'Hashtag', 'Description' => 'Automaticlly creates Vanilla Tags from title or content #Hashtags.', 'Version' => '', 'RequiredApplications' => array('Vanilla' => '2.5'), 'RequiredTheme' => FALSE, 'MobileFriendly' => TRUE, 'HasLocale' => TRUE, 'SettingsUrl' => '/settings//Hashtag', 'SettingsPermission' => 'Garden.Settings.Manage', 'RegisterPermissions' => array('Plugins.Hashtag.View','Plugins.Hashtag.Add'), 'Author' => "Roger Brahmson", 'Github' => "https://github.com/rbrahmson/VanillaPlugins/tree/master/Hashtag", 'Source' => "https://github.com/rbrahmson/VanillaPlugins/tree/master/Hashtag", 'License' => "GNU GPL3" ); ///////////////////////////////////////// class HashtagPlugin extends Gdn_Plugin { /////////////////////////////////////////////// // Set the CSS public function assetModel_styleCss_handler($Sender) { $Sender->addCssFile('hashtag.css', 'plugins/Hashtag'); } /////////////////////////////////////////////// //Plugin Settings public function settingsController_Hashtag_create ($Sender, $Args) { $Sender->permission('Garden.Settings.Manage'); $Debug = false; $Sender->addCssFile('hashtag.css', 'plugins/Hashtag'); $Sender->setData('Title', t('Settings for the Hashtag Plugin')); // $Plugininfo = Gdn::pluginManager()->getPluginInfo('Hashtag', Gdn_PluginManager::ACCESS_PLUGINNAME); //var_dump ($Plugininfo); $Msg = '
'.$Plugininfo["Name"] . ' Plugin (Version:' . $Plugininfo["Version"]. ') Settings

'; // //Verify tags can be added if (version_compare(APPLICATION_VERSION, '2.5', '>=')) { $Taggingsetting = 'Tagging.Discussions.Enabled'; $Tagpermission = 'Vanilla.Tagging.Add'; $Turnonmsg = anchor("Click to activate tagging", '/settings/tagging', ' PopupWindow', array('rel' => 'nofollow')); $RandM = anchor("Roles and Permissions", '/dashboard/role', ' PopupWindow', array('rel' => 'nofollow'));; } else { $Taggingsetting = 'EnabledPlugins.Tagging'; $Tagpermission = 'Plugins.Tagging.Add'; $Turnonmsg = anchor("Click to view the plugins list then activate the Tagging plugin", '/settings/plugins/all/Tagging', ' PopupWindow', array('rel' => 'nofollow')); $RandM = anchor("Roles and Permissions", '/dashboard/role', ' PopupWindow', array('rel' => 'nofollow')); } if (!c($Taggingsetting)) { $Msg .= '

Warning: Tagging is not enabled yet. The Hashtag plugin required that you turn on Tagging. '. $Turnonmsg.'

'; } $Msg .= 'General Note:'. $Textstyle.'This plugin auto-creates tags from #Hashtags embedded in the discussion. This does not override the required Vanilla permissions.'.''. $Textstyle.' For this plugin to work the following two permissions must be set in '.$RandM.':'.''. $Textstyle.'
(1) '. $Tagpermission .' and (2) Plugins.Hashtag.Add'.'

