Red [ Title: "Red debug step script" File: Date: 28-Oct-2019 Version: 2.1 Author: "JLM cyclo07" Purpose: "Debug step by step a Red script (tool for do/next)." Usage: "From REPL : do/args " Arguments: " [file! url! string! block!]" Help: { Some Hints for usage: - Before using : Verify that your script is well formed according to Red syntax with the Red command load (load ) - At using If you have the error message "Error Id:", try to use the rdb command "next", not to step into a level (against rdb command "step"), and then verify if the error message still appears. - To print the spec-of of a function , use the rdb command: ! probe spec-of } History: [ 1.0 "Only next step overall" 2.0 "Add commands step into and where" 2.1 {Enable replay using a file for input/output Values for rdbstep/dbgout/replay are 'no (default), 'new or 'yes 'no : not to save input/output 'new: to save input/output 'yes: to replay input from input file and to save output } ] ] rdbstep: context [ dbgout: object [ linp: i: 0 outfile: %p_out.txt infile: %p_in.txt replay: 'no ; enable values are 'no 'yes 'new out_prin: function [ arg /extern replay outfile] [ prin arg if any [ replay = 'yes replay = 'new ] [ write/append outfile arg ] ] out_print: function [ arg /extern replay outfile] [ print arg if any [ replay = 'yes replay = 'new ] [ write/append outfile append arg newline ] ] in_ask: function [ arg /extern replay i linp infile] [ switch replay [ no [ cmd: ask arg ] yes [ if i = 0 [ linp: read/lines infile ] i: i + 1 cmd: pick linp i ] new [ cmd: ask arg if i = 0 [ delete infile ] i: 1 write/append infile append copy cmd newline ] ] cmd ] ] ;-- end object dbgout trc: false blevl: compose/deep [ 0 [(to-logic false)] ] lret: copy "" flist: function [ redsrc [block!] upsrc [block!] /range iprev [integer!] /where ][ if where [ foreach ins upsrc [ dbgout/out_prin ">" dbgout/out_print form ins ] ] if range [ unless iprev = (index? redsrc) [ bl: split mold/only copy/deep/part redsrc (iprev - (index? redsrc)) newline repeat i length? bl [ dbgout/out_prin " " dbgout/out_print pick bl i ] ] ] bl: split mold/only redsrc newline unless (length? bl) = 0 [ if (length? bl/1) = 0 [ remove bl ] ] dbgout/out_prin "->" dbgout/out_print pick bl 1 if range [ len: min 10 length? bl repeat i ( len - 1 ) [ dbgout/out_prin " " dbgout/out_print pick bl ( i + 1 ) ] if len = length? bl [ either ( length? upsrc ) = 0 [ dbgout/out_print "[EOB]" ][ dbgout/out_print form reduce [ "[EOB] level" length? upsrc ] ] ] ] return false ] fred: function [ arg ][ attempt [ do form arg ] return false ] fhelp: function [ arg ][ shelp: { h(elp) | ? ^(tab)This help.^(line) l(ist) ^(tab)list the execution lines (-> indicate the current line to execute).^(line) w(here) ^(tab)print a stack trace, with the most recent frame at the bottom.^(line) n(ext) | ^(tab)execute the whole current word/line and stop at the next step.^(line) s(tep) ^(tab)execute into the current word/line and stop at the first possible occasion.^(line) r(ed) | ! ^(tab)execute .^(line) c((ont)inue) ^(tab)continue execution until end.^(line) restart | run ^(tab)restart the debugger from the begin.