Some believe it to have the power to make crops grow."],"zh":["會先裝成要下跪道歉的樣子,然後用後腦勺尖如長矛的頭髮刺向對手。","喜歡動歪腦筋,把人們引誘到深夜的森林中。似乎擁有培育農作物的能力。"]}},{"id":861,"name":{"en":"Grimmsnarl","zh":"長毛巨魔"},"types":{"en":["dark","fairy"],"zh":["惡","妖精"]},"genera":{"en":"Bulk Up Pokémon","zh":"健美寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["With the hair wrapped around its body helping to enhance its muscles, this Pokémon can overwhelm even Machamp.","Its hairs work like muscle fibers. When its hairs unfurl, they latch on to opponents, ensnaring them as tentacles would."],"zh":["透過用頭髮裹住全身,讓肌肉的力量向上提升。能發揮出足以壓倒怪力的力量。","毛髮能發揮肌肉纖維般的作用。伸展開來時會像觸手那樣把對手纏繞起來。"]}},{"id":862,"name":{"en":"Obstagoon","zh":"堵攔熊"},"types":{"en":["dark","normal"],"zh":["惡","一般"]},"genera":{"en":"Blocking Pokémon","zh":"停止寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Its voice is staggering in volume. Obstagoon has a tendency to take on a threatening posture and shout—this move is known as Obstruct.","It evolved after experiencing numerous fights. While crossing its arms, it lets out a shout that would make any opponent flinch."],"zh":["能夠發出驚人的音量。牠在大叫的同時威嚇對手的樣子被稱為「攔堵」。","在不斷的鬥爭中得到了進化。牠交叉著雙臂發出的怒吼能讓一切對手都為之膽怯。"]}},{"id":863,"name":{"en":"Perrserker","zh":"喵頭目"},"types":{"en":["steel"],"zh":["鋼"]},"genera":{"en":"Viking Pokémon","zh":"維京寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["What appears to be an iron helmet is actually hardened hair. This Pokémon lives for the thrill of battle.","After many battles, it evolved dangerous claws that come together to form daggers when extended."],"zh":["有著十分好戰的性格。頭上像鐵頭盔一樣的東西其實是牠硬化後的體毛。","在日復一日的戰鬥中得以進化。進化的結果是那危險的指甲,留長後能當作短劍來用。"]}},{"id":864,"name":{"en":"Cursola","zh":"魔靈珊瑚"},"types":{"en":["ghost"],"zh":["幽靈"]},"genera":{"en":"Coral Pokémon","zh":"珊瑚寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Its shell is overflowing with its heightened otherworldly energy. The ectoplasm serves as protection for this Pokémon’s core spirit.","Be cautious of the ectoplasmic body surrounding its soul. You’ll become stiff as stone if you touch it."],"zh":["靈力增強之後從殼裡被解放出來。用靈體保護著內核中的靈魂。","一定要小心牠那包覆著靈魂的靈體。如果觸摸到,就會像石頭一樣動彈不得。"]}},{"id":865,"name":{"en":"Sirfetch’d","zh":"蔥遊兵"},"types":{"en":["fighting"],"zh":["格鬥"]},"genera":{"en":"Wild Duck Pokémon","zh":"黃嘴鴨寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Only Farfetch’d that have survived many battles can attain this evolution. When this Pokémon’s leek withers, it will retire from combat.","After deflecting attacks with its hard leaf shield, it strikes back with its sharp leek stalk. The leek stalk is both weapon and food."],"zh":["只有歷經過無數戰鬥的大蔥鴨才能進化成這個樣子。當大蔥枯萎了就會離開戰場。","會用堅硬的蔥葉抵擋攻擊,接著用鋒利的莖反擊。牠的蔥既是武器也是食材。"]}},{"id":866,"name":{"en":"Mr. Rime","zh":"踏冰人偶"},"types":{"en":["ice","psychic"],"zh":["冰","超能力"]},"genera":{"en":"Comedian Pokémon","zh":"喜劇演員寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It’s highly skilled at tap-dancing. It waves its cane of ice in time with its graceful movements.","Its amusing movements make it very popular. It releases its psychic power from the pattern on its belly."],"zh":["踢踏舞的達人。會揮動手中的冰杖,向觀眾表演輕快的舞步。","幽默的動作使牠獲得了眾人的喜愛。能從腹部的圖案釋放出精神力量。"]