from keyszer.config_api import * # Can be removed after keyszer release v0.7 or later: from keyszer.config_api import to_US_keystrokes, unicode_keystrokes, Trigger # Needed for showing GUI notifications from subprocess import run ############################################################################ ### ### ### ### ### ██████ ██████ ████████ ███████ ██████ ███████ ██████ ### ### ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ### ### ██ ██ ██████ ██ ███████ ██████ █████ ██ ### ### ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ### ### ██████ ██ ██ ███████ ██ ███████ ██████ ### ### ### ### ### ############################################################################ ########### START OF OPTION KEY SPECIAL CHARACTER ENTRY SCHEME ############# ################################################################################# ### Full list of special characters on Apple US and ABC Extended keyboard layouts: ### # Variables to enable either Option Key Special Character entry scheme by default # (ENABLE ONLY ONE, NOT BOTH! Layouts must be exclusive.) _optspec_US = True # Default: True _optspec_ABC = False # Default: False # Short names for the string and Unicode processing helper functions ST = to_US_keystrokes UC = unicode_keystrokes def check_optspec_exclusive(): """Check to make sure that both Option-key layout variables aren't enabled at the same time.""" # Needs "from subprocess import run" somewhere if _optspec_ABC and _optspec_US: run('notify-send -u critical ERROR "Don\'t enable both Option-key Special Character Entry\ \rlayouts at the same time."', shell=True) raise ValueError(f'\n\nDon\'t set both "_optspec_ABC" and "_optspec_US" layout variables to True at the same time.\n') # Make sure only one Option-key layout is enabled (or none) check_optspec_exclusive() def toggle_optspec_US(): """Toggle the value of the _optspecialchars_US variable""" # Needs "from subprocess import run" somewhere def _toggle_optspec_US(): global _optspec_US global _optspec_ABC if _optspec_ABC: _optspec_ABC = False # Disable the other layout, if active _optspec_US = not _optspec_US if _optspec_US: run('notify-send -u critical ALERT "Kinto OptSpecialChars-US is now ENABLED.\ \rWill interfere with Alt & Shift+Alt shortcuts!\ \rDisable with Shift+Opt+Cmd+U."', shell=True) print("(DD) OptSpecialChars-US is now ENABLED.", flush=True) else: run('notify-send -u critical ALERT "Kinto OptSpecialChars-US is now DISABLED.\ \rRe-enable with Shift+Opt+Cmd+U"', shell=True) print("(DD) OptSpecialChars-US is now DISABLED.", flush=True) return _toggle_optspec_US def toggle_optspec_ABC(): """Toggle the value of the _optspecialchars_ABC variable""" # Needs "from subprocess import run" somewhere def _toggle_optspec_ABC(): global _optspec_ABC global _optspec_US if _optspec_US: _optspec_US = False # Disable the other layout, if active _optspec_ABC = not _optspec_ABC if _optspec_ABC: run('notify-send -u critical ALERT "Kinto OptSpecialChars-ABC is now ENABLED.\ \rWill interfere with Alt & Shift+Alt shortcuts!\ \rDisable with Shift+Opt+Cmd+X."', shell=True) print("(DD) OptSpecialChars-ABC is now ENABLED.", flush=True) else: run('notify-send -u critical ALERT "Kinto OptSpecialChars-ABC is now DISABLED.\ \rRe-enable with Shift+Opt+Cmd+X."', shell=True) print("(DD) OptSpecialChars-ABC is now DISABLED.", flush=True) return _toggle_optspec_ABC def disable_optspec(): """Disable both Option key special character entry scheme layouts""" # Needs "from subprocess import run" somewhere def _disable_optspec(): global _optspec_ABC global _optspec_US _optspec_ABC = False _optspec_US = False run('notify-send -u critical ALERT "Kinto OptSpecialChars (US/ABC) is now DISABLED.\ \rTo re-enable ABC Extended: Shift+Opt+Cmd+X\ \rTo re-enable Standard US: Shift+Opt+Cmd+U"', shell=True) print("(DD) OptSpecialChars (US/ABC) is now DISABLED.", flush=True) return _disable_optspec keymap("OptSpecialChars toggles", { C("Shift-Alt-RC-o"): disable_optspec(), # Disable all layouts C("Shift-Alt-RC-u"): toggle_optspec_US(), # Toggle the US layout C("Shift-Alt-RC-x"): toggle_optspec_ABC(), # Toggle the ABC Extended layout }, when = lambda ctx: ctx.wm_class.casefold() not in terminals) ################################################################ # Set this variable to False to disable the alert that appears # when using Apple logo shortcut (Shift+Option+K) _applelogoalert = True def apple_logo_alert(): """Show a notification about needing Baskerville Old Face font for displaying Apple logo""" # Needs "from subprocess import run" somewhere def _apple_logo_alert(): global _applelogoalert if _applelogoalert: run('notify-send -u critical ALERT "Apple logo requires Baskerville Old Face font.\ \rTo disable warning, change \\"_applelogoalert\\" \ \rvariable value in config file to \\"False\\"."', shell=True) return _apple_logo_alert ###################################################################################### ### ### ### ### ### ██████ ███████ █████ ██████ ██ ██ ███████ ██ ██ ███████ ### ### ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ### ### ██ ██ █████ ███████ ██ ██ █████ █████ ████ ███████ ### ### ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ### ### ██████ ███████ ██ ██ ██████ ██ ██ ███████ ██ ███████ ### ### ### ### ### ###################################################################################### # variables to store dead keys diacritic accent character Unicode address ac_Chr = None _ac_Chr = None def set_dead_key_char(hex_unicode_addr): """Set the value of the dead keys accent character variable, and its alternate.""" def fn(): global ac_Chr global _ac_Chr if hex_unicode_addr is None or hex_unicode_addr == 0x0000: pass else: _ac_Chr = hex_unicode_addr ac_Chr = hex_unicode_addr return fn def get_dead_key_char(): """Get the value of the alternate dead key accent character variable, and print/type the resulting Unicode character.""" def fn(): global _ac_Chr return UC(_ac_Chr) return fn setDK = set_dead_key_char getDK = get_dead_key_char deadkeys_ABC = [ # Dead keys on ABC Extended keyboard layout (25, plus substitutes for problematic chars) 0x0060, # Dead Keys Accent: Grave 0x02C6, # Dead Keys Accent: Circumflex 0x02D9, # Dead Keys Accent: Dot Above 0x00B4, # Dead Keys Accent: Acute ### Combining Double Grave has issues (spacing behavior) - substituting {U+02F5} 0x030F, # Dead Keys Accent: Combining Double Grave ### Substitute for Double Grave: Modifier Letter Middle Double Grave Accent 0x02F5, # Dead Keys Accent: Double Grave - substitute for {U+030F} 0x00A8, # Dead Keys Accent: Umlaut 0x02BC, # Dead Keys Accent: Apostrophe/Horn 0x002C, # Dead Keys Accent: Comma Below 0x00AF, # Dead Keys Accent: Macron/Line Above ### Combining Inverted Breve has issues (spacing behavior) - substituting {U+1D16} 0x0311, # Dead Keys Accent: Combining Inverted Breve ### Substitute for Inverted Breve: Latin Small Letter Top Half O 0x1D16, # Dead Keys Accent: Inverted Breve - substitute for {U+0311} ### Combining Tilde Below has issues (spacing behavior) - substituting {U+02F7} 0x0330, # Dead Keys Accent: Combining Tilde Below ### Substitute for Tilde Below: Modifier Letter Low Tilde 0x02F7, # Dead Keys Accent: Tilde Below 0x2038, # Dead Keys Accent: Caret/Circumflex Below 0x02CD, # Dead Keys Accent: Low Macron/Line Below 0x02DD, # Dead Keys Accent: Double Acute 0x02DA, # Dead Keys Accent: Ring Above 0x002D, # Dead Keys Accent: Stroke/Hyphen-Minus 0x2116, # Dead Keys Accent: Numero Sign 0x02C0, # Dead Keys Accent: Hook Above/Glottal Stop 0x002E, # Dead Keys Accent: Dot Below 0x00B8, # Dead Keys Accent: Cedilla/Cedille 0x02C7, # Dead Keys Accent: Caron/hacek 0x02D8, # Dead Keys Accent: Breve 0x02DC, # Dead Keys Accent: Tilde 0x02DB, # Dead Keys Accent: Ogonek 0x0294, # Dead Keys Accent: Hook ] deadkeys_US = [ # Dead keys on standard US keyboard layout (5) 0x0060, # Dead Keys Accent: Grave 0x00B4, # Dead Keys Accent: Acute 0x00A8, # Dead Keys Accent: Umlaut 0x02C6, # Dead Keys Accent: Circumflex 0x02DC, # Dead Keys Accent: Tilde ] # Join the two dead keys lists together deadkeys_list = [] deadkeys_list.extend(deadkeys_ABC) deadkeys_list.extend(deadkeys_US) ##################################### ### DEAD KEYS KEYMAPS - START ### ##################################### # Dead Keys conditional keymaps # only active when the dead key variable matches # and the appropriate layout variable (US or ABC) is True ################################################# ### DEAD KEYS KEYMAPS - ABC EXTENDED LAYOUT ### ################################################# keymap("DK-ABC - Grave", { # Option+Grave {U+0060} # Valid keys: # a e i n o u v w y # A E I N O U V W Y C("A"): UC(0x00E0), # à Latin Small Letter A with Grave C("E"): UC(0x00E8), # è Latin Small Letter E with Grave C("I"): UC(0x00EC), # ì Latin Small Letter I with Grave C("N"): UC(0x01F9), # ǹ Latin Small Letter N with Grave C("O"): UC(0x00F2), # ò Latin Small Letter O with Grave C("U"): UC(0x00F9), # ù Latin Small Letter U with Grave C("V"): UC(0x01DC), # ǜ Latin Small Letter U w/Diaeresis and Grave C("W"): UC(0x1E81), # ẁ Latin Small Letter W with Grave C("Y"): UC(0x1EF3), # ỳ Latin Small Letter Y with Grave C("Shift-A"): UC(0x00C0), # À Latin Capital Letter A with Grave C("Shift-E"): UC(0x00C8), # È Latin Capital Letter E with Grave C("Shift-I"): UC(0x00CC), # Ì Latin Capital Letter I with Grave C("Shift-N"): UC(0x01F8), # Ǹ Latin Capital Letter N with Grave C("Shift-O"): UC(0x00D2), # Ò Latin Capital Letter O with Grave C("Shift-U"): UC(0x00D9), # Ù Latin Capital Letter U with