#!/usr/bin/env python -u """IMAP Incremental Backup Script""" __version__ = "1.4h" __author__ = "Rui Carmo (http://taoofmac.com)" __copyright__ = "(C) 2006-2018 Rui Carmo. Code under MIT License.(C)" __contributors__ = "jwagnerhki, Bob Ippolito, Michael Leonhard, Giuseppe Scrivano , Ronan Sheth, Brandon Long, Christian Schanz, A. Bovett, Mark Feit" # = Contributors = # http://github.com/markfeit: Allow password to be read from a file # http://github.com/jwagnerhki: fix for message_id checks # A. Bovett: Modifications for Thunderbird compatibility and disabling spinner in Windows # Christian Schanz: added target directory parameter # Brandon Long (Gmail team): Reminder to use BODY.PEEK instead of BODY # Ronan Sheth: hashlib patch (this now requires Python 2.5, although reverting it back is trivial) # Giuseppe Scrivano: Added support for folders. # Michael Leonhard: LIST result parsing, SSL support, revamped argument processing, # moved spinner into class, extended recv fix to Windows # Bob Ippolito: fix for MemoryError on socket recv, http://python.org/sf/1092502 # Rui Carmo: original author, up to v1.2e # = TODO = # - Add proper exception handlers to scanFile() and downloadMessages() # - Migrate mailbox usage from rfc822 module to email module # - Investigate using the noseek mailbox/email option to improve speed # - Use the email module to normalize downloaded messages # and add missing Message-Id # - Test parseList() and its descendents on other imapds # - Test bzip2 support # - Add option to download only subscribed folders # - Add regex option to filter folders # - Use a single IMAP command to get Message-IDs # - Use a single IMAP command to fetch the messages # - Patch Python's ssl module to do proper checking of certificate chain # - Patch Python's ssl module to raise good exceptions # - Submit patch of socket._fileobject.read # - Improve imaplib module with LIST parsing code, submit patch # DONE: # v1.4h # - Add timeout option # v1.3c # - Add SSL support # - Support host:port # - Cleaned up code using PyLint to identify problems # pylint -f html --indent-string=" " --max-line-length=90 imapbackup.py > report.html import getpass import os import gc import sys import time import platform import getopt import mailbox import imaplib import socket import re import hashlib import gzip import bz2 class SkipFolderException(Exception): """Indicates aborting processing of current folder, continue with next folder.""" pass class Spinner: """Prints out message with cute spinner, indicating progress""" def __init__(self, message, nospinner): """Spinner constructor""" self.glyphs = "|/-\\" self.pos = 0 self.message = message self.nospinner = nospinner sys.stdout.write(message) sys.stdout.flush() self.spin() def spin(self): """Rotate the spinner""" if sys.stdin.isatty() and not self.nospinner: sys.stdout.write("\r" + self.message + " " + self.glyphs[self.pos]) sys.stdout.flush() self.pos = (self.pos+1) % len(self.glyphs) def stop(self): """Erase the spinner from the screen""" if sys.stdin.isatty() and not self.nospinner: sys.stdout.write("\r" + self.message + " ") sys.stdout.write("\r" + self.message) sys.stdout.flush() def pretty_byte_count(num): """Converts integer into a human friendly count of bytes, eg: 12.243 MB""" if num == 1: return "1 byte" elif num < 1024: return "%s bytes" % num elif num < 1048576: return "%.2f KB" % (num/1024.0) elif num < 1073741824: return "%.3f MB" % (num/1048576.0) elif num < 1099511627776: return "%.3f GB" % (num/1073741824.0) else: return "%.3f TB" % (num/1099511627776.0) # Regular expressions for parsing MSGID_RE = re.compile("^Message\-Id\: (.+)", re.IGNORECASE + re.MULTILINE) BLANKS_RE = re.compile(r'\s+', re.MULTILINE) # Constants UUID = '19AF1258-1AAF-44EF-9D9A-731079D6FAD7' # Used to generate Message-Ids def string_from_file(value): """ Read a string from a file or return the string unchanged. If the string begins with '@', the remainder of the string will be treated as a path to the file to be read. Precede the '@' with a '\' to treat it as a literal. """ assert isinstance(value, basestring) if not value or value[0] not in ["\\", "@"]: return value if value[0] == "\\": return value[1:] with open(os.path.expanduser(value[1:]), 'r') as content: return content.read().strip() def download_messages(server, filename, messages, config): """Download messages from folder and append to mailbox""" if config['overwrite']: if os.path.exists(filename): print "Deleting", filename os.remove(filename) return [] else: assert('bzip2' != config['compress']) # Open disk file if config['compress'] == 'gzip': mbox = gzip.GzipFile(filename, 