--- title: People subtitle: The humans behind this project board-list: - name: Gregory Armstrong img: /img/people/gregory-armstrong.jpg desc: Director of the Advanced Molecular Detection initiative, with extensive experience in epidemiology and outbreak response at CDC, Atlanta, USA. website: http://www.cdc.gov/amd/ url: http://www.cdc.gov/amd/ twitter: https://twitter.com/CDC_AMD - name: Gabor Csardi img: /img/people/gabor-csardi.jpg desc: Computer scientist with a strong background in statistics and network theory, Gabor is a prominent member of the R community who develops and contributes to a number of major packages such as igraph, roxygen and R6. Mango Solutions, Chippenham, UK. website: http://gaborcsardi.org/ url: http://gaborcsardi.org/ github: http://github.com/gaborcsardi twitter: http://twitter.com/gaborcsardi - name: Christl Donnelly img: /img/people/christl-donnelly.jpg desc: Professor of Statistical Epidemiology, Fellow of the Royal Society, Christl has extensive experience in epidemics analysis and emergency outbreak response. Imperial College London, UK. website: http://www.imperial.ac.uk/people/c.donnelly url: http://www.imperial.ac.uk/people/c.donnelly - name: Jennifer Gardy img: /img/people/jennifer-gardy.jpg desc: Canada Research Chair in Public Health genomics at the university of British Columbia and BC Centre for Disease Control, with extensive experience in inferring disease transmission from genomic data. Vancouver, Canada. url: http://www.jennifergardy.com/ twitter: https://twitter.com/jennifergardy github: https://github.com/jlgardy - name: Oliver Morgan desc: Acting Director, Health Emergency Information and Risk Assessment Department, World Health Organisation. Geneva, Switzerland. img: /img/people/oliver-morgan.jpg - name: Jacco Wallinga img: /img/people/jacco-wallinga.jpg desc: Professor of infectious disease modelling at Leiden University Medical Center, Head of the Infectious Disease Modelling Department at the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), The Netherlands. website: http://www.rivm.nl/en/About_RIVM/Knowledge_and_expertise/Experts_and_expertise/Related_information/Modelling_Infectious_Diseases/Prof_Dr_J_Jacco_Wallinga url: http://www.rivm.nl/en/About_RIVM/Knowledge_and_expertise/Experts_and_expertise/Related_information/Modelling_Infectious_Diseases/Prof_Dr_J_Jacco_Wallinga admin-list: - name: Claire Thomson img: /img/people/claire-thomson.jpg website: http://www.imperial.ac.uk/people/c.thomson url: http://www.imperial.ac.uk/people/c.thomson desc: Administrative support. Imperial College London, UK. - name: Evgenia Markvardt img: /img/people/evgenia-markvardt.jpg website: http://www.imperial.ac.uk/people/e.markvardt url: http://www.imperial.ac.uk/people/e.markvardt desc: Administrative support. Imperial College London, UK. people-list: - name: Thibaut Jombart img: /img/people/thibaut-jombart.jpg desc: Founder of RECON. Statistician and R programmer specialized in outbreak analysis. Imperial College London, UK. website: https://sites.google.com/site/thibautjombart/ url: https://sites.google.com/site/thibautjombart/ github: https://github.com/thibautjombart/ twitter: https://twitter.com/TeebzR - name: Philip AbdelMalik img: /img/people/philip-abdelmalik.jpg desc: Epidemiologist focused on epidemic intelligence and health informatics. World Health Organization, Switzerland. - name: Rawan Araj img: /img/people/rawan-araj.jpg desc: EMPHNET Program Manager. GHD-EMPHNET, Jordan. - name: Dean Attali img: /img/people/dean-attali.jpg desc: Web and R developer, designer of the RECON website. AttaliTech, Canada. website: http://deanattali.com/ url: http://deanattali.com/ github: https://github.com/daattali/ twitter: https://twitter.com/daattali - name: Marc Baguelin img: /img/people/marc-baguelin.jpg desc: Mathematical modeller and health economist specialised in Public Health intervention. Strong believer in open code and sharing. Public Health England, UK. website: http://www.lshtm.ac.uk/aboutus/people/baguelin.marc url: http://www.lshtm.ac.uk/aboutus/people/baguelin.marc github: https://github.com/MJomaba/ twitter: https://twitter.com/marcbaguelin - name: Amrish Baidjoe img: /img/people/amrish-baidjoe.jpg desc: Field epidemiologist/microbiologist, outbreak response expert, and RECON coordinator. President of the EPIET alumni network. Imperial College London, UK. website: https://ammer.tweakblogs.net/ url: https://ammer.tweakblogs.net/ twitter: https://twitter.com/Ammer_B - name: Robert Balshaw img: /img/people/robert-balshaw.jpg desc: Caretaker for the aberration detection algorithm PHIDO, shiny developer. British Columbia Centre for Disease Control, Canada. - name: Kazim Beebeejaun img: /img/people/kazim-beebeejaun.jpg desc: EPIET fellow, cohort 2017. Public Health England, UK. twitter: www.twitter.com/KazimB url: www.twitter.com/KazimB - name: Sangeeta Bhatia img: /img/people/sangeeta-bhatia.jpg desc: Modeller and software developer contributing packages for outbreak analysis using digital surveillance data. Imperial College London, UK. website: https://sangeetabhatia03.github.io url: https://sangeetabhatia03.github.io github: https://github.com/sangeetabhatia03 twitter: https://twitter.com/sangeeta0312 - name: Matthew Biggerstaff img: /img/people/matthew-biggerstaff.jpg desc: Epidemiologist focused on using modeling and forecasting outputs to inform public health decision making. U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, USA. - name: Jun Cai img: /img/people/jun-cai.jpg desc: PhD candidate interested in influenza transmission dynamics and R programming. Center for Earth System Science, Tsinghua University, China. website: http://blog.tonytsai.name/ url: http://blog.tonytsai.name/ github: https://github.com/caijun twitter: https://twitter.com/caijun2046 - name: Finlay Campbell img: /img/people/finlay-campbell.jpg desc: PhD student, interested in outbreak analysis and R package development. Imperial College London, UK. github: http://github.com/finlaycampbell url: http://github.com/finlaycampbell twitter: http://twitter.com/fCampbell93 - name: David Champredon img: /img/people/david-champredon.jpg desc: Epidemic modelling. McMaster University, Canada. - name: Anne Cori img: /img/people/anne-cori.jpg desc: Statistician specialized in disease modelling and outbreak response. Imperial College London, UK. website: http://www.imperial.ac.uk/people/a.cori url: http://www.imperial.ac.uk/people/a.cori github: https://github.com/annecori/ - name: Zulma Cucunuba img: /img/people/zulma-cucunuba.jpg desc: Vector borne disease modelling to inform public health policy, emphasis in Latin America. Imperial College London, United Kingdom. website: http://www.imperial.ac.uk/people/zulma.cucunuba url: http://www.imperial.ac.uk/people/zulma.cucunuba github: https://github.com/zulmac twitter: https://twitter.com/Zulma.Cucunuba - name: Irina Czogiel img: /img/people/irina-czogiel.jpg desc: Statistician, bioinformatician and EPIET project supervisor, with expertise in machine learning methods for to epidemiological and molecular data. Robert Koch Institut, Germany. - name: Elisabeth Dahlqwist img: /img/people/elisabeth-dahlqwist.jpg desc: PhD student in biostatistics and R programmer. Karolinska Institutet, Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Sweden. website: http://ki.se/en/people/elisda url: http://ki.se/en/people/elisda github: https://github.com/ElisabethDahlqwist - name: Alex Demarsh img: /img/people/alex-demarsh.jpg desc: R and Shiny for risk assessment and epidemic parameter estimation for emerging infections. Public Health Agency of Canada, McGill University, Canada. github: https://github.com/alexdemarsh url: https://github.com/alexdemarsh - name: Xavier Didelot img: /img/people/xavier-didelot.jpg desc: Genomic epidemiology of bacterial pathogens. Imperial College London, UK. website: http://www.imperial.ac.uk/people/x.didelot url: http://www.imperial.ac.uk/people/x.didelot github: https://github.com/xavierdidelot/ twitter: https://twitter.com/XavierDidelot - name: Jeff Eaton img: /img/people/jeff-eaton.jpg desc: HIV surveillance, estimation, mathematical modelling, and policy in sub-Saharan Africa. Imperial College London, UK. github: https://github.com/jeffeaton url: https://github.com/jeffeaton - name: Roz Eggo img: /img/people/roz-eggo.jpg desc: Infectious disease modeller of outbreaks, epidemics, and endemic infections. LSHTM, UK. github: https://github.com/rozeggo url: https://github.com/rozeggo - name: Flavio Finger img: /img/people/flavio-finger.jpg desc: Epidemiological modelling, cholera, real-time analysis, spatial dynamics, environmental determinants of outbreaks. London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, United Kingdom. website: http://ffinger.github.io url: http://ffinger.github.io github: https://github.com/ffinger - name: Thomas Finnie img: /img/people/thomas-finnie.jpg desc: Modeller and Data-Scientist specializing in applying High Performance Computing to public health problems. Public Health England, UK. website: www.gov.uk/phe url: www.gov.uk/phe github: https://github.com/twomagpi - name: Simon Firestone img: /img/people/simon-firestone.jpg desc: Veterinary and public health epidemiologist. The University of Melbourne, Australia. website: http://fvas.unimelb.edu.au/veam url: http://fvas.unimelb.edu.au/veam - name: Rich Fitzjohn img: /img/people/rich-fitzjohn.jpg desc: R developper specialized in data analysis infrastructures. Imperial College London, UK. website: http://richfitz.github.io/ url: http://richfitz.github.io/ github: https://github.com/richfitz/ twitter: https://twitter.com/rgfitzjohn - name: Simon Frost img: /img/people/simon-frost.jpg desc: Viral evolution, dynamics and epidemiology. University of Cambridge, UK. website: http://www.vet.cam.ac.uk/directory/sdf22@cam.ac.uk url: http://www.vet.cam.ac.uk/directory/sdf22@cam.ac.uk github: http://github.com/sdwfrost twitter: https://twitter.com/sdwfrost - name: Daniel Gardiner img: /img/people/daniel-gardiner.jpg desc: Infectious disease epidemiologist using R for analysis and automated reporting. Public Health England, UK. github: http://github.com/DanielGardiner url: http://github.com/DanielGardiner - name: George Githinji img: /img/people/george-githinji.jpg desc: Bioinformatician with a strong research interest in epidemiology. KEMRI-Wellcome Trust Research Programme, Kenya. website: http://virec-group.org url: http://virec-group.org github: https://github.com/biorelated twitter: https://twitter.com/george_l - name: Stephan Gloeckner img: /img/people/stephan-gloeckner.jpg desc: Epidemiologist / computer scientist working on outbreak detection algorithms using R and python. Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research, Germany. website: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Stephan_Gloeckner url: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Stephan_Gloeckner github: https://github.com/gstephan30 twitter: https://twitter.com/ericlindros84 - name: Joana Gomes Dias img: /img/people/joana-gomes-dias.jpg desc: Expert Biostatistics at ECDC. Applied statistical modelling. Epidemiology and Infection diseases. European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), Sweden. - name: José Guerra img: /img/people/josé-guerra.jpg desc: Medical epidemiologist, support countries strengthening their public health surveillance systems; Rthusiastic for many years. World Health Organization, France. - name: Michael Höhle img: /img/people/michael-hohle.jpg desc: Statistical modelling in infectious disease epidemiology. Stockholm University, Sweden. website: http://www.math.su.se/~hoehle url: http://www.math.su.se/~hoehle github: https://github.com/hoehleatsu twitter: https://twitter.com/m_hoehle - name: Andreas Handel img: /img/people/andreas-handel.jpg desc: Modeling and data analysis of infectious diseases on the within-host and between-host scales. Main focus on influenza, TB and Norovirus. University of Georgia, USA. website: http://handelgroup.uga.edu/ url: http://handelgroup.uga.edu/ github: https://github.com/ahgroup twitter: https://twitter.com/andreashandel - name: Tambri Housen img: /img/people/tambri-housen.jpg desc: Field epidemiologist and research fellow on Australia's FETP. Australian National University, Australia. - name: Benido Impouma img: /img/people/benido-impouma.jpg desc: Preparedness for, surveillance of and response to disease outbreaks and other public health emergencies. World Health Organization, Congo, Republic. - name: Samuel Jenness img: /img/people/samuel-jenness.jpg desc: Epidemic modeling, network science, HIV/STI epidemiology. Emory University, USA. website: http://www.samueljenness.org url: http://www.samueljenness.org github: https://github.com/EpiModel twitter: https://twitter.com/SamuelJenness - name: Joshua Kaminsky img: /img/people/joshua-kaminsky.jpg desc: Developer of the R package spatialpred. Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, USA. website: http://iddynamics.jhsph.edu url: http://iddynamics.jhsph.edu - name: Zhian Kamvar img: /img/people/zhian-kamvar.jpg desc: R developer and population geneticist; core developer and trainer for RECON. Imperial College London, UK. website: http://zkamvar.github.io url: http://zkamvar.github.io github: https://github.com/zkamvar twitter: https://twitter.com/zkamvar - name: Andee Kaplan img: /img/people/andee-kaplan.jpg desc: shiny, D3, JavaScript. Iowa State University, USA. website: http://www.andeekaplan.com url: http://www.andeekaplan.com github: http://github.com/andeek twitter: https://twitter.com/andeekaplan - name: Ioannis Karagiannis img: /img/people/ioannis-karagiannis.jpg desc: Epidemiologist and coordinator of the UK field epidemiology training programme (FETP), EPIET alumnus with a background in biostatistics. Public Health England, UK. - name: Patrick Keating img: /img/people/patrick-keating.jpg desc: Infectious disease epidemiologist using R for analysis. Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety, Austria. - name: Nelson Kibinge img: /img/people/nelson-kibinge.jpg desc: Bioinformatician with an interest in RSV diversity and surveillance efficiency. KEMRI-Wellcome Trust Research program Kenya, Kenya. github: https://github.com/nelkibs url: https://github.com/nelkibs - name: Don Klinkenberg img: /img/people/don-klinkenberg.jpg desc: Infectious disease epidemiologist, mathematical modeller, and R developer. RIVM (National Institute for Public Health and the Environment), The Netherlands. website: http://www.rivm.nl/en/About_RIVM/Knowledge_and_expertise/Experts_and_expertise/Related_information/Modelling_Infectious_Diseases/D_Don_Klinkenberg_PhD url: http://www.rivm.nl/en/About_RIVM/Knowledge_and_expertise/Experts_and_expertise/Related_information/Modelling_Infectious_Diseases/D_Don_Klinkenberg_PhD github: https://github.com/donkeyshot twitter: https://twitter.com/donkeyshot - name: Stefan Kroeger img: /img/people/stefan-kroeger.jpg desc: R developper with background in bioinformatics and network analysis. Working on transmission analysis for disease surveillance. Robert Koch Institute, Germany. website: https://www2.informatik.hu-berlin.de/~kroeger/Research.html url: https://www2.informatik.hu-berlin.de/~kroeger/Research.html - name: Henry Kyobe-Bosa img: /img/people/henry-kyobe-bosa.jpg desc: Epidemiologist with interest in outbreak risk analysis, surveillance and response to emerging infectious diseases. African Risk Capacity, South Africa. website: http://www.africanriskcapacity.org url: http://www.africanriskcapacity.org twitter: https://twitter.com/hskyobe - name: Justin Lessler img: /img/people/justin-lessler.jpg desc: Epidemiology and infectious disease dynamics. Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, USA. website: http://iddynamics.jhsph.edu url: http://iddynamics.jhsph.edu github: http://github.com/jlessler twitter: http://twitter.com/justinlessler - name: Joanna Lewis img: /img/people/joanna-lewis.jpg desc: Mathematical and statistical modelling of sexually-transmitted bacterial infections. Imperial College London, UK. website: http://www.imperial.ac.uk/people/joanna.lewis url: http://www.imperial.ac.uk/people/joanna.lewis github: https://github.com/joanna-lewis - name: Christian Massidi img: /img/people/christian-massidi.jpg desc: Data developer. World Health Organization, Congo, Republic. - name: Kevin McDermott img: /img/people/kevin-mcdermott.jpg desc: Water research using molecular biology, microbiology, bioinformatics and data science. Public Health Ontario, Canada. - name: Oliver McManus img: /img/people/oliver-mcmanus.jpg desc: Epidemics analyst with an interest in R. Public Health England, United Kingdom. github: https://github.com/cucumberry url: https://github.com/cucumberry - name: Lore Merdrignac img: /img/people/lore-merdrignac.jpg desc: Epidemiologist, Bioinformatics engineer, R and Shiny programmer. EpiConcept, France. website: http://www.epiconcept.fr/en/ url: http://www.epiconcept.fr/en/ - name: Eve Miguel img: /img/people/eve-miguel.jpg desc: Ecologist specialised in diseases pillover at the wild / domestic / human interface. IRD, France. website: https://evemiguelblog.wordpress.com/ url: https://evemiguelblog.wordpress.com/ - name: Amy Mikhail img: /img/people/amy-mikhail.jpg desc: Epidemiologist and R programmer using genomics for early outbreak detection. EUPHEM alum and EPIET/EUPHEM supervisor. Public Health England, UK. github: https://github.com/AmyMikhail url: https://github.com/AmyMikhail - name: Paula Moraga img: /img/people/paula-moraga.jpg desc: Spatial statistics and disease surveillance. Lancaster University, UK. website: https://paula-moraga.github.io/ url: https://paula-moraga.github.io/ github: https://github.com/Paula-Moraga twitter: https://twitter.com/paumose - name: Roger Morbey img: /img/people/roger-morbey.jpg desc: Statistician working in public health real-time surveillance. Public Health England, UK. - name: Facundo Munoz img: /img/people/facundo-munoz.jpg desc: Biostatistician at the French agricultural research and international cooperation organization (Cirad). Cirad, France. website: https://www.uv.es/famarmu/ url: https://www.uv.es/famarmu/ github: https://github.com/famuvie twitter: https://twitter.com/famuvie - name: Kamarul Imran Musa img: /img/people/kamarul-imran-musa.jpg desc: Quantitative epidemiologist and public health physician. School of Medical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia. website: http://www.medic.usm.my/jpm/index.php/en/academic-information/587-prof-madya-dr-kamarul-imran-musa url: http://www.medic.usm.my/jpm/index.php/en/academic-information/587-prof-madya-dr-kamarul-imran-musa github: https://github.com/drkamarul twitter: https://twitter.com/kamarul_imran - name: VP Nagraj img: /img/people/vp-nagraj.jpg desc: R developer and contributor to epicontacts package. University of Virginia, USA. website: http://nagraj.net/ url: http://nagraj.net/ github: https://github.com/vpnagraj twitter: https://twitter.com/vpnagraj - name: Pierre Nouvellet img: /img/people/pierre-nouvellet.jpg desc: Modelling for outbreak response and zoonotic diseases. Imperial College London, UK. website: https://www.imperial.ac.uk/people/p.nouvellet url: https://www.imperial.ac.uk/people/p.nouvellet github: https://github.com/pnouvellet - name: Ajay Oza img: /img/people/ajay-oza.jpg desc: Surveillance of healthcare-associated inflections, R programmer. Health Protection Surveillance Centre, Dublin, Ireland. github: https://github.com/AjayOza url: https://github.com/AjayOza twitter: https://twitter.com/ajayoza_actual - name: Julia Palacios img: /img/people/julia-palacios.jpg desc: Method development and implementation of phylodynamic methods for infectious diseases. Stanford University, USA. website: http://juliapalacios.github.io/ url: http://juliapalacios.github.io/ github: https://github.com/JuliaPalacios - name: Pawel Piatkowski img: /img/people/pawel-piatkowski.jpg desc: Bioinformatician, avid R/Shiny programmer. Independent contractor (working for Genentech/Roche), Poland. website: http://cosi1.github.io/ url: http://cosi1.github.io/ github: https://github.com/cosi1/ twitter: https://twitter.com/Cosi1125 - name: Jonathan Polonsky img: /img/people/jonathan-polonsky.jpg desc: Epidemiologist focusing on humanitarian and outbreak settings. I use R for automating analyses and reproducible reporting. World Health Organisation, Switzerland. website: http://who.int/emergencies/en/ url: http://who.int/emergencies/en/ github: https://github.com/jpolonsky twitter: https://twitter.com/jonny_polonsky - name: Karthik Ram img: /img/people/karthik-ram.jpg desc: Data scientist and ecologist, Karthik is also heading the rOpenSci initiative. UC Berkeley, USA. website: http://karthik.io/ url: http://karthik.io/ github: https://github.com/karthik twitter: https://twitter.com/_inundata/ - name: Nistara Randhawa img: /img/people/nistara-randhawa.jpg desc: Epidemiologist and R programmer contributing to the Epicontacts package. University of California, Davis, USA. website: http://nistara.net url: http://nistara.net github: https://github.com/nistara - name: Lukas Richter img: /img/people/lukas-richter.jpg desc: Mathematical and statistical modelling in infectious disease epidemiology, R programming. Austrian Agency for Food and Health Safety, Austria. github: https://github.com/lukric url: https://github.com/lukric - name: Benjamin Roche img: /img/people/benjamin-roche.jpg desc: Evolutionary ecologist specialist in mathematical modeling of zoonotic diseases and optimization of public health strategies. IRD, France / Mexico. website: http://roche.ben.googlepages.com url: http://roche.ben.googlepages.com github: https://github.com/rocheben twitter: https://twitter.com/BenRocheGroup - name: Noam Ross img: /img/people/noam-ross.jpg desc: Disease ecologist, working on zoonotic disease emergence, dynamical systems, economics and R programming standards. EcoHealth Alliance, USA. github: https://github.com/noamross/ url: https://github.com/noamross/ twitter: https://twitter.com/noamross - name: Barry Rowlingson img: /img/people/barry-rowlingson.jpg desc: Spatial statistician and data scientist (R, Python) on tropical diseases and health surveillance. Lancaster University, UK. website: http://barry.rowlingson.com/ url: http://barry.rowlingson.com/ github: https://github.com/barryrowlingson twitter: https://twitter.com/geospacedman - name: Maria Saavedra-Campos img: /img/people/maria-saavedra-campos.jpg desc: Senior epidemiology scientist involved in outbreak investigation, surveillance and research. Public Health England, UK. - name: Adom San Koffi img: /img/people/adom-san-koffi.jpg desc: Field epidemiologist and outbreak response expert. World Health Organization, Côte d'Ivoire. website: http://www.who.int/countries/civ/fr/ url: http://www.who.int/countries/civ/fr/ - name: Sompob Saralamba img: /img/people/sompob-saralamba.jpg desc: Mathematical modeller and R programmer. Thailand. website: http://www.sakngoi.com url: http://www.sakngoi.com github: https://github.com/slphyx twitter: https://twitter.com/slphyx - name: Ilana Schafer img: /img/people/ilana-schafer.jpg desc: Veterinary epidemiologist with expertise in field outbreak response, and software development for outbreak data management and contact tracing. US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, USA. - name: Dirk Schumacher img: /img/people/dirk-schumacher.jpg desc: R developer with experience in infectious disease epidemiology, surveillance and outbreak response. Berlin, Germany. website: https://www.dirk-schumacher.net/ url: https://www.dirk-schumacher.net/ github: https://github.com/dirkschumacher twitter: https://twitter.com/dirk_sch - name: Ellie Sherrard-Smith img: /img/people/ellie-sherrard-smith.jpg desc: Epidemiologist specialized in statistics and data analysis, with strong focus on malaria. Imperial College London, UK. github: https://github.com/EllieSherrardSmith url: https://github.com/EllieSherrardSmith - name: Janetta Skarp img: /img/people/janetta-skarp.jpg desc: MRes student working in infectious disease modelling, contributor to RECON packages. Imperial College London, UK. github: https://github.com/jeskarp url: https://github.com/jeskarp - name: Pavel Skums img: /img/people/pavel-skums.jpg desc: Epidemiology and intra-host viral evolution using computational genomics and mathematical modeling. Georgia State University, USA. website: http://alan.cs.gsu.edu/compbel/ url: http://alan.cs.gsu.edu/compbel/ github: https://github.com/skumsp - name: Andy South img: /img/people/andy-south.jpg desc: R developer, mapping, insecticide resistance, QGIS training for operational disease vector surveillance. Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, UK. website: http://andysouth.co.uk url: http://andysouth.co.uk github: https://github.com/AndySouth twitter: https://twitter.com/southmapr - name: Alex Spina img: /img/people/alex-spina.jpg desc: Infectious disease epidemiologist using R for surveillance data and outbreak response. Austrian Agency for Food and Health Safety / European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, Austria. github: https://github.com/aspina7 url: https://github.com/aspina7 - name: Tony Stewart img: /img/people/tony-stewart.jpg desc: Medical epidemiologist working on international epidemics, with a background in tools development for response. World Health Organization, GOARN, Switzerland. website: http://www.who.int/ihr/alert_and_response/outbreak-network/en/ url: http://www.who.int/ihr/alert_and_response/outbreak-network/en/ - name: Savina Stoitsova img: /img/people/savina-stoitsova.jpg desc: Infectious disease epidemiologist (EPIET alumni) based in Bulgaria, interested in affordable analytic tools for outbreak response. National center of infectious and parasitic diseases, Sofia. website: http://www.ncipd.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=featured&Itemid=730&lang=en url: http://www.ncipd.