'; // $Sender->Title($Msg); $Sender->setData('Title', $Msg); // $Sender->addSideMenu('dashboard/settings/plugins'); $this->SettingDefaults($Sender,'settingsController'); $Goterror =false; $TopWarning = ''; $FieldErrors = ''; // $ConfigurationModule = new ConfigurationModule($Sender); $Validation = new Gdn_Validation(); $ConfigurationModel = new Gdn_ConfigurationModel($Validation); $Sender->Form->SetModel($ConfigurationModel); // if ($Sender->Form->authenticatedPostBack()) { $Saved = $Sender->Form->showErrors(); $Saved = $Sender->Form->Save(); $FormPostValues = $Sender->Form->formValues(); $Sender->Form->SetData($FormPostValues); $Validation = new Gdn_Validation(); $Data = $Sender->Form->formValues(); // Flag to also check body for hashtags $SearchBody = getvalue('Plugins.Hashtag.SearchBody',$Data); // Flag to link hashtags $EmbedLinks = getvalue('Plugins.Hashtag.EmbedLinks',$Data); // Minimum number of letters in an #Hashtag $Minletters = getvalue('Plugins.Hashtag.Minletters',$Data); $FieldErrors = $this->CheckField($Sender,$Minletters, Array('Integer'=>'?','Required'=> 'Integer','Min'=> 4,'Max'=>10), 'Minimum number of letters in a #hashtag','Plugins.Hashtag.Minletters'); // Maximum number of letters in an #Hashtag $Maxletters = getvalue('Plugins.Hashtag.Maxletters',$Data); if ($FieldErrors == '') $FieldErrors = $this->CheckField($Sender,$Maxletters, Array('Integer'=>'?','Required'=> 'Integer','Min'=> 4,'Max'=>140), 'Maximum number of letters in a #hashtag','Plugins.Hashtag.Maxletters'); if ($FieldErrors == '') { if ($Minletters >= $Maxletters) { $FieldErrors = wrap('Maximum number of letters should be bigger than the minimum number of letters.', 'span class=SettingError'); $addError = $Sender->Form->addError($FieldErrors,'Plugins.Hashtag.Maxletters'); } } // Validate flags if ($FieldErrors == '' && $EmbedLinks) { if (!$SearchBody) { $FieldErrors = wrap('You turned on "Link Embedded #Hashtags" which required the "Check Body for #Hashtags" Option.', 'span class=SettingWarning'); $addError = $Sender->Form->addError($FieldErrors,'Plugins.Hashtag.EmbedLinks'); } elseif (c('Garden.Format.Hashtags')) { $FieldErrors = wrap('You turned on "Link Embedded #Hashtags". This will be ignored until you turn off "Garden.Format.Hashtags" in config.php.', 'span class=SettingWarning'); $addError = $Sender->Form->addError($FieldErrors,'Plugins.Hashtag.EmbedLinks'); } } // if ($FieldErrors != '') { $Goterror=true; $Sender=$Validation->addValidationResult('Plugins.Hashtag.SearchBody', ' '); $TopWarning = t('Errors need to be corrected. Incomplete settings saved'); Gdn::controller()->informMessage($TopWarning);//,'DoNotDismiss'); } if (!$Validation->validate($FormPostValues)) $Goterror=true; if ($Goterror) { $Sender=$Validation->addValidationResult('Plugins.Hashtag.SearchBody', ' '); SaveToConfig('Plugins.Hashtag.IncompleteSetup',TRUE); } else { SaveToConfig('Plugins.Hashtag.IncompleteSetup',FALSE); } // NOT POSTBACK } else { if (c('Plugins.Hashtag.IncompleteSetup')) $TopWarning = 'Previously saved settings are incomplete/invalid. Review and save correct values.'; $Sender->Form->SetData($ConfigurationModel->Data); } // $PluginConfig = $this->SetConfig($Sender,Array('TopWarning' => $TopWarning),$Debug); $ConfigurationModule->initialize($PluginConfig); $ConfigurationModule->renderAll(); } ///////////////////////////////////////// public function SettingDefaults($Sender,$CallType = '') { //Set default confi options $Debug = false; $Minletters = c('Plugins.Hashtag.Minletters',4); SaveToConfig('Plugins.Hashtag.Minletters',$Minletters); $Maxletters = c('Plugins.Hashtag.Maxletters',140); SaveToConfig('Plugins.Hashtag.Maxletters',$Maxletters); $SearchBody = c('Plugins.Hashtag.SearchBody',false); SaveToConfig('Plugins.Hashtag.SearchBody',$SearchBody); $EmbedLinks = c('Plugins.Hashtag.EmbedLinks',false); SaveToConfig('Plugins.Hashtag.EmbedLinks',$EmbedLinks); } ///////////////////////////////////////// // Set Confogiration Array public function SetConfig($Sender,$Errors = Array(),$Debug) { $Separator = ' '; $Headstyle = '#  '; $Subhstyle = ''; $Textstyle = ''; $Warnstyle = ''; $Errorstyle = ''; $Squeeze = ' '; $Notestyle = ''; $Topmessage = ''; if (trim($Errors['TopWarning'])) $Topmessage .= $Warnstyle.$Errors['TopWarning'].''; $WarnGarden = ''; if (c('Garden.Format.Hashtags')) $WarnGarden = ''.t('Right now it is not set to false.').''; //Verify tags can be added if (version_compare(APPLICATION_VERSION, '2.5', '>=')) { $Taggingsetting = 'Tagging.Discussions.Enabled'; $Tagpermission = 'Vanilla.Tagging.Add'; $Turnonmsg = anchor("Click to activate tagging", '/settings/tagging', ' PopupWindow', array('rel' => 'nofollow'));; } else { $Taggingsetting = 'EnabledPlugins.Tagging'; $Tagpermission = 'Plugins.Tagging.Add'; $Turnonmsg = anchor("Click to view the plugins list then activate the Tagging plugin", '/settings/plugins/all/Tagging', ' PopupWindow', array('rel' => 'nofollow'));; } $Notactivemsg = ''; if (!c($Taggingsetting)) { $Notactivemsg = '

Note: Tagging is not enabled yet. The Hashtag plugin required that you turn on Tagging.