}},{"id":867,"name":{"en":"Runerigus","zh":"死神板"},"types":{"en":["ground","ghost"],"zh":["地面","幽靈"]},"genera":{"en":"Grudge Pokémon","zh":"怨念寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["A powerful curse was woven into an ancient painting. After absorbing the spirit of a Yamask, the painting began to move.","Never touch its shadowlike body, or you’ll be shown the horrific memories behind the picture carved into it."],"zh":["被注入了強烈詛咒的古代繪畫在吸進哭哭面具的靈魂後就開始動起來了。","絕對不能觸摸牠影子般的身體,否則牠會讓你看到印刻在牠畫中的恐怖記憶。"]}},{"id":868,"name":{"en":"Milcery","zh":"小仙奶"},"types":{"en":["fairy"],"zh":["妖精"]},"genera":{"en":"Cream Pokémon","zh":"鮮奶油寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["This Pokémon was born from sweet-smelling particles in the air. Its body is made of cream.","They say that any patisserie visited by Milcery is guaranteed success and good fortune."],"zh":["空氣中甜甜香氣的成分集中之後誕生。身體由鮮奶油構成。","據說有小仙奶現身的蛋糕店保證能生意興隆。"]}},{"id":869,"name":{"en":"Alcremie","zh":"霜奶仙"},"types":{"en":["fairy"],"zh":["妖精"]},"genera":{"en":"Cream Pokémon","zh":"鮮奶油寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["When it trusts a Trainer, it will treat them to berries it’s decorated with cream.","When Alcremie is content, the cream it secretes from its hands becomes sweeter and richer."],"zh":["牠會把自己用鮮奶油裝飾過的樹果送給自己信任的訓練家。","當牠感到幸福的時候,手中產生出的鮮奶油會變得更加香濃甜美。"]}},{"id":870,"name":{"en":"Falinks","zh":"列陣兵"},"types":{"en":["fighting"],"zh":["格鬥"]},"genera":{"en":"Formation Pokémon","zh":"陣形寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Five of them are troopers, and one is the brass. The brass’s orders are absolute.","The six of them work together as one Pokémon. Teamwork is also their battle strategy, and they constantly change their formation as they fight."],"zh":["列陣兵由1個頭頭和5個跟班組成。頭頭的命令不可違抗。","6隻為一體的寶可夢。慣於團隊行動,會一邊變換陣形一邊戰鬥。"]}},{"id":871,"name":{"en":"Pincurchin","zh":"啪嚓海膽"},"types":{"en":["electric"],"zh":["電"]},"genera":{"en":"Sea Urchin Pokémon","zh":"海膽寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It feeds on seaweed, using its teeth to scrape it off rocks. Electric current flows from the tips of its spines.","It stores electricity in each spine. Even if one gets broken off, it still continues to emit electricity for at least three hours."],"zh":["能從刺的尖端放電。會用銳利的牙齒刮取附在岩石上的海藻來吃。","每根刺裡都儲存著電力。即使是折斷的刺也至少能持續放電3小時。"]}},{"id":872,"name":{"en":"Snom","zh":"雪吞蟲"},"types":{"en":["ice","bug"],"zh":["冰","蟲"]},"genera":{"en":"Worm Pokémon","zh":"蟲寶寶寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It spits out thread imbued with a frigid sort of energy and uses it to tie its body to branches, disguising itself as an icicle while it sleeps.","It eats snow that piles up on the ground. The more snow it eats, the bigger and more impressive the spikes on its back grow."],"zh":["能吐出帶著冷氣的絲。會用絲把自己掛在樹枝上,一邊裝成冰柱一邊睡覺。","會吃地面上的積雪。吃得越多,背上的刺就會長得越挺拔。"]}},{"id":873,"name":{"en":"Frosmoth","zh":"雪絨蛾"},"types":{"en":["ice","bug"],"zh":["冰","蟲"]},"genera":{"en":"Frost Moth Pokémon","zh":"冰蛾寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Icy scales fall from its wings like snow as it flies over fields and mountains. The temperature of its wings is less than −290 degrees Fahrenheit.","It shows no mercy to any who desecrate fields and mountains. It will fly around on its icy wings, causing a blizzard to chase offenders away."],"zh":["翅膀的溫度是零下180度。