import { writeAll } from "^"; import { readN, uint8ArrayToReader } from "./utils.ts"; export const SOCKS_VERSION = 5; export const USERNAME_PASSWORD_AUTH_VERSION = 1; export enum AddrType { IPv4 = 1, DomainName = 3, IPv6 = 4, } export enum AuthMethod { NoAuth = 0, UsernamePassword = 2, NoneAcceptable = 0xff, } export enum ReplyStatus { Success = 0, GeneralError, RulesetError, NetworkUnreachable, HostUnreachable, ConnectionRefused, TTLExpired, UnsupportedCommand, UnsupportedAddress, } export enum Command { Connect = 1, Bind, UdpAssociate, } function decodeError(status: number) { switch (status) { case ReplyStatus.GeneralError: return "general SOCKS server failure"; case ReplyStatus.RulesetError: return "connection not allowed by ruleset"; case ReplyStatus.NetworkUnreachable: return "Network unreachable"; case ReplyStatus.HostUnreachable: return "Host unreachable"; case ReplyStatus.ConnectionRefused: return "Connection refused"; case ReplyStatus.TTLExpired: return "TTL expired"; case ReplyStatus.UnsupportedCommand: return "Command not supported"; case ReplyStatus.UnsupportedAddress: return "Address type not supported"; default: return "unknown SOCKS error"; } } const v4Pattern = /^(?:\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}/; const v6Pattern = /^(?:[A-F0-9]{1,4}:){7}[A-F0-9]{1,4}$/i; function serializeAddress(hostname: string, port: number) { const portBytes = [port >> 8, port % 256]; if (v4Pattern.test(hostname)) { return Uint8Array.from([ AddrType.IPv4, ...hostname.split(".").map(Number), ...portBytes, ]); } if (v6Pattern.test(hostname)) { return Uint8Array.from([ AddrType.IPv6, ...hostname.split(":").flatMap((x) => { const num = parseInt(x, 16); return [num >> 8, num % 256]; }), ...portBytes, ]); } const bytes = new TextEncoder().encode(hostname); return Uint8Array.from([ AddrType.DomainName, bytes.length, ...bytes, ...portBytes, ]); } async function deserializeAddress(r: Deno.Reader) { const [type] = await readN(r, 1); const hostname = await (async () => { if (type === AddrType.IPv4) { const parts = [...(await readN(r, 4))]; return { value:"."), length: 4 }; } if (type === AddrType.IPv6) { const parts = []; const buff = await readN(r, 16); for (let i = 0; i < buff.length; i += 2) { parts.push((buff[i] << 8) + buff[i + 1]); } return { value:":"), length: 16 }; } if (type === AddrType.DomainName) { const [length] = await readN(r, 1); return { value: new TextDecoder().decode(await readN(r, length)), length: length + 1, }; } throw new Error(`unexpected address type: ${type}`); })(); const [portUpper, portLower] = await readN(r, 2); const port = (portUpper << 8) + portLower; return { hostname: hostname.value, port, bytesRead: hostname.length + 3 }; } interface AddrConfig { hostname: string; port?: number; } interface AuthConfig { username: string; password: string; } interface UdpProxyInfo { tcpConn: Deno.Conn; addr: { hostname: string; port: number; transport: "udp" }; } export type ClientConfig = AddrConfig | (AddrConfig & AuthConfig); export class Client { #config: Required; constructor(config: ClientConfig) { this.#config = { ...config, port: config.port ?? 1080, }; } #connectAndRequest = async (cmd: Command, hostname: string, port: number) => { const conn = await Deno.connect({ hostname: this.#config.hostname, port: this.#config.port, }); // handle auth negotiation const methods = [AuthMethod.NoAuth]; if ("username" in this.#config) { methods.push(AuthMethod.UsernamePassword); } await writeAll( conn, Uint8Array.from([SOCKS_VERSION, methods.length, ...methods]), ); const [negotiationVersion, method] = await readN(conn, 2); if ( negotiationVersion !== SOCKS_VERSION || method === AuthMethod.NoneAcceptable ) { try { conn.close(); } catch { // ignore } throw new Error( negotiationVersion !== SOCKS_VERSION ? `unsupported SOCKS version number: ${negotiationVersion}` : "no acceptable authentication methods", ); } if (method === AuthMethod.UsernamePassword) { const cfg = this.