^(line) q(uit) ^(tab)quit the debugger. } print shelp return false ] ffin: function [ arg ][ return true ] flevl: function [ isign [integer!] /extern blevl] [ if any [ ( length? blevl ) = 2 blevl/1 > absolute ( last blevl ) ] [ append blevl isign * blevl/1 ] if ( last blevl ) <> ( isign * blevl/1 ) [ poke blevl length? blevl isign * blevl/1 ] ] floopfetch: function [ code [block!] upsrc [block!] ] [ while [ not tail? code ] [ ideb: index? code code: preprocessor/fetch-next code if block? code/1 [ bt: append/only copy [ stepnext ] copy/deep code/1 tmp: rdbstep/fmoldsrc code ideb - (index? code) tmp: rejoin [ "(" tmp ")" ] bt: append/only bt append copy upsrc tmp poke code 1 bt ] ] ] fmoldsrc: function [ code [block!] inb [integer!] ] [ tmp: copy "" either inb > 0 [ ioff: 0 ][ ioff: inb - 1 ] repeat itmp absolute inb [ append tmp mold pick code itmp + ioff append tmp " " ] tmp ] funcpath?: function [ "returns [ true funcname] if arg is any-func" arg [path!] "path to analyse" ] [ if any-function? get arg/1 [ return reduce [ true arg/1 ] ] tpath: to-path arg/1 f: false foreach elm next arg [ append tpath elm if any-function? get tpath [ f: true break ] ] return reduce [ f tpath ] ] stepnext: function [ redsrc [block!] upsrc [block!] /extern bstep brst bquit blevl lret] [ redsrc: head redsrc ret: none blevl/1: blevl/1 + 1 iprev: 1 if rdbstep/trc [ print [ "" blevl] ] while [ all [ not tail? redsrc not bquit ] ] [ if bstep [ bfin: true forever [ plist: none binner: false if bfin [ bfin: false if all [ head? redsrc (length? upsrc) <> 0 ] [ dbgout/out_print form reduce [ ">" last upsrc ] ; -- print first step into ] flist redsrc [] ] icmd: dbgout/in_ask "(rdbstep) " either (length? icmd) = 0 [ bfin: true ][ icmd: split icmd " " bcmd: make block! [ "list" (pfunc: :flist plist: true) | "l" (pfunc: :flist plist: true) | "help" (pfunc: :fhelp) | "h" (pfunc: :fhelp) | "?" (pfunc: :fhelp) | "next" (pfunc: :ffin) | "n" (pfunc: :ffin) | "step" (pfunc: :ffin binner: true) | "s" (pfunc: :ffin binner: true) | "red" (pfunc: :fred) | "r" (pfunc: :fred) | "!" (pfunc: :fred) | "cont" (pfunc: :ffin bstep: false) | "c" (pfunc: :ffin bstep: false) | "continue" (bfin: true bstep: false) | "restart" (pfunc: :ffin bquit: true brst: true) | "run" (pfunc: :ffin bquit: true brst: true) | "quit" (pfunc: :ffin bquit: true) | "q" (pfunc: :ffin bquit: true) | "where" (pfunc: :flist plist: false) | "w" (pfunc: :flist plist: false) ] pfunc: none parm: none parse icmd [ bcmd parm: ] either logic? plist [ either plist [ bfin: flist/range redsrc upsrc iprev ][ bfin: flist/where redsrc upsrc ] ][ bfin: pfunc parm ] ] if bfin [ break ] ] ] ; -- to execute step blbefore: copy [] fblbefore: copy [] if any [ binner all [ ( length? blevl ) > 2 ( last blevl ) > 0 ] ] [ ;-- if case step into if word? redsrc/1 [ if ( type? get redsrc/1 ) = native! [ switch/default redsrc/1 [ until [ i: 2 ] ; index block code forever [ i: 2 ] ; index block code loop [ i: 3 ] ; index block body forall [ i: 3 ] ; index block body while [ i: 3 ] ; index block body repeat [ i: 4 ] ; index block body foreach [ i: 4 ] ; index block body if [ i: -1 ] ; after fetch-next, block body is last unless [ i: -1 ] ; after fetch-next, block