--- id: rncamera title: RNCamera sidebar_label: RNCamera --- ## Usage All you need is to `import` `{ RNCamera }` from the `react-native-camera` module and then use the `` tag. ```javascript 'use strict'; import React, { PureComponent } from 'react'; import { AppRegistry, StyleSheet, Text, TouchableOpacity, View } from 'react-native'; import { RNCamera } from 'react-native-camera'; class ExampleApp extends PureComponent { render() { return ( { this.camera = ref; }} style={styles.preview} type={RNCamera.Constants.Type.back} flashMode={RNCamera.Constants.FlashMode.on} androidCameraPermissionOptions={{ title: 'Permission to use camera', message: 'We need your permission to use your camera', buttonPositive: 'Ok', buttonNegative: 'Cancel', }} androidRecordAudioPermissionOptions={{ title: 'Permission to use audio recording', message: 'We need your permission to use your audio', buttonPositive: 'Ok', buttonNegative: 'Cancel', }} onGoogleVisionBarcodesDetected={({ barcodes }) => { console.log(barcodes); }} /> SNAP ); } takePicture = async () => { if (this.camera) { const options = { quality: 0.5, base64: true }; const data = await this.camera.takePictureAsync(options); console.log(data.uri); } }; } const styles = StyleSheet.create({ container: { flex: 1, flexDirection: 'column', backgroundColor: 'black', }, preview: { flex: 1, justifyContent: 'flex-end', alignItems: 'center', }, capture: { flex: 0, backgroundColor: '#fff', borderRadius: 5, padding: 15, paddingHorizontal: 20, alignSelf: 'center', margin: 20, }, }); AppRegistry.registerComponent('App', () => ExampleApp); ``` ## FaCC (Function as Child Components) \*_You can also use it with Facc._ ```javascript 'use strict'; import React, { PureComponent } from 'react'; import { AppRegistry, StyleSheet, Text, TouchableOpacity, View } from 'react-native'; import { RNCamera } from 'react-native-camera'; const PendingView = () => ( Waiting ); class ExampleApp extends PureComponent { render() { return ( {({ camera, status, recordAudioPermissionStatus }) => { if (status !== 'READY') return ; return ( this.takePicture(camera)} style={styles.capture}> SNAP ); }} ); } takePicture = async function(camera) { const options = { quality: 0.5, base64: true }; const data = await camera.takePictureAsync(options); // eslint-disable-next-line console.log(data.uri); }; } const styles = StyleSheet.create({ container: { flex: 1, flexDirection: 'column', backgroundColor: 'black', }, preview: { flex: 1, justifyContent: 'flex-end', alignItems: 'center', }, capture: { flex: 0, backgroundColor: '#fff', borderRadius: 5, padding: 15, paddingHorizontal: 20, alignSelf: 'center', margin: 20, }, }); AppRegistry.registerComponent('App', () => ExampleApp); ``` ### `camera` _It's the RNCamera's reference_ ### `status` One of `RNCamera.Constants.CameraStatus` 'READY' | 'PENDING_AUTHORIZATION' | 'NOT_AUTHORIZED' ### `recordAudioPermissionStatus` One of `RNCamera.Constants.RecordAudioPermissionStatus`. `'AUTHORIZED'` | `'NOT_AUTHORIZED'` | `'PENDING_AUTHORIZATION'` ## Properties ### `autoFocus` Values: `RNCamera.Constants.AutoFocus.on` (default) or `RNCamera.Constants.AutoFocus.off` Most cameras have a Auto Focus feature. It adjusts your camera lens position automatically depending on the pixels seen by your camera. Use the `autoFocus` property to specify the auto focus setting of your camera. `RNCamera.Constants.AutoFocus.on` turns it ON, `RNCamera.Constants.AutoFocus.off` turns it OFF. ### `autoFocusPointOfInterest` Values: Object `{ x: 0.5, y: 0.5 }`. Values (iOS): Object `{ x: 0.5, y: 0.5, autoExposure }`. Setting this property causes the auto focus feature of the camera to attempt to focus on the part of the image at this coordinate. Coordinates values are measured as floats from `0` to `1.0`. `{ x: 0, y: 0 }` will focus on the top left of the image, `{ x: 1, y: 1 }` will be the bottom right. Values are based on landscape mode with the home button on the right—this applies even if the device is in portrait mode. On iOS, focusing will not change the exposure automatically unless autoExposure is also set to true. Hint: for portrait orientation, apply 90° clockwise rotation + translation: [Example](https://gist.github.com/Craigtut/6632a9ac7cfff55e74fb561862bc4edb) ### iOS `onSubjectAreaChanged` iOS only. if autoFocusPointOfInterest is set, this event will be fired when a substancial change is detected with the