#config as AddrConfig & AuthConfig; const te = new TextEncoder(); const username = te.encode(cfg.username); const password = te.encode(cfg.password); await writeAll( conn, Uint8Array.from([ USERNAME_PASSWORD_AUTH_VERSION, username.length, ...username, password.length, ...password, ]), ); const [authVersion, status] = await readN(conn, 2); if ( authVersion !== USERNAME_PASSWORD_AUTH_VERSION || status !== ReplyStatus.Success ) { try { conn.close(); } catch { // ignore } throw new Error( authVersion !== USERNAME_PASSWORD_AUTH_VERSION ? `unsupported authentication version number: ${authVersion}` : "authentication failed", ); } } // handle actual message await writeAll( conn, Uint8Array.from([ SOCKS_VERSION, cmd, 0, ...serializeAddress(hostname, port), ]), ); const [replyVersion, status, _] = await readN(conn, 3); if (replyVersion !== SOCKS_VERSION || status !== ReplyStatus.Success) { try { conn.close(); } catch { // ignore } throw new Error( replyVersion !== SOCKS_VERSION ? `unsupported SOCKS version number: ${replyVersion}` : decodeError(status), ); } return { conn, ...(await deserializeAddress(conn)), }; }; async connect(opts: Deno.ConnectOptions): Promise { const remoteAddr = { hostname: opts.hostname ?? "", port: opts.port, transport: "tcp", } as const; const { conn, hostname, port } = await this.#connectAndRequest( Command.Connect, remoteAddr.hostname, remoteAddr.port, ); const localAddr = { hostname, port, transport: "tcp", } as const; return { setKeepAlive(keepalive?: boolean) { conn.setKeepAlive(keepalive); }, setNoDelay(nodelay?: boolean) { conn.setNoDelay(nodelay); }, get localAddr() { return localAddr; }, get remoteAddr() { return remoteAddr; }, get rid() { return conn.rid; }, get readable() { return conn.readable; }, get writable() { return conn.writable; }, read:, write: conn.write.bind(conn), close: conn.close.bind(conn), closeWrite: conn.closeWrite.bind(conn), }; } listenDatagram( opts: Deno.ListenOptions & { transport: "udp" }, ): Deno.DatagramConn & { readonly isReady: Promise } { const udpConn = Deno.listenDatagram(opts); let proxyInfo: null | UdpProxyInfo = null; const close = (throwErr = false) => { let err: unknown; try { proxyInfo?.tcpConn.close(); } catch (e) { err = e; } try { udpConn.close(); } catch (e) { err = e; } if (err && throwErr) { throw err; } }; const isReady = (async () => { try { const localAddr = udpConn.addr as Deno.NetAddr; const { conn, hostname, port } = await this.#connectAndRequest( Command.UdpAssociate, localAddr.hostname, localAddr.port, ); proxyInfo = { tcpConn: conn, addr: { hostname, port, transport: "udp", }, }; // close UDP connection when TCP connection closes (async () => { const buff = new Uint8Array(1024); while (true) { const val = await => null); if (val === null) { break; } } close(); })(); } catch (e) { close(); throw e; } })(); return { get isReady() { return isReady; }, get addr() { return proxyInfo ? proxyInfo.addr : udpConn.addr; }, async send(p: Uint8Array, addr: Deno.Addr) { if (!proxyInfo) { await isReady; } const netAddr = addr as Deno.NetAddr; const serializedAddress = serializeAddress( netAddr.hostname, netAddr.port, ); const msg = new Uint8Array(3 + serializedAddress.length + p.length); msg.set(serializedAddress, 3); msg.set(p, 3 + serializedAddress.length); return udpConn.send(msg, proxyInfo!.addr); }, async receive(p?: Uint8Array): Promise<[Uint8Array, Deno.Addr]> { if (!proxyInfo) { await isReady; } const buff = new Uint8Array(p ? p.length + 1024 : 2048); const [res] = await udpConn.receive(buff); // if first two reserved bytes are not zero, or the fragment value is // not zero, then ignore the datagram if (res[0] || res[1] || res[2]) { return this.receive(p); } const { hostname, port, bytesRead } = await deserializeAddress( uint8ArrayToReader(res.subarray(3)), ); return [ res.subarray(3 + bytesRead), { hostname, port, transport: "udp" }, ]; }, close() { close(true); }, [Symbol.asyncIterator]: udpConn[Symbol.asyncIterator], }; } }