# sublime-react Snippets for ReactJS. This package used to provide JSX syntax highlighting and has been DEPRECATED in favor of [babel/babel-sublime](https://github.com/babel/babel-sublime). ![alt tag](https://raw.github.com/jgebhardt/sublime-react/master/docs/img/sr-rcc-out.gif) ## Installation Install the React package via Sublime's Package Manager You will need the Sublime [Package Manager](https://sublime.wbond.net/installation). - Open the command palette: `⌘+shift+p` on MacOS/Linux, `ctrl+shift+p` on Windows - type `install`, select `Package Control: Install Package` - type `React`, select `ReactJS` ## Usage ### Syntax highlighting *Syntax highlighting is no longer provided by this packages*. We recommend that you use ([babel-sublime](https://github.com/babel/babel-sublime)) instead. ### Snippets It's easy! Simply activate snippets by typing a mnemonic followed by TAB. ![alt tag](https://raw.github.com/jgebhardt/sublime-react/master/docs/img/sr-snippets-out.gif) Snippets are available for both JSX and CJSX ([React CoffeeScript](https://github.com/jsdf/coffee-react-transform)). #### Documentation of available snippets (JSX): ``` cdm→ componentDidMount: fn() { ... } cdup→ componentDidUpdate: fn(pp, ps) { ... } cs→ var cx = React.addons.classSet; cwm→ componentWillMount: fn() { ... } cwr→ componentWillReceiveProps: fn(np) { ... } cwu→ componentWillUpdate: fn(np, ns) { ... } cwun→ componentWillUnmount: fn() { ... } cx→ cx({ ... }) fdn→ React.findDOMNode(...) fup→ forceUpdate(...) gdp→ getDefaultProps: fn() { return {...} } gis→ getInitialState: fn() { return {...} } ism→ isMounted() props→ this.props. pt→ propTypes { ... } rcc→ component skeleton refs→ this.refs. ren→ render: fn() { return ... } scu→ shouldComponentUpdate: fn(np, ns) { ... } sst→ this.setState({ ... }) state→ this.state. ``` ## Contributing ### Rebuilding the docs After making changes to snippet files, run `npm install && npm run build-docs` to automatically generate this document from source. **Do not** make changes to README.md directly. ### Contributor License Agreement Contributions are very welcome, but we ask that you please fill out our [CLA](https://code.facebook.com/cla) in order for us to accept your pull request.