######################################################################################## ### ### ### GradFun2DB MOD : function GradFun2DBmod() ### ### ### ### v1.5 by "LaTo INV." ### ### ### ### 30 December 2009 ### ### 2020.06.27 mod ### ### ### ######################################################################################## ### ### ### /!\ Needed filters : Masktools (v2.0a36), Removegrain (v1.0PR), ### -------------------- GradFun2db (v1.0), AddGrainC(v1.4). ### ### ### USAGE: GradFun2DBmod( thr, thrC, mode, ### str, strC, temp, adapt, custom, ### mask, radius, range, ### show, screenW, screenH ) ### ### ### +--------+ ### | DITHER | ### +--------+ ### ### thr [default: 1.2] ### ------------------ ### GradFun2DB "thr" parameter ### ### thrC [default: thr] ### ------------------- ### GradFun2DB "thrC" parameter ### ### mode [default: 2] ### ----------------- ### Mode for the addition of 16 pixels around the image ### 0 = Off [same as GradFun2DB] ### 1 = AddBorders (speed:+ quality:-) [same as GradFunk] ### 2 = PointResize (speed:+ quality:+) ### 3 = Flip/Stack (speed:- quality:+) [same as GradFunkMirror] ### ### ### +-------+ ### | GRAIN | ### +-------+ ### ### str [default: 0.8] ### ------------------ ### AddGrainC "var" parameter ### ### strC [default: 0.0] ### ------------------- ### AddGrainC "uvar" parameter ### ### temp [default: 50] ### ------------------ ### Strength for temporal stabilization ### -1 = off ### 0 = nervous grain ### .. ### 100 = calm grain ### ### adapt [default: 64] ### ------------------- ### Threshold for luma-adaptative grain ### -1 = off ### 0 = source ### .. ### 255 = invert ### ### custom [default: "empty"] ### ------------------------- ### Use your own grain generator instead of AddGrain ### (temp & adapt parameters are on, set -1 to turn off) ### ### ### +------+ ### | MASK | ### +------+ ### ### mask [default: true] ### -------------------- ### Use adaptative deband mask ### (dither/grain is only applied to areas with banding's susceptibility) ### ### radius [default: 2] ### ------------------- ### Radius for the mask (1 is the fastest, 2-3 are slower) ### ### range [default: 2] ### ------------------ ### Range used in the mask (1-3 are good value) ### ### ### +-------+ ### | DEBUG | ### +-------+ ### ### show [default: false] ### --------------------- ### Show debug clip & informations ### ### screenW [default: 1280] ### ----------------------- ### Screen horizontal resolution (for show clip) ### ### screenH [default: 1024] ### ----------------------- ### Screen vertical resolution (for show clip) ### ### ### +-----------+ ### | CHANGELOG | ### +-----------+ ### ### mod : new things for avs 2.6 ### ### v1.5 : added MOD4 restriction ### changed script to accept MOD8 clip ### updated documentation ### ### v1.4 : changed "temp" parameter (-1=off) ### updated documentation ### ### v1.3 : replaced chroma parameter by thrC & strC ### ### v1.2 : changed int->float for str parameter ### added custom parameter ### ### v1.1 : added show parameter ### added small speed improvements ### added warning for bad settings ### fixed small bug with chroma=false ### ### v1.0 : first public release ### ######################################################################################## Function GradFun2DBmod( clip input, \ float "thr", float "thrC", int "mode", \ float "str", float "strC", int "temp", int "adapt", string "custom", \ bool "mask", int "radius", int "range", \ bool "show", int "screenW", int "screenH", bool "useGF2DB3" ) { version = "v1.5" sisavs26 = !