body is last either [ i: -2 ] ; after fetch-next, 2 block bodies are last case [ if block? redsrc/2 [ append blbefore (index? redsrc) + 1 append/only blbefore copy/deep redsrc/2 rdbstep/floopfetch redsrc/2 append copy upsrc "case [" ] i: 0 ] switch [ nredsrc: preprocessor/fetch-next redsrc i: -1 if block? nredsrc/:i [ append blbefore (index? nredsrc) + i append/only blbefore copy/deep nredsrc/:i tmp: rdbstep/fmoldsrc redsrc (index? nredsrc) - (index? redsrc) + i rdbstep/floopfetch nredsrc/:i append copy upsrc append tmp " [" ] i: 0 ] ][ i: 0 ] ;-- end switch/default if all [ i > 0 block? redsrc/:i ] [ rdbstep/flevl 1 append blbefore (index? redsrc) + i - 1 append/only blbefore redsrc/:i bt: append/only copy [ stepnext ] copy/deep redsrc/:i tmp: rdbstep/fmoldsrc redsrc ( i - 1 ) bt: append/only bt append copy upsrc append tmp " [" poke redsrc i bt ] if i < 0 [ nredsrc: preprocessor/fetch-next redsrc tmp: rdbstep/fmoldsrc redsrc (index? nredsrc) - (index? redsrc) + i n: 0 while [ i < 0 ] [ if block? nredsrc/:i [ append blbefore (index? nredsrc) + i append/only blbefore nredsrc/:i bt: append/only copy [ stepnext ] copy/deep nredsrc/:i either n = 0 [ append tmp " [" ] [ append tmp "..] [" ] bt: append/only bt append copy upsrc copy tmp poke nredsrc i bt ] i: i + 1 n: n + 1 ] ] ;-- end if i < 0 ] ;-- end if ( type? get redsrc/1 ) = native! ] ;-- end if word? redsrc/1 if path? redsrc/1 [ ;--> specific analyses : case/all switch/all if ( type? get redsrc/1/1 ) = native! [ switch redsrc/1 [ case/all [ if block? redsrc/2 [ append blbefore (index? redsrc) + 1 append/only blbefore copy/deep redsrc/2 rdbstep/floopfetch redsrc/2 append copy upsrc "case/all [" ] ] switch/default [ nredsrc: preprocessor/fetch-next redsrc tmp: rdbstep/fmoldsrc redsrc (index? nredsrc) - (index? redsrc) - 2 i: -1 if block? nredsrc/:i [ append blbefore (index? nredsrc) + i append/only blbefore copy/deep nredsrc/:i bt: append/only copy [ stepnext ] copy/deep nredsrc/:i bt: append/only bt append copy upsrc append copy tmp " [..] [" poke nredsrc i bt ] i: -2 if block? nredsrc/:i [ append blbefore (index? nredsrc) + i append/only blbefore copy/deep nredsrc/:i rdbstep/floopfetch nredsrc/:i append copy upsrc append copy tmp " [" ] ] ] ] ] either any [ set-word? redsrc/1 set-path? redsrc/1 ] [ i: 2 ] [ i: 1 ] bfun: reduce [ false none] case [ word? redsrc/:i [ bfun: reduce [true redsrc/:i ] ] path? redsrc/:i [ bfun: rdbstep/funcpath? redsrc/:i ] ] if all [ bfun/1 function? get bfun/2 ] [ ;-- treatment for function! rdbstep/flevl -1 append/only fblbefore bfun/2 append/only fblbefore copy/deep body-of get bfun/2 bt: append/only copy [ stepnext ] copy/deep body-of get bfun/2 tmp: rejoin [ "In function " mold bfun/2 ] bt: append/only bt append copy upsrc tmp ; append clear body-of get bfun/2 copy/deep bt ;-- ok for user function but not for embedded Red functions either word? bfun/2 [ do reduce [ to set-word! bfun/2 'func spec-of get bfun/2 copy/deep bt ] ][ do reduce [ to set-path! bfun/2 'func spec-of get bfun/2 copy/deep bt ] ] dbgout/out_print form reduce [ "--Call" mold bfun/2 "--" ] if rdbstep/trc [ print "" probe fblbefore ] ] ] ;-- end if binner (case step