當牠飛過山野時,帶有冷氣的鱗粉會像下雪般地飄落下來。","絕不放過破壞山野環境的人。會用冰冷的翅膀四處飛翔,製造出暴風雪來懲罰他們。"]}},{"id":874,"name":{"en":"Stonjourner","zh":"巨石丁"},"types":{"en":["rock"],"zh":["岩石"]},"genera":{"en":"Big Rock Pokémon","zh":"巨石寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It stands in grasslands, watching the sun’s descent from zenith to horizon. This Pokémon has a talent for delivering dynamic kicks.","Once a year, on a specific date and at a specific time, they gather out of nowhere and form up in a circle."],"zh":["佇立在大草原上,每天眺望著日升日落。擅長強而有力的踢技。","每年會有一天,牠們會在特定的時間突然出現,聚集在一起排成一個圈。"]}},{"id":875,"name":{"en":"Eiscue","zh":"冰砌鵝"},"types":{"en":["ice"],"zh":["冰"]},"genera":{"en":"Penguin Pokémon","zh":"企鵝寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It drifted in on the flow of ocean waters from a frigid place. It keeps its head iced constantly to make sure it stays nice and cold.","This Pokémon keeps its heat-sensitive head cool with ice. It fishes for its food, dangling its single hair into the sea to lure in prey."],"zh":["從非常寒冷的地方漂流而來。隨時都用冰塊冰鎮著自己的臉。","無論何時都用冰塊冰鎮著自己怕熱的臉。會把頭頂上的毛垂到海裡釣食物吃。"]}},{"id":876,"name":{"en":"Indeedee","zh":"愛管侍"},"types":{"en":["psychic","normal"],"zh":["超能力","一般"]},"genera":{"en":"Emotion Pokémon","zh":"感情寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It uses the horns on its head to sense the emotions of others. Males will act as valets for those they serve, looking after their every need.","Through its horns, it can pick up on the emotions of creatures around it. Positive emotions are the source of its strength."],"zh":["會用頭上的角讀取對方的心情。雄性就像管家一樣,在主人的身邊打理一切。","能透過自己的角去感受附近生物的情感。正面情緒是牠的能量之源。"]}},{"id":877,"name":{"en":"Morpeko","zh":"莫魯貝可"},"types":{"en":["electric","dark"],"zh":["電","惡"]},"genera":{"en":"Two-Sided Pokémon","zh":"雙面寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["As it eats the seeds stored up in its pocket-like pouches, this Pokémon is not just satisfying its constant hunger. It’s also generating electricity.","It carries electrically roasted seeds with it as if they’re precious treasures. No matter how much it eats, it always gets hungry again in short order."],"zh":["總是餓著肚子。會吃掉裝在像口袋一樣的袋子裡的種子來發電。","無論怎麼吃都會馬上肚子餓。十分珍愛自己用電烘烤過的種子,隨時都帶在身上。"]}},{"id":878,"name":{"en":"Cufant","zh":"銅象"},"types":{"en":["steel"],"zh":["鋼"]},"genera":{"en":"Copperderm Pokémon","zh":"像銅寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It digs up the ground with its trunk. It’s also very strong, being able to carry loads of over five tons without any problem at all.","If a job requires serious strength, this Pokémon will excel at it. Its copper body tarnishes in the rain, turning a vibrant green color."],"zh":["能輕鬆舉起重達5噸的貨物的大力士寶可夢。會用鼻子挖地。","擅長需要力氣的工作。銅質的身體會因雨水而生鏽,轉變成鮮豔的綠色。"]}},{"id":879,"name":{"en":"Copperajah","zh":"大王銅象"},"types":{"en":["steel"],"zh":["鋼"]},"genera":{"en":"Copperderm Pokémon","zh":"像銅寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["They came over from another region long ago and worked together with humans. Their green skin is resistant to water.","These Pokémon live in herds. Their trunks have incredible grip strength, strong enough to crush giant rocks into powder."],"zh":["綠色的皮膚非常耐水。在很久以前從其他地區過來,之後便一直與人類一起工作。","群居的寶可夢。