--- name: New issue template about: Template for new issues, any issues not following these templates may be automatically closed --- ## Repository with code that reproduces the issue - You **must** provide a **minimal and easy-to-run** reproduction of your issue - [how to create a minimal reproduction?](https://stackoverflow.com/help/mcve). We're a small team of maintainers and do not have time to try reproduce bugs ourselves. - Please try to reproduce the bugs on the provided example app. Either provide a link to the repo that reproduces the bug or provide your version of the [`index.js` file](https://github.com/react-native-community/google-signin/blob/master/example/index.js) that reproduces the issue and that we can easily use. - Explain the steps we need to take to reproduce the issue. - Include a gif if you think it may help. - If you're asking for help, please make it easy for us to help you! ## Expected Behavior ## Actual Behavior ## Environment Please provide - react-native version - @react-native-google-signin/google-signin version - your Podfile, output of running `pod install` and cocoapods version (if applicable) - version of Android, gradle, android plugin for gradle, `play-services-auth` and version of the Google Play Services app on your phone (if applicable) - version of iOS (if applicable)