var radash = (function (exports) { 'use strict'; const isSymbol = (value) => { return !!value && value.constructor === Symbol; }; const isArray = Array.isArray; const isObject = (value) => { return !!value && value.constructor === Object; }; const isPrimitive = (value) => { return value === void 0 || value === null || typeof value !== "object" && typeof value !== "function"; }; const isFunction = (value) => { return !!(value && value.constructor && && value.apply); }; const isString = (value) => { return typeof value === "string" || value instanceof String; }; const isInt = (value) => { return isNumber(value) && value % 1 === 0; }; const isFloat = (value) => { return isNumber(value) && value % 1 !== 0; }; const isNumber = (value) => { try { return Number(value) === value; } catch { return false; } }; const isDate = (value) => { return === "[object Date]"; }; const isPromise = (value) => { if (!value) return false; if (!value.then) return false; if (!isFunction(value.then)) return false; return true; }; const isEmpty = (value) => { if (value === true || value === false) return true; if (value === null || value === void 0) return true; if (isNumber(value)) return value === 0; if (isDate(value)) return isNaN(value.getTime()); if (isFunction(value)) return false; if (isSymbol(value)) return false; const length = value.length; if (isNumber(length)) return length === 0; const size = value.size; if (isNumber(size)) return size === 0; const keys = Object.keys(value).length; return keys === 0; }; const isEqual = (x, y) => { if (, y)) return true; if (x instanceof Date && y instanceof Date) { return x.getTime() === y.getTime(); } if (x instanceof RegExp && y instanceof RegExp) { return x.toString() === y.toString(); } if (typeof x !== "object" || x === null || typeof y !== "object" || y === null) { return false; } const keysX = Reflect.ownKeys(x); const keysY = Reflect.ownKeys(y); if (keysX.length !== keysY.length) return false; for (let i = 0; i < keysX.length; i++) { if (!Reflect.has(y, keysX[i])) return false; if (!isEqual(x[keysX[i]], y[keysX[i]])) return false; } return true; }; const group = (array, getGroupId) => { return array.reduce((acc, item) => { const groupId = getGroupId(item); if (!acc[groupId]) acc[groupId] = []; acc[groupId].push(item); return acc; }, {}); }; function zip(...arrays) { if (!arrays || !arrays.length) return []; return new Array(Math.max({ length }) => length))).fill([]).map((_, idx) => => array[idx])); } function zipToObject(keys, values) { if (!keys || !keys.length) { return {}; } const getValue = isFunction(values) ? values : isArray(values) ? (_k, i) => values[i] : (_k, _i) => values; return keys.reduce((acc, key, idx) => { acc[key] = getValue(key, idx); return acc; }, {}); } const boil = (array, compareFunc) => { if (!array || (array.length ?? 0) === 0) return null; return array.reduce(compareFunc); }; function sum(array, fn) { return (array || []).reduce((acc, item) => acc + (fn ? fn(item) : item), 0); } const first = (array, defaultValue = void 0) => { return array?.length > 0 ? array[0] : defaultValue; }; const last = (array, defaultValue = void 0) => { return array?.length > 0 ? array[array.length - 1] : defaultValue; }; const sort = (array, getter, desc = false) => { if (!array) return []; const asc = (a, b) => getter(a) - getter(b); const dsc = (a, b) => getter(b) - getter(a); return array.slice().sort(desc === true ? dsc : asc); }; const alphabetical = (array, getter, dir = "asc") => { if (!array) return []; const asc = (a, b) => `${getter(a)}`.localeCompare(getter(b)); const dsc = (a, b) => `${getter(b)}`.localeCompare(getter(a)); return array.slice().sort(dir === "desc" ? dsc : asc); }; const counting = (list2, identity) => { if (!list2) return {}; return list2.reduce((acc, item) => { const id = identity(item); acc[id] = (acc[id] ?? 