Release Notes:
2.08 Release
- Added a retry function to GetWeight to reduce the random zero values when trying to get weight

2.07 Release
- Added support for OurWeather station for jhalt/Duncan

2.05 - 2.06 Release
- Added support for WeatherFlow Tempest Weather Station, if the station is on same network as your hives. We use the UDP broadcast here. Future will support their API.
- Fixed script that was causing errors, sorry about that.

2.00 Release
- Added support for BroodMinder BLE Temp/Humidity sensor (Wireless) 

1.99 Release
- Added support for BME280 Temp/Humidity/Pressure sensor (if using HiveTool Sensore board, use the LUX TS2591 I2C jack, or attach to PINs on side of board)
	- Thank you to Davey Rance for the sensor donation

1.98 Release
- Added support for Raspberry PI 4 hardware

1.97 Release
- Added a way to configure the air monitors - sorry, you'll have to go and find the id at the moment

1.96 Release
- Slight fixes to the last release, mostly update scripts and some getair error checking.

1.95 Release
- now makes sure that code version number is correct in the database
- Added Support for Air Quality Monitors, specifcally PurpleAir. You can select the closet PurpleAir Station.
	Your hive must be able to reach the Internet to config AND to pull the data. (Note, not configuratble via the UI until the next version)
- If the LocalHive Updates, we no longer clear the values in for things the local hive doesn't configure.
- Certain Hive Config items are ONLY configurable now at This makes our development efforts easier, so we aren't coding in two languages in two places. 
	- bee_race
	- bee_source
	- hive_type
	- hive_status
	- queen_start
	- queen_color
- Aligned Timezone fields between LocalHive and - stops the overwriting with invalid options

1.94 Release
HiveControl - Local Hive
- Fixed send file to stop converting all weather station dates, and moved that into
- Fixed Icon Size for Weight icon, thanks ptegler for the report

1.93 Release
HiveControl - Local Hive
- Removed the API calls to WXunderground, because IBM are jerks and no longer provide community weather data
- Reverted WXUnderground to pull XML since they still allow that, based on request from ptegler

1.92 Release
- Ability to filter hives and yards based on status
- Fixed the charts for hives that send data - now shows on individual hive pages
- Fixed the ability for hives to send proper data

HiveControl - Local Hive
- Added Version Footer, so you can easily see what version each hive is running.

- Weather (Outside Temp/Humidity/Solar/Wind, etc)
	1. WeatherUnderground was bought by IBM, so no longer allows API access to the data YOU give them! - Currently leaving option to select
	2. Added Support for (since they discontinued local access for their weather stations)
- HiveTemp/Humidity Sensors
	1. Added support for SHT31-D (if using HiveTool Dev board, use the LUX TS2591 I2C jack, or attach to PINs on side of board)
		See HiveControl wiki for instructions
	2. Added support for BME680 (if using HiveTool Dev board, use the LUX TS2591 I2C jack, or attach to PINs on side of board)
		See HiveControl wiki for instructions
- OS Updates
	1. Forced all hives to upgrade/update packages

-  Added/Fixed script to connect and register with
-  Added functions to sync and the local hive configuration files, this will help if you need to rebuild a hive

1.91 Release

	1. Added/Fixed script to connect and register with
	2. Added functions to sync and the local hive configuration files, this will help if you need to rebuild a hive

- Added Version Footer, so you can easily see what version each hive is running.

1.90 Release
- Weather (Outside Temp/Humidity/Solar/Wind, etc)
	1. WeatherUnderground was bought by IBM, so no longer allows API access to the data YOU give them! - Currently leaving option to select
	2. Added Support for (since they discontinued local access for their weather stations)
- HiveTemp/Humidity Sensors
	1. Added support for SHT31-D (if using HiveTool Dev board, use the LUX TS2591 I2C jack, or attach to PINs on side of board)
		See HiveControl wiki for instructions
	2. Added support for BME680 (if using HiveTool Dev board, use the LUX TS2591 I2C jack, or attach to PINs on side of board)
		See HiveControl wiki for instructions
- OS Updates
	1. Forced all hives to upgrade/update packages

1.84-89 Release
1. Focused on minor fixes and supporting Debian OS upgrades

1.83 Release
1. Added support for the temper, minus the hum sensors.

1.81 Release
1. Changed diskspace output in systemstatus to show human readable format
2. Fixed an issue with Crontab not installing during install
3. Created an install image, since unix noobs couldn't figure out how to install without it.
	- Resizes hard disk on first install
	- Doesn't include automatic hive registration or default sharing with hivetool, since if you share with hivetool without them expecting, you'll be locked out.
4. Added support for TSL2561 for David

1.80 Release
Wow, we did a lot of rework and found a few bugs in the process
1. You can now read the sensors on demand from the Instrument Config Admin
2. Fixed the Weight trend for the "Today" time period
3. Fixed when the WS1400 timed out
4. Fixed Ambient Temp Scripts to deal with errors when collecting data (such as WX offline, or the local sensor not working)
5. Fixed Currentconditions to show NA when it can't get a good reading
6. Changed the charts to end the line connecting points when mising data
7. Overhauled the scripts to output "null" instead of zero, showing better accuracy when we actually have a zero 
8. Simplified the script by moving each set of sensor code into their own scripts, called by currconditions
9. Fixed the problem that if you disabled a sensor, it cleared all configuration entries (really sucked for the weight sensors, as it was hard to recalibrate a live hive)
10. Changed the upload to for the Ambient Weather - now uses XML instead of the key (key still needed) - but will reduce the amount of overages you get. Still best to get a key per hive.