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=featured&Itemid=730&lang=en - name: Ying-shih Su img: /img/people/ying-shih-su.jpg desc: Infection disease specialist, epidemiologist and pharmacology and toxicology. Taiwan CDC, Taiwan. twitter: https://twitter.com/ying_shih0818 url: https://twitter.com/ying_shih0818 - name: Bertrand Sudre img: /img/people/bertrand-sudre.jpg desc: Epidemiology, outbreak response, Emerging and vector-borne dieases, data analysis, GIS and outbreak mapping, data vizualisation, long term R user. European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, Sweden. website: http://ecdc.europa.eu/en/Pages/home.aspx url: http://ecdc.europa.eu/en/Pages/home.aspx - name: Callum Thirkell img: /img/people/callum-thirkell.jpg desc: Intensive care paramedic currently undertaking the Australian Field Epidemiology Training Program. Australian National University - National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health, Australia. twitter: https://twitter.com/callumthirkell url: https://twitter.com/callumthirkell - name: Robin Thompson img: /img/people/robin-thompson.jpg desc: Epidemiological modeller and computer programmer, interested in diseases of humans, animals and plants. University of Oxford, UK. website: http://www.robin-thompson.co.uk url: http://www.robin-thompson.co.uk - name: Salla Toikkanen img: /img/people/salla-toikkanen.jpg desc: Statistical and epidemiological analysis of infectious disease surveillance data. EPIET alumnus. National Institute for Health and Welfare, Finland. github: https://github.com/stoikkanen/ url: https://github.com/stoikkanen/ twitter: https://twitter.com/stoekkane - name: Gerry Tonkin-Hill img: /img/people/gerry-tonkin-hill.jpg desc: Mathematical Genomics PhD student interested in statistics and infectious disease. Wellcome Sanger Institute, UK. github: https://github.com/gtonkinhill url: https://github.com/gtonkinhill twitter: https://twitter.com/gerrythill - name: Sai Thein Than Tun img: /img/people/sai-thein-than-tun.jpg desc: Mathematical and economic modeller with some experience in R package development. Mahidol-Oxford Tropical Medicine Research Unit, Myanmar. github: https://github.com/SaiTheinThanTun url: https://github.com/SaiTheinThanTun - name: Rolina van Gaalen img: /img/people/rolina-van-gaalen.jpg desc: Infectious disease epidemiologist, mathematical and statistical modeller, and R programmer. National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), The Netherlands. - name: Edwin van Leeuwen img: /img/people/edwin-van-leeuwen.jpg desc: Experienced epidemiological modeller, with a strong background as R programmer. Public Health England, UK. github: http://github.com/BlackEdder url: http://github.com/BlackEdder - name: Erik Volz img: /img/people/erik-volz.jpg desc: Population genetics, phylogenetics, and mathematical epidemiology. Imperial College London, UK. github: https://github.com/emvolz url: https://github.com/emvolz - name: Brooke Watson img: /img/people/brooke-watson.jpg desc: Epidemiologist studying ecological, biological, and behavioral drivers of zoonotic disease emergence. EcoHealth Alliance, USA. website: https://brooke.science url: https://brooke.science github: https://github.com/brooke-watson twitter: https://twitter.com/brooklynevery1 - name: Jon Zelner img: /img/people/jon-zelner.jpg desc: outbreak reconstruction, spatial epidemiology, social determinants of infection risk. University of Michigan School of Public Health, USA. website: http://www.jonzelner.net url: http://www.jonzelner.net github: http://github.com/jzelner twitter: http://twitter.com/jzelner - name: Bing Zhang img: /img/people/bing-zhang.jpg desc: Infectious disease models, respiratory diseases, vaccine impact, and data visualization in Public Health. Guangdong provincial institute of Public Health, China. website: http://www.spatial-r.com url: http://www.spatial-r.com github: https://github.com/Spatial-R --- ## Community RECON is a group of people sharing their time and expertise to lead, facilitate, advise, and promote the development of analysis tools for outbreak response using the [R software](https://www.r-project.org/). The list of people below is growing as we are recruiting more members. See [this page](../join) to join us. {% include list-circles.html items=page.people-list %} ## Advisory board We are extremely lucky to have the following people supporting and guiding our efforts: {% include list-circles.html items=page.board-list %} ## Administration RECON also benefits from some outstanding administrative support from the following people: {% include list-circles.html items=page.admin-list %} ## Former members Their interests may have shifted since, but these people were at some point members of RECON for at least a year: - Thomas Crellen - Tini Garske - Martin Hinsch - Eben Kenah - John Lees - Oliver Watson - James Hayward