鼻子的握力十分強勁,甚至能把大石頭弄得粉碎。"]}},{"id":880,"name":{"en":"Dracozolt","zh":"雷鳥龍"},"types":{"en":["electric","dragon"],"zh":["電","龍"]},"genera":{"en":"Fossil Pokémon","zh":"化石寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["In ancient times, it was unbeatable thanks to its powerful lower body, but it went extinct anyway after it depleted all its plant-based food sources.","The powerful muscles in its tail generate its electricity. Compared to its lower body, its upper half is entirely too small."],"zh":["在遠古時代曾憑藉自己強大的下半身而所向無敵,但因吃光了賴以為生的植物而滅絕了。","會用尾部結實的肌肉發電。與下半身相比,上半身真的太小了。"]}},{"id":881,"name":{"en":"Arctozolt","zh":"雷鳥海獸"},"types":{"en":["electric","ice"],"zh":["電","冰"]},"genera":{"en":"Fossil Pokémon","zh":"化石寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["The shaking of its freezing upper half is what generates its electricity. It has a hard time walking around.","This Pokémon lived on prehistoric seashores and was able to preserve food with the ice on its body. It went extinct because it moved so slowly."],"zh":["牠凍成冰的上半身在顫抖時可以產生電能。非常不擅長走路。","曾經生活在古代的海邊,能用身體的冰來保存食物,但由於動作太遲緩而滅絕了。"]}},{"id":882,"name":{"en":"Dracovish","zh":"鰓魚龍"},"types":{"en":["water","dragon"],"zh":["水","龍"]},"genera":{"en":"Fossil Pokémon","zh":"化石寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Powerful legs and jaws made it the apex predator of its time. Its own overhunting of its prey was what drove it to extinction.","Its mighty legs are capable of running at speeds exceeding 40 mph, but this Pokémon can’t breathe unless it’s underwater."],"zh":["超乎尋常的腳力和顎力讓牠在古代所向無敵。但由於捕盡獵物,導致牠們自己也滅絕了。","雖然能用自豪的腳力以60公里的時速奔跑,但是只能在水中呼吸。"]}},{"id":883,"name":{"en":"Arctovish","zh":"鰓魚海獸"},"types":{"en":["water","ice"],"zh":["水","冰"]},"genera":{"en":"Fossil Pokémon","zh":"化石寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Though it’s able to capture prey by freezing its surroundings, it has trouble eating the prey afterward because its mouth is on top of its head.","The skin on its face is impervious to attack, but breathing difficulties made this Pokémon go extinct anyway."],"zh":["雖然能透過凍結四周來捕捉獵物,但由於嘴長在頭頂上,所以吃起東西來不太方便。","面部的皮膚無論受到什麼攻擊都不會受傷,但由於呼吸起來不方便而滅絕了。"]}},{"id":884,"name":{"en":"Duraludon","zh":"鋁鋼龍"},"types":{"en":["steel","dragon"],"zh":["鋼","龍"]},"genera":{"en":"Alloy Pokémon","zh":"合金寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Its body resembles polished metal, and it’s both lightweight and strong. The only drawback is that it rusts easily.","The special metal that composes its body is very light, so this Pokémon has considerable agility. It lives in caves because it dislikes the rain."],"zh":["身體猶如打磨過的金屬,雖然輕而堅硬,卻有著容易生鏽的弱點。","由特殊金屬構成的身體十分輕盈,能夠靈活地活動。不喜歡下雨,所以住在洞窟裡。"]}},{"id":885,"name":{"en":"Dreepy","zh":"多龍梅西亞"},"types":{"en":["dragon","ghost"],"zh":["龍","幽靈"]},"genera":{"en":"Lingering Pokémon","zh":"哀怨寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["After being reborn as a ghost Pokémon, Dreepy wanders the areas it used to inhabit back when it was alive in prehistoric seas.","If this weak Pokémon is by itself, a mere child could defeat it. But if Dreepy has friends to help it train, it can evolve and become much stronger."],"zh":["曾經棲息在古代的大海。在重生為幽靈寶可夢後,會在昔日的住處徘徊。","雖然單獨1隻弱得甚至敵不過小孩,但會和夥伴合作一起鍛鍊,透過進化而變得更強。"]