0) + 1; return acc; }, {}); }; const replace = (list2, newItem, match) => { if (!list2) return []; if (newItem === void 0) return [...list2]; for (let idx = 0; idx < list2.length; idx++) { const item = list2[idx]; if (match(item, idx)) { return [ ...list2.slice(0, idx), newItem, ...list2.slice(idx + 1, list2.length) ]; } } return [...list2]; }; const objectify = (array, getKey, getValue = (item) => item) => { return array.reduce((acc, item) => { acc[getKey(item)] = getValue(item); return acc; }, {}); }; const select = (array, mapper, condition) => { if (!array) return []; return array.reduce((acc, item, index) => { if (!condition(item, index)) return acc; acc.push(mapper(item, index)); return acc; }, []); }; function max(array, getter) { const get = getter ?? ((v) => v); return boil(array, (a, b) => get(a) > get(b) ? a : b); } function min(array, getter) { const get = getter ?? ((v) => v); return boil(array, (a, b) => get(a) < get(b) ? a : b); } const cluster = (list2, size = 2) => { const clusterCount = Math.ceil(list2.length / size); return new Array(clusterCount).fill(null).map((_c, i) => { return list2.slice(i * size, i * size + size); }); }; const unique = (array, toKey) => { const valueMap = array.reduce((acc, item) => { const key = toKey ? toKey(item) : item; if (acc[key]) return acc; acc[key] = item; return acc; }, {}); return Object.values(valueMap); }; function* range(startOrLength, end, valueOrMapper = (i) => i, step = 1) { const mapper = isFunction(valueOrMapper) ? valueOrMapper : () => valueOrMapper; const start = end ? startOrLength : 0; const final = end ?? startOrLength; for (let i = start; i <= final; i += step) { yield mapper(i); if (i + step > final) break; } } const list = (startOrLength, end, valueOrMapper, step) => { return Array.from(range(startOrLength, end, valueOrMapper, step)); }; const flat = (lists) => { return lists.reduce((acc, list2) => { acc.push(...list2); return acc; }, []); }; const intersects = (listA, listB, identity) => { if (!listA || !listB) return false; const ident = identity ?? ((x) => x); const dictB = listB.reduce((acc, item) => { acc[ident(item)] = true; return acc; }, {}); return listA.some((value) => dictB[ident(value)]); }; const fork = (list2, condition) => { if (!list2) return [[], []]; return list2.reduce( (acc, item) => { const [a, b] = acc; if (condition(item)) { return [[...a, item], b]; } else { return [a, [...b, item]]; } }, [[], []] ); }; const merge = (root, others, matcher) => { if (!others && !root) return []; if (!others) return root; if (!root) return []; if (!matcher) return root; return root.reduce((acc, r) => { const matched = others.find((o) => matcher(r) === matcher(o)); if (matched) acc.push(matched); else acc.push(r); return acc; }, []); }; const replaceOrAppend = (list2, newItem, match) => { if (!list2 && !newItem) return []; if (!newItem) return [...list2]; if (!list2) return [newItem]; for (let idx = 0; idx < list2.length; idx++) { const item = list2[idx]; if (match(item, idx)) { return [ ...list2.slice(0, idx), newItem, ...list2.slice(idx + 1, list2.length) ]; } } return [...list2, newItem]; }; const toggle = (list2, item, toKey, options) => { if (!list2 && !item) return []; if (!list2) return [item]; if (!item) return [...list2]; const matcher = toKey ? (x, idx) => toKey(x, idx) === toKey(item, idx) : (x) => x === item; const existing = list2.find(matcher); if (existing) return list2.filter((x, idx) => !matcher(x, idx)); const strategy = options?.strategy ?? "append"; if (strategy === "append") return [...list2, item]; return [item, ...list2]; }; const sift = (list2) => { return list2?.filter((x) => !!x) ?? []; }; const iterate = (count, func, initValue) => { let value = initValue; for (let i = 1; i <= count; i++) { value = func(value, i); } return value; }; const diff = (root, other, identity = (t) => t) => { if (!root?.length && !other?.length) return []; if (root?.length === void 0) return [...other]; if (!other?.length) return [...root]; const bKeys = other.reduce((acc, item) => { acc[identity(item)] = true; return acc; }, {}); return root.filter((a) => !bKeys[identity(a)]); }; function shift(arr, n) { if (arr.length === 0) return arr; const shiftNumber = n % arr.length; if (shiftNumber === 0) return arr; return [...arr.slice(-shiftNumber, arr.length), ...arr.slice(0, -shiftNumber)]; } const reduce = async (array, asyncReducer, initValue) => { const initProvided = initValue !