## 0.4.5 (Mar 25, 2021) ### chore - fix: previous release ## 0.4.4 (Mar 18, 2021) ### chore - bring up all dev deps (incl. eslint and webpack) to the latest - move CI to Github actions - add linting and building to ci pipeline (in addition to unit testing) ## 0.4.0 (Seq 28, 2018) ### feat - use `decimal.js-light` to handle large number or high precision ## 0.3.2 (Aug 21, 2017) ### fix - fix `getNiceTickValues` when the number is a scientific notation ## 0.3.1 (Jun 11, 2017) ### fix - fix `getDigitCount` when the number is a scientific notation ## 0.3.0 (Mar 01, 2017) ### feat - Add new ticks function `getTickValuesFixedDomain` ## 0.2.3 (Feb 28, 2017) ### fix - Fix calculation precision of calculateStep, add Arithmetic.modulo ## 0.2.2 (Feb 28, 2017) ### fix - Fix calculation precision of calculateStep ## 0.2.1 (July 25, 2016) ### fix - Fix the precision of ticks for decimals ## 0.2.0 (July 25, 2016) ### feat - Support `allowDecimals` option ## 0.1.11 (July 19, 2016) ### fix - Tweak the strategy of calculating step of ticks ## 0.1.10 (July 07, 2016) ### deps - update deps and fix lint error ## 0.1.9 (April 08, 2016) ### fix - Fix ticks for interval [0, 0] ## 0.1.8 (Feb 04, 2016) ### refactor - Refactor the export method ## 0.1.7 (Feb 04, 2016) ### chore - Optimize npm script commands