(VersionNumber() < 2.60) sisphbd = AvsPlusVersionNumber > 2294 sislumaonly = sisphbd ? input.isy() : sisavs26 ? input.isy8() : false ### CHECKS w = sisavs26 ? nop() : input.width() h = sisavs26 ? nop() : input.height() mod4 = sisavs26 ? nop() : ( ( round(w/4.0)*4==w ) && ( round(h/4.0)*4==h ) ) ? true : false sisavs26 ? nop() : Assert(isYV12(input), chr(10) + "This is not an YV12 clip! Please use ConvertToYV12() before using GradFun2DBmod()" + chr(10)) ### DEFAULTS thr = default( thr, 1.2 ) thrC = default( thrC, thr ) thrC = sislumaonly ? thr : thrC mode = default( mode, sisavs26 ? 0 : 2 ) mode==0 ? nop() : Assert(mod4, chr(10) + "This is not a MOD4 clip! Please use Crop() or AddBorders() before using GradFun2DBmod()" + chr(10)) str = default( str, 0.8 ) strC = default( strC, 0.0 ) temp = default( temp, 50 ) adapt = default( adapt, 64 ) custom = default( custom, "empty" ) mask = default( mask, true ) radius = default( radius, 2 ) range = default( range, 2 ) show = default( show, false ) screenW = default( screenW, 1280 ) screenH = default( screenH, 1024 ) uGF2DB3 = default( useGF2DB3, sisavs26 ) Assert( ( thr >= 1.0 ) ? true : false, chr(10) + "'thr' have not a correct value! [>=1.0]" + chr(10)) Assert( ( thrC >= 1.0 ) ? true : false, chr(10) + "'thrC' have not a correct value! [>=1.0]" + chr(10)) Assert( ( mode >= 0 && mode <= 3 ) ? true : false, chr(10) + "'mode' have not a correct value! [0,1,2,3]" + chr(10)) Assert( ( str >= 0.0 ) ? true : false, chr(10) + "'str' have not a correct value! [>=0.0]" + chr(10)) Assert( ( strC >= 0.0 ) ? true : false, chr(10) + "'strC' have not a correct value! [>=0.0]" + chr(10)) Assert( ( temp >= -1 && temp <= 100 ) ? true : false, chr(10) + "'temp' have not a correct value! [-1,0...100]" + chr(10)) Assert( ( adapt >= -1 && adapt <= 255 ) ? true : false, chr(10) + "'adapt' have not a correct value! [-1,0...255]" + chr(10)) Assert( ( radius >= 1 ) ? true : false, chr(10) + "'radius' have not a correct value! [>=1]" + chr(10)) Assert( ( range >= 0 && range <= 255 ) ? true : false, chr(10) + "'range' have not a correct value! [0...255]" + chr(10)) chr = strC > 0.0 ? true : false chroma = thrC > 1.0 || strC > 0.0 ? true : false ### DITHER Function GF_ModeOff(clip clp, float thr, float thrC, uGF2DB3) { w = uGF2DB3 ? nop() : CLP.width() p = uGF2DB3 ? nop() : (ceil(w/8.0)*8-w)/2 RDY = uGF2DB3 ? CLP : CLP.addborders(p,0,p,0) LUM = uGF2DB3 ? RDY.gradfun2db3(thr) : RDY.gradfun2db(thr).Crop(p,0,-p,-0) CHR = thrC==thr ? nop() : uGF2DB3 ? RDY.gradfun2db3(thrC) : RDY.gradfun2db(thrC).Crop(p,0,-p,-0) GFO = thr==1.0 && thrC==1.0 ? CLP \ : thr==thrC ? LUM \ : thr!=1.0 && thrC==1.0 ? LUM.mergechroma(CLP) \ : thr==1.0 && thrC!=1.0 ? CLP.mergechroma(CHR) \ : LUM.mergechroma(CHR) Return GFO } Function GF_Borders(clip clp, float thr, float thrC, uGF2DB3) { w = CLP.width() p = 16 + (ceil(w/8.0)*8-w)/2 RDY = CLP.addborders(p,16,p,16) LUM = uGF2DB3 ? RDY.gradfun2db3(thr).Crop(p,16,-p,-16) : RDY.gradfun2db(thr).Crop(p,16,-p,-16) CHR = thrC==thr ? nop() : uGF2DB3 ? RDY.gradfun2db3(thrC).Crop(p,16,-p,-16) : RDY.gradfun2db(thrC).Crop(p,16,-p,-16) GFK = thr==1.0 && thrC==1.0 ? CLP \ : thr==thrC ? LUM \ : thr!=1.0 && thrC==1.0 ? LUM.mergechroma(CLP) \ : thr==1.0 && thrC!=1.0 ? CLP.mergechroma(CHR) \ : LUM.mergechroma(CHR) Return GFK } Function GF_Padding(clip clp, float thr, float thrC, uGF2DB3) { w = CLP.width() h = CLP.height() p = 32 + (ceil(w/8.0)*8-w) RDY = CLP.pointresize(w+p,h+32,-p/2,-16,w+p,h+32) LUM = uGF2DB3 ? RDY.gradfun2db3(thr).Crop(p/2,16,-p/2,-16) : RDY.gradfun2db(thr).Crop(p/2,16,-p/2,-16) CHR = thrC==thr ? nop() : uGF2DB3 ? RDY.gradfun2db3(thrC).Crop(p/2,16,-p/2,-16) : RDY.gradfun2db(thrC).Crop(p/2,16,-p/2,-16) GFP = thr==1.0 && thrC==1.0 ? CLP \ : thr==thrC ? LUM \ : thr!=1.0 && thrC==1.0 ? LUM.mergechroma(CLP) \ : thr==1.0 && thrC!