following object: `{ nativeEvent: { prevPoint: { x: number; y: number; } } }` ### `captureAudio` Values: boolean `true` (default) | `false` Specifies if audio recording permissions should be requested. Make sure to follow README instructions for audio recording permissions [here](README.md). ### iOS `keepAudioSession` Values: boolean `true` | `false` (false) (iOS Only) When the camera is unmounted, it will release any audio session it acquired (if `captureAudio=true`) so other media can continue playing. However, this might not be always desirable (e.g., if video is played afterwards) and can be disabled by setting it to `true`. Setting this to `true`, means your app will not release the audio session. Note: other apps might still "steal" the audio session from your app. ### `flashMode` Values: `RNCamera.Constants.FlashMode.off` (default), `RNCamera.Constants.FlashMode.on`, `RNCamera.Constants.FlashMode.auto` or `RNCamera.Constants.FlashMode.torch`. Specifies the flash mode of your camera. `RNCamera.Constants.FlashMode.off` turns it off. `RNCamera.Constants.FlashMode.on` means camera will use flash in all photos taken. `RNCamera.Constants.FlashMode.auto` leaves your phone to decide when to use flash when taking photos, based on the lightning conditions that the camera observes. `RNCamera.Constants.FlashMode.torch` turns on torch mode, meaning the flash light will be turned on all the time (even before taking photo) just like a flashlight. ### `focusDepth` Value: float from `0` to `1.0` Manually set camera focus. Only works with `autoFocus` off. The value 0 is minimum focus depth, 1 is maximum focus depth. For a medium focus depth, for example, you could use 0.5. ### `Android` `ratio` A string representing the camera ratio in the format 'height:width'. Default is `"4:3"`. Use `getSupportedRatiosAsync` method to get ratio strings supported by your camera on Android. ### `type` Values: `RNCamera.Constants.Type.front` or `RNCamera.Constants.Type.back` (default) Use the `type` property to specify which camera to use. ### `Android` `cameraId` Overrides the `type` property and uses the camera given by cameraId. Use `getCameraIds` to get the list of available IDs. A common use case for this is to provide a "switch camera" button that loops through all available cameras. Note: Variables such as flash might need to be resetted due to the camera not reporting an error when those values are not supported. ### `whiteBalance` Values: `RNCamera.Constants.WhiteBalance.sunny`, `RNCamera.Constants.WhiteBalance.cloudy`, `RNCamera.Constants.WhiteBalance.shadow`, `RNCamera.Constants.WhiteBalance.incandescent`, `RNCamera.Constants.WhiteBalance.fluorescent` or `RNCamera.Constants.WhiteBalance.auto` (default) A camera’s white balance setting allows you to control the color temperature in your photos by cooling down or warming up the colors. The idea is that you select the appropriate white balance setting for the type of light that you’re shooting in, and then your camera automatically adjusts the colors to eliminate any warm or cool color casts from your light source. Use the `whiteBalance` property to specify which white balance setting the camera should use. On iOS it's also possible to specify custom temperature, tint and rgb offset values instead of using one of the presets (auto, sunny, ...): Value: Object (e.g. `{temperature: 4000, tint: -10.0, redGainOffset: 0.0, greenGainOffset: 0.0, blueGainOffset: 0.0}`) The rgb offset values are applied to the calculated device specific white balance gains for the given temperature and tint values. ### `exposure` Value: float from `0` to `1.0`, or `-1` (default) for auto. Sets the camera's exposure value. ### `useNativeZoom` Boolean to turn on native pinch to zoom. Works with the `maxZoom` property on iOS. Warning: The Android Touch-Event-System causes childviews to catch the touch events. Therefore avoid using screenfilling touchables inside of the cameraview. ### `zoom` Value: float from `0` to `1.0` Specifies the zoom of your camera. The value 0 is no zoom, 1 is maximum zoom. For a medium zoom, for example, you could pass `0.5`. ### `iOS` `maxZoom` iOS Only. Value: optional float greater than `1.0` used to enforce a maximum zoom value on the camera. Setting a value to less than `1` (default) will make the camera use its own max zoom property. Specifies the max zoom value used in zoom