'. $Turnonmsg.'

'; } // $PluginConfig = array( /*- Option to search body for #Hashtags-*/ 'Plugins.Hashtag.SearchBody' => array( 'Control' => 'CheckBox', 'Description' => $Topmessage. $Notactivemsg. $Headstyle.'Check Body for #Hashtags'.'
', 'LabelCode' => $Textstyle.'Search the discussion and comment bodies for #Hashtags (otherwise only the discussion title is scanned)
'.$Squeeze, 'Default' => TRUE), /*- Option to turn off "" in the body (so it won't do search on hashtags (because they might be searchable as tags if autohshtag is enabled on the body)-*/ 'Plugins.Hashtag.EmbedLinks' => array( 'Control' => 'CheckBox', 'Description' => wrap('Link Embedded #Hashtags
','span class=SettingHead'). $Textstyle.'
Note: Three conditions must exist for this feature to be active:'. '
(1) The "Check Body for #Hashtags" above must be checked.'.'
'. $Textstyle.'
(2) "Garden.Format.Hashtags" must be set to "false" in config.php. '.$WarnGarden.'
'. $Textstyle.'
(3) Plugins.Hashtag.View must be set in Roles and Permissions'.'
', 'LabelCode' => $Textstyle.'Set the embedded #hashtags to link to other discussions tagged with the same hashtags.
'.$Squeeze, 'Default' => TRUE), /*- Minimum number of letters in a #word to be considered a Hashtag-*/ 'Plugins.Hashtag.Minletters' => array( 'Control' => 'textbox', 'Description' => $Textstyle.'Minimum number of letters in a #word to be considered a Hashtag:'.$Errors['Minletters'], 'LabelCode' => $Headstyle.'Hashtag Sizing:', 'Default' => 4), /*- Maximum number of letters in a #word to be considered a Hashtag-*/ 'Plugins.Hashtag.Maxletters' => array( 'Control' => 'textbox', 'Description' => $Textstyle.'Maximum number of letters in a #word to be considered a Hashtag:'.$Errors['Maxletters'], 'LabelCode' => '' , 'Default' => 140), ); return $PluginConfig; } ///////////////////////////////////////// // Check Configuration Settings public function CheckSettings($Sender,$Type='All',$Debug) { if ($Debug) echo "
".__FUNCTION__.' '.__LINE__.' Called by: ' . debug_backtrace()[1]['function']; // $Warn = ''; $Error = ''; //Get the menu filled variables $Data = $Sender->Form->formValues(); $SearchBody = getvalue('Plugins.Hashtag.SearchBody',$Data); $EmbedLinks = getvalue('Plugins.Hashtag.EmbedLinks',$Data); $Minletters = getvalue('Plugins.Hashtag.Minletters',$Data); $Maxletters = getvalue('Plugins.Hashtag.Maxletters',$Data); // if ($Type == 'All' || $Type == 'Errors') { //if ($Debug) echo '
'.__LINE__.'Backward:'.$Backward; if ($Minletters == '') $Minletters = 4; if (!is_numeric($Minletters) || $Minletters < 4 || $Minletters > 10) { if (!is_numeric($Minletters)) { $Error = $Error .'
Invalid minimum number of #Hashtag letters: "'.$Minletters.'" is not numeric'; } else { $Error = $Error .'
Invalid minimum number of #Hashtag letters:"'.$Minletters.'". Should be between 4 and 10.'; } } // if ($Maxletters == '') $Maxletters = 4; if (!is_numeric($Maxletters) || $Maxletters < 4 || $Maxletters > 140) { if (!is_numeric($Maxletters)) { $Error = $Error .'