Grave C("Shift-V"): UC(0x01DB), # Ǜ Latin Capital Letter U w/Diaeresis and Grave C("Shift-W"): UC(0x1E80), # Ẁ Latin Capital Letter W with Grave C("Shift-Y"): UC(0x1EF2), # Ỳ Latin Capital Letter Y with Grave }, when = lambda _: ac_Chr == 0x0060 and _optspec_ABC is True) keymap("DK-ABC - Circumflex", { # Option+6 {U+02C6} # Valid keys: # a c e g h i j m n o s u w y z # A C E G H I J M N O S U W Y Z C("A"): UC(0x00E2), # â Latin Small Letter A with Circumflex C("C"): UC(0x0109), # ĉ Latin Small Letter C with Circumflex C("E"): UC(0x00EA), # ê Latin Small Letter E with Circumflex C("G"): UC(0x011D), # ĝ Latin Small Letter G with Circumflex C("H"): UC(0x0125), # ĥ Latin Small Letter H with Circumflex C("I"): UC(0x00EE), # î Latin Small Letter I with Circumflex C("J"): UC(0x0135), # ĵ Latin Small Letter J with Circumflex C("M"): [UC(0x006D),UC(0x0302)], # m̂ Latin Small Letter M with Circumflex C("N"): [UC(0x006E),UC(0x0302)], # n̂ Latin Small Letter N with Circumflex C("O"): UC(0x00F4), # ô Latin Small Letter O with Circumflex C("S"): UC(0x015D), # ŝ Latin Small Letter S with Circumflex C("U"): UC(0x00FB), # û Latin Small Letter U with Circumflex C("W"): UC(0x0175), # ŵ Latin Small Letter W with Circumflex C("Y"): UC(0x0177), # ŷ Latin Small Letter Y with Circumflex C("Z"): UC(0x1E91), # ẑ Latin Small Letter Z with Circumflex C("Shift-A"): UC(0x00C2), #  Latin Capital Letter A with Circumflex C("Shift-C"): UC(0x0108), # Ĉ Latin Capital Letter C with Circumflex C("Shift-E"): UC(0x00CA), # Ê Latin Capital Letter E with Circumflex C("Shift-G"): UC(0x011C), # Ĝ Latin Capital Letter G with Circumflex C("Shift-H"): UC(0x0124), # Ĥ Latin Capital Letter H with Circumflex C("Shift-I"): UC(0x00CE), # Î Latin Capital Letter I with Circumflex C("Shift-J"): UC(0x0134), # Ĵ Latin Capital Letter J with Circumflex C("Shift-M"): [UC(0x004D),UC(0x0302)], # M̂ Latin Capital Letter M with Circumflex C("Shift-N"): [UC(0x004E),UC(0x0302)], # N̂ Latin Capital Letter N with Circumflex C("Shift-O"): UC(0x00D4), # Ô Latin Capital Letter O with Circumflex C("Shift-S"): UC(0x015C), # Ŝ Latin Capital Letter S with Circumflex C("Shift-U"): UC(0x00DB), # Û Latin Capital Letter U with Circumflex C("Shift-W"): UC(0x0174), # Ŵ Latin Capital Letter W with Circumflex C("Shift-Y"): UC(0x0176), # Ŷ Latin Capital Letter Y with Circumflex C("Shift-Z"): UC(0x1E90), # Ẑ Latin Capital Letter Z with Circumflex }, when = lambda _: ac_Chr == 0x02C6 and _optspec_ABC is True) keymap("DK-ABC - Dot Above", { # Option+W {U+02D9} # Valid keys: # a b c d e f g h i m n o p r s t w x y z # A B C D E F G H I M N O P R S T W X Y Z C("A"): UC(0x0227), # ȧ Latin Small Letter A with Dot Above C("B"): UC(0x1E03), # ḃ Latin Small Letter B with Dot Above C("C"): UC(0x010B), # ċ Latin Small Letter C with Dot Above C("D"): UC(0x1E0B), # ḋ Latin Small Letter D with Dot Above C("E"): UC(0x0117), # ė Latin Small Letter E with Dot Above C("F"): UC(0x1E1F), # ḟ Latin Small Letter F with Dot Above C("G"): UC(0x0121), # ġ Latin Small Letter G with Dot Above C("H"): UC(0x1E23), # ḣ Latin Small Letter H with Dot Above C("I"): UC(0x0131), # ı Latin Small Letter Dotless I C("M"): UC(0x1E41), # ṁ Latin Small Letter M with Dot Above C("N"): UC(0x1E45), # ṅ Latin Small Letter N with Dot Above C("O"): UC(0x022F), # ȯ Latin Small Letter O with Dot Above C("P"): UC(0x1E57), # ṗ Latin Small Letter P with Dot Above C("R"): UC(0x1E59), # ṙ Latin Small Letter R with Dot Above C("S"): UC(0x1E61), # ṡ Latin Small Letter S with Dot Above C("T"): UC(0x1E6B), # ṫ Latin Small Letter T with Dot Above C("W"): UC(0x1E87), # ẇ Latin Small Letter W with Dot Above C("X"): UC(0x1E8B), # ẋ Latin Small Letter X with Dot Above C("Y"): UC(0x1E8F), # ẏ Latin Small Letter Y with Dot Above C("Z"): UC(0x017C), # ż Latin Small Letter Z with Dot Above C("Shift-A"): UC(0x0226), # Ȧ Latin Capital Letter A with Dot Above C("Shift-B"): UC(0x1E02), # Ḃ Latin Capital Letter B with Dot Above C("Shift-C"): UC(0x010A), # Ċ Latin Capital Letter C with Dot Above C("Shift-D"): UC(0x1E0A), # Ḋ Latin Capital Letter D with Dot Above C("Shift-E"): UC(0x0116), # Ė Latin Capital Letter E with Dot Above C("Shift-F"): UC(0x1E1E), # Ḟ Latin Capital Letter F with Dot Above C("Shift-G"): UC(0x0120), # Ġ Latin Capital Letter G with Dot Above C("Shift-H"): UC(0x1E22), # Ḣ Latin Capital Letter H with Dot Above C("Shift-I"): UC(0x0130), # İ Latin Capital Letter I with Dot Above C("Shift-M"): UC(0x1E40), # Ṁ Latin Capital Letter M with Dot Above C("Shift-N"): UC(0x1E44), # Ṅ Latin Capital Letter N with Dot Above C("Shift-O"): UC(0x022E), # Ȯ Latin Capital Letter O with Dot Above C("Shift-P"): UC(0x1E56), # Ṗ Latin Capital Letter P with Dot Above C("Shift-R"): UC(0x1E58), # Ṙ Latin Capital Letter R with Dot Above C("Shift-S"): UC(0x1E60), # Ṡ Latin Capital Letter S with Dot Above C("Shift-T"): UC(0x1E6A), # Ṫ Latin Capital Letter T with Dot Above C("Shift-W"): UC(0x1E86), # Ẇ Latin Capital Letter W with Dot Above C("Shift-X"): UC(0x1E8A), # Ẋ Latin Capital Letter X with Dot Above C("Shift-Y"): UC(0x1E8E), # Ẏ Latin Capital Letter Y with Dot Above C("Shift-Z"): UC(0x017B), # Ż Latin Capital Letter Z with Dot Above }, when = lambda _: ac_Chr == 0x02D9 and _optspec_ABC is True) keymap("DK-ABC - Acute", { # Option+E {U+00B4} # Valid keys: # a c e g i m n o p r s w y z # A C E G I M N O P R S W Y Z C("A"): UC(0x00E1), # á Latin Small Letter A with Acute C("C"): UC(0x0107), # ć Latin Small Letter C with Acute C("E"): UC(0x00E9), # é Latin Small Letter E with Acute C("G"): UC(0x01F5), # ǵ Latin Small Letter G with Acute C("I"): UC(0x00ED), # í Latin Small Letter I with Acute C("M"): UC(0x1E3F), # ḿ Latin Small Letter M with Acute C("N"): UC(0x0144), # ń Latin Small Letter N with Acute C("O"): UC(0x00F3), # ó Latin Small Letter O with Acute C("P"): UC(0x1E55), # ṕ Latin Small Letter P with Acute C("R"): UC(0x0155), # ŕ Latin Small Letter R with Acute C("S"): UC(0x015B), # ś Latin Small Letter S with Acute C("W"): UC(0x1E83), # ẃ Latin Small Letter W with Acute C("Y"): UC(0x00FD), # ý Latin Small Letter Y with Acute C("Z"): UC(0x017A), # ź Latin Small Letter Z with Acute C("Shift-A"): UC(0x00C1), # Á Latin Capital Letter A with Acute C("Shift-C"): UC(0x0106), # Ć Latin Capital Letter C with Acute C("Shift-E"): UC(0x00C9), # É Latin Capital Letter E with Acute C("Shift-G"): UC(0x01F4), # Ǵ Latin Capital Letter G with Acute C("Shift-I"): UC(0x00CD), # Í Latin Capital Letter I with Acute C("Shift-M"): UC(0x1E3E), # Ḿ Latin Capital Letter M with Acute C("Shift-N"): UC(0x0143), # Ń Latin Capital Letter N with Acute C("Shift-O"): UC(0x00D3), # Ó Latin Capital Letter O with Acute C("Shift-P"): UC(0x1E54), # Ṕ Latin Capital Letter P with Acute C("Shift-R"): UC(0x0154), # Ŕ Latin Capital Letter R with Acute C("Shift-S"): UC(0x015A), # Ś Latin Capital Letter S with Acute C("Shift-W"): UC(0x1E82), # Ẃ Latin Capital Letter W with Acute C("Shift-Y"): UC(0x00DD), # Ý Latin Capital Letter Y with Acute C("Shift-Z"): UC(0x0179), # Ź Latin Capital Letter Z with Acute }, when = lambda _: ac_Chr == 0x00B4 and _optspec_ABC is True) keymap("DK-ABC - Double Grave", { # Shift+Option+Y {U+030F} [uses {U+02F5} Modifier Letter Middle Double Grave Accent] # Valid keys: # a e i o r u # A E I O R U C("A"): UC(0x0201), # ȁ Latin Small Letter A with Double Grave C("E"): UC(0x0205), # ȅ Latin Small Letter E with Double Grave C("I"): UC(0x0209), # ȉ Latin Small Letter I with Double Grave C("O"): UC(0x020D), # ȍ Latin Small Letter O with Double Grave C("R"): UC(0x0211), # ȑ Latin Small Letter R with Double Grave C("U"): UC(0x0215), # ȕ Latin Small Letter U with Double Grave C("Shift-A"): UC(0x0200), # Ȁ Latin Capital Letter A with Double Grave C("Shift-E"): UC(0x0204), # Ȅ Latin Capital Letter E with Double Grave C("Shift-I"): UC(0x0208), # Ȉ Latin Capital Letter I with Double Grave C("Shift-O"): UC(0x020C), # Ȍ Latin Capital Letter O with Double Grave C("Shift-R"): UC(0x0210), # Ȑ Latin Capital Letter R with Double Grave C("Shift-U"): UC(0x0214), # Ȕ Latin Capital Letter U with Double Grave }, when = lambda _: (ac_Chr == 0x030F or ac_Chr == 0x02F5) and _optspec_ABC is True) # }, when = lambda _: ac_Chr == 0x030F and _optspecialchars_ABC is True) # spacing issues with {U+030F} keymap("DK-ABC - Umlaut/Diaeresis", { # Option+U {U+00A8} # Valid keys: # a e h i o t u w x y # A E H I O T U W X Y C("A"): UC(0x00E4), # ä Latin Small Letter A with Diaeresis C("E"): UC(0x00EB), # ë Latin Small Letter E with Diaeresis C("H"): UC(0x1E27), # ḧ Latin Small Letter H with Diaeresis C("I"): UC(0x00EF), # ï Latin Small Letter I with Diaeresis C("O"): UC(0x00F6), # ö Latin Small Letter O with Diaeresis C("T"): UC(0x1E97), # ẗ Latin Small Letter T with Diaeresis C("U"): UC(0x00FC), # ü Latin Small Letter U with Diaeresis C("W"): UC(0x1E85), # ẅ Latin Small Letter W with Diaeresis C("X"): UC(0x1E8D), # ẍ Latin Small Letter X with Diaeresis C("Y"): UC(0x00FF), # ÿ Latin Small Letter Y with Diaeresis C("Shift-A"): UC(0x00C4), # Ä Latin Capital Letter A with Diaeresis C("Shift-E"): UC(0x00CB), # Ë Latin Capital Letter E with Diaeresis C("Shift-H"): UC(0x1E26), # Ḧ Latin Capital Letter H with Diaeresis C("Shift-I"): UC(0x00CF), # Ï Latin Capital Letter I with Diaeresis C("Shift-O"): UC(0x00D6), # Ö Latin Capital Letter O with Diaeresis C("Shift-T"): [UC(0x0054),UC(0x0308)], # T̈ Latin Capital Letter T with Diaeresis C("Shift-U"): UC(0x00DC), # Ü Latin Capital Letter U with Diaeresis C("Shift-W"): UC(0x1E84), # Ẅ Latin Capital Letter W with Diaeresis C("Shift-X"): UC(0x1E8C), # Ẍ Latin Capital Letter X with Diaeresis C("Shift-Y"): UC(0x0178), # Ÿ Latin Capital Letter Y with Diaeresis }, when = lambda _: ac_Chr == 0x00A8 and _optspec_ABC is True) keymap("DK-ABC - Apostrophe/Horn", { # Option+I {U+02BC} # Valid keys: # o u # O U C("O"): UC(0x01A1), # ơ Latin Small Letter O with Horn C("U"): UC(0x01B0), # ư Latin Small Letter U with Horn C("Shift-O"): UC(0x01A0), # Ơ Latin Capital Letter O with Horn C("Shift-U"): UC(0x01AF), # Ư Latin Capital Letter U with Horn }, when = lambda _: ac_Chr == 0x02BC and _optspec_ABC is True) keymap("DK-ABC - Comma Below", { # Option+P {U+002C} # Valid keys: # s t # S T C("S"): UC(0x0219), # ș Latin Small Letter S with Comma Below C("T"): UC(0x021B), # ț Latin Small Letter T with Comma Below C("Shift-S"): UC(0x0218), # Ș Latin Capital Letter S with Comma Below C("Shift-T"): UC(0x021A), # Ț Latin Capital Letter T with Comma Below }, when = lambda _: ac_Chr == 0x002C and _optspec_ABC is True) keymap("DK-ABC - Macron/Line Above", { # Option+A {U+00AF} # Valid keys: # a e g i l o r s v y z # A E G I L O R S V Y Z C("A"): UC(0x0101), # ā Latin Small Letter A with Macron C("E"): UC(0x0113), # ē Latin Small Letter E with Macron C("G"): UC(0x1E21), # ḡ Latin Small Letter G with Macron C("I"): UC(0x012B), # ī Latin Small Letter I with Macron C("L"): [UC(0x006C),UC(0x0304),UC(0x0323)], # ḹ Latin Small Letter L w/Macron and Dot Below C("O"): UC(0x014D), # ō Latin Small Letter O with Macron C("R"): [UC(0x0072),UC(0x0304),UC(0x0323)], # ṝ Latin Small Letter R w/Macron and Dot Below C("S"): [UC(0x0073),UC(0x0304)], # s̄ Latin Small Letter S with Macron C("V"): UC(0x01D6), # ǖ Latin Small Letter U with Diaeresis and Macron C("Y"): UC(0x0233), # ȳ Latin Small Letter Y with Macron C("Z"): [UC(0x007A),UC(0x0304)], # z̄ Latin Small Letter Z with Macron C("Shift-A"): UC(0x0100), # Ā Latin Capital Letter A with Macron C("Shift-E"): UC(0x0112), # Ē Latin Capital Letter E with Macron C("Shift-G"): UC(0x1E20), # Ḡ Latin Capital Letter G with Macron C("Shift-I"): UC(0x012A), # Ī Latin Capital Letter I with Macron C("Shift-L"): [UC(0x004C),UC(0x0304),UC(0x0323)], # Ḹ Latin Capital Letter L w/Macron and Dot Below C("Shift-O"): UC(0x014C), # Ō Latin Capital Letter O with Macron C("Shift-R"): [UC(0x0052),UC(0x0304),UC(0x0323)], # Ṝ Latin Capital Letter R w/Macron and Dot Below C("Shift-S"): [UC(0x0053),UC(0x0304)], # S̄ Latin Capital Letter S with Macron C("Shift-V"): UC(0x01D5), # Ǖ Latin Capital Letter U with Diaeresis and Macron C("Shift-Y"): UC(0x0232), # Ȳ Latin Capital Letter Y with Macron C("Shift-Z"): [UC(0x005A),UC(0x0304)], # Z̄ Latin Capital Letter Z with Macron }, when = lambda _: ac_Chr == 0x00AF and _optspec_ABC is True) keymap("DK-ABC - Inverted Breve", { # Shift+Option+S {U+0311} [uses {U+1D16} as a substitute] # Valid keys: # a e i o r u # A E I O R U C("A"): UC(0x0203), # ȃ Latin Small Letter A with Inverted Breve C("E"): UC(0x0207), # ȇ Latin Small Letter E with Inverted Breve C("I"): UC(0x020B), # ȋ Latin Small Letter I with Inverted Breve C("O"): UC(0x020F), # ȏ Latin Small Letter O with Inverted Breve C("R"): UC(0x0213), # ȓ Latin Small Letter R with Inverted Breve C("U"): UC(0x0217), # ȗ Latin Small Letter U with Inverted Breve C("Shift-A"): UC(0x0202), # Ȃ Latin Capital Letter A with Inverted Breve C("Shift-E"): UC(0x0206), # Ȇ Latin Capital Letter E with Inverted Breve C("Shift-I"): UC(0x020A), # Ȋ Latin Capital Letter I with Inverted Breve C("Shift-O"): UC(0x020E), # Ȏ Latin Capital Letter O with Inverted Breve C("Shift-R"): UC(0x0212), # Ȓ Latin Capital Letter R with Inverted Breve C("Shift-U"): UC(0x0216), # Ȗ Latin Capital Letter U with Inverted Breve }, when = lambda _: (ac_Chr == 0x0311 or ac_Chr == 0x1D16) and _optspec_ABC is True) keymap("DK-ABC - Tilde Below", { # Shift+Option+F {U+0330} [uses {U+02F7} as a substitute] # Valid keys: # e i u # E I U C("E"): UC(0x1E1B), # ḛ Latin Small Letter E with Tilde Below C("I"): UC(0x1E2D), # ḭ Latin Small Letter I with Tilde Below C("U"): UC(0x1E75), # ṵ Latin Small Letter U with Tilde Below C("Shift-E"): UC(0x1E1A), # Ḛ Latin Capital Letter E with Tilde Below C("Shift-I"): UC(0x1E2C), # Ḭ Latin Capital Letter I with Tilde Below C("Shift-U"): UC(0x1E74), # Ṵ Latin Capital Letter U with Tilde Below }, when = lambda _: (ac_Chr == 0x0330 or ac_Chr == 0x02F7) and _optspec_ABC is True) keymap("DK-ABC - Caret/Circumflex Below", { # Shift+Option+G {U+2038} # Valid keys: # d e l n t u # D E L N T U C("D"): UC(0x1E13), # ḓ Latin Small Letter D with Circumflex Below C("E"): UC(0x1E19), # ḙ Latin Small Letter E with Circumflex Below C("L"): UC(0x1E3D), # ḽ Latin Small Letter L with Circumflex Below C("N"): UC(0x1E4B), # ṋ Latin Small Letter N with Circumflex Below C("T"): UC(0x1E71), # ṱ Latin Small Letter T with Circumflex Below C("U"): UC(0x1E77), # ṷ Latin Small Letter U with Circumflex Below C("Shift-D"): UC(0x1E12), # Ḓ Latin Capital Letter D with Circumflex Below C("Shift-E"): UC(0x1E18), # Ḙ Latin Capital Letter E with Circumflex Below C("Shift-L"): UC(0x1E3C), # Ḽ Latin Capital Letter L with Circumflex Below C("Shift-N"): UC(0x1E4A), # Ṋ Latin Capital Letter N with Circumflex Below C("Shift-T"): UC(0x1E70), # Ṱ Latin Capital Letter T with Circumflex Below C("Shift-U"): UC(0x1E76), # Ṷ Latin Capital Letter U with Circumflex Below }, when = lambda _: ac_Chr == 0x2038 and _optspec_ABC is True) keymap("DK-ABC - Low Macron/Line Below", { # Option+H {U+02CD} # Valid keys: # b d h k l n r t z # B D H K L N R T Z C("B"): UC(0x1E07), # ḇ Latin Small Letter B with Line Below C("D"): UC(0x1E0F), # ḏ Latin Small Letter D with Line Below C("H"): UC(0x1E96), # ẖ Latin Small Letter H with Line Below C("K"): UC(0x1E35), # ḵ Latin Small Letter K with Line Below C("L"): UC(0x1E3B), # ḻ Latin Small Letter L with Line Below C("N"): UC(0x1E49), # ṉ Latin Small Letter N with Line Below C("R"): UC(0x1E5F), # ṟ Latin Small Letter R with Line Below C("T"): UC(0x1E6F), # ṯ Latin Small Letter T with Line Below C("Z"): UC(0x1E95), # ẕ Latin Small Letter Z with Line Below C("Shift-B"): UC(0x1E06), # Ḇ Latin Capital Letter B with Line Below C("Shift-D"): UC(0x1E0E), # Ḏ Latin Capital Letter D with Line Below C("Shift-H"): [UC(0x0048),UC(0x0331)], # H̱ Latin Capital Letter H with Line Below C("Shift-K"): UC(0x1E34), # Ḵ Latin Capital Letter K with Line Below C("Shift-L"): UC(0x1E3A), # Ḻ Latin Capital Letter L with Line Below C("Shift-N"): UC(0x1E48), # Ṉ Latin Capital Letter N with Line Below C("Shift-R"): UC(0x1E5E), # Ṟ Latin Capital Letter R with Line Below C("Shift-T"): UC(0x1E6E), # Ṯ Latin Capital Letter T with Line Below C("Shift-Z"): UC(0x1E94), # Ẕ Latin Capital Letter Z with Line Below }, when = lambda _: ac_Chr == 0x02CD and _optspec_ABC is True) keymap("DK-ABC - Double Acute", { # Option+J {U+02DD} # Valid keys: # o u # O U C("O"): UC(0x0151), # ő Latin Small Letter O with Double Acute C("U"): UC(0x0171), # ű Latin Small Letter U with Double Acute C("Shift-O"): UC(0x0150), # Ő Latin Capital Letter O with Double Acute C("Shift-U"): UC(0x0170), # Ű Latin Capital Letter U with Double Acute }, when = lambda _: ac_Chr == 0x02DD and _optspec_ABC is True) keymap("DK-ABC - Ring Above", { # Option+K {U+02DA} # Valid keys: # a e o u w y # A E O U W Y C("A"): UC(0x00E5), # å Latin Small Letter A with Ring Above C("E"): [UC(0x0065),UC(0x030A)], # e̊ Latin Small Letter E with Ring Above C("O"): [UC(0x006F),UC(0x030A)], # o̊ Latin Small Letter O with Ring Above C("U"): UC(0x016F), # ů Latin Small Letter U with Ring Above C("W"): UC(0x1E98), # ẘ Latin Small Letter W with Ring Above C("Y"): UC(0x1E99), # ẙ Latin Small Letter Y with Ring Above C("Shift-A"): UC(0x00C5), # Å Latin Capital Letter A with Ring Above C("Shift-E"): [UC(0x0045),UC(0x030A)], # E̊ Latin Capital Letter E with Ring Above C("Shift-O"): [UC(0x004F),UC(0x030A)], # O̊ Latin Capital Letter O with Ring Above C("Shift-U"): UC(0x016E), # Ů Latin Capital Letter U with Ring Above C("Shift-W"): [UC(0x0057),UC(0x030A)], # W̊ Latin Capital Letter W with Ring Above C("Shift-Y"): [UC(0x0059),UC(0x030A)], # Y̊ Latin Capital Letter Y with Ring Above }, when = lambda _: ac_Chr == 0x02DA and _optspec_ABC is True) keymap("DK-ABC - Stroke/Hyphen-Minus", { # Option+L {U+002D} # Valid keys: # b d g h i l o t u z # D G H I L O T Z C("B"): UC(0x0180), # ƀ Latin Small Letter B with Stroke C("D"): UC(0x0111), # đ Latin Small Letter D with Stroke C("G"): UC(0x01E5), # ǥ Latin Small Letter G with Stroke C("H"): UC(0x0127), # ħ Latin Small Letter H with Stroke C("I"): UC(0x0268), # ɨ Latin Small Letter I with Stroke C("L"): UC(0x0142), # ł Latin Small Letter L with Stroke C("O"): UC(0x0275), # ɵ Latin Small Letter Barred O C("T"): UC(0x0167), # ŧ Latin Small Letter T with Stroke C("U"): UC(0x0289), # ʉ Latin Small Letter U Bar C("Z"): UC(0x01B6), # ƶ Latin Small Letter Z with Stroke C("Shift-D"): UC(0x0110), # Đ Latin Capital Letter D with Stroke C("Shift-G"): UC(0x01E4), # Ǥ Latin Capital Letter G with Stroke C("Shift-H"): UC(0x0126), # Ħ Latin Capital Letter H with Stroke C("Shift-I"): UC(0x0197), # Ɨ Latin Capital Letter I with Stroke C("Shift-L"): UC(0x0141), # Ł Latin Capital Letter L with Stroke C("Shift-O"): UC(0x019F), # Ɵ Latin Capital Letter O with Middle Tilde C("Shift-T"): UC(0x0166), # Ŧ Latin Capital Letter T with Stroke C("Shift-Z"): UC(0x01B5), # Ƶ Latin Capital Letter Z with Stroke }, when = lambda _: ac_Chr == 0x002D and _optspec_ABC is True) keymap("DK-ABC - Numero Sign", { # Shift+Option+Semicolon {U+2116} # Valid keys: # 2 3 5 6 7 8 (digits with