#!/bin/bash # ================================================== # Script to automate the install of all the dependencies # v2.02 - for HiveControl # # Must run under root # sudo bash # Usage: ./install.sh # ================================================== function show_help { echo "--------------------" echo "HiveControl Installation Help" echo "--------------------" echo " -b Use RaspiCam as a Beecounter Setup (Warning: Can take up to 8 hrs to run)" echo " -w Use RaspiCam as Livestream" echo " -x Install XRDP for you Windows Users" echo " -k Touch Screen Keyboard Install" echo " -h or -? This help message" echo " -d Turn on Debugging" echo "" } function enablePICam() { if grep "start_x=1" /boot/config.txt then echo "Start_x already set" elif "start_x=0" then sed -i "s/start_x=0/start_x=1/g" /boot/config.txt #reboot else echo "start_x=1" >> /boot/config.txt fi if grep "disable_camera_led=1" /boot/config.txt then echo "LED Disable already set" else sed -i "s/disable_camera_led=0/disable_camera_led=1/g" /boot/config.txt echo "disable_camera_led=1" >> /boot/config.txt #reboot gpu_mem=128 fi if grep "gpu_mem=128" /boot/config.txt then sed -i "s/gpu_mem=128/gpu_mem=256/g" /boot/config.txt echo "Setting GPU to 256m" elif grep "gpu_mem=256" /boot/config.txt then echo "gpu_mem already set to 256" else echo "gpu_mem=256" >> /boot/config.txt #reboot fi } function installBeeCount() { #Enable the camera and turn off the LED enablePICam #Install the software /home/HiveControl/install/setupbeecounter.sh return } function install_hivecam() { #Enable the camera and turn off the LED enablePICam #Install the software } # A POSIX variable OPTIND=1 # Reset in case getopts has been used previously in the shell. while getopts "h?bwdxk" opt; do case "$opt" in h|\?) show_help exit 0 ;; b) BEECOUNTER="true" ;; w) HIVECAM="true" ;; d) DEBUG="true" ;; x) XRDP="true" ;; k) KEYBOARD="true" ;; esac done shift $((OPTIND-1)) [ "$1" = "--" ] && shift if [[ $DEBUG = true ]]; then set -x fi if [[ $BEECOUNTER = true && $HIVECAM = true ]]; then #All hell no, can't setup the cam to be both fool, tell the user and bomb echo "Sorry - can't setup RaspiCam to be both a BeeCounter and HiveCam - Pick one only" exit 1 fi if [[ -z $BEECOUNTER ]]; then #echo "Lets install the hivecam for you" install_hivecam fi #Sorry, need to run as root due to some compiling errors we get when we aren't root whoami=$(whoami) if [[ $whoami -ne "root" ]]; then echo "You must be root to install this" echo "run sudo bash, then rerun this script" exit fi #resize the drive, since the initial write doesn't #Check the size of the disk # If not big enough, then say you need to run rasp- # Need 500,000 to install, with room for data HDsize=$(df |grep /dev/root |awk '{print $4}') HDNeed="500000" if [[ $HDsize -lt $HDNeed ]]; then echo "We need at least 500 MB to install all the needed software." echo "Please free up more space or run raspi-config to expand your file system" exit fi # update this OS sudo apt-get update -y sudo apt-get upgrade -y #Running update again because upgrade breaks it for some reason sudo apt-get update -y # Install the basics # Remove Comment out if your distribution doensn't include these #sudo apt-get install sudo -y #sudo apt-get install nano -y #sudo apt-get install raspi-config curl make g++ apt-utils unzip -y # Install files needed specifically for HiveControl2 echo "========================================================================" echo "Installing dependencies" echo "========================================================================" echo "Installing BC - for math and stuff" sudo apt-get install bc -y echo "Install git, because it's useful" sudo apt-get install git -y echo "Installing CMAKE" sudo apt-get install cmake -y echo "Installing hidapi required software" sudo apt-get install libudev-dev -y sudo apt-get install libusb-1.0-0-dev -y sudo apt-get install libfox-1.6-dev -y sudo apt-get install autotools-dev autoconf automake libtool dh-autoreconf -y sudo apt-get install libusb-dev -y #echo "Installing Python - 2.7" #sudo apt-get install python -y echo "========================================================================" echo "Getting HiveControl Code" echo "========================================================================" #Get the software from GIT cd /home sudo git clone https://github.com/rcrum003/HiveControl echo "========================================================================" echo "Setting up i2c" echo "========================================================================" sudo chmod u+x /home/HiveControl/install/setup_i2c.sh sudo /home/HiveControl/install/setup_i2c.sh echo "========================================================================" echo "Installing Web Server Software" echo "========================================================================" #Install webserver echo "Installing Apache/PHP" sudo apt-get install apache2 php libapache2-mod-php -y echo "Installing SQLite for local storage, and mysql-client for communications" sudo apt-get install sqlite3 php-sqlite3 -y sudo apt-get install mysql-client -y sudo apt-get install jq -y # Copy Apache Configuration for LocalHost sudo cp /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf /home/HiveControl/install/apache/default.bckup sudo cp /home/HiveControl/install/apache/000-default.conf /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf sudo apachectl restart # Setup Database to be able to be written to by Apache sudo chown www-data:www-data /home/HiveControl/data/hive-data.db # Dir needs to be owned by www-data as well sudo chown www-data:www-data /home/HiveControl/data #Ensure www-data owns all of our public_html files sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /home/HiveControl/www/public_html/ #Install Composer curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | sudo php -- --install-dir=/usr/local/bin --filename=composer echo "========================================================================" echo "Setting up Database" echo "========================================================================" #Upgrade DB cd /home/HiveControl/patches/database sudo sqlite3 /home/HiveControl/data/hive-data.db < DB_PATCH_21 sudo sqlite3 /home/HiveControl/data/hive-data.db < DB_PATCH_22 sudo sqlite3 /home/HiveControl/data/hive-data.db < DB_PATCH_23 sudo sqlite3 /home/HiveControl/data/hive-data.db < DB_PATCH_24 sudo sqlite3 /home/HiveControl/data/hive-data.db "UPDATE hiveconfig SET RUN=\"yes\" WHERE id=\"1\";" sudo sqlite3 /home/HiveControl/data/hive-data.db < DB_PATCH_25 sudo sqlite3 /home/HiveControl/data/hive-data.db < DB_PATCH_26 sudo sqlite3 /home/HiveControl/data/hive-data.db < DB_PATCH_27 sudo sqlite3 /home/HiveControl/data/hive-data.db < DB_PATCH_28 sudo sqlite3 /home/HiveControl/data/hive-data.db < DB_PATCH_30 sudo sqlite3 /home/HiveControl/data/hive-data.db < DB_PATCH_31 VER=$(cat /home/HiveControl/VERSION) sudo sqlite3 /home/HiveControl/data/hive-data.db "UPDATE hiveconfig SET HCVersion='$VER' WHERE id=\"1\";" #Set shell scripts to be executable cd /home/HiveControl/ sudo find . -name '*.sh' -exec chmod u+x {} + echo "Copying Binaries" sudo cp /home/HiveControl/software/binaries/* /usr/local/bin/ echo "========================================================================" echo "Compiling Code for sensors" echo "========================================================================" #################################################################################### # Phidget #################################################################################### # Make Phidget software #echo "Installing Phidget software " #New apt-get method #wget -qO- http://www.phidgets.com/gpgkey/pubring.gpg | apt-key add - #Get Release #DEB_RELEASE=$(cat /etc/os-release |grep VERSION= |awk -F\( '{print $2}' | awk -F\) '{print $1}') #echo "deb http://www.phidgets.com/debian $DEB_RELEASE main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/phidgets.list #sudo apt-get update #sudo apt-get install libphidget22 #cd /home/HiveControl/software #sudo mkdir Phidgets #sudo wget https://www.phidgets.com/downloads/phidget22/libraries/any/Phidget22Python.zip #sudo unzip Phidgets22Python.zip #cd Phidgets22Python #sudo python setup.py install #################################################################################### # Tempered Software #################################################################################### echo "Installing hidapi - for Tempered Temp Sensor" #Get prerequite # Make hidapi software cd /home/HiveControl/software/ sudo git clone https://github.com/rcrum003/hidapi #git clone git://github.com/signal11/hidapi.git cd /home/HiveControl/software/hidapi sudo ./bootstrap sudo ./configure sudo make sudo make install # Run it again, because if we run just once, it doesn't work # Weirdest thing ever, don't have time to figure it out # But this works #MessageMeIfYouDo sudo ./bootstrap sudo ./configure sudo make sudo make install #Make Tempered software cd /home/HiveControl/software/ sudo git clone https://github.com/rcrum003/TEMPered-v6-2015 cd TEMPered-v6-2015 sudo cmake . sudo make all sudo cp utils/tempered /usr/local/bin/ sudo cp utils/hid-query /usr/local/bin/ #################################################################################### # GPIO Library #################################################################################### #WiringPI giving us errors, switching to PIGPIO #echo "Installing wiringPI for HX711 sensor" #cd /home/HiveControl/software/ #sudo git clone git://git.drogon.net/wiringPI #cd wiringPI #sudo ./build echo "Installing PIGPIO library for DHT and HX711 Sensors" #Kill pigpiod just in case it is already running sudo killall pigpiod #sudo apt-get install pigpio python-pigpio python3-pigpio -y #Added for PigPIO sudo apt install python-setuptools python3-setuptools -y cd /home/HiveControl/software sudo git clone https://github.com/rcrum003/pigpio cd pigpio/ sudo make sudo make install sudo cp /usr/local/bin/pigpiod /usr/bin/ sudo apt install python-pigpio python3-pigpio sudo pigpiod #Allow www-data to run python and other commands #Update SUDOERs sudo cp /etc/sudoers /home/HiveControl/install/sudoers.org sudo cp /home/HiveControl/install/sudoers.d/hivecontrol.sudoers /etc/sudoers CHECKSUDO=$(visudo -c -f /etc/sudoers |grep "/etc/sudoers:" |awk '{print $3}') if [[ $CHECKSUDO == "OK" ]]; then #Copy over SUDOERs file echo "SUCCESS" else echo "Something went wrong with our