Invalid Maximum number of #Hashtag letters: "'.$Maxletters.'" is not numeric'; } else { $Error = $Error .'
Invalid Maximum number of #Hashtag letters:"'.$Maxletters.'". Should be between 4 and 10.'; } } // if (!($Maxletters > $Minletters)) { $Error = $Error .'
Maximum number of letters should be larger than the Minimum number of letters'; } // } if ($Type == 'All' || $Type == 'Warnings') { if ($EmbedLinks && c('Garden.Format.Hashtags')) { $Warn = $Warn .'
You turned on "Link Embedded #Hashtags". This will be ignored until you turn off "Garden.Format.Hashtags" in config.php'; } if ($EmbedLinks && !$SearchBody) { $Warn = $Warn .'
You turned on "Link Embedded #Hashtags" which required the "Check Body for #Hashtags" Option. '; } } if ($Type != 'All' && $Type != 'Warnings' && $Type != 'Errors') { return 'Error - Parameter '.$Type.' Unaccepted by '.__FUNCTION__; } // //*****************************************// if ($Error) { $Error = substr($Error,4); //$Error = Wrap(substr($Error,4),'span class=SettingError'); } if ($Warn) { $Warn = substr($Warn,4); $Warn = Wrap(substr($Warn,4),'span class=SettingWarning'); } if ($Debug) echo wrap('...'.__LINE__.' Error:'.$Error.' Warn:'.$Warn,'p class=SettingWarning'); $Result = $Error.$Warn; return $Result; } ///////////////////////////////////////// // Check speicific field, return error message public function CheckField($Sender,$Field=FALSE,$Checks=Array('Required'),$Title = 'Field', $Fieldname = '', $Style = 'span class=SettingError', $Debug = false) { $Errormsg=''; foreach ($Checks as $Test => $Value) { //echo '
'.__line__.$Errormsg; if ($Errormsg == '') { //echo '
'.__LINE__.'Test:'.$Test.' Value:'.$Value.' on:'.$Field; if($Test == 'Required') { if ($Field == '') { $Errormsg='is required'; } else { if ($Value == 'Integer' && !ctype_digit($Field)) { $Errormsg='must be an integer'; } elseif ($Value == 'Numeric' && !is_numeric($Field)) { $Errormsg='must be numeric'; } elseif ($Value == 'Alpha' && preg_match("/[0-9]+/", $Field)) { $Errormsg='must be alphabetic'; } } } elseif (($Test == 'Integer' | $Test == 'Min' | $Test == 'Max') && !ctype_digit($Field)) { $Errormsg='must be an integer'; } elseif (($Test == 'Numeric' | $Test == 'Min' | $Test == 'Max') && !is_numeric($Field)) { $Errormsg='must be numeric'; } elseif ($Test == 'Alpha' && preg_match("/[0-9]+/", $Field)) { $Errormsg='must be alphabetic'; } elseif ($Test == 'Min') { if ($Field < $Value) $Errormsg='must not be less than '.$Value; } elseif ($Test == 'Max') { if ($Field > $Value) $Errormsg='must not be greater than '.$Value; } } } //echo '
'.__line__.$Errormsg; if ($Errormsg != '') { $Errormsg = wrap(t($Title).' '.t($Errormsg),$Style); if ($Fieldname != '') $addError = $Sender->Form->addError($Errormsg, $Fieldname); } //echo '
'.__line__.$Errormsg; return $Errormsg; } ////////////////////////////////////// //Handle auto-linking #hashtags embedded in the body public function DiscussionController_AfterCommentFormat_Handler($Sender) { $Debug = false; if ($Debug) { $Msg = __FUNCTION__.' '.__LINE__.' Called by: ' . debug_backtrace()[1]['function']; Gdn::controller()->informMessage($Msg); echo Wrap($Msg,'br'); } // Do this only if Vanilla doesn't format hashtgs and the admin asked for this option if (c('Garden.Format.Hashtags')) return; if (!c('Plugins.Hashtag.EmbedLinks')) return; if (!c('Plugins.Hashtag.SearchBody')) return; if (!Gdn::session()->checkPermission('Plugins.Hashtag.View')) return; //This requires View Hashtags permission // $Object = $Sender->EventArguments['Object']; $FormatBody = $Object->FormatBody; $CommentID = getValueR('CommentID',$Object); $DiscussionID = getValueR('DiscussionID',$Object); $Name = ''; // if ($Debug) { $this->Showdata($DiscussionID,__LINE__.'