'ab', 9) elif config['compress'] == 'bzip2': mbox = bz2.BZ2File(filename, 'wb', 512*1024, 9) else: mbox = file(filename, 'ab') # the folder has already been selected by scanFolder() # nothing to do if not len(messages): print "New messages: 0" mbox.close() return spinner = Spinner("Downloading %s new messages to %s" % (len(messages), filename), config['nospinner']) total = biggest = 0 from_re = re.compile("\n(>*)From ") # each new message for msg_id in messages.keys(): # This "From" and the terminating newline below delimit messages # in mbox files. Note that RFC 4155 specifies that the date be # in the same format as the output of ctime(3), which is required # by ISO C to use English day and month abbreviations. buf = "From nobody %s\n" % time.ctime() # If this is one of our synthesised Message-IDs, insert it before # the other headers if UUID in msg_id: buf = buf + "Message-Id: %s\n" % msg_id mbox.write(buf) # fetch message typ, data = server.fetch(messages[msg_id], "RFC822") assert('OK' == typ) text = data[0][1].strip().replace('\r', '') if config['thunderbird']: # This avoids Thunderbird mistaking a line starting "From " as the start # of a new message. _Might_ also apply to other mail lients - unknown text = text.replace("\nFrom ", "\n From ") else: # Perform >From quoting as described by RFC 4155 and the qmail docs. # https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc4155.txt # http://qmail.org/qmail-manual-html/man5/mbox.html text = from_re.sub("\n>\\1From ", text) mbox.write(text) mbox.write('\n\n') size = len(text) biggest = max(size, biggest) total += size del data gc.collect() spinner.spin() mbox.close() spinner.stop() print ": %s total, %s for largest message" % (pretty_byte_count(total), pretty_byte_count(biggest)) def scan_file(filename, compress, overwrite, nospinner): """Gets IDs of messages in the specified mbox file""" # file will be overwritten if overwrite: return [] else: assert('bzip2' != compress) # file doesn't exist if not os.path.exists(filename): print "File %s: not found" % filename return [] spinner = Spinner("File %s" % filename, nospinner) # open the file if compress == 'gzip': mbox = gzip.GzipFile(filename, 'rb') elif compress == 'bzip2': mbox = bz2.BZ2File(filename, 'rb') else: mbox = file(filename, 'rb') messages = {} # each message i = 0 for message in mailbox.PortableUnixMailbox(mbox): header = '' # We assume all messages on disk have message-ids try: header = ''.join(message.getfirstmatchingheader('message-id')) except KeyError: # No message ID was found. Warn the user and move on print print "WARNING: Message #%d in %s" % (i, filename), print "has no Message-Id header." header = BLANKS_RE.sub(' ', header.strip()) try: msg_id = MSGID_RE.match(header).group(1) if msg_id not in messages.keys(): # avoid adding dupes messages[msg_id] = msg_id except AttributeError: # Message-Id was found but could somehow not be parsed by regexp # (highly bloody unlikely) print print "WARNING: Message #%d in %s" % (i, filename), print "has a malformed Message-Id header." spinner.spin() i = i + 1 # done mbox.close() spinner.stop() print ": %d messages" % (len(messages.keys())) return messages def scan_folder(server, foldername, nospinner): """Gets IDs of messages in the specified folder, returns id:num dict""" messages = {} foldername = '"{}"'.format(foldername) spinner = Spinner("Folder %s" % foldername, nospinner) try: typ, data = server.select(foldername, readonly=True) if 'OK' != typ: raise SkipFolderException("SELECT failed: %s" % data) num_msgs = int(data[0]) # each message for num in range(1, num_msgs+1): # Retrieve Message-Id, making sure we don't mark all messages as read typ, data = server.fetch( num, '(BODY.PEEK[HEADER.FIELDS (MESSAGE-ID)])') if 'OK' != typ: raise SkipFolderException("FETCH %s failed: %s" % (num, data)) header = data[0][1].strip() # remove newlines inside Message-Id (a dumb Exchange trait) header = BLANKS_RE.sub(' ', header) try: msg_id = MSGID_RE.match(header).group(1) if msg_id not in messages.keys(): # avoid adding dupes messages[msg_id] = num except (IndexError, AttributeError): # Some messages may have no Message-Id, so we'll synthesise one # (this usually happens with Sent, Drafts and .Mac news) typ, data = server.fetch( num, '(BODY[HEADER.FIELDS (FROM TO CC DATE SUBJECT)])') if 'OK' != typ: raise SkipFolderException( "FETCH %s failed: %s" % (num, data)) header = data[0][1].strip() header = header.replace('\r\n', '\t') messages['<' + UUID + '.' + hashlib.sha1(header).hexdigest() + '>'] = num spinner.spin() finally: spinner.stop() print ":", # done print "%d messages" % (len(messages.keys())) return