== void 0; if (!initProvided && array?.length < 1) { throw new Error("Cannot reduce empty array with no init value"); } const iter = initProvided ? array : array.slice(1); let value = initProvided ? initValue : array[0]; for (const [i, item] of iter.entries()) { value = await asyncReducer(value, item, i); } return value; }; const map = async (array, asyncMapFunc) => { if (!array) return []; let result = []; let index = 0; for (const value of array) { const newValue = await asyncMapFunc(value, index++); result.push(newValue); } return result; }; const defer = async (func) => { const callbacks = []; const register = (fn, options) => callbacks.push({ fn, rethrow: options?.rethrow ?? false }); const [err, response] = await tryit(func)(register); for (const { fn, rethrow } of callbacks) { const [rethrown] = await tryit(fn)(err); if (rethrown && rethrow) throw rethrown; } if (err) throw err; return response; }; class AggregateError extends Error { constructor(errors = []) { super(); const name = errors.find((e) => ?? ""; = `AggregateError(${name}...)`; this.message = `AggregateError with ${errors.length} errors`; this.stack = errors.find((e) => e.stack)?.stack ?? this.stack; this.errors = errors; } } const parallel = async (limit, array, func) => { const work =, index) => ({ index, item })); const processor = async (res) => { const results2 = []; while (true) { const next = work.pop(); if (!next) return res(results2); const [error, result] = await tryit(func)(next.item); results2.push({ error, result, index: next.index }); } }; const queues = list(1, limit).map(() => new Promise(processor)); const itemResults = await Promise.all(queues); const [errors, results] = fork( sort(itemResults.flat(), (r) => r.index), (x) => !!x.error ); if (errors.length > 0) { throw new AggregateError( => error.error)); } return => r.result); }; async function all(promises) { const entries = isArray(promises) ? => [null, p]) : Object.entries(promises); const results = await Promise.all( ([key, value]) => value.then((result) => ({ result, exc: null, key })).catch((exc) => ({ result: null, exc, key })) ) ); const exceptions = results.filter((r) => r.exc); if (exceptions.length > 0) { throw new AggregateError( => e.exc)); } if (isArray(promises)) { return => r.result); } return results.reduce( (acc, item) => ({ ...acc, [item.key]: item.result }), {} ); } const retry = async (options, func) => { const times = options?.times ?? 3; const delay = options?.delay; const backoff = options?.backoff ?? null; for (const i of range(1, times)) { const [err, result] = await tryit(func)((err2) => { throw { _exited: err2 }; }); if (!err) return result; if (err._exited) throw err._exited; if (i === times) throw err; if (delay) await sleep(delay); if (backoff) await sleep(backoff(i)); } return void 0; }; const sleep = (milliseconds) => { return new Promise((res) => setTimeout(res, milliseconds)); }; const tryit = (func) => { return (...args) => { try { const result = func(...args); if (isPromise(result)) { return result.then((value) => [void 0, value]).catch((err) => [err, void 0]); } return [void 0, result]; } catch (err) { return [err, void 0]; } }; }; const guard = (func, shouldGuard) => { const _guard = (err) => { if (shouldGuard && !shouldGuard(err)) throw err; return void 0; }; const isPromise2 = (result) => result instanceof Promise; try { const result = func(); return isPromise2(result) ? result.catch(_guard) : result; } catch (err) { return _guard(err); } }; function chain(...funcs) { return (...args) => { return funcs.slice(1).reduce((acc, fn) => fn(acc), funcs[0](...args)); }; } function compose(...funcs) { return funcs.reverse().reduce((acc, fn) => fn(acc)); } const partial = (fn, ...args) => { return ( => fn(...[...args,]); }; const partob = (fn, argobj) => { return (restobj) => fn({ ...argobj, ...restobj }); }; const proxied = (handler) => { return new Proxy( {}, { get: (target, propertyName) => handler(propertyName) } ); }; const memoize = (cache, func, keyFunc, ttl) => { return function callWithMemo(...args) { const key = keyFunc ? keyFunc(...args) : JSON.stringify({ args }); const existing = cache[key]; if (existing !