---DiscussionID---','',0,' ',true); $this->Showdata($CommentID,__LINE__.'---CommentID---','',0,' ',true); $this->Showdata($Name,__LINE__.'---Name---','',0,' ',true); $this->Showdata($Object->FormatBody,__LINE__.'---$Object->FormatBody---','',0,' ',true); $this->Showdata($Object,__LINE__.'---Object---','',0,' ',true); } // // Handle #hashtag embedded in the body // creating links like: /discussions/tagged/hashtag $Mixed = Gdn_Format::replaceButProtectCodeBlocks( '/(^|[\s,\.>])\#([\w\-]+)(?=[\s,\.!?<]|$)/i', '\1'.anchor('#\2', '/discussions/tagged/\2 ').'\3', $FormatBody); if ($Debug) $this->Showdata($Mixed,__LINE__.'---Mixed---','',0,' ',true); $Sender->EventArguments['Object']->FormatBody = $Mixed; } ///////////////////////////////////// public function GetCurrentTags($Sender,$Discussion,$Debug = false) { if ($Debug) { $Msg = __FUNCTION__.' '.__LINE__.' Called by: ' . debug_backtrace()[1]['function'].debug_backtrace()[0]['line'].' ---> '. debug_backtrace()[0]['function']; Gdn::controller()->informMessage($Msg); echo Wrap($Msg,'br'); } // $DiscussionID = $Discussion->DiscussionID; $Sqlfields = 't.TagID, t.Name, t.FullName, td.DiscussionID, td.TagID'; if ($Debug) { $Sqlfields = 't.TagID, t.Name, t.FullName, t.CountDiscussions, t.Dateinserted tDateinserted, td.Dateinserted tdDateinserted, td.DiscussionID, td.TagID'; //$this->Showdata($Discussion,__LINE__.'---Discussion---','',0,' ',true); //decho($Discussion); $this->Showdata($DiscussionID,__LINE__.'---DiscussionID---','',0,' ',true); $this->Showdata($Discussion->Name,__LINE__.'---Name---','',0,' ',true); $this->Showdata($Discussion->Body,__LINE__.'---Body---','',0,' ',true); } // $TagSql = clone Gdn::sql(); //Don't interfere with any other sql process $TagSql->Reset(); //Clean slate $Taglist = $TagSql //Get expanded tag info for this discussion ->select($Sqlfields) ->from('TagDiscussion td') ->join('Tag t', 't.TagID = td.TagID') ->where('td.discussionID', $DiscussionID) ->get()->resultArray(); if ($Debug) $this->Showdata($Taglist,__LINE__.'---Taglist---','',0,' ',true); /*Sample Structure: Taglist--- array ....(1) array(5):[0]: value: array ........(2) _integer:TagID value:"7" ........(2) string:Name value:"test" ........(2) string:FullName value:"#test" ........(2) _integer:CountDiscussions value:"2" ........(2) string:tDateinserted value:"2015-05-10 13:28:44" ........(2) string:tdDateinserted value:"2015-05-10 23:39:12" ........(2) _integer:DiscussionID value:"1627" ....(1) array(5):[1]: value: array ........(2) _integer:TagID value:"10" ........(2) string:Name value:"self" ........(2) string:FullName value:"#self" ........(2) _integer:CountDiscussions value:"1" ........(2) string:tDateinserted value:"2015-05-10 23:39:12" ........(2) string:tdDateinserted value:"2015-05-10 23:39:12" ........(2) _integer:DiscussionID value:"1627" */ //$Alltags = rtrim($Hashtags.','.$Tags,', '); //if ($Debug) $this->Showdata($Alltags,__LINE__.'---Alltags---','',0,' ',true); return $Taglist; } ///////////////////////////////////// public function GetHashTags($Sender,$Name,$Body,$Debug = false) { if ($Debug) { $Msg = __FUNCTION__.' '.__LINE__.' Called by: ' . debug_backtrace()[1]['function'].debug_backtrace()[0]['line'].' ---> '. debug_backtrace()[0]['function']; Gdn::controller()->informMessage($Msg); echo Wrap($Msg,'br'); } //$Debug = true; //Search for hashtags $Body = str_replace(" "," ",$Name.' '.