}},{"id":886,"name":{"en":"Drakloak","zh":"多龍奇"},"types":{"en":["dragon","ghost"],"zh":["龍","幽靈"]},"genera":{"en":"Caretaker Pokémon","zh":"保姆寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It’s capable of flying faster than 120 mph. It battles alongside Dreepy and dotes on them until they successfully evolve.","Without a Dreepy to place on its head and care for, it gets so uneasy it’ll try to substitute any Pokémon it finds for the missing Dreepy."],"zh":["飛行速度為每小時200公里。與多龍梅西亞一起戰鬥,到牠進化為止都會細心照顧。","要是沒讓自己在照顧的多龍梅西亞乘在頭上就靜不下心來,甚至會因此試圖把別的寶可夢放到頭上。"]}},{"id":887,"name":{"en":"Dragapult","zh":"多龍巴魯托"},"types":{"en":["dragon","ghost"],"zh":["龍","幽靈"]},"genera":{"en":"Stealth Pokémon","zh":"隱形寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["When it isn’t battling, it keeps Dreepy in the holes on its horns. Once a fight starts, it launches the Dreepy like supersonic missiles.","Apparently the Dreepy inside Dragapult’s horns eagerly look forward to being launched out at Mach speeds."],"zh":["讓多龍梅西亞住在自己角上的洞裡。戰鬥開始後會用音速將多龍梅西亞發射出去。","牠角裡的多龍梅西亞似乎滿心期待著能被以音速發射出去。"]}},{"id":888,"name":{"en":"Zacian","zh":"蒼響"},"types":{"en":["fairy"],"zh":["妖精"]},"genera":{"en":"Warrior Pokémon","zh":"強者寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Known as a legendary hero, this Pokémon absorbs metal particles, transforming them into a weapon it uses to battle.","This Pokémon has slumbered for many years. Some say it’s Zamazenta’s elder sister—others say the two Pokémon are rivals."],"zh":["被稱為傳說中的英雄。能夠吸收金屬,將之轉化為武器來戰鬥。","這隻寶可夢被認為是沉睡已久的藏瑪然特的姐姐,也有人認為牠們之間是勁敵關係。"]}},{"id":889,"name":{"en":"Zamazenta","zh":"藏瑪然特"},"types":{"en":["fighting"],"zh":["格鬥"]},"genera":{"en":"Warrior Pokémon","zh":"強者寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["In times past, it worked together with a king of the people to save the Galar region. It absorbs metal that it then uses in battle.","This Pokémon slept for aeons while in the form of a statue. It was asleep for so long, people forgot that it ever existed."],"zh":["與眾人之王協力拯救了伽勒爾的寶可夢。吸收金屬來進行戰鬥。","以石像般的姿態陷入長久沉眠的寶可夢。幾乎就要被人們所遺忘。"]}},{"id":890,"name":{"en":"Eternatus","zh":"無極汰那"},"types":{"en":["poison","dragon"],"zh":["毒","龍"]},"genera":{"en":"Gigantic Pokémon","zh":"超極巨寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["The core on its chest absorbs energy emanating from the lands of the Galar region. This energy is what allows Eternatus to stay active.","It was inside a meteorite that fell 20,000 years ago. There seems to be a connection between this Pokémon and the Dynamax phenomenon."],"zh":["會用胸部的核心吸收伽勒爾的大地湧出的能量,藉以保持自己的活力。","來自於2萬年前墜落到地上的隕石之中。似乎與極巨化之謎有所關聯。"]}},{"id":891,"name":{"en":"Kubfu","zh":"熊徒弟"},"types":{"en":["fighting"],"zh":["格鬥"]},"genera":{"en":"Wushu Pokémon","zh":"拳法寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Kubfu trains hard to perfect its moves. The moves it masters will determine which form it takes when it evolves.","If Kubfu pulls the long white hair on its head, its fighting spirit heightens and power wells up from the depths of its belly."],"zh":["藉由累積嚴苛的鍛鍊來磨練招式。進化後的樣子會根據牠領會的招式而不同。","拉緊頭上又白又長的體毛就會變得氣勢高昂,並且由丹田湧出力量。"]