== void 0) { if (!existing.exp) return existing.value; if (existing.exp > new Date().getTime()) { return existing.value; } } const result = func(...args); cache[key] = { exp: ttl ? new Date().getTime() + ttl : null, value: result }; return result; }; }; const memo = (func, options = {}) => { return memoize({}, func, options.key ?? null, options.ttl ?? null); }; const debounce = ({ delay }, func) => { let timer = void 0; let active = true; const debounced = (...args) => { if (active) { clearTimeout(timer); timer = setTimeout(() => { active && func(...args); timer = void 0; }, delay); } else { func(...args); } }; debounced.isPending = () => { return timer !== void 0; }; debounced.cancel = () => { active = false; }; debounced.flush = (...args) => func(...args); return debounced; }; const throttle = ({ interval }, func) => { let ready = true; let timer = void 0; const throttled = (...args) => { if (!ready) return; func(...args); ready = false; timer = setTimeout(() => { ready = true; timer = void 0; }, interval); }; throttled.isThrottled = () => { return timer !== void 0; }; return throttled; }; const callable = (obj, fn) => { const FUNC = () => { }; return new Proxy(Object.assign(FUNC, obj), { get: (target, key) => target[key], set: (target, key, value) => { target[key] = value; return true; }, apply: (target, self, args) => fn(Object.assign({}, target))(...args) }); }; function inRange(number, start, end) { const isTypeSafe = typeof number === "number" && typeof start === "number" && (typeof end === "undefined" || typeof end === "number"); if (!isTypeSafe) { return false; } if (typeof end === "undefined") { end = start; start = 0; } return number >= Math.min(start, end) && number < Math.max(start, end); } const toFloat = (value, defaultValue) => { const def = defaultValue === void 0 ? 0 : defaultValue; if (value === null || value === void 0) { return def; } const result = parseFloat(value); return isNaN(result) ? def : result; }; const toInt = (value, defaultValue) => { const def = defaultValue === void 0 ? 0 : defaultValue; if (value === null || value === void 0) { return def; } const result = parseInt(value); return isNaN(result) ? def : result; }; const shake = (obj, filter = (x) => x === void 0) => { if (!obj) return {}; const keys2 = Object.keys(obj); return keys2.reduce((acc, key) => { if (filter(obj[key])) { return acc; } else { acc[key] = obj[key]; return acc; } }, {}); }; const mapKeys = (obj, mapFunc) => { const keys2 = Object.keys(obj); return keys2.reduce((acc, key) => { acc[mapFunc(key, obj[key])] = obj[key]; return acc; }, {}); }; const mapValues = (obj, mapFunc) => { const keys2 = Object.keys(obj); return keys2.reduce((acc, key) => { acc[key] = mapFunc(obj[key], key); return acc; }, {}); }; const mapEntries = (obj, toEntry) => { if (!obj) return {}; return Object.entries(obj).reduce((acc, [key, value]) => { const [newKey, newValue] = toEntry(key, value); acc[newKey] = newValue; return acc; }, {}); }; const invert = (obj) => { if (!obj) return {}; const keys2 = Object.keys(obj); return keys2.reduce((acc, key) => { acc[obj[key]] = key; return acc; }, {}); }; const lowerize = (obj) => mapKeys(obj, (k) => k.toLowerCase()); const upperize = (obj) => mapKeys(obj, (k) => k.toUpperCase()); const clone = (obj) => { if (isPrimitive(obj)) { return obj; } if (typeof obj === "function") { return obj.bind({}); } const newObj = new obj.constructor(); Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj).forEach((prop) => { newObj[prop] = obj[prop]; }); return newObj; }; const listify = (obj, toItem) => { if (!obj) return []; const entries = Object.entries(obj); if (entries.length === 0) return []; return entries.reduce((acc, entry) => { acc.push(toItem(entry[0], entry[1])); return acc; }, []); }; const pick = (obj, keys2) => { if (!obj) return {}; return keys2.reduce((acc, key) => { if (, key)) acc[key] = obj[key]; return acc; }, {}); }; const omit = (obj, keys2) => { if (!obj) return {}; if (!keys2 || keys2.length === 0) return obj; return keys2.reduce( (acc, key) => { delete acc[key]; return acc; }, { ...obj } ); }; const get = (value, path, defaultValue) => { const segments = path.split(/[\.