This file explains how to build and install the Realm core library. ## Prerequisites To build the Realm core library, you need CMake 3.15 or newer and a standard set of build tools. This includes a C/C++ compiler and a build system like GNU make. Realm is thoroughly tested with both GCC and Clang. It is known to work with GCC 8.3 and newer, as well as with Clang 9 and newer. Your compiler must support C++17. To run the benchmarking suite (make benchmark) on Linux, you will need the development part of the 'procps' library. The following is a suggestion of how to install the prerequisites on each of our major platforms: ### Linux Mint 19, Ubuntu 18.04 sudo apt-get install build-essential sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev sudo apt-get install libuv1-dev sudo apt-get install libprocps-dev sudo apt-get install libssl-dev sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev sudo apt-get install cmake ### macOS On macOS, Clang is used as the C/C++ compiler by default. Clang is installed as part of Xcode. Xcode 13.1 or newer is required, and can be installed via the Mac App Store. Setting up a development environment can convienently be achieved using a package manager called brew. See for install instructions. brew install cmake ### Windows On Windows, navigate to the following websites in your browser to download the appropriate installers. - Visual Studio 2019: - CMake: ## Configure, build & test To get submodule dependencies: git submodule update --init --recursive Run the following commands to configure, build and test core: mkdir build. cd build. cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE= .. cmake --build . ctest Where `buildtype` is either `debug` or `release`     ## Building for Android, iOS, watchOS and tvOS Building for Android required the NDK r10e installed and ANDROID_NDK set to the directory where it's installed. These targets can be built using the command. 'Release' can be replaced with 'Debug' to produce a debug build. : tools/ -o android -a armeabi-v7a -t Release -v The command shows the available options simply with: tools/ These commands produce a tarball containing the realm static library and its include files. The string after '-v' just denotes the version part of the name of the tarball produced - it's optional. ## Testing The core library comes with a suite of unit tests. You can run the unit tests like this: cd build.debug ctest There are a number of environment variable that can be use the customize the execution. For example, here is how to run only the `Foo` test and those whose names start with `Bar`, then how run all tests whose names start with `Foo`, except `Foo2` and those whose names end with an `X`: UNITTEST_FILTER="Foo Bar*" ./realm-tests UNITTEST_FILTER="Foo* - Foo2 *X" ./realm-tests These are the available variables: - `UNITTEST_FILTER` can be used to exclude one or more tests from a particular run. For more information about the syntax, see the documentation of `realm::test_util::unit_test::create_wildcard_filter()` in `test/util/unit_test.hpp`. - Set `UNITTEST_PROGRESS` to a non-empty value to enable reporting of progress (write the name of each test as it is executed). - If you set `UNITTEST_SHUFFLE` to a non-empty value, the tests will be executed in a random order. This requires, of course, that all executed tests are independent of each other. This is the default when testing with more than one thread, since the testing is non-deterministic anyway. - You may set `UNITTEST_RANDOM_SEED` to some unsigned integer (at least 32 bits will be accepted). If you specify `random`, or don't specify a value for this environment variable, the global pseudorandom number generator will be seeded with a non-deterministic value (one that generally will be different in each successive run). If you specify an integer, it will be seeded with that integer. - Set `UNITTEST_REPEAT` to the number of times you want to execute the tests selected by the filter. It defaults to 1. - Set `UNITTEST_THREADS` to the number of test threads to use. The default is to use the number of cores. Using more than one thread requires that all executed tests are thread-safe and independent of each other or are tagged with `NONCONCURRENT_TEST`. - Set `UNITTEST_KEEP_FILES` to a non-empty value to disable automatic removal of test files. - Set `UNITTEST_XML` to a non-empty value to dump the test results to a JUnit XML file. For details, see `realm::test_util::unit_test::create_junit_reporter()` in `test/util/unit_test.hpp`. - Set `UNITTEST_LOG_LEVEL` to adjust the log level threshold for custom intra test logging. Valid values are `all`, `trace`, `debug`, `info`, `warn`, `error`, `fatal`, `off`. The default threshold is `off` meaning that nothing is logged. - Set `UNITTEST_LOG_TO_FILES` to a non-empty value to redirect log messages (including progress messages) to log files. One log file will be created per test thread (`UNITTEST_THREADS`). The files will be named `test_logs_%1/thread_%2_.log` where `%1` is a timestamp and `%2` is the test thread number. - Set `UNITTEST_ABORT_ON_FAILURE` to a non-empty value to termination of the testing process as soon as a check fails or an unexpected exception is thrown in a test. ## Running [app] tests against a local BAAS instance If you already have a baas instance running, you can specify that directly via the `BAAS_BASE_URL` environment variable. You can run baas in a local docker container using instructions from [the wiki]( ``` export BAAS_BASE_URL=http://localhost:9090 mkdir cmake -B -G Ninja -DREALM_ENABLE_AUTH_TESTS=1 cmake --build --target realm-object-store-tests ./ -d=1 ``` ## Running [app] tests against an on-demand BAASAAS container Due to MongoDB security policies, running baas requires company issued credentials. These are for MongoDB employees only, if you do not have these, reach out to #appx-device-sync-internal. Once you have a baasaas API key, it needs to be set in the shell environment. ``` export BAASAAS_API_KEY= mkdir cmake -B -G Ninja -DREALM_ENABLE_AUTH_TESTS=1 cmake --build --target realm-object-store-tests ./ -d=1 ``` You can tell the object-store tests to use a specific version of baas with the `BAASAAS_START_MODE` environment variable, which can either be `githash`, `patchid`, or `branch`. If you specify a start mode, you need to tell it which githash or branch name to start with via the `BAASAAS_REF_SPEC` environment variable. Omitting these will use the latest available commit from the main branch of baas. If you've started a baasaas container already via the baasaas CLI, you can tell the object-store tests to use that with the `BAASAAS_INSTANCE_ID` environment variable. ### Developing inside a container The `.devcontainer` folders contains configuration for the [Visual Studio Code Remote - Containers]( extension, which allows you to develop inside the same Docker container that CI runs in, which is especially useful because it also sets up the MongoDB Realm Test Server container. Make sure you have the `Remote - Containers` extension installed (it's part of the recommended extensions list for this repository) and run the `Remote-Containers: Reopen in Container` (or `Rebuild and Reopen in Container`) command. VSCode will build the image described in `Dockerfile`, spin up a container group using Docker Compose, and reopen the workspace from inside the container. #### `ssh-agent` forwarding The dev container needs your SSH key to clone the realm-sync repository during build. Make sure your agent is running and configured as described [here]( #### Docker resources Assign more memory and CPU to Docker for faster builds. The link step may fail inside the container if there's not enough memory, too. ### Memory debugging: Realm currently allows for uninitialized data to be written to a database file. This is not an error (technically), but it does cause Valgrind to report errors. To avoid these 'false positives' during testing and debugging, set `REALM_ENABLE_ALLOC_SET_ZERO` to a nonempty value during configuration as in the following example: cmake -D REALM_ENABLE_ALLOC_SET_ZERO=ON -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug .. ### Measuring test coverage: You can measure how much of the code is tested by adding the `-D REALM_COVERAGE=ON` option to the cmake call that generates the project. This will allow to produce coverage information which is then digestable by gcovr or lcov: cd test ./realm-tests gcovr --filter='.*src/realm.*' Alternatively you can run the script `tools/`. ## Install You can install core itself on Linux if needed, but be aware that the API exposed is not stable or supported! sudo cmake --build --target install Headers will be installed in: /usr/local/include/realm/ Except for `realm.hpp` which is installed as: /usr/local/include/realm.hpp The following libraries will be installed: /usr/local/lib/ /usr/local/lib/librealm.a _Note: '.so' is replaced by '.dylib' on OS X._ The following programs will be installed: /usr/local/bin/realm-import /usr/local/bin/realm-config /usr/local/libexec/realmd ### Configuration It is possible to install into a non-default location by running the following command before building and installing: cmake -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/your/dir .. Here, `CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX` is the installation prefix. If it is not specified, it defaults to `/usr/local` on Linux and macOS. CMake can automatically detect your compiler and its location but it allows all kinds of customizations. For a brief overview you can reference to this CMake [wiki page]( ## Other tools ### Realm-Import The `realm-import` tool lets you load files containing comma-separated values into Realm. The next two are used transparently by the Realm library when `async` transactions are enabled. The two `config` programs provide the necessary compiler flags for an application that needs to link against Realm. They work with GCC and other compilers, such as Clang, that are mostly command line compatible with GCC. Here is an example: g++ my_app.cpp `realm-config --cflags --libs` ### RealmTrawler `RealmTrawler` is a tool that can go through a Realm file and print metadata about the layout of the file. It is built the following way: ``` mkdir build cd build cmake .. cmake --build . --target RealmTrawler ``` On Mac this will create an executable located in `/build/src/realm/exec/realm-trawler-dbg`. ## cmake options The CMake build system supports a big variety of features and targets that go beyond the purpose of this document. It supports the creation of projects in several formats: - make - ninja - Xcode - Visual Studio In CMake jargon these are called generators are are described [here](