}},{"id":892,"name":{"en":"Urshifu","zh":"武道熊師"},"types":{"en":["fighting","dark"],"zh":["格鬥","惡"]},"genera":{"en":"Wushu Pokémon","zh":"拳法寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["This form of Urshifu is a strong believer in the one-hit KO. Its strategy is to leap in close to foes and land a devastating blow with a hardened fist.","Inhabiting the mountains of a distant region, this Pokémon races across sheer cliffs, training its legs and refining its moves."],"zh":["一擊必殺是牠的信念。會衝進對手的懷裡,不留情地用千錘百煉的拳頭給予一擊。","棲息在遙遠地區的山岳地帶。會在斷崖絕壁上來回奔跑鍛鍊下盤,磨練招式。"]}},{"id":893,"name":{"en":"Zarude","zh":"薩戮德"},"types":{"en":["dark","grass"],"zh":["惡","草"]},"genera":{"en":"Rogue Monkey Pokémon","zh":"惡猿寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Within dense forests, this Pokémon lives in a pack with others of its kind. It’s incredibly aggressive, and the other Pokémon of the forest fear it.","Once the vines on Zarude’s body tear off, they become nutrients in the soil. This helps the plants of the forest grow."],"zh":["集結成群生活在密林裡。攻擊性很強,令棲息在森林的寶可夢們畏懼不已。","生長在身上的藤蔓斷落後會化為土壤的養分,孕育森林裡的各種植物。"]}},{"id":894,"name":{"en":"Regieleki","zh":"雷吉艾勒奇"},"types":{"en":["electric"],"zh":["電"]},"genera":{"en":"Electron Pokémon","zh":"電子寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["This Pokémon is a cluster of electrical energy. It’s said that removing the rings on Regieleki’s body will unleash the Pokémon’s latent power.","Its entire body is made up of a single organ that generates electrical energy. Regieleki is capable of creating all Galar’s electricity."],"zh":["由電能凝聚而成的寶可夢。據說拿下牠身上的圓環後,就會解放牠潛藏的力量。","全身都是能發電的器官。牠製造的電能可以滿足伽勒爾全域的電力需求。"]}},{"id":895,"name":{"en":"Regidrago","zh":"雷吉鐸拉戈"},"types":{"en":["dragon"],"zh":["龍"]},"genera":{"en":"Dragon Orb Pokémon","zh":"龍玉寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["An academic theory proposes that Regidrago’s arms were once the head of an ancient dragon Pokémon. The theory remains unproven.","Its body is composed of crystallized dragon energy. Regidrago is said to have the powers of every dragon Pokémon."],"zh":["有學者認為牠的手臂是古代龍寶可夢頭部的形狀。但這個學說尚未被證實。","全身是由龍之能量的結晶打造而成。據說牠擁有所有的龍寶可夢的力量。"]}},{"id":896,"name":{"en":"Glastrier","zh":"雪暴馬"},"types":{"en":["ice"],"zh":["冰"]},"genera":{"en":"Wild Horse Pokémon","zh":"烈馬寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Glastrier emits intense cold from its hooves. It’s also a belligerent Pokémon—anything it wants, it takes by force.","Glastrier has tremendous physical strength, and the mask of ice covering its face is 100 times harder than diamond."],"zh":["會從蹄子釋放出強烈的寒氣。性情暴躁,只要是自己想要的東西,就會強行去搶奪。","擁有十分驚人的怪力。遮住臉部的冰面罩比鑽石還要堅硬100倍。"]}},{"id":897,"name":{"en":"Spectrier","zh":"靈幽馬"},"types":{"en":["ghost"],"zh":["幽靈"]},"genera":{"en":"Swift Horse Pokémon","zh":"駿馬寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["It probes its surroundings with all its senses save one—it doesn’t use its sense of sight. Spectrier’s kicks are said to separate soul from body.","As it dashes through the night, Spectrier absorbs the life-force of sleeping creatures. It craves silence and solitude."],"zh":["會利用視覺之外的感官去探測周圍的狀況。據說被牠踢到時靈魂就會出竅。","在漆黑的夜裡奔馳,吸取正在睡覺的生物的生命能量。喜愛孤獨與寂靜。"]