\[\]]/g); let current = value; for (const key of segments) { if (current === null) return defaultValue; if (current === void 0) return defaultValue; const dequoted = key.replace(/['"]/g, ""); if (dequoted.trim() === "") continue; current = current[dequoted]; } if (current === void 0) return defaultValue; return current; }; const set = (initial, path, value) => { if (!initial) return {}; if (!path || value === void 0) return initial; const segments = path.split(/[\.\[\]]/g).filter((x) => !!x.trim()); const _set = (node) => { if (segments.length > 1) { const key = segments.shift(); const nextIsNum = toInt(segments[0], null) === null ? false : true; node[key] = node[key] === void 0 ? nextIsNum ? [] : {} : node[key]; _set(node[key]); } else { node[segments[0]] = value; } }; const cloned = clone(initial); _set(cloned); return cloned; }; const assign = (initial, override) => { if (!initial || !override) return initial ?? override ?? {}; return Object.entries({ ...initial, ...override }).reduce( (acc, [key, value]) => { return { ...acc, [key]: (() => { if (isObject(initial[key])) return assign(initial[key], value); return value; })() }; }, {} ); }; const keys = (value) => { if (!value) return []; const getKeys = (nested, paths) => { if (isObject(nested)) { return Object.entries(nested).flatMap( ([k, v]) => getKeys(v, [...paths, k]) ); } if (isArray(nested)) { return nested.flatMap((item, i) => getKeys(item, [...paths, `${i}`])); } return [paths.join(".")]; }; return getKeys(value, []); }; const crush = (value) => { if (!value) return {}; return objectify( keys(value), (k) => k, (k) => get(value, k) ); }; const construct = (obj) => { if (!obj) return {}; return Object.keys(obj).reduce((acc, path) => { return set(acc, path, obj[path]); }, {}); }; const random = (min, max) => { return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1) + min); }; const draw = (array) => { const max = array.length; if (max === 0) { return null; } const index = random(0, max - 1); return array[index]; }; const shuffle = (array) => { return => ({ rand: Math.random(), value: a })).sort((a, b) => a.rand - b.rand).map((a) => a.value); }; const uid = (length, specials = "") => { const characters = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789" + specials; return iterate( length, (acc) => { return acc + characters.charAt(random(0, characters.length - 1)); }, "" ); }; const series = (items, toKey = (item) => `${item}`) => { const { indexesByKey, itemsByIndex } = items.reduce( (acc, item, idx) => ({ indexesByKey: { ...acc.indexesByKey, [toKey(item)]: idx }, itemsByIndex: { ...acc.itemsByIndex, [idx]: item } }), { indexesByKey: {}, itemsByIndex: {} } ); const min = (a, b) => { return indexesByKey[toKey(a)] < indexesByKey[toKey(b)] ? a : b; }; const max = (a, b) => { return indexesByKey[toKey(a)] > indexesByKey[toKey(b)] ? a : b; }; const first = () => { return itemsByIndex[0]; }; const last = () => { return itemsByIndex[items.length - 1]; }; const next = (current, defaultValue) => { return itemsByIndex[indexesByKey[toKey(current)] + 1] ?? defaultValue ?? first(); }; const previous = (current, defaultValue) => { return itemsByIndex[indexesByKey[toKey(current)] - 1] ?? defaultValue ?? last(); }; const spin = (current, num) => { if (num === 0) return current; const abs = Math.abs(num); const rel = abs > items.length ? abs % items.length : abs; return list(0, rel - 1).reduce( (acc) => num > 0 ? next(acc) : previous(acc), current ); }; return { min, max, first, last, next, previous, spin }; }; const capitalize = (str) => { if (!str || str.length === 0) return ""; const lower = str.toLowerCase(); return lower.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + lower.substring(1, lower.length); }; const camel = (str) => { const parts = str?.replace(/([A-Z])+/g, capitalize)?.split(/(?=[A-Z])|[\.