Option) # 2 3 5 6 8 (digits with Shift+Option) # a c e g h j k m n q r s u v w y z (letters with Option) # A C E G H J K M N Q R U W Y Z (letters with Shift+Option) C("3"): UC(0x025B), # ɛ Latin Small Letter Open E C("5"): UC(0x01BD), # ƽ Latin Small Letter Tone Five C("2"): UC(0x01A8), # ƨ Latin Small Letter Tone Two C("6"): UC(0x0185), # ƅ Latin Small Letter Tone Six C("7"): UC(0x204A), # ⁊ Tironian Sign Et C("8"): UC(0x0223), # ȣ Latin Small Letter Ou C("Shift-2"): UC(0x01A7), # Ƨ Latin Capital Letter Tone Two C("Shift-3"): UC(0x0190), # Ɛ Latin Capital Letter Open E C("Shift-5"): UC(0x01BC), # Ƽ Latin Capital Letter Tone Five C("Shift-6"): UC(0x0184), # Ƅ Latin Capital Letter Tone Six C("Shift-8"): UC(0x0222), # Ȣ Latin Capital Letter Ou C("a"): UC(0x0259), # ə Latin Small Letter Schwa C("c"): UC(0x0254), # ɔ Latin Small Letter Open O C("e"): UC(0x01DD), # ǝ Latin Small Letter Turned E C("g"): UC(0x0263), # ɣ Latin Small Letter Gamma C("h"): UC(0x0195), # ƕ Latin Small Letter Hv C("j"): UC(0x019E), # ƞ Latin Small Letter N with Long Right Leg C("k"): UC(0x0138), # ĸ Latin Small Letter Kra C("m"): UC(0x026F), # ɯ Latin Small Letter Turned M C("n"): UC(0x014B), # ŋ Latin Small Letter Eng C("q"): UC(0x01A3), # ƣ Latin Small Letter Oi C("r"): UC(0x0280), # ʀ Latin Letter Small Capital R C("s"): UC(0x017F), # ſ Latin Small Letter Long S C("u"): UC(0x028A), # ʊ Latin Small Letter Upsilon C("v"): UC(0x028C), # ʌ Latin Small Letter Turned V C("w"): UC(0x01BF), # ƿ Latin Letter Wynn C("y"): UC(0x021D), # ȝ Latin Small Letter Yogh C("z"): UC(0x0292), # ʒ Latin Small Letter Ezh C("Shift-A"): UC(0x018F), # Ə Latin Capital Letter Schwa C("Shift-C"): UC(0x0186), # Ɔ Latin Capital Letter Open O C("Shift-E"): UC(0x018E), # Ǝ Latin Capital Letter Reversed E C("Shift-G"): UC(0x0194), # Ɣ Latin Capital Letter Gamma C("Shift-H"): UC(0x01F6), # Ƕ Latin Capital Letter Hwair C("Shift-J"): UC(0x0220), # Ƞ Latin Capital Letter N with Long Right Leg C("Shift-K"): [UC(0x004B),UC(0x2019)], # K’ Latin Capital Letter K with Apostrophe C("Shift-M"): UC(0x019C), # Ɯ Latin Capital Letter Turned M C("Shift-N"): UC(0x014A), # Ŋ Latin Capital Letter Eng C("Shift-Q"): UC(0x01A2), # Ƣ Latin Capital Letter Oi C("Shift-R"): UC(0x01A6), # Ʀ Latin Letter Yr C("Shift-U"): UC(0x01B1), # Ʊ Latin Capital Letter Upsilon C("Shift-W"): UC(0x01F7), # Ƿ Latin Capital Letter Wynn C("Shift-Y"): UC(0x021C), # Ȝ Latin Capital Letter Yogh C("Shift-Z"): UC(0x01B7), # Ʒ Latin Capital Letter Ezh }, when = lambda _: ac_Chr == 0x2116 and _optspec_ABC is True) keymap("DK-ABC - Hook Above/Glottal Stop", { # Option+Z {U+02C0} # Valid keys: # a e i o u y # A E I O U Y C("A"): UC(0x1EA3), # ả Latin Small Letter A with Hook Above C("E"): UC(0x1EBB), # ẻ Latin Small Letter E with Hook Above C("I"): UC(0x1EC9), # ỉ Latin Small Letter I with Hook Above C("O"): UC(0x1ECF), # ỏ Latin Small Letter O with Hook Above C("U"): UC(0x1EE7), # ủ Latin Small Letter U with Hook Above C("Y"): UC(0x1EF7), # ỷ Latin Small Letter Y with Hook Above C("Shift-A"): UC(0x1EA2), # Ả Latin Small Letter A with Hook Above C("Shift-E"): UC(0x1EBA), # Ẻ Latin Small Letter E with Hook Above C("Shift-I"): UC(0x1EC8), # Ỉ Latin Small Letter I with Hook Above C("Shift-O"): UC(0x1ECE), # Ỏ Latin Small Letter O with Hook Above C("Shift-U"): UC(0x1EE6), # Ủ Latin Small Letter U with Hook Above C("Shift-Y"): UC(0x1EF6), # Ỷ Latin Small Letter Y with Hook Above }, when = lambda _: ac_Chr == 0x02C0 and _optspec_ABC is True) keymap("DK-ABC - Dot Below", { # Option+X {U+002E} # Valid keys: # a b d e h i k l m n o r s t u v w y z # A B D E H I K L M N O R S T U V W Y Z C("A"): UC(0x1EA1), # ạ Latin Small Letter A with Dot Below C("B"): UC(0x1E05), # ḅ Latin Small Letter B with Dot Below C("D"): UC(0x1E0D), # ḍ Latin Small Letter D with Dot Below C("E"): UC(0x1EB9), # ẹ Latin Small Letter E with Dot Below C("H"): UC(0x1E25), # ḥ Latin Small Letter H with Dot Below C("I"): UC(0x1ECB), # ị Latin Small Letter I with Dot Below C("K"): UC(0x1E33), # ḳ Latin Small Letter K with Dot Below C("L"): UC(0x1E37), # ḷ Latin Small Letter L with Dot Below C("M"): UC(0x1E43), # ṃ Latin Small Letter M with Dot Below C("N"): UC(0x1E47), # ṇ Latin Small Letter N with Dot Below C("O"): UC(0x1ECD), # ọ Latin Small Letter O with Dot Below C("R"): UC(0x1E5B), # ṛ Latin Small Letter R with Dot Below C("S"): UC(0x1E63), # ṣ Latin Small Letter S with Dot Below C("T"): UC(0x1E6D), # ṭ Latin Small Letter T with Dot Below C("U"): UC(0x1EE5), # ụ Latin Small Letter U with Dot Below C("V"): UC(0x1E7F), # ṿ Latin Small Letter V with Dot Below C("W"): UC(0x1E89), # ẉ Latin Small Letter W with Dot Below C("Y"): UC(0x1EF5), # ỵ Latin Small Letter Y with Dot Below C("Z"): UC(0x1E93), # ẓ Latin Small Letter Z with Dot Below C("Shift-A"): UC(0x1EA0), # Ạ Latin Capital Letter A with Dot Below C("Shift-B"): UC(0x1E04), # Ḅ Latin Capital Letter B with Dot Below C("Shift-D"): UC(0x1E0C), # Ḍ Latin Capital Letter D with Dot Below C("Shift-E"): UC(0x1EB8), # Ẹ Latin Capital Letter E with Dot Below C("Shift-H"): UC(0x1E24), # Ḥ Latin Capital Letter H with Dot Below C("Shift-I"): UC(0x1ECA), # Ị Latin Capital Letter I with Dot Below C("Shift-K"): UC(0x1E32), # Ḳ Latin Capital Letter K with Dot Below C("Shift-L"): UC(0x1E36), # Ḷ Latin Capital Letter L with Dot Below C("Shift-M"): UC(0x1E42), # Ṃ Latin Capital Letter M with Dot Below C("Shift-N"): UC(0x1E46), # Ṇ Latin Capital Letter N with Dot Below C("Shift-O"): UC(0x1ECC), # Ọ Latin Capital Letter O with Dot Below C("Shift-R"): UC(0x1E5A), # Ṛ Latin Capital Letter R with Dot Below C("Shift-S"): UC(0x1E62), # Ṣ Latin Capital Letter S with Dot Below C("Shift-T"): UC(0x1E6C), # Ṭ Latin Capital Letter T with Dot Below C("Shift-U"): UC(0x1EE4), # Ụ Latin Capital Letter U with Dot Below C("Shift-V"): UC(0x1E7E), # Ṿ Latin Capital Letter V with Dot Below C("Shift-W"): UC(0x1E88), # Ẉ Latin Capital Letter W with Dot Below C("Shift-Y"): UC(0x1EF4), # Ỵ Latin Capital Letter Y with Dot Below C("Shift-Z"): UC(0x1E92), # Ẓ Latin Capital Letter Z with Dot Below }, when = lambda _: ac_Chr == 0x002E and _optspec_ABC is True) keymap("DK-ABC - Cedilla/Cedille", { # Option+C {U+00B8} # Valid keys: # c d e g h k l n r s t z # C D E G H K L N R S T Z C("C"): UC(0x00E7), # ç Latin Small Letter C with Cedilla C("D"): UC(0x1E11), # ḑ Latin Small Letter D with Cedilla C("E"): UC(0x0229), # ȩ Latin Small Letter E with Cedilla C("G"): UC(0x0123), # ģ Latin Small Letter G with Cedilla C("H"): UC(0x1E29), # ḩ Latin Small Letter H with Cedilla C("K"): UC(0x0137), # ķ Latin Small Letter K with Cedilla C("L"): UC(0x013C), # ļ Latin Small Letter L with Cedilla C("N"): UC(0x0146), # ņ Latin Small Letter N with Cedilla C("R"): UC(0x0157), # ŗ Latin Small Letter R with Cedilla C("S"): UC(0x015F), # ş Latin Small Letter S with Cedilla C("T"): UC(0x0163), # ţ Latin Small Letter T with Cedilla C("Z"): [UC(0x007A),UC(0x0327)], # z̧ Latin Small Letter Z with Cedilla C("Shift-C"): UC(0x00C7), # Ç Latin Capital Letter C with Cedilla C("Shift-D"): UC(0x1E10), # Ḑ Latin Capital Letter D with Cedilla C("Shift-E"): UC(0x0228), # Ȩ Latin Capital Letter E with Cedilla C("Shift-G"): UC(0x0122), # Ģ Latin Capital Letter G with Cedilla C("Shift-H"): UC(0x1E28), # Ḩ Latin Capital Letter H with Cedilla C("Shift-K"): UC(0x0136), # Ķ Latin Capital Letter K with Cedilla C("Shift-L"): UC(0x013B), # Ļ Latin Capital Letter L with Cedilla C("Shift-N"): UC(0x0145), # Ņ Latin Capital Letter N with Cedilla C("Shift-R"): UC(0x0156), # Ŗ Latin Capital Letter R with Cedilla C("Shift-S"): UC(0x015E), # Ş Latin Capital Letter S with Cedilla C("Shift-T"): UC(0x0162), # Ţ Latin Capital Letter T with Cedilla C("Shift-Z"): [UC(0x005A),UC(0x0327)], # Z̧ Latin Capital Letter Z with Cedilla }, when = lambda _: ac_Chr == 0x00B8 and _optspec_ABC is True) keymap("DK-ABC - Caron/hacek", { # Option+V {U+02C7} # Valid keys: # a c d e g h i j k l n o r s t u v x z # A C D E G H I J K L N O R S T U V X Z C("A"): UC(0x01CE), # ǎ Latin Small Letter A with Caron C("C"): UC(0x010D), # č Latin Small Letter C with Caron C("D"): UC(0x010F), # ď Latin Small Letter D with Caron C("E"): UC(0x011B), # ě Latin Small Letter E with Caron C("G"): UC(0x01E7), # ǧ Latin Small Letter G with Caron C("H"): UC(0x021F), # ȟ Latin Small Letter H with Caron C("I"): UC(0x01D0), # ǐ Latin Small Letter I with Caron C("J"): UC(0x01F0), # ǰ Latin Small Letter J with Caron C("K"): UC(0x01E9), # ǩ Latin Small Letter K with Caron C("L"): UC(0x013E), # ľ Latin Small Letter L with Caron C("N"): UC(0x0148), # ň Latin Small Letter N with Caron C("O"): UC(0x01D2), # ǒ Latin Small Letter O with Caron C("R"): UC(0x0159), # ř Latin Small Letter R with Caron C("S"): UC(0x0161), # š Latin Small Letter S with Caron C("T"): UC(0x0165), # ť Latin Small Letter T with Caron C("U"): UC(0x01D4), # ǔ Latin Small Letter U with Caron C("V"): UC(0x01DA), # ǚ Latin Small Letter U w/Diaeresis and Caron C("X"): [UC(0x0292),UC(0x030C)], # ǯ Latin Small Letter Ezh with Caron C("Z"): UC(0x017E), # ž Latin Small Letter Z with Caron C("Shift-A"): UC(0x01CD), # Ǎ Latin Capital Letter A with Caron C("Shift-C"): UC(0x010C), # Č Latin Capital Letter C with Caron C("Shift-D"): UC(0x010E), # Ď Latin Capital Letter D with Caron C("Shift-E"): UC(0x011A), # Ě Latin Capital Letter E with Caron C("Shift-G"): UC(0x01E6), # Ǧ Latin Capital Letter G with Caron C("Shift-H"): UC(0x021E), # Ȟ Latin Capital Letter H with Caron C("Shift-I"): UC(0x01CF), # Ǐ Latin Capital Letter I with Caron C("Shift-J"): [UC(0x004A),UC(0x030C)], # J̌ Latin Capital Letter J with Caron C("Shift-K"): UC(0x01E8), # Ǩ Latin Capital Letter K with Caron C("Shift-L"): UC(0x013D), # Ľ Latin Capital Letter L with Caron C("Shift-N"): UC(0x0147), # Ň Latin Capital Letter N with Caron C("Shift-O"): UC(0x01D1), # Ǒ Latin Capital Letter O with Caron C("Shift-R"): UC(0x0158), # Ř Latin Capital Letter R with Caron C("Shift-S"): UC(0x0160), # Š Latin Capital Letter S with Caron C("Shift-T"): UC(0x0164), # Ť Latin Capital Letter T with Caron C("Shift-U"): UC(0x01D3), # Ǔ Latin Capital Letter U with Caron C("Shift-V"): UC(0x01D9), # Ǚ Latin Capital Letter U w/Diaeresis and Caron C("Shift-X"): [UC(0x01B7),UC(0x030C)], # Ǯ Latin Capital Letter Ezh with Caron C("Shift-Z"): UC(0x017D), # Ž Latin Capital Letter Z with Caron }, when = lambda _: ac_Chr == 0x02C7 and _optspec_ABC is True) keymap("DK-ABC - Breve", { # Option+B {U+02D8} # Valid keys: # a e g h i o u # A E G H I O U C("A"): UC(0x0103), # ă Latin Small Letter A with Breve C("E"): UC(0x0115), # ĕ Latin Small Letter E with Breve C("G"): UC(0x011F), # ğ Latin Small Letter G with Breve C("H"): UC(0x1E2B), # ḫ Latin Small Letter H with Breve Below C("I"): UC(0x012D), # ĭ Latin Small Letter I with Breve C("O"): UC(0x014F), # ŏ Latin Small Letter O with Breve C("U"): UC(0x016D), # ŭ Latin Small Letter U with Breve C("Shift-A"): UC(0x0102), # Ă Latin Capital Letter A with Breve C("Shift-E"): UC(0x0114), # Ĕ Latin Capital Letter E with Breve C("Shift-G"): UC(0x011E), # Ğ Latin Capital Letter G with Breve C("Shift-H"): UC(0x1E2A), # Ḫ Latin Capital Letter H with Breve Below C("Shift-I"): UC(0x012C), # Ĭ Latin Capital Letter I with Breve C("Shift-O"): UC(0x014E), # Ŏ Latin Capital Letter O with Breve C("Shift-U"): UC(0x016C), # Ŭ Latin Capital Letter U with Breve }, when = lambda _: ac_Chr == 0x02D8 and _optspec_ABC is True) keymap("DK-ABC - Tilde", { # Option+N {U+02DC} # Valid keys: # a e i n o u v y # A E I N O U V Y C("A"): UC(0x00E3), # ã Latin Small Letter A with Tilde C("E"): UC(0x1EBD), # ẽ Latin Small Letter E with Tilde C("I"): UC(0x0129), # ĩ Latin Small Letter I with Tilde C("N"): UC(0x00F1), # ñ Latin Small Letter N with Tilde C("O"): UC(0x00F5), # õ Latin Small Letter O with Tilde C("U"): UC(0x0169), # ũ Latin Small Letter U with Tilde C("V"): UC(0x1E7D), # ṽ Latin Small Letter V with Tilde C("Y"): UC(0x1EF9), # ỹ Latin Small Letter Y with Tilde C("Shift-A"): UC(0x00C3), # à Latin Capital Letter A with Tilde C("Shift-E"): UC(0x1EBC), # Ẽ Latin Capital Letter E with Tilde C("Shift-I"): UC(0x0128), # Ĩ Latin Capital Letter I with Tilde C("Shift-N"): UC(0x00D1), # Ñ Latin Capital Letter N with Tilde C("Shift-O"): UC(0x00D5), # Õ Latin Capital Letter O with Tilde C("Shift-U"): UC(0x0168), # Ũ Latin Capital Letter U with Tilde C("Shift-V"): UC(0x1E7C), # Ṽ Latin Capital Letter V with Tilde C("Shift-Y"): UC(0x1EF8), # Ỹ Latin Capital Letter Y with Tilde }, when = lambda _: ac_Chr == 0x02DC and _optspec_ABC is True) keymap("DK-ABC - Ogonek", { # Option+M {U+02DB} # Valid keys: # a e i o u # A E I O U C("A"): UC(0x0105), # ą Latin Small Letter A with Ogonek C("E"): UC(0x0119), # ę Latin Small Letter E with Ogonek C("I"): UC(0x012F), # į Latin Small Letter I with Ogonek C("O"): UC(0x01EB), # ǫ Latin Small Letter O with Ogonek C("U"): UC(0x0173), # ų Latin Small Letter U with Ogonek C("Shift-A"): UC(0x0104), # Ą Latin Capital Letter A with Ogonek C("Shift-E"): UC(0x0118), # Ę Latin Capital Letter E with Ogonek C("Shift-I"): UC(0x012E), # Į Latin Capital Letter I with Ogonek C("Shift-O"): UC(0x01EA), # Ǫ Latin Capital Letter O with Ogonek C("Shift-U"): UC(0x0172), # Ų Latin Capital Letter U with Ogonek }, when = lambda _: ac_Chr == 0x02DB and _optspec_ABC is True) keymap("DK-ABC - Hook", { # Shift+Option+Dot {U+0294} # Valid keys: # b c d f g h i k n p q r s t u x y z # B C D F G I K N P R S T U X Y Z C("B"): UC(0x0253), # ɓ Latin Small Letter B with Hook C("C"): UC(0x0188), # ƈ Latin Small Letter C with Hook C("D"): UC(0x0257), # ɗ Latin Small Letter D with Hook C("F"): UC(0x0192), # ƒ Latin Small Letter F with Hook (function symbol) C("G"): UC(0x0260), # ɠ Latin Small Letter G with Hook C("H"): UC(0x0266), # ɦ Latin Small Letter H with Hook C("I"): UC(0x0269), # ɩ Latin Small Letter Iota C("K"): UC(0x0199), # ƙ Latin Small Letter K with Hook C("N"): UC(0x0272), # ɲ Latin Small Letter N with Left Hook C("P"): UC(0x01A5), # ƥ Latin Small Letter P with Hook C("Q"): UC(0x02A0), # ʠ Latin Small Letter Q with Hook C("R"): UC(0x0288), # ʈ Latin Small Letter T with Retroflex Hook C("S"): UC(0x0283), # ʃ Latin Small Letter Esh C("T"): UC(0x01AD), # ƭ Latin Small Letter T with Hook C("U"): UC(0x028B), # ʋ Latin Small Letter V with Hook C("X"): UC(0x0256), # ɖ Latin Small Letter D with Tail C("Y"): UC(0x01B4), # ƴ Latin Small Letter Y with Hook C("Z"): UC(0x0225), # ȥ Latin Small Letter Z with Hook C("Shift-B"): UC(0x0181), # Ɓ Latin Capital Letter B with Hook C("Shift-C"): UC(0x0187), # Ƈ Latin Capital Letter C with Hook C("Shift-D"): UC(0x018A), # Ɗ Latin Capital Letter D with Hook C("Shift-F"): UC(0x0191), # Ƒ Latin Capital Letter F with Hook C("Shift-G"): UC(0x0193), # Ɠ Latin Capital Letter G with Hook C("Shift-I"): UC(0x0196), # Ɩ Latin Capital Letter Iota C("Shift-K"): UC(0x0198), # Ƙ Latin Capital Letter K with Hook C("Shift-N"): UC(0x019D), # Ɲ Latin Capital Letter N with Left Hook C("Shift-P"): UC(0x01A4), # Ƥ Latin Capital Letter P with Hook C("Shift-R"): UC(0x01AE), # Ʈ Latin Capital Letter T with Retroflex Hook C("Shift-S"): UC(0x01A9), # Ʃ Latin Capital Letter Esh C("Shift-T"): UC(0x01AC), # Ƭ Latin Capital Letter T with Hook C("Shift-U"): UC(0x01B2), # Ʋ Latin Capital Letter V with Hook C("Shift-X"): UC(0x0189), # Ɖ Latin Capital Letter African D C("Shift-Y"): UC(0x01B3), # Ƴ Latin Capital Letter Y with Hook C("Shift-Z"): UC(0x0224), # Ȥ Latin Capital Letter Z with Hook }, when = lambda _: ac_Chr == 0x0294 and _optspec_ABC is True) ####################################### ### DEAD KEYS KEYMAPS - US LAYOUT ### ####################################### keymap("DK-US - Grave", { # Valid keys: # a e i o u # A E I O U C("A"): UC(0x00E0), # à Latin Small a with Grave C("E"): UC(0x00E8), # è Latin Small e with Grave C("I"): UC(0x00EC), # ì Latin Small i with Grave C("O"): UC(0x00F2), # ò Latin Small o with Grave C("U"): UC(0x00F9), # ù Latin Small u with Grave C("Shift-A"): UC(0x00C0), # À Latin Capital A with Grave C("Shift-E"): UC(0x00C8), # È Latin Capital E with Grave C("Shift-I"): UC(0x00CC), # Ì Latin Capital I with Grave C("Shift-O"): UC(0x00D2), # Ò Latin Capital O with Grave C("Shift-U"): UC(0x00D9), # Ù Latin Capital U with Grave }, when = lambda _: ac_Chr == 0x0060 and _optspec_US is True) keymap("DK-US - Acute", { # Valid keys: # a e i o u # A E I O U C("A"): UC(0x00E1), # á Latin Small a with Acute C("E"): UC(0x00E9), # é Latin Small e with Acute C("I"): UC(0x00ED), # í Latin Small i with Acute C("O"): UC(0x00F3), # ó Latin Small o with Acute C("U"): UC(0x00FA), # ú Latin Small u with Acute C("Shift-A"): UC(0x00C1), # Á Latin Capital A with Acute C("Shift-E"): UC(0x00C9), # É Latin Capital E with Acute C("Shift-I"): UC(0x00CD), # Í Latin Capital I with Acute C("Shift-O"): UC(0x00D3), # Ó Latin Capital O with Acute C("Shift-U"): UC(0x00DA), # Ú Latin Capital U with Acute }, when = lambda _: ac_Chr == 0x00B4 and _optspec_US is True) keymap("DK-US - Umlaut", { # Valid keys: # a e i o u y # A E I O U Y C("A"): UC(0x00E4), # ä Latin Small a with Umlaut C("E"): UC(0x00EB), # ë Latin Small e with Umlaut C("I"): UC(0x00EF), # ï Latin Small i with Umlaut C("O"): UC(0x00F6), # ö Latin Small o with Umlaut C("U"): UC(0x00FC), # ü Latin Small u with Umlaut C("Y"): UC(0x00FF), # ÿ Latin Small y with Umlaut C("Shift-A"): UC(0x00C4), # Ä Latin Capital A with Umlaut C("Shift-E"): UC(0x00CB), # Ë Latin Capital E with Umlaut C("Shift-I"): UC(0x00CF), # Ï Latin Capital I with Umlaut C("Shift-O"): UC(0x00D6), # Ö Latin Capital O with Umlaut C("Shift-U"): UC(0x00DC), # Ü Latin Capital U with Umlaut C("Shift-Y"): UC(0x0178), # Ÿ Latin Capital Y with Umlaut }, when = lambda _: ac_Chr == 0x00A8 and _optspec_US is True) keymap("DK-US - Circumflex", { # Valid keys: # a e i o u # A E I O U C("A"): UC(0x00E2), # â Latin Small a with Circumflex C("E"): UC(0x00EA), # ê Latin Small e with Circumflex C("I"): UC(0x00EE), # î Latin Small i with Circumflex C("O"): UC(0x00F4), # ô Latin Small o with Circumflex C("U"): UC(0x00FB), # û Latin Small u with Circumflex C("Shift-A"): UC(0x00C2), #  Latin Capital A with Circumflex C("Shift-E"): UC(0x00CA), # Ê Latin Capital E with Circumflex C("Shift-I"): UC(0x00CE), # Î Latin Capital I with Circumflex C("Shift-O"): UC(0x00D4), # Ô Latin Capital O with Circumflex C("Shift-U"): UC(0x00DB), # Û Latin Capital U with Circumflex }, when = lambda _: ac_Chr == 0x02C6 and _optspec_US is True) keymap("DK-US - Tilde", { # Valid keys: # a n o # A N O C("A"): UC(0x00E3), # ã Latin Small a with Tilde C("N"): UC(0x00F1), # ñ Latin Small n with Tilde C("O"): UC(0x00F5), # õ Latin Small o with Tilde C("Shift-A"): UC(0x00C3), # à Latin Capital A with Tilde C("Shift-N"): UC(0x00D1), # Ñ Latin Capital N with Tilde C("Shift-O"): UC(0x00D5), # Õ Latin Capital O with Tilde }, when = lambda _: ac_Chr == 0x02DC and _optspec_US is True) ################################################################# ### ### ### ### ### ███████ ███████ ██████ █████ ██████ ███████ ### ### ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ### ### █████ ███████ ██ ███████ ██████ █████ ### ### ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ### ### ███████ ███████ ██████ ██ ██ ██ ███████ ### ### ### ### ### ################################################################# keymap("Escape actions for dead keys - Overrides for ABC Extended", { ### activate other dead keys correctly while one is active # US layout dead keys (not here, see keymap below) # ABC Extended layout dead keys C("Alt-Grave"): [getDK(),UC(0x0060),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x0060)], # Dead Key Accent: Grave C("Alt-6"): [getDK(),UC(0x02C6),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x02C6)], # Dead Key Accent: Circumflex C("Alt-W"): [getDK(),UC(0x02D9),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x02D9)], # Dead Key Accent: Dot Above C("Alt-E"): [getDK(),UC(0x00B4),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x00B4)], # Dead Key Accent: Acute # C("Shift-Alt-Y"): [getDK(),UC(0x030F),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x030F)], # Dead Key Accent: Combining Double Grave # Double Grave accent acts odd when using the Combining Double Grave {U+030F} # Substituting {U+02F5}: ˵ Modifier Letter Middle Double Grave Accent C("Shift-Alt-Y"): [getDK(),UC(0x02F5),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x02F5)], # Dead Key Accent: Double Grave (substitute) C("Alt-U"): [getDK(),UC(0x00A8),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x00A8)], # Dead Key Accent: Umlaut C("Alt-I"): [getDK(),UC(0x02BC),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x02BC)], # Dead Key Accent: Apostrophe/Horn C("Alt-P"): [getDK(),UC(0x002C),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x002C)], # Dead Key Accent: Comma Below C("Alt-A"): [getDK(),UC(0x00AF),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x00AF)], # Dead Key Accent: Macron/Line Above # C("Shift-Alt-S"): [getDK(),UC(0x0311),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x0311)], # Dead Key Accent: Combining Inverted Breve C("Shift-Alt-S"): [getDK(),UC(0x1D16),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x1D16)], # Dead Key Accent: Combining Inverted Breve # C("Shift-Alt-F"): [getDK(),UC(0x0330),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x0330)], # Dead Key Accent: Combining Tilde Below # Tilde Below accent acts odd when using the Combining Tilde Below {U+0330} # Substituting {U+02F7}: ˷ Modifier Letter Low Tilde C("Shift-Alt-F"): [getDK(),UC(0x02F7),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x02F7)], # Dead Key Accent: Tilde Below C("Shift-Alt-G"): [getDK(),UC(0x2038),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x2038)], # Dead Key Accent: Caret/Circumflex Below C("Alt-H"): [getDK(),UC(0x02CD),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x02CD)], # Dead Key Accent: Low Macron/Line Below C("Alt-J"): [getDK(),UC(0x02DD),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x02DD)], # Dead Key Accent: Double Acute C("Alt-K"): [getDK(),UC(0x02DA),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x02DA)], # Dead Key Accent: Ring Above C("Alt-L"): [getDK(),UC(0x002D),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x002D)], # Dead Key Accent: Stroke/Hyphen-Minus C("Shift-Alt-Semicolon"): [getDK(),UC(0x2116),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x2116)], # Dead Key Accent: Numero Sign C("Alt-Z"): [getDK(),UC(0x02C0),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x02C0)], # Dead Key Accent: Hook Above/Glottal Stop C("Alt-X"): [getDK(),UC(0x002E),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x002E)], # Dead Key Accent: Dot Below C("Alt-C"): [getDK(),UC(0x00B8),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x00B8)], # Dead Key Accent: Cedilla/Cedille C("Alt-V"): [getDK(),UC(0x02C7),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x02C7)], # Dead Key Accent: Caron/hacek C("Alt-B"): [getDK(),UC(0x02D8),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x02D8)], # Dead Key Accent: Breve C("Alt-N"): [getDK(),UC(0x02DC),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x02DC)], # Dead Key Accent: Tilde C("Alt-M"): [getDK(),UC(0x02DB),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x02DB)], # Dead Key Accent: Ogonek C("Shift-Alt-Dot"): [getDK(),UC(0x0294),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x0294)], # Dead Key Accent: Hook }, when = lambda _: ac_Chr in deadkeys_list and _optspec_ABC is True) keymap("Escape actions for dead keys", { # special case shortcuts that should cancel dead keys C("Esc"): [getDK(),setDK(None)], # Leave accent char if dead keys Escaped C("Space"): [getDK(),setDK(None)], # Leave accent char if user hits Space C("Delete"): [getDK(),setDK(None)], # Leave accent char if user hits Delete C("Backspace"): [getDK(),C("Backspace"),setDK(None)], # Delete character if user hits Backspace C("Tab"): [getDK(),C("Tab"),setDK(None)], # Leave accent char, insert Tab C("Enter"): [getDK(),C("Enter"),setDK(None)], # Leave accent char, Enter key C("Up"): [getDK(),C("Up"),setDK(None)], # Leave accent char, up arrow C("Down"): [getDK(),C("Down"),setDK(None)], # Leave accent char, down arrow C("Left"): [getDK(),C("Left"),setDK(None)], # Leave accent char, left arrow C("Right"): [getDK(),C("Right"),setDK(None)], # Leave accent char, right arrow C("RC-Tab"): [getDK(),bind,C("Alt-Tab"),setDK(None)], # Leave accent char, task switch C("Shift-RC-Tab"): [getDK(),bind,C("Shift-Alt-Tab"),setDK(None)], # Leave accent char, task switch (reverse) C("RC-Grave"): [getDK(),bind,C("Alt-Grave"),setDK(None)], # Leave accent char, in-app window switch C("Shift-RC-Tab"): [getDK(),bind,C("Shift-Alt-Grave"),setDK(None)], # Leave accent char, in-app window switch (reverse) # common shortcuts that should also cancel dead keys C("RC-a"): [getDK(),C("RC-a"),setDK(None)], # Leave accent char, select all C("RC-z"): [getDK(),C("RC-z"),setDK(None)], # Leave accent char, undo C("RC-x"): [getDK(),C("RC-x"),setDK(None)], # Leave accent char, cut C("RC-c"): [getDK(),C("RC-c"),setDK(None)], # Leave accent char, copy C("RC-v"): [getDK(),C("RC-v"),setDK(None)], # Leave accent char, paste ### activate other dead keys correctly while one is active # US layout dead keys C("Alt-Grave"): [getDK(),UC(0x0060),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x0060)], # Dead Key Accent: Grave C("Alt-E"): [getDK(),UC(0x00B4),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x00B4)], # Dead Key Accent: Acute C("Alt-U"): [getDK(),UC(0x00A8),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x00A8)], # Dead Key Accent: Umlaut C("Alt-I"): [getDK(),UC(0x02C6),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x02C6)], # Dead Key Accent: Circumflex C("Alt-N"): [getDK(),UC(0x02DC),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x02DC)], # Dead Key Accent: Tilde # ABC Extended layout dead keys (not here, see keymap above) # cancel dead keys with number keys row C("Grave"): [getDK(),C("Grave"),setDK(None)], C("Key_1"): [getDK(),C("Key_1"),setDK(None)], C("Key_2"): [getDK(),C("Key_2"),setDK(None)], C("Key_3"): [getDK(),C("Key_3"),setDK(None)], C("Key_4"): [getDK(),C("Key_4"),setDK(None)], C("Key_5"): [getDK(),C("Key_5"),setDK(None)], C("Key_6"): [getDK(),C("Key_6"),setDK(None)], C("Key_7"): [getDK(),C("Key_7"),setDK(None)], C("Key_8"): [getDK(),C("Key_8"),setDK(None)], C("Key_9"): [getDK(),C("Key_9"),setDK(None)], C("Key_0"): [getDK(),C("Key_0"),setDK(None)], C("Minus"): [getDK(),C("Minus"),setDK(None)], C("Equal"): [getDK(),C("Equal"),setDK(None)], C("Shift-Grave"): [getDK(),C("Shift-Grave"),setDK(None)], C("Shift-Key_1"): [getDK(),C("Shift-Key_1"),setDK(None)], C("Shift-Key_2"): [getDK(),C("Shift-Key_2"),setDK(None)], C("Shift-Key_3"): [getDK(),C("Shift-Key_3"),setDK(None)], C("Shift-Key_4"): [getDK(),C("Shift-Key_4"),setDK(None)], C("Shift-Key_5"): [getDK(),C("Shift-Key_5"),setDK(None)], C("Shift-Key_6"): [getDK(),C("Shift-Key_6"),setDK(None)], C("Shift-Key_7"): [getDK(),C("Shift-Key_7"),setDK(None)], C("Shift-Key_8"): [getDK(),C("Shift-Key_8"),setDK(None)], C("Shift-Key_9"): [getDK(),C("Shift-Key_9"),setDK(None)], C("Shift-Key_0"): [getDK(),C("Shift-Key_0"),setDK(None)], C("Shift-Minus"): [getDK(),C("Shift-Minus"),setDK(None)], C("Shift-Equal"): [getDK(),C("Shift-Equal"),setDK(None)], # cancel dead keys with any letter on the keyboard that isn't supported by the dead key C("A"): [getDK(),C("A"),setDK(None)], C("B"): [getDK(),C("B"),setDK(None)], C("C"): [getDK(),C("C"),setDK(None)], C("D"): [getDK(),C("D"),setDK(None)], C("E"): [getDK(),C("E"),setDK(None)], C("F"): [getDK(),C("F"),setDK(None)], C("G"): [getDK(),C("G"),setDK(None)], C("H"): [getDK(),C("H"),setDK(None)], C("I"): [getDK(),C("I"),setDK(None)], C("J"): [getDK(),C("J"),setDK(None)], C("K"): [getDK(),C("K"),setDK(None)], C("L"): [getDK(),C("L"),setDK(None)], C("M"): [getDK(),C("M"),setDK(None)], C("N"): [getDK(),C("N"),setDK(None)], C("O"): [getDK(),C("O"),setDK(None)], C("P"): [getDK(),C("P"),setDK(None)], C("Q"): [getDK(),C("Q"),setDK(None)], C("R"): [getDK(),C("R"),setDK(None)], C("S"): [getDK(),C("S"),setDK(None)], C("T"): [getDK(),C("T"),setDK(None)], C("U"): [getDK(),C("U"),setDK(None)], C("V"): [getDK(),C("V"),setDK(None)], C("W"): [getDK(),C("W"),setDK(None)], C("X"): [getDK(),C("X"),setDK(None)], C("Y"): [getDK(),C("Y"),setDK(None)], C("Z"): [getDK(),C("Z"),setDK(None)], C("Shift-A"): [getDK(),C("Shift-A"),setDK(None)], C("Shift-B"): [getDK(),C("Shift-B"),setDK(None)], C("Shift-C"): [getDK(),C("Shift-C"),setDK(None)], C("Shift-D"): [getDK(),C("Shift-D"),setDK(None)], C("Shift-E"): [getDK(),C("Shift-E"),setDK(None)], C("Shift-F"): [getDK(),C("Shift-F"),setDK(None)], C("Shift-G"): [getDK(),C("Shift-G"),setDK(None)], C("Shift-H"): [getDK(),C("Shift-H"),setDK(None)], C("Shift-I"): [getDK(),C("Shift-I"),setDK(None)], C("Shift-J"): [getDK(),C("Shift-J"),setDK(None)], C("Shift-K"): [getDK(),C("Shift-K"),setDK(None)], C("Shift-L"): [getDK(),C("Shift-L"),setDK(None)], C("Shift-M"): [getDK(),C("Shift-M"),setDK(None)], C("Shift-N"): [getDK(),C("Shift-N"),setDK(None)], C("Shift-O"): [getDK(),C("Shift-O"),setDK(None)], C("Shift-P"): [getDK(),C("Shift-P"),setDK(None)], C("Shift-Q"): [getDK(),C("Shift-Q"),setDK(None)], C("Shift-R"): [getDK(),C("Shift-R"),setDK(None)], C("Shift-S"): [getDK(),C("Shift-S"),setDK(None)], C("Shift-T"): [getDK(),C("Shift-T"),setDK(None)], C("Shift-U"): [getDK(),C("Shift-U"),setDK(None)], C("Shift-V"): [getDK(),C("Shift-V"),setDK(None)], C("Shift-W"): [getDK(),C("Shift-W"),setDK(None)], C("Shift-X"): [getDK(),C("Shift-X"),setDK(None)], C("Shift-Y"): [getDK(),C("Shift-Y"),setDK(None)], C("Shift-Z"): [getDK(),C("Shift-Z"),setDK(None)], # cancel