}},{"id":898,"name":{"en":"Calyrex","zh":"蕾冠王"},"types":{"en":["psychic","grass"],"zh":["超能力","草"]},"genera":{"en":"King Pokémon","zh":"國王寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Calyrex is a merciful Pokémon, capable of providing healing and blessings. It reigned over the Galar region in times of yore.","Calyrex is known in legend as a king that ruled over Galar in ancient times. It has the power to cause hearts to mend and plants to spring forth."],"zh":["擁有治癒與賜恩之力,且滿懷慈愛的寶可夢。在遠古時代曾統治伽勒爾。","曾在很久以前統治伽勒爾的傳說之王。擁有治癒心靈,讓草木發芽的力量。"]}},{"id":899,"name":{"en":"Wyrdeer","zh":"詭角鹿"},"types":{"en":["normal","psychic"],"zh":["一般","超能力"]},"genera":{"en":"Big Horn Pokémon","zh":"大角寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["The black orbs shine with an uncanny light when the Pokémon is erecting invisible barriers. The fur shed from its beard retains heat well and is a highly useful material for winter clothing."],"zh":["製造肉眼不可見的障壁時,黑珠會發出妖異的光輝。從牠身上脫落的鬍鬚是用來製作溫暖冬衣的實用原料。"]}},{"id":900,"name":{"en":"Kleavor","zh":"劈斧螳螂"},"types":{"en":["bug","rock"],"zh":["蟲","岩石"]},"genera":{"en":"Axe Pokémon","zh":"斧鉞寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["A violent creature that fells towering trees with its crude axes and shields itself with hard stone. If one should chance upon this Pokémon in the wilds, one's only recourse is to flee."],"zh":["用堅硬的岩石守護己身,以粗獷的斧頭砍倒大樹。性情暴躁易怒。要是在荒野遇見牠,逃跑將是唯一選擇。"]}},{"id":901,"name":{"en":"Ursaluna","zh":"月月熊"},"types":{"en":["ground","normal"],"zh":["地面","一般"]},"genera":{"en":"Peat Pokémon","zh":"泥炭寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["I believe it was Hisui's swampy terrain that gave Ursaluna its burly physique and newfound capacity to manipulate peat at will."],"zh":["考察結果顯示,正是遍布在洗翠大地上的濕地土壤,造就了牠堅實的軀體和自在運用泥炭的新能力。"]}},{"id":902,"name":{"en":"Basculegion","zh":"幽尾玄魚"},"types":{"en":["water","ghost"],"zh":["水","幽靈"]},"genera":{"en":"Big Fish Pokémon","zh":"大魚寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Clads itself in the souls of comrades that perished before fulfilling their goals of journeying upstream. No other species throughout all Hisui's rivers is Basculegion's equal."],"zh":["在溯河而上的旅程中半途喪命者的靈魂纏繞其身。在流經洗翠地區的河川裡可謂所向無敵。"]}},{"id":903,"name":{"en":"Sneasler","zh":"大狃拉"},"types":{"en":["fighting","poison"],"zh":["格鬥","毒"]},"genera":{"en":"Free Climb Pokémon","zh":"攀崖寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Because of Sneasler's virulent poison and daunting physical prowess, no other species could hope to best it on the frozen highlands. Preferring solitude, this species does not form packs."],"zh":["擁有凌駕其他物種之上的身體能力以及劇毒。在寒冷的高地上所向無敵。偏好獨自行動,而不會集結成群。"]}},{"id":904,"name":{"en":"Overqwil","zh":"萬針魚"},"types":{"en":["dark","poison"],"zh":["惡","毒"]},"genera":{"en":"Pin Cluster Pokémon","zh":"劍山寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["Its lancelike spikes and savage temperament have earned it the nickname ”sea fiend.” It slurps up poison to nourish itself."],"zh":["身上如同槍尖般的針以及凶暴的性情使這種寶可夢得到了海鬼的外號。會吞下毒物作為己身糧食。"]}},{"id":905,"name":{"en":"Enamorus","zh":"眷戀雲"},"types":{"en":["fairy","flying"],"zh":["妖精","飛行"]},"genera":{"en":"Love-Hate Pokémon","zh":"愛憎寶可夢"},"entries":{"en":["When it flies to this land from across the sea, the bitter winter comes to an end. According to legend, this Pokémon's love gives rise to the budding of fresh life across Hisui."],"zh":["當牠越過大海飛來,便代表嚴寒的冬季即將終結。傳說中其慈愛將使新的生命在洗翠大地上萌芽。"]}}]