calculations. This is specifically useful for iOS where it reports arbitrary high values and using a 0 to 1 value as the zoom factor is not appropriate. ### `Android` `permissionDialogTitle` - Deprecated Starting on android M individual permissions must be granted for certain services, the camera is one of them, you can use this to change the title of the dialog prompt requesting permissions. ### `Android` `permissionDialogMessage` - Deprecated Starting on android M individual permissions must be granted for certain services, the camera is one of them, you can use this to change the content of the dialog prompt requesting permissions. ### `Android` `androidRecordAudioPermissionOptions` Configuration options for permissions request for recording audio. It will be passed as `rationale` parameter to [`PermissionsAndroid.request`](https://facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/permissionsandroid#request). This replaces and deprecates old `permissionDialogTitle` and `permissionDialogMessage` parameters. ### `Android` `androidCameraPermissionOptions` Configuration options for permissions request for camera. It will be passed as `rationale` parameter to [`PermissionsAndroid.request`](https://facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/permissionsandroid#request). This replaces and deprecates old `permissionDialogTitle` and `permissionDialogMessage` parameters. ### `notAuthorizedView` By default a `Camera not authorized` message will be displayed when access to the camera has been denied, if set displays the passed react element instead of the default one. ### `pendingAuthorizationView` By default a will be displayed while the component is waiting for the user to grant/deny access to the camera, if set displays the passed react element instead of the default one. #### `rectOfInterest` An `{x: , y:, width:, height: }` object which defines the rect of interst as normalized coordinates from `(0,0)` top left corner to `(1,1)` bottom right corner. Note: Must also provide cameraViewDimensions prop for Android device ### `Android` `cameraViewDimensions` An `{width:, height: }` object which defines the width and height of the cameraView. This prop is used to adjust the effect of Aspect Raio for rectOfInterest area on Android ### `Android` `playSoundOnCapture` Boolean to turn on or off the camera's shutter sound (default false). Note that in some countries, the shutter sound cannot be turned off. ### `Android` `playSoundOnRecord` Boolean to turn on or off the camera's record sound (default false) ### `iOS` `videoStabilizationMode` The video stabilization mode used for a video recording. The possible values are: - `RNCamera.Constants.VideoStabilization['off']` - `RNCamera.Constants.VideoStabilization['standard']` - `RNCamera.Constants.VideoStabilization['cinematic']` - `RNCamera.Constants.VideoStabilization['auto']` You can read more about each stabilization type here: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/avfoundation/avcapturevideostabilizationmode ### `defaultVideoQuality` This option specifies the quality of the video to be taken. The possible values are: - `RNCamera.Constants.VideoQuality.2160p`. - `ios` Specifies capture settings suitable for 2160p (also called UHD or 4K) quality (3840x2160 pixel) video output. - `android` Quality level corresponding to the 2160p (3840x2160) resolution. (Android Lollipop and above only!). - `RNCamera.Constants.VideoQuality.1080p`. - `ios` Specifies capture settings suitable for 1080p quality (1920x1080 pixel) video output. - `android` Quality level corresponding to the 1080p (1920 x 1080) resolution. - `RNCamera.Constants.VideoQuality.720p`. - `ios` Specifies capture settings suitable for 720p quality (1280x720 pixel) video output. - `android` Quality level corresponding to the 720p (1280 x 720) resolution. - `RNCamera.Constants.VideoQuality.480p`. - `ios` Specifies capture settings suitable for VGA quality (640x480 pixel) video output. - `android` Quality level corresponding to the 480p (720 x 480) resolution. - `RNCamera.Constants.VideoQuality.4:3`. - `ios` Specifies capture settings suitable for VGA quality (640x480 pixel) video output. (Same as RNCamera.Constants.VideoQuality.480p). - `android` Quality level corresponding to the 480p (720 x 480) resolution but with video frame width set to 640. - `RNCamera.Constants.VideoQuality.288p`. - `ios` Specifies