$Body." "); //These html spaces interfere with parsing blanks... preg_match_all('/#([^\s]+)/',$Body, $Matches); $Tagarray = $Matches[0]; //var_dump($Matches); var_dump($Matches[0]); $Minletters = c('Plugins.Hashtag.Minletters',4); $Maxletters = c('Plugins.Hashtag.Maxletters',140); $Pattern = '/^(?=.{'.$Minletters.','.$Maxletters.'}$)(#|\x{ff03}){1}([0-9_\p{L}]*[_\p{L}][0-9_\p{L}]*)$/u'; $unwantedChars = array(',', '.', "'", '"', '!', '?' ,' '); // create array with unwanted chars $Hashtags = ''; foreach ($Tagarray as $Key => $Tag) { if ($Debug) $this->Showdata($Tag,__LINE__.' Tag:','',0,' ',true); if ($Debug) echo "
'; $Sanitized = trim(rtrim(strip_tags($Tag),',!?."'."'")); $Sanitized = strtok(str_replace($unwantedChars, ' ', strtolower(strip_tags($Tag))).' ',' '); // remove unwanted chars and use lowecase if (!preg_match($Pattern, $Sanitized)) { if ($Debug) $this->Showdata($Sanitized,'Invalid hashtag:','',0,' ',true); if ($Debug) echo '
Invalid hashtag:'.$Sanitized,'
'; unset($Tagarray[$Key]); } else { $Hashtags = $Sanitized .', '.$Hashtags; //if ($Debug) $this->Showdata($Hashtags,__LINE__.' Hashtags:','',0,' ',true); } } $Hashtags = rtrim($Hashtags,', '); if ($Debug) $this->Showdata($Hashtags,__LINE__.' Hashtags:','',0,' ',true); if ($Debug) die(0); return $Hashtags; } /////////////////////////////////////// //This functionality is performed by the DiscussionController_AfterCommentFormat_Handler public function xxxREDUNDANTxxxDiscussioncontroller_BeforeDiscussionDisplay_handler($Sender,$Args) { // Optionally replace embedded hashtags with links to the tags. $Debug = false; $Args = $Sender->EventArguments; if ($Debug) { $Msg = __FUNCTION__.' '.__LINE__.' Called by: ' . debug_backtrace()[1]['function'].' ---> '. debug_backtrace()[0]['function']; Gdn::controller()->informMessage($Msg); echo Wrap($Msg,'br'); //$this->Showdata($Args,'---Args---','',0,' ',false); } // Do this only if Vanilla doesn't format hashtgs and the admin asked for this option if (c('Garden.Format.Hashtags')) return; if (!c('Plugins.Hashtag.EmbedLinks')) return; if (!c('Plugins.Hashtag.SearchBody')) return; if (!Gdn::session()->checkPermission('Plugins.Hashtag.View')) return; //This required View Hashtags permission // $DiscussionID = val('DiscussionID', $Args['Discussion'], 0); $CommentID = val('CommentID', $Args['Discussion'], 0); $Tags = val('Tags', $Args['Discussion'], ''); $Name = val('Name', $Args['Discussion'], ''); $Body = val('Body', $Args['Discussion'], ''); // if ($Debug) { $this->Showdata($DiscussionID,__LINE__.'---DiscussionID---','',0,' ',true); $this->Showdata($CommentID,__LINE__.'---CommentID---','',0,' ',true); $this->Showdata($Name,__LINE__.'---Name---','',0,' ',true); $this->Showdata($Body,__LINE__.'---Body---','',0,' ',true); //$this->Showdata($Tags,__LINE__.'---Tags---','',0,' ',true); } // Handle #hashtag embedded in the body // creating links like: /discussions/tagged/hashtag $Mixed = Gdn_Format::replaceButProtectCodeBlocks( '/(^|[\s,\.>])\#([\w\-]+)(?=[\s,\.!?<]|$)/i', '\1'.anchor('#\2', '/discussions/tagged/\2 ').'\3', $Body ); if ($Debug) $this->Showdata($Mixed,__LINE__.'---Mixed---','',0,' ',true); $Sender->EventArguments['Discussion']->Body = $Mixed; } /////////////////////////////////////// //This hook handles the saving of comments (but not the initial discussion body). public function PostController_AfterCommentSave_Handler($Sender, $Args) { $Debug = false; if ($Debug) { $Msg = __FUNCTION__.' '.