messages def parse_paren_list(row): """Parses the nested list of attributes at the start of a LIST response""" # eat starting paren assert(row[0] == '(') row = row[1:] result = [] # NOTE: RFC3501 doesn't fully define the format of name attributes name_attrib_re = re.compile("^\s*(\\\\[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\s*") # eat name attributes until ending paren while row[0] != ')': # recurse if row[0] == '(': paren_list, row = parse_paren_list(row) result.append(paren_list) # consume name attribute else: match = name_attrib_re.search(row) assert(match is not None) name_attrib = row[match.start():match.end()] row = row[match.end():] #print "MATCHED '%s' '%s'" % (name_attrib, row) name_attrib = name_attrib.strip() result.append(name_attrib) # eat ending paren assert(')' == row[0]) row = row[1:] # done! return result, row def parse_string_list(row): """Parses the quoted and unquoted strings at the end of a LIST response""" slist = re.compile('\s*(?:"([^"]+)")\s*|\s*(\S+)\s*').split(row) return [s for s in slist if s] def parse_list(row): """Parses response of LIST command into a list""" row = row.strip() paren_list, row = parse_paren_list(row) string_list = parse_string_list(row) assert(len(string_list) == 2) return [paren_list] + string_list def get_hierarchy_delimiter(server): """Queries the imapd for the hierarchy delimiter, eg. '.' in INBOX.Sent""" # see RFC 3501 page 39 paragraph 4 typ, data = server.list('', '') assert(typ == 'OK') assert(len(data) == 1) lst = parse_list(data[0]) # [attribs, hierarchy delimiter, root name] hierarchy_delim = lst[1] # NIL if there is no hierarchy if 'NIL' == hierarchy_delim: hierarchy_delim = '.' return hierarchy_delim def get_names(server, compress, thunderbird, nospinner): """Get list of folders, returns [(FolderName,FileName)]""" spinner = Spinner("Finding Folders", nospinner) # Get hierarchy delimiter delim = get_hierarchy_delimiter(server) spinner.spin() # Get LIST of all folders typ, data = server.list() assert(typ == 'OK') spinner.spin() names = [] # parse each LIST, find folder name for row in data: lst = parse_list(row) foldername = lst[2] suffix = {'none': '', 'gzip': '.gz', 'bzip2': '.bz2'}[compress] if thunderbird: filename = '.sbd/'.join(foldername.split(delim)) + suffix if filename.startswith("INBOX"): filename = filename.replace("INBOX", "Inbox") else: filename = '.'.join(foldername.split(delim)) + '.mbox' + suffix # print "\n*** Folder:", foldername # *DEBUG # print "*** File:", filename # *DEBUG names.append((foldername, filename)) # done spinner.stop() print ": %s folders" % (len(names)) return names def print_usage(): """Prints usage, exits""" # " " print "Usage: imapbackup [OPTIONS] -s HOST -u USERNAME [-p PASSWORD]" print " -a --append-to-mboxes Append new messages to mbox files. (default)" print " -y --yes-overwrite-mboxes Overwite existing mbox files instead of appending." print " -n --compress=none Use one plain mbox file for each folder. (default)" print " -z --compress=gzip Use mbox.gz files. Appending may be very slow." print " -b --compress=bzip2 Use mbox.bz2 files. Appending not supported: use -y." print " -f --=folder Specifify which folders use. Comma separated list." print " -e --ssl Use SSL. Port defaults to 993." print " -k KEY --key=KEY PEM private key file for SSL. Specify cert, too." print " -c CERT --cert=CERT PEM certificate chain for SSL. Specify key, too." print " Python's SSL module doesn't check the cert chain." print " -s HOST --server=HOST Address of server, port optional, eg. mail.com:143" print " -u USER --user=USER Username to log into server" print " -p PASS --pass=PASS Prompts for password if not specified. If the first" print " character is '@', treat the rest as a path to a file" print " containing the password. Leading '\' makes it literal." print " -t SECS --timeout=SECS Sets socket timeout to SECS seconds." print " --thunderbird Create Mozilla Thunderbird compatible mailbox" print " --nospinner Disable spinner (makes output log-friendly)" print "\nNOTE: mbox files are created in the current working directory." sys.exit(2) def process_cline(): """Uses getopt to process command line, returns (config, warnings, errors)""" # read command line try: short_args = "aynzbekt:c:s:u:p:f:" long_args = ["append-to-mboxes", "yes-overwrite-mboxes", "compress=", "ssl", "timeout", "keyfile=", "certfile=", "server=", "user=", "pass=", "folders=", "thunderbird", "nospinner"] opts, extraargs = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], short_args, long_args) except getopt.GetoptError: print_usage() warnings = [] config = {'compress': 