capture settings suitable for CIF quality (352x288 pixel) video output. - `android` Not supported. If nothing is passed the device's highest camera quality will be used as default. Note: This solve the flicker video recording issue for iOS ### `pictureSize` This prop has a different behaviour for Android and iOS and should rarely be set. For Android, this prop attempts to control the camera sensor capture resolution, similar to how `ratio` behaves. This is useful for cases where a low resolution image is required, and makes further resizing less intensive on the device's memory. The list of possible values can be requested with `getAvailablePictureSizes`, and the value should be set in the format of `x`. Internally, the native code will attempt to get the best suited resolution for the given `pictureSize` value if the provided value is invalid, and will default to the highest resolution available. For iOS, this prop controls the internal camera preset value and should rarely be changed. However, this value can be set to setup the sensor to match the video recording's quality in order to prevent flickering. The list of valid values can be gathered from https://developer.apple.com/documentation/avfoundation/avcapturesessionpreset and can also be requested with `getAvailablePictureSizes`. ### Native Event callbacks props ### `onCameraReady` Function to be called when native code emit onCameraReady event, when camera is ready. This event will also fire when changing cameras (by `type` or `cameraId`). ### `onMountError` Function to be called when native code emit onMountError event, when there is a problem mounting the camera. ### `onStatusChange` Function to be called when native code emits status changes in relation to authorization changes. Event contains the following fields: - `cameraStatus` - one of the [CameraStatus](#status) values - `recordAudioPermissionStatus` - one of the [RecordAudioPermissionStatus](#recordAudioPermissionStatus) values ### `iOS` `onAudioInterrupted` iOS only. Function to be called when the camera audio session is interrupted or fails to start for any reason (e.g., in use or not authorized). For example, this might happen due to another app taking exclusive control over the microphone (e.g., a phone call) if `captureAudio={true}`. When this happens, any active audio input will be temporarily disabled and cause a flicker on the preview screen. This will fire any time an attempt to connect the audio device fails. Use this to update your UI to indicate that audio recording is not currently possible. ### `iOS` `onAudioConnected` iOS only. Function to be called when the camera audio session is connected. This will be fired the first time the camera is mounted with `captureAudio={true}`, and any time the audio device connection is established. Note that this event might not always fire after an interruption due to iOS' behavior. For example, if the audio was already interrupted before the camera was mounted, this event will only fire once a recording is attempted. ### `onPictureTaken` Function to be called when native code emit onPictureTaken event, when camera has taken a picture, but before all extra processing happens. This can be useful to allow the UI to take other pictures while the processing of the current picture is still taking place. ### `onRecordingStart` Function to be called when native code actually starts video recording. Note that video recording might take a few miliseconds to setup depending on the camera settings and hardware features. Use this event to detect when video is actually being recorded. Event will contain the following fields: - `uri` - Video file URI, as returned by `recordAsync` - `videoOrientation` - Video orientation, as returned by `recordAsync` - `deviceOrientation` - Video orientation, as returned by `recordAsync` ### `onRecordingEnd` Function to be called when native code stops recording video, but before all video processing takes place. This event will only fire after a successful video recording, and it will not fire if video recording fails (use the error returned from `recordAsync` instead). ### `onTap` Function to be called when a touch within the camera view is recognized. The function is also called on the first touch of double tap. Event will contain the following fields: - `x` - `y` ### `onDoubleTap` Function to be called when a double touch within