__LINE__.' Called by: ' . debug_backtrace()[1]['function'].' ---> '. debug_backtrace()[0]['function']; Gdn::controller()->informMessage($Msg); echo Wrap($Msg,'br'); } //Verify tags can be added if (version_compare(APPLICATION_VERSION, '2.5', '>=')) { $Taggingsetting = 'Tagging.Discussions.Enabled'; $Tagpermission = 'Vanilla.Tagging.Add'; } else { $Taggingsetting = 'EnabledPlugins.Tagging'; $Tagpermission = 'Plugins.Tagging.Add'; } if (!Gdn::session()->checkPermission($Tagpermission)) return; //This required Add Tags permission if (!Gdn::session()->checkPermission('Plugins.Hashtag.Add')) return; //This required Add Hashtags permission if (!c($Taggingsetting)) return; //If t then we're done here if (!c('Plugins.Hashtag.SearchBody')) return; //If not porcessing the body then we're done here // $Discussion = $Sender->EventArguments['Discussion']; $Comment = $Sender->EventArguments['Comment']; $Body = $Comment->Body; // //if ($Debug) { //$this->Showdata($Discussion,__LINE__.'---Discussion---','',0,' ',true); //decho($Discussion); //$this->Showdata($Discussion->DiscussionID,__LINE__.'---DiscussionID---','',0,' ',true); //$this->Showdata($Discussion->CategoryID,__LINE__.'---CategoryID---','',0,' ',true); //$this->Showdata($Discussion->Name,__LINE__.'---Name---','',0,' ',true); //$this->Showdata($Body,__LINE__.'---Body---','',0,' ',true); //} //Get the hashtags embedded in the comment. $Hashtags = $this->GetHashTags($Sender,'',$Body,0,false,0,$Debug); //Get the content embedded hashtags //if ($Debug) $this->Showdata($Hashtags,__LINE__.'---Hashtags---','',0,' ',true); // //if (trim($Hashtags) == '') return; // Now add the hashtags to this discussion $TagModel = new TagModel; $Types = array(); TagModel::instance()->saveDiscussion($Discussion->DiscussionID, $Hashtags, $Types, $Discussion->CategoryID); return; //The following code is not executed. Turns out the Tag model ignored suplicate tags so we don't need //to remove duplicated. I keep it here just in case something changes in the future... // // Check existing discussion tags $Currenttags = $this->GetCurrentTags($Sender,$Discussion,0,$Debug); //if ($Debug) $this->Showdata($Currenttags,__LINE__.'---Currenttags---','',0,' ',true); // Go over the current tag list and check with hashtags needs to be added to this discussion $Hashtagarray =array_map("trim", explode(',',$Hashtags)); //if ($Debug) $this->Showdata($Hashtagarray,__LINE__.'---Hashtagarray---','',0,' ',true); // Scan the current tags for this discussion foreach ($Currenttags as $Outerkey => $Outervalue) { //echo '
'.__LINE__.' Outerkey:'.$Outerkey.' Outervalue:'.$Outervalue; foreach ($Outervalue as $Key => $Value) { if ($Key == 'FullName') { $Entry = array_search(trim($Value), $Hashtagarray); echo '
'.__LINE__.' Key:'.$Key.' Value:'.$Value.' Entry:'.$Entry; if ($Entry !== false) unset($Hashtagarray[$Entry]); } } } if ($Debug) $this->Showdata($Hashtagarray,__LINE__.'---Hashtagarray---','',0,' ',true); // if (count($Hashtagarray) == 0) return; echo '
'.__LINE__.' Number of tags to add:'.count($Hashtagarray); // Now add the tags for the hashtags not already tagged in this discussion $TagModel = new TagModel; $FormTags = implode(',', $Hashtagarray); $Types = array(); TagModel::instance()->saveDiscussion($Discussion->DiscussionID, $FormTags, $Types, $Discussion->CategoryID); } /////////////////////////////////////// //This hook handles the saving of the initial discussion body (but not comments). public function TaggingPlugin_SaveDiscussion_handler($Sender,$Args) { $Debug = false; if ($Debug) { $Msg = 'Saving Discussion... '. __FUNCTION__.' '.