into) iprev: index? redsrc trts: copy [ break [ lret: copy "" redsrc: tail redsrc blevl/2: compose [ (to-logic true) loop] ] return [ lret: mold do/next redsrc/2 'redsrc redsrc: tail redsrc blevl/2: compose [ (to-logic true) func] ] exit [ lret: copy "" redsrc: tail redsrc blevl/2: compose [ (to-logic true) func] ] ] either redsrc/1 = 'break/return [ trt: copy [ lret: mold do/next redsrc/2 'redsrc redsrc: tail redsrc blevl/2: compose [ (to-logic true) loop] ] ] [ trt: select trts redsrc/1 ] either none? trt [ ; do/next redsrc 'redsrc if rdbstep/trc [ i: index? redsrc ] ret: none if error? err: try [ ret: do/next redsrc 'redsrc ] [ unless err/id = 'need-value [ dbgout/out_print form reduce [ "Error Id:" err/id ] dbgout/out_print form err ] if rdbstep/trc [ print [ "" err/id "index" i index? redsrc ] probe redsrc ] ] unless (length? blbefore) = 0 [ foreach [ i b ] blbefore [ poke (head redsrc) i b ] ] unless (length? fblbefore) = 0 [ foreach [ i b ] fblbefore [ if rdbstep/trc [ print ["" i type? get i] probe b ] ; append clear body-of get i copy/deep b ;-- ok for user function but not for embedded Red functions either word? i [ do reduce [ to set-word! i 'func spec-of get i copy/deep b ] ][ do reduce [ to set-path! i 'func spec-of get i copy/deep b ] ] dbgout/out_print form reduce [ "--Return" mold i "--" ] ] ] ] [ ; break or return or exit do trt ] ;-- end either none? trt if blevl/2/1 [ if blevl/1 > absolute (last blevl) [ redsrc: tail redsrc ; to ignore the rest of commands because of break ] ] ] ;-- end while [ all [ not tail? redsrc not bquit ] ] blevl/1: blevl/1 - 1 if blevl/2/1 [ tmp: last blevl if blevl/1 = absolute ( last blevl ) [ take/last blevl either blevl/2/2 = 'loop [ ;--- loop break if positive? tmp [ blevl/2/1: false ] ] [ ;--- func return if negative? tmp [ blevl/2/1: false ] ] ] either any [ blevl/2/2 = 'loop positive? tmp] [ ;--- loop break if rdbstep/trc [ print [ "" probe lret] ] either ( length? lret ) = 0 [ break ] [ break/return load lret ] ] [ ;--- func return if rdbstep/trc [ print [ "" probe lret] ] either ( length? lret ) = 0 [ exit ] [ return load lret ] ] ] if rdbstep/trc [ print [ "" blevl "return type?" type? :ret ] ] if not none? :ret [ :ret ] ] run: function [ rsrc [file! url! string! block!] /replay wrep [word!] /extern bstep brst bquit] [ upsrc: copy [] either replay [ dbgout/replay: wrep dbgout/i: 0 delete dbgout/outfile ][ dbgout/replay: 'no ] either any [file? rsrc url? rsrc] [ redsrc: load rsrc append upsrc mold rsrc ][ redsrc: rsrc ] bstep: true print "Type help or h or ? for help at the prompt (rdbstep)" forever [ brst: false bquit: false r: stepnext redsrc copy upsrc unless brst [ break ] ] dbgout/out_prin "rdbstep End" either (length? upsrc) = 0 [ dbgout/out_print "" ][ dbgout/out_print form reduce ["(" upsrc/1 ")"] ] either none? r [] [ r ] ] ] ; end rdbstep context ;print system/script/args ;rdbstep/trc: true ;-- to enable some traces rdbstep/run system/script/args ;-- default usage ;rdbstep/run/replay system/script/args 'new ;-- save input/output in files %p_in.txt/%p_out.txt ;rdbstep/run/replay system/script/args 'yes ;-- replay input file %p_in.txt and save output in file %p_out.txt