the camera view is recognized. Event will contain the following fields: - `x` - `y` ### Bar Code Related props ### `onBarCodeRead` Will call the specified method when a barcode is detected in the camera's view. Event contains the following fields - `data` - a textual representation of the barcode, if available - `rawData` - The raw data encoded in the barcode, if available - `uri`: (iOS only) string representing the path to the image saved on your app's cache directory. Applicable only for `onGoogleVisionBarcodesDetected`. - `type` - the type of the barcode detected - `bounds` - - on iOS: bounds:{ size:{ width:string, height:string } origin:{ x:string, y:string } } - onAndroid: the `ResultPoint[]` (`bounds.origin`) is returned for scanned barcode origins. The number of `ResultPoint` returned depends on the type of Barcode. bounds: { width: number; height: number; origin: Array<{x: number, y: number}> } 1. **PDF417**: 8 ResultPoint, laid out as follow: 0 --- 4 ------ 6 --- 2 | ////////////////// | 1 --- 5 ------ 7 --- 3 2. **QR**: 4 ResultPoint, laid out as follow: 2 ------ 3 | ////// | ////// 1 ------ 0 The following barcode types can be recognised: - `aztec` - `code128` - `code39` - `code39mod43` - `code93` - `ean13` (`iOS` converts `upca` barcodes to `ean13` by adding a leading 0) - `ean8` - `pdf417` - `qr` - `upce` - `interleaved2of5` (when available) - `itf14` (when available) - `datamatrix` (when available) ### `barCodeTypes` An array of barcode types to search for. Defaults to all types listed above. No effect if `onBarCodeRead` is undefined. Example: `` ### `onGoogleVisionBarcodesDetected` Like `onBarCodeRead`, but using Firebase MLKit to scan barcodes. More info can be found [here](https://firebase.google.com/docs/ml-kit/read-barcodes) Note: If you already set `onBarCodeRead`, this will be invalid. ### `googleVisionBarcodeType` Like `barCodeTypes`, but applies to the Firebase MLKit barcode detector. Example: `` Available settings: - CODE_128 - CODE_39 - CODE_93 - CODABAR - EAN_13 - EAN_8 - ITF - UPC_A - UPC_E - QR_CODE - PDF417 - AZTEC - DATA_MATRIX - ALL ### `googleVisionBarcodeMode` Change the mode in order to scan "inverted" barcodes. You can either change it to `alternate`, which will inverted the image data every second screen and be able to read both normal and inverted barcodes, or `inverted`, which will only read inverted barcodes. Default is `normal`, which only reads "normal" barcodes. Note: this property only applies to the Google Vision barcode detector. Example: `` ### `detectedImageInEvent` When `detectedImageInEvent` is `false` (default), `onBarCodeRead` / `onBarcodesDetected` only gives metadata, but not the image (bytes/base64) itself. When `detectedImageInEvent` is `true`, `onBarCodeRead` / `onGoogleVisionBarcodesDetected` will fill the `image` field inside the object given to the callback handler. It contains raw image bytes in JPEG format (quality 100) as Base64-encoded string. ### Face Detection Related props RNCamera uses the Firebase MLKit for Face Detection, you can read more about it [here](https://firebase.google.com/docs/ml-kit/detect-faces). ### `onFacesDetected` Method to be called when face is detected. Receives a Faces Detected Event object. The interesting value of this object is the `faces` value, which is an array of Face objects. You can find more details about the possible values of these objects [here](https://firebase.google.com/docs/ml-kit/face-detection-concepts) ### `onFaceDetectionError` Method to be called if there was an Face Detection Error, receives an object with the `isOperational` property set to `false` if Face Detector is NOT operational and `true`if it is. ### `faceDetectionMode` Values: `RNCamera.Constants.FaceDetection.Mode.fast` (default) or `RNCamera.Constants.FaceDetection.Mode.accurate` Specifies the face detection mode of the Face Detection API. Use `RNCamera.Constants.FaceDetection.Mode.accurate` if you want slower but more accurate results. ### `faceDetectionLandmarks` Values: `RNCamera.Constants.FaceDetection.Landmarks.all` or `RNCamera.Constants.FaceDetection.Landmarks.none` (default) A landmark is a point of interest within a face. The left eye, right eye, and nose base are all examples of landmarks. The Face API provides the ability to find landmarks on a detected face. ### `faceDetectionClassifications` Values: `RNCamera.Constants.FaceDetection.Classifications.all` or `RNCamera.Constants.FaceDetection.Classifications.none` (default) Classification is determining whether a certain facial characteristic is present. For example, a face can be classified with regards to whether its eyes are open or closed. Another example is whether the face is smiling or not. ### Text Recognition Related props RNCamera uses the Firebase MLKit for Text Recognition, you can read more info about it [here](https://firebase.google.com/docs/ml-kit/recognize-text). ### `onTextRecognized` Method to be called when text is detected. Receives a Text Recognized Event object. The interesting value of this object is the `textBlocks` value, which is an array of TextBlock objects. ## Component instance methods ### `takePictureAsync([options]): Promise` Takes a picture, saves in your app's cache directory and returns a promise. Note: additional image processing, such as mirror, orientation, and width, can be significantly slow on Android. Supported options: - `width` (integer). This property allows to specify the width that the returned image should have, image ratio will not be affected. If no value is specified the maximum image size is used (capture may take longer). - `quality` (float between 0 to 1.0). This property is used to compress the output jpeg file with 1 meaning no jpeg compression will be applied. If no value is specified `quality:1` is used. - `base64` (boolean true or false) Use this with `true` if you want a base64 representation of the picture taken on the return data of your promise. If no value is specified `base64:false` is used. - `mirrorImage` (boolean true or false). Use this with `true` if you want the resulting rendered picture to be mirrored (inverted in the vertical axis). If no value is specified `mirrorImage:false` is used. - `writeExif`: (boolean or object, defaults to true). Setting this to a boolean indicates if the image exif should be preserved after capture, or removed. Setting it to an object, merges any data with the final exif output. This is useful, for example, to add GPS metadata (note that GPS info is correctly translated from double values to the EXIF format, so there's no need to read the EXIF protocol). ```js writeExif = { GPSLatitude: latitude, GPSLongitude: longitude, GPSAltitude: altitude, }; ``` - `exif` (boolean true or false) Use this with `true` if you want a exif data map of the picture taken on the return data of your promise. If no value is specified `exif:false` is used. - `fixOrientation` (android only, boolean true or false) Use this with `true` if you want to fix incorrect image orientation (can take up to 5 seconds on some devices). Do not provide this if you only need EXIF based orientation. - `forceUpOrientation` (iOS only, boolean true or false). This property allows to force portrait orientation based on actual data instead of exif data. - `imageType` (iOS only, ImageType 'jpg' or 'png'). This property allows setting the output image format to PNG or JPEG (default). - `doNotSave` (boolean true or false). Use this with `true` if you do not want the picture to be saved as a file to cache. If no value is specified `doNotSave:false` is used. If you only need the base64 for the image, you can use this with `base64:true` and avoid having to save the file. - `pauseAfterCapture` (boolean true or false). If true, pause the preview layer immediately after capturing the image. You will need to call `cameraRef.resumePreview()` before using the camera again. If no value is specified `pauseAfterCapture:false` is used. - `orientation` (string or number). Specifies the orientation that us used for taking the picture. Possible values: `"portrait"`, `"portraitUpsideDown"`, `"landscapeLeft"` or `"landscapeRight"`. - `path` (file path on disk). Specifies the path on disk to save picture to. The promise will be fulfilled with an object with some of the following properties: - `width`: returns the image's width (taking image orientation into account) - `height`: returns the image's height (taking image orientation into account) - `uri`: (string) the path to the image saved on your app's cache directory. - `base64`: (string?) the base64 representation of the image if required. - `exif`: returns an exif map of the image if required. - `pictureOrientation`: (number) the orientation of the picture - `deviceOrientation`: (number) the orientation of the