__LINE__.' Called by: ' . debug_backtrace()[1]['function'].' ---> '. debug_backtrace()[0]['function'];; Gdn::controller()->informMessage($Msg); echo Wrap($Msg,'br'); } //Verify tags can be added if (version_compare(APPLICATION_VERSION, '2.5', '>=')) { $Taggingsetting = 'Tagging.Discussions.Enabled'; $Tagpermission = 'Vanilla.Tagging.Add'; } else { $Taggingsetting = 'EnabledPlugins.Tagging'; $Tagpermission = 'Plugins.Tagging.Add'; } if (!Gdn::session()->checkPermission($Tagpermission)) return; //This required Add Tags permission if (!Gdn::session()->checkPermission('Plugins.Hashtag.Add')) return; //This required Add Hashtags permission if (!c($Taggingsetting)) return; //If t then we're done here if (!c('Plugins.Hashtag.SearchBody')) return; //If not porcessing the body then we're done here // $FormPostValues = val('Data', $Sender->EventArguments, array()); $Tags = val('Tags', $Sender->EventArguments,0); $CategoryID = val('CategoryID', $Sender->EventArguments,0); // $DiscussionID = val('DiscussionID', $FormPostValues, 0); $CommentID = val('CommentID', $FormPostValues, 0); $Tags = val('Tags', $FormPostValues, ''); $Name = val('Name', $FormPostValues, ''); $Body = val('Body', $FormPostValues, ''); if ($Debug) { //echo "
'; //echo "
'; //echo "
'; //echo "
'; //echo "
'; //decho ($FormPostValues); $this->Showdata($DiscussionID,'---DiscussionID---','',0,' ',true); $this->Showdata($CommentID,'---CommentID---','',0,' ',true); $this->Showdata($Name,'---Name---','',0,' ',true); $this->Showdata($Body,'---Body---','',0,' ',true); $this->Showdata($Tags,'---Tags---','',0,' ',true); $this->Showdata($FormPostValues,'---FormPostValues---','',0,' ',true); //die(0); } $SearchBody = c('Plugins.Hashtag.SearchBody',FALSE); if (!$SearchBody) { //Automatic Hashtags only set on the discussion title? if ($CommentID) return; //Then if this is a comment there is nothing more to do $Body = ''; //Don't look at the body } $Hashtags = $this->GetHashTags($Sender,$Name,$Body,$Debug); //Get the content embedded hashtags if ($Debug) $this->Showdata($Hashtags,__LINE__.'---Hashtags---','',0,' ',true); $Alltags = rtrim($Hashtags.','.$Tags,', '); if ($Debug) $this->Showdata($Alltags,__LINE__.'---Alltags---','',0,' ',true); $Sender->EventArguments['Tags'] = $Alltags; //and add them to the list of tags on the form //die(0); } /////////////////////////////////////// // Display data for debugging public function Showdata($Data, $Message, $Find, $Nest=0, $BR='
', $Echo = true) { //var_dump($Data); $Line = "
".str_repeat(".",$Nest*4)."(".($Nest).") ".$Message.""; if ($Echo) echo $Line; else Gdn::controller()->informMessage($Line); $Nest +=1; if ($Nest > 20) { echo wrap('****Nesting Truncated****','h1'); return; } if ($Message == 'DUMP') echo '
';//var_dump($Data); if (is_object($Data) || is_array($Data)) { echo ' '.gettype($Data).' '; if (is_array($Data) && !count($Data)) echo '....Debug:'.$Data[0]; foreach ($Data as $key => $value) { if (is_object($value)) { $this->Showdata($value,' '.gettype($value).'('.count($value).'):'.$key.' value:','',$Nest,''); } elseif (is_array($value)) { $this->Showdata($value,' '.gettype($value).'('.count($value).'):['.$key.']: value:','',$Nest,''); } elseif (is_bool($value)) { $this->Showdata($value,' '.gettype($value).':'.$key.' value[]:','',$Nest,''); } elseif (is_string($value)) { $this->Showdata($value,' '.gettype($value).':'.$key.' value:','',$Nest,''); } else { $this->Showdata($value,'_'.gettype($value).':'.$key.' value:','',$Nest,''); } } } else { if ($Echo) echo wrap('"'.$Data.'"','b'); else Gdn::controller()->informMessage($Data,'DoNotDismiss'); //var_dump($Data); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////// }