=1.0 ? CLP.mergechroma(CHR) \ : LUM.mergechroma(CHR) Return GFP } Function GF_Mirrors(clip clp, float thr, float thrC, uGF2DB3) { w = CLP.width() h = CLP.height() p = 16 + (ceil(w/8.0)*8-w)/2 TM = CLP.crop(0,0,0,-h+16).FlipVertical() TL = TM.crop(0,0,-w+p,0).FlipHorizontal() TR = TM.crop(w-p,0,0,0).FlipHorizontal() MM = CLP ML = MM.crop(0,0,-w+p,0).FlipHorizontal() MR = MM.crop(w-p,0,0,0).FlipHorizontal() BM = CLP.crop(0,h-16,0,0).FlipVertical() BL = BM.crop(0,0,-w+p,0).FlipHorizontal() BR = BM.crop(w-p,0,0,0).FlipHorizontal() TOP = StackHorizontal(TL,TM,TR) MID = StackHorizontal(ML,MM,MR) BOT = StackHorizontal(BL,BM,BR) RDY = StackVertical(TOP,MID,BOT) LUM = uGF2DB3 ? RDY.gradfun2db3(thr).Crop(p,16,-p,-16) : RDY.gradfun2db(thr).Crop(p,16,-p,-16) CHR = thrC==thr ? nop() : uGF2DB3 ? RDY.gradfun2db3(thrC).Crop(p,16,-p,-16) : RDY.gradfun2db(thrC).Crop(p,16,-p,-16) GFM = thr==1.0 && thrC==1.0 ? CLP \ : thr==thrC ? LUM \ : thr!=1.0 && thrC==1.0 ? LUM.mergechroma(CLP) \ : thr==1.0 && thrC!=1.0 ? CLP.mergechroma(CHR) \ : LUM.mergechroma(CHR) Return GFM } dither = mode==1 ? input.GF_Borders(thr,thrC,uGF2DB3) \ : mode==2 ? input.GF_Padding(thr,thrC,uGF2DB3) \ : mode==3 ? input.GF_Mirrors(thr,thrC,uGF2DB3) \ : input.GF_ModeOff(thr,thrC,uGF2DB3) ### GRAIN grain = custom=="empty" ? dither.addgrainC(str,strC,0,0) \ : Eval("dither." + custom) diff = custom=="empty" ? blankclip(dither,color_yuv=$808080).addgrainC(str,strC,0,0) \ : Eval("blankclip(dither,color_yuv=$808080)." + custom) grain = temp<=0 ? grain \ : temp==100 ? mt_makediff(dither,diff.temporalsoften(1,255,chr?255:0,255,2),u=chr?3:2,v=chr?3:2) \ : mt_makediff(dither,diff.mergeluma(diff.temporalsoften(1,255,chr?255:0,255,2),temp/100.0),u=chr?3:2,v=chr?3:2) AGmask = adapt==0 ? input.removegrain(19,-1) \ : adapt==255 ? input.invert().removegrain(19,-1) \ : input.mt_lut("x "+string(adapt)+" - abs 255 * "+string(adapt)+" 128 - abs 128 + /",u=1,v=1).removegrain(19,-1) deband = str==0.0 && strC==0.0 ? dither \ : adapt==-1 ? grain \ : mt_merge(grain,dither,AGmask,luma=chr?true:false,u=chr?3:4,v=chr?3:4) ### MASK GFmask = radius==1 ? input.mt_edge(mode="min/max",thY1=0,thY2=255,u=1,v=1).mt_lut(expr="255 x 1 "+string(range)+" / * 2 ^ /",u=1,v=1).removegrain(19,-1) \ : mt_luts(input,input,mode="range",pixels=mt_square(radius),expr="y",u=1,v=1).mt_lut(expr="255 x 1 "+string(range)+" / * 2 ^ /",u=1,v=1).removegrain(19,-1) output = mask==true ? mt_merge(input,deband,GFmask,luma=chroma?true:false,u=chroma?3:2,v=chroma?3:2) \ : chroma==true ? deband \ : deband.mergechroma(input) ### SHOW function GFMOD_Show(clip input, clip output, string "version", \ float "thr", float "thrC", int "mode", \ float "str", float "strC", int "temp", int "adapt", string "custom", \ bool "mask", int "radius", int "range", \ bool "show", int "screenW", int "screenH") { custom = StrLen(custom) <= 15 ? custom \ : LeftStr(custom,12) + "..." strength = LeftStr(string(str),4) + " | " + LeftStr(string(strC),4) screen_x = screenW screen_y = screenH - 120 src_x = input.width() src_y = input.height() dest_x = round( screen_x / 8 ) * 4 dest_y = round( (dest_x * src_y) / (4 * src_x) ) * 4 scale_x = screen_x - ( 2 * dest_x ) scale_y = screen_y - ( 2 * dest_y ) a = input.spline36resize(dest_x,dest_y) b = output.spline36resize(dest_x,dest_y) mkdiff = mt_makediff(a, b, chroma="process") c = mkdiff.ColorYUV(analyze=true) d = mkdiff.Levels(112, 1.0, 144, 0, 255, coring=false) a = scale_x > 0 ? a.addborders(scale_x/4,0,scale_x/4,0) \ : scale_x < 0 ? a.crop(-scale_x/4,0,scale_x/4,0) \ : a a = scale_y > 0 ? a.addborders(0,scale_y/4,0,scale_y/4) \ : scale_y < 0 ? a.crop(0,-scale_y/4,0,scale_y/4) \ : a b = scale_x > 0 ? b.addborders(scale_x/4,0,scale_x/4,0) \ : scale_x < 0 ? b.crop(-scale_x/4,0,scale_x/4,0) \ : b b = scale_y > 0 ? b.addborders(0,scale_y/4,0,scale_y/4) \ : scale_y < 0 ? b.crop(0,-scale_y/4,0,scale_y/4) \ : b c = scale_x > 0 ? c.addborders(scale_x/4,0,scale_x/4,0) \ : scale_x < 0 ? c.crop(-scale_x/4,0,scale_x/4,0) \ : c c = scale_y > 0 ? c.addborders(0,scale_y/4,0,scale_y/4) \ : scale_y < 0 ? c.crop(0,-scale_y/4,0,scale_y/4) \ : c d = scale_x > 0 ? d.addborders(scale_x/4,0,scale_x/4,0) \ : scale_x < 0 ? d.crop(-scale_x/4,0,scale_x/4,0) \ : d d = scale_y > 0 ? d.addborders(0,scale_y/4,0,scale_y/4) \ : scale_y < 0 ? d.crop(0,-scale_y/4,0,scale_y/4) \ : d e = blankclip(input, width=screen_x, height=120) e = e.SubTitle("GradFun2DBmod " + string(version) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=24,x=20,y=40) e = e.SubTitle("DITHER:" ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=320,y=20) e = e.SubTitle("-------" ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=320,y=30) e = e.SubTitle("thr = " + string(thr) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=320,y=50) e = e.SubTitle("thrC = " + string(thrC) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=320,y=70) e = e.SubTitle("mode = " + string(mode) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=320,y=90) e = e.SubTitle("GRAIN:" ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=520,y=20) e = e.SubTitle("------" ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=520,y=30) e = custom=="empty" \ ? e.SubTitle("str | strC = " + string(strength) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=520,y=50) \ : e.SubTitle("custom = " + string(custom) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=520,y=50) e = e.SubTitle("temp = " + string(temp) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=520,y=70) e = e.SubTitle("adapt = " + string(adapt) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=520,y=90) e = e.SubTitle("MASK:" ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=720,y=20) e = e.SubTitle("-----" ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=720,y=30) e = e.SubTitle("mask = " + string(mask) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=720,y=50) e = e.SubTitle("radius = " + string(radius) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=720,y=70) e = e.SubTitle("range = " + string(range) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=720,y=90) e = e.SubTitle("DEBUG:" ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=920,y=20) e = e.SubTitle("------" ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=920,y=30) e = e.SubTitle("show = " + string(show) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=920,y=50) e = e.SubTitle("screenW = " + string(screenW) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=920,y=70) e = e.SubTitle("screenH = " + string(screenH) ,text_color=$FFFFFF,font="COURIER NEW",size=12,x=920,y=90) debug = stackvertical( e \ , \ stackhorizontal( a.subtitle("Input",text_color=$FFFFFF,size=20,x=20,y=20) , \ b.subtitle("Output",text_color=$FFFFFF,size=20,x=20,y=20) ) \ , \ stackhorizontal( c.subtitle("Differences",text_color=$FFFFFF,size=20,x=20,y=20) , \ d.subtitle("Amplified",text_color=$FFFFFF,size=20,x=20,y=20) ) \ ) return debug } output = show==false ? output \ : GFMOD_Show(input, output, version=version, \ thr=thr, thrC=thrC, mode=mode, \ str=str, strC=strC, temp=temp, adapt=adapt, custom=custom, \ mask=mask, radius=radius, range=range, \ show=show, screenW=screenW, screenH=screenH) return output } Function GradFun2DB3(clip clip, float "thr") { thr = default( thr, 1.2 ) clip.Dither_convert_8_to_16().SmoothGrad(thr=thr*0.3,elast=5.5).DitherPost(mode=7) }