device ### `recordAsync([options]): Promise` Records a video, saves it in your app's cache directory and returns a promise when stopRecording is called or either maxDuration or maxFileSize specified are reached. Supported options: - `quality`. This option specifies the quality of the video to be taken. The possible values are: - `RNCamera.Constants.VideoQuality.2160p`. - `ios` Specifies capture settings suitable for 2160p (also called UHD or 4K) quality (3840x2160 pixel) video output. - `android` Quality level corresponding to the 2160p (3840x2160) resolution. (Android Lollipop and above only!). - `RNCamera.Constants.VideoQuality.1080p`. - `ios` Specifies capture settings suitable for 1080p quality (1920x1080 pixel) video output. - `android` Quality level corresponding to the 1080p (1920 x 1080) resolution. - `RNCamera.Constants.VideoQuality.720p`. - `ios` Specifies capture settings suitable for 720p quality (1280x720 pixel) video output. - `android` Quality level corresponding to the 720p (1280 x 720) resolution. - `RNCamera.Constants.VideoQuality.480p`. - `ios` Specifies capture settings suitable for VGA quality (640x480 pixel) video output. - `android` Quality level corresponding to the 480p (720 x 480) resolution. - `RNCamera.Constants.VideoQuality.4:3`. - `ios` Specifies capture settings suitable for VGA quality (640x480 pixel) video output. (Same as RNCamera.Constants.VideoQuality.480p). - `android` Quality level corresponding to the 480p (720 x 480) resolution but with video frame width set to 640. - `RNCamera.Constants.VideoQuality.288p`. - `ios` Specifies capture settings suitable for CIF quality (352x288 pixel) video output. - `android` Not supported. - `videoBitrate`. (int greater than 0) This option specifies a desired video bitrate. For example, 5\*1000\*1000 would be 5Mbps. - `ios` Supported however requires that the codec key is also set. - `android` Supported. - `orientation` (string or number). Specifies the orientation that us used for recording the video. Possible values: `"portrait"`, `"portraitUpsideDown"`, `"landscapeLeft"` or `"landscapeRight"`. If nothing is passed the device's highest camera quality will be used as default. - `iOS` `codec`. This option specifies the codec of the output video. Setting the codec is only supported on `iOS >= 10`. The possible values are: - `RNCamera.Constants.VideoCodec['H264']` - `RNCamera.Constants.VideoCodec['JPEG']` - `RNCamera.Constants.VideoCodec['HVEC']` (`iOS >= 11`) - `RNCamera.Constants.VideoCodec['AppleProRes422']` (`iOS >= 11`) - `RNCamera.Constants.VideoCodec['AppleProRes4444']` (`iOS >= 11`) - `mirrorVideo` (boolean true or false). Use this with `true` if you want the resulting video to be mirrored (inverted in the vertical axis). If no value is specified `mirrorVideo:false` is used. - `maxDuration` (float greater than 0). Specifies the maximum duration of the video to be recorded in seconds. If nothing is specified, no time limit will be used. - `maxFileSize` (int greater than 0). Specifies the maximum file size, in bytes, of the video to be recorded. For 1mb, for example, use 1\*1024\*1024. If nothing is specified, no size limit will be used. - `mute` (any value). (_This value will automatically be set to true if the `captureAudio` has not been passed to the Camera component_) If this flag is given in the option with any value, the video to be recorded will be mute. If nothing is specified, video will NOT be muted. **Note:** The recommended way of recording audio without sound passing captureAudio: false to the Camera component. The `mute` parameter is likely to become deprecated in the near future. - `path` (file path on disk). Specifies the path on disk to record the video to. You can use the same `uri` returned to continue recording across start/stops The promise will be fulfilled with an object with some of the following properties: - `uri`: (string) the path to the video saved on your app's cache directory. - `videoOrientation`: (number) orientation of the video - `deviceOrientation`: (number) orientation of the device - `iOS` `codec`: the codec of the recorded video. One of `RNCamera.Constants.VideoCodec` - `isRecordingInterrupted`: (boolean) whether the app has been minimized while recording ### `refreshAuthorizationStatus: Promise` Allows to make RNCamera check Permissions again and set status accordingly. Making it possible to refresh