dead keys with other punctuation keys C("Left_Brace"): [getDK(),C("Left_Brace"),setDK(None)], C("Right_Brace"): [getDK(),C("Right_Brace"),setDK(None)], C("Backslash"): [getDK(),C("Backslash"),setDK(None)], C("Semicolon"): [getDK(),C("Semicolon"),setDK(None)], C("Apostrophe"): [getDK(),C("Apostrophe"),setDK(None)], C("Comma"): [getDK(),C("Comma"),setDK(None)], C("Dot"): [getDK(),C("Dot"),setDK(None)], C("Slash"): [getDK(),C("Slash"),setDK(None)], C("Shift-Left_Brace"): [getDK(),C("Shift-Left_Brace"),setDK(None)], C("Shift-Right_Brace"): [getDK(),C("Shift-Right_Brace"),setDK(None)], C("Shift-Backslash"): [getDK(),C("Shift-Backslash"),setDK(None)], C("Shift-Semicolon"): [getDK(),C("Shift-Semicolon"),setDK(None)], C("Shift-Apostrophe"): [getDK(),C("Shift-Apostrophe"),setDK(None)], C("Shift-Comma"): [getDK(),C("Shift-Comma"),setDK(None)], C("Shift-Dot"): [getDK(),C("Shift-Dot"),setDK(None)], C("Shift-Slash"): [getDK(),C("Shift-Slash"),setDK(None)], }, when = lambda _: ac_Chr in deadkeys_list) # }, when = lambda _: ac_Chr in deadkeys_US or ac_Chr in deadkeys_ABC) keymap("Disable Dead Keys",{ # Nothing needs to be here. Tripwire keymap to disable active dead keys keymap(s) }, when = lambda _: setDK(None)()) ############################################################################## ### ### ### ### ### █████ ██████ ██████ ███ ███ █████ ██ ███ ██ ### ### ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ████ ████ ██ ██ ██ ████ ██ ### ### ███████ ██████ ██ ██ ████ ██ ███████ ██ ██ ██ ██ ### ### ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ### ### ██ ██ ██████ ██████ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ████ ### ### ### ### ### ############################################################################## # Main keymap for special characters on the ABC Extended layout keymap("OptSpecialChars - ABC", { # Number keys row with Option ###################################################### C("Alt-Grave"): [UC(0x0060),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x0060)], # Dead Key Accent: Grave C("Alt-1"): UC(0x00A1), # ¡ Inverted Exclamation Mark C("Alt-2"): UC(0x2122), # ™ Trade Mark Sign Emoji C("Alt-3"): UC(0x00A3), # £ British Pound currency symbol C("Alt-4"): UC(0x00A2), # ¢ Cent currency symbol C("Alt-5"): UC(0x00A7), # § Section symbol C("Alt-6"): [UC(0x02C6),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x02C6)], # Dead Key Accent: Circumflex C("Alt-7"): UC(0x00B6), # ¶ Paragraph mark (Pilcrow) symbol C("Alt-8"): UC(0x2022), # • Bullet Point symbol (solid) C("Alt-9"): UC(0x00AA), # ª Feminine Ordinal Indicator C("Alt-0"): UC(0x00BA), # º Masculine Ordinal Indicator C("Alt-Minus"): UC(0x2013), # – En Dash punctuation mark C("Alt-Equal"): UC(0x2260), # ≠ Not Equal To symbol # Number keys row with Shift+Option ###################################################### C("Shift-Alt-Grave"): UC(0x0300), # ` Combining Grave Accent C("Shift-Alt-1"): UC(0x2044), # ⁄ Fraction Slash C("Shift-Alt-2"): UC(0x20AC), # € Euro currency symbol C("Shift-Alt-3"): UC(0x2039), # ‹ Single Left-Pointing Angle Quotation mark C("Shift-Alt-4"): UC(0x203A), # › Single Right-Pointing Angle Quotation mark C("Shift-Alt-5"): UC(0x2020), # † Simple dagger (cross) symbol C("Shift-Alt-6"): UC(0x0302), # ̂ Combining Circumflex Accent C("Shift-Alt-7"): UC(0x2021), # ‡ Double dagger (cross) symbol C("Shift-Alt-8"): UC(0x00B0), # ° Degree Sign C("Shift-Alt-9"): UC(0x00B7), # · Middle Dot (interpunct/middot) C("Shift-Alt-0"): UC(0x201A), # ‚ Single low-9 quotation mark C("Shift-Alt-Minus"): UC(0x2014), # — Em Dash punctuation mark C("Shift-Alt-Equal"): UC(0x00B1), # ± Plus Minus mathematical symbol # Tab key row with Option ###################################################### C("Alt-Q"): UC(0x0153), # œ Small oe (oethel) ligature C("Alt-W"): [UC(0x02D9),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x02D9)], # Dead Key Accent: Dot Above C("Alt-E"): [UC(0x00B4),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x00B4)], # Dead Key Accent: Acute C("Alt-R"): UC(0x00AE), # ® Registered Trade Mark Sign C("Alt-T"): UC(0x00FE), # þ Latin Small Letter Thorn C("Alt-Y"): UC(0x00A5), # ¥ Japanese Yen currency symbol C("Alt-U"): [UC(0x00A8),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x00A8)], # Dead Key Accent: Umlaut C("Alt-I"): [UC(0x02BC),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x02BC)], # Dead Key Accent: Apostrophe/Horn C("Alt-O"): UC(0x00F8), # ø Latin Small Letter o with Stroke C("Alt-P"): [UC(0x002C),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x002C)], # Dead Key Accent: Comma Below C("Alt-Left_Brace"): UC(0x201C), # “ Left Double Quotation Mark C("Alt-Right_Brace"): UC(0x2018), # ‘ Left Single Quotation Mark C("Alt-Backslash"): UC(0x00AB), # « Left-Pointing Double Angle Quotation Mark # Tab key row with Shift+Option ###################################################### C("Shift-Alt-Q"): UC(0x0152), # Œ Capital OE (Oethel) ligature C("Shift-Alt-W"): UC(0x0307), # ˙ Combining Dot Above C("Shift-Alt-E"): UC(0x0301), # ́ Combining Acute Accent C("Shift-Alt-R"): UC(0x2030), # ‰ Per mille symbol (zero over zero-zero) C("Shift-Alt-T"): UC(0x00DE), # Þ Latin Capital Letter Thorn # C("Shift-Alt-Y"): UC(0x02F5), # UC(0x030F), # ̏ Combining Double Grave Accent # Spacing issues when using Combining Double Grave {U+030F} # Substituting {U+02F5}: ˵ Modifier Letter Middle Double Grave Accent for initial presentation C("Shift-Alt-Y"): [UC(0x02F5),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x02F5)], # Dead Key Accent: Double Grave C("Shift-Alt-U"): UC(0x0308), # ̈ Combining Diaeresis/Umlaut C("Shift-Alt-I"): UC(0x031B), # ̛ Combining Horn (Apostrophe) C("Shift-Alt-O"): UC(0x00D8), # Ø Latin Capital Letter O with Stroke C("Shift-Alt-P"): UC(0x0326), # ̦ Combining Comma Below C("Shift-Alt-Left_Brace"): UC(0x201D), # ” Right Double Quotation Mark C("Shift-Alt-Right_Brace"): UC(0x2019), # ’ Right Single Quotation Mark C("Shift-Alt-Backslash"): UC(0x00BB), # » Right-Pointing Double Angle Quotation Mark # CapsLock key row with Option ###################################################### C("Alt-A"): [UC(0x00AF),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x00AF)], # Dead Key Accent: Macron/Line Above C("Alt-S"): UC(0x00DF), # ß German Eszett/beta (Sharfes/Sharp S) C("Alt-D"): UC(0x00F0), # ð Latin Small Letter Eth C("Alt-F"): UC(0x0192), # ƒ Function/florin currency symbol C("Alt-G"): UC(0x00A9), # © Copyright Sign C("Alt-H"): [UC(0x02CD),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x02CD)], # Dead Key Accent: Low Macron/Line Below C("Alt-J"): [UC(0x02DD),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x02DD)], # Dead Key Accent: Double Acute C("Alt-K"): [UC(0x02DA),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x02DA)], # Dead Key Accent: Ring Above C("Alt-L"): [UC(0x002D),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x002D)], # Dead Key Accent: Stroke/Hyphen-Minus C("Alt-Semicolon"): UC(0x2026), # … Horizontal ellipsis C("Alt-Apostrophe"): UC(0x00E6), # æ Small ae ligature # CapsLock key row with Shift+Option ###################################################### C("Shift-Alt-A"): UC(0x0304), # ̄ Combining Macron/Line Below # C("Shift-Alt-S"): [UC(0x0311),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x0311)], # Dead Key Accent: Combining Inverted Breve # Combining Inverted Breve has spacing problems # Substituting {U+1D16}: ᴖ Latin Small Letter Top Half O C("Shift-Alt-S"): [UC(0x1D16),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x1D16)], # Dead Key Accent: Inverted Breve C("Shift-Alt-D"): UC(0x00D0), # Ð Latin Capital Letter Eth # C("Shift-Alt-F"): [UC(0x0330),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x0330)], # Dead Key Accent: Tilde Below # Combining Tilde Below has spacing problems # Substituting {U+02F7}: ˷ Modifier Letter Low Tilde C("Shift-Alt-F"): [UC(0x02F7),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x02F7)], # Dead Key Accent: Tilde Below C("Shift-Alt-G"): [UC(0x2038),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x2038)], # Dead Key Accent: Caret/Circumflex Below C("Shift-Alt-H"): UC(0x0331), # ̱ Combining Macron/Line Below C("Shift-Alt-J"): UC(0x030B), # ̋ Combining Double Acute Accent C("Shift-Alt-K"): UC(0x030A), # ̊ Combining Ring Above C("Shift-Alt-L"): UC(0x0335), # ̵ Combining Short Stroke Overlay C("Shift-Alt-Semicolon"): [UC(0x2116),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x2116)], # Dead Key Accent: Numero Sign