'none', 'overwrite': False, 'usessl': False, 'thunderbird': False, 'nospinner': False} errors = [] # empty command line if not len(opts) and not len(extraargs): print_usage() # process each command line option, save in config for option, value in opts: if option in ("-a", "--append-to-mboxes"): config['overwrite'] = False elif option in ("-y", "--yes-overwrite-mboxes"): warnings.append("Existing mbox files will be overwritten!") config["overwrite"] = True elif option == "-n": config['compress'] = 'none' elif option == "-z": config['compress'] = 'gzip' elif option == "-b": config['compress'] = 'bzip2' elif option == "--compress": if value in ('none', 'gzip', 'bzip2'): config['compress'] = value else: errors.append("Invalid compression type specified.") elif option in ("-e", "--ssl"): config['usessl'] = True elif option in ("-k", "--keyfile"): config['keyfilename'] = value elif option in ("-f", "--folders"): config['folders'] = value elif option in ("-c", "--certfile"): config['certfilename'] = value elif option in ("-s", "--server"): config['server'] = value elif option in ("-u", "--user"): config['user'] = value elif option in ("-p", "--pass"): try: config['pass'] = string_from_file(value) except Exception as ex: errors.append("Can't read password: %s" % (str(ex))) elif option in ("-t", "--timeout"): config['timeout'] = value elif option == "--thunderbird": config['thunderbird'] = True elif option == "--nospinner": config['nospinner'] = True else: errors.append("Unknown option: " + option) # don't ignore extra arguments for arg in extraargs: errors.append("Unknown argument: " + arg) # done processing command line return config, warnings, errors def check_config(config, warnings, errors): """Checks the config for consistency, returns (config, warnings, errors)""" if config['compress'] == 'bzip2' and config['overwrite'] is False: errors.append( "Cannot append new messages to mbox.bz2 files. Please specify -y.") if config['compress'] == 'gzip' and config['overwrite'] is False: warnings.append( "Appending new messages to mbox.gz files is very slow. Please Consider\n" " using -y and compressing the files yourself with gzip -9 *.mbox") if 'server' not in config: errors.append("No server specified.") if 'user' not in config: errors.append("No username specified.") if ('keyfilename' in config) ^ ('certfilename' in config): errors.append("Please specify both key and cert or neither.") if 'keyfilename' in config and not config['usessl']: errors.append("Key specified without SSL. Please use -e or --ssl.") if 'certfilename' in config and not config['usessl']: errors.append( "Certificate specified without SSL. Please use -e or --ssl.") if 'server' in config and ':' in config['server']: # get host and port strings bits = config['server'].split(':', 1) config['server'] = bits[0] # port specified, convert it to int if len(bits) > 1 and len(bits[1]) > 0: try: port = int(bits[1]) if port > 65535 or port < 0: raise ValueError config['port'] = port except ValueError: errors.append( "Invalid port. Port must be an integer between 0 and 65535.") if 'timeout' in config: try: timeout = int(config['timeout']) if timeout <= 0: raise ValueError config['timeout'] = timeout except ValueError: errors.append( "Invalid timeout value. Must be an integer greater than 0.") return config, warnings, errors def get_config(): """Gets config from command line and console, returns config""" # config = { # 'compress': 'none' or 'gzip' or 'bzip2' # 'overwrite': True or False # 'server': String # 'port': Integer # 'user': String # 'pass': String # 'usessl': True or False # 'keyfilename': String or None # 'certfilename': String or None # } config, warnings, errors = process_cline() config, warnings, errors = check_config(config, warnings, errors) # show warnings for warning in warnings: print "WARNING:", warning # show errors, exit for error in errors: print "ERROR", error if len(errors): sys.exit(2) # prompt for password, if necessary if 'pass' not in config: config['pass'] = getpass.getpass() # defaults if 'port' not in config: if config['usessl']: config['port'] = 993 else: config['port'] = 143 if 'timeout' not in config: config['timeout'] = 60 # done! return config def connect_and_login(config): """Connects to the server and logs in. Returns IMAP4 object.""" try: assert(not (('keyfilename' in config) ^ ('certfilename' in config))) if config['timeout']: socket.setdefaulttimeout(config['timeout']) if config['usessl'] and 'keyfilename' in config: print "Connecting to '%s' TCP port %d," % ( config['server'], config['port']), print "SSL, key from %s," % (config['keyfilename']), print "cert from %s " % (config['certfilename']) server = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL(config['server'], config['port'], config['keyfilename'], config['certfilename']) elif config['usessl']: print "Connecting to '%s' TCP port %d, SSL" % ( config['server'], config['port']) server = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL(config['server'], config['port']) else: print "Connecting to '%s' TCP port %d" % ( config['server'], config['port']) server = imaplib.IMAP4(config['server'], config['port']) # speed up interactions on TCP connections using small packets server.sock.