# Sencha Bundle This bundle was originally written by Ed Spencer for TextMate. I have converted it to be usable with Sublime Text 2, as well as adding additional functionality for Ext 4.0. This bundle is released under the MIT license and can be used for both Ext JS and Sencha Touch. ## Installation instructions for Sublime Text 2 #### Package Control You can use [Package Control](http://wbond.net/sublime_packages/package_control/installation) to install the Sencha Sublime package. Please follow the [usage](http://wbond.net/sublime_packages/package_control/usage) guide on how to install packages (search for **Sencha**). ## Useful snippets ### JavaScript * **dd** > `debugger` * **cp** > `this.callParent();` * **c** > `console.log('');` * **co** > `console.log();` * **coa** > `console.log(arguments);` * **application** > `Ext.application` snippet * **define** > `Ext.define` snippet * **con** > apply and update methods for custom configs ### Sass * **imp** > `@import` Sencha Touch theme