C("Shift-Alt-Apostrophe"): UC(0x00C6), # Æ Capital AE ligature # Shift keys row with Option ###################################################### C("Alt-Z"): [UC(0x02C0),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x02C0)], # Dead Key Accent: Hook Above/Glottal Stop C("Alt-X"): [UC(0x002E),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x002E)], # Dead Key Accent: Dot Below C("Alt-C"): [UC(0x00B8),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x00B8)], # Dead Key Accent: Cedilla/Cedille C("Alt-V"): [UC(0x02C7),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x02C7)], # Dead Key Accent: Caron/hacek C("Alt-B"): [UC(0x02D8),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x02D8)], # Dead Key Accent: Breve C("Alt-N"): [UC(0x02DC),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x02DC)], # Dead Key Accent: Tilde C("Alt-M"): [UC(0x02DB),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x02DB)], # Dead Key Accent: Ogonek C("Alt-Comma"): UC(0x2264), # ≤ Less Than or Equal To symbol C("Alt-Dot"): UC(0x2265), # ≥ Greater Than or Equal To symbol C("Alt-Slash"): UC(0x00F7), # ÷ Obelus/Division symbol # Shift keys row with Shift+Option ###################################################### C("Shift-Alt-Z"): UC(0x0309), # ̉ Combining Hook Above (hoi) C("Shift-Alt-X"): UC(0x0323), # ̣ Combining Dot Below (nang) C("Shift-Alt-C"): UC(0x0327), # ̧ Combining Cedilla C("Shift-Alt-V"): UC(0x030C), # ̌ Combining Caron/hacek C("Shift-Alt-B"): UC(0x0306), # ̆ Combining Breve C("Shift-Alt-N"): UC(0x0303), # ̃ Combining Tilde C("Shift-Alt-M"): UC(0x0328), # ̨ Combining Ogonek (nasal hook) C("Shift-Alt-Comma"): UC(0x201E), # „ Double Low-9 Quotation Mark C("Shift-Alt-Dot"): [UC(0x0294),C("Shift-Left"),setDK(0x0294)], # Dead Key Accent: Hook C("Shift-Alt-Slash"): UC(0x00BF), # ¿ Inverted Question mark }, when = lambda ctx: ctx.wm_class.casefold() not in terminals and _optspec_ABC is True and _optspec_US is False) ###################################################################### ### ### ### ### ### ██ ██ ███████ ███ ███ █████ ██ ███ ██ ### ### ██ ██ ██ ████ ████ ██ ██ ██ ████ ██ ### ### ██ ██ ███████ ██ ████ ██ ███████ ██ ██ ██ ██ ### ### ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ### ### ██████ ███████ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ████ ### ### ### ### ### ###################################################################### # Main keymap for special characters on the standard US layout keymap("OptSpecialChars - US", { # Number keys row with Option ###################################################### C("Alt-Grave"): [UC(0x0060), C("Shift-Left"), setDK(0x0060)], # Dead Key Accent: Grave C("Alt-1"): UC(0x00A1), # ¡ Inverted Exclamation Mark C("Alt-2"): UC(0x2122), # ™ Trade Mark Sign Emoji C("Alt-3"): UC(0x00A3), # £ British Pound currency symbol C("Alt-4"): UC(0x00A2), # ¢ Cent currency symbol C("Alt-5"): UC(0x221E), # ∞ Infinity mathematical symbol C("Alt-6"): UC(0x00A7), # § Section symbol C("Alt-7"): UC(0x00B6), # ¶ Paragraph mark (Pilcrow) symbol C("Alt-8"): UC(0x2022), # • Bullet Point symbol (solid) C("Alt-9"): UC(0x00AA), # ª Feminine Ordinal Indicator C("Alt-0"): UC(0x00BA), # º Masculine Ordinal Indicator C("Alt-Minus"): UC(0x2013), # – En Dash punctuation mark C("Alt-Equal"): UC(0x2260), # ≠ Not Equal To symbol # Number keys row with Shift+Option ###################################################### C("Shift-Alt-Grave"): UC(0x0060), # ` Grave Accent (non-combining) C("Shift-Alt-1"): UC(0x2044), # ⁄ Fraction Slash C("Shift-Alt-2"): UC(0x20AC), # € Euro currency symbol C("Shift-Alt-3"): UC(0x2039), # ‹ Single Left-Pointing Angle Quotation mark C("Shift-Alt-4"): UC(0x203A), # › Single Right-Pointing Angle Quotation mark C("Shift-Alt-5"): UC(0xFB01), # fi Latin Small Ligature Fi C("Shift-Alt-6"): UC(0xFB02), # fl Latin Small Ligature Fl C("Shift-Alt-7"): UC(0x2021), # ‡ Double dagger (cross) symbol C("Shift-Alt-8"): UC(0x00B0), # ° Degree Sign C("Shift-Alt-9"): UC(0x00B7), # · Middle Dot (interpunct/middot) C("Shift-Alt-0"): UC(0x201A), # ‚ Single low-9 quotation mark C("Shift-Alt-Minus"): UC(0x2014), # — Em Dash punctuation mark C("Shift-Alt-Equal"): UC(0x00B1), # ± Plus Minus mathematical symbol # Tab key row with Option ###################################################### C("Alt-Q"): UC(0x0153), # œ Small oe (oethel) ligature C("Alt-W"): UC(0x2211), # ∑ N-Ary Summation (sigma) notation C("Alt-E"): [UC(0x00B4), C("Shift-Left"), setDK(0x00B4)], # Dead Key Accent: Acute C("Alt-R"): UC(0x00AE), # ® Registered Trade Mark Sign C("Alt-T"): UC(0x2020), # † Simple dagger (cross) symbol C("Alt-Y"): UC(0x00A5), # ¥ Japanese Yen currency symbol C("Alt-U"): [UC(0x00A8), C("Shift-Left"), setDK(0x00A8)], # Dead Key Accent: Umlaut C("Alt-I"): [UC(0x02C6), C("Shift-Left"), setDK(0x02C6)], # Dead Key Accent: Circumflex C("Alt-O"): UC(0x00F8), # ø Latin Small Letter o with Stroke C("Alt-P"): UC(0x03C0), # π Greek Small Letter Pi C("Alt-Left_Brace"): UC(0x201C), # “ Left Double Quotation Mark C("Alt-Right_Brace"): UC(0x2018), # ‘ Left Single Quotation Mark C("Alt-Backslash"): UC(0x00AB), # « Left-Pointing Double Angle Quotation Mark # Tab key row with Shift+Option ###################################################### C("Shift-Alt-Q"): UC(0x0152), # Œ Capital OE (Oethel) ligature C("Shift-Alt-W"): UC(0x201E), # „ Double Low-9 Quotation mark C("Shift-Alt-E"): UC(0x00B4), # ´ Acute Accent diacritic (non-combining) C("Shift-Alt-R"): UC(0x2030), # ‰ Per mille symbol (zero over zero-zero) C("Shift-Alt-T"): UC(0x02C7), # ˇ Caron/hacek diacritic (non-combining) C("Shift-Alt-Y"): UC(0x00C1), # Á Latin Capital Letter A with Acute C("Shift-Alt-U"): UC(0x00A8), # ¨ Diaeresis/Umlaut (non-combining) C("Shift-Alt-I"): UC(0x02C6), # ˆ Circumflex Accent (non-combining) C("Shift-Alt-O"): UC(0x00D8), # Ø Latin Capital Letter O with Stroke C("Shift-Alt-P"): UC(0x220F), # ∏ N-Ary Product mathematical symbol C("Shift-Alt-Left_Brace"): UC(0x201D), # ” Right Double Quotation Mark C("Shift-Alt-Right_Brace"): UC(0x2019), # ’ Right Single Quotation Mark C("Shift-Alt-Backslash"): UC(0x00BB), # » Right-Pointing Double Angle Quotation Mark # CapsLock key row with Option ###################################################### C("Alt-A"): UC(0x00E5), # å Small Letter a with Ring Above C("Alt-S"): UC(0x00DF), # ß German Eszett/beta (Sharfes/Sharp S) C("Alt-D"): UC(0x2202), # ∂ Partial Differential C("Alt-F"): UC(0x0192), # ƒ Function/florin currency symbol C("Alt-G"): UC(0x00A9), # © Copyright Sign C("Alt-H"): UC(0x02D9), # ˙ Dot Above diacritic (non-combining) C("Alt-J"): UC(0x2206), # ∆ Increment, laplace operator symbol C("Alt-K"): UC(0x02DA), # ˚ Ring Above diacritic (non-combining) C("Alt-L"): UC(0x00AC), # ¬ Not Sign angled dash symbol C("Alt-Semicolon"): UC(0x2026), # … Horizontal ellipsis C("Alt-Apostrophe"): UC(0x00E6), # æ Small ae ligature # CapsLock key row with Shift+Option ###################################################### C("Shift-Alt-A"): UC(0x00C5), # Å Capital Letter A with Ring Above C("Shift-Alt-S"): UC(0x00CD), # Í Latin Capital Letter I with Acute C("Shift-Alt-D"): UC(0x00CE), # Î Latin Capital Letter I with Circumflex C("Shift-Alt-F"): UC(0x00CF), # Ï Latin Capital Letter I with Diaeresis C("Shift-Alt-G"): UC(0x02DD), # ˝ Double Acute Accent (non-combining) C("Shift-Alt-H"): UC(0x00D3), # Ó Latin Capital Letter O with Acute C("Shift-Alt-J"): UC(0x00D4), # Ô Latin Capital Letter O with Circumflex ######################################################################################################### # The Apple logo is at {U+F8FF} in a Unicode Private Use Area. Only at that location in Mac fonts. # Symbol exists at {U+F000} in Baskerville Old Face font. C("Shift-Alt-K"): [apple_logo_alert(),UC(0xF000)], #  Apple logo [req's Baskerville Old Face font] C("Shift-Alt-L"): UC(0x00D2), # Ò Latin Capital Letter O with Grave C("Shift-Alt-Semicolon"): UC(0x00DA), # Ú Latin Capital Letter U with Acute C("Shift-Alt-Apostrophe"): UC(0x00C6), # Æ Capital AE ligature # Shift keys row with Option ###################################################### C("Alt-Z"): UC(0x03A9), # Ω Greek Capital Letter Omega C("Alt-X"): UC(0x2248), # ≈ Almost Equal To symbol C("Alt-C"): UC(0x00E7), # ç Small Letter c with Cedilla C("Alt-V"): UC(0x221A), # √ Square Root radical sign C("Alt-B"): UC(0x222B), # ∫ Integral mathematical symbol C("Alt-N"): [UC(0x02DC), C("Shift-Left"), setDK(0x02DC)], # Dead Key Accent: Tilde C("Alt-M"): UC(0x00B5), # µ Micro (mu) symbol C("Alt-Comma"): UC(0x2264), # ≤ Less Than or Equal To symbol C("Alt-Dot"): UC(0x2265), # ≥ Greater Than or Equal To symbol C("Alt-Slash"): UC(0x00F7), # ÷ Obelus/Division symbol # Shift keys row with Shift+Option ###################################################### C("Shift-Alt-Z"): UC(0x00B8), # ¸ Spacing Cedilla diacritic (non-combining) C("Shift-Alt-X"): UC(0x02DB), # ˛ Ogonek diacritic (non-combining) C("Shift-Alt-C"): UC(0x00C7), # Ç Capital Letter C with Cedilla C("Shift-Alt-V"): UC(0x25CA), # ◊ Lozenge (diamond) shape symbol C("Shift-Alt-B"): UC(0x0131), # ı Latin Small Letter Dotless i C("Shift-Alt-N"): UC(0x02DC), # ˜ Small Tilde character C("Shift-Alt-M"): UC(0x00C2), #  Latin Capital Letter A with Circumflex C("Shift-Alt-Comma"): UC(0x00AF), # ¯ Macron/overline/overbar (non-combining) C("Shift-Alt-Dot"): UC(0x02D8), # ˘ Breve diacritic (non-combining) C("Shift-Alt-Slash"): UC(0x00BF), # ¿ Inverted Question mark }, when = lambda ctx: ctx.wm_class.casefold() not in terminals and _optspec_US is True and _optspec_ABC is False)