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY, 1) print "Logging in as '%s'" % (config['user']) server.login(config['user'], config['pass']) except socket.gaierror, e: (err, desc) = e print "ERROR: problem looking up server '%s' (%s %s)" % ( config['server'], err, desc) sys.exit(3) except socket.error, e: if str(e) == "SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file error": print "ERROR: error reading private key file '%s'" % ( config['keyfilename']) elif str(e) == "SSL_CTX_use_certificate_chain_file error": print "ERROR: error reading certificate chain file '%s'" % ( config['keyfilename']) else: print "ERROR: could not connect to '%s' (%s)" % ( config['server'], e) sys.exit(4) return server def create_folder_structure(names): """ Create the folder structure on disk """ for imap_foldername, filename in sorted(names): disk_foldername = os.path.split(filename)[0] if disk_foldername: try: # print "*** mkdir:", disk_foldername # *DEBUG os.mkdir(disk_foldername) except OSError, e: if e.errno != 17: raise def main(): """Main entry point""" try: config = get_config() server = connect_and_login(config) names = get_names(server, config['compress'], config['thunderbird'], config['nospinner']) if config.get('folders'): dirs = map(lambda x: x.strip(), config.get('folders').split(',')) if config['thunderbird']: dirs = [i.replace("Inbox", "INBOX", 1) if i.startswith("Inbox") else i for i in dirs] names = filter(lambda x: x[0] in dirs, names) # for n, name in enumerate(names): # *DEBUG # print n, name # *DEBUG create_folder_structure(names) for name_pair in names: try: foldername, filename = name_pair fol_messages = scan_folder( server, foldername, config['nospinner']) fil_messages = scan_file(filename, config['compress'], config['overwrite'], config['nospinner']) new_messages = {} for msg_id in fol_messages.keys(): if msg_id not in fil_messages: new_messages[msg_id] = fol_messages[msg_id] # for f in new_messages: # print "%s : %s" % (f, new_messages[f]) download_messages(server, filename, new_messages, config) except SkipFolderException, e: print e print "Disconnecting" server.logout() except socket.error, e: print "ERROR:", e sys.exit(4) except imaplib.IMAP4.error, e: print "ERROR:", e sys.exit(5) # From http://www.pixelbeat.org/talks/python/spinner.py def cli_exception(typ, value, traceback): """Handle CTRL-C by printing newline instead of ugly stack trace""" if not issubclass(typ, KeyboardInterrupt): sys.__excepthook__(typ, value, traceback) else: sys.stdout.write("\n") sys.stdout.flush() if sys.stdin.isatty(): sys.excepthook = cli_exception # Hideous fix to counteract http://python.org/sf/1092502 # (which should have been fixed ages ago.) # Also see http://python.org/sf/1441530 def _fixed_socket_read(self, size=-1): data = self._rbuf if size < 0: # Read until EOF buffers = [] if data: buffers.append(data) self._rbuf = "" if self._rbufsize <= 1: recv_size = self.default_bufsize else: recv_size = self._rbufsize while True: data = self._sock.recv(recv_size) if not data: break buffers.append(data) return "".join(buffers) else: # Read until size bytes or EOF seen, whichever comes first buf_len = len(data) if buf_len >= size: self._rbuf = data[size:] return data[:size] buffers = [] if data: buffers.append(data) self._rbuf = "" while True: left = size - buf_len recv_size = min(self._rbufsize, left) # the actual fix data = self._sock.recv(recv_size) if not data: break buffers.append(data) n = len(data) if n >= left: self._rbuf = data[left:] buffers[-1] = data[:left] break buf_len += n return "".join(buffers) # Platform detection to enable socket patch if 'Darwin' in platform.platform() and '2.3.5' == platform.python_version(): socket._fileobject.read = _fixed_socket_read # 20181212: Windows 10 + Python 2.7 doesn't need this fix # (fix leads to error: object of type 'cStringIO.StringO' has no len()) if 'Windows' in platform.platform() and '2.3.5' == platform.python_version(): socket._fileobject.read = _fixed_socket_read if __name__ == '__main__': gc.enable() main()