SUDOERS file, so I didn't change anything" sudo cp /home/HiveControl/install/sudoers.org /etc/sudoers fi #################################################################################### # DHTXXD #################################################################################### #Installing DHTXX Code echo "Installing DHT Code" cd /home/HiveControl/software/DHTXXD unzip DHTXXD.zip sudo gcc -Wall -pthread -o DHTXXD test_DHTXXD.c DHTXXD.c -lpigpiod_if2 sudo cp DHTXXD /usr/local/bin/ #################################################################################### # XMLStarlet used to send data to current hivetool.org Perl script #################################################################################### #Install xmlstarlet (only needed for hivetool) sudo apt-get install xmlstarlet -y if [[ $XRDP == "true" ]]; then echo "------------------------" echo "Installing XRDP" echo "------------------------" #Used for folks who like to RDP to the server (aka the Nate Feature) sudo apt-get install xrdp -y fi #################################################################################### # BME680 and SHT31-D Temp Sensor Support #################################################################################### echo "-------------------------------" echo "Installing new BME680 Drivers" echo "-------------------------------" #Copy the code, #BME Drive includes modified code for our specific output. cd /home/HiveControl/software sudo git clone https://github.com/rcrum003/BME680_driver cd BME680_driver sudo gcc bme680_main.c bme680.c -o bme680 sudo cp bme680 /usr/local/bin echo "-------------------------------" echo "Installing new SHT Drivers" echo "-------------------------------" cd /home/HiveControl/software sudo git clone https://github.com/rcrum003/Adafruit-sht31-for-PI cd Adafruit-sht31-for-PI/ sudo make sudo cp sht31-d /usr/local/bin #################################################################################### #################################################################################### # BroodMinder Temp Sensor Support #################################################################################### echo "-------------------------------" echo "Installing Bluetooth Support for BroodMinder Devices" echo "-------------------------------" sudo apt-get install python-pip -y #sudo pip install --upgrade pip #Install bluepy sudo pip install bluepy #################################################################################### if [[ $KEYBOARD = "true" ]]; then #Adds touch screen keyboard echo "Installing Touch Screen Keyboard Support" sudo apt-get install matchbox-keyboard -y #write in the file echo "#!/bin/bash" > /home/pi/Desktop/keyboard.sh echo "matchbox-keyboard &" >> /home/pi/Desktop/keyboard.sh chmod +x /home/pi/Desktop/keyboard.sh fi echo "========================================================" echo "Completed Basic Setup of HiveControl" echo "========================================================" IP=$(ifconfig |grep "inet addr" |awk -F\: '{print $2}' |awk '{print $1}' |grep -v "") IPCount=$(ifconfig |grep "inet addr" |awk -F\: '{print $2}' |awk '{print $1}' |wc -l) if [[ $IPCount -gt "2" ]]; then echo "Multiple IPs Exist, getting addresses for both eth0 and wlan0" IPeth0=$(ifconfig eth0 |grep "inet addr" |awk -F\: '{print $2}' |awk '{print $1}' |grep -v "") IPwlan0=$(ifconfig wlan0 |grep "inet addr" |awk -F\: '{print $2}' |awk '{print $1}' |grep -v "") echo "Please go to http://$IPeth0/admin/hiveconfig.php or http://$IPwlan0/admin/hiveconfig.php to setup basic options" fi if [[ $IPCount -lt "2" ]]; then echo "Please go to to setup basic options" fi if [[ $IPCount -eq "2" ]]; then echo "Please go to http://$IP/admin/hiveconfig.php to setup basic options" fi #Setup Cron when we are ready to go sudo crontab -l > /home/HiveControl/install/cron/cron.orig sudo cp /home/HiveControl/install/cron/cron.orig /home/HiveControl/install/cron/cron.new sudo cat /home/HiveControl/install/cron/hivetool.cron >> /home/HiveControl/install/cron/cron.new sudo crontab /home/HiveControl/install/cron/cron.new #Remove DHCP stuff, since it gets in the way of finding our machine #apt-get remove isc-dhcp-client #Install .htpasswd echo "Please set an admin password for access:" cd /home/HiveControl/www/ htpasswd -c .htpasswd admin sudo service apache2 restart #Set your timezone dpkg-reconfigure tzdata if [[ $BEECOUNTER = "true" ]]; then installBeeCount else echo "-----------------------------------------------" echo "But wait, there is more....." echo "-----------------------------------------------" echo "Do you want to install the software required for the Bee Counter via Raspberry PI CAM?" echo "WARNING: This could take between 6-8 hrs due to having to compile some code!" select yn in "Yes" "No"; do case $yn in Yes ) installBeeCount; break;; No ) break;; esac done fi echo "Installing EEPROM updates" sudo apt install rpi-eeprom rpi-eeprom-images -y rpi-eeprom-update -a echo "========================================================" echo "Completed Setup of HiveControl" echo "========================================================" echo "A REBOOT IS REQUIRED NOW!" echo "Press ENTER to reboot : \c" read aok echo "REBOOTING...." /bin/sync /sbin/reboot