\-\s_]/).map((x) => x.toLowerCase()) ?? []; if (parts.length === 0) return ""; if (parts.length === 1) return parts[0]; return parts.reduce((acc, part) => { return `${acc}${part.charAt(0).toUpperCase()}${part.slice(1)}`; }); }; const snake = (str, options) => { const parts = str?.replace(/([A-Z])+/g, capitalize).split(/(?=[A-Z])|[\.\-\s_]/).map((x) => x.toLowerCase()) ?? []; if (parts.length === 0) return ""; if (parts.length === 1) return parts[0]; const result = parts.reduce((acc, part) => { return `${acc}_${part.toLowerCase()}`; }); return options?.splitOnNumber === false ? result : result.replace(/([A-Za-z]{1}[0-9]{1})/, (val) => `${val[0]}_${val[1]}`); }; const dash = (str) => { const parts = str?.replace(/([A-Z])+/g, capitalize)?.split(/(?=[A-Z])|[\.\-\s_]/).map((x) => x.toLowerCase()) ?? []; if (parts.length === 0) return ""; if (parts.length === 1) return parts[0]; return parts.reduce((acc, part) => { return `${acc}-${part.toLowerCase()}`; }); }; const pascal = (str) => { const parts = str?.split(/[\.\-\s_]/).map((x) => x.toLowerCase()) ?? []; if (parts.length === 0) return ""; return => str2.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str2.slice(1)).join(""); }; const title = (str) => { if (!str) return ""; return str.split(/(?=[A-Z])|[\.\-\s_]/).map((s) => s.trim()).filter((s) => !!s).map((s) => capitalize(s.toLowerCase())).join(" "); }; const template = (str, data, regex = /\{\{(.+?)\}\}/g) => { return Array.from(str.matchAll(regex)).reduce((acc, match) => { return acc.replace(match[0], data[match[1]]); }, str); }; const trim = (str, charsToTrim = " ") => { if (!str) return ""; const toTrim = charsToTrim.replace(/[\W]{1}/g, "\\$&"); const regex = new RegExp(`^[${toTrim}]+|[${toTrim}]+$`, "g"); return str.replace(regex, ""); }; exports.all = all; exports.alphabetical = alphabetical; exports.assign = assign; exports.boil = boil; exports.callable = callable; exports.camel = camel; exports.capitalize = capitalize; exports.chain = chain; exports.clone = clone; exports.cluster = cluster; exports.compose = compose; exports.construct = construct; exports.counting = counting; exports.crush = crush; exports.dash = dash; exports.debounce = debounce; exports.defer = defer; exports.diff = diff; exports.draw = draw; exports.first = first; exports.flat = flat; exports.fork = fork; exports.get = get; = group; exports.guard = guard; exports.inRange = inRange; exports.intersects = intersects; exports.invert = invert; exports.isArray = isArray; exports.isDate = isDate; exports.isEmpty = isEmpty; exports.isEqual = isEqual; exports.isFloat = isFloat; exports.isFunction = isFunction; exports.isInt = isInt; exports.isNumber = isNumber; exports.isObject = isObject; exports.isPrimitive = isPrimitive; exports.isPromise = isPromise; exports.isString = isString; exports.isSymbol = isSymbol; exports.iterate = iterate; exports.keys = keys; exports.last = last; exports.list = list; exports.listify = listify; exports.lowerize = lowerize; = map; exports.mapEntries = mapEntries; exports.mapKeys = mapKeys; exports.mapValues = mapValues; exports.max = max; exports.memo = memo; exports.merge = merge; exports.min = min; exports.objectify = objectify; exports.omit = omit; exports.parallel = parallel; exports.partial = partial; exports.partob = partob; exports.pascal = pascal; exports.pick = pick; exports.proxied = proxied; exports.random = random; exports.range = range; exports.reduce = reduce; exports.replace = replace; exports.replaceOrAppend = replaceOrAppend; exports.retry = retry; = select; exports.series = series; exports.set = set; exports.shake = shake; exports.shift = shift; exports.shuffle = shuffle; exports.sift = sift; exports.sleep = sleep; exports.snake = snake; exports.sort = sort; exports.sum = sum; exports.template = template; exports.throttle = throttle; exports.title = title; exports.toFloat = toFloat; exports.toInt = toInt; exports.toggle = toggle; exports.trim = trim; exports.try = tryit; exports.tryit = tryit; exports.uid = uid; exports.unique = unique; exports.upperize = upperize; = zip; exports.zipToObject = zipToObject; return exports; })({});