1.72 Release
1. Changed Database table allhive to default to 0 if we don't get a value.
2. Fixed Tick Marks on main chart
3. Changed the way we start pigpiod - init.d wasn't working for us, for some reason and the author suggested adding to cron @reboot
4. Fixed systemadmin page "RemoveZero" humidity actually removed ALL data.

1.70 Release Hotfix
1. Added a service called pigpiod (needed so when reboots happen)

1.69 Release Hotfix
2. Fixed pressure_in check - we referenced the wrong value, thus invalidating the check itself, allowing "----" to be inserted into our DBs.

1.68 Release Notes
Major changes here. We were having stability problems with the wiringPI DHT code. We've switched to pigpio. 
1. New pigpio DHT based code, seems more stable and reliable that lol_dht/wiringPI based code. It was also causing a conflict when we were running our beecounter service.
2. New HX711 Python code, to leverage pigpio code base
3. Fixed page refresh after running calibration wizard to show new value on intstrument page 

1.67 Release Notes
1. Fixed today option to show full day and use local timezone.

1.66 Release Notes
1. Added Today Option to all charts that show's all data since 12midnight local time.

1.65 Release Notes
1. Fixed Weather Pages to Show Metric (since we did it other places)

1.64 Release Notes
1. Fixed problem with ClearLogs in System Commands page (it wouldn't clear the logs)
2. Added ceiling and floor to humidity charts.
3. Fixed hidden error when default theme was set (no one noticed, but it was there)
4. Fixed background highcharts error where it was complaining about the data not being in order. 
5. Added an option to Pause Data Collection
6. Moved Logs menu item to default system.php page, to consolidate.
7. Fixed 401 error page not displaying

1.63 Release Notes
1. Fixed erorr where daily pollen count wouldn't run from cron because of a relative path defined.
2. Added a check for Locked file when running the DHT22 code
3. Removed the option to change running directory. (not needed)
4. Removed NASA ID, as that project seems dead.
5. Moved Weeather Instrument config to the Instruments page (for Nate)
6. Added option to specify IP address of your WS1400ip, if you are using (cuz Nate bought one)
7. Added SystemStatus option, because people liked that feature on Hivetool v1 code.

1.62 Release Notes
1. Implemented first version of Beecounter code, it's a large install.
	Going forward, it'll be an option included in the script
	The won't install it automatically, you'll have to follow the instructions to get it setup.

1.61 Release Notes
1. Fixed unexpected error in

1.60 Release Notes
1. Fixed a rare condition in that if you entered a decimal without a leading 0, HX711 would error out. We now check for that.
2. Added duplicate checking to database to disallow two hiveconfig rows with an ID of zero, just an added error check.
3. Added XRDP support during the install (you have to specify it though with -x if you want it) - Added for the folks who don't know how to enable it on their own.
4. Added TouchScreen Support for those that run the GUI Desktop, and can't install matchbox by themselves, use -k when installing to enable - example ./ -k
5. Added the ability to "save on click" for all the forms, eliminating the save button. Fixes the problem of having to hit save to get the second set of options.
6. Changed Rain Trend to a Area Chart, instead of a bar.
7. Add rain to hive activity detail chart
8. Changed GDD Chart to be Area in Detail views
9. Added Pollen values to the GDD Detail chart
10. Fixed Current Conditions Metric Trend Calc error
11. Added field validation to hivebodyconfig.php

1.59 Release Notes

1. Disallow negative numbers in the check function in the main shell scripts. This protects if a instrument gives us a negative value.
2. Added check for negative in IN_COUNT/OUT_COUNT for future support of beecounter code.
3. Actually commited the file.

1.58 Release Notes
1. Added index.html to /admin page.
2. Fixed All_charts flight color misspelling of variable.
3. Finished Weight Calibration Wizard feature for HX711 (the majority of our users)
4. Fixed a bug in
5. Fixed getpollen script to use, instead of Claritin
6. Fixed issue with Install script, it wasn't inserting the default values after install, causing improper startup.
7. Added "date/time to currentconditions.php so we know how current the data is (even though we have the option to show red, when the data is older than 5 minutes)."
8. Added 5 minute refresh of index.php, so we can watch our charts all day long!
9. Added function to check if we get an invalid figure for an expected value. Mainly for when the weather script returns pressure of ----