status of RNCamera after user initially rejected the permissions. ### `stopRecording: void` Should be called after recordAsync() to make the promise be fulfilled and get the video uri. ### `pausePreview: void` Pauses the preview. The preview can be resumed again by using resumePreview(). ### `resumePreview: void` Resumes the preview after pausePreview() has been called. ### `Android` `getSupportedRatiosAsync(): Promise` Android only. Returns a promise. The promise will be fulfilled with an object with an array containing strings with all camera aspect ratios supported by the device. ### `Android` `checkIfVideoIsValid(path): Promise` Static method and Android only. Returns a promise. The promise will be fulfilled with a boolean indicating if the given path contains a valid (non corrupted) video file. Useful for some android devices that may store corrupted files from time to time. Note: make sure to not include file:// since not all android implementations support URI strings (use /path/to/file/instead). ### `getCameraIdsAsync(): Promise` Returns a promise. The promise will be fulfilled with an array containing objects with all camera IDs and type supported by the device. The promise will be fulfilled with an array containing objects with some of the following properties: - `id`: (string) the ID of the camera. - `type`: One of `RNCamera.Constants.Type.front` | `RNCamera.Constants.Type.back` - `deviceType`: iOS 10+ only. Returns the internal device string type used by the OS. Useful to identify camera types (e.g., wide). Constants match iOS' string values: `AVCaptureDeviceTypeBuiltInWideAngleCamera`, `AVCaptureDeviceTypeBuiltInTelephotoCamera`, `AVCaptureDeviceTypeBuiltInUltraWideCamera`. More info can be found at Apple Docs Note: iOS also allows for virtual cameras (e.g., a camera made of multiple cameras). However, only physical non-virtual cameras are returned by this method since advanced features (such as depth maps or auto switching on camera zoom) are not supported. ### `iOS` `isRecording(): Promise` iOS only. Returns a promise. The promise will be fulfilled with a boolean indicating if currently recording is started or stopped. ## Subviews This component supports subviews, so if you wish to use the camera view as a background or if you want to layout buttons/images/etc. inside the camera then you can do that. **Example subview:** ### react-native-barcode-mask A Barcode and QR code UI mask which can be use to render a scanning layout on camera with customizable styling. Read more about [react-native-barcode-mask](https://github.com/shahnawaz/react-native-barcode-mask) here. ### @nartc/react-native-barcode-mask A rewritten version of `react-native-barcode-mask` using `Hooks` and `Reanimated`. If you're already using `react-native-reanimated` (`react-navigation` dependency) then you might benefit from this rewritten component. - Customizable - Provide custom hook to "scan barcode within finder area" Read more about it here [@nartc/react-native-barcode-mask](https://github.com/nartc/react-native-barcode-mask) ## Testing To learn about how to test components which uses `RNCamera` check its [documentation about testing](./tests.md). ## Examples To see more of the `RNCamera` in action you can check out the [RNCamera examples directory](https://github.com/react-native-community/react-native-camera/tree/master/examples). Firebase MLKit-base features (such as Text, Face and Barcode detection) can be found in the [mlkit](https://github.com/react-native-community/react-native-camera/tree/master/examples/mlkit) example. ## Open Collective We are just beginning a funding campaign for react-native-camera. Contributions are greatly appreciated. When we gain more than \$250 we will begin distributing funds to core maintainers in a fully transparent manner. Feedback for this process is welcomed, we will continue to evolve the strategy as we grow and learn more. ### Backers Support us with a monthly donation and help us continue our activities. [[Become a backer](https://opencollective.com/react-native-camera#backer)] ### Sponsors Become a sponsor and get your logo on our README on Github with a link to your site. [[Become a sponsor](https://opencollective.com/react-native-camera#sponsor)] --- Thanks to Brent Vatne (@brentvatne) for the `react-native-video` module which provided me with a great example of how to set up this module.